02x03 - Pop Goes the Easel

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Three Stooges". Aired: 1934 - 1945.*
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The Three Stooges were an American vaudeville and comedy team active from 1922 until 1970, best remembered for their 200 short-subject films.
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02x03 - Pop Goes the Easel

Post by bunniefuu »


Bridge expert, huh? Yeah.

What would you do if you
held the queen alone?

That all depends.

Depends on what?

When the king is expected home.

Wise guy, huh?

No, bridge expert.

My good man,
how long have you been starving?

Mister, I haven't tasted food
for three days.

You haven't? No.

Well, I wouldn't worry about it.

It still tastes the same.

Hey, buddy, have you got a--?

No. Go get yourself a sign.

How do you like that lowlife?

Do you want to become
my social secretary?

Oh, lady, and how.

Then how do you
spell "chrysanthemum"?

Hiya, professor. How are you?

This is Miss, uh...



You're a social secretary?

Yes, ma'am.

You're just the man
I'm looking for.

Step right in. Thank you.

They threw a b*mb.



What's the matter?

How do you
spell "chrysanthemum"?

Oh, ignorant, eh?

How do you spell it?


Why weren't you
here a minute ago?

Now, listen, you mugs.

People ain't gonna
give us a job.

We gotta go out and get it.

Now, my idear is this:

You see that store over there?

Each one of us grab a broom.

We go up and sweep
in front of the place, see?

The boss comes out
sees three conscientious guys

and offers us a job.

It's simple. [SNAPS]

Get goin'.


Stop, thief.

Drop those brooms.

Thief, police, fire, police.


They stole my brooms.

Oh, yeah?

Come here, you. Come
back here. [WHOOPING]


Hey. Hey, come back here.


Oh, an art school.

You know, my old man
used to draw.


Sure, he drew years
with one stroke of the pen.


He's coming.

Quick, the overcoats.

Oh, there you are.

Oh, I'm awfully sorry
to have kept you waiting.

Oh, that's all right.
We just got here ourselves.

How long have you been students?

Oh, we're just beginners.

Well, shall we start
on September Morn?

No, let's start right now.

Spread out.

I'll see if everything's ready.

You know, I think
I'm gonna like this place.


What is the matter with this?

Ah, it is gone.


Oh, there it is again.
What shall I do?

Oh, dear.

What's the matter, Rembrandt?

My painting,
it is finished, gentlemen.

But I cannot erase this spot.

What shall I do?

Why don't you send it
to a clinic?


I am an artist.

I am an artist too.

Oh, a pair of drawers.

Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk,
nyuk, nyuk, nyuk.

Ha, ha, ha, ha.

Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk, nyuk.


Wait a minute.

Here, I know what's the matter.

You haven't got
enough anakanapanasan.

Wait a minute, Einstein.

What that needs
is a mixture of enau

plus anasenapakanaswa. Oh.

Ah, monsieur, you did it.
How can I ever tha--?

There it is again.

Oh, my beautiful painting,
Sunlight on the Brook.

They are waiting for it.

Well, don't worry about it,
they'll get it.


Might've been
Sunlight on the Brook,

but it's now
Midnight on the Ocean.


I lost a fortune.

Don't worry.

You know the old saying:
"Easel come, easel go."


See that?



Easel outta here.

Anytime you get
in another spot, Rembrandt,

just call on us.


The professor wants
the first sketch to be The Hunt.

Will you get me the hawk?

Give her the bird.


The bird, the bird.

Excuse him, lady.
The heel has no soul.

Now, here's the idea.
You hold the hawk in one hand.

And you are listening

to the distant call
of the hunting horn.

I think we'd best
release the bird,

and in its place, overhead,

you discover a group
of fine grouse.

Now, then.


I don't see any grouse.

See any now? No.

See any now? No.

Ah! Look at the grouse.

Wait a minute.
You guys got the wrong idea.

Pardon me, miss.

Here's the way you should do it:

I think you ought to move back.

How's that?

Back a little further, please.

One more step.

Oh! Help!

I think he took
one step too much.

Help, oh.

How's that?

Oh, always clownin', eh?

Come on.


Will you do me a favor?

Why, yes.

Hold it.

What's that?

Why, it's a boat.

She's right.

I christen thee



Look at the grouse.

The cop.

The cop.


Oui, oui?

Did you see three

characters around here?


Oh, pardon me, you're French.

Ah, begorra, that's what I am.


Ze mama, she was French,

and the old man was Irish.

And I was speakin' for him.

Maybe you can tell me something.



Hey, buddy.

What kind of language is that?


Oh, deaf and dumb.

Certainly. Ye--

I'll get those guys yet.


Okay, boys. Guess I told him.

We sure got rid
of that flatfoot.

Good morning.
I'm Professor Fuller.

Oh, we've been using
some of your brushes.

I don't believe
I've ever met you.

They're the three new students
we were expecting this morning.


Now, boys,
to become great artists,

you must start
from the bottom up.

Yes. Yes. Yes.

So you may begin
by painting this floor.

Say, if he thinks
I'm gonna paint this floor,

I hope you drop dead.

Who, me?

The cop.

You ain't got long to live, son.

Come on.

Hey. What's the idea
of the two brushes?

I'm in a hurry.

Well, get goin'.

I can get around
the corners with this.

But look what I got.

What do you expect
to do with that?

Paint the cracks.



Go ahead and paint 'em.
Get goin'.

Here we go.


Ah, shuffleboard.

Plus .

Pick out two. One, two--


Come on, break it up.
Get to work. Get busy here.


How we gonna get outta here
without ruining this paint job?

It's the cop.


Here, in here.


Pardon me, miss.

ya, tall and handsome?

I'm glad you come up to see me.



MOE: Those are my cigarettes.


Ix-nay ackin'-cray.

It's the op-cay.


What are you talking--?
Oh, a man.

Oh, hello, dear. How are you?

This is my sister, Crumbette.

And this...

is my mother.



Spread out.

You gorgeous mass of muscle.

Oh, Mother, I'm gonna
tell Father on you.

The children
are always clowning.

Oh, Mother.

Whoo, w-w-w-whoo.


So it's you!


Come on, fellas, let's beat it.


What did you say?

Pardon me, you just look around.

Oh, it is.

Look. Oh.

Put it on.

He's gone.

Look, we made somethin'.

What is it?

Sittin' Bull.

I don't see his face.

He's got his back turned.


And how.

Wait a minute.

I'll show you guys
a picture what is a picture.

Watch this:

Gee, I'm sorry, Moe.
It was an accident.

It won't happen again.

You sure?

I'm positive.

Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk,
nyuk, nyuk, nyuk.

You're the cause of this.

What about it?

Here's a flower
for your hat, madam.

Here's mud in you eye, mister.

Wait a minute, spread out!

Who started this?

I don't know.

Never mind.
Let bygones be bygones.


I'll show you guys
a picture what is a picture.

Watch me.

Oh, bygones, eh?


Who the--?

Oh, you're startin' again, eh?


Gimme that.

Gimme that!

You got it, brother.


Hey, what's goin' on in--?

Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk, nyuk, nyuk.

Is this the clay department?




Come in.

Come in.

I said, come in.





You missed me, ahh--

Victim of circumstance.


That's a coincidence.

Ooh, a backbiter.



Spread out! Wait a minute!

Spread out! Come here!

Now, tell me. Who started this?

You did. Oh, yeah?

MAN: Get 'em, boys!
MAN : Lemme get at 'em.

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