03x11 - The Handsome Panther/The Butcher, the Baker, and the Candlestick Maker

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "WordGirl". Aired: September 3, 2007 – August 7, 2015.*
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Series follows WordGirl, a girl with superpowers whose secret identity is Becky Botsford, a student.
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03x11 - The Handsome Panther/The Butcher, the Baker, and the Candlestick Maker

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Word up, it's word girl

♪ Flying at the speed of sound,
vocabulary that astounds ♪

♪ From the planet lexicon

♪ Watch out villains,
here she comes ♪

♪ Faced with a catastrophe,
we need the living dictionary ♪

♪ Her superior intellect
keeps the crime world in check ♪

Go, girl!

♪ Huggy face is by her side
vocabulary a mile wide ♪

♪ She'll make sure
that crime won't pay ♪

♪ And throw some mighty
words you way ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

Word up!

♪ From the planet lexicon

♪ Watch out, villains,
here she comes ♪

Today's featured words
are "ferocious" and "design."

From deep within
his underground lair

In his mother's basement, chuck
the evil sandwich-making guy

Is hard at work plotting
his next devious,

Brilliantly evil crime.

Uh, what dastardly crime
will it be this time?

Will he steal all
the bologna from the city?

Or will he cover city hall
in ketchup and mustard?

a bread factory?


[Sighs] ok.
What's wrong, chuck?

I don't know. I guess
I'm not really feeling it.

Feeling what?

You know, the whole
sandwich crime thing.

But you're chuck the evil
sandwich-making guy.

I know. I know.

I mean,
don't get me wrong.

I still like sandwiches
and committing crimes.

But I'm getting
a little tired of doing

The same old thing
week after week.

Yeah, tell me
about it.

I can only
think of so many

crimes, you know.

So, wait.
You're quitting?

No, I'm not quitting.
I just need a fresh start.

I know!
Maybe a new name!

Yeah, a new identity.
Something like...

Tv announcer: panthers,
ninjas of the night,

Strong, ferocious, cool.

now at the city zoo.

Yeah! Like that!

I want to be cool
and dangerous and fer...

Oh, what was
that word again?


Ferocious. Yeah.
Just like...a panther.

Still at the city zoo.

Narrator: so, you want me
to start calling you

the panther-making guy?

No! I want it
to be totally new,

Something that
captures my strength,

My ferociousness,
my rugged good looks.

Rugged good looks?
Ha ha ha.

Yeah. Something like...
The handsome panther! Yeah.

The handsome panther?

Yeah. Why?

No reason.
Ha ha. Um...

Later, in the beautiful
backyard of becky botsford...

What you up to, dad?

Oh, just working
on some designs.

Designs for what?

It's a surprise.

Huh. Ok.

Ok. I can't hold
it in any longer.

I'm going to
build bob

His very own outdoor
monkey house.

Check it out.

Now bob can
play outside

And eat outside
and sleep outside.

Why, he won't ever
have to come inside
ever again.

Wait. This is bob's new
permanent home? Full-time?

Of course.
Who ever heard

Of a part-time
monkey house?

That's just silly.

[Bob screeching]

I still can't understand
a word you say, bob.

But I'm guessing
you're pretty happy
about your new home.

[Alarm ringing]

That alarm is
coming from downtown.

Not now, bob.
We've got to...

Go pick out curtains

For your new
teeny-teeny windows.

Bye, dad.

Hurry back, you two,
so we can start moving

All of bob's stuff


Narrator: meanwhile,
at the bloopo

Sub sandwich shop
world headquarters...

Have no fear,

What's going on?

We just finished the recipe
for our new sub sandwich

When this guy in the cat suit
burst in and stole it!

Gotcha. We'll take it
from here.

Huggy, initiate plan
number .

Hold it right there,
big...cat...person, is it?

It is i,

The handsome


Oh, right.
I used to be

Chuck the evil
sandwich guy,

But those days
are over.

Now I'm the handsome
panther. Purr!

Chuck, are you sure
the name "handsome panther"

Is right for you?

Why? What
do you mean?

The handsome part
is a given, right?


And that commercial
on tv said

That panthers
are cool and, uh...

What's the word?

Ferocious? It means
really fierce and dangerous.

Yeah, that's it.

Just like me.
Roar! See? Voila.

I'm a totally
new guy.

But you're here stealing
a sandwich recipe.

Well, yeah. Changing
my image is a big deal.

So I'm easing into it

With one last
sandwichy crime.

But after this, it's all
panther all the time.


I'm still not seeing it.

I was expecting
more support for
my new identity.

I mean, I'm really
proud of my costume.

I designed it

It turned out
pretty great

Except the fabric
is a little itchy.

Now, huggy!

Hey! My sandwich recipe!

Too bad, chuck...
I mean, handsome panther.

Looks like all that's
left is to take you

To a cage...


I know. I know.
It wasn't my best.

But I just learned
about the panther thing,

Like, seconds ago.
I mean, give me a break.

Narrator: ahem...

Yeah. Who's got
the upper hand
now, huh?

Chuck, that's one
of your old sandwich weapons.

Yeah, I know.
I spent so much time

On the handsome
panther costume

And my new
theme song,

I didn't have time
to design any new
panther weapons.

Wait. You have
a theme song?

In a minute.
First, turn over
that recipe.

Nothing doing, panther man.

Totally unfair!

Ok. Last time with
the old sandwich
weapons, I promise.

You've been visited
by the handsome panther.


Wait one second.
All right. I got it.

Chuck's voice:
♪ handsome panther

♪ Handsome panther

♪ handsome panther


Ha ha ha.
Go ahead. Laugh.

But soon I'll be the one
doing all the laughing.

You'll see.
Handsome panther away!


Don't worry, huggy.

Chuck will turn up
again soon,

And when he does,
we'll take care of him.

And as for
your secret recipe...

Yes, yes?
Oui, oui?

I'm a very fast reader.

Start with a half
a cup of flour.

Add a stick
of butter,

And make sure you slice
the shallots in a way...

Narrator: later,
back at the botsfords'...

Oh, welcome back,
you two.

Bob, I'm almost done
drawing up the plans

For your new home.

Oh, ok. Charades.

Snow? Cold? Ice!

Ok. This is fun.
Ice food?

Ice eat? Ice cream!

Wait. Ice cream?
Inside? For me?


Wow, bob.
Fancy design.


Oh. Well, a design
is a plan

For something
you want to make or do.

Those drawings are a design
for your monkey house.

If you design something,
it means you make a plan for it,

Like when we designed
our superhero outfits.

You wanted yours to have
a lightning bolt and...

Oh, sorry.
I'll let you finish.

I couldn't find
any ice cream, bob,

But I did find
some carrots.

Mmm! Yum!

[Alarm ringing]

That's coming from...
The zoo!

Got to run, dad.
There's a sale

On monkey house wallpaper
down at the...

Monkey house
wallpaper depot.

Have fun. And bob,
I hope to have

Your new home ready
by the time you two are back.

You can bet on it...
If you had money.

Word girl, glad
you could make it.

The guy in
the weird cat suit.

The handsome panther.

All right.
He's going on and on

About how
he's ferocious

And he's about to commit
some brilliant crime.

I just thought
you should know.

Thanks for
the heads-up.

Of course.

♪ Handsome panther, roar

♪ Handsome panther, roar


Wow. Catchier.

Where was i? Oh, yeah.
My big speech.


From this day forward,
today shall be remembered

As the day
the handsome panther

Let the panthers
out of their cages,

And as everyone
hides in fear,

I will take
whatever I want.

Ha ha ha.

Oh. I mean...roar.

You won't be opening
any cages today.

Let's get him,

Try and catch me, word girl.

Ha! Whoa.

You'll have to be
quicker than that.

I'm a panther now.

You're still no match
for this superhero

And her sidekick

Oh, wait.


No fair! Uh!

You promised no more
sandwich weapons.


Too bad, word girl.

I tricked you
fair and square.

And now, time to free
these ferocious panthers

And take over
the city. Yeah.

Uh! Can't...


[Screech screech screech]

Panthers away!

Take to the streets,
you wild, ferocious guys.

Now. Go. Scoot.
You can...

See things--
the world, not this.

Come on. Check it out.
Scare people.

Yeah. People think they're
these ferocious animals.

But for the most part,
during the day,

They lie languid
in the sun.

They just hang out.

They really only hunt
from dusk till dawn.

Ha ha ha ha.
Ha ha ha ha.

Looks like your
handsome panther days
are over, chuck.

Yeah. I guess I should
have done more research

On panthers before I
came up with that plan.

I don't really know
much about them.

Oh, I can fill you in,
handsome panther.

Did you know
the name "panther"

Actually applies to a number
of large game cats,

Such as the cougar,
leopard, and jaguar?

No, i--

Also, the panther is
the state mammal of florida.

Really? Wow.

Oh, and here's
a little-known fact--

Panthers prefer dry land,
but they do know how to swim.

Any way you can
make him stop?

Not unless
he breaks a law.

Oh, boy.

Good luck. I hope
the police come soon.

You and me both.

Ready to go?

It wasn't long
before kimba found trouble.

Whoa! Dad,

That is one fancy
monkey house.


That's for sure.
I don't remember

My original design
being this ambitious,

But, oh, well...


Oh. Ha ha ha.
It's not done yet, bob.

It's going to take
another years to finish.


Narrator: and so
the city is safe

From the not-so-ferocious
and only somewhat good-looking

Handsome panther
the sandwich-making guy.

I think you
combined the two--

And bob the monkey
is left wishing

He'd designed
a simpler monkey house.

Join us next time
for another exciting episode

Of "word girl."


Hello. I'm beau handsome,
and this is...

"May I have a word?"

As usual, the player
who correctly defines

Today's featured word

Will win a fabulous prize.

Let's play...

"May I have a word?"

Yes, you may.

Today's featured word
is "dazed."

To give you a clue,

Here are some clips
from "word girl"

That show the meaning
of the word.



Aren't you going
to call on me?


What's wrong with him?

Mr. Handsome.

Snap out of it, dude.

All: beau, wake up!

Oh, my good--
where am i?

Sorry, everyone. I don't
know what happened there.

I...i didn't get
a lot of sleep last night.

I guess I was
in some sort of daze.

Let's get back
to the game.

[Ding]dazed means

Unable to think
or react properly,

To be kind of out of it,
just like you were, beau.

Congratulations, phil.
You're today's winner.

Huggy, show him
what he's won.

An all-expense-paid
trip to the moon!

How good does
that sound, phil?

So good it looks like
phil is now dazed.

See you
next time on...

"May I have a word?"

♪ Word girl

Listen for "finicky"
and "trio."

During a busy lunch hour
at national national bank,

The butcher commits
his latest robbery,

Or at least he will as soon
as it's his turn in line.

Say, buddy, do you mind
if I cut in front of you?

I want to make
my deposit

Before they run out
of those neat balloons.

Yeah, sure.
Go ahead.

The more money you put in,
the more I get to take out.

[Evil laughter]

Hey, hold on
a sec.

Do I know you
from somewhere?

Maybe. What prisons
you been in?

Prisons? Ha.
That's a good one.

Ha ha. Yeah.
What's so hysterious?

Wait a minute.
Butcher hat,
butcher apron,

Butchering the word

is that you?

Yeah. Who's asking?

It's me--baker.

Baker? Baker! No way!

Oh, man, I haven't seen you
since elephantary school.

Ha! I think you mean
elementary school.

Same old butcher.

Ha ha ha.

Sorry, man.
The parking lot was full,

So I had to drive
around for--butcher?

Hey! Ha ha ha!

Baker, is that--

The candlestick

Oh, man. The troublemaking trio
together again.

What have you guys
been up to?

Well, I grew up
and opened a bakery.

And I make candles.

My shop is
next-door to his.

Wow. You guys really
branched out, huh?

So you need to get
some money from the bank

For your butcher
shop, huh?

Oh. Ha. Uh...yeah. Right.
My butcher shop.

Psst. Hey, waxy,
get a load of those.


And they have blue ones.
Those are the best.

You guys thinking
what I'm thinking?

That it's time
for the troublemaking
trio to strike again?

All: rub-a-dub-dub!

Ha ha ha!

Oh, no! My pet...iguana.
Yeah, iguana has escaped.

Can anyone look all around
and help me find him?

[Excited conversation]


You're only supposed
to take one!

Activate the free
balloon alarm.


Oh, yeah?
Pastrami attack!

Ha ha ha. Come on.
Let's get out of here.

Oh. Yeah. Right.

Rub-a-dub-dub! Whoopee!

Narrator: meanwhile,
at the home

Of the better-behaved
becky botsford...

How's the cake
frosting coming, bob?

Woman on tv:
tv news flash.

A trio of men made
a daring heist today

At national
national bank...

A bank heist? This sounds
like a job for--

Getting away
with bunches of
free balloons

And one of those
pens on a chain.

Oh. Never mind.

Hi, hon. How's your dad's
birthday cake coming along?

Bob's just putting
the finishing
touches on it now.

It wasn't easy making
a red-velvet marbled

angel-food carrot cake

With lemon-vanilla
cream fudge frosting.

Why does dad's
favorite cake

Have so many

Oh, you know
your father, becky.

He's so...uh...


You know, it means
he's really choosy

And specific about
what he likes.

That's it. Well, if you can
be finicky about words,

He can be finicky
about cakes.

And after all, it is
his special day.

Ha ha.

Wow! Bob, that is, um...


Gonna tip over!



Well, we'd better go to the
store and get more ingredients.

Come on, bob.

Oh, man. This is
going to be classic.


Shh! Someone's coming.

Hi. I need to bake
a very special kind of cake,

And I was wondering if--

Cake? We've got cake.
If fact, we've got
all kinds of cakes.

How about
an angel-food cake?

Oh, no, thanks.
I just--

Well, how about a nice
strawberry shortcake?

They're on sale.

No. No, thanks.
I actually--

My, you're finicky.

Bundt cake? Cheesecake?
Pineapple upside-down cake?


Psst. Hey, kid.
Ask for some flour.

Oh, right. We need
some flour.

Who said that?

Flour? Why, we have a whole
bunch of flour right over here.

I'll just--
hmm. That's strange.


Oh, well, I'll just go get
some more from the stockroom.

Be right back.




Hey, nice flour,
flour face.

Yeah, flour face!
Ha ha ha!

I hope you paid for that flour
and those bananas!

The troublemaking trio
strikes again!




Uh, no. Maybe.

Are you here pulling
a goofy prank?

What? No. I'm here...
Casing the joint.

Come on, butcher.
Let's scram

Before we get
in trouble. Ha ha.

Uh, see you around, kid.
Stay in school.

You hooligans come back here!
I'm calling your parents!

He's up to something.
I don't know what it is,

But now this is definitely
a job for word girl!

Word up!

Narrator: moments later,
a flourless word girl

And captain huggy face
take to the skies

In search of the butcher

And the rest of his
troublemaking trio.

Trio? Wait.
There's of them?


Well, that's
what "trio" means.

It's a different way
to say a group of .

Speaking of which,
you have exactly minutes

To get to a bakery
before they all close.

Oh, no! Dad's
birthday cake.


"The baker's
good stuff bakery."

Good eye, huggy.
Oh, but there's
no time to change.

Well, this is
just a suggestion,

But maybe you should
remain as word girl

To visit this particular
bakery. Hint, hint.

Have you
been reading ahead
in the script again?


Let's go, c.h.f.

Oh, wow! This is
so much fun,
you guys!

Yeah. What do you
say tomorrow

We start a springtime
snowball fight?

It's not winter
anymore. Classic.

Yeah, classic.

Or we could steal
another one

Of farmer mcginley's

Ha ha ha.

I think I need to go
back to stealing money.


Making. I meant
making money.

Oh, come on, butcher.

You could take
one more day off

From the butcher shop,
can't you? Live a little.

Ok. Maybe it's time
I told you guys
the truth.

You see,
I don't really
own a butcher shop.

[Doorbell jingles]oh, a customer.

Hold that thought.

Hello. May I help--

Uh! Word girl!

Hi. I know it's late,
but are you still open?

No. I mean, yes. Why?
I didn't do anything wrong.


I mean...what
can I do for you?

Oh. Well, i...
No, a friend of mine

Needs to order
a very special birthday cake

For a very
finicky person.


Do you have any
red-velvet marbled

angel-food carrot cakes

With lemon-vanilla
cream fudge frosting?

Um...mr. Baker?

Oh. Yes. Uh...

We might have the very
cake you're looking for...


Word girl. Allow me
to just step

Into the back room
to check.

Oh, ok. Great.

Hey, could
captain huggy face

Have one of your
cute balloons, please?


You guys! Word girl
is right out front!

Word girl?

Yeah, and she
totally saw
the balloons!

Her monkey
wanted one!

Oh, man! Oh, man!
Oh, man!

This isn't happening!
Not me! Not to me! No!

We're gonna go
to jail!

Guys, take it easy.
There's nothing to worry about.

Word girl: huggy,
put that pen down.

I don't care
if it's on a chain.

Ah! I don't want
to go to jail!


Oh, please.
I'm telling you,

There's no way she knows
about the balloons.

Maybe I know
a little something.

Word girl!

Super hearing?

You might as well
give it up, butcher.

I'm here to break up
your little...

Why are they sitting
in a tub?



Oh. Well, they're
not really

Used to this
whole criminal thing.

I'm not a criminal!
I'm a baker!

I just make
pretty candles!

What are you two doing
mixed up with the butcher?

Hey, we're old friends.

And together, we're
the troublemaking trio.


I want to go
rub-a-dub home!


Wow. Some
tough trio.

Ok. That's it.

Guys, listen,
this has been fun,

But I've got to go back
to being what I am--

An endangerous criminal.

You mean dangerous.


Wait. You're
a criminal?

Yeah. I don't own
a butcher shop.

I steal stuff, and when
people like word girl

Get in my way,
I do this.

Corned beef kaboom!

Time to turn that frown
upside-down, butcher.

Ha ha ha! You missed--



Aah! Uncle! Uncle!

That's them, officer--
the troublemaking trio.

Well, rub-a-dub-dub.
Men in a tub.

And who do you
think they be?

It's the butcher,
the baker,

And the candlestick

Turn them out.
Knaves all three.

I don't get it.

Wait! Wait! Please
don't send us to jail.

We're really sorry.

Yeah. So sorry.

Well, do you
promise to return

The pen and
the balloons
to the bank?

Yes, word girl.
Yes, word girl.

You'll apologize
to the grocery
store manager

And help clean
his store?

Yes, word girl.
Yes, word girl.

And do you promise
that this is the end

Of the troublemaking
trio once and for all?

We promise,
word girl.
We promise.

Well, there's
just one last thing.

I need a small favor.

You name it.

Anything at all.
sh**t. Go ahead.

Ok. There's this
finicky person I know

Who needs a very unusual
birthday cake and candles.

Butcher: uh...
Do they like pot roast?

Happy birthday!
Happy birthday!

Wow! This is
the best birthday ever.

I even got
a red-velvet marbled

Black-forest angel-food
carrot cake

With lemon-vanilla
cream fudge frosting!

My favorite.
From becky and bob.

Ah, it was
no trouble at all.

Gosh. What could make
this day any more special?

Oh. Well, uh...thank you.

I think.

Narrator: well,
word girl fans,

So much for
the half-baked plans

Of the troublemaking trio.

And don't forget, if you're
finicky about where you get

Your word-filled
fun and excitement,

Tune in next time
for another adventure

Of "word girl!"

Hello. I'm beau handsome,

And this is
the bonus round of...

"May I have a word?"

Phil, you correctly
defined the word "dazed."

Ready to play
the bonus round?

I hope I don't
mess it up.

Love that enthusiasm.

Ok. Take a look
at these pictures

And tell me which one shows
the definition for "dazed."

Ok. What do you
think, phil?

Um...number ?

Sorry, phil.
It's number .

Oh, did I say ?
I meant number .

I must have been dazed
like the butcher there.

Too bad, phil. I guess
you tuned out for a second.

Huggy, show him what
he would have won.

Yes, it's all
the astronaut food

You would have needed
on your trip to the moon.

See you next time on...

"May I have a word?"

Narrator: want word girl's
word power?

Fly over
to your local library.

Cape not required.

Word up!

♪ Favorite word,
what's your favorite word? ♪

"Conserve" is
my favorite word,

Because it's so important
to the world.

You can conserve water,
wood, paper, plastic,

And lots
of other things.

I conserve at home.
I recycle.

And I know ways to conserve--
reduce, reuse, recycle.

I call them
the r's.

"Conserving" is
my so favorite word.

♪ That's my favorite word

Captain huggy face,
show us what glum means.

That's right!
Glum means to feel sad.

Congratulations, huggy!

[Dance music playing]

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