02x01 - The Silent Cry

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Mannix". Aired: September 16, 1967 – April 13, 1975.*
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Joe Mannix works for a large Los Angeles detective agency called Intertect, using computers to help solve crimes.
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02x01 - The Silent Cry

Post by bunniefuu »

Uh, Mr. Roger L. Wade, please.

Mr. Wade?

Are you alone?

No chance you can be overheard.

(no audio)

Just listen to me,
I'll do the talking.

I've got your wife.

She's still alive...

but she'll be dead by 10:00.

Go home.

Get rid of the servants.

Put 40,000 in a briefcase.

I'll phone you at
6:00 with instructions.

That's Klondike, five...

(no audio)

What's going on here?

Jody, what's the matter?

What is it?

What's wrong?

Who is?

Who is threatening
to k*ll somebody?

What are you talking about?

k*ll who?

A woman?

When did you see him?


There's no one there.

Do you mean the man in the
phone booth was threatening

to k*ll the person
he was talking to?

To k*ll his wife?

Are you sure?

Were you close enough to see?

Cal, we must find
a police station.

(theme music playing)

♪ ♪

(phone ringing in distance)

What, uh... what
did he look like?

She says she's told you...

told you exactly
what he looked like.

What was he wearing?

Dark brown
suit... white shirt...

and a striped tie.

About six feet tall.

She's practically given
you a photograph of him.

Well, she's describing
10,000 men in this city.

Now, listen, the police
are always saying

the public don't
want to get involved.

Well, we're involved,
and you won't do anything.

There's nothing I can do,

not with the information
that you have.

No, but you're
being paid to try.

Now, look, I don't have
to be told what my job is,

not by you or anybody else.

Uh, look, mister,
I'll tell you what.

I'm gonna turn you
over to the lieutenant.

She can't read your
lips unless you face her.

Yeah, uh...


That's a good lead,
Joe, I'll check it out.

Thanks. Anytime, Bob.

Lieutenant, I can't
get through to this girl.

LIEUTENANT: Uh, miss, did
you tell it all to the sergeant?

BARLOW: Lieutenant, she...

SERGEANT: She can't read
your lips unless you face her.

You don't know who the
man in the phone booth was?

You can't remember the name

of the man he was calling?

You can't remember
the phone number?

You don't know where he lives,

where he works?

Miss Wellman, I'm sorry.

There's just not
enough to go on.

Anything in Missing Persons?

SERGEANT: No, nothing.

She says, because
she can't remember,

some woman's going to be k*lled.

Well, we know where
to get in touch with you,

Mr. Barlow, in case
anything turns up.

Put it in the open file.

I'm sorry.

Well, we've done all we can.

Excuse me.

I couldn't help overhearing.

My, uh, name is Mannix.

I'm a private detective.

The police didn't seem
to want to do anything.

Well, you can't
really blame them.

After all, it was a question of
her not remembering enough.

What did she say?

Well, she said she
might remember more,

but the excitement's
driven it out of her mind.

Do you think with a little help,
you might remember the name?

The phone number?

Would you like to try?

All right.


Should we go to my office?

Cal, we'll see
you at the theater.

Get everything ready
for a run-through at 7:30.


Klondike... five.

Is that all you can
remember, Jody?

Just one more number.

One number.


Let's have some light, Peggy.

Now, what have we got so far?

For three hours work, not much.

Boils down to 40,000

and the start of a
telephone number.

Yeah, well that 40,000...

it's got to be dollars.

It's a nice, round figure

It's got to be ransom money.

All right, now, let...

let's take it one more time.

Now, Mr. Mannix,
we've been through it

over and over and over again.

One more time, Jody.


She's worn out.

She said one more
time, didn't she? All right.

All right, now, let's
start it all over again.

I'll throw you the cues.

Yeah, I can do it in my sleep.

Now you're in the phone booth.

Now you're talking.


Just listen to me.

I'll do the talking.

I've got your wife.

She's still alive, but
she'll be dead at 10:00.

Go home.

Get rid of the servants.

Put 40,000 in a briefcase.

I'll phone you at
6:00 with instructions.

That's Klondike, five...

Klondike, five... Easy, easy.

Don't break the mood.

Go back to the briefcase.

Put 40,000 in a briefcase.

I'll phone you at
6:00 with instructions.

That's Klondike, five...



Klondike, five, three, six...

That's Klondike,
five, three, six...

She can't, don't you see that?

She just can't.

Come on, Jody.

Come on, it's okay.

You're fine, just rest.

Just relax.

She wants some water.

I'll get it.

All right.

All right, Jody,

let's forget about
the phone number.

Let's try and remember the name.

Try and remember
the name he said.

Oh, Mr. Mannix, please.

Jody, just a little more.

A little more,
and we'll have it.

Now, the name.

PEGGY: Here you are.




She means the
man's name is Wade.


Wade... the name is Wade?

Wade, Wade, Wade.

Wade, Gladstone.

Wade, Granite.

Wade, Exbrook.

Wade, Klondike.

Roger L. Wade, 3259 Stone Road.

Klondike 5-3-6-5-8!

Five, eight.

MANNIX: Klondike... 5-3-6-5-8.


(ringing continues)

(doorbell chimes)

(crickets chirping)


Mr. Wade?

Roger L. Wade?

How did you find out?

We talking about the
same thing, your wife?

What about my wife?

I know she's been kidnapped.


I didn't telephone the police!

They told me not to, and
I did exactly as they said.

I'm not from the police.

Well, then... who are you?

I'm a private investigator.

My name is Mannix.

But... how did you know?

Find out about my wife?

What's the difference?

I was concerned,
so I tried to call you.

A little while ago, was
that you on the phone?

When you didn't answer...

I was told not to!

I figured you could
use some help.


No, no help.

I don't want you or
the police or anyone.

I don't want any help.

I'm taking care of it myself.

I can handle it.

I hope you can.

Good luck.

Mr. Mannix...

May I see your identification?

I think maybe you
can help me, if you will.

When you arrived, I was
just leaving with the money.

(briefcase clasps
snap open) $40,000?


Don't do it.

Why not? I've
got to! Otherwise...

The best way to get your wife
back alive is go to the police. No!

Believe me! I won't do it!

I don't care about the money.

I'm not thinking
about the money.

I'm thinking about your wife.

Will the police take

the responsibility
if my wife is k*lled?

Will you, Mr. Mannix?!

I can only advise you, Wade.

The decision's got to be yours.

(briefcase clasps
snap shut) Then I'll pay.

I don't think...
the instructions...

I don't think I'm up to it;
It's somewhere in the hills.

You want me to make the drop?


Deliver the money.

These are the instructions
they phoned me.

You've got half an
hour to get there.

"9:00 exactly,"
that's what they said.

Name your fee,
Mr. Mannix, any fee.

What'd they say about
releasing your wife?

They said she'd be
home safe by 10:00

if the money were paid.

All right, Wade.

Mr. Mannix...
they're expecting me.

Take one of my cars,
the... the black one.

(crickets chirping)

Is it done?

Yeah, right on schedule.

You should be hearing from them.

Yes, 10:00... that's the
time they said they'd call.

Mr. Mannix, will
they keep their word?

Would you like me to stay?

No. They told me
to stay here alone.

No servants. Nobody.

I'll call you after 10:00.

Fine. Oh, by the way, Wade,

if you do need me, I'll be at
the Civic Repertory Theatre.

Mr. Mannix, thank you.

I'll expect your bill.

Who are you?

I'm the man you
hired to k*ll your wife.

But you said that...
I thought that...

You thought what, Mr. Wade?

You said all our dealings
would be on the phone.

That's quite right.

You said you didn't want
to be seen by me or anyone.

That's correct.

Why'd you come here?

Your wife is dead and buried.

No, no, I don't
want to hear about it.

Why not? You paid for it.

What do you want?

You got your money.

Didn't you?

Oh, yes.

Thank you.

But I also got a surprise.

In my profession,
surprises are dangerous.

You were supposed
to make the drop...

Who is he?

Uh, his name's Mannix.
He's a private detective.

Where does he fit in?

He found out about it.


I-I don't know. He wouldn't say.

I-I asked him, but
he wouldn't say.

Yet you sent him up
there with the money?

But he played right into
our hands, don't you see?!

He thinks it's a
kidnapping, a real one.

I made him believe that!

Where do I find him?

What are you going to do?

Where do I find him?

The Civic Repertory Theatre.

That's where he
said I could reach him.

BARLOW: Sweet, so would I, yet I
should k*ll thee with much cherishing.

Good night, good night!

Parting is such sweet sorrow

that I shall say good
night till it be morrow.

Sleep dwell on thine eyes,

peace in thy breast!

Would I were peace and
sleep, so sweet to rest!

Hence to my
ghostly father's cell,

His health to crave,

and my dear hap to tell.

And now ladies and gentlemen,

Elizabeth Barrett
Browning's immortal poem,

"How Do I Love Thee?"
by Miss Jody Wellman.

BARLOW: How do I love thee?

Let me count the ways.

I love thee to the depth

and breadth and height
My soul can reach,

when feeling out of sight

To the ends of Being
and ideal Grace.

I love thee to the
level of everyday's

Most quiet need, by
sun and candle-light.

I love thee freely,

as men strive for Right.

I love thee purely,

as men turn from Praise.

I love thee with a
passion put to use

In my old griefs

and with my childhood's faith.

I love thee with a
love I seemed to lose

With my lost saints...

I love thee with the breath,

Smiles, tears of all my life!

And, if God choose,
I shall but love thee

better after death.

(applause continues)

Perfect, perfect.

It gets better every time.

Oh, Cal, don't touch the lights.

And don't you change a thing.

Cal, get the light cart.

There's a few
things I want to fix.

(smacks lips)

Beautiful, beautiful.

Wade? Yes, I saw him,

and he hired me to help him.

I delivered the ransom money.

How much?

You were right: $40,000.

I'll go to the police as
soon as she's back home.

Oh, time.

Yes, well, they said Mrs.
Wade would be home

at 10:00 if the ransom was paid.

Now, you stop worrying.

The ransom is paid.

Everything is
going to be all right.

Yeah, okay.

The timing of
Jody's performance?

Ah, it's a mere trick.

All it requires is talent.

Well, you can call
it what you like.

I think you were wonderful.

She wants to know if you'd like

to stay for a cup of coffee.

Oh, well, uh, tell
her I'd be delighted.

Well, tell her yourself.

I, uh... I'd be delighted.

When Jody stays in town,

she uses my upstairs apartment.

But I warn you...

her coffee isn't as
good as her acting.



Oh, thank you, thank you.


Oh, you're going to get married.


Two... a day after tomorrow?

Two months?

Two weeks?

How wonderful.



Oh, no... no, I'm not married.


Well, I guess I've, uh,
always been a loner,

even when I was with Intertect.


Oh, well, that's a
big detective agency.

Big building, you know,

and lots of machines,
computers, all the time...

(making clicking sounds)

All the time.

Well, one day I got fed up

and I, uh, cussed
at the machine.

I think I heard it
cuss back, so I quit.

Now, if I can't get
along with a machine,

just think what would
happen with a wife.

Uh, your doorbell is ringing.

You're welcome.

Mrs. Edwards has
just brought it back.

I had it shortened.

Don't argue with your director.

It was too long.

Now put it on.

Uh, you'd better try on
your makeup and your wig,

and if you have any problems...

(stamping feet)

Yes, that's right,
stamp on the floor.

It's a quarter after 10:00.

Mrs. Wade should
be back home now.

WADE: Hello?

Mr. Wade, Mannix here.

Did your wife get back?

No, not yet.

Did you hear from her?

Well, not from her, from them.

They've still got her.

Did they say why?

They didn't pick
up the money yet.

Well, why not?

Well, when they saw
you get out of the car

instead of me, they
thought it was a trap.

Mr. Mannix, what will we do now?

Well, did you tell them they
had nothing to worry about,

that I wouldn't
go to the police?

Well, yes, yes, I
told them, but they...

they want the money moved.

They insist that it be moved.

Mr. Mannix, they...
All right, now, relax.

I'll move the money, no problem.

Did they give you
new instructions?


They want me to go
to the office tomorrow,

everything as usual.

They want the money
moved in the morning.

Then, you'd better leave
the instructions for me.


I'll leave them in the same car.

You've got to get
there at 9:30 sharp.

I'll be there.

Thank you, Mr. Mannix.

Thank you more than I can say.


He'll be there at 9:30.

He'll be dead by 9:31.

Why k*ll him?

He's a loose end.

But as long as he's alive,

he'll be another witness for us.

The bank knows I
withdrew the money,

and Mannix knows
it was delivered.

But if someone
discovers your wife's body,

Mannix will go to the police.

Loose end.

I didn't bring Mannix
into it, and you know that.

It was that girl who saw
you on the telephone.

During my seven years in
this profession, Mr. Wade,

no one has ever seen my face.

The girl.

You're going to
k*ll the girl, too?

I don't like it any
more than you do.

Added work without
added compensation.

She knows my face.

Yes, Mr. Wade.

And you know my face.

But I agreed to your terms.

Contact only on the phone.

I agreed!

I didn't want to see you.

(g*n cocking)

You disobeyed my instructions.


I didn't want you to come here.

I didn't ask you to come here.

I had to find out about Mannix.

I'm in as deep as you are.

I wouldn't talk!

You know my face, Mr. Wade.

You're a loose end.

(silenced g*nsh*t)

(glass shattering)

Mannix is a loose end.

The girl is a loose end.


Loose end.

We've got a dress rehearsal

at the theater tomorrow at 1:00.

Why don't you drop by?

Well, I'd like to very
much, if I can make it.

Good night. Good night.

(car engine starting)

(window creaking)

I was looking for
Miss Jody Wellman.


I love you, too.

BARLOW: Surprise!

Surprise, surprise
Surprise, surprise, surprise!

You don't think we would

let you get married
and not give you a party?

Of course the
costume wasn't altered.

I wanted to keep you up late

because Larry's plane
was an hour late getting in.


I'm following your instructions!

MANNIX: What do you want?!

You first, then the girl.

(tires squealing)

(car crashing sounds)




Who is this?

Oh, Mr. Mannix.

This is Cal, the stage manager.

Cal, is there
anyone else around?

No. Nobody'll be here
till 1:00 dress rehearsal.

That's a couple hours yet.

Cal, I wonder if you
could do me a favor.

Sure, Mr. Mannix.

Get in touch with Jody Wellman.

Tell her to come right
down to the theater.

I'll meet her there.
It's important.

Tell her it's about
Mrs. Wade, hmm?

Okay, Mr. Mannix.

Hey! Hey!

Hello, Cal?

Are you Cal?

Yes. What can I do for you?

I'm supposed to
meet Mr. Mannix here.

He should be here
any minute now.


Is, uh, anybody else around?

No, sir.

Okay, thanks.

What are you doing?!

(Cal yells, body thuds on floor)

(g*n cocking)

(no audio)

(tires squealing)

(loud clattering)

(scraping sound)


(silenced g*nsh*t)

(g*nsh*t, glass shattering)

(theme music playing)
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