06x06 - Calling All Curs

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Three Stooges". Aired: 1934 - 1945.*
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The Three Stooges were an American vaudeville and comedy team active from 1922 until 1970, best remembered for their 200 short-subject films.
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06x06 - Calling All Curs

Post by bunniefuu »


Oh, nurse, my baby,
my poor little Garçon.

Oh, calm yourself, Mrs. Bedford.

He's in the hands of the world's
greatest specialists.

They'll pull him through.

I hope so.

MOE: To the operation.

The operation.

To the operation.



Hey, what do you think
you're doing?

This is Monday, ain't it?


Come on. Get busy.
We got operating to do.





What's the matter?

It won't come out.

Let me see.



I didn't mean it.

It's a coincidence.

Couldn't happen again
in a thousand years.

I'm glad you understand.

Yeah. Give me that--

Moe, please. Nyah-ah-ah.


That'll teach you a lesson.





Gloves. Gloves.


Gloves. Gloves.

Nyuck, nyuck, nyuck.



What are you doing down there?

Get up out of there.

Masks. Masks.

Masks. Oh.

Come on. Let's go.
They're waiting.

Hey. What's the matter?

What are you doing
with that thing on?


Ha, ha, ha.

We got operating to do. Come on.

Ooh, ooh, ooh.

You think it's serious,
Doctor Curly?

Yes, indeed, to say the least,
if not less.

Hm, the perambulation
of the pedal extremity

is impeded by the insertion

of a foreign botanical offshoot.

MOE: Now, gentlemen, we
must proceed with caution.

This Bedford dog
is worth a fortune.

So it is.

The instruments.
The instruments.

Instruments. Instruments.


Ah, the tools.

Onocatapon. Onocatapon.



Go get a piddledetar.

We have none.

We have none.

Oh, yes, we have.
Nyuck, nyuck, nyuck.

Hold her, doctor.

This is gonna hurt me worse
than it does you, Garçon.

Now, hold on.
It'll be out in a minute.



Oh, oh, the wrong thorn.

Oh. Oh.

Oh, oh, oh.

My proboscis.




Success. Success.

BOTH: Success.

Success. Success.

Doctor, this operation
shall go down in history.

I didn't know you had it in you.

I didn't. She did.
Nyuck, nyuck, nyuck.


Oh, oh, oh.

Ha, cha, cha, cha.

Looks like a botanical offshoot
in the upholstery.

We'll have to operate.

Oh, no. A thousand times no.

Get the anesthetic.

Get the anesthetic.

The anesthetic.

Administer the anesthetic.




Oh, oh.

Santa Claus will hear of this.


How is Garçon? Is she all right?

The operation was
a complete success.

That's wonderful.

Now I can show Garçon
in the dog show tomorrow.

Come, Garçon.

No, no, he must rest here
for a few hours.

Yes, we'll have it back about .

Well, see that Garçon gets
the very best of attention.

Oh, yes, madame.

Thank you. Good day, gentlemen.

[IN UNISON] Good day. Ooh.


Put the dog to bed.

Moe, Doctor Larry, Doctor Curly.

What do you want?

Two important visitors
to see you.



Hey, that nurse
must have eaten catnip.






CURLY: One little kitten

lost its mitten.

How careless.

Here they come now.

How do you do, gentlemen?
We're from the Daily Star.

We'd like to get up
a feature story

about your hospital.

That's fine. Follow us.

We'd be happy to show you
around the place.

Come on, pudding head.

Here's our general ward.

This is where we keep
our mixed patients.

Now, this cat suffers
from operatic tendencies.

Likes to sing opera
on the back fences.


Nyuck, nyuck, nyuck.

Oh, Moe, Moe.

I can't see. I can't see.

What's the matter?

I got my eyes closed.


Lay off, lay off.


Doctor Moe.

Oh, here's an interesting
case, gentlemen.

What's wrong with him?

He's suffering
from acute alcoholism.

Ain't he a cutie? Nyuck, nyuck.

He's a lap dog. A lap dog?

Yeah, he lapped up
two cases of beer.

A bad case.

Keep a cool head, kid.

Now, right this way, gentlemen.



Now, here's a peculiar case.

See that?

MAN: What's "G.C.M." mean?

Garbage can moocher.

Yeah, he's got a bad case
of scavengeritis.

But we'll cure him. See that?

MOE: Right this way,

and I shall demonstrate.

It never fails.

The dog puts his head
inside the garbage can.

We step on the valve,

which propels a stream
of water into the dog's face,

frightening him.

Now, after several such

the patient is entirely cured.

Now, note the simplicity
of the construction.

And it always works.


I'll m*rder ya.


I got ya.

I'll tear your esophagus out.

Open your mouth.


Quiet. You wanna wake Garçon?

Who's Garçon?

Mrs. Bedford's prize poodle.


Calling Doctor Curly.

Go to room six.

See a man about a dog... diet.

Nyuck, nyuck, nyuck.


WOMAN: Calling Doctor Larry.

Dog in ward eight
chasing his tail.

Bit himself.

Is that serious?
Will it hurt his carriage?

I don't know about his carriage,

but it's gonna
raise Cain with his wagon.

Calling Doctor Moe.

Pomeranian in ward six
has a coat on its tongue.

What should we do?

Give him the pants and vest
and take him for a walk.

Pardon me.

Come on. We gotta pull
this job in a hurry.

We'll hide him in the old house
until we get the ransom.




Doctor Curly. Calling Doctor Curly.

What do you want?

Listen, you onion head, you
march yourself right in here

and wash this dog.
Ah, you do it yourself.

Oh, a mutiny, eh?

Yeah, mutiny,
and it's not on the Bounty.


Ooh, oh, oh.

Oh, oh, cha, cha, cha.

Oh. Oh.



Now, come on in here
like I told you.

Hey, wait a minute.
What do you want?

Help me out. I'm stuck.

Are you sure?

I'm positive. I can't move.

Oh, nyuck, nyuck, nyuck.

She loves me. Oh!

She loves me not. Oh!

She loves me. Ow!

She loves me not.
Oh! I'll fix you.

Oh, I'll fix you. Oh-ho!



Calling all curs.
Calling all curs.

Dinner is ready.

Come to the dining room.
That is all.




I'm as hungry as a whale.
Bring on the food.

Yeah, bring it on.

We're ready.

Very good.

It's a very good plan.

Don't worry.
There's enough for everybody.

Take a look at this.



Say, is this my dinner?

Why, certainly. Fricasseed bone.

It's delicious.

Since when do I look like a dog?

I don't know.
I ain't seen you lately.

You ain't, heh?


LARRY: Hey, leave him alone.





Quiet. This is my argument.

What's the matter?
What are you doing?

My sandwich bit me.

I'm beating it into submission.

I'll beat you into submission.

Doctor Moe, Larry, Curly.

Garçon is missing.

Come at once. Hurry.

Garçon. Garçon.

By Garçon.

Oh, what do we do?
Read this note.

What happened?

Where's Garçon? He's gone.

Here, read this note.

"Mrs. Bedford can have her dog
if she pays $ .

Don't tell the cops, or she
will never see him again."

Those guys weren't reporters.
They were dognappers.

We've gotta stall Mrs. Bedford
off till we find her dog.

Now, start thinking,
if possible.



What's the matter with you?

I'm trying to think,
but nothing happens.

Hey, fellas, look.

It ain't so serious.

Here's his collar and leash.

All we gotta do is refill it.

That's brilliant.

That's smart.

Oh. Oh.

Look out.

I got an idea.

I wonder what he's up to.

Sit down there.
Now, here's the idea.

We gotta disguise this mutt
to look like Garçon.

The old lady
won't know the difference.

Get to work on that mattress.

Nurse, get the glue.
You get the black paint.

Whoo, whoo, whoo.

Start pulling, boys.

Pile it up, now.

Hey. Hm.

What's the matter?

It's got dandruff.


You get to work like I told you.


Go on. Get busy, will ya?

My hair.

He looks more like Garçon
than Garçon.


Nobody'll ever recognize him.

That mattress hair
turned the trick.

We brought
Mrs. Bedford's dog back.

All right,
but keep it away from me.

I don't like dogs.

Come on. Come on.

Just wait right
in here, gentlemen.

Madam will be right in.



Go away, dog. Go away.

You is scalped.
I'm getting out of here.

Nyuck, nyuck. Hey.

Here's to you.

Not to me, to you.


I'll m*rder ya.


Then I'll have some too.


I know. You didn't mean it.

No, I didn't. [CHUCKLING]

Look. What?

Why, I--

Oh, that's ice. Ow, it's cold.

Ow. Ooh. Ooh.

MOE AND CURLY: Hey, hey, hey.


[IN UNISON] Hey, hey, hee.

Hey. Hey.

Why, how do you do, doctors?
Well, where is Garçon?

Right here.


Garçon. Hey, Garçon.

ALL: Garçon. Garçon.

Here he is.


That's not my dog.

She fainted. Get something.
Do something.

All right. Don't worry.


You thieves. You vandals.

What have you done with my dog?

I'm sorry, lady,
we made a mistake.

We brought the wrong dog.

You get my dog back,
or I'll have the police on you.

We'll bring him back, alive.
You'd better.

We'd better get her dog back,
or she'll have us in jail.

Come on.





ALL: Garçon.

Here, Garçon. Garçon.

Garçon. Garçon.

I tell you, the jig is up, boys.

I can see us in jail.

Yeah, on a rock pile,

making little ones
out of big ones.

Listen, bloodhound,

if you got any blood in you,
you'll find Garçon.

Now, go on do your stuff.

Look, he's gonna find him.
Come on.

He sees something.
On your toes, you heels.

He's calling us.


Why don't he make up his mind?

Quiet. We'll find out. Come on.

You double-crosser.

Listen, if you got
any pointer in you,

you better start pointing

and pointing out
those dognappers.

Get the point?

Hm. Nyuck, nyuck, nyuck.

He must be a poinsettia.

Quiet, you hot Airedale.





I wonder why we haven't heard
from the owner of that dog.

Search me.


Please don't be a poinsettia.
Start pointing.

Come on. He's on a scent.

Whoo, whoo, whoo.

Oh. Oh.

Get out of the way.

We're looking for a dog.

He had four legs and a tail.

No, I ain't seen no dog.


It's them.

The dognappers. Come on.

Get him, Moe.

CURLY: Hold him still.


Give it to him. Give it to him.

Sock him in the chin.


Nyah, ah, ah.

Yaah, ah, ah. Sic him.

Sic him. Tear him to pieces.



Whoo, whoo, whoo.

I'll get him--

Wait a minute. Let me at him.

I'll mop up the floor with him.

Whoo, hoo-hoo.

Whoo, whoo, whoo.


Whoo, whoo, whoo.

Whoo, whoo, whoo.

Whoo. Whoo.

Hold, mule.



It's Garçon. He's in the closet.

Come on.


MOE: Success.


Mazel tov.


I told you to stop it.

Oh. Oh.


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