02x24 - Merry Go Round for m*rder

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Mannix". Aired: September 16, 1967 – April 13, 1975.*
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Joe Mannix works for a large Los Angeles detective agency called Intertect, using computers to help solve crimes.
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02x24 - Merry Go Round for m*rder

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ ♪

PETE (whispers): Mannix.

Hello, Pete.

This is Frank Devereux.

How do you do.

Well, now that we
all know each other,

why did you get me down here?

Because of this, Mr. Mannix.

Mr. Devereux wants
you to protect him.

I haven't been
doing too good a job.

It's just until
tomorrow morning,

till he gets on a plane at 6:48.

That's $1,000, Joe.

Just till tomorrow morning.



Please, Mr. Mannix.

There are some people after me.

I've asked Mr. Neal
to stay with me.

We've been ducking them all day.

Because of what's in that case?

That's right.

What is it?

A quarter of a million dollars.

Nice meeting you, Mr. Devereux.

It's not hot, Joe.

But it is cash, and
it is dangerous.

We've been running all day.

You were the only
one I could think of

that was honest
enough that I could call.

Thanks, Pete.

This sounds like
a job for the police.

It's not stolen, but it is
vulnerable, Mr. Mannix.

Joe, it's clean.

PETE: You can check the
serial numbers, if you like.

(car tires screeching)
Mr. Mannix!

(tires squealing)


(tires squealing)


(tires squealing)

The money!

They've taken the money!

Yeah, and the body.

They're going to k*ll me.

They're going to k*ll me!

They're going to...
they're going to k*ll me!

(theme music playing)

♪ ♪

(siren wailing)


You generally meet
clients on a deserted wharf

in the middle of the night?

Well, I told you...
Pete Neal called me,

said a man named
Devereux was in trouble.

I came to see what
it was all about.

All right. Any hungry
citizen picks up money.

But why did the
k*ller take the body?

Without a body, Lieutenant,

it's a little tougher
to prove m*rder.

How many in the car? Any idea?

I'd say at least two.

Driver, a man in the
back, both sh**ting.

A quarter of a
million, you said?

I didn't say that. Devereux did.

Where did it come from?

He didn't tell me that.

He just said it was clean.

We've had no report of a heist,

and you don't steal that
much without making noise.

Well, I'd say, find Devereux.

He must know the answer.

You want us to find
your clients for you?

Wait a minute, Lieutenant,
he's not my client.

But I still think you
ought to find him.

I'm interested in improving
your, uh, public image.


Say hello to Peggy.

Lieutenant Kramer
says, "Hello, Peggy."

Joe, is it true what
Peggy tells me?

You had a client shot
out from under you?

Look, Albie, find out about a
guy named Frank Devereux.

He was with Pete Neal.

And get me a rundown
on Pete Neal, too, huh?

Pete Neal, who once wanted
to be a private cop? Yeah.

I haven't seen him
around a long time.

Find out why. I'll ask around.


I hope you don't mind.

I let Toby sit in here where
he'd be out of the way.

MANNIX: Hiya, Toby.

Hi, Mr. Mannix.


Ho ho ho ho! Now, that's great.

Mrs. Kingsley is going
to pick him up here.

She had to go to the
dentist this morning.

Mind if I keep it?

You like it? I think it's great.

It may help business.

It might even help my
image with Lieutenant Kramer.

Lieutenant Kramer
was my daddy's partner.

Come on, Toby.

Mr. Mannix knows
all that. Oh, Peggy,

Uh, would you
check Motor Vehicles

for a black '68 VIP.
Last three numbers, 235?

Right. Hmm.

(phone ringing)

Mr. Mannix's office.

Just one moment, please.

It's Devereux's wife.

Mrs. Devereux?

Yes, I'm Mrs. Devereux.

Who are you?

Joe Mannix.

Oh, Mr. Mannix.

Will you come in?

Uh, your husband
hasn't come back yet?


Mr. Mannix, you've got
to help me find Frank.

If you don't, they'll k*ll him.

Who... who's "they"?

I don't know.

Won't you come in and sit down?

Thank you.

That, that's Frank. Hmm.

Oh, oh, you-you met him. Yeah.

That's me before
I had my hair cut.


You've got to find him.

Mrs. Devereux, let's start
from the beginning, huh?

Why don't you tell
me about Pete Neal?

He was a very good friend.

He was trying to help
Frank, and they k*lled him.

Yes, I know.

Frank came home
half crazy with fear.

He paced up and
down the room all night.

He said he had to get away.

Now he knew he didn't have
a chance, whatever he did.

You have no idea
what he meant by that?


No, Frank doesn't tell me
much about the business.


Well, what business is your
husband in, Mrs. Devereux?

He works for a company.

He handles the books.

Hmm, where?

In Las Vegas.

He works for one of the casinos?

For a Mr. Wallachs.

Harry Wallachs?

Yes, Harry Wallachs.

Mrs. Devereux, now tell me,

what was your husband
doing in Los Angeles last night?

Well, I-I told you,
I don't know much

about the business
or the trips he takes.


Well, to New York,
Europe, all over.

You have any idea where
he might have gone this time?

No. He's just trying to hide.

Did you turn up
anything on Pete Neal?

Like he pulled the
hole in after him.

Did you turn up anything?

There it is, complete.

Peter J. Neal, committed to

Prescott... what?

"Peter J. Neal,

"committed to
Prescott Y... Y.A...

That's Youth
Authority... "at age 15

"after numerous juvenile
arrests, mostly this area.

"Y.A." Youth Authority,

"calls truancy and..."

"truancy and incorrigible.

"After release,
worked at minor jobs.

"Has reputation as
numbers... "runner?

"But no arrests, no
record since Prescott."

Yeah, he was last in Las
Vegas until last month.


The Gold Piece. Relief dealer.

He was there maybe three,
four months. He's a drifter.

Figure he pulled a job in Vegas

to get that quarter
of a million dollars?


Anyone pulling a job
that big would make noise.

At least some
very loud whispers.

Where are you going?

MANNIX: To try my luck.

Mr. Wallachs will see you now.


(indistinct chatter)

Mannix. Hey, long time.

And after today, too. (chuckles)

You haven't changed,
Hey, you look great.

How do you keep so trim?

I get shot at a lot.

Oh! (chuckles) You
mean last time? Forget it.

I don't carry any grudges.

You were just digging
in the wrong forest.

One of my boys
thought you were a deer.

Time. (grunts)

What's your pleasure?

I'd like to know
about Pete Neal.

Neal, huh? Pete Neal?

Yeah, he's one of
my dealers, isn't he?

He was. He's dead.

No kidding?

That's too bad.

That's all?

Look, Mannix, just because
I run a clean business

doesn't make everybody
who works for me a saint.

Guys get into trouble.

Well, this guy got into trouble

with a quarter of
a million dollars.

Where would Pete Neal
get a quarter of a million?

(snapping fingers)
My exact question.

What happened?

Whoever shot him
knew he had the money.

You know anything about it?

What are you fishing for?

You came here with
something on your mind. What?

All right.

Now, where would a guy like Neal

get a quarter of
a million dollars?

He works as a dealer.

He didn't make it getting tips.

And he couldn't steal
that kind of money,

even if you didn't
have all your lookouts.

What do you want me to say?

You're answering all
your own questions.

Unless it's skim.

What are you
talking about, skim?

I run a clean place.


MANNIX: Suppose
someone in your clean place

had a bright idea?

How could a dealer
get his hands on skim?

He couldn't.


Now, who could?

Uh, how about Frank Devereux?

Neal's pal?


What have you got on him?

MANNIX: Well, he was with Neal.

They had a quarter of a
million dollars to protect.

Now, how would
you put that together?

So you figure that Neal
and Devereux stole from me,

and I had Neal k*lled?

I figure if you knew
you'd lost that money,

I'd have heard about it.

You answered yourself
again. No questions left.

There is no skim.


Oh, if I were you, Harry,

and I had any foreign bank
balances, I'd check them

to see whether a
certain accountant

who makes European trips

neglected to make
his last deposit.


(flips switch)

I don't have an accountant
who makes trips,

and I don't have a
European bank account.

Well, then you've got nothing
to worry about, Harry, have you?

WALLACHS (over intercom): Get
me the Greuner Bank in Switzerland,

and then find Frank
Devereux for me.

I want to talk to
him personally.

And snap it up! It's important!

(line disconnects)

(coins clattering)


Jackpot! I hit the jackpot!

I hit the jackpot!

Well, that makes
two of us, honey.

(door opens)

How was Vegas?

Like Vegas.

There are four '68 VIPs

with those last three numbers

registered in this state.

If it was from out
of state, we're dead.

Godfrey's out. He
had an accident.

Car's been in the shop
the last three weeks.

Lewisons are on
vacation with the car.

Supposed to be in Mexico,
and I'm checking that out.

That leaves David Solomon,
18, student at City College,

and Need-A-Car Leasing Company.

Car leasing company, huh?

Now, that makes sense.

Get me Albie, will you, Peggy?

No, I, I'm sorry.

No black '68 VIP.

With a license ending in 235.

It's registered to you.

Ah, well, then it's a mistake.

But I got all kinds of cars.

I can order you
exactly what you want.

You know, you, you're
gonna want FM and air.

(phone rings) Excuse me.


Oh, yeah, lady...
Look, I... Excuse me.

Mind if we look around? What?

Mind if we look around?

Oh, yeah, suit yourself.

Look, lady, I know I said
we got insurance, see,

but that doesn't mean

that you can go on
dinging your fender for free.

Read your lease agreement.

No! It is not in
the teeny print.

Look, lady, you
watch television, right?

You see the ads, "number
two leasing company"?

They try harder because
they're number two?

Imagine, lady, how
hard we have to try.

(line disconnects)

Listen, we found it.

What are you talking about?

I know every car on this lot.

Could I see your
registration book? Mm.

Oh, there it is. "SDI 235."

Yeah, that's white.
You said black.

But you want
white, that's your car.

How long has it been white?

Since I got it from the factory.

Do you have a key?

Oh... (grumbling)

Look, we try hard, but
there's a limit to this.

It's a sweet-running car.

Well, this is permanent.

It's, it's been on the ground,

but there's plenty
of tread left on there.

When was this car out last?

Well, it got in last night late.

There you are,
Albie, watercolor.

Is that paint?

MERCER: You know,
it is kind of funny.

It was rented for a week, but
the guy only kept it for a day.

Hey, uh, what's this all about?

What exactly are
you looking for?

Who rented it?

You got a copy of
the rental agreement?


Probably used a phony name.

It just might give us a lead.

What, are you a cop?


Ah, yeah, wait a minute.

Let's take a look
through the inside, Albie.

A toothpick, that's it.

Not much of a haul.

The page has been torn out.

That figures.

Whoever used it covered
himself pretty well.

He sure cleaned it out.

Oh, no, no.

We give these cars a
complete going over.

Vacuum and wash the
minute they get back.

You'll never ever get
a dirty car from here.

What about the vacuum?

You got a trash bin?

Yeah, it's right over on...

Oh, today is Thursday.

The trash has already
been picked up.

Oh, great.

Say, Albie, you got a pencil?

Oh, yeah.

How long you owned this car?

MERCER: Seven months.

There's some lettering here.


John. Johns.

Must be a name.

There's another
one in front of it.



Jean, John...
Johnston... Johnson.

Squashed down in the seat.

That hunk of paper

might have been laying
there for seven months.

Maybe, but unless that
toothpick's got writing on it,

it's the only lead we've got.

You're not even sure of
the last part of the name.

Johnston... Johnson...

"Johnson, I. Johnson, J.J.

A. Jean Johnson." Here it
is. "1624 Meadows Place."

A hundred-to-one shot,
and for him, it works.

(phone ringing through)

This is a recording.

You have reached a
discontinued number.

Please be sure you are
calling the right number

and are dialing correctly.

Okay, so it was a
hundred-and-one to one.

Yoo-hoo! Yoo-hoo!


Tom! You've come back to visit.

How nice!

May I come in?


No, you're not Tom.

How silly of me.


No, I'm sorry.

Oh, well, it'll come to me.

Come in. Come in. (chuckles)

Come in. Come in. (chuckles)

You're Mrs. Johnson?

Missus? Heavens, no!

I've had too many children

to take time out to get married.

(chuckling): Oh, dear!

Well, you know what I mean.

All the boys I've raised.

You're not Martin, are you?

No, no, I'm not one of
your boys, Miss Johnson.

My name is Mannix.


No, that doesn't ring any bells.

Come in. Sit down.

You'll have to excuse
the way the place looks.

I don't have time to
keep things in shape

the way I should.

Sit down.

Thank you.

Uh, this was an orphanage?


No, a school, Mr... Mannix.

How long have you lived here?

Made the down payment in 1929.

Got my first boarding
student that same September.

If you're not one of my
boys, why did you come here?

To collect a bill?

Oh, no, no.


My telephone's
been disconnected,

but we got along
without modern inventions

like that when I was a girl.

It's no great hardship
now the school's closed.

When did it close?

1950. Hmm.

No, 1953.

Maybe '54.

The Board made a lot
of trouble about my age.


Brought in troops
of fire inspectors.

Well, I suppose there've been

a lot of boys through
here in that time.

Oh, indeed, yes, indeed.

Miss Johnson, would you
still have a list of the names?

Oh, yes, I've got all my
records stored up in the attic.

Or maybe it's the basement.

But, but I remember them.

I remember every one.

Pete Neal?


Uh, was there a-a
Pete Neal here?



Many of my boys have
become quite famous, you know.

Every once in a while,

one of them drops by to visit.

You appreciate when
someone remembers you.

Cast your bread upon
the waters, you know?

Um, Pete Neal would be about 35.

He was probably in
school about 20 years ago.

I would say sometime
between 1945, '48.

There was never a
Neal in my school.

You sure?

There's absolutely nothing
wrong with my memory, Mr...

Somebody may want
a cup of coffee, Albie.

Do you know how many
cups of coffee I've had

these past two days trying
to stay awake on the job?

Put it on the expense account.

Now, what about Devereux?

He's an accountant
for Harry Wallachs,

only he makes payoffs for Harry,

Pickups, schleps like I do.

Only he ain't no
partner, either.

Now, those
vacations in Europe...

They're covers to
stash away money.

Now, I figure that
quarter million...

Skim money from
one of the casinos.

You knew that.

You ought to check with me.

We're duplicating.

(phone rings)


Oh, hello, Mrs. Devereux.

Frank's home, but he's packing.

He said he's got to get
away... Out of the country.

Where are you?

I'm at home.

If he knew I was calling
you, he might even...

I don't know what to do.

Um, you stay right there, hmm?


The least you could do

is tell me what's
going on when I'm here.

He's upstairs.

You'd better go on up alone.

If he thought... (two g*nshots)

You stay here.

(g*nsh*t in room)

Anything I should know?

Just a guess, Lieutenant,

but it could be the
whole ball game.

Well, let's hear it.

I don't think he shot himself.

Keep guessing, Doc.

The powder burns were
inconsistent with su1c1de.

I'd say the g*n was fired

at about two feet
from his temple.

Suicides don't usually
make it that difficult

for themselves,
if not impossible.

Just a guess, gentlemen.

Don't hold me to it.

Let me know.

You know, if he's right,
whoever was firing at me

had already k*lled Devereux

and wanted me on the
scene when he was found.


Well, Lieutenant, if I was a man

with a suspicious
nature, I'd begin to think

somebody wanted
me tied into all of this.

I was there when
Pete Neal was k*lled

and when Devereux
turned up dead.

Like, maybe I, uh, shot him

with his own g*n
before I called you.

And all that beautiful
money still missing.

See, even you're beginning
to have your doubts.

Coming, Kramer?


MANNIX: Uh, Mrs. Devereux,

I still think there's a
chance you could help us

find the man who
k*lled your husband.


Well, uh...

I'd like you to go over
and over it in your mind.

Every detail of, uh, every
day for the past few weeks.

Try and remember anybody
he might have mentioned,

any name, anybody
he might have talked to

on the telephone.

Anything at all,

no matter how
unimportant it may seem.


I'll try, Mr. Mannix.

I don't think I can
help you, but...

I'll sure try.


I've been thinking
about it all night.

I got it figured for
Harry Wallachs.

There was skim money

Devereux was supposed
to deposit in a Swiss bank.

Wallachs found out
Devereux and Neal

were going to double-cross him,

and he moved to get it back.

Wallachs rented
the car, painted it

and had one of
his g*ons k*ll Neal.

Yeah, and he k*lled
Devereux for revenge.

Yeah, it all makes
good sense, Albie,

but it's just a little too pat.

What was Neal's background?

I did all that, remember?

Well, I remember that at
age 15 he was sent to Prescott

by the Youth Authority
as incorrigible.

At 15, a man is
whatever he's going to be.

Now, what did he do before that?

Where did he start?

That's all there was, Joe.

Albie, the man didn't hatch

out of an egg at age 15... dig.

Joe, he's dead,
what's the use...

Albie, you find out what he did,

who he knew when he was a kid,

and you may find
out who k*lled him

and who's got the money.

Well, I thought we decided
Wallachs got the money.


Mr. Mannix's office.


Oh, Mrs. Devereux.

I've been thinking over
what you said, Mr. Mannix,

and it came to me
a little while ago.

I know who k*lled my
husband and Pete Neal.

No, no, don't come here.

They might be watching.

I'll meet you.


All right, uh...
about 15 minutes?

Oh, and make sure
no one's following you.

You keep thinking, Albie.

Okay, I got no questions anyway.

I don't even want to know.

(g*n firing)

(tires squealing)


(tires squealing)

(tires squealing)

(g*n firing)

(tires squealing)

(tires screeching)

(brakes screeching)

Albie called.

He said he had
something on Pete Neal,

but it wasn't too important,
so he's still digging.

Uh, Peggy, uh, call the garage.

My car needs fixing again.

What happened?

Well, my, uh, pretty client
set me up for an ambush.

Mrs. Devereux?

Mrs. Devereux.

Hey, you've got a
kid waiting at home.

Good night, Peggy.

Hello, Mannix.

Harry... (sighs)

a little off your
beat, aren't you?

I move around a lot.

Yeah, I remember that about you.

Except when it comes to money.

Then I stand very still.

I notice a lot of people
are getting that way.

You, uh...

you left a piece of your
equipment in my office.

I thought you
might need it again.


Here... a drink?

Where is it, Mannix?

The money?

Come off it, Harry.

That was a pretty good
cover you figured out.

You come to me so
I don't suspect you.

Then you leave
a little bug behind

to find out what I'm up to.

Where would I get the money?

Well, you were there
when it disappeared.

You were there
when Neal was k*lled.

And Devereux.

They can't talk, but you can.

Oh, I don't blame you, Mannix.

I'm not even mad at you.

I just want the money back.

Now, you may not believe
this, Wallachs, but, um,

Gloria Devereux just
set me up for an ambush.


We're wasting time, Mannix.

Could I trouble you to open
your jacket very slowly, please?

(g*n cocking)

Only for an old friend.

You have an excellent
memory, Mannix.

You don't need a
reminder, do you?

I told you.

I don't know where the money is.


He needs a reminder.

(body slumps to floor)

That's a pretty good likeness.

Your secretary's kid draw this?

That's right.

Well, I'm gonna leave you now

before we ruin our friendship.

You have until 6:00 tomorrow

to get that money back to me.


It'd be a shame

if something happened
to a kid with such talent.


Now, you can use muscle on me.

That's one thing.


You touch that kid...
that will be another.

Very protective, Mannix.

That's exactly how I
feel about my money.



Well, what are you looking for?

Oh, Joe, it's none of my
business, but you look awful.

You can't keep drinking
and staying up nights

without it getting to you.

I'm no health
fanatic, but... Albie...

Peggy says you got
something on Pete Neal.

Just a name change.

The record's blank,
but I'm still digging.

What name change?

Joe, you got to
get hold of yourself.

Joe... Albie, what name change?

Pete Neal's real name
was Peer Nielson.

That's Swedish or
Danish or something.

Peer Nielson, huh?


I love you.

Love can come later.

What's such a big deal
about a name change?

Lots of people
change their names.

I'll change my name.

Make me a partner.

Where now?

To try for the jackpot again.

Well, I like the blue one best.

Those birds are jubilant,

although I suppose
the heavier fabric

would wear better.

Good afternoon, Miss Johnson.

Oh, oh!

You are the nice, young
man who's not a bill collector.


You brought me luck.

Uh, Miss Johnson? Yes?

Uh, you're sure
this time, aren't you?

Yes. An hour ago,
it was the yellow.

Well, I'm absolutely
sure now for the present.

Tell everyone
we'll start working

early tomorrow morning.

All right, men.

That's all until
tomorrow morning.

MISS JOHNSON: I'm so sorry.

(Miss Johnson
chuckles apologetically)

There, uh, seems to be

a great deal of
activity going on.

Oh, my, yes!

(knock at door)

(doorknob rattling)

(insistent knocking)

Oh, hello, Mrs. Devereux.

Where are you going?

Wh-Who are you?

Well, I'm sorry
about your husband.

I was his employer.

Oh, you're, uh...
you're Mr. Wallachs.

Poor Frank used to
worry about you a lot.

He had a lot to worry about.

Uh, well, uh...
what do you want?

People have a ridiculous idea

of my methods, Mrs. Devereux.

I'm a businessman.

No emotion, no anger.

I've suffered a
financial reversal.

I simply want to make
good the loss, that's all.

But what can I do to help that?

Despite our recent differences,

I'd like to take care
of Frank's funeral.

We had a fine
association for many years.

Where is the money,
Mrs. Devereux?

Well, uh, what money?

Well, I-I don't know
anything about that.


I really want to know.

Well... well...

Frank never told me anything

about money or... or anything.

I, I was just
something he owned.

That's the truth, Mr. Wallachs.

Yes, you're the perfect
dumb blonde, Mrs. Devereux.

Meaning, of course,
you're not dumb.

I think Mannix had it straight.

You tell me if I'm wrong, hmm?

I'll... I'll just tell
you anything I can.

You set Mannix up as your alibi.

He sees Pete Neal k*lled
and the money stolen.

Now, he's honest,
so he tells me about it.

I'm not so honest,
so I don't believe him.

But you've really got it made
when poor Frank finds himself

on the wrong end
of a double-cross

and turns up dead, with
Mannix again on the scene.

Now, if Mannix
just turns up dead,

little Mrs. Devereux is
free as a bird, a rich bird.

That's not true, Mr. Wallachs.

That's not true!

Excuse me, Mrs.
Devereux, but... (screams)


(panting): Th...


Th-There's, there's
a... a school...

run by an old woman,
a Mrs. Johnson.

Johnson School.

It's on Meadows Place.

You'll... you'll find
the money there.

All of it.

Oh, uh, better
have your lock fixed.

Do you remember a
student named Peer Nielson?

Are you a friend of Peer's?

Have you seen him lately?

Yes. He's one of the
ones who came back.

I'm not blaming the others.

Life's an evolving process,
and you have to go on.

Still, it's nice to
be remembered.

Well, I'd like to hear about all
your students, Miss Johnson,

but, uh, I'm interested
in Peer Nielson.

When did you see him last?

Why, yesterday.

Are you sure?

That's why I was in such
a hurry about the painting.

Whenever he stayed here,

he'd sleep in his
old dormitory bed,

and he was forever complaining
about the wallpaper peeling

and... well, it was unsightly.

But the house is firm as a rock.

Your change of fortune, did
Peer have anything to do with that?

Oh, no!

You brought it about,
asking all those questions

about boys who'd
gone here to school.

Well, there have been
quite a lot of them,

so I went down to
look at my record,

and I found the money.

I don't even remember
when I put it away.

I guess maybe I have
been getting senile,

living here alone
with nothing to do.

But that's all changed now.

I feel like a young girl again.

I don't mean to
pry, Miss Johnson,

but do you have any idea
how much money you saved?

I didn't count it,

but it must be quite a lot,
'cause I was always very frugal.

This money you found...

I wonder if I could see it.

Well... I guess it's all right.

You have an honest face.

Come with me.

Oh, I hope you're in shape.

It's quite a climb back up.

Well, I'll do my best to keep
up with you, Miss Johnson.


(phone ringing)

Yeah! Yes, h-here
are our records.

They, they, they
go back to 1929!

Imagine anybody opening a school

right at the beginning
of the Depression.

Miss Johnson, the money?

Well, I, I was just explaining
how it all came about.

It's right over here.

Yeah. Here it is.

(straining): You-you know,

it was a foolish
thing to forget,

but I'm really glad I did

because if I'd had the money,
I'd probably have spent it.

And this way, it
comes just like a...

Well, it's a windfall.

You know, we always used to
take a group photo every year.

Now, I don't remember
where those pictures are,

but they'd be
interesting to see.

I'll, uh, I'll get one for you.

You'd probably like to see it.

Now, let me see.

Uh... yeah!

Miss Johnson, do
you have any idea

how much money is in this case?


More company.

How do you do?

Are-are you friends
of Mr. Mannix?

Yes, ma'am. We're very close.

JOHNSON: Oh, good.

I'll put the kettle on.

Tea won't take a minute.

And we'll have some cookies.

English cookies.

Biscuits, they call them.

I won't be a moment.

(p*stol cocking)

I'll take it now, Mannix.

Bring it up.

(two g*nshots)

You were in this
with Gloria Devereux?

We almost made it.

Where is she?

Cops should have her about now.

What do you mean?

She's to meet
me... at the airport.

I called them.

You weren't going to
share this with anyone.

Nobody... ever shared with me.

(door opening)

What was all that noise?


Is he...?

I'm sorry, Miss Johnson,

MANNIX: Gloria Devereux
was driving the car that night.

Neal pretended to take a b*llet,

then jumped in the car
and started sh**ting.

Want to come by the station
and help straighten this out, Joe?

Yeah, I'll, I'll be down in
a few minutes, huh? Okay.

Miss Johnson...
What a tragic thing.

What I've tried to
do with my school,

with my life, is to
teach boys the right path

so they wouldn't end that way.

If Peer is the only student
who went wrong, Miss Johnson,

I'd say you have a
pretty good average.

Now, you can
start all over again.

You're right.

I'd be very ungrateful to look
on the gloomy side of things,

now that I've been
given another chance.

With young
teachers to help me...

But I'd forgotten,
that's all over, finished.

Why's that?

I haven't any
right to the money.

And I've given so
much of it in advance

to the contractors and painters.


Mr. Mannix, how
will I get it back?

Miss Johnson, the
courts will decide

what's to become of that money.

But I'd guess that you've got
as much right to it as anyone.

After all, possession
does count a lot,

and it's skim.

It doesn't really
belong to anyone,

except for taxes, of course.

Joe, been looking everywhere.

Finally traced you here.

The police picked up
Gloria Devereux. They did?

Don't you understand?
If they can get her to talk,

we might get a lead
on who k*lled Devereux.

They already know.

They do?

Yeah, Peer Nielson.
Alias Pete Neal.

He came home.

The police just left.

Why do I always have to find
out about things secondhand?

I feel like a kid
in short pants.

Are you one of my boys, too?

Oh, no, ma'am. Albie
went to public school.

But I'm sure he'd like
one of your cookies.

She has wonderful
cookies, Albie.

Oh, uh, Miss
Johnson... good luck.


You know what boys like?

We'll have some
tea with our cookies.

You'd like that, wouldn't you?

Well... it's something.

(theme music playing)
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