02x13 - The Two-Brains Boogie / Field Day Fun With Robo-Tobey

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "WordGirl". Aired: September 3, 2007 – August 7, 2015.*
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Series follows WordGirl, a girl with superpowers whose secret identity is Becky Botsford, a student.
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02x13 - The Two-Brains Boogie / Field Day Fun With Robo-Tobey

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Word up, it's wordgirl

♪ Word up, it's wordgirl

♪ Flying at the speed of sound

♪ Vocabulary that astounds

♪ From the planet lexicon

♪ Watch out, villains,
here she comes ♪

♪ Faced with a catastrophe

♪ We need
the living dictionary ♪

♪ Her superior intellect

♪ Keeps the crime world
in check ♪

Go, girl!

♪ Huggy face is by her side

♪ Vocabulary a mile wide

♪ She'll make sure
that crime won't pay ♪

♪ And throw some mighty words
your way ♪

♪ Word up, it's wordgirl

Word up!

♪ From the planet lexicon

♪ Watch out, villains

♪ Here she comes

Narrator: psst.
Listen for the words

"Shimmy" and "indestructible."

[Radio playing]

Mr. Botsford:
♪ hey, bumba-doo

Narrator: one funk-a-delic day
at the botsford residence...

Hey! Now, shake
with the beat.

With the beat!

The beat?
The beat!

Shake! Like this.
♪ Bah bah da doo
bah bah bah da... ♪

Uh, ok.

Ok. Not bad.

Oh, come on, dad.
Be honest.

Dancing isn't
exactly my strong suit.

Nonsense, honey.
All you need is
a little practice.

You'll get better.
Anybody can learn.

It's easy for
almost everybody.

I'm still not sure
why you thought
entering us

In a boogie-oogie-oogie
contest was a good idea.

Not just
a boogie-oogie-oogie
contest, becky.

The city annual

Right, but--
imagine. You and me.

Facing off against
hundreds of dancers,

Knocking 'em out
with the botsford
shimmy. Whah!


Plus, I have
a reputation
to protect.

When I was a kid,
my mom and I were

-Time champions,
you know.

I'm not going to
have to wear an outfit
like that, am i?

And I rode that
success all the way
to the top of

The dancing

My own instructional
dance video!


If we don't win
that boogie-oogie-oogie
contest today,

This video will be

No one will ever
take it seriously again,

And I'll be ruined on
the boogie-oogie-oogie
circuit. Ruined!

But no pressure.

You just relax.

Clear your mind,
and let younger me
transport you

To the land of

Wow. Look at that.

Now, I have to go
up to meditation hill

And go through
my pre-dance
relaxation ritual.

So just watch
and learn, becky.

Oh, ok. Great.
Thanks. Bye.

Oh, man.
Look at him shimmy.

There's no way
anyone can learn

How to dance like that
in just one--

Wow, bob.
You're really


Man: help! Help me!

Someone in the distance
calling for help!

Heh heh.

Narrator: moments later,
out past the city limits...

Man: help, help me!
Help! Help!

Huggy, do you see him?

Great job!
Let's go!

Help! Help me! Help!

Phew! That was
a close one.

You're safe now--
oh. A mannequin?

But why would--?
Help! Help me!

Help! Help!
[Tape whirs down]


Yeah, I agree. It does
look like some kind of
energy field. Come on!

Ok, huggy,
let's take it out!

Nothing. And that
was my best punch.

Huggy, this energy field
may be indestructible.

We could be stuck
out here for a while.

No, I'm not just
saying that

So I'll miss
the dance contest!

Fine. Believe
what you want.

Meanwhile, we have
to figure out
who's behind this.

dr. Two-brains?

You lured us
out of the city
with this mannequin

So we'd be trapped
outside this force field.

Looks like you're
going to have
a hard time

Stopping my scheme,
wordgirl, now that
you're stuck

Outside the city.

Hey! Let us back in!
That's not fair.

Well, since you
put it that way...
All right.


Sure! I want
to be fair.

I'm going to put it
right here where you can
see but not touch it.

Isn't that extra mean?


It's so close,
you could practically
touch it, eh?

If only you could
just reach through

This indestructible
energy field,

You'd be able to press
that little button
and shut it down.

But you can't.
Ha ha ha!

Yeah, but if I could
reach through
the energy field,

I wouldn't need
to shut it down.

She has a point.

Right. I know,
but let's not get
hung up on details

While I'm gloating, ok?
I was gloating.

Well, you're not
very good at the gloating.

I don't care what
you think, wordgirl.

I'm at peace
with my gloating skills
and my new w*apon.

Oh, wait. Let me guess.
Another ray that turns
stuff into cheese?

No! Maybe...
Hey, so what if it is?

I like cheese!

It's a gift that I enjoy
giving to myself.

Trust me, we know.

Well, the whole city's
going to know,

Because this little mama turns
whole buildings into cheese!

Hit it!

Ha! It worked!

All right, so you turned
an abandoned building
into cheese, is that it?

Are we done here?
Oh, no. Not by
a long shot.

If that cheese building
tastes good,

I'm going to zap
the entire city,

And ♪ there's not a thing
you can do about it ♪

Now, if you'll excuse me,
I have to eat a building.

Boss, did you know there
is a town in england
called cheddar?

There is not. Really?




I guess that thing
really is indestructible.

We can't break it.

Narrator: will wordgirl
and captain huggy face
find a way

To get back in before
dr. Two-brains turns
the city into cheese?

Will wordgirl learn
how to boogie-oogie-oogie

Before the big dance?

Will wordgirl discover
a way to use

to destroy dr. Two-brains's
energy field?


Wait a minute. That's it.
I've got an idea that's
just crazy enough to work.

If I can boogie-oogie-oogie
at superspeed,

Shimmying at just
the right rhythm
and frequency,

Maybe, just maybe,
I can disrupt
the energy field

And make my way
back in!

Well, let's face
the music and dance.

Ahh! Ooh! Yah!

Narrator: oh, my.



What are you doing?

What is she doing?

my way back into the city.

Ahh. Well, that
was refreshing.

Now I am ready to--
sweet baby carrots!

I have to put a stop
to this right now.

Out of my way,
relaxers. Namaste.
Keep it mellow.

Sorry. Emergency!

Get ready, doc.
I'm going to shimmy

Right through
this energy field.

Yeah. Shimmy.
To shake and dance.

I know
what shimmy means.

Have you seen my high
school yearbook?

I'm just surprised.

Because I figured out
your energy field's
weakness? Ow!

Hah! No. I'm surprised
you thought that would work.

You can't shimmy through
an indestructible
energy field. Come on!

It's shimmy-proof.

It's horrible!

I know, anonymous
concerned citizen.

But I'll figure out
a way to disarm
this energy field.

Don't you worry.

No. Not the energy field.

Although, it is

No. I was talking
about your dancing.

It's even scarier
Oh, right.

Well, dancing isn't
really my strong suit.

I'm more of
a super hero.

Yes, but I have
just the thing for you.

My own personal
instructional video.

You can borrow it
when my daughter's
finished watching it.

No! No! That's ok.

No, really.
I insist.

I hate to break
this up--no,
that's not true,

'Cause I don't--
anyway, I'm going to
turn this whole city

Into admittedly
mediocre cheese

And no one
can stop me!

Listen, stranger
who I've never seen before,

You see that
remote control right there?

Well, that's the button
that turns this

energy field off.

You have to hit it
so I can stop
dr. Two-brains.

You've got it,
Oh, no you don't.

grab mr. Shimmy.

Oh, no! Look out!

Ha! Not to worry.
Watch closely, wordgirl.

Here's your first


Ho! Look out!
Shake it, don't break it!

No! Wait! Stop!

Oh, did you say stop?
You can't stop the boogie.

Way to go, dad!

Did you just
call me dad?

Are you sure?
I thought--
ok, two-brains!

You might
as well give up.

I don't think so!
Check it out!

My ray is now pointed at
the city skyline.

There's absolutely
nothing you can do.

Wordgirl: ok.
Let's wrap this up.


Looks like you're going
to boogie-oogie-oogie
into prison, doc.

Great polyester
leisure suits!

What time is it?

The dance contest
is starting soon.

I have to hustle.
Me, too.

Why? Are you
in the contest?

Ha ha!
You'd better hurry.


Word up!
Boogie down!

Two-brains: oh, man.

You think they'll forget
to call the police again?

Henchman: can someone
scratch my nose?

[Dance music playing]

Oh, great!
We all made it!

Wait. Becky, where's
your costume?

I'll look silly
if you're not
in costume!

Uhh...yeah...it kind of got


It's made from
indestructible spandex.

Watch. Yow!

Right. Listen, dad.

I don't really want
to do this.

Oh, yes, you do.

No. Look, dad.

Winning this contest is
important to you,

And if you dance with me,
there's no way you'll win.

Oh, honey, I don't
care about winning.

Ok, I do care
about winning.

But do you know
what I care more about?

Dancing with
my daughter.

Aw. Thanks, dad.

So, come on.
What do you say?

Yeah. Still no.

I'll dance with you,
just not in a big competition

In front of
the whole city. Deal?

Deal. But now what
am I going to do?

This is a two person
dance competition!

I think
I have an idea.

Announcer: and the winners
for this year's city-wide

dance contest are...

Tim and bob botsford!

Narrator: and so,
dr. Two brains's

Indestructible energy field

Was no match for the power
of the boogie oogie oogie.

And becky didn't have to shimmy
in front of the entire city.


Tune in again next time for
another thrill-packed adventure

Of wordgirl!

Hello. I'm beau handsome
and this is...


As usual, the player
who correctly defines

Today's featured word
will win a fabulous prize!

Let's play...


Yes, you may!

Today's featured word
is evade.

To give you a clue, here are
some clips from wordgirl

That show the meaning
of the word.

Yes, tommy.

To evade is to fly
through the sky.

I'm sorry.
That is incorrect.

You might want to
double-check that.

I really don't need to.

I know the definition
of evade. Good guess, though.

Anyone else?
Yes, emily.

Do you have a definition
for the word evade?

From what I saw
in the clips,

Wordgirl was trying
to get away from stuff
being thrown at her.

Like when you're
playing dodge ball.

So I would say evade
means to dodge
or get away.

That is correct, emily.

See, tommy, evade
doesn't mean to fly.

Well, it should!

Ok. Congratulations, emily!
You are today's winner!

Huggy, show her
what she's won!

An official wordgirl
balance beam!

Just like those
fancy gymnasts use.

Paint sold separately.

That's it for today's episode.

See you next time on...

"May I have a word?"

Narrator: hey, kids.
Listen for the words

"Authentic" and "competition."

Early one morning,

All is quiet
down at the city marina...

Well, maybe not so quiet.

All right,
energy monster!

Time for a little wordgirl
super-strength! Hyah!

Narrator: another authentic
wordgirl victory.

Nothing like saving
the city before

What time is it?

It's :.


I'm almost late
for school!

That's strange.

Why is everyone outside
on the field instead of
in the classroom?

Oh, yeah!

Today is field day!

Field day is an all-day
outdoor competition

Where we have fun races
and contests.

I can't wait!

Hey, you two!

Excited about
the big competition?

Sure am!

Although I'm excited about
pretty much everything.

I just picked
this competition.

It smells pretty!

No, that's
a chrysanthemum,
a type of flower.

A competition is
a contest or a game
between rivals.

Oh! Good to know.
Good to know.

Morning, tobey.

Cause any
destruction lately?

Why, becky botsford,
whatever do you mean?

I think she's
referring to your habit
of building robots

That destroy things
and create chaos in the city.

Thank you, ace reporter.


What's all this hoopla?

It's field day!

An all-day, outdoor

I think you mean

Oh, boo.

I was looking forward to
spending the day in a chair.

You mean I'll be forced to run
around and act all silly?

Some people call
that "playing"
and "having fun."

[Blowing whistle]

Hello, children of
woodview elementary!

For those of you
who don't know me,

I am mrs. Ripley.

I teach a certain special
class here at woodview.

Some of you call it "gym."

Others might call it
"physical education"--or p.e.

When you're in a hurry--
but I call it...

An awesome time!


Now, it is my pleasure
to welcome you...

To field day!

Are you ready to have fun?


Are you ready
to win prizes?

Are you ready to exercise in the
spirit of healthy competition

With the goal of raising
class unity and generating
a cohesive community

Built on trust in ourselves
and respect for others?


Well, then I say: let's get
this party started!

But first, I'd like
to announce the grand prize.

The student who earns the most
points at the end of the day

Will win...this...

Authentic, "super-deluxe,
teacher-only magic markers!"

Hoo! Hoo!

Only the teachers
get those.

Think of all the beautiful
words I could write.

That's the prize?

You expect me to sl*ve away

In the direct sunlight to win
some magical ink pens?

Mrs. Ripley?

I am afraid I'm unable
to participate

In your day of silly games.

Unable to participate?

What's the matter?

Uh...side ache...

Yes. My side; it aches.

I'm so sorry...

Go to the nurse's office

What's the matter, tobey,
afraid you won't win?


Of course I could win
if I wanted to.

I just don't want to.

It's ok if you
don't win, you know.

I'm just looking forward
to having a good time
with my friends.

Yeah, don't be afraid.

Just playing
the games is fun.

I'm in it
for the markers.

Well, thank you all
for sharing.

Now, before I go, let me
assure you, I am stronger,

Faster and just
generally better than
all of you.

I have the agility
of a cougar and the
strength of a lion.

Good-bye. Ohh!


I'll take part
in the competition.

But mark my words:
I'm going to win
those markers,

Not because
I want them,

But to show you that
i, tobey, am a winner!

Ha ha!

I'll be right back.

It's time for the first event--
the potato sack race!

Hey, where's tobey?

No idea.

There you are.

We almost started
without you--
prepare to lose.

Sure, whatever
you say, tobey.

Even with a side ache!

Now you've got
that field day spirit!

Can I get a whoop whoop?

As expected,
I am victorious. Yay.

Whoa. How did
you do that?

Prepare to lose.

Hmm. Tobey's voice
doesn't sound authentic.

The next event is
the flexed-arm hang.

I love this event!

Each of you gets to hold
your chin above the bar

For as long as you can.

Ok. Heh. Oh,
should have removed
backpack. Ahh!


Ah, pretty!

. Seconds!

Well, you really stuck
that landing, bob.

One second!

Narrator: you know, wordgirl
has super-strength.

She could probably
hold on for a long time.

Tell me about it.

I want to use
my superpowers so badly.

But that would be
cheating. Argh!

One minute.

Our new leader is
becky botsford!

Not bad. Not bad.
Playing fair.

Next up, our current
over-all leader...

Tobey maccallister iii!

Prepare to lose.

Why do you keep
saying that?

Minutes and still
going strong!




One hour!

Ok, tobey, nobody
likes a show-off.

I think it's clear
you're the winner.

As expected,
I am victorious. Yay.

Something's going on here.

Tobey isn't acting
like himself.

He doesn't seem authentic.

Oh. If something is

It means it's real and
exactly what it claims to be.

For example, tobey's
authentic voice sounds like:

[British accent]
"I'm tobey.
I love robots."

But all of a sudden
his voice sounds different,

Fake, even.

I think it's time for you
to investigate and find out
if tobey is up to something.

Gotta win those markers!

As expected...

I am victorious...


Going into the final event,
tobey and becky are tied

For the lead
with points each!

Wow. How did becky
tie it up?

Don't you remember?

Becky won the swimming race
after tobey refused to
jump in the water.


So it's all come down
to this: the tug...




Ready, set...

Gotta win
those markers.


Children chanting:
tug! Tug! Tug!

Tugging, tugging...

All right,
my little robo-tobey.

Almost done with
the competition.

Soon everyone will know
that I am a winner!

Gotta keep it believable,

Make them think you're
the authentic tobey.

Narrator: psst! You could use
your super-strength.

I...am not
a cheater...

Not now, bob!

I have to stay focused
on the competition.


Bob! You're shaking
the rope!

I can't hold on--oh!

[Blows whistle]

Tobey wins the tug-of-w*r,
and the grand prize!


As expected...

You were victorious.

Good detective work, bob.

I think it might be time
for wordgirl to pay tobey

A little visit.

And now, it is with great
pleasure that I present

To tobey maccallister
the grand prize.

I just want to say to all
the people who doubted me

I win, because I'm better
than all of you at winning!

Fools! Simpering
fools! Fools!

Not so fast,
there, tobey.

Why, wordgirl!
What a pleasant surprise.

What are you doing here?

I just happened
to be flying by

The neighborhood,
searching for crime
to fight. Yeah.

Too bad you weren't here
a few minutes ago.

You missed my spectacular
performance. See?

I've won the grand prize.

Tell me, tobey,
was your victory
today authentic,

Or did you cheat
during the competition?


Why, that's absurd!
Of course I didn't cheat!

Then how do you
explain your sudden
athletic ability?


What if I said
you used a robot,

A robot that looks
just like you?


Prepare to lose.

"Prepare to lose"
is right, tobey.

Since tobey cheated,
these magic markers
belong to

Whoever finished second
in the competition.

I've been embarrassed
once today, wordgirl,

And it's not going
to happen again!

Narrator: gonna use your
super-strength this time?

It's not cheating.

Oh, you know it! Hyah!

Unexpected result...

Not victorious...


Young man, your performance
in today's competition

Was not authentic.

You cheated, which means
you are disqualified.

Therefore, the winner
of field day is...

Becky botsford!

I'll be sure becky gets
her grand prize markers.

In fact, I'll deliver them
to her personally.

And as for you...


I think we'll be
telling your mother
about your behavior today.

No! Please!

I'll do
whatever you want!

Push ups,
squat thrusts!

Just don't tell mother!

Narrator: and so, wordgirl saves
the day yet again,

While becky botsford
earns her prize

As the winner of
the competition.

Join us next time
for more authentic fun

And excitement on wordgirl!

Hello, I'm beau handsome,

And this is
the bonus round of...

"May I have a word?"

Our returning champion
will have a chance to play

For even greater prizes
on the bonus round.

Emily, you correctly
defined the word "evade."

Ready to play
the bonus round?

Yes, mr. Handsome.


Take a look at these
pictures and tell me

Which one shows
the definition for "evade."

Ok, emily.
It's all you!

I have to go with #.

Mrs. Botsford
is evading huggy.

That's correct, emily!

You've won
the bonus round.

Huggy, show her
the special prize.

It's a wordgirl
portable windshield!

Sorry about that, huggy.

See you next time on...

"May I have a word?"

Second announcer:
want wordgirl's word power?

Fly over to your local library.

Cape not required.

♪ Favorite word,
what's your favorite word? ♪

My favorite word is orange

Because it's my favorite color.

I mean, like, I have
orange sneakers,

I have orange posters at school.

I have orange binders and books.

I have orange shorts
at my house.

Like, there's just
too many things.

I can't even explain them all.

My favorite word is harmonica

Because I have one
and I love to play it.

[Playing blues]

♪ That's my favorite word

That's right.

Chipper means to feel
really happy and peppy.

Congratulations, huggy!

[Techno dance music plays]

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