04x05 - The Young and the Meatless/Mr. Big's Mini-Golf

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "WordGirl". Aired: September 3, 2007 – August 7, 2015.*
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Series follows WordGirl, a girl with superpowers whose secret identity is Becky Botsford, a student.
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04x05 - The Young and the Meatless/Mr. Big's Mini-Golf

Post by bunniefuu »

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Woman: ♪ word up!
It's wordgirl! ♪

♪ Word up!
It's wordgirl! ♪

♪ Flying at the speed of sound,
vocabulary that astounds ♪

♪ From the planet lexicon,
watch out, villains,
here she comes! ♪

♪ Faced with a catastrophe
we need the living dictionary! ♪

♪ Her superior intellect
keeps the crime world
in check! ♪

♪ Go, girl! ♪

♪ Huggy face is by her side,
vocabulary a mile wide ♪

♪ She'll make sure
that crime won't pay ♪

♪ And throw some mighty words
your way ♪

♪ Word up!
It's wordgirl! ♪

♪ Word up! ♪

♪ From the planet lexicon,
watch out, villains! ♪

♪ Here she comes! ♪

♪ Wordgirl! ♪

Narrator: psst... Listen
for the words "duplicate"

And "interruption".

One quiet day in
the city museum, the ancient

Tryptophenian value meal
bucket of golden chicken

Is about to get a visit
from lady redundant woman!

Yes! Little chicken
legs, all duplicates

Of one another.

An ideal, flawless,
perfect prize for
lady redundant woman!

Oh, yeah!

A bucket of golden chicken!

And its all mi---

Oh. Hi.

Hi. Hello. Aloha.

Umm...i don't mean to
interrupty, but were you

About to steal those golden
chicken drumsticks?

Yup. Affirmative.
You betcha.

Uh...i don't know what your
gig is lady, but anything

Having to do with meat
is usually my thing.

Meat...butcher...get it?

Yes, well since there
are chicken legs
that are similar,

Alike, and well, redundant,
this prize clearly fits into

My villain identity.

For I am
lady redundant woman!

Well, since I have no idea
what you just said, I'm gonna

Assume you're wrong.

Now if you'll excuse me,
I have some ancient

Chicken to steal!

Negative! Nope!

I wouldn't count
on it, buster!

It's butcher!

Hold it right
there, lady
redundant woman!

You too, butcher!

And just so I know, um,
you guys working together or---

Uh, no. Arguing.

Fighting. Bickering.
You know.

All right, so who wants
to get taken down first?

Not a chance.
No way. No how.



[Music playing]


[Music stops]

Oh, I'm sorry about that.
That's a faulty music system.

Uh, guys,
I'm still here.

Come on!

Now's our chance
to escape!

Hit the road!

No! Wait!

Everybody stop!

Kabob kaboom!


Hey! Come back!
What's your name?

That may have been our
most confusing battle ever.

Narrator: back at the rair of
lady ledundant ruman...

Back at the lair of
lady redundant woman...

What got into you
back there, dupey?

You weren't
acting like myself.

What happened?

Ok, well, listen, try not to
let it happen again, ok?


So let's see now, we need
a new heist,

A new robbery, a new--

Man on tv: crime!

Where? The museum.

An ancient tryptophenian
ceremonial value meal bucket

Of golden chicken was
almost stolen today by
lady redundant woman

And her trusty duplicate.

We're on tv!

And this man, the butcher.

We go now to our man
on the street.

[Music playing]

Thanks so much, anthony.

If anyone has any
information in regards to---

Why--what is that music?

Uh, sorry about that,
faulty music system.

It's hard to do
a newscast when you're being
interrupted by music.

No. You're right.
I'm sorry. I got it.

[Music stops]

Seems to be some
sort of technical
difficulties there.

Anyway, in completely
unrelated news, a local

Jewelry store is
displaying three similar,
meat-shaped tiaras.

I know this reporter is hungry
for a story like that. Ha ha!

Three meaty
tiaras, eh?

Hmmm... But it's meat
again, so that means
the butcher will

Probably be
after them, too.

I'd better keep you
with me for now,

That way, it'll be
two against one!

Ha ha!

Oh, you're in for it
this time, butcher.

You are finished!

hands up, butcher!

They're already up.

Well, I mean--

Excuse me.
Beg your pardon.

Hate to interrupt, but
those tiaras are mine!

Now, dupey!

[Music playing]

Where does that music
keep coming from?

Hello. Me again. Sorry.
[Music stops]

Just taking this
to get fixed.

It is so frustrating
when you keep getting

Interrupted, you know?

Doesn't anyone want
to know what
"interrupt" means?

I already know what it means.

Sorry, busy right now.

Well, just in case,
"interrupt" means

To stop something
while it's happening.

Like how that music
kept interrupting
our action scene.

Oh, great.

Or how I'm going to
interrupt you two before

This gets even mushier!

Lady redundant woman:
wait a minute.
You're swooning.

You're lovestruck?
You have a crush?

On him?

Uh, yeah. What
show have you
been watching?

Is this true?

Is that your name?

Kind of. You see,
duplicate means
a copy of something.

She's a duplicate of
lady redundant woman.

Well, I simply will
not allow this!

You're in big trouble,
young lady.

Hey! Come back here!

Hey! You guys
can't just leave!

A chicken


Ok, that's it.

We have to put a stop
to this, huggy!

I'm just not sure kids are
going to watch much more

Of this lovey-dovey stuff...

Narrator: later, back in the
rair of lady ra...ra...

Why can't I say that?

Later, back in the lair of
lady redundant woman...

I can't comprehend this!

I'm floored!

And I just
can't believe it!

My own duplicate, falling
for that...that...meat guy!


What do you have to
say for yourself?

A shrug?

What kind of answer
is that?

That's it, young lady.

Consider yourself

Chastised! Punished!

Ok, now, back to business.

I'm here at the
"garbage of ancient
people" museum...

Where a new exhibit
has opened up.

Yeah, ancient, almost
identical t-bone steak bones

That someone threw out.

How exciting.
Came from egypt.

Egypt, you say?

Priceless and
redundant meat bones, eh?

Come on, huggy. It's time
to stop the butcher and
lady redundant woman

Once and for all!

Not gonna turn my show into
a soap opera.

Hello? Wordgirl?
It's me--scoops!

Oh, hi, scoops.
How're you going?

You, uh, guy.

Well, you left a message in
my mailbox, saying I should
call you at this number?

Did i? I don't--
ha ha. Um...

am I interrupting

Oh, no! No,
of course not.

I could
talk all day.

Well, I guess I do
have to go catch a
couple of villains.

Oh, you want me to call
you back later?

If you want, I mean,
you don't have to.

All right.

Call me back
at exactly : .

Oh. Ok.

Great. Bye.



But, when you get
right down to it,

It's a garbage
museum, really.

Yeah, it's my life baby.

Ah! My valuable,

And hardly cheap artifacts.

You now belong to me,
lady redundant--


I knew you'd be he--

Oh, it's you.

You do know that dupey
is a copy of me.

A duplicate!

We're exactly alike!

Pff! Yeah,
I don't think so.

What? What do you
mean by that?

Look, no offense lady,
but dupey is special,

And you're...


I'm what?

Uhh, you seem nice.

I don't have to
take that from you!


I said you seemed nice.

Can't you take
a compliment?


That wasn't
a compliment!

Alright, look,
just bring out dupey
and take a hike, ok?

I'll even let you
have the steak bones.

Oh, you'll let me
have them?

Listen up, big boy.
I take whatever
I want, got it?

Fighting again, huh?



Listen, help me out here,
all right?

I'm trying to talk
sense to this lady,
but she's being mean.

All I want is to
see dupey again.

Yeah, look, I'm not
comfortable with--hey!

Oh, no, you don't!

Bologna barricade!

Ohh, I'm trapped!

Caged! Ensnared!


Help me, dupey!

[Music playing]

Wordgirl: not again!

Aah! Aah.

Uh, sorry
for interrupting.

My friend sold me
this music system,

But I think there's
something wrong with it.

[Music stops]

Pepperoni prison!


At last, dupey,
we're alone.

actually, we're all
still here,

So technically
you are not alone.

[Huggy screeching]


Watch your mush-fest.

We can never
be together.

What? Why not?

Cause I have sweaty hands?

No, it's not that.
It's because...

A vegetarian!



Wait. What's a
vegetarian again?

I know we've covered this.

Yeah...multiple times.

A vegetarian is a person
who doesn't eat meat.

Oh, thanks, wordgirl.

No problem.


[Music playing]


Way to go, huggy!

Ok if I just sit here?

I'm not really in
the mood to fight.

Narrator: and so, once again
the daring duo of wordgirl

And captain huggy face
interrupt the plans

Of a couple of
no-good criminals.

Hey, huggy, a little
help here please?

Narrator: and we learned that
romance and superheroes really

Don't mix.

[Cell phone ringing]
scoops: hello? Wordgirl?

Oh, my gosh!
Scoops is calling me!

Um, is now a good time?

Oh, yeah,
ha ha! Yeah, why? Fine.

Narrator: wow!
Maybe they do mix.

Narrator: and so,
for action without

And adventure that can
never be duplicated
on any other show,

Join us next time for another
episode of "wordgirl"!


Hello. I'm beau handsome
and this is-

May I have a word!

As usual, the player who
correctly defines today's

Featured word will win
a fabulous prize!

Let's play...

May I have a word!

Yes, you may!

Today's featured
word is "snare".

To give you a clue, here are
some clips from "wordgirl" that

Show the meaning of the word.


A snare is a netlike bag that
women in the s wore to

Keep their hair back.

Uh, no. I think you're
confusing the word "snood"

With the word "snare".

And how do you
know about snoods?

My interests are many.

Uh-huh. Anyone else?

Is a snare like a trap
with a net or rope?

That is correct, phil!


You are today's winner!

Huggy, show him
what he's won!

C'mon, huggy, it
can't be that bad!

Well, what a coincidence.
It's an official wordgirl snood,

Which is a netlike bag that
women wore to keep their hair

Back in the s.

What am I supposed to
do with that?

Maybe you could use
it as a snare.

You could give it to me for
my extensive snood collection.

That's it
for today's episode.

See you next time on...

May I have a word!


Narrator: today's featured words
are "colossal" and "scoff".

Just another slow day at
the office for "wordgirl"

And captain huggy face.

Wait, is that a new
ping pong table?!

Oh, yeah.

Narrator: wow.
That's a big table.

I know.
It's colossal!

Out of bounds!
Doesn't count!


Yeah, that's right.
I'm scoffing at you.

It's part of the
fun of the game!

Gosh, huggy, it sure
has been quiet lately.

I wonder where all of
the villains have been.

I haven't heard a
peep from any of them.

Narrator: psst, they're at the
annual villain convention.

That brings me to item
number on our agenda.

I'd like to introduce everyone
to a brand-new villain.

My name is guy rich.

I just moved into your
charmin' little town.

Guy rich is an evil
businessman who has swindled

Customers out of
millions of dollars.

Let's give a friendly
villain welcome
to our newest member...

Guy rich!

Thank you, thank you.

You may hold the applause,
even though I am extremely rich

And therefore extremely
deserving of your awe.

Listen, there's only room
for one rich, golf-loving
evil businessman,

And that's me.

Are you scoffing at me?

Well, I didn't go to a fancy-
word college so I don't
know what scoffing means,

But let's just say I
am making fun of you.

Actually scoffing means
making fun of something, sir.

Guy rich: you don't know
what scoffing means?

What kind of evil
businessman are you?

Wham, wham, wham...
Ahh, wham.

I live in the biggest,

Most colossal mansion
in the city.

Ha! I highly doubt that.

What's colossal mean?

Guy rich:
colossal means huge, giant--

The biggest.

My mansion has rooms
and my very own

Miniature golf course
in the backyard.

Well, excuse me guy,
I know you're the
new villain in town here,

But big is my territory.

And that's why
I'm called mr. Big.

I, however, specialize
in the colossal.

And since colossal means
bigger than big, that means

I'm the richest, most powerful
businessman in the world.

Hey, you should all come
over to my miniature
golf course sometime.

You are all invited.

Oh, what a nice young man.

Put me down for a wham!

Hey, hey, hey, hey!

Villains... Why would you want
to play on his tiny little

Miniature golf course,
when you could play on

The biggest, most colossal
miniature golf course

In the world?

Uh, you don't have a
golf course, sir.

So, what do you say?

Colossal miniature golf?

The whammer is so there!


Narrator: meanwhile, at
wordgirl's super secret hideout,

It's looking like the
ping-pong practice has paid off.

What's the score?

It's still

Hey, no fair!

I was distracted
by the narrator.

Computer: incoming dispatch!

Ooh! A dispatch!

Wealthy criminal businessman
guy rich has moved into town.

Huh, I love this new
villain notification system.

It's such a colossal help
in keeping me organized.

What do you say we swing by,
welcome him to town,
and let him know who's boss?

Narrator: meanwhile,
outside the colossal
mansion of mr. Big...

I'll show that
guy rich.

I'll show them all.

My miniature golf course will
be so colossal, you'll be able

To see it from the moon!


So how are you planning on
building such a colossal
golf course anyway?

Let me guess.

Mind control?


Ok, yes.

But this mind control will
be a little different.



You're mind-controlling
other villains?

Why not?
They're strong.

Good for heavy lifting.


Now, spin around
and do a split.

Woah,ooo, ooo



Yes... Oh!

Go to that fast-food
restaurant, steal that

Colossal clown statue, and
bring it to my mansion.


[Burglar alarm rings]

Clowns make me laugh.

Mr. Big:
hey, two-brains.

See that dutch bakery,

The one that's shaped
like a windmill?

Oh, that would be perfect for
the th hole on my giant

Mini golf course.

Bring it to me.

Mind control
never gets old.

Narrator: meanwhile,
across town, wordgirl
and captain huggy face

Welcome new villain
guy rich to the neighborhood.

Here we are.



[Knock knock]

Listen, how many times do I
have to tell you I don't want

To buy any fair
city scout cookies?

Um, we're not here to
sell you cookies.

I'm wordgirl, and this is my
sidekick captain huggy face.

Oh, wordgirl!

[In southern drawl]
I mean, oh, wordgirl,
what a nice surprise.

I wasn't expecting you.

What's going on here?

According to my information,
you're supposed
to be super rich

And live in a
colossal mansion.

Ho ho ho!
You think I live here?

In this tiny house?

I wouldn't scoff at
the size of your house.

Bigger isn't
necessarily better.

[Without accent]
I know, I know,

But tell that to the
rest of the world.

I mean,
everywhere you look it's

A contest to see who has
the biggest car or the most

Colossal tv.

It's hard for a
normal guy like me.

A normal guy?

That's right.

I'm a fake,
a fraud, a liar.

I'm just a regular old guy
with a regular old job.

I don't get it.

Why would you pretend to
be a villain?

Look at mr. Big.

He's got the world's
most colossal
miniature golf course

Right in
his own backyard!

looks up to him.

Wait a second --

A colossal
miniature golf course?

That doesn't
sound right.

Are you sure about that?

Of course.
He's rich!

Hmm... Come with us.

My miniature golf course!

It's so big!

It's colossal!

Now everyone will see that
I am richer than guy rich!

Are you going to let these
poor villains go now?


But first, I'm going to
play a round of golf.

Guy rich has one caddy,
but look how many I have!

My driver, please.



A hole in one!
Did you see that?

Oh, I saw it, mr. Big!

And I also saw a whole lot
of stolen property.


Your putting days
are over, big.

You're not going to
get me that easily.

Villains, seize her!


Ta ta!
So long, wordgirl.

Huggy, initiate
plan number .

Hey, villains,
snap out of it!

Don't you know that mr. Big
is mind-controlling you?



Put me down!


Heee heee heeee.

Ah! Ooh!

Give it back now!

Hey, that belongs to me!


Thanks, huggy!


What's she doing here?
What am I doing here?

Is that a clown?

What is he doing here?
Don't like clowns.

I love clowns!

Mr. Big's been
all of you.

Does she speak
the truth, mr. Big?

Anyone for golf?

Mr. Big, you know the evil
villains association has

A rule against mind
control on other villains.

We made the rule
because of you!

Hey, listen, if you think
about it, the real villain here

Is guy rich, you know?

Bragging about his colossal
mansion and his fancy
mini golf course.

Guy rich is the
reason I did this!

That's why you built this golf
course, to show people you're
richer than guy rich?

Um, guy?
Can you come out?

Mr. Big, guy rich has something
he wants to tell you.

[With accent]
oh, yes.

I just wanted to tell you,
my miniature golf course is

Much bigger than this thing.

Where is my golf bag?

Guy, tell mr. Big
the truth.

[Without accent]
ok, ok.

I'm not really
a rich villain.

In fact,
I'm not rich at all.

I'm just a normal guy.

Normal? I don't get it.

Well, you just
seem so rich!

You have a caddy.

Oh, he's not my caddy.
He's my brother.

We switch off.

In the next town, he gets to
pretend to be the rich villain

And I have to be the caddy.

Do you mind
if I leave now?

I have to run to the laundromat
and put my clothes in the dryer.

So, I built this enormous mini
golf course so everyone

Would think I was the richest
villain in town, and I already

Was the richest
villain in town.

Wow! What a colossal


Kinda funny when you
think about it.


Mr. Big's
under mind-control!

Oh, big,
can you do a nice pirouette

For a little old lady?

Tap dance!

Tap dance... Tap
dance... Tap dance.

Forget the dancing.

Let's go home and
do granny's dishes.

Mr. Big is going to return
this stolen property,
then he's going to jail.

Oh, little miss

Now, don't scoff.

I did just rescue you all.

Narrator: and so, wordgirl saved
the villains from mind-control

And showed mr. Big
the error of his ways.

Tune in next time for
more colossal adventures

Of "wordgirl"!


Hello, I'm beau handsome, and
this is the bonus round of...

May I have a word?

Our returning champion will
have a chance to play for
even greater prizes

On the bonus round.

Phil, you correctly defined
the word "snare."

Ready to play the bonus round?

I guess so.


Take a look at these pictures
and tell me which one shows the
definition for "snare."

What's your answer, phil?

Well, I know from the first
round that a snare is a trap,

And it looks like
wordgirl trapped chuck
so I will say number .

That's correct!

Which means you're
our bonus round winner.

Show him what he's won, huggy.

Aah! Very funny, guys!

It's an official
"wordgirl" snare!

See you next time on...

May I have a word?

Announcer: want wordgirl's
word power?

Fly over to your local library.

Cape not required.

Word up!

♪ Favorite word, what's your
favorite word ♪

My favorite word is drum

Because it makes music,
and I love music.

I listen to blues, rock, jazz,
church music, country music,

And--well, I guess that's
all the music there is.

My favorite word is guffaw.

It's funny to say. Guffaw!

Heh heh heh! Ha ha ha!

♪ That's my favorite word ♪

Captain huggyface, show us what
"livid" means.

That's right!

Livid means to feel
super-duper angry.

Congratulations, huggy!

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