04x08 - The Sitter Downers

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Three Stooges". Aired: 1934 - 1945.*
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The Three Stooges were an American vaudeville and comedy team active from 1922 until 1970, best remembered for their 200 short-subject films.
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04x08 - The Sitter Downers

Post by bunniefuu »


Well, we're all set.

Ain't love grand?

Yeah. Come on,
let's get the car.

Come on, Friday.




Wanna mess me up, eh?
I ought to...



Come on.



There they are.

Come in.


Florabell. Dorabell.

For the hundredth time...

ALL: Will you marry us?

This is so sudden.

You'll have to ask Father.



Mr. Bell, can we marry your--?



He can't do that to us.


Are you three guys still here?

Sure, and we intend to stay
until you say yes.


It's a sit-down strike!


Ooh! Whoo.

Why, I'll have you
thrown out of this house.

Is that so?

Tell him a few syllables.


You can't do that to us.

We're not interfering
with interstate commerce.

And we're gonna sit
right here. Nyuck, nyuck, nyuck.



Hey, Moe, Larry.

It's got me!
It's biting me! Moe!

What is it?
I think it's an octopus.

Get it. Easy, now.

Oh! Whoa!

Hey, wait a minute.



Ooh! Ooh!

Ooh! Easy, now. The last one.


You all right?

How do you feel?



You fellas sit down.
I'll picket.

Come and get it!

I can't. I think I got a bite.

Didn't I tell you
not to fish for those pets?

But I had two strikes.

Well, here's a third one.

Ooh! Ooh! Ooh!

You almost put me out.


Go get the mail.


Hey, our fan mail's growing.

Oh, boy.

Handle that.

Nyuck, nyuck, nyuck,
nyuck, nyuck, nyuck.

Look, here's a real-estate
company gonna give us a lot

as soon as we're married.

And here's the guy will give us
a ready-cut house.

Boy, a house and lot
for nothing.

What are we waiting for?

For Papa to say yes,
pudding head.


But governor,

they've been sitting in my house

for three weeks.

You've got to get them out.

Oh, he'll do nothing.

Well, there's nothing
the justice of the peace

can do, then.

Oh, yes, there is.


Oh, look, a set of dishes.

And here's some silverware.

And a baby carriage.


What do you got? A gas bill.

Oh, what's the matter with you?

There they are, sheriff.

We ain't done nothing.
You can't arrest us.

I'm not going to arrest you.

I'm gonna marry you.

We won the strike!

Now we can get married.


Hey, wait a minute! Quiet.

Who's gonna marry who?

Why, we're gonna...

Oh, we never thought of that.


I got an idea.
Get those name pins.

Pardon me, Justice.

Take one.

I got Florabell.




I got Corabell.

Oh, darling!

I get Stetson.

Which one is she?

Come on. Here. There. Ooh!

MOE: This is it, driver!

You better stop!


Well, here we are.

All right,
women and children first.

Out of the way!

Well, there's where
your new home's gonna be, girls.

Where's the carpenters?

There ain't any.
You build it yourself.

No carpenters?

Well, we ain't
gonna build nothing.

We're on our honeymoon.

Certainly. I got married
so I could retire.

But you must
build the house first, darling.

Nothing doing.
I said we're on our honeymoon.


Oh, now, darling.


Little snookie-puss.

ALL: Oh!

The honeymoon starts
when the house is finished.


You come down from there
and get to work!

Nothing doing.
We're staying right here.

I'll bring them down.


Hey, not that.

Now, you snap out of it
and get to work.

But we was going down to--

You start a fire for breakfast

and we go to the store.
Get going.


They did it.

Oh, we didn't, darling.

Strike me, would you?

Oh, you brute!

Now, go on out and get a board

so we can prop this up.

Okay. Hurry up.

Ow! Ow! Ow!

What did you let go for?

Nyuck, nyuck, nyuck,
nyuck, nyuck, nyuck,

nyuck, nyuck, nyuck
nyuck, nyuck-- Oh!

Hey! What's the idea,
you ruining cement?


Nyuck, nyuck, nyuck.





Hey, Larry, help me!

My finger's caught!

Are you sure?

I'm sure. I can't get it out.

That's all I want to know.



Ow! I'll k*ll you!

I'll break this guy a--

ALL: Hey, come here!

What are you doing?

LARRY: No, no, take it easy.

Wait a minute, Moe...

Hey! No, you don't!

No, you don't! No! Whoo!

Hey! You double-crossed me.



Hurry up with that board.
You've been at it all morning.

There's nothing ready-cut
about these houses.

Every board is too long.

If that pudding head hadn't
burned the plans,

we'd have saved plenty of work.

Hey, fellas, help me out.
I'm stuck.

What's the big idea?

Somebody hit me on the head
with a keg of nails.

When I came to, here I was.

I knew I missed a keg of nails.

But it didn't miss me.

Fellas, help me
get out of here, will you?

Don't worry, we'll have
that stuff off you in a jiffy.

Oh, thanks.

Not over there, now.
I got a corn on that side.

Who's doing this?

Here, that stuff's too hard.
Try this.

That's an idea.

Nyuck, nyuck, nyuck, nyuck.

Look out for my corn, now.


Ooh, that's my foot.

What are you yelping about?

I had to see it was through,
didn't I?

Get the dynamite.

I knew we'd have to use it
for something.


Hey, you're not gonna blast.

What would you do?

I'd blast.

There, that didn't hurt, did it?

I don't know. My foot's asleep.


What's the idea? One stick
in each block's enough.

Listen, I don't want to butt in,

but don't you think
half a stick is enough?

No. You got nothing
to worry about.

Besides, dynamite always
blows down.

Oh, I didn't know that.

Have you out of these like that.

Come on. Get behind
the lumber pile.

You better hurry. See you later.

Hey, Moe! Hey, Larry!

Maybe I could take my shoes off.


Listen, fellas,
I got a better idea.

Take these out...


Hey, listen, fellas,
don't be so mean!


He was right.

A half a stick
would have been plenty.

Yeah. Gee, he was a swell guy.

You know, I think I'll let him
keep that dollar he owes us.

Have you nothing to do
but play with firecrackers?

Where's Curly?

Well, it started
with the cement...

CURLY: Hey, Moe! Hey, Larry!

Hey, Moe! Hey, Larry!

Here I am. Come get me.

There he is.

Forget what I said
about that dollar.

Whoo-whoo! Come and get me.

MOE: Here we come.

Who said dynamite blows down?

Come down out of there, Tarzan.

I can't.

I'll get you down.

Look out, now. Look out--



Ooh! Ah-ha-ha!


Dorabell, are you hurt?


Oh! How are you?

Hey, get some water, quick.

Look! Look at Dorabell. Oh!

Come here. Look at her.

Say something. Say something.

Not much, but say something.

Look at me, it's Curly.

I fell down too,
but I'm walking now.

Hurry up with that water.


Look, she's coming to.


I didn't mean it, Dorabell.
Honestly. I didn't--

Look what you did!

What's the idea hitting
my sister-in-law with cement?


What'd you hit
my brother-in-law for?

CURLY: Say, I think there's
something wrong with this door.

Looks all right to me.

LARRY: Hey, fellas.

The plumbing's all through.

That's great.
Well, she's all finished.

Now for the honeymoon.

Boy, will the women love this.

Oh, honey. Darling.


Well, here's your love nest.

Ain't it a beaut?

How do you like it?

Why, it's beautiful.

Oh, it's marvelous.

Uh, but, uh,
where do those steps go?

Steps? Why, those are shelves.


Well, here's a post
that shouldn't be here.

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