01x16 - A Plague of Insecticons

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Transformers". Aired: September 17, 1984 – November 11, 1987.*
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Focuses on the Transformers, split into two warring factions: the heroic Autobots and the evil Decepticons as they crash land on Earth and continue their eons long conflict there.

1-4: The Transformers
5: Transformers: The Headmasters
6: Transformers: Super-God Masterforce
7: Victory
8: Zone
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01x16 - A Plague of Insecticons

Post by bunniefuu »

The Transformers

More than meets the eye

Autobots wage their battle to destroy
the evil forces of the Decepticons.

The Transformers

Robots in disguise

The Transformers

More than meets the eye

The Transformers

NARRATOR: On the tropical island of Bali,

lies an ancient and mysterious
expanse of watery jungle known as,

Demon Swamp.

Where a strange new form of robot
now st*lks the unwary traveler.

-Food approaches, approaches.

-There's something in the water.

[ screams ]

-What is happening?

-Welcome to Demon Swamp, swamp.

-Let's get out of here!


-Wait for me!

-Kickback. Your meal is escaping, escaping.

-In that case, I better hop to it!


-We must radio for help!

-Yes! We can't let those
monsters get to the farm.


There's more food to devour on a farm.


Bombsell, Kickback...

Transform this snack
into energy, energy.

-It is done, Shrapnel!

-To the farm, and more food!

-Dad, It's an S.O.S. from Bali, listen.

-They're being att*cked by
gigantic robot insects.

-Don't worry, Sparkplug.

The Skyfire exterminator
service is on the way.

-Hey, wait for me!

-Hold that door!

SPIKE: Dad! You better radio Optimus Prime.

I think we're gonna need
all the help we can get!

-Giant insects?

Well done, Laserbeak.

We must intercept them at once.

Prepare for arial renezvous.

Soundwave, send Ravage to investigate.

-Ravage, transform.

-He's on to something.

Let's go!

THUNDERCRACKER: A home for giant bugs.

-Not so, Thundercracker.

This is a Decepticon escape module.

It was launched before our
own starship crashed on Earth,

four milion years ago.

-Then the giant bugs aren't bugs at all.

They're Decepticons, like us.

THUNDERCRACKER: And their idento-computers,

adapted them for life on Earth,
by turning them into Insecticons.

-Insecticons transform, transform.

Attack, attack!

-[ man screams ]

-A plague of monsters from the sky!

OPTIMUS PRIME: According to the
coordinates Sparkplug radioed,

we're getting close.

So be prepared for anything!

IRONHIE: Hit the brakes!

[ villagers chanting ]

-That village celebration is
blcoking the road.

-Haven't you guys ever
heard of a shortcut?

Come on!

-Since when do you know
anything abou this conutry side?

-Listen, I've got search instincts like
a proton-powered pathfinder.

Watch it!

-Proton-powered pathfinder, huh?

-Uh... well, sure!

Uh, ya see, if we can't go
through those villagers,

we can go under them!

-Run! There are monsters in the fields!

-Monsters? What are they talking abou--

[ screms ]

I knew we should have
sprayed the crops!

-Fool! There is no spray to prevent this.


[ laughs ]

How was that, Shrapnel?

-Restain yourself, Kickback.

We are here to feed. Not to play, play.

Let's give our visitors a
fatal welcome, welcome.

-Ok! Everybody out!

-Fire, fire!

-Boy, talk about hot lips.

-But not hot enough to singe our steel.

-Yeah. Those robot bead bugs
aren't anything special.

-We got 'em out gunned and outnumbered.

-But not outsmarted!

Try my insecti-shells.

They will even the odds.

-And my electronic clone beams,

will spell your doom, doom.

BUMBLEBEE: How do they look to you guys?

-Ah, they're probably
just optical illusions.

I hope.

-Fire, fire!

Fire, fire!

-Still think they're optical
illusions, Brawn?

-This is no illusion, Autobot.

[ growls ]

Prepare for termination!

- Destroy then now, now!

-I sure hope Prime got Sparkplug's
message to meet us here.

SPIKE: Yeah. He and the other Autobots,

should be here by now.

-Tunneling under those villagers
is taking longer than I figured.

-You and your shortcuts.

-I still think this is the
best way to go.

You'll see.

-The cowards have hidden from us.

-Well, not for long.

-Quick! Behind me.

Those spikes can't penetrate
my repulser field.

-Great work, Windcharger, but
we're still in trouble.

-I can't fly us outta here.

That wallup from Kickback
shorted my transform circuits.

-Well, let's look at the brightside.

At least they didn't bring that
sawed off nerd, Rumble, along.

-I don't know you and
yet I feel a kinship, kinship.

-Decepticon science generated you,

just as it generated us.

-In that case it's my honor to
as you to help us destroy,

these animated
srap piles, scrap piles.

-With pleasure.

OPTIMUS RIME: Stand back, Sideswipe.

It's my turn.

-I'm not really tired,
but... if you insist.

-It's Optimus and the whole bunch!

Boy are we glad to see you!


-That's no way to travel, little fella.

-Yeah. Uh, next time I'll
call a cab.

-Autobots, attack!

-Deceptions, Insecticons, take to the air!

An oil refinery awaits our pleasure.

Once we have
taken its power,

we will deal with our
enemies once and for all.

-There ya go, Skyfire.

Your transform mechanisms unfritzed.

-Thanks. I'll keep an eye on
the Decepticons from skyside.

-Remember, Skyfire, we can't
help you from the ground,

so be careful.

-My sensors indicate
we are no longer alone.

-All right, Insecticons,

we'll take care of your clones,

you take care of Skyfire.

-With pleasure Megatron, Megatron.

-Uh-oh. What I wouldn't give
for a laser-power fly swatter.

-Swat this, you Autobot booby.


Stop buggin' me!

-Bit down! It's our only chance to hang on!

-Look! Skyfire's in trouble!

-I'm not exactly a flying ace,
but he needs help.


-Hey, thanks for the
hand, Wheeljack.

-Now try a foot!

-Contact, Wheeljack.

-Thanks, Prime. Keep on truckin'.

-The monsters are back!


-Energon cubes in production.

-Thundercracker, the pipes.

Once we have energized,

our enemies are finished.

[ laughs ]

-Distract Skfire, fire.

I'm going to use my special override waves,

on his friends below, below.

They will be powerless to resist me, me.

-Hey! Somebody ele is driving me!

-That big ugly bugs running us.

-He's got us on collision course!

-Prime! Get outta the way!


sh**t out our tires, before
he makes us do it again!

-You will destroy your friends, friends.

-Save your tires, guys!

Lets try a little force field to
interrupt his override waves.

-Interruption, interruption.

-Give me a toss, Optimus.

I wanna teach that bug a lesson.

-Go get 'im, Brawn!

-Gotcha, beetle-brain.

-Goodbye, Autobot.

-That's what I call going down to defeat,

from de feet.

-[ screams ]

-Comin' Brawn!

-Thanks, Skyfire.

I don't mind the takeoffs, but
the landings are m*rder.

-We've wasted enough time
on the Autobots, Autobots.

On to the Oil Refinery,

where we will claim our
share of the energy, energy.

-Thundercracker, more cubes. Hurry!

-You've been busy in
our absence, absence.

-Yes. And I'm sure fighting Autobots
has given you an appetite.

-Gnaw a hole in the
side of that tanker,

and drink your fill of
cool, refreshing, oil.

-Ah, delicious, delicious.

-And so rich in energy.

-Hey, watch it dragon breath.

-A visitor. Let's prepare a
suitably warm welcome.

-It's that crazy jet again!

BOMBSHELL: Careful, Shrapnel!

You could set the whole place on fire!

-More interlopers.

Soundwave, activate the Ravage cassette.

-Let's them, Autobots!

-This way, guys!

-Allow me.

I think this calls for a
shrapnel grenage, grenade.

-Excercise extreme caution.

We're floating in a potential inferno!

-Megatron said to give you a warm welcome!

-The oil tanker.

Ironhide, quick!

If the flames reach the refinery,
the whole place will explode.

Bombshell! Shrapnel! Look! Storm clouds!

The day is won!

-What is that idiot-headed
grasshopper talking about?

-He's talking about the
end of the Autobots!

-But our enemy is on the
ground, not in the sky.

-But our w*apon is in the clouds,

and Bombshell's expl*si*n
has brought it to us, us!


Taste the lightning, Autobot fools!

-It tastes terrible.

-[ laughs]


-There's gotta be something
we can do before we all get fried!

-There is! Bumblebee,
you've gotta transform!

-Spike, Bumblebee, stay back.

You'll be destroyed!

-Perish now, now!

SPIKE: We're still okay!

-what went wrong, wrong?

-Optimus, everyone, rubber
tires are insulation.

The lightning can't hurt you
when you're rolling on them!

-Now you're talkin'!

-Hop on, Wheeljack!

But watch my enamel!

-No! You will not defeat
Shrapnel, Shrapnel.

-Bug off, you Insecti-twerp!

-Oh, no,no!

-So much for weapons from the sky!

I have the most powerful w*apon
of all, floating in the sea!

When the refinery goes up,

the Autobots will never know what hit them!

-The tanker!

SPIKE: Trailbreaker, help!

Use your force field!
It's our only chance!

TRAILBREAKER: You got it, Spike!

-He cut off my control beam!

Our clones are doomed, doomed!

-Whoo... we made it.

-Not yet, you puny human!



-Maybe we picked the
wrong allies, Shrapnel.

We Insecticons need no allies, allies!

We shall preserve ourselves, selves!

-We earned this energy!

Now let's eat it and get out of here!

-The traitors!

We befriended them and now
they steal our power source!

MEGATRON: Forget the Autobots!

- Insecticons, fly, fly!

-Destroy the Insecticons!

-For once, I wish Megatron
the best o' luck.

-Unfortunately for us, the
Insecticons are Decepticons, too.

-And with the same engineering they
won't stay enemies for long.

-Very true, Wheeljack.

They'll be back.

But when they return...

-They'd better watch out!

-'Cause we'll be ready for 'em!

-Spoken like a true Autobot, Spike.

-Gee, do you really mean it?

-Why, just say the word, and I'll
design a vehicle transform for ya.

Maybe a motorcycle! Now that
would be something new!

-Uh, maybe we better wait until
I'm old enough to drive.

-Heh-heh! You've got yourself a deal!
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