03x08 - Memory: Zero

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Mannix". Aired: September 16, 1967 – April 13, 1975.*
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Joe Mannix works for a large Los Angeles detective agency called Intertect, using computers to help solve crimes.
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03x08 - Memory: Zero

Post by bunniefuu »

(car engine starts)

(car door closes)

(starter chugging,
engine stalls)

(starter chugging,
engine stalling)

(starter chugging,
engine stalling)

(car door closes)


Boy, what luck.
That car of mine.

Uh, "17 Paseo Verde," please.


You got a match?

Oh, you could have
turned right there,

but I guess it's just as
simple to turn at Woodford.

Uh, excuse me.

You didn't take that
turn at Woodford, and...

Shortcut, miss.

I think if you turn
right here, you...

(tires squealing)

I-I think you'd better
stop and let me out.

Uh, driver, do you hear me?!

I said you'd better let me out.

Look, what are you
doing? Are you crazy?!

What's going on?

Driver! Driver!

Please stop! Let me out!

Stop! Let me out of here!


Please! (tires screeching)

Stop this car! Stop!

Please! Please!


(brakes screeching)

(silenced g*nsh*t)

(tires squealing)

(theme music playing)

♪ ♪

MANNIX: Just take
it easy, Miss Welles.

That's why I was
coming to see you.

Something like this
happened before.

Or almost happened.

When was that?

Right after
Mr. Benson's funeral.

Some... some man
started to follow me.

Why would anyone
want to k*ll you?

I, I don't know.

Miss Welles.

Have you gone to the police?

No. I wouldn't know
what to tell them.

Did Rex Benson leave
you any instructions,

anything you should
do or get or find

in case of his sudden death?


Miss Welles, try to think.

Working for a private detective

isn't like any other job, right?

No, it isn't.

Well, when
Mr. Benson was k*lled,

you had loose
ends, things to do.

No, the police took the
papers, files, everything.

I really think you ought
to go to the police.

I will... later...

when that horrible man
is caught and put away.

Well, how do you
expect that to happen

if you don't report
to the police?

You'll find him.

How? You can't describe him.

You can't remember
whether he was seven feet tall,

three feet wide or
what? I just can't...



Miss Welles... can
you tell me, uh...

Can you tell me who,

which one of his clients
owed him the most money

or paid him the most money?


Well, who was his
most important client?

Why are you testing me?

Well, now, why
did you come here?


Um, Mr. Ferguson,
the hotel owner...

Mrs. Williams...

"Claxton," I think
his name was...

He's a furrier...

Uh, Mr. Martell,
in real estate...

several women wh-whose
names I don't know...

and a guy with
an accent, French,

whose name I never knew.

Well, he never told me
much about his business.

Miss Welles, have
any of his clients

contacted you since his m*rder?

Yes, Mr. Ferguson, Mr. Martell
and one more name that I forgot.

If it weren't such fun
working for a private detective,

it would really be
a drag, wouldn't it?

Miss Welles, have you any idea
why this man wants to k*ll you?


I don't know why.

But he does.

(quietly): She
shouldn't be alone.

You mind spending
a night here with her?

I'll stay at the athletic club.

Okay. I'll get a babysitter.

You'll get the bill.

Don't let anyone in and
just keep talking to her.

Maybe she'll
remember... something.

To the best of
her recollection...

Which isn't exactly top-notch...

This is a description
of her assailant.

Oh, and the name and address

of the two guys that saved her.

All they remember is that
he was wearing gloves.

I ought to put
you on the payroll.

Well, look, now, I
tried everything I could

to get her to
come to the police.

I did everything but
throw her out on the street.

He really had her scared.

Okay, okay.

We still don't have
a thing on the guy

who k*lled Rex Benson.

It's a real professional job.

This sounds the same.

What's your
interest in this, Joe?

Are you out to
avenge the k*lling

of one of the "revered
members of your profession"

and all that junk?

I'm not even sure I
have an interest in this.

I was no fan of Rex Benson's.

If this Miss Welles is
the same Miss Welles

I questioned after
her boss's death,

I can see why
you'd be interested.

I hope that's spicy
enough for you.

Oh, right on the button.

Dave, I've helped
you with your work.

How about helping
me with some of mine?

I'll have to see
her, talk to her.

Well, she's at my place.

Why don't you stop
by in the morning?

Mannix, how can she afford you?

Well, she can't,

but, uh, maybe one of
her boss's clients can.

The only one I know with that
kind of money is Greg Martell.

What about Martell?

ANGSTROM: Charming.

Poor kid.

That poor kid.

I'll pay you to protect her.

That's the least I can do.

What's that supposed
to mean, Mr. Martell?

It means I like her.

I'd like her to go to
work for me. She's sharp.

She'd do well in the
real estate business.

And I know she can be trusted.

Well, thank you for the drink.

That's all?

That's all.

Mr. Mannix, I...
I guess I thought

you were coming to see me

to pick up where
Rex Benson left off.

I do need someone.

I guess Maggie
told you about me.


She'll remember. As
soon as she recovers

from what happened,
she'll tell you.

Oh, by the way, before I forget,

would you give me a
number where I can reach her?

No. It was nice
meeting you, Mr. Martell.

Mr. Mannix, I was
being blackmailed.

I still am.

Rex Benson was trying
to find out who it was.

You, uh, didn't
go to the police?

No. The more people who know,

the more likely I am
never to hear the end of it.

Never be able
to put a stop to it.

Why tell me?

If I pay for your services,

I figure I also buy
your trust, right?

Right, but you're not
employing me, Mr. Martell.

After what I've told
you, I think I'd better.

The rest of it is...

the rest of it is,
I've been in prison.

Now, my business associates
know that I'm a "primitive"...

A self-taught type.

But if they found out
about this prison term,

that would wipe out my
whole land development deal

that I've got going.

You're a gambler.

Was I wrong about you
going to work for me?

I'm working for Miss Welles.

Mr. Mannix, I want to be free of
the man who's blackmailing me.

I couldn't stand a scandal.

Not now.

That would k*ll the land
development deal and ruin me.

I've got to put my
own interests first.

I want you to find
the blackmailer.

I'll think about
it, Mr. Martell.

In a couple of days,

I've got to make
another payment.

Rex Benson used
to do that for me.

I'd be scared to
death to do it myself.

I'll get back to you.

(phone rings)

Lieutenant Angstrom.

Dave, you were right about
the charming Mr. Martell.

He's charming.

I was also right about
the attack on the girl being

the same kind of
professional job.

We found the real cab driver
with a big bump on his head

and no description of
the guy who slugged him.

Well, that leaves us
nowhere. Anything else?

Yeah. It's nice to know you
don't really trust me, buddy.

What is that supposed to mean?

You told me Miss Welles
was at your place with Peggy.

I had some questions
to ask, so I called.


Mannix, there's nobody
there, and you know it.



(phone ringing)



Peggy, why don't you stay put?

Why can't you have ladies'
nighties in your dresser

and cold cream and hair curlers?

Peggy, I understand. Okay...

(two g*nshots, glass shattering)

(switch clicks) RADIO ANNOUNCER:
Baby Doll racing on the outside...

(g*nsh*t, radio shatters)

PEGGY (on phone): Joe! Joe?!


Joe, are you all right?

Yeah, I'm all right, Peggy.

What happened?

Well, I think our
cab driver came back

to give Maggie
another free ride.

MANNIX: Howdy, Peggy.

Don't tell me you
bought that outfit?

No, it came with the trailer.

You sure you weren't followed?

With that rig and this outfit?

Not a chance.

Now, you'd better
ride in the back.

Peggy, I'll get you a phone
number as soon as we get there.


MANNIX: We're staying at the
Seaside Trailer Camp in Malibu.

I just love the ocean.

And it does a lot for you, too.

Thank you.

Back to business.

Rex Benson put
ketchup on everything...

Even waffles.

Go on.

He'd always send
me out for things

like peanuts and cashews,

although as long as they
were peanuts, it didn't matter.

Oh, popcorn; I always
used to go into a theatre

around the corner for
popcorn... With butter, of course.

Getting hungry?

Maggie, we just had lunch.

That's right.

Also, he loved cheese blintzes.

I don't see how
anybody couldn't, but...

Oh, it's such a beautiful day.

I'm going to go back... Oops.

Now you're doing fine.

Just keep going.

I'm doing all the work,
and you just listen.

That's the general idea.

And when you come up
with something important,

then I do the work,
and you relax.

Like what something important?

I'll know when I hear it.

He loved electric razors.

Had one of every kind ever made.

And men's colognes,
all those, too.

Well, that's enough for today.

I'll meet you back
here first... Maggie...

I know you feel gay
and light and happy...

That's just great.

But, uh, if we're
going to find out

why somebody wants to k*ll you.

You're going to have to
turn that mind inside out.

Gee, these trailers are
neat, everything all together.

Kind of cozy.

MANNIX: Maggie.

All right.

He used to wear sport
shirts, which was fine,

except he'd wear them more
than one day, which was not so fine.

Sometimes his
socks didn't match.

They'd be blue and red,
or red and gray, like that.

Do you think he was color-blind?

MANNIX: Maybe.

I do appreciate what
you're doing for me.

And as to what a nice girl
like me is doing with a guy

like Rex Benson, the
answer is, I don't know.

The pay wasn't bad.

(mumbling): Probably not as
much as you pay Peggy, but...

MANNIX: You're mumbling, Maggie.

Did I tell you he was dragged
up by his mother, really dragged?

He hated her.

She must have hated him, too.

Are you suggesting that his
mother might have k*lled him?

MAGGIE: With her cooking,
she could have, according to him.

Go on.

He chased women

incessantly, compulsively
and indiscriminately.

All private
detectives do, right?

Uh, was he married?


You married?


Well, he was a health bug.

Had one of those jogging
machines in the office,

to say nothing of
chinning bars and barbells.

Well, that ought
to do it for now.

I've got to get back into town.

Joe, I'm afraid to stay alone.

I'm scared.

Well, I'm not asking you
not to be scared, Maggie.

Just pretend you're
not until I get back.

I appreciate your concern
and interest for Miss Welles,

but you've got her
hidden somewhere.

I'm not forgetting the fact
that somebody tried to k*ll her,

but I'm making the
point that she is safe.

Let's stop worrying about
her and start thinking about me.

What about you?

I have to pay my dues
to the man on Saturday.

I also have to be
in Boston tomorrow

for the biggest deal of my
life, and I don't want to blow it.

You know, this is the first
time I've had to beg anybody

to take my business
and my money.

A man was k*lled doing
business for you, Mr. Martell.

What do you want?

When were you in prison?

Five years ago.

For how long?

Long enough.
What's all this about?

You want me to find out
who's blackmailing you,

answer my questions.

You want a delivery
boy, go hire one.

All right.

All right.

How long were you in for?

Two years, as*ault
with a deadly w*apon.

Who was it you assaulted
with a deadly w*apon?

Oh, I don't remember his name.

I was drunk and down-and-out.


I had a short temper and a g*n.

The guy said
something, I flipped.

Where did they send you?

San Quentin.

When will you be
back from Boston?

Week or two.

I'll leave you an envelope with
the cash and the instructions

on where and when to
leave it, Saturday night.

There will also be
a check in it for you.

Why Saturday? Why not now?

I'll tell you why
Saturday night.

I hate paying the
money to that man.

$1,500 a month, and I don't
like to draw it out of the bank

until the moment I have to.

He gets his money
Saturday night.

All right, Mr. Martell.
Saturday night.

(car approaching)

(car door closing)


What have you got, Peggy?

Trouble, I think.

Our friend's been here again.

You're sure?

He put the calendar
back to the right date.

I was one day behind.
That's why I'm here.

Nice going, I think.

He found the car rental folder.

He'll be looking for you.

You'd better take
evasive action.

First thing in the morning.

I'd like a 100,000-mile checkup.

It's only got 300 miles on it.

Can't be too careful.

I know it's a waste of energy,
but I was worried about you two.

Oh, we appreciate it.

Martell spent two
years in San Quentin

about five years ago.

Find out who his
cell mates were,

who his parole officer was
and the name of the man

who he assaulted
with a deadly w*apon.


Might as well find out the
name of the arresting officers

and the judge who sentenced him.

Oh, and find out if Martell
had a previous conviction.

You're finished, I hope.

For now.

What's been going on?

Lieutenant Angstrom called.

He still wants to talk
to Maggie Welles.

Tell him he's going
to have to stand in line.

Yes, sir.

Now, just what does that mean?

Are you finished, sir?

Come on now, what's
this "yes, sir, yes, sir" bit?

Well, whatever you do,

just remember one thing,

you already have a
secretary, Mr. Mannix.


You look tired.

Oh, thank you.

Go on, Maggie.


Let's see...

Rex was, uh, very big on
betting on all the basketball

and football games
that played anywhere.

He was pretty good at it.

I remember this
one time... Maggie.


Um, he was an
absolute nut on pajamas.

Exotic pajamas.

Had, had me buying them for him
every time somebody had a sale.

Silk, mostly. Imported mostly.

He must have had a
hundred pair or more.

Oh, I told you how bad a
cook his mother was, didn't I?


(knocking on door)


PHILLIPS: Manager.

What is it? Telephone.

Would you mind taking a message?

I'll pick it up later.

All right, Mr. Smith.

Okay, Maggie, now,
let's get on with it.

Now, that was very nice,
and I like you, too, but, uh...

I thought when you
said, "Let's get on with it."

Maggie, I'm tired, and
we're not getting any place.

And unless we get
someplace, you're dead.

Now, I don't know
how else to put it to you.

What do you want me to do?

I want you to
remember everything.

I'm trying.

I'm really trying.

I don't know anything that would

make him want to k*ll me.

I don't know anything!


The book of matches.


The book of matches!

Here it is! Here it is!

The book of matches
that the man gave me,

the man that tried to k*ll me!

You had me concentrating so hard

on the life and
times of Rex Benson.

Anyway, isn't it great?

I found them!

The Hideaway Bar and Grill.

Isn't that great?!

Aren't I clever, huh?


Now, you think you're
clever enough to stay here

with the doors locked

and the blinds drawn
until I come back?

Do I have to?

Yes, you have to.

We're getting closer.

PHILLIPS: Mr. Smith?

Oh, Mr. Smith?


That lady who called,

she wouldn't leave any message.

Oh, well, uh, I think
I know who it was.

Thanks. Good night.

(phone ringing)

Mr. Mannix's office.

Peggy, what'd you turn up?

The word on Martell's
two San Quentin pals.

Ralph Towbridge, and
Francis, alias Frank Connelly.

Both very much
alive and out of prison.

Did you call Angstrom?

He's tracking them down now.


Now, give me those names again.

Frank Connelly and
Ralph Towbridge?

That's Towbridge over there.

The guy with the glasses.


The name is Mannix.


I'm a friend of Martell's.

Shove off, mister.
I don't know you.

Greg Martell, your
pen pal at San Quentin.

Pen pal?

You're cute.

Buzz off, fuzz.

Oh, I'm no cop.

Hey, pal, you're violating
my right of privacy.

You're going to
get a lot of privacy

unless you turn on your memory.

Now, where's Connelly?

You know Frank?

Where does he live?

You don't know Frank.

Now, uh, Towbridge, I'm trying
to save you a trip to uglyland.

You interested in that?

Now, uh, I'm going to
ask you again, Towbridge.

Where's Frank Connelly?

They don't make vests
thick enough for me

to be giving you or
anybody information about...

Hey, what's his
name again, mister?

Frank Connelly?

What makes you think

Frank Connelly's our
man and not Towbridge?

Well, the man we're looking
for doesn't drive with glasses.

Towbridge can't see
four feet without them.

You could be right.

Connelly's been up
twice for armed robbery.

Both times with
a P .38 a*t*matic.

Now, he's our
man all right. I...

Chili, Lieutenant, medium hot.

Um, put it in the drawer.

I ordered a pickup on him.

Also a stakeout at the
Hideaway Bar and Grill.

Well, the taxpayers are

finally about to get
their money's worth.

By the way, when are you
going to release Miss Welles

so that the civil service
system gets its chance?

You can have her right now

if you'll keep her
locked up and hidden.

I can't quite do that,
Mannix, you know that.

Well, I just guess I'll
just have to keep on

forcing myself to
take care of her.

Be careful, Joe.

Frank Connelly's a bad boy.

Well, I told you where
he steals his matches.

Find him.

Don't let the chili get cold!


I'm sorry.


It's hot.

What's going on in
the world outside?

The police are looking for
one of Martell's cell mates.

It's a chance.

I know, I know.

Rex Benson, his life and times.

Funny, but true.

Well, um, he was a health bug.

Used to exercise in
his office all the time.

He had a jogging
machine in his office.

I've been there already, huh?

Um, he used to wear brown and
white shoes in the summertime.

Beau Brummell.

Hmm, and straw hats.

Fancy ones with narrow brims.

Played golf, terrible golf.

Lied a lot about his scores.


Oh, uh, would you?

Uh, he was a bug on, uh,
shortwave radio broadcasts.

Knew when the English
language broadcasts

came in from... from, uh,
Tokyo, Moscow, Berlin, Helsinki.

Chewed his nails a lot.

Most of the time he
tended his own business.

Every now and then he'd
let me do a few things.

Like what?

Besides exotic pajamas, that is.

Um, well, like

liquor gifts for
his lady friends.

Cordials mostly, flowers,
oh, and, uh, parking tickets.

Rex Benson might
have been a lot of things,

but he had a conscience.

One time he had me
pay a parking ticket

that was five years old.

A lot of other things, too,

but that really made
an impression on me.

Yeah, fascinating.

Let's see, what else?

Five years old? What?

The parking ticket.

Oh, yeah.

They got a big kick at
the Motor Vehicle Bureau

out of how honest
it was to pay it.

What's so important about that?

You didn't know Rex
Benson the way I knew him.

He wouldn't pay anything
he didn't have to pay.

How long ago did you pay that?

A few months. Two,
three... That may be it.


Miss Welles... it's
been a pleasure.


Oh, and to think I've already
got a secretary I'm happy with.


Make the coffee, Peggy.

"Make the coffee, Peggy.

"Go down to the Traffic
Violations Bureau, honey,

"on your day off and
check that parking ticket."

You know, you got
nerve, I'll give you that.

Saturday morning, my day off.

It's triple time. Triple time.

(sighs) How's Maggie?

Or am I supposed to
refer to her as Mrs. Smith?

Oh, she's fine.

I told her I have a secretary
I'm perfectly happy with.

Well, that was nice of you. Mm.

That was very nice.

What about the parking ticket?

Oh, I practically had to
turn the place upside down,

but they came through finally.

That parking ticket was five
years old, and she did pay it.

Except it wasn't written
on Rex Benson's car.

At least not the car that
was registered to him.

The car belonged to Martell.


Maybe Benson was borrowing it.


No, I don't even think Martell
knew Benson five years ago.

That's the time
he was in prison.


Now, Martell gets a
traffic ticket five years ago.

He also goes to jail for
as*ault with a deadly w*apon

and serves two years.

Some time after that,

somebody starts
blackmailing Martell,

so Martell hires Rex
Benson to find out who it is.

And exactly three
months and ten days ago,

Benson's secretary shows up

and turns on the
Traffic Violations Bureau

by paying a parking
ticket that's five years old.

Which brings us
to the public library.


Peggy, check the newspapers
on the day of that traffic ticket.

Find out if anything
happened that might help

make sense out of
this whole thing, huh?

And I thought I
was going to have

a half a day off on my day off.

I'm sorry, Peggy.

I got to go to Martell's office
and pick up some money.

I got a drop to make tonight.

I'll make the coffee.


(doorknob rattling)

(phone ringing)


Well, uh, is this the manager?

PHILLIPS: Speaking.

This is Mr. Smith.

Which Mr. Smith?

Calvin Smith.

I want you to tell
Mrs. Smith, that...

I can't tell her anything
right now, Mr. Smith.

What do you mean? What happened?

Well, she left here a
couple of hours ago.

With another young lady.

Said she was
your, uh, secretary.

(slamming phone)

PEGGY: Oh, one more time.

That is (mutters)...
I would have died...

(Maggie and Peggy
laughing and chatting)


I thought I told
you to stay put.

I know, but...

Since I worked on my day off,

and Maggie had been
cooped up here all day long...

Yeah, I needed the change.

So we went down to the
pier, we had some dinner,

and we discussed our
bosses and had some laughs.

Yeah, and it was fun, too.

(both laughing)

They're back in
their trailer now.

That's just fine.

Thank you very much.

What happened to your head?

My friend was waiting for
me when I made the drop.

Oh, I should say, your friend.

I still don't understand
why he slugged me.

The money was there.

All he had to do
was wait until I left.

What did you
find at the library?

It happened just
like Martell said.

Three witnesses saw
him walk up to some guy

and start threatening
him with a g*n.

Nothing else?

The only other thing that day
was Sam Kroner was k*lled,

the big wheel in
the numbers racket.

What about the parking ticket?

Kroner was k*lled
on the same day?

The same day that
Martell was arrested,

August the 21st.

And what day was the
parking ticket issued?

August the 21st.


What's the connection between
the parking ticket and-and...?

What time did Martell commit

that as*ault with
a deadly w*apon?

Shortly after 10:00 p.m.

And the sh**ting of gangland
chief Kroner took place

about 9:15 the
evening of August 21st.

I know a lot of guys around town

that would pay good money to
have someone get rid of Kroner.

Now, if a guy was smart,

he could've k*lled
Kroner for the big money,

then got tough with
a guy across town,

in front of witnesses,
served time,

get out and get into
the real estate business.

Hey, I think you're right.

Well, what's the parking
ticket got to do with it?

Martell was supposed to be

across town at the time.

The parking ticket could
have wiped out his alibi.

So, he asked his
good friend Benson

to take care of the
ticket as a favor.

Benson gets curious and
puts two and two together.

And he was the one that
was blackmailing Mr. Martell.


When Martell figured it
out, it cost Benson his life.

That's why you
were a target, too.

You paid the parking ticket.

Martell probably
couldn't sleep nights,

worrying when you'd
put it all together.

Well, let's get down
to Angstrom's office

and make this his headache.

I'll see you there.

Okay, Peg. Thanks
for dinner. Sure.

Listen, get your
clothes together.

We'll leave the
trailer here. Okay.

(car engine starts)

(car driving away)

Now, just the two
of them are there.


Now, I think if both
of you stay inside,

and keep real quiet,

everything's going
to be all right, hmm?

I'd appreciate it.

(g*n cocking)

(g*nsh*t) (screaming)

Get down!

You all right?


He's out there,
so you stay here.


I'll be right back.

Now you stay down.



MANNIX: Maggie, lock the door!

Lock the door and stay down!

(g*nsh*t, glass
shattering) (screaming)


MANNIX: Maggie, you
all right? MAGGIE: Yes.

(car door closes, engine starts)

(tires squealing)

When you didn't show
up at Angstrom's office

I figured something was up,
so I went to Martell's apartment.

Does that make sense?

Yes, after what we
figured out about him.

Peggy, stay away
from his apartment.

It's too late.

I wasn't there long anyway,

and Martell left in a big rush.

You didn't follow him?

Mm-hmm, to an old
building near the ballpark.

I know the place, Peggy.
Now, please, will you go home?

MARTELL: How did it go, Frank?


No trouble.

Girl's lying in the ocean
with a couple of holes in her.

That's good.

What about Mannix?

No charge for Mannix.

That's perfect, Frank.

I'll take the rest
of my money now.


Hold it right there, Martell!

She's still alive
too, isn't she?

He didn't k*ll her either.

You should have stopped
after you k*lled Rex Benson.

You were ahead of the game.

The girl had memory: zero.


You were worried
about her for nothing.

She never would have
remembered that parking ticket.

She's not the type.

(siren wailing)

Now, listen, Mannix... Sorry.

I'm off your payroll.

(tires squealing)

(car door closes)

You'll find Frank Connelly down
in the basement dead, I'm sure,

shot by this charming gentleman.

We'll take him. Let's go.

You all right?

You were supposed to stay home.

I know.

I don't ever want to see you

stick your neck out like that
again, do you understand?

I use my initiative,
tail Martell here,

call you in time to get him,

I don't want to hear about it. to
say nothing of calling the police, too,

and you-you bawl me out?

I pay you, too, remember that.

Yes, you do.

(voice trails off):
On my day off...

(theme music playing)
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