02x02 - Comes Up Rose

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Mannix". Aired: September 16, 1967 – April 13, 1975.*
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Joe Mannix works for a large Los Angeles detective agency called Intertect, using computers to help solve crimes.
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02x02 - Comes Up Rose

Post by bunniefuu »

(jet engine roaring)

You got this cold?

Yes, Mother.

Clerk's name is Al.
The guard is Charlie.

He missed his marks.

He was told where to stop.

Exactly where to stop.

Make a note.

Pickup. Eldridge & Sons.

Eldridge & Sons. One crate.

Consignment number 80625.

Where's your truck?

Right outside.

Pull it around the front, Harry.

Sign at the X, please.

I haven't seen you fellows
around here before, have I?

It's been a while, I guess.

I'm trying to remember.

Charles. Sure.

Charlie, isn't it? Yeah.

Thought I remembered.

Good to see you
again, Charlie boy.

You got one of those
Eldridge releases on file?

Yeah, sure.

Let me have a look at it.

Where is that cargo?

Hold it, boys.

What gives?

Maybe nothing.

We're checking Eldridge.

For what?

Come on. Inside, in the office.

I'm just doing my job.

Look, bud, you got my papers.

What do you want,
my library card?


It blew up!

Forget it.

It's just a truck. I
got what I wanted.

That's what shakedown
runs are for, Steve.

To find out where the holes are.

Next time there
won't be any holes.

(car engine starts)

(sirens wailing)

(fire crackling)

(theme music plays)

♪ ♪

Wife? What wife?

Come on, Charlie,
you're not married!

I mean, I'd know, wouldn't I?

You'd send me an invitation,

and I'd send you maybe
a olive fork or something.

I swear,

somebody comes up here
in the middle of the night

and turns this thing
up to number eight.

We were married about
a year and a half ago, Joe.

What's her name?

Rose. Her name is Rose.

Rose in Captain Haller's office?

Rose Berlini? Secretary,
brunette, about so tall?

No, you wouldn't know
her, Joe. Not my Rose.

Okay, so you were telling me...?

She didn't come home last night.

Now, look, it's been
less than 24 hours.

I know it's not
long, Joe, I know!

I'm scared, Joe.

We're very close, Rose and me.

She wouldn't
just go off like this.

She just wouldn't.

We need each other
more than other people do.

Charlie, you were
a cop, a terrific cop.

Now, why don't you go
to Haller or Tom or Mike?

You know, the police force has
the equipment, the manpower...

and the price is right.

Here, take this. It's
from the company.

They're very grateful

for when I stopped
the Eldridge hijack.

Medium grateful.

No, Joe, come on now.

It's a wedding present.

Joe, I want you to
find Rose for me.

All right, you don't
want the police involved.


I can't tell you, Joe.

I've got to have more to go on.

Oh, I have a, uh, picture.


What kind of work
would she look for?

Assuming she left
under her own will.

Uh, I don't know, Joe.

Well, what kind of
training has she had?

Secretarial? Bank
teller? Store clerk?

Housewife. She's a housewife!

Was she married before?

No, of course not!

Charlie, she's not 18.

What's she been
doing to support herself?

Salesgirl? Receptionist?

Airplane mechanic?!

Charlie, she had to
work at something!

Just forget it,
Joe. I don't know.

Good morning.

'Morning. And don't
make any smart remarks

about smelling
something burning.

I just assumed it was the carpet
smoking behind Charlie Anderson.

He went through
here like the XP-1.


Yeah, his wife's missing.

First he asked me to find her,

and then he plays it like I was
the Internal Revenue Service.

Hey, Peggy, you
were at the Police Lab

about a year ago
when he got married.

What gives? What
kind of marriage was it?

Mm, you know.

(sternly): Peggy?

Just an ordinary wedding.

Now, what's the mystery?

Well... (door opens)


No calls.

Sit down, Charlie.

Rose was in the game, Joe.

About a year and a half ago,

I was working the Vice
Detail, I booked her.

Anyway, she got
probation for first offense,

and afterwards, she came up

and said she was quitting.

She was... real... nice.

It's the only word
I can think of.

I asked if I could help
her find... regular work.

So I did, and I don't know,
we started seeing each other.

She's everything in
the world to me, Joe.

Is that about the time
you quit the force?

They all knew, the
whole precinct knew.

I knew what they were thinking.

Well, they're only
human, Charlie.

Maybe some were
thinking it, some weren't.

You can't let that
change your life.

That's what I
keep telling myself.

Well, keep telling
yourself that.

Now, what can you tell me
so we can get your lady back?

Well, let's see, a few days ago

just after the hijack thing at
work, she started acting scared.

The phone would
ring, the doorbell,

she'd jump up like
something was gonna happen.

I asked her about it.

She said she was worried
about me and the job.

I said, "That's ridiculous."

It's ten times safer than
working on the Force,

and she wasn't scared then.

She actually tried
to get me to quit.

Could she have been getting
heat from any of the old crowd?


Absolutely no.

She broke clean,
she never saw them,

she never talked about 'em.

Do you have
anything I can go on?

Some neighbor saw
her getting into a cab.

She doesn't know
what cab company.

No help.

You're underestimating

that demon I've got
in the outer office.

All I do is press this button

and I say, uh, "Peggy,
cab companies."

Man, you're the second
cat wanting to know

about that pickup
on Avalon Street.

I gotta tell you the same thing.

I didn't make the call.

Well, man, your
dispatcher told my secretary

you made the pickup.

The first cat pay you off?

Lies. A tissue of
lies, the whole thing.

The truth is, I had
ignition trouble, okay?

Oh, ignition trouble, huh?

Hmm... Hey, that's
my driver's log.

That's confidential.

You hoped. Huh,

I see here you made a pickup
at Western and 6th at 11:01.


And then you made a
stop at Avalon... a no-show.

Ah, but that's been
erased, hasn't it, Cat?

And then five minutes later,

you made another pickup
a block away, it says here.

Now that doesn't sound
like your ignition failed...

More like your eraser.

Ignition trouble comes,
Ignition trouble goes.

And old cabbies who phony
up their logs just fade away.

All it takes is one call
to the hack bureau.

And your license is taken away.

Right, Cat?

Now where did you take her?

3028 Fairfax.

This is a private
club. You a member?

What's it take?

Ten bucks. Mm.

You're a member.

Got film in it?

Ten bucks more.

Skip it.

INSTRUCTOR: Observe the skin
tones, the contrasting shadows.

Hold your cameras firmly, gents,
and remember to focus correctly.

I would suggest one-thirtieth
of a second at F 2.8.

I thought Rose
would be modeling.

No Rose here.

Just these two.

A friend of mine said
she was here last night.

Your friend was mistaken.

Here, gents, we have
a fascinating view

of the body beautiful.

The face is now in shadow,

the figure prominent;

an opportunity
to create true art.

Her name is Anderson,
Rose Anderson.

It was about 11:00 last night.

Look, sir, my
customers come here

to practice their F-stops
and shutter speeds.

No questions.

You want information,
go dial 411.

Angle sh*ts may be used here,
sh**ting up or from the sides,

possibly a view from the back.

What about Rose?

Was she here last night?

It's possible. Why?

Oh, a little friendly
chat. I'd like to talk to her.

Forget it.

She's straight, married.

Charlie's worried about her.

She didn't come home last night.


Mr. Mannix, I can't
help you much.

She came by for a
few minutes to see me.

Where she went from
here, I couldn't say.

I also couldn't say who gave
the orders to clam up about her.

What did she talk about?


She needed a couple hundred.

I told her to call back later.

I'd scrounge around.

Did she say anything else?

I didn't ask anything else.

Fair enough.

Well, look, if you
happen to hear from her,

I'd appreciate knowing.


when you find her, tell
them not to louse it up, huh?

She and Charlie have got

a good thing going.

Most guys these days

think love is the tenth
word in a telegram.

(murmured conversations)

MANNIX: Hello, Puffy.

What did you get for it?

Mannix, it's been years.


It's a Trudeau.

Are you looking for a painting?

No. I'm looking for
a Rose... Anderson.



So it's "whom" and $300
suits now, huh, Puffy?

And now it's Lawrence, Carson.

All right, Lawrence.

Who's behind the cabby payoff,

and how does Rose
Anderson tie into it.

Oh, Mannix, Mannix,

you're assuming that
I still maintain contacts

that I severed a long time ago.

How long ago, ten minutes?

'Cause according to
the Hall of Records,

you're still the king of the
seamy side of the street,

the sultan of smut.

I'll read you chapter and verse.

You're holding leases on

The Lavender Kittykat,
a topless joint on 3rd,

The Artists' and
Models' Club, and...

Well, the list goes on and on.

But it doesn't tie me
to any Rose Anderson.

So, unless you want to buy

a pretty picture,
don't come back.

All righty, but if
you're covering,

and I find out you're
covering, Puffy,

you're going to be wearing
this Trudeau as a lavaliere.


I didn't think Mannix
would get this far.

Maybe we ought to
postpone or forget it.

He's looking for
her, too, isn't he?

Let him find her for us.

(phone dialing)

Hello, I'd like to speak
to Mr. Mannix, please.


Just tell him it's the Billie

from the Artists'
and Models' Club.

Look, Billie, uh, I'd
better get you to a doctor.

We can talk later.

No. I've been hit before.

Thanks, anyway.

Who did it?

A big creep with 32 fists.

I don't know who.

He wanted to know about Rose.

I told him nothing.

The big jerk followed
me in after I talked to you.

You said, uh, Rose phoned.

Yeah. She's in San Pedro.

Is she all right?

Yeah, she's fine.

She's got a job
in the Rialto Bar.

She told me not
to tell, even Charlie.

Thanks, Billie.

Now you'd better
stay out of sight.

Get some rest.

And don't open any doors.

Mannix, it's more
than just family static

between Rose
and Charlie, isn't it?


Well, don't let anything
happen to her, or him.

Yes, ma'am.

♪ ♪

Hi, what will you have?

Hello, Rose.

I'm a friend of Charlie's.

Well, that's fine.

Are you buying a
drink or just leaving?

He's worried about you.

Well, tell Charlie to trot
down to the Starview Lanes

and bowl a couple of lines.

He thinks something's
bothering you.

He'd like you to come back
and at least talk it over with him.

Talk it over?

What, our $90-a-month walk-up?

Our two rooms with a
view of a gas station?

Talk about something
bothering me?

Well, that bothers me, Buddy.

It's a drag.

Charlie was happy. He
thought you were, too.

Yeah sure, Charlie was happy.

Charlie, with his shirt
to wash every day,

Charlie, with his
beer and his bowling.

Look, I tried it
square, and it flopped.

I can do a lot
better with my life.

In this dump? On tips?

You'll end up on one of those
bar stools, hustling drinks.

Well, that's not
something I'm new at, is it?

Come on, Rose, you don't
want to go back to that.

Look, tell Charlie
he's an okay guy.

Tell him I tried it,
but I couldn't make it.

Tell him, to find somebody else.

Now, are you having a
drink before you leave?

Yeah, champagne.


I just came from Billie's.

Yeah, that figures.

Nobody else knew where I was.

40 cents.

You should have
seen her apartment.

Looked like they
had had four nights

of tag-team wrestling there.

And her face looked
like she had lost.

Not very pretty.


Somebody got to Billie?

Somebody who's very
interested in you, Rose.

Enough to bribe a cabbie

and pay hush money to the g*ng

over at the Artists'
and Models' Club

and give Billie a pretty
thorough working over.

Look, Rose, whatever
the problem is,

why don't you come back with me.

Maybe I can help.

Poor Billie.

I didn't mean for her
to get mixed up in...

(loud crash)


Let me go!

(Rose yelling)

Lie back now. Come on.

Doctor says so.

There's a possibility
of a concussion.

Yeah, well, I'll take
that responsibility.

It's my concussion.

(groaning): How'd you get here?

I got a phone call.

Come on now.

Just relax.

I haven't got time.

I've got to get out of here.

Rose Anderson... been kidnapped.

Whoa, Rose Anderson...

Rose Anderson is here.


She's been waiting all night.

You can come in now, Rose.

Are you all right?

How are you feeling, Joe?

I don't know.

How did you get away, Rose?

What are you doing here?

Rose called last
night after you fell.

Everything's fine.

She's coming home now.

I'll have to send my shirts
to a laundry after this,

right, Rose? Right, Charlie.

We owe you a lot.

Thanks, Joe.

Thanks for what?

For talking Rose
into coming home.

That's the only thing
that is important.

Yeah, well, hold it.

Just hold it.

What do you mean I fell?

What about Billie?

What's going on, Charlie?

Can we go home now, Charlie?

I'm awfully tired.

Sure, honey.

Wait a minute.

Thank you, Joe.

Everything's been
taken care of downstairs,

and we can't thank you enough.

Good-bye, Joe. Hey, Charlie.


(TV playing)

Charlie, you can't tell me,

you can't convince
me that there's...

Welcome home.

Well, it's good to have
you back, Mrs. Anderson.

TV ANNOUNCER: that evens
the score here in the seventh inning.

There are two outs
and the pitcher is due up.

Charlie... (clicks TV off)

you really should have color.

I'll send you a set tomorrow.

What style cabinet
do you prefer?

Keep your TV sets, Templeton.

Is everything all right?

Everything is
definitely not all right.

The deal is on.


If you change your
mind, please call.

They've got something new
called Spanish-Mediterranean.

You'll love it.

It has a 27-inch picture.

Charlie, keep our
Rose happy and safe.

I'll call you.

It comes in either
walnut or mahogany.

TV sets. What's he think I am?

He knows what you are.

You're scared... for me.

Because of what they
say they'll do to me.

It's not what they say, Rose.

With five million
dollars riding,

they're not going to let
you or me get in the way.

They mean it. Then let's run.

You tried that, remember?

No, Charlie, we, both of us.

I don't want to go
without you, both of us.

Not a chance.

And you still won't
go to the police?

They can't guarantee
you won't get hurt.

Can Templeton
guarantee that you won't?


"Keep Rose happy
and safe," he said.

You have, Charlie.

I've never been happier,

and I've never felt
safer than with you.

And it has cost you your job,

and your friends, pride...

No, Rose, that's
not true at all.

Oh, sure it is, Charlie.

Sure it is.

And if you do what
he wants you to,

you won't have anything.

You won't be any of
the good things you were

when you married me,

and it'll be my fault, Charlie.

I will have dragged
you down to what I am.

So, if you love me, please...

Of course, I love you.

Don't ever wonder about that.

I mean it.

But I'm gonna do what he says.

It's the only chance we've got.

Fell down.

I fell down because I
was clobbered with a...

What are you doing?

Aspirin. Drink up.


You didn't recognize him?

A guy with 32 fists.


Old Armenian proverb.

The only obvious threat
to Rose and Charlie

has got to be something
out of her past.

Maybe it was Charlie.

What's Charlie got?

Yeah, what's Charlie got.

$127 a week job as...

airport security officer

in charge of cargo
worth millions.

Charlie's got plenty.

Remember Nick Jason?

Who could forget him?

I want to talk
to him. Set it up.

Hey, the doctor said...
you're not supposed...

The doctor wants...
(door closes)

Don't get hit on the head!

Hmm, what kind of a heist?

Payroll? Bank job?

National Airport. Cargo.

Lots of problems.

This for a client?

A friend.

I was trying to help him,
but I ran into a stone wall.

So I came to the old pro.

You were always
a smart boy, Joe.

Too smart.

The kind of job you're
talking about needs planning.

You'd have to know when
the stuff was being shipped,

who it's being shipped to.

Then you'd have to counterfeit

papers, identification.

How big is the hit?

As big as there is.

Narcotics, that's
good, plenty of takers.

Furs, precious metals,
diamonds, jewelry.

Precious metals, like what?

Ozmium, palladium, platinum.

Space age stuff.

Is it worth much?

You tell me, Joe.

Is $300, $400 an ounce much?

It'll do.

Naturally, before I'd
pull a caper like that,

I'd be sure that the security
fuzz was on my payroll.


Thanks, Nick.

For nothing.

Ten minutes to lockup, Nick.

See you in three to
five years, Mannix.

Oh, and, Nick, I
do appreciate it.

Here we are.

Burmese silk.


Not much to get
k*lled for, was it?

$3.00, $3,000, three million,

they all get the same security.

You handle all airline freight?

All the carriers in this area.

Let's say a valuable cargo
arrives right now, what happens?

Soon as it clears customs,

we store it in our
security warehouse,

then we notify the consignee
when the cargo is cleared.

Isn't there any way they
would know it was here?


Air freight would route it

on the first carrier
with available space.

That could take a
day, an hour, a week.

What about the actual delivery?

Just a minute.

Charlie... CHARLIE:
Yeah, George?

Can I see you a minute?

Charlie Anderson, Mr. Mannix.

Mr. Mannix here is
checking out our security

for Great Pacific
Insurance Company.

Charlie's tops, Mr. Mannix.

He'll tell you everything
you want to know.

Tell him about the
Eldridge hassle, Charlie.

Thanks, Mr. Cole.

Can we go some place and talk?

Great Pacific Insurance.

Well, it got me in.

How's Rose? Okay.

Charlie, that Eldridge hassle.

Silk. $3,000 worth of silk.

I heard.

Somebody went through
a lot of trouble for peanuts,

a lot of trouble.

Then maybe next time
they'll be a little luckier.

What do you think?
Meaning just exactly what?

I'd hate to think that they've
got you in their back pocket.

I've got a shipment to check.

Now, listen to me, Charlie.

I've finally got this
thing figured out.

Rose was running
because she was trying

to take the heat off of you.

Somebody got to her because
they needed you for the hit.

When they picked
Rose up in San Pedro,

they held her until
you made the deal.

You're in the
wrong ballpark, Joe.

Couldn't have been a
money payoff, Charlie, not you.

It had to be Rose.

Her life for this job.

You're dreaming.

What is it this time...

dr*gs, diamonds,
precious metals?

Charlie, I'm your friend.

Now, I can help you.

Who's behind it?

When's the hit?

If you're my friend,
get out of here.

Joe Mannix,

I remember a rainy night
on East Broadway once

when a very green private eye

got himself caught up a
blind alley by four guys

with pinstripe suits
and shoulder holsters,

and except for a slightly
balding cop we both know,

he'd have had his
head ventilated.

Now, if you remember that, Joe,

get out of here.

I'll never forget it, Charlie.

No dice.

Very nice.

Mannix. What? What...?

What are you doing?

That was my tailor.

It's too bad, Lawrence.

You covered. I found
out you covered.

You know Rose Anderson.

You knew her husband
was security at the airport.

I told you I don't know
any Rose Anderson!

That's a $300 suit!

Talk fast, Puffy.
I know it's hijack,

and I know you're in it
up to your double chin.

No, no, Mannix. No, no, not me.

Girls, maybe, but hijack, never.

No! Easy. That's,
that's pure silk!

When are they grabbing
it? What's the timetable?

I tell you, you
got me all wrong.

I wouldn't touch a thing
like that. Don't! When?!

When, Carson?

I-I, I don't know
anything. I swear!

This is your last chance, Puffy.

'Cause I'm going to the
police and blow the whole thing,

including the working
over you gave Billie...

and that is attempted m*rder.

CARSON (on tape):
Shreds, Harvey!

Absolutely, totally, ruined!

TEMPLETON: You seem more
worried about the suit than the police.

He hit you where
you live, Lawrence.

CARSON: $300!

TEMPLETON: Don't say
anything more on the telephone.

Mannix is bluffing.

He wouldn't turn in
Charlie Anderson.

I'll have Mr. Mannix seen to.

better do it quick.

at the house. Good-bye.

CARSON: Because I won't put up

with that kind of...

TEMPLETON: Good-bye, Lawrence.

CARSON: of as*ault on
my person! (line disconnects)

CARSON: Templeton!


(tape recorder clicks off)


Harvey Templeton.

Sic 'em, Peggy.



Hello, Joe.

Um... Charlie called,

and he told me that
you were at the terminal,

and what you said.

You're a hundred
percent right, Joe.

We have to stop him.

If-if, if he does what they
want, they'll own him, and...

I don't want that for
Charlie, or if we have kids...

Well, I, uh, I'm
gaining on them, Rose.

I just got a line
to the top man.

Now, if I could find
out about when.

Tomorrow. I heard Charlie
talking on the phone,

and it seems to me that...

I could be wrong, Joe.

Tomorrow... If it's
tomorrow, that'll be fine.

That'll give me time
to... (door opening)

Harvey Templeton.

Importer of precious metals.

If he did go home,
that address would be...

183 Sierra Drive.


I'm Mrs. Templeton.

Come in, neighbor.

Thank you.

The meeting has already started.

I'm so glad you could come.

These new property taxes
are simply scandalous,

but if we pull together, we
can do something about it.

Well, I'm afraid you'll have to
pull without me, Mrs. Templeton.

I'm here to see your husband
about a metal shipment.


Oh, just tell him
Mannix is here,

if you don't mind.

Would you please
wait in the study

at the top of the
stairs? Thank you.

MAN (on radio): On schedule.

Light traffic.

MAN (on radio): On schedule.

Mr. Mannix.

What can I do for you?

This outfit must come in
pretty handy in your business.


Yeah, like for instance,
letting you know

when there's a shipment
leaving the airport,

by what route, by what carrier,

if there are any delays,
trans-shipment, bad weather...

Lincoln and 8th. No hang-ups.

Call it off, Templeton.

By tomorrow that airport'll
be swarming with cops.

Tomorrow doesn't concern me.


Actually about... 17
minutes from now.

If there aren't too
many red lights.

Approaching point five.

Armored car, on
the way to the airport.

Stop there, Mr. Mannix!

Your g*n.

It's all over, Templeton.

The police know about
you, Carson and Charlie.

Incredible. How?

I made a phone
call to the police.

Then where are they?

Or aren't they due
until tomorrow?

No, Mr. Mannix.

Perhaps you can stampede
Carson with your threats,

but not me.

MAN (on radio):
Traffic still light.

Checkpoint six.

Right on schedule.

If you can call him
back, you'd better.

Don't underestimate Charlie.

I don't.

I own him.

And don't underestimate me, sir.

See, I don't think that you
appreciate the uniqueness

or the magnitude
of my enterprise.

How does five million
dollars grab you?


But it'd grab me even more

if you said you were gonna
hijack your own shipment.

That way you'd have the goods
and the insurance. Ten million.


That's very good.

Very good,
Mr. Mannix. Excellent.

Steve, k*ll Mr. Mannix.

In the hills.

And don't make it too close.

It would scandalize my
already overtaxed neighbors.

MAN (on radio):
Final checkpoint.

Airport straight ahead.

Pickup. Templeton, Incorporated.


Precious metals.

Boss wants them all checked out.

Um... Identification?

Looks okay.

Templeton, Incorporated.

Two crates.

Consignment number 84646.

Truck outside?

Armored car.

Armored car, front.

Be right out.

Templeton, Incorporated.


(car door slams)


You initialed. You
have to sign in full.


Rose is safe!

I got to Templeton!


(g*nf*re continues)

I'll take him.

Don't be a fool. That
thing's like a t*nk.


(sirens wailing)

(brakes squealing)

Oh, Charlie.

Oh, Charlie.

He did it.

Joe busted the robbery.

Oops. Hold it.
Charlie busted it.

He couldn't go through with it.

Charlie, are you all right?


A cop with your shirt
collar like a coal miner.

Oh, Charlie, I'm
so glad you're back.

Joe, I don't know what to say.

Will you go home?

Go on. Get out of here.

Would he have
gone through with it

if, uh.. you hadn't showed up?

Now, what kind of a
question is that, Peggy?

Charlie's too good a cop.

Always was.
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