03x05 - Meat with a Side of Cute/Mr. Big Words

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "WordGirl". Aired: September 3, 2007 – August 7, 2015.*
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Series follows WordGirl, a girl with superpowers whose secret identity is Becky Botsford, a student.
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03x05 - Meat with a Side of Cute/Mr. Big Words

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Word up, it's wordgirl

♪ Word up, it's wordgirl

♪ Flying at the speed of sound

♪ Vocabulary that astounds
from the planet lexicon ♪

♪ Watch out, villains,
here she comes ♪

♪ Faced with a catastrophe,
we need the living dictionary ♪

♪ Her superior intellect
will keep the crime world
in check ♪

♪ Go girl

♪ Huggy face is by her side,
vocabulary a mile wide ♪

♪ She'll make sure
that crime won't pay ♪

♪ And throw some mighty
words your way ♪

♪ Word up, it's wordgirl,
word up! ♪

♪ From the planet lexicon

♪ Watch out, villains,
here she comes! ♪

♪ Wordgirl

listen for the words
"frantic" and adorable."

Becky botsford, otherwise known
as wordgirl,

Must face her greatest enemy

In the world
of family games--charades.

Uh, uh, waving your
arms frantically.

Um...i know this...

[Squeaks]the leaning
tower of pisa?

There's no way.

He's right!wordgirl: ugh.

Well played, bob.

It's your turn,

Oh, oh, I know this.

Rotten eggs,
rotten eggs!

Um, actually, dad
bob says he hasn't
started yet.

Oh, my bad.[Alarm bell ringing]

An alarm.


Bob also said
he needs

To walk around
the city for a while

To try to think of
what he wants to do.

Hmm. Bob sure said a lot
with just one squeak.

monkey talk, dad.
Come on, bob.

Bye, guys.
Might as well

Do a little practicing
on my own.


[Ringing]narrator: across town,

We see the reason
behind the latest alarm bell--

The master of meaty mayhem
himself, the butcher.

I thought I told you

Not to sound
the alarm.

I goofed.

[Sigh] whatever.

Just fill
this sackle
with money, please.

Fill the what?

You know--sackle?

Oh. You mean sack.

Sack is another word
for bag.

Yeah. Great.
What's another word
for "right now"?


Oh. I didn't
know that.
Thank you.

Say, you look like
a size , sir.
Am I correct?


Well, we have the perfect
shoes for you.

Here. Take a look.

Those are very nice,
but it's not like

I get invited
to a lot of
fancy parties.

Then again,
you never know.

All right.
Put 'em in the bag.

Wordgirl: you'd
better be fitted

For jail shoes
instead, butcher.


Huggy, let's
take him down.

Against one, huh?
Well, not anymore,

'Cause now I've got
a fuzzy helper, too.

Meet the meathook!


[Gasp] oh, my gosh,
he's adorable!

Where did you
get him?

Uh, I found him hanging outside
butcher headquarters.

He was looking to join my g*ng.

It was in the morning, see,
and he was outside,

And he was all like,
"meow, meow."

That's when I knew
he was bad news.
Bad news.

Can I pet him?
Please, please, please

Can I pet him?

No. I don't ask
to pet your sidekick.

Meathook! Let 'em have it
with your venom claw!


Aww! So adorable!

Uh, what are you,

Uh, this thing is
the meanest kitten
in the whole world!

Tenderize them!

aww! So cute!

This is

His little,
teeny paws!

Uh, while he's
warming up, uh,

A pastrami attack!

Oh! Uhh.

Come on, meathook.
Hey, thanks for the shoes.

You're welcome.

Listen, meathook, I know it was
your first time out and all,

But I have to say,
I was expecting

A little more from you.

Why didn't you
do to wordgirl

What you did to the arms
of my easy chair? Huh?

All you did was roll around
and look cute.

I don't know if I can take you
out on any more missions

Until you're ready.

Maybe you can answer
the phone until then.

I don't know.

I mean, if I hadn't blasted them

While they were all
distracted by you--

Hold on a second.

When you did that,
wordgirl wasn't

Paying any attention to me.

She was powerless against you
and your cuteness.

That's your power.

Meathook, you're
a cuteness genius.

and to think I was
about to fire you.

Meathook, it's time
to give you
a new name,

Something that lets
everyone know

That you mean

Something like...
Li'l' mittens.

Oh, yeah!

This town's about
to get cutified.

Narrator: meanwhile,
back at the botsford house...

I don't know
what to do, bob.

How do we
defend ourselves

Against something
so adorable?

The frantic declaration
of independence.

It's a movie!

Dad, you aren't
supposed to talk.

Well, you aren't even
paying attention.

Every guess is "frantic this"
or "frantic that."

Uh, well, you look
so frantic.

You know, frantic--
moving around quickly,

Wild with excitement.

Like this!

I look like that?

I should act out
something else

Before I hurt myself.

What should I do?
What should I do?[Alarm bell rings]

Uh, uh, while you're
thinking about it, dad,

Bob wants to go
for another walk.

To get ready
for his next turn.

Oh, that bob.
Always prepared.

Have fun, you guys. Yah!

Look at the kitten.

It's so adorable.

Woman: hey, does anyone
have any string?

Why, yes.

All: aww!

Well, that was enough cuteness
for today.

Now back to work.

Hey, don't we usually
keep money in our bank?

Great job, li'l' mittens!

Now to escrape
before wordgirl
shows up.

The word is
"escape," butcher,

And you're too late!

Am i, wordgirl?

Li'l' mittens,

Feed 'em a slice
of cutie pie.

Wordgirl: aah!
I'm not looking
I'm not looking!

Captain huggy face, get him!


Ha ha ha.
Nobody can resist

The adorkable power
of li'l' mittens.

No, no, no.

You mean

It means really,
really cute,

Like what
li'l' mittens is
doing right now.

It's so adorable.

Yes, you are.
Yes, you are--aah!

Ta ta, word girl.
Come on, mittens.

Narrator: back at
the butcher's lair,

Li'l' mittens' reign
of cuteness continues.

You did it,
li'l' mittens.

You took care
of wordgirl
and her sidekick

all by yourself!

Who's a cute, little
criminal, huh?

You are.
Yes, you are.
Yes, you are!

You know, I'm sorry
I doubted you, little guy.

You had it in you
all along.

Now let's celebrate!

[Bat hits ball][crowd cheering]


Wordgirl: I wasn't
going to look,

But I was
counting on you

Not looking, either.[Squeaks]

It's just so hard.

It's like I have
this cuteness sense

That just goes off
as soon as he's around.

[Breathing heavily]

Hi, dad.
Are you ok?

You seem
a little frantic.

Why, sure,
I'm frantic.

I raced home
from shopping

So we could
finish our game.

Oh, great. Uh.

Funny thing--
on my way home,

I saw the cutest
little kitten

Sitting in front of
the jewelry store.

Almost tripped
over the little guy.

A kitten?
What did it look like?

Well, was he
ever adorable.

He had one of those
little paper hats

That they wear
in the butcher's shop.

[Gasp] let's go.

Becky? Bob?
Hello? I'm alone.

Ok. Now, remember,
stick to the plan.

No unnecessary chances.
You got it?


You are the cutest
little thing.

Hold it
right there, butcher!

Oh, yeah?
Li'l' mittens.

Stop, flop,
and roll.

Oh, no.
Not this time, butcher

Come on.
Bring on the cute.



Right. Stay focused.

You won't get me so easily
this time, butcher.

Fine by me.
I'm itchin'

For an old-fashioned throwdown.

Oh, hold on.
Time out.

Time out?
For real?

There you go.

Daddy will be
right back, ok?

What? This is no place
for a little kitty.


Time in!
Pork chop chop!


Salami slam!

Wordgirl: take this![Crash]

Butcher: mutton maul!

Wordgirl: ha! Missed!

Coming back atcha,

Hold it.
Hold it.
Time out.

Time out?yeah, time out.

I gotta check on
[gasp] no!

Li'l' mittens!

Li'l' mittens?
Where'd you go?


Li'l' mittens!

This isn't happening.
This isn't happening!

Wordgirl: it's ok.
We'll find him.

I just want my
li'l' mittens back.

He could be hurt.
I have to find him.

Don't get so frantic.

I am not
getting frantic!

You sound frantic
to me.

You're a big help.

You know what?

Ham-alanche? Aah!

Li'l' mittens!

[Huggy squeaks]
you're right, huggy.

We have to get
out of here

And find li'l' mittens.

Oh, and stop
the butcher.

Narrator: a little later,
and still no sign

Of that adorable, little kitten
li'l' mittens.

Li'l' mittens!
Li'l' mittens!

Oh. It's you.
What do you want?

We just saw you
down here

Frantically looking
for li'l' mittens.

I thought we could help.

Then we could
finish battling

And I could take you
to jail.

I don't need your help.

In fact, it's your fault

That li'l' mittens is gone.

My fault?
Maybe if you didn't

Try to lead him
into a life of crime,

Li'l' mittens
would still be around.

Hey, he came to me
looking to join up, ok?

He came to me.

If you just
let us get away,

He wouldn't be lost
right now.

This is all your fault.
Your fault!

Huggy! Duck for cover.

Your--[cat meows]

Is this your kitty cat?

Li'l' mittens!
Where have you been?

Are you hurt?
Let me look at you!

Where did you find him?

He was just down
the street,

Chasing a butterfly.

Thank you so much.
Thank you.

You're a naughty,
little kitty.
Yes, you are.

You scared the ham
outta me.

Don't you run away
like that again, ok?

Oh, li'l' mittens.

I hate to break up
this reunion,

But we do have
to take you to jail.

All right, butcher.
Come with us.

Li'l' mittens!
Li'l' mittens!

Do you want me
to take care of him
while you're gone?

You'd do that for me?

Thank you.
You got references,

Narrator: and with the butcher
safely captured...

Make sure he has
enough water.
Spring water.

Narrator: and with the butcher--not tap!

All: aww!

Narrator: aww indeed.
And so wordgirl
and captain huggy face

Have once again saved the day,

This time from a frantic butcher
and an adorable kitty cat.

Join us next time
for another exciting installment

Of "wordgirl."

Hello. I'm beau handsome
and this is...

All: "may I have a word"!

As usual, the player

Who correctly defines
today's featured word

Will win a fabulous prize.

Let's play...

All: "may I have a word"!

Yes, you may.
Today's featured word
is "dazzling."

To give you a clue,
here are some clips
from "wordgirl"

That show the meaning
of the word.


Tommy, did you want
to buzz in?

I was just thinking
of all the examples

Of dazzling in "word girl."

There's the hoboken diamond,
of course,

And all the jewels
in the jewelry store.

You sure seem to know
what "dazzling" means.

Why don't you just buzz--

Also, the eyes
of wordgirl are dazzling.

Her eyes?

Yes. Do you dare
to disagree?

Instead of answering
that question,

Why don't you
answer mine?

How do you define

[Ding]"dazzling" means bright,

Almost blinding.

That is correct.
Congratulations, tommy.

You are today's winner.

Huggy, show him
what he's won.

An official "wordgirl"
giant disco ball.

All: ooh!

Yes, now you can
boogie on down
and feel the beat

Under the magic
of a spinning light.

A pretty dazzling prize,
eh, tommy?

Meeting wordgirl
would be better.

Yeah. See you next time on...

All: "may I have a word"!

♪ Wordgirl

Narrator: psst. Listen for
"clarify" and "proceed."

Just another typical day
in our fair city.

That's funny.
I don't remember seeing

That ominous-looking
radio tower before.

Well, that's because
it wasn't there before.

Narrator: oh. Mr. Big.

Soon the city will be
under my control,

With a little help
from wordgirl.

Ahem. Leslie?

Yes, sir.
Put one of these.

On the side of every
building in town.

Yes, sir.

It's time to start
phase one.

[Tower humming]

Narrator: meanwhile,
in the grocery store...


Relax! No grocery store
would be complete

Without banana bon bons.


Excuse me, I'm looking
for a tube of--

I'm sorry.
What were you
looking for?

I seek
a cylindrical container

Full of mouth cleaner.


Why, if it's cleaner
you want,

We've got tile cleaner,
spot cleaner,
chrome cleaner.

Why, we've even got
cleaner cleaner.

Negative. I require
a cylindrical container

Filled with
mouth cleaner.

Oh! Containers!
Well, we've got--

Uh, excuse me,

Maybe I can help clarify.

A cylindrical container
is a tube,

And mouth cleaner,
that probably means toothpaste.

So what your customer
is looking for

Is a tube of toothpaste.

A tube
of toothpaste.

Well, why didn't you
just say so?

I thought I just did.

There you go.oh, thanks.

Say, if it's
cylindrical tubes
you're looking for,

How about
some cheese,

Or pudding,
or car wax?

[Bob squeaks]

[Crash][bob moans]


A cylindrical container
of mouth cleaner

Is an odd way
to ask for a tube
of toothpaste.


Nice when my vocabulary
skills come in handy.

[Squeaks]yeah, I guess
I hear a hum.


Well, it doesn't
automatically mean

Something's going on.

Sometimes a hum
is just a hum.

[Horns honking]

Proceed with
your automobile.

What? I have no idea
what you want me to do!

[Honking horn]

Communication breakdown.

This looks like a job

For wordgirl.
Word up!

One last time, proceed
or you will be apprehended.

But how can I proceed

When I don't know what
"proceed" means?

"Proceed" means
to go forward

Or continue
doing something.

So I should just go?

Yup. Continue driving.

Wordgirl, you are
a genius.

Oh, well, I don't
know about that.

Just clarifying
another misunderstanding.

Hmm. That's odd.

Sounds like another
heated quarrel

On the other side
of the town.

yes, I hear
the hum, too, but--

That quarrel's
getting out
of control.

Let's go.
Word up!

Narrator: meanwhile,
at the public swimming pool...

No, no, no.
I instructed you

To deposit the soil
into the chasm
across the pool.

Huh? All I heard
was "pool."

Thank goodness.

Yeah. We got us
a word-based

Misunderstanding here.

I'll do my best to
clarify the situation.


You know,
clear things up.

To help someone
understand something.

Oh. Now it's clear.

You boss wanted you
to dump the dirt

Into the chasm
across the street
from the pool.

A chasm is
a really big hole.

Oh! There it is.

Thanks, wordgirl.
You're really smart.

Well, let's just say

I know a thing or
about vocabulary.

Man: I can't understand you.
Help, wordgirl.

That's my cue.
Come on, huggy.

Hey! Dirt pool!

Narrator: meanwhile, at an evil
villain's penthouse apartment...

Yes! People are using big words
all over the city,

Confusion, chaos, and word girl
swooping around,

Defining words
and saving the day.

Phase one is a success.

Now on to phase .

Have you
finished placing

All of the word suckers?

You mean the microphones?

Y--no, well,

Those big things
that suck all of
the words

Out of the air,
you know.

Word suckers.

Then yes.

Voice of wordgirl: clarify.
You know, clear things up.

To help someone
understand something.

It works!

"Trousers" is another
word for pants.

He wants to buy
a pair of pants.

"Canine" is another
word for "dog."

She wants to know
if she can
pet your dog.

[crowd cheering]

Wordgirl, I believe
I speak

For this entire
collective assemblage

When I say kudos to you.

Gotta go.

Ah, word girl.
Fare thee well.

Tj has
a huge vocabulary?

This is
getting weird.

Whoop! Back and forth

Like a little, red
ping-pong ball.


Voice of wordgirl: "canine" is
another word for "dog."


Phase is a success!

The city is in chaos,

And the only thing
that will save it

Will be my new product--

Something brand-new.

Something that no one
has ever seen before.

[Breathing heavily]

I'm exhausted.

ok, I admit it.

I'm having fun.

I've never felt
so needed

In such
a specific,

kind of way.


What? Whoa.
What is that thing?

"The word sucker.

"Another fine
product from--

[Gasp] mr. Big


Come on, huggy.
It's time we paid

Mr. Big
a little visit.

Narrator: meanwhile,
down at the loading docks...

Be careful
with those, leslie.

Yes, sir.

Those crates contain my latest

And greatest invention.

Don't you want to know
what it is?

Whew. I already
know, sir.

Right. Right.

Lose something,
big guy?

My word sucker!
That's private property,
you know.

Were you
recording all
those definitions

I gave to people?


But why?

What are you up to?

Oh, all right.

I can't hold it in any longer.

I've been sabotaging the city

With my "big word"
mind control ray,

Then recording all of
your definitions.

So I could
create these.

Big boxes?

No. What's inside
these big boxes.

What's inside
those big boxes?

Well, I can't
tell you that yet.

That's for phase .

But I think
you'll like them.

I wouldn't bet on it.
I'm taking you down, big.

Oh, come now.
You've enjoyed
every minute of this.

Everyone confused by big words,

Begging you for help.

The attention, the appreciation,
the applause.


Well, maybe just a little.

Ha ha! I knew it.

Admit it, wordgirl.
Bigger is
always better.

No, it's not.
It's more important

To use the right word
than the biggest word.

[Mocking] ok.

Come on, huggy.
Let's take him.

Uh, not so fast.


I just cranked up
my big word machine
to .

Now the city
is really
going berserk!

Everyone is using
big words,

And nobody
can understand
anyone else.

[Voices speaking at once]

Well, wordgirl,

Looks like you can
stick around here

And see what phase is

Or save the city by doing
what you do best.

What's it going to be?

Oh...word up!

I thought so.
Ha ha ha!

Oh, my gosh.
We've got so much
to clarify.

To the concert. No.

To the mall. No.

To the freeway!

[Antenna humming]


Yes, I still
hear the hum!

You think that it's from
mr. Big's big word ray?


I don't know.
I mean, that hum

Could be coming
from anywhere.

Narrator: actually, it's coming
from a giant radio tower

Sitting right on top
of mr. Big's building.

You told me so.

Seems kind of
obvious now.

Oh, well.

One big word mind control
radio tower going down!

Mr. Big: not so fast,


Oh! Oh!

Ha ha!

What is this thing?

It's my hero sucker.

Let us go, mr. Big.

No! Not until I tell you
the end of my brilliant plan!

I've waited all episode.

Fine. What is
your big, big plan?

I can't wait
to hear it.

Ok. To recap,
phase one:

Use mind control
to make people
say big words.

Phase :
suck all
the big words,

With the definitions
that you

So helpfully provided,
out of the air.


Oh! Sneaky!

And now, phase .

I wrote down
all those big words
and their meanings

And made them into a book.

Now, the only thing that
will save this city

From falling
into a big mess

Of big word confusion

Will be this--
mr. Big's big book
of big words.

I'll make millions.

Wait. Why are you laughing?

I'm triumphant.

I'm the only one
who should be laughing.

So, you made
a dictionary, did you?

I made a what now?

A dictionary,
you know,

A big book of words
and their definitions.

You've never heard
of a dictionary?

Well, no.
I took a lot of business
classes in school.

It never came up.

Did you know about this?

Of course, sir.

Why didn't you
say something?

I thought you
just really wanted

To write
a dictionary.

Hey, you mind
if I destroy this
radio tower now?

Oh, I don't care.
Do what you want.


[Humming stops]

Hey, want a piece
of gum?

Oh, I'd love one.

Right on.

A whole big plan
down the tubes.

[Sigh] I tell you,
this just isn't
my day.

Well, it just might
be my day,

Because you're about
to be incarcerated.

I'm sorry, could you--

Clarify? Sure.

That means
you're going
to jail, mister.

Now, huggy!

Should've seen
that coming.

Narrator: so once again,
wordgirl and captain huggy face

Save the city and clarify
a whole bunch of words
along the way.

Join us again next time
for another fabulous,

Miraculous, remarkable,
and just plain good
episode of "wordgirl."

Hello. I'm beau handsome

And this is
the bonus round of...

All: "may I have a word"!

Tommy, you correctly defined
the word "dazzling."

Ready to play
the bonus round?

I sure am!

Ok, take a look
at these pictures

And tell me which one
shows the definition
of "dazzling."

Any guesses, tommy?

Ha. That's easy.
Number .

The butcher clearly thinks

The shiny hoboken diamond
is dazzling.

That's correct, tommy!

You've won
the bonus round.

Huggy, show him
his special prize.

What? Oh, um,
it looks like
we ran out of prizes.

That's embarrassing.
Well, see you
next time on...

Audience: "may I have a word"!

Announcer: want wordgirl's
word power?

Fly over to your local library.

Cape not required.

Word up!

♪ Favorite word,
what's your favorite word? ♪

I like the word "dream" because
when I think about dreams,

It's something you want
to achieve and a goal.

And I want to be an actress,
a dancer, and a singer
when I grow up

And that's my dream and I want
to achieve that dream

So I really like dreams.

My favorite word is "monkey."

I am just a person
who likes monkeys

And I just like
the way the word sounds.


It just sounds good.

♪ That's my favorite word!

Captain huggy face,
show us what glum means.

That's right!
Glum means to feel sad.

Congratulations, huggy!

[Dance music playing]

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