04x03 - The Wrong Side of the Law: Part 1/The Wrong Side of the Law: Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "WordGirl". Aired: September 3, 2007 – August 7, 2015.*
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Series follows WordGirl, a girl with superpowers whose secret identity is Becky Botsford, a student.
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04x03 - The Wrong Side of the Law: Part 1/The Wrong Side of the Law: Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

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♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Flying at the speed of sound,
vocabulary that astounds ♪

♪ From the planet lexicon,
watch out, villains,
here she comes! ♪

♪ Faced with a catastrophe,
we need the living dictionary ♪

♪ Her superior intellect keeps
the crime world in check ♪

Go, girl!

♪ Huggy face is
by her side ♪

♪ Vocabulary a mile wide ♪

♪ She'll make sure
that crime won't pay ♪

♪ And throw some mighty words
your way ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

Word up!

♪ From the planet lexicon ♪

♪ Watch out, villains ♪

♪ Here she comes! ♪

Narrator: today's
featured words are

"Priceless" and "examine."

It's a beautiful day
in the city.

Why? It's the grand opening
of the pretty princess

And magic pony
wonderland workshop,

Where a priceless set
of figurines is on display.

Kids are lined up
with their parents

And their parents' money,
ready to buy merchandise

From their favorite show.

"Pretty princess
and magic pony
power hour"!

Our policy here
is--shh! Shh!

Indoor voices.

So remain quiet
if you wish to see

The figurines.

Please stand to the side
and try not to drool.

Ugh. Yuck.

Buglers, now.


The time has arrived.
I shall now unveil

The handmade,
special edition,

Priceless collector's set

Of "pretty princess
and magic pony" figurines,

Generously on loan
from my jewelry shop.


You're welcome.

Special edition?


That makes me
want one!

How much are they?

Oh, my! Well, as I said,
they are priceless,

Which means they are
so valuable

That you cannot
put a price on them.

I'll pay you this much!

I'll pay you
double that much!

No. Once again,
these figurines
are not for sale.

I have simply been
hired by the proprietors

Of the pretty princess
and magic pony

Wonderland workshop
to display them. Ok?

After that,
I will return the items

To my jewelry store,
far away from riffraff like...

Well, riffraff
like all of you.

You're all riffraff.

I love
pretty princess!

Can I play
with one?


Must touch dolls.


Silly unkempt child.

These are not dolls.

They are figurines,

Which are like dolls
but better.

They are not
for playing.

They are to be
examined and admired.

See how fun it is
to just look at them
and not touch them?

Look. See how much
fun we're having?


♪ La tee tee ta ta ♪

Oh, dear.


Narrator: later on,
becky botsford, aka word girl,

And her best friend
violet head

Toward the pretty princess

And magic pony
wonderland workshop,

Not realizing what's
in store in the store.

Maybe we should run.

We don't want to be
the last people in town

To see the new
priceless figurines.

I can't wait to collect
more accessories

For my
pretty princess doll.

Look! I have a doll,
and that doll has a doll,

And that doll has
a doll,

And that doll has
tiny earrings
that you can buy!

It's so fun.


[Police radio chatter]

It looks like there
was a crime here.

Man: I keep picturing
those shimmering,


Sparkling bright
for the eyes

Of some
common criminal.

I can still
hear that voice.

Oh, that voice.

That awful voice.

It haunts me!


Excuse me, police
commissioner watson.

Can you tell me
what happened here?

I'm sorry,
little girl,

But I'm very
busy examining
this crime scene.

Just the short
version maybe?

Oh, I see.

You want me to just
drop what I'm doing

And explain everything.

Just put the whole
investigation on hold

And tell you that after
examining the evidence,

It seems we're looking
for a young girl

Between eight and ten,
super strength,

Loves "the pretty princess
and magic pony power hour"?

I suppose you also want
me to take a timeout

And explain to you
what examining means.

Oh, no, I know
what it means.

Examine means to--

To look at closely
or investigate.

Well that's what
I'm doing,

So don't bother
asking me to stop.

Time is the one
thing I don't have!

Yeah, he definitely
does not have
time to tell me

All the stuff
he just told me that
took so much time.

Come on, bob.
Let's go examine

That crime scene


Hmm, good point.
We need a distraction.


It's beautiful.

Wow! Look at these
police officers using

All that
up-to-date technology

To examine
every detail of--

Hey. How'd
they miss this?

I've got
a molecule here!

That could be
a clue!

Great job!

Oh. Bob, whoever stole
those priceless figurines

Must have dropped this
on their way out.

Let's give it
to the police.

Excuse me, I think
I may have found a--

Maybe we can pull
a fingerprint

Off this strand of hair.

Of course we can.
Tag it and bag it.

This is an official
crime scene,
young lady.

I'm gonna have to
ask you to leave.


What do we do now, bob?

I mean, they need
this figurine to solve the--

Oh, wow...

It's so sparkly!


Well, maybe I'll just
hold on to it for now,

You know,
for safe keeping

And put it in the--


I'm gonna give it back.

I'm just gonna use it
to solve the crime.

Now let's go back
to the hideout

And do some
detective work.

Heh. Word up!

Narrator: meanwhile,
across town,

Some very special guests
are enjoying

A very special tea party.

Mine. Mine!

Narrator: back at her
secret spaceship lair,

Our hero, word girl,
is hard at work,

Examining the evidence.

Don't worry,
penelope pony,

I'll have you back
with the rest

Of your friends
in no time!

[High voice]
thanks, word girl.

You're the greatest
superhero ever!

[Normal voice]
oh, come on.
You don't mean that.

[High voice]
yes, I do.

All the magic
ponies think so.

[Normal voice]
they do?

Narrator: ahem.
Examining the evidence.

No--no more messing around,
captain huggy face.

When you're trying
to catch a villain,

Every moment
is priceless.

Let's just check
this figurine

For fingerprints
and see if we can--hello.

Wait a minute.
We're getting a call

From police
commissioner watson.


I was gonna give
it right back!


Did you?


I thought you
said something.

No. Nothing.

Oh. Ok.

Word girl,
we need your help.

Someone stole
the priceless figurines

From the pretty princess
and magic pony

Wonderland workshop.

We've been examining
the crime scene all day,

But we still can't
figure out who did it.

I keep hearing
that voice!

Echoing, "mine.
Mine. Mine!"

Did you hear that,
captain huggy face?

I think I know exactly
who we're looking for.

Not to worry, sir!

I have information
that the villain

Is a young girl
between eight and ten
with super strength,

Who loves "the pretty
princess and magic
pony power hour"--

But really,
who doesn't--

And she also
yelled, "mine!"

When she
committed the crime.

That's a perfect
match for eileen,
aka the birthday girl.


I don't know how you got
all that information,

But I knew I could
count on you, word girl!

Let me know where
to find her,

And I'll meet you there
right away!

Five more minutes?

Oh, fine.

Narrator: later at the home
of the birthday girl...

We've got the place
surrounded, sir.

Great. Now all we have
to do is wait for--

Word girl?

Oh! Well, ok, then.

Let's do this.

Everybody ready?

All right.

, , / , .

Hewwo, nice
powice officers.

Are you heaw
for my birfday?

Why, it's an adorable
little girl!

Happy birthday!

That's a lovely bow
in your hair! Ha ha ha!

My mommy put
it in my hair.

She wuvs me sooo much.

I'm sure she does!

No, don't let
her trick you,

She's the villain who
stole the figurines!

Come on, word girl.
You're telling me

This cute, little ray
of sunshine,

This teensy weensy
angel from heaven

Broke through a wall
and committed robbery?

You are just priceless!

Does anyone
want to share
my birfday cake?

I would be honored,
you little snowflake.

Ugh. I guess I'll have
to find the evidence
myself, huggy.

Word up!

It's my birfday,
and she's making me sad!

You're making
little eileeny
upset, word girl.

Come on.

There's no way she
could have done this.

I mean only someone
with super strength,

Someone who really
loves those toys.

Don't worry,
pretty princess--
I'll save you!

A young girl
who fits the profile.

Of course!

Freeze, word girl!

Don't make a move.

Same goes for you,
bunny rabbit!

Both of you,
empty your pockets.

Ok. That's a little odd,
but you're clean.

How about you,
word girl?

My pockets?

But all I have
in my pockets

Is this evidence.

What? Oh.
Oh, you think i--

Because I had
this in my--

No, no, no, no, no!

Listen, this is seriously
the funniest story.

I don't think I want
to hear any more

Of your stories,
word girl.

You're under arrest.


No. You don't understand.

I don't understand.

This isn't how things
usually end!

But I'll go with it.

Will the police find
the other priceless figurines?

Will word girl end up
examining the inside
of a jail cell?

Will this be the first
unhappy ending ever?

Find out on another exciting,
colossal adventure of...

♪ "Word girl" ♪

Hello. I'm beau handsome,
and this is...

"May I have a word"!

As usual, the player
who correctly defines

Today's featured
word will win
a fabulous prize!

Let's play...

"May I have a word"!

Yes, you may!

Today's featured
word is "fatigued."

To give you a clue,
here are some clips

From "word girl" that show
the meaning of the word.


Poor word girl
and huggy!

They look
so fatigued!

Which means?

When you're like
like word girl
and huggy are

In the clip.

Right, and how would
you define that?


I'm really starting
to become fatigued.


Yes, tommy?

To be fatigued
is to be

Extremely tired,

Even the great word girl
can become fatigued.

She's only human.

Actually she's not human
because she's

From the planet lexicon.

I guess she's

That is correct!

Congratulations, tommy.
You are today's winner!

Huggy, show him
what he's won!

An official word
girl trampoline bed!

Perfect for when
you want to get
some exercise!

Also perfect
for when that exercise

Or hosting a game show
has made you fatigued!

That's it
for today's episode.

See you next time on...

"May I have a word"!

♪ Word girl ♪

Narrator: psst. Listen
for the words

"Guilty" and "objection."

on "word girl"...

Why don't you just tell
everyone what happened

And why I'm in jail?


Not everything.

Just the important parts.

Ok. Here's what happened.

the jewelry store owner,

Put out some priceless
"pretty princess magic pony
power hour" figurines.

Everyone wanted to get
their hands on them,

And then someone did!

Word girl tried to
figure out who stole the dolls,

So she went
to the scene of the crime

And examined the evidence,
but when the police

Caught her
with one of the dolls,

They assumed that she was
the one who stole them!

So they put
word girl in jail!

There. Are you happy now?

No. I'm in jail.

And I for one
cannot believe it.

For shame,
word girl!

I once said to myself,
"warden, the day

"Word girl goes to jail

Is the day
you eat your hat. "

Remember when
I said that?

Well, I did.

So here goes.

Down the hatch.

But I shouldn't
be locked in here!

I'm not guilty!

I didn't steal
the pretty princess

Word girl, I understand
your objection to being
here in jail,

But right now,
I've got bigger problems.

Because of you,
I have to go get a new hat.

This one's half-eaten.

Narrator: meanwhile,
without word girl to stop them,

The city's worst criminals
are running wild.

Ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha!


[Alarm ringing]

Ha ha ha!

Ah ha ha!

Oh, help us,
help us!

Where's word girl?!

She's in jail!

Haven't you been
following the story?!

I've been too busy
running and screaming!

I'm sorry!


Narrator: as you can see,
the city has gone berserk!

It's turmoil!
Mayhem! Chaos!

Ok, they get it.

Warden: ha ha ha!
Look at what I got!

This here hat is
made entirely out
of turkey jerky!

Mmm. That is
some tasty hat.


I need to get
out of here!

I'm sorry, word girl,
but I have to keep you

Here until your trial.

My trial?

At your trial, the judge
listens to your story

And decides if you're
guilty or not guilty.

If he thinks
you're guilty,

Well, that means he thinks
you did commit the crime.

But I didn't
commit the crime!

I'm not guilty!

Well, tell that
to the judge,

And if he doesn't
believe you,

You're gonna be
in this here jail
for a long time.

That's a lot
of hats for me!

Oh, no!
That would be

Well, excuse me.

I guess you don't
enjoy my company
very much, huh?

Oh, no, no, no.
I didn't mean--

Well, I thought
we were friends.

It's just I need
to get--

I guess you don't like
your old friend

The warden anymore, huh?

It's not you.
It's just--

It's the hat eating,
isn't it?

Narrator: later that day
at the courthouse...

[Indistinct chatter]

Judge: order. Order.

I call this
trial to order.

Word girl, today,
you will have to prove

That you are not guilty
of stealing

"The pretty princess magic pony
power hour" figurines.

I must say, in all my
years on the bench,

I've never seen
a more serious case
of doll theft.

Neither have i!

Sorry word girl,

But your mom can't
help you now.

District attorney botsford,
accused criminal word girl.

Oh, really?

Heh. I had no idea.

Word girl, it's my
job to prove that
you are guilty,

That you stole
those figurines

And that you should go
to jail.

I really don't
think you want
that to happen.

Yes, I do.

I want to make sure
you get punished

For your crime.

Can't you just
ground me?

District attorney botsford,
would you please call

Your first witness
to the stand?

Your honor, I call
to the stand,

the jewelry store clerk.


Reginald, you
were in charge of
the dolls, correct?

Yes, I placed those
poor, innocent

"Pretty princess
magic pony power hour"

In the display case,
and then I told everyone,

"Look, but don't touch!"

But someone not only
touched, she took!

That fiend took them all,
even the littlest,
dearest magic pony--

Little sparkle-cakes.

Oh, little sparkle-cakes.

Why would someone
take her?

Reginald, did you
see the girl who
stole those dolls?

No. It happened so fast
that I didn't,

But I did hear that
little girl's voice.

"Mine! Mine!

Oh, dear.

Why did you do it,
you monster?

That's not fair!
You can't say that!

Word girl,
if you have a problem

With what reginald said,
you first have to say,

"I"--that's you--
"have an objection."


An objection?

An objection
is a reason
for disagreeing.

Once word girl says,

Then she can tell us
why she disagrees.

Here's why I object--

Reginald said he didn't
see who stole the dolls,

So it's unfair
for him to say
it was me.

Word girl, that is
a very good objection.

I'm sorry, word girl.
I'm just so upset.

Those pretty princesses
and magic ponies trusted me,

And I let them down.

I don't deserve to run
a jewelry store!

I'm the monster!

Oh! Oh, no!

Aw, there, there.

You've had
a hard week,
haven't you?

Eh. Ugh.

Yes, I have!
Yes I have.

You can go
because right now,

I call word girl
to the stand!

Word girl,
this report
was written

By the police

It says the doll thief
was a little girl.

Tell me, are you
a little girl?

Uh, yes, I am.

Oh, my!


Well, little girl,
this report also says

The doll thief
had super strength.

Do you have
super strength?

Yes, I do.

[Murmuring and gasping]


And didn't the police
find this doll
in your pocket?

I was only holding
it as evidence!

I was helping to
solve the crime!

But isn't it true
that you loooooove

"The pretty princess
magic pony power hour"?

Yes, I do love it!

I love it more
than anything!

[Crowd gasping]

Order in the court!

Order in the court!

Judge, I rest
my case.

Word girl fits
the profile,

And that means she's
the only one

Who could've stolen
the dolls.

I disagree!

There could be
another girl

Who stole the dolls.

Do you mean to say
that you know

Another little girl
with superpowers?

I sure do.

I call to the stand


Yes, eileen.

But it's my birthday.


Aww. Not on
her birthday.

Don't worry, everyone.

This'll just
take a moment.

Word girl, shame on you
for wasting our time.

This sweet, little ray
of sunshine wouldn't do

Anything wrong
in a million billion
gazillion years.

your honor.

You don't know
that for sure.

Well, I suppose
you're right,
but make it quick.

I don't want to be
guilty of ruining

A sweet little girl's

Of course.

Eileen, you are
a little girl, right?

I'm a wittle,
wittle girl, yes.

Eileen, we know you
are a little girl--

with an "l" sound.

See how I'm doing that?

Not wittle, little.

But isn't it also true
that you love

"The pretty princess magic
pony power hour"?

That's my favorite thing
in the whole wide world!


And didn't you say
that today is
your birthday?

It sure is!

Well, then I suppose
that since it's
your birthday,

You'd like
a birthday present.

Oooh, ooh!
Yes, yes!

Oh, but I'm sorry.

I can't give it to you.

See, this is evidence
for the trial.

But it's my birthday,
and you said it was
my present.

I know, but it belongs
to someone else.

No, it doesn't.

It's mine. Mine.

There it is!

the monster!


I won't let you
take it!

Then you'll have to
come with me, too!


Come on, let's go.

Word up!


Put me down!

You have no
right to do this!

And you have no right
to take my dolly!

She's mine.


Birthday girl, put down
the district attorney!

You can't tell
me what to do.

It's my birthday,
and my mommy says

I can do whatever I want!

But district
attorney botsford

Is some other girl's

She is?

That means if you
steal this mommy,

You'll have two mommies,
and some other girl

Will have none.

Oh. That's not fair.

No, it's not fair.

So why don't you
give back the mommy
you're holding?

Yes, give back
the mommy!



Wow! Word girl,
how did you
know to do that?

Because I know
the birthday girl.

When she does
something greedy,
she grows bigger,

But when she
does something

She shrinks
back to size.

Well, I am impressed.

You did a great job
arguing your case.

Where did you learn
to be such a good lawyer?

Eh, let's just say
I picked it up

From somebody
I know.


You're right, huggy.

We have to get back
to court and finish
the trial.

Word up!

Narrator: back
at the city court house...

Here's your
doll thief, judge!

Word girl, I hereby
declare that you
are not guilty.

Therefore, you are
free to go back
to fighting crime.

Thanks, judge.

No, word girl.

It is I who thank you.

I really appreciate
your help in--

Here you go.
All done.

Whoa, you work fast!

Narrator: that's all
for this week's episode.

If you have no objection,
join us next time,

Or you'll be guilty
of missing another
exciting episode of...

Word girl!

Hello. I'm beau handsome,

And this is
the bonus round of...

"May I have a word"!

Our returning champion
will have a chance

To play for even
greater prizes

On the bonus round.

Tommy, you
correctly defined
the word "fatigued."

Ready to play
the bonus round?

Bring it.

Take a look at these
three pictures

And tell me which one
shows the definition
for "fatigued."

Any guesses, tommy?

It has to be
number three.

Clearly becky
stayed up late

To watch a marathon
of her favorite show

And is now fatigued.

That's correct!

You are our
bonus round winner.

Show him what
he's won, huggy.

An official word girl
trip to hawaii!

See you next time on...

"May I have a word"!

want word girl's word power?

Fly over to your
local library.

Cape not required.

Word up!

♪ My favorite word
what's yis crème bruleé.d? ♪

I like that word because
it sounds really fancy

And I just love saying it.

I've never tried it before,

But I'm sure it tastes
really good.

Crème bruleé, crème bruleé!

My favorite word is fabulous
because that's what I am.

I'm pretty, I have good grades.

My friends tell me I'm fabulous.

My teachers and my parents,
are, like, the number one people

That tell me that I'm fabulous.

♪ That's my favorite word ♪

Ain huggy face,

Show us what
"lackadaisical" means.

That's right!

Lackadaisical means
to feel bored

Like you don't care
about something.

Congratulations, huggy!

[Dance music playing]

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