02x20 - Tobey's Tricks and Treats / Escape Wham

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "WordGirl". Aired: September 3, 2007 – August 7, 2015.*
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Series follows WordGirl, a girl with superpowers whose secret identity is Becky Botsford, a student.
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02x20 - Tobey's Tricks and Treats / Escape Wham

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Word up, it's wordgirl

♪ Word up, it's wordgirl

♪ Flying at the speed of sound

♪ Vocabulary that astounds

♪ From the planet lexicon

♪ Watch out, villains,
here she comes ♪

♪ Faced with a catastrophe

♪ We need
the living dictionary ♪

♪ Her superior intellect

♪ Keeps the crime world
in check ♪

Go, girl!

♪ Huggy face is by her side

♪ Vocabulary a mile wide

♪ She'll make sure
that crime won't pay ♪

♪ And throw some mighty words
your way ♪

♪ Word up, it's wordgirl

Word up!

♪ From the planet lexicon

♪ Watch out, villains

♪ Here she comes

Narrator: listen for the words
"eerie" and "supernatural."

It's halloween,

The most spooky,
eerie day of the year.

You know what
would be great?

If I could ride my
magic pony to school

Just like the real
pretty princess.

Wow, look
at everyone.

I wonder who will win
the costume contest?

[Oo oo]

Violet: hey, becky,
nice costume.


Whoa, violet,
I didn't recognize you.

I know. Isn't this
costume amazing?

Word up.

Where did you
get it?

I mean, look at
her tool belt.

She has all
of the wordgirl
rays and wands.

Becky: actually, wordgirl
doesn't have a ray.

What she uses--

Tobey, watch where
you're landing.

Watch where I'm lan--
watch where you're standing.

Violet, I must say,

It sure is eerie how much
you look like wordgirl.

Are you wordgirl?
Me? Are you kidding?

Let's test your
supernatural word powers.

Quick, define

A doppelganger is
a twin or look-alike,
someone who--

I hope my fellow classmates
are looking forward

To being defeated
in the costume contest

Because I clearly have
the best costume

In the entire playground.

I cut my victory speech
down to pages.

I like eugene's

Are you supposed to be a robot
or a garbage can?

That's far from authentic,
my friend.

Tobey, to be fair,
I don't think

Real samurai warriors
wore leg warmers.

My mother has failed me
once again.

[Bell rings]

Ooh, what's that eerie noise?

Is it a ghost?

Violet: mr. Dudley,
what's "eerie" mean?

I'm ear-y because
I have ears.

"eerie" means
spooky or scary,

that gives you
goose bumps.

That's right, becky.
It means spooky.

Blah, blah.

There's no such
thing as ghosts

And other
supernatural creatures.

Can we get on with it
and announce me

As the winner of
the costume contest?


I--oh, w-what--
what was that?

Dudley: ok, kids.

Will the contest finalists

Line up in the front
of the class?

The front is up here
in front of me.

Ok. Don't touch anything
on mr. Dudley's desk.

Just settle down.

Everyone's costume
looks so good,

Not as good
as my costume,

But, alas, there can
only be one winner,

And the winner is...

[Imitates drum roll]

Hmm? Hmm?

Me, me.
Let it be me.

Violet as wordgirl.

I won?
Oh, oh, oh, oh! Oh!

There you go.
I'm gonna need that
back later on.

But, mr. Dudley,
she cheated.

Everyone knows she's
really wordgirl.

She had that outfit
in her closet.

Tobey, do we need
to call your mother?

No. That's
quite all right.

I'll manage...

Manage to ruin halloween
for everyone, that is.

Ha ha ha!

Narrator: later
in tobey's bedroom lair...

Now remember, your mission
is to steal not some, not most,

But all of the halloween candy
in the city.

I don't want violet
to get her hands
on a single chocolate chip.

Mwah ha ha ha!

Mwah ha ha ha!

No. That's my thing.

[Doorbell rings]

[Doorbell rings]

Becky: bob, play with
your swords outside.

[Doorbell rings]

Wordgirl in person.

I've been getting that
reaction a lot today.

Yeah. Word up.

Mm, painful.

[Whirring and clanking]


[Doorbell rings]

Trick or treat.

Isn't it eerie how much
that impolite cowboy

Looked like a robot?



Hot-buttered pumpkins,
look at all this candy.

I won. I won halloween.

Uh, what--what's this?

Soft-bristled toothbrushes?

Are you robots mocking me?

That is the treat
they gave us.

Oh, why, oh, why
couldn't I have been born
with supernatural powers?

I have to use robots

Who wouldn't know
a delicious treat

If they had
robot taste sensors.

Get out there
and don't come back

Until you've stolen
every single treat in this town.

Are you sure you don't
need to brush your teeth?

Brush my teeth?
Who programmed you, my mother?

Now go!

this house is eerie.

Looks like a real
haunted house.

Becky, I'm scared.

Bob will protect us.




Trick or treat.
Trick or treat.

I'm sorry, girls,
but there's no more candy.

A tall, metal kid

In a cowboy costume
stole everything.

Who would do
such a thing?

That kid.

It's like stealing
candy from a baby.

Ha ha ha.

Oh! My candy!

What are we gonna do?
I mean, halloween is ruined.


It's wordgirl.

What are you talking about?
I'm not wordgirl. Heh.

They mean me,

She's here to save us
from the candy thief.

Guys, I'm
not wordgirl.

I'm just
a little girl in
a superhero costume.

All: wordgirl! Wordgirl!
Wordgirl! Wordgirl!

All right,
all right.
I'm on top of it.

Just give me
a few moments.

Becky, can I borrow
your monkey pirate?

I know he's no
captain huggy face,

But frankly,
neither is fluffy.

Violet, you
shouldn't get mixed
up in this trouble.

You're in
over your head.

But the entire town
is relying on me.

Listen to them
chanting my name.

All: wordgirl!
Wordgirl! Wordgirl!

They're chanting
for wordgirl.

She can defeat
the robots

Because she has
supernatural powers.

But I'm really into
the supernatural.

I eat all sorts of organic
and super-healthy food.

Actually, "supernatural"
refers to something

That would not happen
in the natural world.

For example,
wordgirl's ability
to fly is supernatural.

Oh. Well,
I can't fly,

But I could tell tobey
it's not nice
to steal candy.

Yeah. That's
not usually
how it works.

Look. A robot.
Let's follow him.

Word up.

Oh, she's not going
to give up, is she?

Now, becky,
be careful.

I don't want you
to get hurt.

Of course.

Look at him

Why can't he
enjoy halloween like
a normal samurai?

We'll see
who's laughing at
the end of the night

After wordgirl shows
up and busts him.

I'm going in.

Call my parents
if I don't come out
in minutes.

Violet, wait!
Oh, well.

It's better if she's
out of the way.


I know, I know.
I'll get to it.

I almost forgot
my sidekick.

Word up!

Trick or treat.

Wordgirl, what
are you doing here?

I'm here to save

Wait. How do I know
you're really wordgirl?

Uh, I know
really big words
like "mississippi."

Everyone knows that word.

What do you take me
for, a fool?

Yes, and
a silly goose.



Whoo. Ska-doo.

Ha-kah. Za!

Oh! Huh?

Wow, that's a lot
of candy.

Yes, and it all belongs
to samurai tobey.

Not if wordgirl
has anything to say.

Aah! No. Aah!

That's strange.

Why aren't you using
your supernatural powers
to defeat me?

You're not wordgirl,
are you?

Well, i, um...

Of course I am.

Then who is that?

My robots! My candy!

Becky, did you see?

Wordgirl saved halloween

With her supernatural
super powers.

I know.
Isn't she amazing?

Tobey: I can't
believe I thought
you were wordgirl.

The only thing crazier
would be if I thought
becky was wordgirl.

Ha ha ha! Yeah.
That'd be crazy.
Well, see you later.

I'm going to go
catch some candy.


Thanks, bob.

This is the worst
halloween ever.

Maybe you'll feel better
if you catch some treats.

That's what
I'm going to do.

Oh, come on! An apple?

Narrator: and so, thanks to
wordgirl's supernatural powers,

The eerie candyless halloween

Ends with treats
raining from the sky.

Oh, now this
is too much.

Who considers
a toothbrush a treat?

I love

Narrator: join us next time for
another adventure of wordgirl.

Mwah ha ha ha!

Was that scary?

Hello. I'm beau handsome,
and this is...

"May I have a word?"

As usual, the player
who correctly defines

Today's featured word
will win a fabulous prize.

Let's play...

"May I have a word?"

Yes, you may.

Today's featured word
is "petrified."

To give you a clue, here are
some clips from "wordgirl"

That show the meaning
of the word.


You buzzed in.

Do you want
to answer?

I'm going to need
you to answer.

I have a feeling
the definition

Is right on the tip
of your tongue.


All the clips showed people
almost frozen from fear,

So "petrified" must mean
so scared you can't move.

They were almost
as petrified as him.

That is correct,

"Petrified" means
so scared you can't move,

And phil is indeed

You are today's winner.

Huggy, show him
what he's won.

It's an official
wordgirl microphone.


Phil, what's
the matter now?

I'm scared
of public speaking.

But you speak
into a microphone

Every time you're
on this show.

Oh, my goodness,
you're right.

That's it for
today's episode.

See you next time on...

"May I have a word?"

Narrator: psst.
Listen for the words
"boisterous" and "potential."

At the museum,
the boisterous chuck
the evil sandwich making guy

Is about to make off with a rare
sandwich-related artifact.

Finally, henry viii's
ice cream sandwich is mine.

how is that even possible?

They didn't have freezers
back then, did they?

Eh, forget it.
Get back to the action.


This sandwich will be
the king of my collection.

Ha ha ha!

And if anyone tries to stop me,
they'll get mayoized.

Excuse me. Mayonnaise
makes me nauseous.

Had a very bad
experience once

In camp,
just so you know.

Then mustardized?
Oh, yes.

That would work
much better.

Thank you.

Who dares to stand
in the way of chuck
the e--oh, no.

Is that really you?

Oh, hey, whammer.

Oh, chucky
sandwich headed man.

No. Actually,
it's chuck the--

Ooh hoo!

ding dong!

I don't really
like to be touched.

Oh, chucky,
whammer missed you.

Yeah? Well...

when the whammer
was your sidekick?

We ended up in jail.

Whammer has come a
long way since then.

Check it out.

I just whammed henry
something something's
whammer hammer.

Can you believe it?

It's not henry something.
It's henry viii.

Henry the who?

Henry viii,
the number .

don't even try.

Wordgirl: well, well, well.
Chuck and the whammer.

Chief hairy feet.

Wow, you guys
working together again?

Not exactly.

All right, then.

Chuck. I'm taking you
and your sidekick down.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Whammer is not
chucky's sidekick.

We're partners.

Wait, wait, wait.

Together, we're
going to wham this
city to its knees.

Yeah! Wham!

I'll admit, you guys have
potential as a criminal duo.

What? No, we don't.
He's totally annoying.

Potential. Wham!

Huggy and I have taken you
boisterous boys down before,

And we'll
take you down again.

Hold on. Timeout.
Slow down.

Whammer and I
are not--

Wham! Wham! Wham!

Ha! Try whamming
this on for size.

Oh, yeah?

Well, two can wham
at that game.

Hey! No.



Oof! Ow! Medic!

Ha! One down
and whammer to go.

Ha ha! Nice one.

Whammer: you may have whammed
this round, wordgirl,

But whammer
will be back.


Um, excuse me.

You could have just
used the door.


Narrator: later in the lair
of the whammer...

Man on tv: today chuck the evil
sandwich something or other

Was apprehended by wordgirl.

oh, chucky sandwich face,
don't you worry.

I'll wham you out of this,

Even if I have to wham
through wordgirl

And captain monkey monkey
to do it.

Hmm, maybe I'll give him a call,
see how he's whamming.

Let's see.

Police station. Ppp. "P."
I'll start there.



Narrator: meanwhile
at the police station...


No more messing
around, chuck.

Tell us where
your boisterous
partner in crime is.

But I don't know,
trust me.

If I knew, I'd tell you.
I would. I'd--

So, we're supposed
to believe that

It was a complete
coincidence that
you were both

henry viii's stuff

From the museum
at the same time?

Yes! It's the truth.



[Telephone rings]


It's wordgirl.

the whammer.

Whammer: is my partner
chuck there?

I'm not
your partner.

hang in there,

I'm coming for you,
and after I wham you out,

We're going to
take over this city.


All we have to do is wham you
into a better criminal.


don't wham me wrong.

You've got a lot of--
what's the word?


It means the possibility
to become really good
at something.

Whammer: wham?

Well, you feel like
chuck has the potential

To be a great criminal
if only he worked

A little harder
at it, right?


Are you people

I have the potential
to be a great

No, no, no, no, no.

I already am
a great--

Got to go, partner.

Next time I see you,

We'll be whamming it
together on the outside. Yeah!

Not if huggy and I have
anything to say about it.

Whammer: ok.
Bye-bye, wordgirl.

Bye, whammer.
[Dial tone]

Not partners, huh?

No. I--we--
oh, it's no use.

Come on, huggy.

Time to implement
operation transport chuck

The evil sandwich
making guy

From the police station
to the jail.


What? The name
covers all the bases.

Narrator: later
out on the open road...

Eagle to ground crew,
eagle to ground crew.

Come in.
Ground crew?

[Huggy screeches]

Come on.
We worked on this.

ground crew.

Oh, all right, fine.
Captain huggy face, ok?

Be ready for anything.

The whammer
can be boisterous

And has the potential
to be a real headache.

There's no telling
what sneaky and devious
scheme he might--

Whoa, is that him in
the middle of the road?

All right.
Well, I didn't see that coming.

This is for my partner
chuck the sandwich
head man.



[Beep beep beep]

Don't worry, sandwich head.
Whammer has got you.

Yeah! Whoa!

Ready to reach your potential,
sandwich man?

Because with the whammer
teaching you,

You're gonna be the best
whamming partner ever. Yeah!

he already is the best
whamming partner ever.

Wordgirl? Oh, you--

Captain sandwich
monkey monkey?


Ha ha! We tricked you.
Huggy was just a decoy.

The real chuck
is headed for prison

In a fake
bread delivery truck
on main street.

Hee hee! Thought you could
defeat wordgirl, did--

Hey, where are you going?

I'm coming for you,
sandwich man.

Ooh, maybe I shouldn't have
mentioned the bread truck.

Narrator: meanwhile in the back
of a bread truck...

[Tires screech]

[Tires screech]

[Tires screech]

Chuck: whoa! Hey!
Evil genius back here.

wham! Wham!

Hey! Watch it!

Come on,
sandwich face.

I'm whamming you
out of here.

You're not
whamming anywhere.

I can't help it.

That whole whamming thing
is kind of contagious.

Forget it, wordgirl.

Sandwich face and I
are whamming

Out of here, whether
you like it or not.

Time to take you boisterous boys
down a few notches.


It means rowdy, noisy,
and wild, like that--

Oh, yeah! The whammer
is boisterous.


I wasn't done
with my word lesson yet.

You can't just cut--
wham! Wham!

Ok. That's it.

Huggy, initiate plan
number ..

Oh! Whoa!

Help! I can't see.

do something.


Ketchup cocoon!

That's right,

Did you actually think
you could defeat chuck

The evil sandwich
making guy?

And the whammer,
right, partner?

Listen, whammer.

I really do appreciate
you coming to rescue me
and all, but--

No problem, bro.

Whammer thinks you
have a lot of potential
as a criminal.

Whammer really does.
Oh, and about that--

Chuck doesn't need
to say anything more.

The whammer
already knows.

You're totally ready
to start your training.


In no time, you're
going to stop messing up

And start whamming
like the whammer.

Yeah! Whammer! Whoo!

Wait, wait, wait, wait.
Me? Messing up?

Oh, yeah.

Whammer is going to help
you become a--whoa!

No, no, no, no.

Here's some help for you
with a side of mayo.

Here, whammer.

Wham this and this
and this.

Ok, chucky.
You wham me no choice.


Uh! Thanks, guys.

Oh, great.
Now see what you did?

You started it.
Forget it.

We'll finish
this later.

Just take wordgirl
and the monkey down.

I can't.
I'm all whammed out.

I'll do it, then.

Wordgirl, monkey,
take this.


Ooh, that's

Oh, yeah? Well,
how about this?


Yup. That's
embarrassing, too.

Hey, monkey
sandwich face.

Now you're just mixing
our names togeth--whoa!

Well, boys, looks like
this bread is going
back to prison.

Ha ha!

Yeah. I'm not sure what
I meant by that, either.

Narrator: and so, wordgirl
and captain huggy face

Once again show the true
potential of good teamwork,

And the boisterous bad guys
chuck and his partner
the whammer...

No, no, no.
We're not partners.

Narrator: once again goof
everything up and get captured.

Tune in again next time
for another

episode of "wordgirl."

Hello. I'm beau handsome,

And this is
the bonus round of...

"May I have a word?"

Our returning champion
will have a chance to play

For even greater prizes
on the bonus round.

Tommy, you correctly defined
the word "petrified."

Ready to play
the bonus round?


Take a look
at these pictures

And tell me which one shows
the definition for "petrified."

What's your answer,

looks petrified.

She must be scared
of talking in public.

The answer is number .

That's correct.
You're our bonus round winner.

Show him
what he's won, huggy--

Your very own stage
to perform--

Hey, where's phil?
We better look for him.

S-see you next time on...

"May I have a word?"

want wordgirl's word power?

Fly over to your local library,
cape not required.

Word up!

♪ Favorite word,
what's your favorite word? ♪

My favorite word is "gymnastics"
because I'm a gymnast.

I started gymnastics
when I was about two years old,

And I really like the sport.

My favorite word
is "razzle-dazzle."

It's loud. It's bright.

I just like to say it
all day long.

Razzle-dazzle. Razzle-dazzle.

So many zs. Razzle-dazzle.

My room is probably


Captain huggy face,

Show us what irked means.

That's right! Irked means
to feel annoyed or bothered
by something.

Congratulations, huggy.

[Dance music playing]


Announcer: chuck e. Cheese's,
proud supporter of pbs kids,
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