03x03 - Princess Triana and the Ogre of Castlebum/Heat Wave, Crime Wave

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "WordGirl". Aired: September 3, 2007 – August 7, 2015.*
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Series follows WordGirl, a girl with superpowers whose secret identity is Becky Botsford, a student.
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03x03 - Princess Triana and the Ogre of Castlebum/Heat Wave, Crime Wave

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Word up,
it's wordgirl ♪

♪ Word up,
it's wordgirl ♪

♪ Flying at the speed of sound,
vocabulary that astounds ♪

♪ From the planet lexicon,
watch out, villains,
here she comes! ♪

♪ Faced with a catastrophe,
we need the living dictionary ♪

♪ Her superior intellect keeps
the crime world in check ♪

Go, girl!

♪ Huggy face is
by her side ♪

♪ Vocabulary a mile wide

♪ She'll make sure
that crime won't pay ♪

♪ And throw some mighty words
your way ♪

♪ Word up,
it's wordgirl ♪

Word up!

♪ From the planet lexicon

♪ Watch out, villains

♪ Here she comes!

♪ Wordgirl

Narrator: psst! Listen
for "reveal" and "devotion."

One evening outside
of the local bookstore,

Becky botsford and many
of the city's residents

Eagerly await
the midnight release

Of "princess triana
and the ogre of castlebum."

This is so exciting.

We're finally going to
find out what happens

To princess triana.

It feels like forever
since the last book came out.

The wait has been

I know.
I can't believe

They just left
poor princess triana

Hanging from a cliff
like that.

Wait. I thought she
was being forced
to marry

That smelly count.

No. You're thinking
of book .

Yes. Of course.
I--i knew that.

I've read it...
Several times,

And I've heard
the book on tape...

Several times.

There sure a lot
of people in line.

I hope they have
enough copies.



This cannot be the line
for the princess triana book.

Oh, yes, it is,

And the back of the line
is down there.

No! There must
be some mistake!

I'm early!

Not early enough

Oh, mother, this is
an outrage.

You people are not
supposed to be here!

Hi, ms. Liebre.

Hi, becky.
How's my best
customer ?

Anxious to get my hands

On "princess triana
and the ogre
of castlebum."

Becky is a very devoted
"princess triana" fan.

[Aww aww]

"Devoted"? Uh,
that means when you
love something so much

That you give it
a lot of your time

Like the way we're devoted
to each other.

[Ooh ooh]

You're welcome.

This midnight release party
was a great idea.


So, ms. Liebre,
do you know what happens

In the new book?

Oh, no. The author
didn't want
to reveal

Any details
about the story

Until the official

They're keeping
all the books

Under lock and key
at the publisher's

Until the stroke
of midnight.

Publisher's building, eh?

Hmm. I just might be
the first one to read
this book after all.

Mother, I forgot to
change into my, uh,

Waiting in line shoes.

They're in the car.
Back in two shakes.

Fine, dear.

I'm coming for you,
my princess.

Ha ha ho ha!
Ha ha ha!

Oh, he's up
to something.

Dad, uh, we'll be
right back.

Where you going?

Uh, I have to ask
a girl in line

Where she got her
princess triana

Inflatable jumpsuit.

Ok. I'll be here.

Becky: word up!

I don't know, mick.

This ogre of castlebum
sure looks like a mean guy.

He's so big.

Eh, the ogre's
a wimp.

Princess triana
could take him out

With her wand tied
behind her back.



Well, that was easy.
Good work, robot.

Now then...

♪ Princess triana,
where are you? ♪

Aha! Come to theodore.

Drop that book, tobey!

Ha! Wordgirl!
I don't think so.

I must know what
happens in the story

Before anyone else!

But that's unfair
to everyone waiting
in line.

I know, but aren't you
tempted just a little?

Uh, no.

Now, put down
the book

And back away
from the crate!

My word, girl,
you do look lovely
when you're angry.

I wonder what you'd
look like if you

♪ Furious


[Air escaping]


Face it, tobey.
If you want to read

"Princess triana
and the ogre
of castlebum,"

You're going to
have to wait in line
like the rest of us.

You may have stopped
me this time,

But I will get
that book
before midnight

Whether you like it
or not.

♪ I'm a little
teapot short
and stout ♪

I can't see!

Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha!

He's gone!

Yeah, but at least,
the books are safe.

Thanks, wordgirl.


Narrator: meanwhile,
back in line...

As if it isn't
bad enough having
to wait in line,

But I have to do it
with the likes
of this riffraff?

Oh, I know.
It's horrible.

Um, I was
including you
in that riffraff.

That's funny.
I was including you. Hmph.


Double hmph.

Oh, hi, becky.
So should I get you

That princess triana
inflatable jumpsuit
for your birthday?

Inflatable jumpsuit?

Oh, right. Heh heh.
No. Don't bother.

It--it wasn't
that well made.

One little monkey bite,
and it popped, right bob?

I see winking.
What are you two
up to?

Ms. Liebre:
it won't be long now, everyone.

The books are
in an armored truck

And are on their way
to the store as we speak.

Hey, hey!

There he goes again.

Let's follow him.

Where you going, becky?
The books are almost here.

Uh, bob forgot
to apologize
to that girl

For eating
her jumpsuit.

If you owe her
any money, bob...

♪ It's coming out
of your allowance ♪


I want to know what happened
to prince van landingham.

He disappeared
two books ago,

And they've never revealed
where he went.


Lovely to see you
again, gentlemen,

But if you wouldn't mind,
I'd like a few moments alone

With the princess.


Stop right there,

Oh, hello, wordgirl.

Here to stop me
or join me?

Stop you!

Hmm. Too bad.
I have devoted
my entire evening

To reading this book
before anyone else,

And I will!


That wasn't too hard.

What, no "my robot"?

What's that now?

Sorry. I wasn't
paying attention.

I've just been doing
a bit of reading.

Hey, no fair.
Put that down!

I don't think
I can put it down, wordgirl.

It's just too good!

Already there are
some very surprising

Would you like me to
reveal some of them?

Ohh! You wouldn't!

Oh, I would.

For example,
did you know that

Prince van landingham
is, in fact, still alive?

Stop! Don't tell me!

Yeah, tobey.
Don't reveal
what happens!


"Reveal" means to give
away a secret

Or show something
that's hidden

Like whether or not
prince van landingham
is alive.

♪ He is


Or revealing
whether or not

The princess falls
from the cliff.

♪ She does


But the bubble-breathing
dragon saves her.

Oh, thank goodness.

Wait, tobey.
Don't reveal any more.

If we already know
what happens,

It will ruin
all the fun.

Oh, I'm finished,
and so are you!

[Huggy face screeches]


Oh! Ow!

Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha!



"Princess triana
and the ogre of castlebum."

No! I can't,
but I want to.

No! I have to at least
try to break out of here.

Unh! Uh, ehh.

Oh, well, I'm stuck.

Guess I have no choice.

Heh heh.

Oh! Uh, hey, huggy.
Ha ha ha!

How'd you get
in here.

[Ooh ooh,
ack ooh]

It was open. Funny.

I guess I should
have checked that.

Right. Well, time to
go after tobey.

Word up!

Woops. Must have

It was in my hand.

Ok. Word up!

Narrator: tobey has escaped
with a stolen copy

Of "princess triana
and the ogre of castlebum."

Will wordgirl
and captain huggy face

Track him down
before midnight?

Will tobey's secret
reading spot,

In the belly of his robot,

Every be revealed by me
right now?


Ah, a book is somehow
more enjoyable

When you're doing
something bad

Just by reading it.


Oh, it's you.

Step away
from the book, tobey.

But it was just
getting good.

Why? What's
happening in it?


Right, right.

Uh, put it down, tobey,
end of story.

Are you sure?

Wouldn't it interest
you to know

That princess triana
has reunited

With the handsome knight
sir finvold?


Or how the ogre
of castlebum
may have taken

Prince van landingham

Aah! Stop revealing
the story!

You're spoiling it!

Now, robot, attack!

[Ooh ooh]

Oh, what's this?
The princess is
turning the tables...

♪ La la la la,
I can't hear you
I can't hear you ♪

And she's kissing him
on the cheek!

Ha ha!

♪ Missed me, missed me,
no you have to-- ♪

Oh! You ripped out
the last pages.

[Ooh ooh
ahh ooh]

Those pages reveal
the ending!

Good job, huggy!

Oh, nice monkey.
Nice monkey.

No! Stop!
Spit those out!


Ohh! Malfunctioning robot!

Wordgirl: psst.

This is not going
to end well.

Wordgirl: excuse me.
Mrs. Maccallister?

Do I even need to
say anything?

Ow! Ow! Ooh!
Ow! Ow! Ow!

Mom, seriously.


The book is on sale!

Let's go, huggy!

Oh, there you are.

Just in time!

Uh, yeah, thanks
for holding
our place, dad.

Sorry. Looks like
we're all out.


Ooh, sorry, becky.

No! But we waited
in line!

I knew I should
have read it

When I had
the chance!


Uh, nothing.

Let's go home.

Oh, becky, I'm glad
you're still here.

I have something
for you.

Ohh! Thank you,
ms. Liebre!

I had to save one
for my most
devoted customer.

Thank you!

You're very welcome.

Ok, bob. Ready
to find out

What happened
to the princess?

[Ooh ahh ooh]

Wow! Wow! Wow!

What did you think?


Narrator: well, there you have
it, devoted "wordgirl" fans.

We made it all the way
through the episode,

And we didn't even reveal
that when princess triana
kissed the ogre of castlebum

He turned back
into the long-lost
prince van landingham.

Can you believe it?


Sorry. Tune in next time

To see what gets revealed

In another exciting adventure
of "wordgirl."

Hello. I'm beau handsome,
and this is...

"May I have a word?"

As usual, the player
who correctly defines
today's featured word

Will win
a fabulous prize.

Let's play...

"May I have a word?"

Yes, you may.
Today's featured word
is "stroll."

To give you a clue,
here are some clips
from "wordgirl"

That show the meaning
of the word.

Go ahead, emily.

Becky has such
awesome friends.

She and violet
talk about--

Um, could you--

Oh, and scoops.
One time, scoops
asked becky

If she wanted
a sandwich,

And she got all
nervous because she
had a crush on him,

And so she said
she wasn't--

Hungry. Yeah. We know.

It's from the episode
"I could go for a sandwich."

Yes. Uh, we really
should be getting back--

Her closest friend
is definitely bob.

Sure, we may not
understand him,

But becky knows
exactly what
he's saying.

Uh, yes, emily?

To stroll is to
walk along,
taking your time.

Yes. Congratulations,

You are today's

Huggy, show her
what she's won,

An official
"wordgirl" jet pack.

Yes, strap on this baby
when strolling's just
too darn slow.

Emily: oh, but
taking a stroll best

When you want
to talk to
your friends.

That's it
for today's show.

See you next time on...

"May I have a word?"

♪ Wordgirl

Narrator: listen for the words
"swelter" and "opportunity."

A sweltering heat wave
has taken over the city,

Leaving its citizens
completely pooped.

Move over.
Your fur is hot.

Tj, it's your turn
to refill the pool.

Uh, no. I can't reach.


Ok. Ok. I'm going.

Holy capri pants,
it's hot out here.

Hey, kids, and bob,
you know what would
be great right now?

A trip to splashy

So we can splish,
splish, splish
in the summer sun?

♪ And we can splash,
splash, splash ♪

♪ Till the evening
comes ♪

♪ At splashy splasherton's

♪ The hottest cool time
on the planet, yeah ♪

Becky: all right!

Last one to the car
sits next to hot,
furry bob!

Hold on there, son.

We can't go yet.why not?

We have to wait
until :

When the park has
its two for one
admission special.

I buy tickets
for becky and bob,

And then you and I
get in for free.

Now that's what I call
an opportunity for savings.

I've heard
there's this spot
in the parking lot

That's a total
splash zone.

Let's go now,
and we can
get soaked

Before we even
go inside.

For free?
For free.

Well, what are we
waiting for?

I don't know!

Man on radio:
whew. Breaking news.

Reports are just
coming in that
an armored car

Was stolen
by a little old lady

Flying around
in a suit of armor,

And in a check
on the weather,

It's--it's hot.

That's got to be
granny may

[Ooh ooh]

I know you want go
to splashy splasherton's,

But we've got
a villain to catch.

Hey, guys.
Bob just reminded me

That we have to find
a butterfly

For a school project
about butterflies.

Ah, the majestic

Ok. But hurry back.aw.

Right. Come on, bob.

Move over.

Narrator: meanwhile,
there's at least one person

Who isn't bothered
by the sweltering heat.

Ooh, boy, it's a scorcher!

Ha ha! Not that
I care. Boop!

Computer voice:
outside temperature

Inside robo granny
temperature degrees.

I am as cool as can be

Inside this
air conditioned armor!

And with the heat wave
tiring everybody else out,

I have the opportunity to steal
whatever I want,

Easy as--unh!


Going somewhere?

Are you ok, dearie?

You're looking a little...
Worn out.

I'm fine. It's just
a little...


Yeah. It's sweltering.

Yes. Well, I'm sure
it's swell to do
a lot of things,

But I don't have
time, kid.

No. I said
it's sweltering.

means uncomfortably hot,"

Like today.

It's so hot, it's natural
to do a little sweating.

Not in here, it isn't!

Ha ha ha!

Sorry, dear.

Ugh! Get this yarn
off of me!

I'm sweltering!

Ha ha! Ta-ta for now!

That's it, huggy.
That granny's
going down,

Just as soon as i...

Maybe we should have
gone with short sleeves.

Narrator: uh, guys?


I probably shouldn't
tell you this,

But it's pretty hot out,
and it just doesn't seem fair.

What doesn't seem fair?

T.j. Is trying
to convince your dad

To go to the water park
without you.

that little sneak!

But, hey, don't...

Tell him...i told you...so.


Let's just go
to the next scene.

Of course I'm sure, dad.

Becky practically
told me that she and bob
prefer this pool.

We should just
go without them.

I don't know, t.j.

Bob seemed
pretty excited.

I mean, he poured
water on his head.

That kind of enthusiasm
is hard to fake.

I'm telling you, dad,
we'd be doing them a favor
by going without them.

Doing us a favor, huh?

Hey! Becky! Bob!

How long have you guys
been standing there?

Well, we're all
here now.

So let's
splish-splash to
splishy splasherton.

Yeah! Wait!

What am I doing?
I can't go to splashy's.

Granny's still on the loose.

Then again, if granny
commits another crime,

I could always just leave
splashy splasherton's
to go after her.

In fact, I probably should
go to splashy's,

Just in case granny
takes this opportunity
to rob it.

What better place to rob
during a heat wave
than a water park?

Ha ha ha!

Ohh. Who am I kidding?

Like it or not,
as long as granny's out there,

It's our job to find her.


Good point, bob.
Splashy's it is.

Man: this just in.

The same old lady
in flying armor

Is now robbing
an ice cream stand.

It's still hot,

With continuing hotness
and a very hot tomorrow. Oh.

Oh, no!


Aw, come on, bob.

Don't make this
any harder than it is.

We'll have other
opportunities to go.

You know, opportunity--

A chance for you to get
something you want,

Like our opportunity
to catch granny may.


Right. Or our opportunity
to go to the water park.

But right now,
we have to go after her.

Go after who?


Butterfly fairy.

Don't tell me you've
never heard of the
butterfly fairy.

Oh, I've heard of her.

I'm just not sure
why you have to find her
right now.

School project, dad.
We'll be right back.


And then we can all
go to the water park. Ok?


Now, what were you
saying about leaving
without them?

Be a dear and hand over
the cash, sonny.

Forget it,
robot granny.

Oh. Well, maybe
I'm not making myself
clear, young man.

Hand over the money now,

Or I will use
my jetpack

To melt
all the ice cream!

B-but it's sweltering out.

Heh heh heh!

All the more reason
to hand over the money.

[Register dings]

Along with
a vanilla cone
with sprinkles, please.

Going somewhere...


Oh! Hungry for some
ice cream, are you?

Mmm. Ice cream.

Ah! Forget it,

The only ice cream
we want

Is the ice cream
of justice!

That sounded better
in my head!

If you don't
want ice cream,

Then how about
a sweater?


Hmm. A bit quicker
on your toes
this time, huh?

Let's see if this
slows you down!

Wordgirl, help!

Aw, man,
it's sweltering in here.

Huggy, quick!

Ta-ta for now!


Narrator: meanwhile,
back at the botsfords...

Just think of it, dad.

Standing there
in the splashy splasherton
parking lot.


And a giant wave
of cold, refreshing water

Comes right up
over the fence.

Oh, baby!

Completely soaking you.
Can't you feel it, dad?

Yeees. Yes!

We're back!

We weren't going anywhere!

Aw, beck!

We're tired of
waiting for you

To finish up
your butterfly project.

We want to go to


Granny may: sorry
to interrupt, folks,

But this is
a private message
for wordgirl.

If the rest of you
would be so kind

As to cover your ears,
it'd be much obliged.


Hello, wordgirl!

I thought you
might be interested
to learn

That I have just stolen
the hoboken diamond.

If you want to stop me,

Meet me on
houston street downtown!


I have to go.

What now?

More butterflies.
For school.

But it's already
; !

Trust me.
This is not
going to take long.

That's what you said
last time!


Tell you what.

If we're not back
by : ,

You can leave
without us, ok?


Come on, bob.

We've got a big
armored butterfly
to catch.


Ok, granny,
we got your message.

Now can we
hurry this up?

We have someplace else
to be.

You want it?
Well, come and get it!

Ha ha ha!


[All sigh]

Unh! So hot.


Oh, no.

Oh! Only more minutes
till : .

I've got to get that diamond.

Granny: whoo-hoo!

Oh, come on, wordgirl!

I thought you were
faster than that.

Ha ha ha!

Too hot. Can't move!

Never get to water park in time.

[Granny chuckles]

Just the opportunity
I've been waiting for!

Narrator: is this the end
of wordgirl?

Is she really too weak to move?

Should she have just
gone to the water park?


Narrator: yeah, I guess
that one's pretty obvious.

Ice bags!
Get your ice bags here!


Oh! Hey!

What did you
put on my back?

Computer: outside temperature

Outside temperature cold.

Oh. Oh, no.

The temperature is down.

That'll activate the...

Computer: heating system

I'm sweltering!

Get it off me.
Get it off me!

Hot out here,
isn't it, granny?

Ooh. Ohh.


Oh, I mean,
it sure is.

If I could just
dash off

And splash some cold water
on my face.

Yeah. I don't think so.



Oh! Now we're never
gonna make it.

♪ Splashy
splasherton's ♪

♪ The hottest cool time
on the planet ♪

Two minutes to spare!

No more butterflies?

Nope! We just caught
the one we were looking for.

Right, bob?

All right!

Splashy splasherton's,
here we come!



No way.

You've got to be
kidding me.

Come on, kids.

We were gonna
get drenched,

Maybe they'll
give us a rainy-day



Narrator: and so, once again,

Wordgirl has put an end
to granny may's criminal

And once again,

Mr. Botsford looks for
any opportunity to
save a little money.

Join us next time
for more red-hot--

Dare I say sweltering--action

In another episode
of "wordgirl."

♪ Wordgirl!

Hello. I'm beau handsome,

And this is
the bonus round of...

Audience: may I have a word?

Emily, you correctly
defined the word "stroll."

Ready to play
the bonus round?

mr. Handsome.

Ok. Take a look
at these pictures,

And tell me which one
shows the definition
for "stroll."

Ok. Time's up.

Um...is it number ?

No. I'm sorry, emily.

A stroll means
"walking along slowly."

Picture number one
shows mr. And mrs. Botsford

Taking a stroll.

Huggy, show emily
what she could have won.

It's the all-new
official wordgirl
jetpack with bubble action!

That's great

Because I'm allergic
to bubbles.

That is great!

Join us next time on...

Audience: may I have a word?

Announcer: want wordgirl's
word power?

Fly over to your local library.

Cape not required.

Word up!

♪ Wordgirl!

I like "mystery"

Because I feel like it brings
out a lot of suspense

And it makes you think,

"Ooh, what's the mystery
gonna be?"

And it's sort of like a brain--
like a brain twister

Because you really want
to know what it is.

I like the word "elfin"

Because it's--not a lot of
people know the world,

And it means something like
"describing something
like a fairy,"

Which it kind of does.

Like, small and mischievous
and elf-like.

That's why I like the word

♪ That's my favorite word

Captain huggy face,
show us what delighted means.

That's right! Delighted means
to feel really, really good
about something.

Congratulations, huggy.

[Dance music playing]

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