03x10 - Violet Superhero/Big Business

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "WordGirl". Aired: September 3, 2007 – August 7, 2015.*
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Series follows WordGirl, a girl with superpowers whose secret identity is Becky Botsford, a student.
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03x10 - Violet Superhero/Big Business

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Word up,
it's wordgirl ♪

♪ Word up,
it's wordgirl ♪

♪ Flying at the speed of sound,
vocabulary that astounds ♪

♪ From the planet lexicon,
watch out, villains,
here she comes! ♪

♪ Faced with a catastrophe,
we need the living dictionary ♪

♪ Her superior intellect keeps
the crime world in check ♪

Go, girl!

♪ Huggy face is
by her side ♪

♪ Vocabulary a mile wide

♪ She'll make sure
that crime won't pay ♪

♪ And throw some mighty words
your way ♪

♪ Word up,
it's wordgirl ♪

Word up!

♪ From the planet lexicon

♪ Watch out, villains

♪ Here she comes!

♪ Wordgirl

Narrator: psst.

Listen for "catchphrase"
and "confide."

Another peaceful evening

As our hero and her best friend
hang out after school,

Expressing their creativity.

Wow, violet,
I really wish
I'd seen that show

On superheroes
and villains.

You wouldn't believe
how some people
got their superpowers.


I wish I had superpowers.

But I guess the only way
to get them

Is to have something
really strange
happen to you.

You know, violet,

Sometimes having

Isn't all it's
cracked up to be.

How do you know?

Oh, well, uh...

Wordgirl confided
in me once.


Yeah! She said
that sometimes,

She wishes she didn't
have any powers at all!

Then she could play with her
princess sparkles
the unicorn dolls

Whenever she wanted...

Is what wordgirl said...

When she confided
in me.

Well, the show said
that the full moon

May even give people

Wow! Really?

Helllp! The butcher
is robbing another deli!

Wait. Is this
the police station?

Nope. Downstairs.

Right. Thanks. Hellllp!

Boy, that's
the fifth time today.

You'd think he'd know
where it is by now.

Yeah. Uh...
Bob and I have to go.


Haircut appointment.

Ok! Have fun!





Oh! Whoa.
What happened?

Everything is a mess,

How could that be?

Unless...oh, my gosh!

The full moon must have given me
and this frame super powers!


I'm a...superhero!

Narrator: later that night,
still in her own little world...

Wow. Being a superhero is
a lot of responsibility.

Maybe I should confide
in someone,

Tell them what happened.

[Alarm ringing]

Oh, I'm so sorry!

I--hey, wait. The mask,
those bags of money.

You're a robber,
aren't you?

Yup, a bank robber...
With allergies.

Now out--achoo!
Out of my way!

You can't go yet,
because, um...

Oh...i'm a superhero!

Kid, I don't have time
for this right now.

I'm violet.
I mean--oh, sh**t.

I mean, I'm the framer!

And I stand
for goodness --

All right, huggy!
We've got him now!


Oh, my gosh!
Violet's in trouble!

The butcher will have to wait!

Why isn't this working?

I know!
I need a catchphrase.

How about: frame on!

Or framalama ding-dong!

Listen, this has
been fun, but...

No. You can't leave.
I have to apprehend you.

Maybe this---

Let's go! Maybe we can still
catch the butcher!

Wow! I did it!

I tied you up
using my superpowers!

No, actually--

All I have to do
is hold up the frame
around the criminal,

Shut my eyes,
and turn away.

Then the evildoer
gets tied up like magic.

That makes total sense.

Look, I hate to
break it to you--

mr. Bank robber, sir?

Aw, I can't do it.

Good work, kiddo!

Thanks! I really
appreciate your support.

But watch out!
Watch out, because
I'm gonna get you.

Here comes...the framer!

Narrator: the next day...

Still no sign of the butcher
since we lost him last night.

Is that...

Nope. Not the butcher.
Oh, well.

I guess we should
stop that guy, anyway.

Aah! Wordgirl!
Monkey huggy...guy.

Yeah, listen.
Huggy and I are
in the middle

Of looking for
the butcher,

So we're going to
have to wrap you up
quickly, m'kay?

You can try,

But I'm a lot tougher
than you think!

Freeze, mr. Robber!
It's me! The framer!


The framer! The city's
brand -new superhero!

Relax, wordgirl.

I've got everything
under control.


My mission: to do good
and to fight bad,

But to fight it
in a really nice way.


I don't think so.

So, is he all
wrapped up yet?

Oh, yeah.

Well, my job is done here!

Your job? But i--

I must go!

You've been framed!

"You've been framed"?

It's my catchphrase!

Oh, boy. We should
probably keep
an eye on her, huh?



I know! I'm exhausted, too.

Violet is wearing me ou--hey!

Oh! I forgot all about him!

Stop right there,

No, you stop
right there!

Why do I always
have to stop?

Tada! It's me! The framer!

The superhero who fights bad by
doing good,

But in a nice way!

Good for you!
Chicken pot pow!


I'm sorry, mr. Butcher,

But you'll have to do better
than that to beat the framer!

But the hairy guy--

Don't bother.
I've already tried.

Oh, yeah?
Well, try this, too:

Hamburger hammer!


Please don't take this
the wrong way,

But maybe I should
handle this alone.

Uh...listen, framer,
there's something
I need to tell you.


Oh, no!
Mr. Butcher got away!

Well, don't
feel too bad,
captain huggy face.

We all make mistakes.


Whoa! Look at the time.

I'm late for art class.

You've been framed!


Her bad catchphrase
is the least of
our problems.

Come on, huggy.
We have to get to
art class, too.

Becky, bob,
you're late, too?

Yeah. We, uh,
got stuck

Behind some really
slow-walking person.

Oh. Um, becky,
can I confide in you?

Confide, as in
tell me a secret,
something private?

Of course!
Whatever could it be?

Ok. I'm a superhero
named the framer.

I fight evil
with my superpowers.



What kind of
super powers
do you have?

Ok, well,
you see this frame?

I hold it up
until the criminal
is framed,

Then I turn away
and close my eyes.

And just like magic,
the criminal gets tied up.

Huh. Are you sure
there's not some
other explanation?

Positive. Why,
if wordgirl were here,
you could ask her.

She's been able
to witness my super powers
first hand!

Right. Too bad I can't
just ask wordgirl.

Thanks for listening,

I really had to get that
off my chest.

Help! The butcher is
robbing a deli!

Wait. Is this
the police station?

Students: downstairs...

Oh, right. Thanks.


Oh, my gosh,

I forgot about my
doctor's checkup!

My mom's going to be
so mad!

Oh, my gosh! I, uh,

Forget about violet's
doctor's checkup. Heh.

Her mom's going to be
so mad.

Oh. Excuse me.

Wordgirl! Psst!
Psst! Psst!

Over here!

It's the framer.

Hi, framer.

Listen. Let's wait
out here for
a few minutes.


Well, I thought
it might be nice

If the butcher thinks
he successfully
robbed that store,

Even if it's only
for a couple of minutes.

Very thoughtful of you.

So, I hear you're--
you're having
a hard time.


Becky told me that
you confided in her

About how sometimes
you have a hard time
being a superhero.

Oh, right, right.

All right! I did it!
I---oh. You .

We can talk later.

Sure, ok

All right, butcher,
the party's over!

Aww. Too bad!

Because I brought snacks!
Wienerschnitzal whammy!


All right, butcher,
take this!

Take what?

Oh. Uh...

Never mind. Meatball mayhem!


Why isn't my frame


Those aren't catchphrases.
They're meatballs!

No, we know
those are meatballs.

She meant she should
try her catchphrase!

It's a simple phrase
identified with a specific
person or thing,

Like my catchphrase
is "word up!"

Ohhh! Like how my meat att*cks
all have little sayings

That go with them,

Like "sausage cyclone,"
or "pork chop chop!"

Right. Those
are catchphrases,

And pretty good ones,
I might add.

I put a lot of effort
into them.

It shows.

All right, butcher!

Here's my
Of justice!

You've been framed!

Ok. What's, uh--

What's supposed
to happen here?

This! Word up!

Oh, yeah? Well,
here's my catchphrase.

Sausage cyclone!


Listen, butcher,

Nobody flings meat
at my friends.


Hey! Hey!


Wrapped up
in my own sausage.

Nice work, framer!

Thanks, wordgirl,
except my superpowers.

They're gone!

Really? I'm sorry.

It's ok. I could
use a little break
from crime fighting.

Ok, but I don't know
what we'll do without you.

Oh, you won't have
to worry about that
for too long.

What do you mean?

Well, since
the full moon
gave me my powers,

They'll probably
come back when
the full moon does!

Oh. Great.

Narrator: and so, wordgirl,
captain huggy face,
and the framer

Wrap up the butcher
and keep our city's delis safe.

And the framer confides
to wordgirl the secret
of her "powers."

Anyway, it's time for
our farewell catchphrase.

Join us next week

For another exciting episode
of "wordgirl."

Hello. I'm beau handsome,
and this is...

"May I have a word"!

As usual, the player
who correctly defines

Today's featured word
will win a fabulous prize!

Let's play...

"May I have a word"!

Yes, you may!

Today's featured word
is "enormous."

To give you a clue,

Here are some clips
from "wordgirl"

That show the meaning
of the word.

Ok. Perhaps if we showed
the clip in slow motion?


You've got to be kidding me!

We've had far harder words
than enormous!

I know what it means.

Even the monkey knows
what it means!


You know, in fact,

You are all giving me
an enormous headache!

All: "enormous" means
huge, gigantic, very big!

Yes! Miracle of miracles,
you've done it!

You're all winners!

Oh, huggy, show them
what they've won.

Your very own official
"wordgirl" enormous
ball of rubber bands.


Yes, it's a ball, and it's en-

Can someone get me
an enormous ice pack?

That's all for this episode,
thank goodness.

See you next time on...

May I have a word!

Narrator: today's featured words
are "gibberish" and "brilliant."

In the luxurious office
of mr. Big,

President and ceo
of mr. Big, inc...

Ah, leslie, I tell you,
it's great being me.

I'm handsome, wealthy,

And I own the biggest
building in city!

Second biggest, sir.

The willrose building
is now the biggest.

Wh--go buy that building!

We can't, sir.

What do you mean,
we can't?

I'm mr. Big,
end of story!

Plus it's much closer to
that frozen yogurt place
that I love. Mmm. Yeah.

I understand, sir,

But the willrose building
isn't for sale.

It's the grand prize
for the businesspaloozafest.

Say what?


It's a citywide

To determine who has
the best business in town.

Ha! Well,
sign us up, leslie!

I must have
that building!

Looks like it's time
to bring out...

"The gibberish."

Good call, sir.

Narrator: the next day,
at businesspaloozafest?

Wow, this is some

Look, there's reginald
from the jewelry store,

Fast eddie from
the used car dealership,

Josephine from the bakery,

And, uh...that guy,
who manages the grocery store.




Hey! I'm suzy p. Snugglestein,

And my cuddle factory
of cuteness

Makes the sweetest
and most adorable--

[People gasping]

Woman: wow.

Step right up, everyone,

And get to know mr. Big, inc.,
The best business in town!

[Crowd cheering]

That's right, friends.

These other businesses are good,

But there's no way they can
match our frumblegumble output.


He's just spouting
a bunch of gibberish!

Without mr. Big, inc.

And our ultramodern

Your pollywollydoodle rates
would be through the roof!

[Crowd cheering]

Pollywollydoodle rates?
Ha ha!

Total gibberish.

I thought
it was brilliant!

Ha ha ha!

Now let's head over
to the grocery store booth.

I hear they're
handing out
free graham crackers.

Nummy, nummy, nummy!


The only thing
mr. Big is brilliant at
is committing crimes.

Let's go check him out.

All right, we can go get
a graham cr*cker first.

[High-pitched voice]
it's true, I tell you!

I bought a diamond ring
from reginald for $ , ,

And it turned out
to be made of chocolate!

I like chocolate!

Ok, sure.
But , for
a chocolate ring?

I guess it's a little high.

There must be
some mistake.

I assure you that
all of my diamonds
are genuine...

And gen-u-ine.

That's a lot of gibberish.

I demand that reginald
be disqualified!

Disqualified? Me?

So you admit it!

Something's strange here.

Look at that old woman's shoes.

I never!

And listen
to her voice.

And isn't that leslie,
mr. Big's assistant?

That's enough evidence for me.
Word up!

Well, as both mayor
and an official judge
of businesspaloozafest,

I have no idea
what to do.

Uh, district attorney botsford,
what do you think?

I think we should take
a formal statement
from the accuser.


Where'd she go?

Oh. Well, since
the accuser has
apparently vanished,

We can't possibly
disqualify reginald.

That's going to cost him
a lot of points.

Well, that hardly
seems fair.


You said it, huggy.

Time to pay
mr. Big's booth
a little visit...

Hi! Hey!

Good to see you!
No, good to see you.

Hold it right there,
mr. Big!


That's right.

And I've come to return
some of your property.

Oh, goody.
I love property.

Oh! That's just
my old lady costu--

I mean, I've never
seen those items before
in my life.

This is an outrage!

The outrage is
how you sabotaged
reginald's jewelry booth.

I am just an honest

Trying my best to win
the willrose building--

The biggest, most
beautiful building
in the city

And so convenient
to sweet, creamy
frozen yogurt.

I'd do anything
to make it my own.

Anything, I tell you!


Anything other than sabotaging
the competition, of course,

Because that--
well, that would be cheating.


You're up to
something sneaky,

And I'm gonna find out
what it is.

I have no idea what
you're talking about.

Excuse me for a moment.


What are you---

[People murmuring]

Wha--sounds like...

let's go, huggy!

Help! My graham crackers!

We did it! Oh, no!

The papier-mache and watercolor
painting booths!

They'll be ruined!


Hmm. These
graham crackers are
entirely too damp.

And two businesses
selling mounds of glop?

Points off for
lack of originality.

No! Wait! This is
all mr. Big's doing!

He's ruining
all the other booths
so that he can win!

And your proof is?

Well, right before
the water started,

You winked
at your assistant!

She gave you a thumbs up,
then ran off! Aha!

All...right, it's not
the best proof.

Well, I think that
wordgirl's accusations
are pure gibberish!

I'm sorry, wordgirl,
but he's right.

You don't have
any proof.

Oh, we'll just see
about that.

Aww, don't be upset.

Everything is going
perfectly according
to plan.

Before long,
mr. Big, inc.

Will be the winner
of businesspaloozafest,

And the biggest
building in the city
will be mine!

Ha ha ha!

Don't forgot about
the frozen yogurt, sir.

Yogurt. Oh, mama.

Narrator: later that night...

Well, we are very proud
and excited

To announce our two finalists:

First, suzy p. Snugglestein's
cuddle factory of cuteness.

Wow! That's a lot of cute.
Hee hee!

Heh heh heh!

And second, mr. Big, inc.

Each has prepared a short film
about their business,

And the best film
takes the grand prize.

Now allow me to introduce
our judges.

First, there's me.
I'm the mayor!

[Man coughs]

Right. Second, our illustrious
district attorney,

Sally botsford.

And finally,
our guest celebrity judge,

The star of stage and screen,

What do you mean,
he's not here?

Ohh. Uh...

Ladies and gentlemen,
uh, slight change of plans.

No celebrity judge!


How about me?

Oh, ok. Please welcome
guest celebrity judge
word girl!


And I pledge
to you all

That as long
as I'm a judge,

There'll be no gibberish
of any kind!

You know, gibberish.

It means nonsense
or foolish talk.

Like the words
and "hookachikabowow."

They don't mean anything.
They're gibberish.

Hmm. Looks like
word girl's going to
give us a little trouble.

Yes, sir?

the you-know-what.

The mind control ray?

Oh, come on!

We call it
the you-know-what
for a reason.

Sorry, sir.

And that's why
I urge the judges to cast a vote

For suzy p. Snugglestein's
cuddle factory of cuteness.

If I win, I promise victory
will be ever so cute!

Very good. Thank you suzy.

That was so sweet.

Ok. Our next film
is from mr. Big, inc.

Let's watch!

Without mr. Big, inc.

And our ultramodern

Your pollywollydoodle rates
would be through the roof!

This is the same
gibberish from before!

I can't believe
that he...

Made such a great film.

I agree.
This film is great.


It was spellbinding.

I give it stars.

The acting was superb.

An emotional romp.

No question,
mr. Big deserves
the grand prize.


Hold it right there,

Ooh. Great work, huggy!

Ladies and gentlemen,
mr. Big was cheating!

He was trying to
win the contest

By using this
mind control ray!

[People gasping]

No I wasn't,
and I can prove it.

No, he wasn't.

So there you have it.

You have to admit
my presentation
was brilliant.

Well, I agree.
After all,

The cuddle factory
of cuteness

Doesn't have
an ultramodern

That's nothing
but gibberish!

And I can prove it.

Mr. Big, please describe
what your company does
in words or less.

Well...everyone needs our
lockinpopper fiddle-

Real words,
not made-up ones!

Oh...uh...is mind control
one or two words?


All things
cute and cuddly.

That's enough for me.

And the winner of
businesspaloozafest is...

Suzy p. Snugglestein's
cuddle factory
of cuteness!


Here's the deed to
the willrose building!

Oh, drat!

And I had my design
plans all ready to go.

It was going to be
the biggest squishy
bunny building

In the city!

Nay, the world!

Sir, we really
need to talk

About this whole
"squishy bunny" thing.

Narrator: and so, once again,

Thanks to word girl
and the brilliant
captain huggy face,

The city is safe from mr. Big
and all his gibberish.

Join us again next time

For another super colossal
episode of "wordgirl."


Hello, I'm beau handsome,

And this is
the bonus round of...

May I have a word!

All of our contestants
correctly defined
the word "enormous."

So the first person to buzz in
and give the correct answer

Wins the bonus round.

Look at these pictures

And tell me which one
shows the definition
for "enormous."

[Music playing]

Yes, tommy.

The jewelry store clerk's
diamond is enormous.

Boy: but bob's sandwich
is also enormous.

And wordgirl has
an enormous heart.

See, she's saving
that kitty.

A bit of a stretch,
but, ok, once again,
you're all correct!

Huggy, show them
what they've won!

An official "wordgirl"
shetland pony!

Can't really all fit on it.

Well, you'll think of something.

See you next time on...

May I have a word!

Announcer: want wordgirl's
word power?

Fly over to your local library.

Cape not required.

Word up!

♪ Favorite word

♪ What's your favorite word?

My favorite word is "animals"

Because I have pets
to start with.

I have dogs, cats.

I have a pig, two birds,
two rats, and two goats.

And I have a hedgehog named
prickly ainsworth
longfellow iii.

My favorite word is "teacher"

Because I have a lot of teachers
and I love all my teachers

And they do a lot for me.

And I love them,
and they love me.

♪ That's my favorite word

Captain huggy face show us
what annoyed means.

That's right! Annoyed means to
be bothered or displeased.

Congratulations, huggy.

[Dance music playing]

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