02x15 - Only Giants Can Play

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Mannix". Aired: September 16, 1967 – April 13, 1975.*
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Joe Mannix works for a large Los Angeles detective agency called Intertect, using computers to help solve crimes.
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02x15 - Only Giants Can Play

Post by bunniefuu »

Terry, honey, fill in for me.

I have to make a phone call.

(phone ringing)

(cheering): C-L-A-M-A-N.

Claman! Yay!

No, no, no, now listen, girls,

remember, most of
these delegates are men.

Now you've got to
keep it all moving.

C-C... Okay, now let's go.

C-L-A-M-... (phone ringing)





No, Mr. Claman isn't
due for about 20 minutes,

Look, this is a matter
of life and death.

Well, I'll see if I can
get through to his suite.

Hang on, please.

Let's hear it, girls, come on.



"and once elected,

"I promise to place
the government

back into the hands
of the people..."

Oh, come off it, Charlie.

The people's ignorance of
what goes on in government

is what got them into
this fix in the first place.

Now you put on
your brass knuckles

and tell them what
I'm really going to do

is go after the
special interests,

wipe out corruption.

Ye-Yeah, yeah, I heard you.

But I happen to be managing
a strange duck with principles,

so I can't promise miracles.

Look, if Rolley
delivers his delegation,

we'll see that he
gets a fair deal.

I just heard what you
want in that speech.

So what says my trusted aide?

You sound like a holy man.

Come on down. (chuckling)

I'll do my best.

(phone ringing)

Jim, I think you're just fine.

Oh, please, Rita.

I don't think I can
stand so much praise

this early in the afternoon,
especially from my wife.

You're going to
win the nomination.

I feel it in my bones.

WEBB: Do you want
to talk to a constituent?

He says it's life or death.

Hello. This is Jim Claman.

Sorry to break in
on your busy day.

Who is this?

That's not important.

What I've got is...

It could get you the
nomination, Mr. Claman,

or finish you for good. What?

I have documented evidence
obtained three days ago

while you were
on a speaking tour.

If it gets into the wrong hands,

it can blast your campaign
into the next century.

Who are you?

We'll meet soon enough.

5:00 this afternoon
up on Corona Mesa.

It's private there.
No one to see you.

Oh, and Mr. Claman, if you
really want to be governor,

you just can't
afford not to show.

(theme music playing)

♪ ♪

(helicopter approaching)


Hey, Jim.

Who the devil are you?
The name is Mannix.

I want to see Jim Claman.

About what? m*rder.

WEBB: Boy, we've had
some real ding-a-lings

at this convention,
but you ring the bell.

Now please leave
the way you came in.

CLAMAN: Just a minute, Walt.

Hello, Mannix.

You haven't changed much.

I'm the same man, except
for the added scar tissue

I picked up from our
previous meeting last year.

Now let's see that
was Superior Court 17

in your fair state.

Oh, yes, the man with the
big chips on his shoulders.

When you were district attorney,

you got your kicks pushing
around private detectives,

I had some bad experiences.

I felt it necessary at the
time to lean a little hard.

Maybe this time you
leaned a little too hard.

Is that your way of
getting back to m*rder?

Just exactly who is it I'm
supposed to have k*lled, Mannix?

MANNIX: Maybe nobody.

But you did talk
to Richard Newley

just before somebody k*lled him.

Richard Newley?

His wife hired me.

She said he talked to her

about coming into a
sudden inheritance.

She said he called you.

You did talk to him?

That was a crank call, Mannix.

Nothing more.

Except this crank
turned up dead.

Come on, Walt.

I don't believe we've
been introduced.

Let's keep it that way.

The morning Herald had
it down as Walter Webb...

Attorney and confidential
aide to Jim Claman.

Just a small item
underneath a picture of you

flying Claman back from a
speaking tour by helicopter.


Maybe just coincidence,

but a helicopter was
spotted flying around up there

where Newley was k*lled.

Let me spell this out for
you, Mannix, very clearly.

Any smears directed
at Jim Claman

will have to get by me first,

and I don't like dirt.

Nice meeting you.

(typewriter keys clacking)

Excuse me, Mike Raitt
still own this place?

And everything else in sight.

Where can I find him?

You won't need radar.


MAN: Wasn't he
a p*stol? (laughter)

Mr. Raitt? Yeah.

I wonder if I can talk
to you for a minute.

Well, just be my guest, boy.

Hey, Skip, you look familiar.

Ain't I seen you
someplace before?

In a way.

I was present when you
were back in California,

testifying before the
rackets committee.

I'll be right with you, fellas.

Hey, now, wasn't
that some go-round?

They never laid a glove
on me now, did they, Skip?

The name is Mannix.

I'm a private
investigator. Uh-huh.

I'm looking into the death
of one of your employees.

Richard Newley? Right.

Now I ask you, wasn't that a
crying shame about that boy?

It sure was.

Thought maybe you
could tell me something

about him, the people that knew
him, you know, things like that.

I'm sorry, Skip.

You know I got a 173
employees here at this hotel,

and Newley was, well, just a
Social Security number on the payroll.

I couldn't tell you one
single thing about him.

Well, thanks anyway.

Well, any time.


what are you looking for anyhow?

Whoever k*lled him.


Boys, like I said...

Second question...

Can you tell me who in the hotel
was close to Richard Newley?

Take away the women
guests and there was just one.



Do you mind telling me

a little something about him?

Why should I?

I wonder if you can change a 20.

I've got to make a phone call.

All I need is a dime.

Mister... Mannix.

You're doing business

with the biggest mouth in town.

How can I help you?

Do you know
anything about Newley

that the police didn't know?

Nope, except maybe you
ought to check his apartment.

He didn't live
here in the hotel?

No, that's what he
wanted everybody to think.

He had this apartment

over on Tenth and
Mason, Number six.

I guess being a tennis pro is a
pretty demanding line of work.

Just in case his death
wasn't an accident,

you got any idea who might
have a motive to k*ll him?

Yeah. Me.


Pure envy.

Mr. Mannix.

I'm Claire Hanley.

You say that like it
should mean something.

Not unless you want to
get your name in the papers.

I happen to own six of them all
the way from here to California.

The Hanley chain.

After my husband, Eric.

And we have something
to discuss? Richard Newley.

May I drop you someplace?

It didn't take Jim Claman
long to call in the reserves.

What makes you think
Jim Claman called me?

Who else? Mike Raitt?

You don't look like the type

who'd trade confidences
with tarantulas.


That's very discerning.

Well, actually, it was
Jim Claman's aide

who called me, Walter Webb.

And you're the big, powerful
paper lady who's to scare me off.

I don't know that I'd say

it was anything
quite that dramatic.

Well, I just felt you could
possibly be reasoned with.

We have an excellent police
force in this city, Mr. Mannix,


They made a
thorough investigation,

much more thoroughly
than you could,

and they concluded Richard
Newley's death was due

to an accidental fall.

Well, then the worst that could
happen is, I waste my time.

And possibly start a
whispering campaign

that could destroy a man
this state sorely needs.

Well, there's no
reason to be concerned.

Unless there's something
to whisper about.

Thanks for the ride.

It's not over yet.

WOMAN: He ought to be locked up!

He almost ran me down.

Then he stumbled into
the alley and passed out.

You can see how drunk he is!

One dead bottle of red-eye

and loads of it on your breath.

Now look, Webb, I...

No, no. Mannix, you look.

I've been around
the law for years.

Don't insult my intelligence
by yelling "frame."

Looks like you've got a point.

Maybe, uh, you saw to it, huh?

Book him.

The only place I'm going
is to see Jim Claman.

You really are a
ding-a-ling, aren't-you?

That sign that says you're smart

can get tarnished if you
let them lock me up, Webb.

What I know now can
carry awfully far in a local jail.

I'll handle it.

REPORTER: What's your feeling
about the need for a sales tax rise

to help balance the budget?

CLAMAN: It takes a little more
breath to say ”efficiency” than it does

to say ”money,”
but it costs less.

Can I see you alone
for a minute, Jim?

Excuse me, gentlemen.


Sorry, boys, that's
all for the day.

(overlapping chatter)

Our state doesn't seem

to be wearing too well
on you, Mr. Mannix.

I found you much more
attractive at our last meeting.

I just can't kick the habit of
getting that mussed-up look

when I've been mugged,
dragged into an alley

and had liquor
poured down my throat.

All of which I'm
sure is news to you.


Walter Webb called in
to say they'd found you.

Any idea how he
knew where to look?

I'm afraid that was my doing.

An anonymous phone call
came into the newspaper.

Oh, now, please.

Please don't be don't be angry

with me for taking sides.

Jim Claman is my man...

Politically speaking, that is.

Of course, that does leave
me a great deal of elbow room.

Shall we say my house?

8:00 this evening?

Last one at the
end of Tower Road.

8:00, then.

You won't find it dull.

All right, Mannix.

Exactly what incriminating words

were you going to bark through
the halls of our local bastille?

Well, it seems
somebody sapped me

while I was in Richard
Newley's apartment...

Not before I found a notebook.

Newley had scribbled down
some IOUs. Now, to me,

that turned on a
couple of lights.

Such as?

Newley had planned
on making a bundle

from some business
dealing with you.

Newley has these IOUs.

Newley turns up dead.

So I am in hock to someone
over a gambling debt,

and Newley was going to
cash in on the scandal...?

The thought occurred to me.

You know, Mannix,
in our last go-around,

I thought you were
just hardheaded,

but if you thought
you heard thunder

the last time we locked horns,

you'd better just wait awhile.

Within five minutes,
you won't be able

to buy a dog
license in this state.

Oh, one more thing, Claman.

There was a phone number
in Newley's notebook.

It happens to match the one

on your telephone.

Yes, sirree, this
is sure gonna be

an interesting romp
around the maypole.

CLAIRE: I take it Jim
Claman's being true to his word.

Thank you, John. That'll be all.

Yeah. From the cooperation I got

from the D.A.'s office
and police department,

my name might as
well have been Hitler.



I thought you'd see it that way.

As I told you, I want Jim Claman

as the next
governor of this state,

and I want it badly enough that,

if I have to, I will
take off my silk gloves

and fight like a man...
Any kind of man.

Hmm. There you
go scaring me again.

On the contrary.

Fighting you is the
last thing I have in mind.

I, uh... I, um... I
thought I might help you

make a turn in
the right direction.

On occasion, I, I had
Richard Newley over here

to give me tennis lessons.

My backhand needs work.

So does my forehand.

Naturally, I learned
quite a bit about him.

Such as?

Such as those gambling debts
you discovered in his notebook.

They had nothing whatsoever
to do with Jim Claman.

They were his
losses... Newley's losses

to that rogue of the
rackets, Big Mike Raitt.

Uh... Newley told you that?

Precisely. And for the
very best of reasons.

He wanted me to lend him
the money to pay the debt off.

It seems that jolly
Mike, the innkeeper,

might not be quite
so jolly as a creditor.

So you, uh... gave
him the money?

I played tennis with
Richard, not house.

Well, now that I've
done my good deed

for country and man,

why don't we just make
ourselves comfortable

and watch the grass grow, hmm?

(phone rings)

Excuse me.


One moment, please.

It's for you.



This is the hotel clerk.

You left this number
for messages.

Look, I gotta see
you now. It's urgent.


Service garage at the hotel.

Sneaking up on
people in the dark

can get you a lot of trouble.

Any more trouble I get

is gonna have to stand in line.

Come on, get in here.

Big Mike fired me today. Why?

Found out I gave you
Newley's apartment address.

That leaves me in need

of getting-out-of-town
money, so, uh...

how'd you like to buy the
rest of my merchandise?

$50? I, I don't have change.

Keep the dime.

Claire Hanley, who
latched on to you in the hotel

this afternoon... What
did she have to say

about her and Newley?

Oh, just that he

taught her tennis now and then.

There something else?

Yeah, the whole nine yards.

Newley spent a lot
of time at her place.

Since he wasn't exactly
in Who's Who, he...

he planned to make her pay

for keeping him coming
through the back door.

Anything else?


The hotel helicopter
made an unscheduled flight

the day Newley
fell off the cliff.

That helicopter's to haul our
VIP guests around with, and...

I fired that clerk 'cause
he had a big mouth.

If there's anything
that a hotel don't need,

it's a "poppin' off" room clerk.

Well, let's not overlook
the dead man, Raitt.

He owed you a lot
of gambling money.

And in m*rder, that can
be defined as motive.

I suppose you're gonna go
to the police with that, huh?

I haven't decided yet,
but you got to admit,

it's even money that they'd
find that pretty interesting.

Mannix, I sure
hope that you like

this little old state of ours,

'cause it's pretty near a cinch

that you're gonna
get buried in it.


You sure are a caution.

You gotta learn to relax,

know when people's
a-kidding you.

Yeah, I guess it
was pretty silly of me

to take you seriously.

I guess it had to do

with all that gangster stuff I
keep reading in the papers.

Now you got the right idea.

Let's just sit down

and have ourselves
a little old talk.

You did come up here

to do some horse trading,
now, didn't you, boy?

You know how we private
detectives are, Mike.

Like to follow hot leads.

Since you're so
interested in the case,

I thought you might
slip me a goodie or two.

I suppose that, uh...

well, you'd be willing
to forget about...

the police and...

and my IOUs and
Newley's and everything.

Well, now that depends on
how well you hold my interest.

Did you ever hear of the
Coronet Trucking Company?

Yeah. It's a business front for
laying off underworld money.

About five years ago,

Jim Claman represented
Coronet Trucking

while he was a partner
in one of the local

law firms here in town.

Now, isn't it just possible

that Claman didn't know
Coronet Trucking was a front?

Maybe you're right,
but just the same,

it's a pretty fair bet,
that, innocent or not,

he might have signed his name

to some mighty
incriminating documents.

I'll tell you one thing.

Something like that'd sure run

some awful deep ruts in
Claman's campaign for governor.

Skip, I do believe

I've captured your interest.

How does it look, Charlie?

Gentlemen of the press
are smelling fresh meat.

Thanks, Charlie.

Well, there's nothing
definite, but, uh...

little innuendos, like...

why a private investigator's
asking so many questions

about a candidate for governor.

It's time we leaned
on Mannix, Jim, hard.

No. No.

I want to think about it.

You go down to the
press section right now

and see what you can
do to spike these rumors.

(door opens)

(door closes)

You know...

under the right conditions,
a lady can get a very clear

perspective on politics.

Conclusion: It stinks.

Please, Rita, just
a moment, dear.

Notice, Jim?

I'm wearing something new.


Oh, yes, I've seen
that gown before, dear.

It's lovely.

I'm talking about
my new accessory.

This little glass of sunshine.

Remember, Jim?

I never touched it before.

Except on our wedding night,

when you bought that
magnum of champagne.

We made three toasts... to us.

Then the next thing I
remember, it was morning.

Of course I remember, darling.

But do we have to
talk about it now?

There you were, the
brilliant young lawyer,

briefcase brimming
with Blackstone,

ready to take me
off to glory land.

And here we are now
ready to knock on the gate.

But it's strange, Jim.

It's as though I were
somebody else...

as though I'd lost you
somewhere back in those years.

Everything is gonna
be just fine, darling.

You've just contracted a
case of campaign nerves.

Why don't you lie down.

I'll see you at dinner?

Look, boys,
there's nothing to it.

Mannix and Jim Claman
had a run-in a few years ago,

but it's all settled.

Mannix is practically on a plane

back to California.

Your words are smooth,
Walt, but your timing is lousy.

You say this Mannix
isn't bugging Jim Claman,

but here he comes again.

he missed the plane.

Mannix, unless you've come
to deliver some delegates,

why don't you run along home.

(reporters talking excitedly)

I think that my chances
are reasonably good.

I don't make any claims
at this time, but I do have...

How do you feel the
campaign's going?

Gentlemen, excuse me.

I'll be glad to answer
your questions later.

Excuse me.

And what is it this time?

Well, it might be
the whole ball game.

Whatever, it shouldn't
take five minutes to find out.

Jim, I was about
to get rid of him.

You can throw me out,

or you can talk to me,

whichever you think is
best for the Claman image.

It has to do with
Coronet Trucking.

All right!

Maybe Coronet Trucking
was an underworld front.

I didn't know that.

Isn't it just possible that
while you were their attorney,

you could have signed some
incriminating documents?

What are you getting at, Mannix?

That Michael Raitt
wanted me to know

you were involved
with Coronet Trucking.

Now, if that's the case,
he must have something.

And if he does, then it's my
guess that you know what it is.


I'm gonna be finished with this
and with you once and for all.

If Coronet Trucking was
a syndicate operation,

I knew nothing about it.

Nothing at all.

However, who would believe me?

So I'm gonna cooperate with you.

I'm going to open up the
gates so that you can dig up

any dirt on me
that you can find.

Wait a minute, Jim, you can't!

Yes, I can.

But if there's something you
can use to crucify me with,

I'd like to have it
before the convention

picks its nominee for governor.

If you find someth...
anything incriminating,

I'll withdraw from the race.

Jim, you... Walt, I
am not about to hurt

a lot of good people
and a good party.

I haven't got a fix
on you yet, Claman.

Maybe you are on the up-and-up.

But then again...

maybe you've come up with
the greatest political con act

since kissing babies.

Try me.

One complete photostat report
of the Richard Newley accident.

Ah, thanks. You know, I like
you people better this way.

I guess it does
pay to have friends.

Well, you better
keep 'em, Mannix.

We don't find you
exactly irresistible.

Mr. Mannix?

I'd like to talk to you.

Be glad to, Mrs. Claman.

Mr. Mannix, my husband has
quite a career ahead of him.

He's young enough to go on
to even more important things.

I'm very proud of him.

I don't quite understand
what you're getting at.

On the seat, the envelope.

Take it.

It's yours.


$5,000, Mr. Mannix.

All you have to do to earn it

is to get on a plane
and go back to California.

That, of course, is, uh,
before I finish the case.

You've done your work well.

It's started to make waves,

waves that are going to swamp
a very good and very able man.

My husband deserves
better than that, Mr. Mannix,

and so does this state.

Mrs. Claman, I
have... No. Please...

don't answer just yet.

Meanwhile, think about it.

You know, I've got a hunch
about you, Mrs. Claman,

and if I'm right...

I hope your husband
deserves you.

Well, you don't
even look surprised.

No, I'm not. I'm pleased.

At least this time I didn't
get sapped over the head

and have a bottle
shoved down my throat.

Now, uh, shall I
order up some drinks,

or do you two want to
get right to the point?

The point is, darling,
I told you, if I had to,

I would take off my
gloves and fight like a man.

I had to.

You see, Mannix, Mrs.
Hanley and I are not as...

honorable as Jim Claman.

I'm afraid he had to break
his promise of cooperation.

And, uh...

you can hardly
wait to tell me how.

It's our duty.

By reason of certain
influences, pressures,

your detective license has
been revoked in this state.

I presume this, uh, decision
was made as soon as you learned

I had the police report
on Newley's death.


You're pretty
touchy on the subject

of Richard Newley,
aren't you, Mrs. Hanley?

To borrow a cliché,

I haven't the slightest idea
what you're talking about.

According to the report,
Richard Newley took a cab

to the place he was m*rder*d.

The day he had his accident.

He took a cab to the
place he was m*rder*d

from your house, Mrs. Hanley.


Of course, Richard did
spend time at my house

giving me tennis
lessons, as I told you.

But on that
particular afternoon,

I had called him to tell
him I wouldn't be there.

That can be checked out.

Not by you, mister.

Any further detecting
you do in this state

will be considered illegal.

And that spells jail.

Outside call, please...
Century Cab Company.

Uh, Century Cab Company?

Listen, you've got a driver
by the name of Pete Brine,

number 406.

I'd like to talk to him.

BRINE: Hello?

MANNIX: Hello, Pete Brine?

Yeah. What can I do for you?

Well, I'm investigating
the Newley case,

and according to
the police report,

uh, he took a ride with
you on the day he died.

That's right.

Let's see, uh...

I drove him up to Corona Mesa.

You picked him
up at Mrs. Hanley's.

BRINE: I picked him
up at the Hotel Caribe.

He comes out wearing
tennis shoes and a tennis outfit.

I'd hacked him out that
way to Mrs. Hanley before.

And was he, uh, carrying
anything with him?

Yeah, a tennis racket.

Oh, wait a minute.

I thought it was pretty funny,

he was also
carrying a briefcase.

And then you went
straight to Mrs. Hanley's?

Yeah. He gets out,
goes into a tennis cabana,

stays for about ten minutes,

comes out dressed
in his civvies.

What about the briefcase?

Well, he must've left
it in the tennis cabana

with his
white-on-whites, I guess.

Uh, thanks, Pete.

I'll see that you get a
picture of General Grant.

An autographed picture by
the Secretary of the Treasury.

Hey, thanks!

Start making tracks, old buddy.

You're going up, up and away.

Whip this thing up, Cal!

I want to get back in
time to hear that roll call!

You know, that
governor's race is liable

to be tighter than a dead heat.

Sure hope Claman wins.

You're awful quiet.

Yeah. Just thinking.

I guess it was you who
tapped me over the head

at Newley's apartment, huh?

Yeah, and it sure
cut me to the quick

to have to put the arm
on a good ol' boy like you.

If you hadn't of stuck
to it the way you did,

I might not have wound
up with this key to the state!

A state's a pretty
expensive blackmail price.

That must be first-class
dynamite in there.

d*ck Newley thought
it was anyhow.

Sort of upset your gravy train

if Claman didn't win that
nomination, wouldn't it?

I got to admit it would
be a big disappointment.

The way it lays out to me,

Richard Newley owed
you gambling money,

so you used that to force him
to get something on Claman.

It's a little rough on the
edges, but it ain't bad.

And then Newley decided to
go into business for himself.

He called me and said if I
didn't beat Claman's price,

he was going to take his
business to the source.

So you take the
hotel helicopter,

and your friend up front
here forced him over the cliff.

He spooked
hisself over that cliff.

But, stupid as he was,
he still had brains enough

not to bring the Claman
documents with him.

This was his hole card.

This is where you get out, son.

I'm afraid you're going

to have a mighty nasty accident.

Come on around, Cal!

(engine sputtering)

We're out of control!
We're out of control!

Get ahold of it, Cal!


DELEGATE: The delegation
from the Imperial Empire

of Jameson County
casts its entire 27 votes

for the next governor of
this great state, Jim Claman!


That puts you ahead, Jim.

Now, if Curtis County
goes our way, you're in.

Hey. Rita, you hear that?

Our personal guru thinks
we're going to head the ticket.

Listen, Rita, why
don't you call the desk

and reserve this suite
for a few more days?

It'll give us a little
time for ourselves.

No time off, Jim.

You'll have to make that banker's
conference up north tomorrow.

If you want their
support in the election,

you'll have to be
there and smile.

yeah. I forgot about that.


What do you want now?

Your boss invited me

to dig up whatever dirt
I could find, remember?

WEBB: What's in there?
MANNIX: I don't know.

I'm not going to let you

destroy a good
man's political career.

I figure Mr. Claman at
least deserves first look.

What is all this about?

I found this in the late Richard
Newley's personal effects.

My guess is, whatever's in here
will explain why he called you.

Well, do you want to see it?

Or do you already know?

MAN (over TV): Mr. Chairman,
Freehold County casts four votes

for Ty Norton, 12
votes for Jim Claman!

From this great state,
Mr. Jeff Lehman! (sighs)

Oh, Jim, I...

WEBB: Nothing
happened... no thanks to me.

MAN (over TV): Curtis County?

MAN 2: Mr. Chairman... Mr. Chairman,
the delegates of Curtis County

cast 33 votes for our
next governor, Jim Claman!


Well, it's... it's worked
out all right, hasn't it, Jim?

Now you won't need
my help anyway.

In case you're interested, Jim,

that was last Wednesday,

while you were away
on your speaking tour.

I was tempted.

I admit that.

For the first time
in our marriage,

I was tempted to
look beyond you, Jim.

But it didn't go any
further than the pictures.

Mrs. Claman?

Did you know about these?

No, Mr. Mannix.

I offered you a bribe

solely in the interest
of my husband.

I knew he hadn't
done anything wrong.

I also knew that mud,

once it's thrown,
sticks to a man.

It's just that you
were always gone

while Walt was here.

It was always, "Walt, make sure

you take care of
Rita while I'm gone."

That's all he did
for a very long time.

And I've been so lonely.

There's no reason

to order your wife
out of your life.

You did that a long time ago,

and that ghost
of her that's left

is leaving anyway.

I'd like to order a taxi.

Please, Rita.

Oh, a man can be such a fool.


We were both
right and both wrong

about so many things.

But, in this ball game,

there are no ties, Mannix.

There has to be a winner.

You're the winner.

You're right, Mr. Claman.

Every game has a winner.

Oh, Joe!

I was just calling your room.

They said you had checked out.

I'm glad I caught you.


Yes. I... I think I
owe you an apology.

It's just, when you
were investigating

into Richard Newley's death,

you began to probe
a little too deeply

into my relationship with him.

I didn't think that
would look quite right.

I mean, if it got around.

I mean, I do publish a
chain of family newspapers.

Clearly stated, and
apologies accepted.

Thank you. Wait!

The past is behind us now.

Why don't we just wrap
ourselves in some privacy?

You never can tell.

It just could possibly be a
bright, new, beautiful world.

Oh, I'm sorry,
Claire. What can I do?

You took my away my
license to practice in this state.

(theme music playing)
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