02x07 - Super-Grounded / Mouse Army

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "WordGirl". Aired: September 3, 2007 – August 7, 2015.*
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Series follows WordGirl, a girl with superpowers whose secret identity is Becky Botsford, a student.
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02x07 - Super-Grounded / Mouse Army

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Word up, it's wordgirl

♪ Word up, it's wordgirl

♪ Flying at
the speed of sound ♪

♪ Vocabulary that astounds

♪ From the planet lexicon

♪ Watch out, villains,
here she comes ♪

♪ Faced with a catastrophe

♪ You need the living
dictionary ♪

♪ Her superior intellect
keeps the crime world in check ♪

♪ Go, girl!

♪ Huggy face
is by her side ♪

♪ Vocabulary a mile wide

♪ She'll make sure
that crime will pay ♪

♪ And throw some
mighty words your way ♪

♪ Word up, it's wordgirl

Word up!

♪ From the planet lexicon

♪ Watch out, villains

♪ Here she comes

♪ Wordgirl

Announcer: listen
for "disappointed"
and "preposterous."

Narrator: it's another routine
day at national national bank.

People making deposits,

People making withdrawals,

People submitting
loan applications

For hot-rods with fancy wheels,

And, of course, the odd
menacing type trying to get

A little something
for a lot of nothing.

Umm, what is this?

It's a check
made out to me--
the butcher.


For a big load of cash.

Wow. It actually
says that.

That's right.

If you could just
turn that into money,
I'll be on my way.

Look, I'm sorry, sir.

We have a very strict
"no baloney check"

Huh. Well, that's
no problem.

I've got another
checkbook right here.

Pay to the butcher--
that's me--

A big load of cash.

There you go,
my good woman.

Yeah. I don't think so.


No olive loaf

Oh, well--

No lunch meat checks
of any kind.

That's discappointy.


You know, discappointy.

Discappointy isn't
a word, no matter how
many times you say it.


Well, that's kind of rude.

Sorry. Next!

You know, I probably
would have done
this anyway,

But now I feel
less bad about it.

Pastrami attack!

Ooh. Strawberry.


I'm just saying, unicorns
are great animals.

They're beautiful,
they're magical.

They are too real!


Hey, that's the bank alarm!
Come on! We have
to get there pronto!

Word up!

Becky, I was
thinking about going to
the discount cookie store

And--great barrier reef!

Look at this mess! Becky!

Why didn't you clean
your room when I asked
you to last week?

Um. I was busy?

Well, you certainly
had enough time to eat
all these bananas.

I'm sorry, dad.

I promise I'll do it
after I get back

From the, uh, library.
I have to return a book.

Becky, the library
has plenty of books.

I'm sure they can get by
for now without that one.

But it's their best one!
And it's overdue!

What will
they think of me?

I'm sure the librarian
will be just
as disappointed in you

As I am.

You'll stay here until
you've cleaned up this mess.

I'll just go to the discount
cookie store by myself.

meanwhile, across town.

And your total comes
out to--whoa--

A whole big load
of money.

And how would you like
to pay for that today?

Uh, I was thinking of
paying in check.

You take check,
don't you?


Wait. Is that check
made out of salami?

Umm, maybe.

Why, that's brilliant!

Salami checks!
The checks you can eat!

You, sir, are hired!

Oh, no.
I don't need a job.

I just want to pay
for my groceries.

With a salami check?
I don't think so.

You're fired!

But you just
said salami checks
were brilliant.

They are!

I'd sell them, but I'm
not going to take them.

Why, that would
be preposterous!

Sir, how dare you!

I demand
an explanation!

You mean an apology?

No. An explanation.

I have no idea what
"preposterous" means.

Wait. Why would
I want an apology?

Uh, no time to explain.
You're holding up the line.

Oh, yeah! I'll teach
you to call my meat
checks preposterous.

Liverwurst whammo!



Clean my room?

Maybe I like
my room this way.

Besides, I know
where everything
is and--hey!

I thought
I lost this!


Wait. It's the alarm
at the grocery store!

Word up!

Hey, becky, I'm back
from the discount
cookie store and--

For the love of
all things elvis,
what is going on here?

Dad, I can explain.

Young lady, I told
you to clean this room.


But nothing! You think
you can sneak out

And play dress up without
doing as you were told?

Dre--right. Dress up.

I love dressing up
like word girl.

You are not to leave
this room until
it is clean.

Honestly, I am
so disappointed in you.

I can't promise
these cookies
will still be here

When you're done.

I eat when I'm upset.

Well, bob, I don't
remember grounding you.

You can go out
and play dress up.

I mean, who would expect
a monkey to clean a room?

That's preposterous.

[Captain huggy face chatters]

Narrator: can it be?

How can wordgirl foil
the butcher's crime wave

While she's super-grounded?

I'll find a way.

I'm sure you will,
sloppy jane.

Hee hee!


huggy face, go!

We can stay
in touch with
our communicators!

Good luck!


Chf, what are
your coordinates?

[Captain huggy face

the front yard?

Can't you get
there faster?

And now I'm
going to steal--
ooh, free olives!

Hey! Those samples are
for paying customers!

I tried to pay you,
but you wouldn't
accept my check,

And then you called
it preposterous!

That's horrible!

Still don't know what
preposterous means, huh?

Nope. Not a clue.

Wordgirl, on communicator:
hold it right there,


What, are you
behind the otter?

Wordgirl, on communicator:
otter? No. No.

I'm, uh, off battling
a far more dangerous
villain than you.


It's, uh, a -foot kitten

With laser claws
that will, um,

Drink all the town's milk,

So I sent
captain huggy face
to cut you down to size.

You know, I don't get it.
I'm dangerous.

And I'm
a little discappointy
that you don't think so.

on communicator:
disca what?

Pointy. You know.

I think you mean

I might.


It means
to feel let down by
something or someone.

You know, to not
get exactly
what you wanted.

Yeah! Disappointed.

I am disappointed
that you don't think
I'm dangerous enough

To fight in person.

And I'm disappointed

That I can't be there
to defeat you

Because I have
to clea--cl--uh,

Clobber this -foot
laser-clawed kitty.

"Kitty" doesn't sound
so dangerous.

Captain huggy face,
take him down!

[Captain huggy face chatters]


Not so fast,
karate otter!

Try my
chicken wing fling!

I'll show her
who's powerful.

Captain huggy face,
what's happening?

Chicken wings?

Well, is there someone
you can ask for help?

Don't look
at me.

This is hopeless.

I can't let the butcher
get away just because
of a messy room.

Narrator: well done!


Dad, I'm done.

Dad: becky, you can't
possibly expect me
to believe

You cleaned everything
in just ten minutes.

But, dad--

Bu--bu--bup. I know
all the tricks!

Shoving everything in
the closet is not cleaning.

But, dad, i--

"But, dad, i" nothing!
You're still grounded!



Who put all this stuff
in the hall closet?

Come in,
captain huggy face!

The alarm
for city hall
just went off.

You have to hustle.

[Captain huggy face chatters]

Well, I'm sorry.
You have to.

[Captain huggy face moans]

Once I steal
all the city's money,

The entire city
will fall apart!

Then wordgirl will
see how dangerous I am!

We don't keep
the city's money here.

We keep it in the bank!

The bank? Uh-uh! I
ain't going back there.

They hurt my feelings.

Sorry, but--

But nothing! You
better do what I ask!

I'm a dangerous criminal!

So, pretty please, give me
all the city's money.

[Door bursts open]

Aha! Oh.
It's just you.

[Captain huggy face chatters]

I'm sorry.
No offense.

I'm just a little

[Captain huggy face chatters]

You know, wordgirl
doesn't think
I'm dangerous enough

To battle in person

The little grocery guy
called my meat checks


Hasn't been
a great day.

Hey, wordgirl,
you on the line?

I'm here.

Is that why you
don't think I'm
dangerous anymore?

my meat checks were

Your what, now?

My meat checks.

You know, a check
for money but made
out of meat.

That is pretty


Do you know what
preposterous means?

Does it have to do
with my stomach?
Because I was born

With bigger
stomach bones
than most people.

There aren't any bones
in your stomach.

at least one.

I accidentally
swallowed it

Right. Uhh, no.

has nothing to do with
your stomach, actually.

It means "ridiculous"
or "absurd."


For example, the idea
that a superhero
could be grounded

Is preposterous.
I mean, come on!

Are we still talking
about me?

Um, maybe?

Oh, well,
it doesn't matter.

My meat checks
may have been

But I'm still
a dangerous

And to prove it,
I'm going to defeat

Your hairy
little friend here!

Prepare yourself,
little otter,

For the battle
of your life!

[Captain huggy face chatters]

[The butcher growls]

Narrator: tension is in the air!

The battle
is about to beg--

Dad, on communicator:
pumpkin? Oh pumpkin?

Hey there.

I can't stay
mad at you forever,
my little piggly pumpkin!

Everything looks
like it's in tip-top
shape in here.

I think you learned your lesson.
You're officially ungrounded.

Now, go ahead and run along
to your dress-up play date

At the library.


Oh, there's the timer
on my turkey!

Be back in time
for dinner, sweet pea!

[Dad chuckles]

Wordgirl, on communicator:
uh, thanks, mister.

Huh. So that's why
wordgirl wasn't showing up?

She was grounded.

So she still thinks I'm
dangerous, right?

Oh! That is a load
off my mind.

I was starting to feel
like chopped liver.

Well, while I'm here,
I may as well take
all the city's money anyway.

Hate to waste a trip.

In the bag, please.

Your time is done, butcher!

Well done!

Wordgirl! Yay!

showed up!

I'm a dangerous

Huh. Never got
that reaction before.

Oh, yeah? Well, how
about this reaction?

Pastrami attack!

[City workers cheering]

We'll meet again,

Because I'm

You said
so yourself.


Can I get that
in writing?

I'll send you
a postcard in jail.

Ok, great!

Only dangerous
go to jail!


Narrator: odd reaction.

I know. Right?

Anyway, you won't be
disappointed if you
tune in next time

To another exciting
adventure of wordgirl.

Hello. I'm beau handsome
and this is...

All: "may I have a word."

As usual, the player who
correctly defines today's
featured word

Will win a fabulous prize!

Let's play!

May I have a word!

Yes, you may!

Today's featured
word is "swerve."

To give you a clue,
here are some clips
from "wordgirl"

That show the meaning
of the word.


A swerve is
one of those
old-timey cars

That grandmas drive.

I'm sorry, emily.
That is incorrect.


A swerve is
that yellow painted line
in the middle of the road.

Sorry. That, too,
is incorrect.

To swerve means
to weave or zigzag,

As granny may's car did
in the clip.

That episode introduces
the character of
granny may, by the way.

Landmark episode.

You're right!

Congratulations, tommy.
You are today's winner!

Huggy, show him
what he's won.

An official "wordgirl"

[Audience oohs]

Beau handsome:
be the envy of
all your friends

When they see you
gliding down the street--

Or maybe even swerving
down the street. Aah!


That's it
for today's episode.

See you next time on...

"May I have a word."

Announcer: listen
for the words "depend"
and "stampede."

just another lazy day in
the botsford residence.

You're doing it
all wrong.

When wordgirl flies,
she puts her arms
out like this.

You're sure?

Huh, are you

I'm wordgirl's
biggest fan.

Man on tv:
hello? Check. Check.

Is it on? Oh.

Hello, wordgirl.

And I guess, whoever
else is watching,
hello as well.

Isn't that
dr. Mousebrains?

It's dr. Two-brains.

Oh, isn't he
just precious?

Except for
the sharp-looking coat,

He seems to be just
an ordinary mouse.

But thanks to my genius,

This mouse is actually
, times smarter

Than the average mouse!

Watch! Mouse, what is
times ?

[Mouse squeaks]

Yes! But wait!
There's more!

I'm not just creating
one super smart mouse.

Oh, no!

I am creating an entire
super smart mouse army,

An army that will help me
steal all the cheese
in the wor--

Wordgirl: tj!

It was getting boring.
Too much talking.

Turn it back!

We'll bring this city
to its knees!

Ha ha!

No cheese will be safe,

Not even miss
edith von hoosinghaus'
famed glow cheeses!

Ha ha!

And now to do the honors.

No, no, no!

Hey, you're setting
the ray too high!

They'll be too smart! No!



Everything's fine.
It's just--stop!

This is all wrong!

I am your master!
I created you!

Hi, mom.

Stop, mouse army!
Halt! Cease!

Dr. Two-brains:
everything's fine.

Uh, wordgirl
will be defeated

And all
the cheese will be mine.

Oh, no.


Whoa! Did you
see that

Yeah, uh, listen, tj--

And all those
mice going in
the same direction

In a big hurry,
like a mouse--

What would you
call that?

A stampede. Listen,
I have to--

A what?

A stampede. It's a hurried
flight of a group of animals,
in this case mice.

Oh. That was

Right. Awesome.

Tj, I have to go
to the, uh, library
and do some research.


Word up!

Whoa! Wordgirl!

I wish becky
were still here
to see this!

Her wordgirl
is horrible!

Narrator: later...

Oh, my!

And you're sure
dr. Two-brains
is coming here?

That's what he said on tv,
miss hoosinghaus.

He said that your
collection of glow cheeses
was no longer safe.

Really? Oh, my!
That's horrible!

They're priceless!

Don't worry, ma'am.
That's why we're here.

Well, here they are!

As you can see,

The cheese is
well-guarded by
my security system.

And with a little girl
and a kangaroo
keeping watch,

I have no doubt
that it's
perfectly safe.

Well, that's settled.
Who wants a snack?

Oh, I see you
have already begun.

Huggy, where did you get...


The mice,
they're disarming
the security system!

[Captain huggy face chatters]


Oh, my. That sounds like
a mouse stampede!

Hee hee!
That tickles.

I'm so sorry, ma'am.

You depended on us,
and we let you down.

Oh, my. That
was exciting!

You're not upset?

About the cheese?
Of course.

But a good mouse
stampede is worth
the price of admission.

The mice tie
a mean knot, though,
don't they?

Aha! I'm dr. Two-brains,

And I've come for
your cheese! Ha ha ha ha!

No, seriously,
where's the cheese?

Your mouse army
already stole it!

They did?
That's terrible--

I mean excellent!
My plan is complete!

I'll just go meet up
with my amazing mouse army,

Who I am in complete
control of.

The mice stole
all of the cheese, boss?

Yes, just like
the plan.

But aren't you mad
at the mice?

No, I am not mad at the--

At the mice? Why would
I be mad at them?

All part of my--time to go!

he seemed nice.

What's wrong,

What's wrong?


Because of you, wordgirl
probably knows I am not in
control of my mouse army!

But you're not.

I know that and you
know that, but I didn't
want her to know that!

It's embarrassing!

Sorry, boss.

You should've
said something

I shouldn't have to!

Calm down,
second brain.

Calm down.


I just need to stop
for a second,

Have a little cheese
from my private collection.

This can all be fixed.
Not a problem.

I just need a new--ee!

But no!

I think the mice
did it.

Becky, did you
hear? There was
a cheese theft

At the
von hoosinghaus

And they stole
a bunch of priceless

Yes, I know.

Well, how did you
hear about that?

I thought you were
at the library.

Oh, i, uh, saw it
on the library's tv.

What? The library
has tv now?


Not again!

Hello, wordgirl,
and everybody else.

As I am your greatest
enemy of all time, wordgirl,

I thought you might like
to know

That I am going to be in
the grocery store parking lot

In, oh, minutes.

Who knows? Maybe you'll
defeat me and save the city.

Or maybe we can just
talk. Just for a minute.

It's totally your call.

See you soon, I hope.

Ok, turn it off.

Where's the
off switch, boss?

It's right...

Oh, i, uh, forgot
something at the library...


Let's go, bob.

Word up!

Wow, wordgirl!

Twice in one day.

Sometimes it is good
to be tj.

So, here we are,

Just a hero and
the greatest villain
she has ever faced.

You're two minutes late.

Well, traffic was bad.

I have no control
over that.

All right. What's
this all about?

You see,

Inside that
grocery store lies

The world's largest
wheel of cheese.


So. Let's just pretend
for a moment

That I wasn't completely
in control of my
super-smart army of mice.

Ha! I knew it!

They stole my private
cheese stash, ok?

I'm not even quite
sure how.

These mice are beyond
both of us, unless we
work together,

Like old times.

Ok. Well, how do you
know they're going
to strike here?

They could be anywhere.

Mouse brain!

Ok, ok.

What is it, huggy?

[Reading out loud]
"please accept this
large wooden mouse

And put it next to your
giant wheel of cheese."

Signed, "some friends."

Why, that's a great idea!

Thanks, friends,
whoever you are!

I didn't see that

Yeah. Right.
Do you have a plan?

Of course.

Dr. Two-brains
always has a plan.

All right. I'm going
to have to depend on you.

Narrator: um, excuse me.

Can I talk to you
for a sec?

Wordgirl: I'm kind
of in a rush here.

Narrator: refresh my memory.
What does depend mean again?

it means to trust someone,

To believe that
they'll help you out.

Narrator: that's what
I thought.

And do you really think it's
a good idea to depend on him?

Dr. Two-brains: hey! Mind
your own business!

[People screaming]

Wordgirl: well,
it doesn't look like
I have much choice.

Narrator: all right.
But I'll tell you right now,

This is not
going to end well.

Wordgirl: tell me your plan.


[Mice chattering]

Man: wordgirl
and dr. Two-brains?

That seems odd.

Anyway, help!

All right!
Let's do this!

Phase one! Go!

Phase two!

Here, wordgirl!
Direct them here!

You got it!

[Mice chattering]

Great job, huggy!

dr. Two-brains,

You saved the world's
largest wheel of cheese

From a most certain

We're not done yet.
Time for phase three.


You know, we work
pretty well together.

Yes. Yes, we do.

Too bad I'm evil.
Ha ha ha ha!

Narrator: didn't I say you
shouldn't depend on him?

Did anyone else not
see that coming?

I mean, I am
the villain here.

And you just can't
depend on someone
as brilliantly evil

As dr. Two-brains!

It's too strong!

titanium-steel alloy,

The strongest
substance known to man.

Why would you need that
in a grocery store?

I only buy the best.

Oh, wordgirl,
thank you so much
for helping me

Steal the world's
largest wheel
of cheese!

I couldn't have
done it without you!

Ha ha ha ha!

You'll never make it!
Why not?

They're picking the lock.

What? No! No!


Huggy, can you
pick the lock?

Come on. They're
getting away!

Well, the mice picked it.

You know, I do
have the key.

Why didn't you say so

You didn't ask.

The smart ray!

Stop this!
I am dr. Two-brains!

I was going to win! I was
going to beat wordgirl!

Let's see. Smart...

Less smart...

Far less smart.
Here we go.

[Mice squeaking]

Aha! Thank you, wordgirl!

Now the cheese
is all mine!

Ha ha! Whoa!

All part of my pla--ow!

And--ow--the getaway!

I am still in control--
ow! Ow! Ow!

I'm all right.
Ow! I'm all--oh...

How long do you think
he'll keep going?

Wordgirl: he'll run into
some woods eventually.

Narrator: so once again,
word girl has triumphed

Over the evil
and undependable
dr. Two-brains,

Even though she didn't
bother listening to me.

Wordgirl: sorry.
Let's go, huggy!

Narrator: join us again next
time for another exciting
episode of "wordgirl."

Oh, boy!

Hee hee!

Hey! Did anyone else
see that?

Hello. I'm
beau handsome,

And this is the bonus
round of...

"May I have a word."

Tommy, you correctly defined
the word "swerve."

Ready to play
the bonus round?

Sure am!

Great! Take a look
at these three pictures

And tell me which
one shows the definition
for "swerve."

Ok, give it a shot, tommy!

Tj is clearly swerving,

Just like huggy did
on the unicycle.

I'm gonna go
with number one.

That's correct,

Which means you're
our bonus round winner.

Show him what
he's won, huggy.

Oh, I get it!
A stationary bike.

No need to swerve
with one of those.

Well, that's our show.

See you next time on...

"May I have a word"!

Announcer: want
wordgirl's word power?

Fly over to your
local library.

Cape not required.

Word up!

♪ Wordgirl

My favorite word
is curious

when you're curious,

You get a lot
of answers.

I'm a very curious
person myself,

And I love to ask

I also love
to receive answers.

Well, I like the word star

Because I really love how you
look into the night's sky

And you just see stars

And they're all twinkling
all around you

And it's really fun.

When I think about stars, I
think about a wish

And that wish is
what you want to do.

♪ That's my favorite word

Captain huggy face,
show us what delighted means.

That's right! Delighted means
to feel really, really good
about something.

Congratulations, huggy.

[Dance music playing]

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