02x09 - The Birthday Girl / Granny-Sitter

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "WordGirl". Aired: September 3, 2007 – August 7, 2015.*
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Series follows WordGirl, a girl with superpowers whose secret identity is Becky Botsford, a student.
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02x09 - The Birthday Girl / Granny-Sitter

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Word up, it's wordgirl

♪ Word up, it's wordgirl

♪ Flying at
the speed of sound ♪

♪ Vocabulary that astounds

♪ From the planet lexicon

♪ Watch out, villains,
here she comes ♪

♪ Faced with a catastrophe

♪ You need the living
dictionary ♪

♪ Her superior intellect
keeps the crime world in check ♪

♪ Go, girl!

♪ Huggy face
is by her side ♪

♪ Vocabulary a mile wide

♪ She'll make sure
that crime will pay ♪

♪ And throw some
mighty word your way ♪

♪ Word up, it's wordgirl

Word up!

♪ From the planet lexicon

♪ Watch out, villains

♪ Here she comes

♪ Wordgirl

Narrator: listen for the words
"generous" and "exaggerate."

Ah. Just another carefree
spring day at the local park.

Whoa. Heh...windy.

Gee. I thought I was
gonna fly away
with the kite.

Violet, I think
you're exaggerating.

It's not that windy.


Maybe it is.

Ooh! Your kite
is beautiful!

Can I fly it?


Thank you!

My name is eileen,
and today is my birthday!

I'm years old!

happy birthday.

I'm violet
and this is becky.

Happy birthday.

Look at my necklace!

My mommy gave it to me.

Wow, it's late.

I have to get going.

May I have
my kite back, please?


Yeah, what?

It's my kite now.

You gave it to me...
For my birthday.

Well, actually...

Pwease can I have it?

Pwetty pwease?

pretty please.

Sure. Keep it.

Happy birthday.

Gee, thanks!

You're the bestest
friend ever!

But violet, that's
your favorite kite.

I know.

But it's
her birthday.

Awfully generous.

Ooh! What a pwetty
charm bwacelet!

Can I have that, too?

Um, no?

But I always
get what I want!

And I want that!

Mine, mine, mine!

Did she--?

I want that brace--
[gasp] monkey!

Ooh, wittle monkey.

You're so pwecious-wecious.

Can I hold you?

Maybe some other time.

We have to--
but I want him!

Besides, it's my--

Yeah, I remember.

Forget it!

I said I want him.

And I said too bad!

Violet: give it up,

Becky says
you can't have him

So you can't have him!

Now back off!

Violet, I've never seen
you like this before.

Well, it's ok for people
to take my stuff,

But nobody, nobody
messes with my friends!

Oh, yeah?!

Well, I say
that monkey is mine!

Mine, mine, mine, mine!

Hey! Come back here!

Word u--oh!

What do we do!

She's getting away!

Um, right.

Let's split up.

We can cover
more ground that way.

I'm coming, bob...
Word up!

Eileen: who wants cookies?
Fresh out of the oven!

Ahh. So, what should
we play first? I know!

Let's play tea party!

It's so nice to have
a real guest at my tea party!

The bear family
and mister moo cow

Aren't great conversationalists.

Here. You can wear this!

I'll get you
some more cookies.

Be right back!

Eileen: guess what?

I found some with gooey
chocolate chunk goodness!

Hooray! Tea party!

Narrator: meanwhile, at ye olde
fancy schmancy jewelry shoppe...

Reginald, you are so handsome.

Oh, dear!

What is this?

Some sort of growth.

Excuse me.

I'm looking for
a -year-old girl
named eileen.

She's as big as
a house and is
wearing a...

Oh, please, silly
pink-stockinged child.

Stop exaggerating.

I just
saw her yesterday.

But I'm not exaggerating!

Something happened to her
and she just kept
growing and growing!

Oh, great...another one.

Wordgirl! How'd you
know I was here?

Super hearing...
And we have to keep
the story moving.

Any luck?

No! I've been
all over the city.

There's no trace of them.

Uh! How can that be?
She's as tall as a house!

A big, green house.

Ok! That's enough
wild exaggerations!

It's not
an exaggeration.

An exaggeration means
to stretch the truth.

Like saying that
you're the rudest person
in the whole world.

That's an exaggeration.

I mean, you're rude,
really, really rude,

But I'm sure that
somewhere in the world

There's someone who's
more rude...than...you.

Or take that
hoboken diamond.

To say it's as big
as an elephant
is an exaggeration.

It's a big diamond,
but it's not as big
as an elephant.

So we're not
exaggerating when we say

This -year-old girl
is really, really big.

You really expect me to believe

There's a house-sized

Running around the city?

Well, yeah.

I'm sure they appreciate
your "imagination" at school,

But this is a jewelry store.

If you two are not
going to buy anything,

Then I would please
ask you to scram.

Fine! We have work
to do anyway!

Come on, wordgirl!

Oh, ok.

I guess we're
working together.

Look, I got a gold star
on this school paper!

I just love gold stars!

Gold stars!
Gold stars!
Gold stars!


More tea?


Oh, I am so sowwy,

Come on, let's go
get you a bwand-new one!

upsy daisy!

Wow, it's so blue
up here!

Ah, yeah. Blue.

Wordgirl, I never knew

Fighting crime
took so long.

You're really generous
with your time.

Uh, hee...yeah...hee.

Down there!

A trail
of giant footprints!

let's follow it!

They must have left
a while ago.

This tea has been cold
for minutes
and seconds.

And look.

This dress is
much too small
to be eileen's.

It wouldn't even
fit on her hand!

Exaggerating a bit?

Maybe a bit.

Monkey hairs!

Bob must have
been wearing it!

That looks like
a tea stain.

And it's still fresh.

Hey, maybe they went out

To get a new dress
for bob.

Good thinking, violet!

Hmm. Debbie's
darling dresses.

Becky and I
love that store!

I know!

I mean, oh, really?

Come on.
Back to the city!

Narrator: meanwhile, bob is
putting up a heroic fight

For his last shred of dignity.

narrator: sorry.

You don't have
to thank me.

I know I'm generous.

My mommy said so!

Put it on.

I said, put it on!

I always get my way!

Mine! Mine! Mine!

Ooh, you wook
so pwetty!

Narrator: it's a nice
color on you.

narrator: [clears throat] right.

Moving on.

A few minutes later...

I'm so happy
we got the new dwess,

Now we can go back
to our--tea--

[Gasp] the biggest
gold star
I've ever seen!

It's beautiful!

And it's
going to be mine!

Mine! Mine!
Mine! Mine!

[People screaming,
car alarm blaring]

Look! It's bob!
And eileen!

Wordgirl: wow!

You distract eileen
while I zoom in
to rescue bob!



Wait. The ape should be
holding the girl, correct?


Birthday girl!
Over here!

Umm...hey, eileen!

How'd you like
my charm bracelet, huh?

I have it right here!

Gold star mine!
Gold star mine!

Oh, boy.

Wordgirl: almost...

Oh, no!

What am I
going to do?


Eileen, one of

Bestest friends
in the whole wide world!?


I'm one of your
bestest friends?!


Of course you are!

Guys, you're
k*lling me here.

Wow. I never had
a bestest friend before.

What do they do?

they, um, pway togewer,

And give each owther

Ooh, ooh! I want
to give you a present!

Here! Take my

Thank you!


I guessed right!

Being greedy made
eileen get bigger,

So I figured that
if she was generous...

She'd shrink!
Of course!

Generous means
to be very giving,

Which is the exact
opposite of greedy.

Great job, violet!

Oh, if only becky
were here to see this!

She'll never believe
what I went through.

Oh, I have a feeling
she will.

How do you know?

I just mean...she'll...

She's understanding.
Anyway, I better go.

Uh, it was great teaming
up with you, violet.

Same here, wordgirl.
Same here.


Word up!

Becky! Where have you
been all this time?

Oh, you know.
Around. Town.

Ooo! Guess what?

Wordgirl and I
teamed up to rescue bob!


Nice dress.

Well, eileen, I hope
you learned your lesson!

You can't just
run around taking
people's monkeys...

Or any of their
other stuff.

Yeah, I werned
my wesson.

No...you learned
your lesson.

[Yawns] whoo!

I have to go
home now and get
a good night's sleep.

Tomorrow's my birthday,
you know!

I thought today
is your birthday.

It is!
And so is tomorrow!

My mommy says every day
is my birthday.


Narrator: anyway,
join us again next time

For another generous
helping of action

On another exciting
episode of "wordgirl"!

♪ Wordgirl

Hello. I'm beau handsome
and this is...

All: may I have a word!

As usual, the player
who correctly defines
today's featured word

Will win
a fabulous prize!

Let's play...

All: may I have a word.

Yes, you may!

Today's featured word
is "scowl."

To give you a clue,

Here are some clips
from "wordgirl"

That show the correct
meaning of the word.


Thanks, mr. Handsome.

Call me beau.

It means "good-looking"
in french.

A scowl is a bad guy,

Like dr. Two-brains'

No, I'm sorry, emily.
That is incorrect.

You must feel just as
embarrassed as tobey did

When becky beat him
at cash or pie.

The name of the game
was crash or pie.


Yes, phil?

Scow me may
base mike dis.

I'm sorry.
I can't
understand you.

Well, it looks like
no one wins today's game.

By the way, the correct
definition of "scowl"

Is a frown or
an angry expression.

Like the look
on your faces!

Huggy, show them what
they could have won!

A state-of-the-art,
official "wordgirl"
-wheeler motorcycle!

All: oooohhhh!

But no one won.

See you next time on...

All: may I have a word!

♪ Wordgirl

Narrator: pssst.
Listen for

"Investigate" and "accelerate."

Just another typical evening
in a serene suburban setting.

C'mon, sally.
We're going
to be late!

Boy, this cat art exhibit
is going to be a hoot!

Cat art exhibit?

That's a lot of pictures
of cats.

Don't be silly!

They're not
paintings of cats.

They're paintings
by cats.

Now, tj, I want you
to behave

For the baby-sitter
this time.


Ok, ok, I promise.

Hmpf. It's bad enough
I'm missing

The solid gold
maz-o-racer sports car

With ejector seats!

The car's gonna be
tearing up the streets!

Dad: the maz-o-racer?
That's tonight?!

Oh, man, I want to go!

They say that baby
can accelerate from zero
to in seconds!

Honey...cat art.

Right. Ha ha.

I'm excited
for that, too.
[Doorbell rings]

Oh! That must be
the sitter!

Hello, everyone.
I'm granny may.

Come in!
Come in.

Oh, what adorable
little children!

Why is the dastardly
crook granny may

Here to baby-sit us?

Now, let me go over
a few things with you.

Our cell phone...

So, dad,
which prison yard

Did you recruit
granny may from?

I don't think we got
her from prison.

Did we? Nope!

We found her through
the senior center.

Did you investigate
her background?

You know, check her
rap sheet--

I mean, references?

Of course we did, honey.

Says here she's
worked for hundreds of
upstanding families.

Let's see,
abe and mary lincoln,

The leonardo da vincis,
the queen of england...

And did you call any
of these references?

Honey, I can't just call
the queen of england!

Ok. Time to go.

Have fun, kids, and remember
to obey granny may!


Buh-bye, kids.
Have a good night!

I'm driving.
Oh, well.
Yes, you are.

[Both laughing]
I'm a good driver.

I hope we don't get into
a "cat"astrophe.

see, we're at
the cat art exhibit.

I want to drive.

Why, aren't you

Precious like a rare jewel?

That someone might steal?

Fight seals?

[Giggling] I would
never fight seals!

They're so
cute and cuddly.

Well, it was nice
talking to you.

Time for bed!

But it's only :!

Don't forget what
your mother said.

Obey granny may.

She's up to something

And with
a little investigation,

I'll find out what.

[Bob squeaks]
[granny may laughs]

I love baby-sitting.

It makes the best alibi,
and you get paid for it.


Now that the children
are asleep,

I can finally steal that
precious gold maz-o-racer.


You startled poor,
sweet granny may.


What were you saying
about the maz-o-racer?

I don't have
an eraser on me,

But I think I saw one
in your bedroom--c'mon!

No, the maz-o-racer.

You know, the solid gold
race car

That's supposed
to accelerate

From zero to
in seconds?

Speaking of accelerate,

Why don't you
accelerate yourself

Back up to your room?

Ooh, my, you're a strong,
little girl, aren't you?

If one of these children
leaves their rooms,

I'm going to know about it.

[Laughing, coughing]

I should have known!

She's gonna steal
the maz-o-racer!

We just have to do
a little investigation

To find out
when and how.

C'mon, she's leaving!


[Sighs] what is it?

Becky, it's me.

I'm bored.
Let's play a game.

Um, sure. Ok.

We'll play
the quiet game.

The quiet game?

The first one
to talk loses.

Yeah, but
I don't want--
starting now!

[Whispers] word up!

Narrator: meanwhile,
in another part of town,

The maz-o-racer is racing down
the streets at breakneck speed--

That is, breakneck speed
for a snail.


This car
has no acceleration!

All this gold
is weighing it down.

Narrator: umm...
Did you check to see

If the emergency brake is on?

[Laughing] of course i--
oh. Whoops.

All right!

That acceleration
really kicks in.

Now to--whoa!

Hello, young man.

What a flashy gold car
you've got there.

Here, let me walk you
across the street.

Why, thank you.


Why walk when
you can drive?


Stop right there,
granny may!

White hair?

Actually, mine
is more gray.

Quit pretending
you're deaf!

There's nothing wrong
with your hearing!

What? I lost
my earring? Where?


Ha! And now
to deliver my--

Both: um, er, a--gotta go!

Hey, lady!
Don't go running off

Without your walker!


Tj! Where are
you going?

Ha! You lose!
You talked first!

Ha ha! Yeah!

What are you two doing
out of your rooms?

I want water.

With ice.

Fine. Granny may
will get it for you.

started slow,
then took off.

Yeah. She can
really accelerate.

And she is
fast, too.

Tj, that's what
"accelerate" means.

To gain speed.

You know,
get faster and faster.

Why, aren't you
a bright, little thing.

You're going to wear yourself
out with all that talk.

So get back in bed!
Go, go, go!

This high-tech,
voice-activated sound machine

Should convince tj
I'm still in my room.

that's ridiculous.

That dummy does not
make you look fat.

There she goes again!

Tj: becky, I'm bored.

Ok, well, then,
tell me a story.

A long story.

Really? You actually
want to hear

One of my stories?

Yes--i mean, yes.

Um, ok.

Once upon a time,

There was this superhero
named wordgirl.

Becky's voice:
uh-huh. Yeah.
Go on.

And she had a really
big secret...

[Whisper] word up!

Becky's voice:
uh-huh. Yeah.
Go on.

She wanted this really
awesome kid named tj

To be her
crime-fighting partner,

But she was afraid
he'd say "no."

Narrator: meanwhile...

[Siren wailing]

Whoa. That is
one speedy bicycle.

Excuse me, young man,
but you were speeding.

Oh, no, I wasn't.

I barely had a chance
to accelerate

Away from that
stop light.

Uh. Well, then,

You weren't
wearing your seat belt.

Oh, yes, I was.
See? It's still on.

You went through
a stop sign?

There weren't
any stop signs.

Headlight out?

Tail light out?
Try again.

Aha! Your
passenger-side window

Is not rolled up
all the way!

Ah, you got me there.

That was quite
an investigation.

You are really giving me
the third degree.

Well, just doing my job.

Could you please step
out of your car, sir?

Hey, why are you
taking out your wallet?

Oh, to show you pictures
of my grandbabies.

Now, here's
my grandson milton,
and my grandson eugene,

And well, I'll let you
look for yourself!



Word girl!

I mean, woo...
What a cute, little outfit!

Have I told you I have
a grandbaby about your age?

Oh, yeah?
And would you leave her

At home
without a sitter?

I mean, don't change
the subject!

Oh, thank you.
That's a good dog.


The jig is up,
granny may!


There's my reminder

To take
my life-saving medicine.

Could you please untie me
so I can take my sugar pills?


Nice try!

I'll be right back.
Something's come up

That i, er,
have to investigate.

Word up!


Tj, where are
you going now?

I just told you!
I finished my story

And I'm going
to get a glass
of chocolate milk.

I hope granny may
won't be upset.

Trust me.
She's got a lot more

To be upset about than--

How'd you get away
from the, uhh...couch!

I mean, the couch
is so comfortable,

It's hard to get up.

Children, I am not
going to tell you again--

Back in your rooms!

[Door slams]

Becky, I'm still bored.

[Yawn] sorry, teej,
I'm pooped.

See you in the morning!

[Becky snoring]

Whoo. She fell
asleep fast.

[Whispering] word up!

Be on the lookout
for a gold car.

are you sure
that's them, chf?


Hey, try not to scratch
the gold!


Good thinking, huggy!

You pull the car free,
I'll capture granny may!


Granny may,
you're going down!

Put them down?
Ok, you asked for it!



Narrator: is this the end
of captain huggy face,

The driver, and the maz-o-racer?

Does the maz-o-racer
have good insurance?

Granny may:
[muffled noises]

Wordgirl: good work, huggy!

You may have gotten me
this time, wordgirl,

But I'll be back!


What are you kids
doing up?


Uhh, did you guys
have a nice time?

Honey, cat art
does not disappoint!

What are you kids
doing up?


Up to bed you go!
Go on!

Fine. [Grumbling]

Both: good night, kids!

Both: good night.

So, all set then,
granny may.

You can go home now.

Oh, of course.

There you go.
All paid up.

Ok, I thought
we agreed on $.

But, $!

No? Ok, I'll leave
my wallet out.

You take what
you think you deserve.

Narrator: hmmm.
Looks like mr. Botsford

Needs to accelerate his
investigation of "granny may"

Or he may be there all night.

Oh, well.
Tune in next time

For another exciting episode
of "wordgirl"!

♪ Wordgirl

Hello. I'm beau handsome

And this is
the bonus round of...

All: may I have a word!

Since no one
correctly defined

The word "scowl" earlier,

The first person to buzz in
and give the correct answer

Will win today's
bonus round.

Ready to play, contestants?

Yes, sir.

Ok. Take a look
at these pictures

And tell me
which one shows

The definition for "scowl."

[ Dings]

Wow. Looks like
we have a -way tie.

What's your answer?

All: number !

That's correct!
You're all winners.

Huggy, show them
what they've won.

An official "wordgirl"

of-the-earth mobile!

See you next time on...

Audience: may I have a word!

Announcer: want wordgirl's
word power?

Fly over to your local library.

Cape not required.

Word up!

♪ Favorite word,
what's your favorite word? ♪

My favorite word is "labyrinth."

"Labyrinth" is sort of like
a fancy name for a maze.

I like "labyrinth" because of
the way it sounds.


My favorite word is "zinnias."

I like the word "zinnias"

Because I know it's
a really pretty flower

And I love the sound of it.


Captain hugg, show us
what flabbergasted means.

That's right! Flabbergasted
means to be so surprised
you can't think or act.

Congratulations, huggy!

[Dance music playing]


♪ Wordgirl
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