02x07 - Edge of the Knife

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Mannix". Aired: September 16, 1967 – April 13, 1975.*
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Joe Mannix works for a large Los Angeles detective agency called Intertect, using computers to help solve crimes.
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02x07 - Edge of the Knife

Post by bunniefuu »

(playing classical music)

(music stops)

One more movement, Miss Paulsen.

Yeah, he needs the practice.


Over and out.

Look what she gave us.

(girl speaks indistinctly)

(kids chatting indistinctly)

See you tomorrow.


Your father's
picking you up today.

Sure. It's Wednesday.

Hello, Dr. McKenzie.

I wanted to...

(tires squealing)

He probably had
something on his mind.



That's why his
wife divorced him.

I know.

Keep my bazoo shut.

(chuckling): Yes.

Hi, Janet.

Tell Brian I'm here, will you?

You just picked Brian
up, Dr. McKenzie.


A few seconds ago.

I just left the hospital.

Where's Brian? What's happened?

He... The man
looked exactly like you.

He drove up in your car.

Where is my son?

Oh, my God...

Where's my son?

(theme music playing)

♪ ♪


Hey, you shouldn't play
with dangerous weapons.


Can a woman be
both a good mother

and a lousy seamstress?

Mm... (laughing): Look at...

(quietly): There's
someone in your office.

My office?

That important?

Dr. Cameron McKenzie,

Chief of Surgery,
California Medical.


A heart valve man.

And he looks as though
someone just did an incision on him.

Any idea what he wants?

He's not talkative...
But it's urgent.

The man's uptight.

Ah, Mr. Mannix.

I'm Dr. Cameron McKenzie.

You don't know me...

Ah, but I do know
you, Dr. McKenzie.

Educated, uh...
University of Chicago,

Residency: Peter Brent Brigham.

Divorced, make a lot of money,

have part-time custody
of your only child, Brian.

You're an American
success story, Doctor.


I'm very impressed.

Well, my secretary
dug up your history

while you were waiting.

I want to hire you, Mr. Mannix.

Can I be certain
of your discretion?

Can I trust you not
to go to the police?


No, you can't.

You see, I'm licensed, inspected

and suspected by the police.

But you're very independent.

You didn't come here to
talk about my independence.

My son has been
kidnapped, Mr. Mannix.

Oh, I'm very sorry, Doctor.

But that's for the police.

The police are an organization;

organizations have leaks.

If the newspapers ever
get hold of this story...

No, I want you to
investigate, Mr. Mannix.

I want you to
investigate now... today...

Before the kidnappers learn
anyone's hunting for them.

Before they panic.

Before... Doctor,

the police can guarantee
you no publicity.

And if they're wrong,

what's that guarantee
worth to me?

My son's life.

In any case, Mr. Mannix,

I will not cooperate
with the police.

You have my word.

Give me 24 hours.

If you haven't found Brian,

we'll call the police in.

All right.

Tell me exactly what
happened, Doctor.

JANET: The man looked
exactly like Dr. McKenzie.

I would swear the
man was Dr. McKenzie.

How well do you know the doctor?

Brian's been at
school for over a year...

He's very talented.

I'm sorry. It's dizzying.

He's really a marvelous child.

Why didn't you go to the police?

Dr. McKenzie asked me not to.

And you did just what he said.

Brian was kidnapped.

His life is in danger.

You said the car looked
just like Dr. McKenzie's.

It was white and that's all?

I'm not a sports
car fan, Mr. Mannix.

I don't know the difference

between a Bugatti and a bicycle.

Did you, by any chance,
notice the license number?

No, I didn't.

I'm sorry.

I wish I could help.

Karen Shapiro?


My name is Mannix.

I'd like to talk to you about
Brian McKenzie. Who?

I'm working for his father.

Private d*ck, eh?

Private d*ck.

I saw what happened.

Tres mystérieux, non?

I'm taking French.

Ah, and I'll bet you'll
be very good at it.

I should.

My IQ is between the
brilliant-to-genius range.

Oh, now I believe.

Tell me, genius, did you
notice anything kind of odd

about that car that
picked up Brian?

The car was very clean,

but the license
plate was filthy.

Absolutely filthy.

All we could see was
the first two letters.


Same as Dr. McKenzie's
real license plate.


Which was... what?

SDO 437.

I memorize license
plates for practice.

Yeah, it figures.

Uh, you said, uh, "we..."

Yes, Miss Paulsen
and I talked about it.

She's our music teacher. Uh-huh.

Merci bien.

MANNIX: You saw
the license plate.

And you lied about it... why?

I couldn't help it.

He ordered me not to talk to
anybody! Who ordered you?

The kidnapper.

He called.

About a half hour
after the doctor left.

He called here...
a filthy voice.

He said if I told the police,

they'd k*ll Brian.

What kind of voice?

It was a whisper...

High, almost like a woman's.

"Don't talk," it said.

"Don't talk or the
boy will be dead."

Brian... Brian?

It was this afternoon
at the music school.

What have you done?

I've, um... I've taken steps.

What steps?

Brian is gone... he's kidnapped.

What have you done?!

I've tried to avoid
hysteria, for one thing.

Of course you have.

Your reaction to nuclear w*r

would be to become the
most controlled cinder on Earth.

Have these monsters
contacted you?

No, not yet.

And you're just waiting?

I've hired a
private investigator.

Instead of going to the police?


I was married to
you for seven years.

They were devoted largely

to the study of
Cameron McKenzie.

I know you. You're
hiding something.


Nothing, Katrina.

Mac, don't shut me out, please!

Don't shut me out!

Hmm, no Mercedes-Benzes.

Not white, not black, none.

Hey, look, how about a Jaguar?

No, thanks.

Look, it's a nice car.

Really a hot b*mb, you know?

Cars named after
animals make me nervous.

(classical music playing)



Ask and ye shall receive.

Are you in charge here?

Ooh, that I am.

King of the night shift.

Don't be misled by
my boyish façade.

I'm really a junior executive.

Have you got any

We have several Mercedes.

Which model would you like?

Oh, I'm not really
interested in renting.

I'd just like to know if
you've got a model 250S...

White... with a license number

beginning with
the letters, uh, SD.

The word you're
searching for is "Eureka."

One day rental, returned
the same evening.

John Randolph.

If that's what it says.

He was in a rush.

He was a very cold,
and controlled fellow,

but in a considerable rush.

That's him, all right.


My pleasure.

You relieved the
tedium of the night.

You're not very curious.

Well, I march to the sound
of a very muffled drummer.

I don't want to tune in
on the world's troubles.

I work till I'm bread
ahead and then drop out.

It's a free country.

Not very. But I manage.

(metallic clink)




♪ ♪

♪ ♪


Katrina, this is Mr. Mannix.

My wife... my ex-wife, Katrina.

Mrs. McKenzie.

CAMERON: Mr. Mannix
is the private investigator

I've hired to find Brian.

I'm sorry, Mr. Mannix.

This is not a case for one man.

This is a case for the police.

Your husband and I
have discussed that.

And what have you found?

Just this.

It's a scalpel, Doctor.

Commonly used by surgeons.

This is a very
inferior instrument,

commonly used by
students in dissection.

What has that to do with Brian?

Well, I located the kidnap car,

and on my way out,

a student of surgery
tried to dissect me.

With a scalpel.

It appears I'm to be
implicated in the kidnapping.

Doesn't that bother you, Doctor?

The Iceman?

One of his residents calls him

the only glacier in
Southern California.

He's a fine surgeon, however.

No nerves,
therefore, no feeling.

I don't think Mr. Mannix
is terribly interested

in our tired squabbles, Katrina.

Neither am I.

I'm only interested in Brian.

Doctor, have they
contacted you yet?

About the ransom?

No, not yet.

It sounds like
they're frightened.

Frightened men are dangerous.

I think we'd better
call the police.

Yes. Now, wait a minute now.

You promised you'd
handle it yourself,

at least until tomorrow.

You've already done
remarkably, Mannix.

I've run into a
dead end, Doctor.

I don't know where else to look.

Why don't you want
him to call the police?

If the kidnappers
are frightened,

a police investigation
could panic them.

No, you're wrong!

Katrina, I don't know

whether I'm right or wrong.

We can only try.
MANNIX: Try what?

I don't know where
to start, Doctor.

I can't just wander around

looking for this
mysterious double of yours.

I can't just go around
corners at random and try...

Is this Brian?


I did it six months ago.

Did he sit for it?


It was cast from
a... a life mask.

Did you ever have a life
mask made of your husband?


Years ago.

MAN: Drink up, tiger.


Keeps you healthy.

I'm going back down.

MAN: Come in.

I called you.

My name is Mannix.


Uh, you made a life mask

of Dr. Cameron
McKenzie a few years ago.

Did you, by any
chance, keep the mold?

I usually keep a
mold if it interests me.

Did McKenzie's
face interest you?

Why do you ask?

You recently made a
second mask of Dr. McKenzie.

A latex mask,
uh, for a disguise.

Who are you?

I'm a private investigator,
investigating a private crime.

Tell me, uh,

would a mask of Dr. McKenzie
really be a perfect disguise?


It's an imperfect
world, Mr. Mannix.

I play at being other people.

How can I deny anybody
else that pleasure?

Who ordered the second mask?

A man came for it and paid me.

He, uh... he was masked, too.

Not-Not... Not one of mine.

Just bandages, as
though he'd hurt himself.

When was it ordered?

She called me three weeks ago.

A woman ordered it?

Well, there's nothing wrong.

She had every right to order it.

It was Katrina McKenzie.

But that's absurd!

Brian is our son.

Katrina obviously
didn't order that mask.

Somebody used her name.

Thank you, Mac.

After all, Mr. Mannix,

I'd have no sane motive.

It's true that

we didn't exactly
have a friendly divorce.

There was a fight over the boy.

CAMERON: We have
nothing to hide, Mr. Mannix.

Is that true?


You always were
terrible at lying.

When you had to
lie, you would always

get all tense and
stiff like a robot.

I know you're trying
to do something, Mac,

but if you can't
even tell us what it is,

then how do you know it's right?

I have told you,
Katrina, it is nothing.

Now you listen to me, Doctor.

Your son's life is in danger,

and I don't like
being kept in the dark!

Mr. Mannix, please,
call the police.

He's promised us 24 hours.

Well, I haven't
made any promises.

Oh, you've been lying with
great consistency, Doctor.

Now if you want to
see your son back alive,

you'd better start
with the truth.

I told you. You told
me you hadn't heard

from the kidnappers,
that you were waiting,

getting the money ready
for ransom... where is it?

I... I thought tomorrow
would be time enough.

MANNIX: For what?

Mac, what is it?

What is it?!


(phone clatters on table)

I operate tomorrow.

I have three operations.

All of them are touch-and-go.

What are you talking about?

They did contact me right away.

A man... he...
whispered something.

He was... He was
enjoying himself.

He told me to keep
the police out of it.

He told me Brian
would be returned, safe,

tomorrow night.

Wait a minute...
In return for what?

For what?

No, for whom, Mr. Mannix.

He's to call me at the
hospital tomorrow and

tell me which one.

I'm... I'm sorry, I...

I'm being terribly obscure.


My three patients
tomorrow... he...

He's going to tell me...

which one is to die...

on the operating table.


CAMERON: This is
Roscoe Bell, age 78, male.

Even if the operation
is a success,

the prognosis isn't very good.

What about the other two?

This is Marian Harriman,
age nine, female.

Has a good chance to
survive because of her age.

This is Robert
Goldberg, age 28, male.

Best chance to survive.

Somebody wants one of them dead.

In exchange for Brian.

If any one of them dies
on the operating table,

nobody on earth could blame me.

No judge, no jury, no doctor.

I can't even tell you myself
if any one of them will live.

What time is your
first operation?

CAMERON: 10:00,
the little Harriman girl.

Bell at 1:00.

Goldberg at 5:00.

Mac... they're supposed
to call you here,

and-and tell you
which one then, hmm?

This morning, they said,
some time this morning.


That gives me about two hours.

(door opening)

(quietly): Mrs. Goldberg?

Yes, that's right.

Well, you can talk.

He's asleep. Hmm.

Is something wrong?

Oh, no, no.

It's just that, uh,

Mr. Goldberg didn't complete
his medical insurance forms,

and I need a little more
information, that's all.

Oh, Lord. You scared me stiff.

Now, uh, your
husband is, uh, 28,

teaches at UCLA, right?

Well, he teaches part-time.

He's working for his
doctorate in philosophy...

"The Relevance of
Noumena to Perception."

He's very bright.

Before his illness,

did he, uh, have any
personal problems?

You know, difficulties with
anyone at the university?

Hmm, not Robert.

The only fight we ever had
is that he wouldn't fight back.

You know how a
wife likes a good fight.

What about his family?

Oh, they all live in Montana.

They're pillars of society.

They're so respectable,
it would k*ll you.

No, I'm, uh, not a
reporter, Mr. Harriman.

I'm, uh, connected
with the hospital.

I'm working with Dr. McKenzie.

But why do you want to
know about Marian's friends?

After all, her social life is
somewhat limited by her age.

She's only nine.

It's a, uh... a new
therapeutic approach

we're using on children.

Uh, that's good thinking.

Yes, but it-it doesn't
apply in Marian's case.

She's been an invalid
for over a year now.

She hasn't been to
school, nor to visit anyone.

We're hoping that
this operation...

We're hoping very much.

We're not young, Mr. Mannix.

Marian is the only
child I can ever have.

She's been very good,

learning to live
with a weak heart.

She can't attend school,
nor... nor play games.

Just practices her
music half the day.

MR. HARRIMAN: Harpsichord.

You know, she...
she's awfully good.

Yes. Yes, she is.

She's bright and-and
talented and cursed.

I'm sorry, Mr. Mannix.

I'm afraid I can't help you.

I, uh... I feel the same way,

but I... cannot weep.

We're, uh... We're
sure Dr. McKenzie

can make her well.

Uh, where did you
meet Dr. McKenzie?

Well, it was
coincidence, really.

His son attended the same

school of music
as Marian, and...

when her condition
was discovered,

well, we... we thought of him.

Uh, that's the Paulsen School?

Oh, Marian loved
the place and...

and Janet Paulsen.

She's... you know, she's
a remarkable woman.

Yes, yes, I've met her.

Did you know that, uh,

she takes two
scholarship students

for every one that pays?

We, um... Mrs.
Harriman and I intend

to set up a fund at the school.

Does, uh, anybody
else know about that?

Well, everybody.

Including Marian.

I-I told her one afternoon

when Janet Paulsen was visiting.

I... I thought it
would cheer her up.

Marian... Marian asked if

the gift could be
named after her...

if she were gone.

Mr. Harriman, I'm...
well, I'm very sorry.

(knock at door)

Would you by any chance
be Miss Marian Harriman?

How did you know?

Well, uh, how many
nine-year-old harpsichordists

do you meet these days?

Hey, you mind if I
watch your TV with you?

That's not a TV.

That's my heart.

You're kidding.

Ask Dr. McKenzie.

He's going to fix it.

My heart, I mean.

Yeah, I know.

At least, there's
a chance he can.

I'm sure he will.

I've heard the nurses,
especially Miss Hollister,

talking about it.

They don't notice me listening.

I mean, they see me,
but they don't notice.

They say the odds are 70-30.

That's good, isn't it?

That's very good, honey.

And Brian's father
is a great surgeon.

You know Brian.

Sure, I do.

I went to school with
him until I got sick.

Yeah, well, I hear
that's a great school.

Makes lots of money.

There's always trouble about
money, Miss Paulsen says.

She may have to
close the school.

Well, when you're, uh, better,

you'll be able to go
back to school and,

uh, help her out.

(door opening)

I'm going to come
in and get you ready

in a few minutes, Marian.

For the operation?

Mm-hmm, that's right, darling.


She's just a child.

She's nine years old.

Well, it's not Marian Harriman.

It's the Harriman money.

If she dies, the Paulsen School

stands to get a
very large bequest.

Oh, you're implying

that Janet Paulsen
is involved? No.

Well, I don't like
it much, either.

But who else, Robert
Goldberg, student?

If somebody wanted him dead,

they could buy
the hit for $1,000.

It's got to be somebody
very important;

somebody who couldn't be
m*rder*d without a lot of trouble.

But not a child!

What... what about...
about that man?

That... Roscoe Bell.

MANNIX: He's been having tests

all morning... I
haven't been able

to see him, but it's hard
to believe he's the one.

After all, he's 78
years old and dying.

Nah, if somebody
wanted him dead,

all they'd need
is a little patience.

Nine years old.

(phone ringing)

(phone continues ringing)

MAN: Good morning, Dr. McKenzie.

The name is Bell.

Roscoe Bell.

If you want to see
your son again... alive,

make sure that Mr. Bell is dead.

(click, dial tone)

Now, look, my name is Mannix.

Dr. McKenzie arranged
for me to see Mr. Bell.

Now, just... just wait
one second, huh?

Nobody told me anything.

Nurse, did Dr. McKenzie
say anything about...

Oh, yes, he called.

I forgot to tell you.

Go on in. It's all right.

I'm sorry, Doctor...
what is it, Mannix?

Mannix, yes. Mannix.

He's a... he's a very sick man.

I'll take every precaution.


When did you change
the name, Roscoe?

I don't know you.

Joe Mannix,
private investigator.

Oh... a cop.

Yeah, that sums me up.

Now, how about you, Roscoe?

How do you add up?
Racketeer, mobster?

47688... that's what I am.

For life.

And suddenly you're here, out.

Who put the fix in?

No fix.

The kind of operation I need,

they don't do in
prison hospitals.

So they just gave you
a leave of absence?

There's a federal man outside.


Anyway, where am I going to go?

I'm 78 years old.

I'm serving life.

I'm not going to make
any trouble for anybody.

Oh, would you like a medal?


I just want to be left alone.

You're not gonna
be left alone. I'm tired.

Somebody's out
to k*ll you, Roscoe.



I am a vain man.


But this... I want to
look at very carefully.

Who wants me dead?

That's my question.

There must be 1,000 answers.

You were the regional juice
man for the Syndicate in the West.


I'm being operated on today.

Anybody wants me dead,
they just have to wait.

Nice try, Roscoe.

But you're scared.

A man isn't scared

unless he's got something
to lose. Get off my back.

Are you, uh,
finished, Dr. Mannix?

I'm not a doctor, I'm
a private investigator.

Somebody wants Bell here dead.

What are you talking about?

Nobody even knows he's here.

Someone found out.

Dr. McKenzie

doesn't even know
who Mr. Bell is.

MANNIX: How did he
get out for his operation?

He decided to cooperate
with the government.

Oh, you finally decided
to talk, huh, Roscoe?

Why not?

I'm dying.

I got maybe two months.

Unless the operation works.

Then, if I'm lucky, a year.

Maybe two.

"Buy me that year," I said,

"and I tell all I know...
Everything about the Syndicate."

What happens after he talks?

Mr. Bell will remain in prison

with certain privileges,

in return for information.

That's not bad.

But you better see
that I'm all right.

If anything goes wrong,
you don't get a thing.


Oh, you'll be all right, Roscoe.

Nine-year-old boy
I'm worried about.

Well, stay on the line, anyway.

Couldn't trace the
kidnapper's call.

Did you put a trace
on McKenzie's phone?

Oh, yeah, the minute we heard.

Well, then, why
can't you trace it?

Because the call was made
from inside the hospital.

Which means the Syndicate
has probably got somebody

in the hospital to
make sure Bell is dead.

Uh, Roberts...

I want that operating
room checked out.

I want everybody
in there checked out.

Now, that means everybody.


You know, uh, it
may be a patient.

Yes, Doctor.

The attendant is right here.

The little girl is coming out.

Get Mr. Bell ready now.

Yes, I'm on my way.

(phone ringing)

Yes, Doctor.

(door opening)

Well, Marian came
through it all right.

I think she's going to be fine.

I told her parents.

The old man is next.


Roscoe Bell.

You heard what
Mannix said about him.


He's a gangster.

A criminal.

That's why they want him to die.

They want to keep him quiet.

"And what difference
does it make?"

Is that it?

Whatever he was,
Katrina, he's my patient.

But he's a criminal!

He's a vicious, brutal man.

How can you balance
him against Brian?

How can you balance him
against a nine-year-old boy?

Against our son?

I don't make those
judgments, Katrina.

I'm asking you... to
save our son's life.

By k*lling another human being?

I don't think I
can do it, Katrina.

I mean... I just...

I don't think I can do it.

No, I know you can't.


Oh, Mac.

How are you going to operate?

You haven't had any sleep.

Oh, well, you remember

what they called me
in medical school...

McKenzie the Mechanical Marvel.

I don't have any
nerves, remember?

I don't know if I ever told you

what a lovely man you are.

(door opening)

Is there anything?

I'm sorry, Doctor.

There's only one way we
might get your son back,

but you've got to do
exactly what I tell you to do.

(heart beating)

(breathing slowly)

Almost done.

Still touch and go.

It's a bit more damage
than we'd expected.

(heartbeat increases) Careful.

It's irregular.

Coupled with
abnormal deterioration.

He's got no resistance.

He's laboring.

Laboring, he's critical.

What's the matter
with you, Hollister?

The odds are always bad
when they're this far along.

♪ ♪

(air hissing)

(air hissing)


It's over.


Lungs congested.

Had a massive coronary failure.

It's a brilliant
operation and then this.

You can't win 'em all.

Don't be flip, just
do your job, Walter!

Yes, my job.

I'll wheel him
down to the morgue.

(humming pleasantly)

Good-bye, Mr. Bell.

Sorry. Mr. Bell
is alive and well

in the recovery room.

So the world turns.

Where's the boy?


Brian McKenzie!

You wouldn't be making any

criminal accusations against me,

not after playing this revolting

practical joke on me.

I'm a hospital employee.

Also a mechanic.

I do all sorts of odd jobs.

Including kidnapping?

How much the big boys
pay you to do the job?

Enough bread to
drop out forever?

Tell me all about it.

If you don't talk and
something happens to that boy,

you're an accomplice to m*rder.

No payoff's worth that.

"An accomplice"?

Oh, uh...

(Mannix grunts)

♪ ♪

Okay, the police
copter's all set.

We'll track him down the
minute he leaves the hospital.

Let's go. Now hold it. Hold it.

What? Let's give him enough time

to think he made it.

Otherwise, he might
not lead us to the boy.

(latch clicks)

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

Come on, let's go.
Which way is he heading?

He never left the
hospital grounds.

He's had plenty of time.

One of my men spotted somebody

up there on the
maintenance roof.

What's up there?

Just a couple of boiler rooms.

Boiler rooms, huh?

Maybe loud enough
to hide a kid's cry.

Tell your men to
seal off all the exits.


(machines whirring)

What is it?

Please, I know you're there.

What is it?




Get the kid ready. Huh?

Get the kid ready.

What do you mean?

Aren't we getting out of here?

Let's leave him.

We might need him.


(Brian groaning)

CHINO: Why the blanket?

WALTER: It's just
till we get off the roof.

(Brian groaning)


♪ ♪

(low humming)

It's all right, Brian.

It's all right.

I'm a friend.

Your mother and father
are right downstairs.

It's all over now.

(Brian sobbing)






(theme music playing)
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