11x11 - 10 Chefs Compete

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Hell's Kitchen". Aired: May 30, 2005 – present.*
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Reality television show that uses a progressive elimination format to narrow down a field of 20 to 12 aspiring chefs to one single winner over the course of one season.
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11x11 - 10 Chefs Compete

Post by bunniefuu »

(Male announcer) Previously on Hell's Kitchen For your next challenge, you'll be creating a tasting menu for Brianna's Quinceanera.

(Announcer) It may have been a close matchup I like both of them.

(Announcer) But in the end Prefer the red team or blue team? (All) Red team.


(Announcer) It was the seventh humiliating loss for the men.

Each of you are going to take a doll to dress.

Maybe I can glue some of my manhood back together.

(Announcer) For the Quinceanera dinner service, Hell's Kitchen was transformed into a palace fit for a princess.

But Amanda's fish (Gordon) Where's the tuna? Come on then, Amanda.

(Announcer) Was a royal nightmare.

(Announcer) And she wasted no time Nedra seared it.

(Announcer) Pointing the finger at Nedra.

I did not take it off the pan, chef.

(Announcer) While the turmoil in the red kitchen threatened to ruin the evening This is an absolute joke.

(Announcer) The men, early on, were knights in shining armor.

(Gordon) I've sent blue team appetizers.

[Both grunt]

I love you, man.

(Announcer) But when it was time for entrees Taste that.

Get in there.

Get in, get in, get in.

(Announcer) Barret's linguini brought the kitchen to a halt.

(Announcer) And Zach I told you, get lots of potatoes on.

(Announcer) Couldn't get a handle on his potatoes I gave you some already.

Calm down.

(Announcer) Or his mouth.

Hey, smart ass.

Come here, you.

You're just k*lling us for nothing.

(Announcer) But it was Cyndi's raw meat This [bleep]

-eye's still got its horns on.

(Announcer) That brought chef Ramsay to his boiling point.

She can't cook.

And you're on fire.

(Announcer) Both teams had to nominate two chefs for elimination.


(Announcer) And Zach.


(Announcer) And Cyndi.

(Announcer) Were nominated.

But in the end Amanda.

Give me your jacket.

(Announcer) Amanda lost her chance to become head chef at Gordon Ramsay Pub & Grill at Caesars Palace.

But chef Ramsay wasn't content with just that.

I am not done.

(Announcer) Find out what he's thinking My decision is (Announcer) Right now.

[Ohio Players' Fire]

Fire Whoa The way you swerve and curve really wrecks my nerves and I'm so excited, child ohh! Go, Jon! When you take what you've got and, girl, you've got a lot you're really somethin', child [Roars]

When you're hot, you're hot you really sh**t your shot you're dynamite, child yeah well, I can tell by your game you're gonna start a flame of love, baby, baby the way you push, push lets me know that Hey, hey! [Blows kiss]

You're gonna get your wish oh, no fire what I said, child oww, fire uh
-huh got me burning, burning, burning (Announcer) And now, the continuation of Hell's Kitchen.

Tonight was a disaster, an embarrament.

And that is why I am not done.

Cyndi, there's a trend that's just I'm with it, chef.

It's definitely not a trend.

Trust me.

What guarantee can you give me that you are not on the decline? You have to take my word right now, and then I'll have to prove it to you.

Back in line.

Thank you.

Blue team, how would you rate Zach's performance tonight? Michael, tell me.


A two.

Jon? Three.


Ray? Three.



Two, chef.

That's [bleep]


Zach, ten seconds on what this means for you.

This means everything to me.

I love being a chef.

That's where my heart is.

That's where my passion is.

Honestly, I'm not feeling it.


Yes, chef.

Ten seconds, what this means to you.

To be here, working under you, is the reason why I started cooking.

Aren't you over your head? Negative.

I don't quit.

I don't give up.

The person leaving Hell's Kitchen [Exhales]

Barret, give me your jacket.

Your time is done in Hell's Kitchen.

I don't agree with the decision, but I really can't be upset with myself, because I did everything I possibly could.

I think I could have made it further, but I didn't do it quick enough for chef.

(Gordon) Start stepping up, 'cause my patience is running out.

(All) Yes, chef.

Now [bleep]


My team crossed me.

You made a big mistake.

If you was on fire, I wouldn't put you out with [bleep]


It's not even the blue team no more.

It's team Zach.

Well, I'm glad you're still here, Zach.

Zach's pissed.

I personally don't give a [bleep]



Don't speak to me.

Don't say [bleep]


I'll hold onto a grudge forever.

You all right? Yup.

You sure? Heck, yeah.

I'm coming for your head.

You're [bleep]


Is this an old wives' tale? This stress is really affecting my skin.

You have enough eggs for my face? Nedra apparently has an answer to all of my problems.

Do I need to wash it off first? My grandma told me, if you crack an egg open and put it on a pimple, it'll draw it to a head.

I have egg on my face.

(Announcer) While the time in the dorms has hardly gone off without a blemish With a new day Let's go, red team.

What the [bleep]

is that? (Announcer) Comes a new opportunity for these chefs to prove they have what it takes to chef Ramsay.

My next head chef needs to deliver great taste and great presentation.

You should be able to pull an amazing dish right out of thin air.

Got it? Yes, chef.

Oh, God.


[Mock French accent]

-Philippe is in the booth, and he's getting the stuff all over, grabbing this and this.

They all have ingredients written at random, okay? Gold papers, protein.

White papers, vegetables.

These represent the ingredients that you'll cook with in your next challenge.

Got it? (All) Yes, chef.

(Gordon) One individual from each team will gather as many ingredients as they can for their team.

You're gonna have 45 minutes to create your individual stunning dishes.

Now get out of there.

Let's start with Susan.

Let's go, Susie! I'm confident in my ability to stay calm under pressure, so I'm ready to go, but I am very nervous.

Go, Susie! All right! Go! Let's go! Come on, Susan.

Right there.

He should have picked me to go in the cube.

I could have just laid against the glass with my hoo
-has and just put everything in the bag.

And stop.

Good job.

Good job, Susan.

Thank you.


Way to go.

(Both) Good job.

Okay, blue team.

Thank you.


Let's go, bubba.

It's up to me to lean over, grab what I can.


Now I want cake.

Go! Let's go.

Come on, Anthony.

(Woman) Did he take his glasses off? Where are his glasses? [Laughter]

Dude, can you even see the tickets? (Gordon) And stop, Anthony.

Good job.

Good job, man.


I got a lot of proteins, but at the same time, who knows what kind of sides I got? (Gordon) Each of you are responsible for a stunning dish.

In each dish there should be a maximum of five ingredients.

Clear? (All) Yes, chef! Your time starts now.

(Woman) Go, go, go, go.

(Announcer) For today's challenge, each chef must prepare a dish that is not only delicious but is visually stunning You want the salmon? Yeah.

(Announcer) Using five ingredients from the numerous choices that are in each team's bag.

All right, I got my five.

Can we pick? Everybody just pick something, man.

I want lobster.

I know what I'm gonna do.

There he is.

In Boston, every place you go has baked stuffed lobster.

It's like serving water with your dinner.

I got a duck breast and legs.

New York strip.

I got this halibut right here.

I'm doing a simple baked stuffed lobster.

What are you doing, Mary? I'm doing my flank steak with wasabi.

I decide I want to go kind of the Asian route.

But I don't want it to be hunks of meat on the plate.

It's about presentation.

I'm gonna do a fennel
-dusted sea bass.

Oh, nice.

(Mary) Are you okay? Yeah.

You all right, Cyn? Yup, I'm good.

I'm good.

Yeah, please taste it.

The flavor's great.

It's big, it's vibrant, it's bold.

Boom, there it is.

Visually, if it's not stunning, I may not even taste it, okay? (All) Yes, chef.

Should I just leave it the way it is? So far right there? Yeah, but that's not you know he don't like that [bleep]


I don't know what the [bleep]

Ray's thinking with that lobster.

This isn't the party portions challenge.

Last two minutes.

How are we looking? How are we looking? Good.

(Cyndi) That flank steak is huge.

(Mary) I'm gonna cut it in half and do two pieces.

(Gordon) Blue team, red team, start plating.

I'm gonna start slicing.

Visually stunning, or he won't taste it, guys.

Beauty on a plate is simplicity.

I'm not gonna butcher my meat.

How do you guys like this? Does this look okay? Yours looks awesome.

It's cooked perfectly.

My dish looks great.

(Gordon) Five Walking together.

Let's go.

(Gordon) Four Come on, Nedra.

Three Two, one.

And stop.

Okay, do you all feel confident with your dishes? (All) Yes, chef.

Good, because helping me judge is a senior writer for a publication that reaches over 42 million readers.

Of course, I'm talking about People Magazine.


Oh, my gosh.

(Gordon) Joining me today is Jennifer Garcia.


Thank you so much for coming back.

Good to see you.

And thank you so much.

Thank you.

Jennifer and I are going to determine which three dishes from the red team and the blue team are the most visually stunning.

We will only be tasting those three from each team.



My dish is beautiful.

It's a great dish, so I know it's gonna be picked.

One more thing the chef today with the best dish on the winning team will be featured in People Magazine.


That's awesome.


People Magazine is huge globally.

Jennifer, let's start off with the red team, shall we? (Announcer) At this point in the competition, chef Ramsay wants to hammer home to the chefs the importance of presentation.

That is why he will only be tasting the three best
-looking dishes from each team.

Visually, you didn't want to slice that? I mean, we're talking about presentation.

I did like the heartiness of the way Sure.

I mean, the protein's big, so I think I would have preferred it to be sliced as well.

(Gordon) Nedra, I said visually stunning.

Why would you stuff salmon? I like stuffed salmon.

(Announcer) After close scrutiny, Ja'nel I think this one's great.

Mary The meat looks like it's cooked well.

And Cyndi It's a little more complex, which is nice.

Will represent the red team.

Those are the three.


As for the blue team, Anthony (Jennifer) I think that looks great.

(Gordon) It looks clean.

And Zach (Jennifer) High
-class steak and potatoes.

And Jon's dishes Really well put together.

Thank you.

Will move on to the tasting phase.

But Michael's quail It doesn't look appetizing.

And Ray's lobster It's like something out of a Sci
-Fi movie, that.

Have been eliminated from the challenge.

(Jennifer) The plate's a little scary.

I think it's just too overdone.


I'm sorry to scare you.

(Announcer) Now that the three representatives have been selected for each team, it's time to see how the dishes taste.

We'll give each dish a maximum of 100 points.

So I'll score the dish out of 50, and Jennifer will score it out of 50 as well.

Okay, Jon.

Ready? I'm ready.


I have a confit leg and a pan
-seared duck breast.

It tastes delicious.

Well done.

For me you've nailed the seasoning.

Jennifer, to give that out of 50, how would you mark that? I'm definitely gonna give it a 45.

I'm gonna give it a 47.

Thank you very much.

Really good job indeed.

(Announcer) Jon's dish has earned 92 points, getting the blue team off to a great start.

(Gordon) Ja'nel, let's go, please.

(Announcer) Now it's up to Ja'nel to do the same for the red team.

-marinated grilled prawns.

I finished the dish with a black garlic vinaigrette.

That's delicious.

Thank you.

(Jennifer) I'm gonna give this one I'm gonna go 45.

Thanks, chef.

Very good indeed.

Good job.

Thank you.

I want a perfect 100.

Anthony, please, let's go.

It's a pan
-seared halibut that I crusted with coriander and pink peppercorn.

I think it's good.

It's not great.

Where would you score that? I'm gonna give this one a 40.

I'm gonna go 42.

Thank you.

I got an 82.


This sucks.

Cyndi, let's go.

It's a fennel
-crusted sea bass.

And then I just made a honey sherry vinaigrette.

The taste was really surprising.

It was wonderful.

Thank you very much.

I would really give this one A 45.

I'm gonna say 45 as well.

Thank you.

Whoo! We've got some pretty good momentum going.

(Announcer) Cyndi's 90
-point contribution gives the women a five
-point lead heading into the final round.

Zach, let's go.

The blue team is behind, got my finger crossed.

I want to be in People Magazine.

Roasted red pepper coulis with some garlic and shallots.

(Jennifer) It's got a good taste.

Just a little more medium
-rare would have been perfect, but it does taste good.

So I'm gonna give it a 41.

I'm gonna give it a 42.

Thank you.

(Announcer) Zach's 83 points takes the blue team's total to 257.

Mary, please.

(Announcer) Which means Mary will need at least 79 points to win it for her team.

It's a grilled flank steak.

It's just lightly dusted with a little bit of wasabi and lemongrass.

I think it just misses the mark with the way that the meat is cooked.

How would you judge that out of 50? Come on, Mary! You can do it.

I know you can.

I still thought it tasted wonderful.

I'm gonna give this one (Announcer) In today's presentation challenge, the men have the lead, but there is one chef left to go on the red team.

You've got the cheapest ingredients there, but you've made them taste a million dollars.

(Announcer) If Mary can score at least 79 points, she will give the women their eighth victory out of nine challenges.

I think it just misses the mark with the way that the meat is cooked.

(Gordon) How would you judge that out of 50? I still thought it tasted wonderful.

I'm gonna give this one 45 for you.

Thank you.

Thank you very much.

I'm gonna go 45.

Thank you, chef.

Great job.

Thank you very much.

The winning team is the red team.

Well done.

Good job, Mary.

Oh, my God.

The ladies win again.

Jon, you had the highest
-scoring dish.

Blue team, once again, you've lost.

So one person from the red team, you'll be in People Magazine.

We have a tie because we have two dishes Mary's hanger steak or Cyndi's bass.

Which one gets featured? For me it was about keeping it simple.

And the taste was there.

And that's the steak.

Mary, well done.


Oh, my gosh.

I can't believe that I won.

I mean, I can, but I can't.


Thanks, darling.

Thank you.


Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you so much.

Men, you've won one challenge out of nine.

Come on.


You guys, I could have been in [bleep]

People Magazine.

I had the highest
-ranking [bleep]

score of everyone.

This is, like, the third time I've had the best dish up there in a row.

And we still lost the challenge, man.

I'm so sick of being the only [bleep]

person that gets it.

Unfortunately, today's punishment, you'll be spending all day cleaning the dorms.

Oh, good.

Not only for the blue team, but for the red team as well.


Ladies, in addition to Mary's feature, you'll all be photographed for "Star Watch.

" [Laughter and cheers]

I also have an amazing surprise up in the dorms.

Your limos are waiting.

Thank you, chef! Thank you, chef.

I never thought this would happen to me in my wildest dreams.

Like, I could cry.

Mary, you're gonna be in a magazine.


[Excited shouting]

Vitamix, it's the [bleep]


I've wanted one forever.


"Please enjoy these top of the line Vitamix blenders.

You deserve only the best.

Chef Ramsay.

" Aww.

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God.

[Excited chatter]

Oh, man.

Oh, my goodness.

This is awesome.

(Announcer) While the women get ready for a day of glamour, the men begin another brutal day of punishment.

Of course, some, like, q
-tips on the floor.

I'm not touching anything without gloves.

Oh, this is [bleep]

ignorant and rude, you know that? Crumpled
-up [bleep]


Cookies in bed? Who [bleep]

eats in their bed? Who eats in their bed, period? Can I have a cookie? Stuff it in my mouth.

[Fake snoring]

Snacking in your bed's just nasty.

(Announcer) While the blue team continues their crummy punishment, the red team arrives for their photo sh**t.


How are you? We have put together an amazing team to give you ladies a celebrity makeover for your photo sh**t.

I am so beside myself with excitement.

I'm just excited to wear anything besides a chef coat and chef pants.

(Woman) Let's just pull a few options for you.


And then we'll try some on back there.


I already know that my team is gonna be stunned when they remake me.

It's gonna be awesome.

I don't ever wear makeup.

Wow, so this is special.


I'm just excited to see what I'm gonna look like.

How do you look? It looks great.

I can't even believe it.

How cool are the shoes? I've never had sparkly shoes before.


I think you're ready.


Let's go.

[Telephone ringing]



Hey, guys, the red team might be getting a little thirsty, so chef Ramsay wants Zach and Jon to deliver some champagne.

Yes, chef.

Jon, you and Zach gotta head downstairs and take champagne to the girls.

(Jon) Oh, cool.

Really? Are you [bleep]

kidding me? Oh, I love it.

It gets more embarrassing.

The cleaning, you know, that was [bleep]

up, but to take them champagne, I don't know how much more humiliating it could [bleep]


[Bitter laughter]

Oh, [bleep]


Hey, look, there's a map too.

You know what, [bleep]

it, man.

It's nice out.

Get a little wind in my hair.

Let's do this.

You [bleep]

gotta be [bleep]

with me.

At least I'm out of the dorms right now.

Here with a little champagne for you guys.

Thanks, guys.

Hey, how are you? You know, I can't be salty with the girls, 'cause they did a good job, but at the same time it should be me sitting right here.

Thank you.

Thank you, Zach.

Thank you.

I could get used to this.

I hear that.

Kudos, ladies, 'cause you guys need it.

Get your [bleep]


Enjoy, ladies.

Bye, ladies.

Have a good have a good time.


One, two.

You look awesome.

One, two, three.


(Both) Oh, my gosh.

Guess who pops in? Chef Ramsay.

I'm like, "Oh, my gosh.

He's coming to the photo sh**t.

" Looks incredible.

One, two, and three.

Ready? I'm like, bam, bam.



Well done, ladies.


Thank you, chef.

Those sh*ts are gonna be beautiful.

Well done.

See you back, yes? Thank you.

Thank you, chef.

Thank you.

If they made lunch, that would be awesome.

That would be pretty awesome.

I'm hungry.

Hi, guys.


No lie.

You all look really good.

(All) Thank you.

Our reward was amazing.

The hair stylists, the makeup artists.

We are so refreshed, and I am looking forward to some more relaxation.

[Telephone ringing]


It's chef here.

Hi, chef.

I need everybody in my office immediately.

Yes, chef.

Hurry up.

Everybody get up right now.

We have to go down to chef's office double time.

I can't go fast.

I'm sorry, it's the shoes.

We're running in our high heels.

We're just kind of like Completely stunned.

We don't know what's going on.

Let's go.


I've called you into my office because there's something very important I would like to discuss with all of you.

(Announcer) What started as a relaxing evening [Telephone ringing]

Has been interrupted by an urgent call from chef Ramsay.

There's something very important I would like to discuss with all of you.

Hell's Kitchen is closed to the public tonight.

But I will be opening the doors for two large tables of 12.

They are distinguished members of the U.


army who are now home.

I got a boatload of years in the marine corps.

This means a lot to me.

We're honoring my comrades.

Let's start getting prepped.

Let's go.

(All) Yes, chef.

We got a five
-second notice that we was gonna be cooking for the military.

Can someone unzip me? I am feeling nervous right now.

I got the bee gees, the bubble guts.

This [bleep]

is insane.

My makeup is running down my face.

Makeup is smearing, like, everywhere, and it's just terrible.

Everybody's face seems to be melting off right now.

(Announcer) While the women switch from a day of primping to an evening of prepping, in the blue kitchen Do you need help with that, chef Zach? (Announcer) One chef has the rest of his team a little concerned.

Chef Zach, can I help you scale those at all? Let's go, Zach.

Can't be dragging ass.

He needs to snap the hell out of it.

What's that? I didn't say anything.

The men and the women who keep us safe here in America deserve to have a pleasant time here at Hell's Kitchen, but I'm still not on the blue team, I'm still team me.

What do you need after this, Zach? Just this? Yeah.

Let's go, Mary.

(Mary) Yes, chef.

Gentlemen, line up.

Let's go.

Tonight our guests honorably serve our country.

Tonight we serve them.

(All) Yes, chef.

I'll assign one chef from each kitchen to be responsible for each course.

I need both kitchens to be in sync.

I'm gonna serve the food at exactly the same time.

And I think they deserve the very best.

(All) Yes, chef.


Let's go.

Soldiers are coming, guys.

Line up, please.

(Announcer) Tonight, Hell's Kitchen is honoring members of the military Our first honoree, Sergeant First Class Lambeau Lambert.

(Announcer) Along with their families with a special six
-course menu.

Staff Sergeant Linda King.

Chief Warrant Officer Caleb Long.

Chief Warrant Officer Rick Elliott.

The military definitely has a place in my heart.

My father served.

My brother currently serves as a marine.

So tonight is really about honoring him.

Ladies and gentlemen, it's an absolute honor.

Please be seated.

(Announcer) Each team is responsible for their table of 12.

followed by 12 linguini, 12 risotto, 12 bass, and 12 souffle.

(All) Yes, chef.

(Announcer) Each chef is responsible for a course.

Jon, give me a time.

8 1/2 minutes.

Red team, 8 1/2 for the window.

(All) Yes, chef.

Ja'nel, drive it.

Let's go.

(Announcer) Ja'nel and Jon are up first, and chef Ramsay expects them to start the night off right by being in perfect sync on the first course butter
-poached spot prawns.

Here's your prawns right here, boo.

Thank you.

This is your butter sauce.

Let me know when you guys are close, so I can drop these heads down.

Five minutes to window, Ja'nel.

Ja'nel, come on, please.


Yes, chef.

I need to hear you.

Yes, chef! It's your course.

Ladies, one minute till look at me.

Wake up.

Yes, chef.

You're not even directing anything.

I've got about one more minute on this shrimp.

I'm frazzled, but I'm not gonna give up.

I'm not gonna quit.

Let's go.

You got my heads? Heads are good to go.

Tonight I just want to be able to prove to chef Ramsay that I can lead this service and I can lead this team.

How's these tea noodles looking? They're floating out, man.

Yeah, but I know.

Don't worry.

We'll get 'em.

I'll find 'em.

No, don't find 'em, dude.

I need 'em to not be floating out of the basket.

But Ray's being his usual [bleep]

bumbling self.

Here, I'll hold 'em up.

I'll hold 'em up.

Thank you.

Just grab 'em.

Hold 'em just like this, please.

Ray, come on, man.

It looks very nice, buddy.

Very nice.

How long, please? Come on, let's go.

Blue team are plating, guys.

Let's go.

Can we pull the pasta? Can we pull the pasta? I'm pulling.

I'm pulling.

Get a system going.

No, no, [bleep]



Where's your brain at times? Do you have the noodles? She's got the can you bring the noodles? Start on that end.

We'll start on this end.

Don't touch anything yet until I see them.

Stand back, please.

Let's go.


Jolly good job.

Let's go.

Go, please.

Come on, Ja'nel.

Come on, come on.

They're ready.

Go, please.

Gently hold the plates, please.

(Announcer) Both kitchens successfully deliver the prawns.

And now it's up to Ray and Nedra to get out the second course.

Red team, blue team, linguini of lobster.

Seven minutes, chef.

Nedra, seven minutes to the window.

Yes, chef.

I only got seven minutes on the linguini.

So I need more water so it can cook quicker.

Make sure that water gets hot, hot.

Right behind you.

Nedra, seriously, did you just pour cool water into a pot for pasta? Get this pasta working in the water.

It needs to be at a rolling boil.

This is definitely the most rookie mistake that I've seen my entire cooking career.

Just don't break 'em.

(Announcer) While the red team watches Nedra's pot waiting for it to boil, the blue team watches Ray.

(Jon) Talk to us, Ray.

What you need? (Announcer) Waiting for some direction.


Watch your back.


You got four guys that can help you do stuff.

All right.

Oh, my God.

Ray! Yes, chef.

He's standing there, doing nothing.

Talk to him! Ray needs to step it up, make sure everybody's on point.

I want to see you lead the course.

Yes, chef.

Talk to them.

Let me get there for one second.

(All) Yes, chef.

Is this pasta gonna be ready? Like, really, Susan? Shut the [bleep]


I told you it's gonna be five minutes.

It's gonna be five minutes.

Nedra, is it boiling? Come on.

It's your dish.

Nedra, this is not a hard concept.

I got a lid.

We are not at four minutes.

We're not.

Is that water boiling yet? Yes, chef.

Lift up the lid.

No, chef.

It's not boiling.

It's at a simmer, chef.

Ladies, the water's not boiling.

Right now I'm done.

Can someone get some foil on there or something? (Announcer) It's 25 minutes into a special military dinner service, and, while the first course went out without any major glitches You can't get this anywhere else.

(Announcer) Course number two, the linguini has chef Ramsay at his boiling point.

Is that water boiling yet? (Announcer) Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for Nedra's pot of water.

It's not boiling.

Foil anybody? Chef Ramsay coming to show us how to boil pasta is pretty pathetic.

That will be boiling guaranteed in less than 30 seconds.

Thank you, chef.

How hard is it to [bleep]

up linguini? Evidently I [bleep]

it up.

They're plating.

How long? A minute.

(Announcer) While Nedra struggles to catch up on the second course Do not wait for Nedra.

(Announcer) In the blue kitchen, Ray decides to get a head start on plating.

But for some reason he's doing it solo.

Look, he's got four other people to help him.

Ray's on a different planet.

He's just got blinders on.

Why is Ray serving? Anthony's behind you, doing nothing.

Ray, you're in charge.

You gotta lead I know that, chef.

Shh, you need to lead them.

What are they doing? They're waiting for your direction.

Gonna makemake sure all the lobster's enough for each dish, okay, Zach? Like this.

Don't worry, grandpa.

It's not all gonna turn to [bleep]

, I promise you.

Hey, Zach.

Look at that and look at that.

There's no lobster in there, Zach.

But you shouldn't be leaving this then.

Tell him! Zach, make this one look just like that.

Zach, I showed you what to do.

Does that mean I have to [bleep]

stand over you constantly? Hey, blue team, half a portion on there.


Full portion on there.

Look at me.

Half a portion, full portion.

Zach, do me a favor.



Take it over.

You're k*lling me.

You're k*lling me.

Try to throw me under the bus.

You're k*lling me over here.

Eat [bleep]

and die.

You're making me look like a [bleep]


This course is taking a long time for something so simple.

(Announcer) The combination of Ray's lack of leadership and Zach's poor portioning are slowing down the blue team.

Dude, watch the portion on that, man.

(Announcer) Giving Nedra a chance to get her linguini cooked Come on, Nedra.

Plated (Gordon) Go, please.

(Announcer) And delivered to the dining room ahead of the men's second course.

Ray! We're going, chef.

Ray, buddy, come on, man.

A lunch lady could do this right now.

No offense to you lunch ladies.

You're awesome.


You can only go so fast sometimes.

I mean, holy crap.

Wow, do you smell that? It smells amazing.

I like the flavor.

That was [bleep]


Is it hard, sir? Shall I make a new one for you, sir? Chef, one of the officers is sending it back.

He said it's hard.

One linguini on the fly.



Oh, [bleep]


Really? Mary, Michael, risotto.

How long? How long? Eight minutes to the window.

I can do it in eight.

All right.

Let's go.

Eight minutes to window.



Move with that linguini.

Get the rice on.

Get the stock in the pot.

And we're using the mushroom stock for this.

Mushroom stock.

I hope so, Susan.

That's why it's called a mushroom risotto.

Please, I know you're blonde, but you're not stupid, right? First of all, this is fake.

The mushroom risotto, you're asking her No, no, no, no, I'm reminding I was just reminding her, chef.

You're blond too, chef Ramsay, so what does that say about you? (Announcer) With Mary in complete charge of the red kitchen I want everybody to taste as well.

(Announcer) And Michael doing the same for the blue team Stay in control, Michael.

Oui, chef.

(Announcer) Both teams are well

Two minutes.

Minute and a half I'm going.

(Announcer) And they deliver their risotto course in perfect unison to both VIP tables.

(Man) This is delicious.

(Woman) He'd eat a whole bowl of this.

(Announcer) But one dish is still lagging behind.

Ray, where's the lobster? Chef, it's This is embarrassing, though.

Chef, do me a favor.

Toss that in the butter for the lobster tail real fast for me, please.

So earlier chef Ray tells me to [bleep]


And now I'm definitely going to get revenge.

I'm trying to sabotage him.

You got Ray's lobster tail right there.

I'm thinking I can [bleep]

it up with cold sauce.

Here you are, chef Ray.

I'm the last person you want to cross.

This is the lesson learned the hard [bleep]



Come here.

Just touch that.

Hey, no, no, 'cause you [bleep]

brought it.

It's cold.

Ray, it's cold.

One minute before your [bleep]

linguini's ready.



When are you two gonna wake up? Yes, chef.

Ha, I'm just laughing thinking to myself, "I got you.

" You stand by and watch him [bleep]

up this appetizer? I'm so [bleep]

pissed at Zach.

I'm like, "Dude, you just you [bleep]


" What's he got against you? What is it? I don't know, chef.

Chef, I don't have nothing against him.


(Announcer) As Ray starts over once again on his lobster linguini, Anthony and Cyndi take control of the loup de mer course.

We're going in seven.

In two I want fish and succotash down.

A little bit more butter.

A little bit more stock just to keep glazing them over.

Service, please.

(Announcer) And each deliver perfect loup de mer to the diners.

That is very, very good.

(Announcer) Meanwhile, Ray finally finishes his last order of lobster linguini.

Thank you.

Hey, the linguini finally went out.


Only two [bleep]

courses late.

(Woman) Well? A little better.

Oh, my.

A little bit? [Laughter]

Susan, let's go.

Yes, chef.

Zach, they're clearing in two minutes.

(Announcer) New York steak is the final entree of the evening.

How long? Eight minutes.

Eight minutes sounds good.

Drive your team, Zach.

(Announcer) And it's up to Zach Come on, guys.

(Announcer) And Susan Nedra, please.


(Announcer) To get their beef cooked to the right temperature at exactly the same time.

Right now I'm a little scared.

We've been having trouble with steaks lately, so I hope I can prove that steaks can be done right out of this kitchen.

No, they're raw.

Let him know how much more you need now.

It sucks to have to ask for more time, but, you know what, you have to be humble.

I need more time on my steaks.

How much? From here to plating, I'm gonna need seven minutes.

All right, seven minutes.

Come on, Susan.

Come on, Susan.

Gosh, we still need time.

Yeah, you need a lot more time, hon.

(Susan) Would you say five minutes? I would say, yeah.

I feel like I'm [bleep]

right now, because I'm holding the blue team back.

No, our steaks are not ready to go.

How long do you need? We need five minutes.

Five minutes? We're ready in a minute and a half.

I mean, I can't make the oven go any faster.

Susan, their steaks have to overcook so you stay on time? No, you asked for more time.

He granted you.

You can't go back now, two minutes to go, say, "I need five.

" Bitch, you better get it together.

You better cook these steaks right.

Coming out.

They're slicing.

Did you check it? The steaks have to be right on.

But I'm on the edge of my seat that they're not gonna be ready.

(Gordon) Are they ready? Did you check one, or you just guessed? (Announcer) It's near the end of a special private dinner service honoring distinguished members of the military.

And the success of the final course is in the hands of Zach in the blue kitchen Come on, guys.

(Announcer) And Susan in the red kitchen.

(Gordon) Are they ready? Did you check one, or you just guessed? It sucks to be yelled at by chef Ramsay.


Start the salad.

The steaks are cooked perfectly.

Bring it on, chef.

Susan, the steaks are ready, and there's not one thing on the plate.

Why aren't they starting to dress? You're a disgrace.

Bring the turnips up and get them on the plate please.

Hurry up, Susan.

Yes, chef.

(Man) Zach, where's the sauce at, bro? Zach, where's your sauce at? Why can't he talk? He's not answering me now.

He's completely switched off.

You get no direction from your leader.

Zach, speak up and drive your ticket and let us know exactly what's going on.

Blue team, what are they doing to their meat that you haven't done? (Jon) Season.


We seasoned our meat, chef.

No, you lying [bleep]


You did not [bleep]

slice it and season it.

When chef Ramsay's pissed, got these beady little eyes.

They're seasoning theirs once it's sliced open.

Don't lie.

"Don't you lie to me.

" Season it! You don't got to have a [bleep]

hissy fit.

Go, please.

Oh, my God.

(Gordon) That was pathetic.

(Announcer) Despite less than inspirational leadership on the final course, the VIPs are finally served their steak.

(Man) Good? (Woman) Fabulous.

It's really, really good.

Stoves off.

Clear down.

I think I did a good job tonight.

I can't be concerned with the criticism.

Everything was a little bit of a stumble, but we made it.

Listen, carefully.

It's ironic on the night that we're honoring the military, I had to battle in both kitchens.

I thought tonight you were gonna shine and do your country proud.

I think you did them an injustice.

The losing team tonight Is the blue And the red.

I'd like both teams to nominate the one person that you think is the weakest in your team.

Piss off.

Yes, chef.

This service should have been a walk in the park.

But we messed up again.


Now picking one person, it's always hard.

Me, Anthony, and Michael ran it tonight.

So that leaves you and Ray.

Prove to me why I shouldn't put you up for nomination.

I did a better job than Zach did.

I've led more guys doing more services, okay? I'm telling you I bring it.

And I can lead a team.

I do it all the [bleep]


Okay? I'm a leader.

I spent 16 years in the marine corps.

I don't deserve to be up for nomination.

Been up there twice, and I'm not going up again.

If I do get nominated, I'll truly know why.

Not because I'm a bad chef, but because I'm a good chef.

Look, you don't want me here, then [bleep]

put me up.

(Jon) It's not about not wanting you here, man.

This is about what happened tonight, dude.

All right, so next time when you guys gotta lead the brigade flawless, though, chef Ray will do everything better than I would? I don't know at this point.

I'm sick of this [bleep]


Zach needs to get the [bleep]


Honestly, why wouldn't you want me to [bleep]

go? Pick.

Stop being [bleep]

cowards and [bleep]


Is it the three of us? Is it the four of us? I would say Susan and Nedra.


I'm not going up for elimination tonight.

We all have flaws, you know what I'm saying? Yes, we all had mistakes, but the pasta water was such an amateur move.

Like, you put in cold water.

(Susan) She is the weakest person on our team right now.

I'm not the weakest person.

The weakest link is Susan.

Susan, when you told them seven minutes, you knew you needed longer, and you should have just stepped up and said, "I'm not gonna be ready.

" That's what held us back on that station.

I just want to say I really thought that I was really, really contributing.

I really feel like I am a huge contribution to the team.

So I just I really do.

I mean, maybe I don't know if you guys agree, but, I mean, I really feel like I [Crickets chirping]

Are you kidding me? They're just like I am not going home, because I don't care who I have to take down or who I have to fight, I'm gonna fight.

We all have to fight for ourselves.

(Cyndi) Guys, who we doing? Mary.

Yes, chef.

Your one nominee from the red team.

Who is it and why, please? We were trying to decide between the meat and the linguini tonight.

So it's between Nedra and Susan? Yes, chef.

So who is it? Um The weakest member of your team is? We nominate (Announcer) With no dinner service winner, both teams were instructed to nominate one person for elimination.

The weakest member of your team is? We nominated Nedra tonight, chef.

Susan, are you a better chef than Nedra? I believe that I have the finesse, I have the passion.

She kind of lacks that oomph.


Yes, chef.

Blue team's decision.

Who is it and why? Blue team's decision was Ray.

And to be real honest it was really close between Ray and Zach tonight.

They both let us down in the kitchen during service.



Are you better than Zach? I am, chef.

Tonight I had to kick Zach off the line, 'cause he screwed up my pasta.

He couldn't even get the portions the same size.

When I asked him to poach the other lobster tail, Zach made a mistake on purpose.

Oh, God.

The cold one that came up to the pass? Yup.


Nedra, Ray, Zach, step forward.

Oh, [bleep]


Nedra, why do you think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen? Chef, I came a long way to get here, and I'm not giving up.

Yes, I did pull a rookie move and had too much water for the pasta, but it's not how you start, it's how you finish, and I finished strong.

Zach, how would you rate your performance tonight? I would rate my performance a seven, chef.

Oh, come on.

Seriously? [Sighs]

Ray, why do you think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen? Chef, I'm just getting stronger, and I'm getting better.

And I'm getting more comfortable doing what I do here.

What have you got that Zach hasn't got? I've got more drive, more passion, and I've got more honor, and I've got more integrity.


My decision is Nedra, give me the service of your life next time.

Otherwise, you are history.

Back in line.



Now this is tough for me.

I can send Ray home.

Ray, half a portion on there.


Full portion on there.

Look at me! Half a portion.

Full portion.

I can send Zach home.

Just touch that.

No, no, yeah, you, 'cause you [bleep]

brought it.

It's cold.

Or I can send you both home.

My decision is Ray, please give me your jacket.

Yes, chef.

I respect you.

Thanks, chef.


(All) Bye, Ray.

Take it easy, Ray.

Tonight is a disappointment, and it eats me up.

I'm leaving with my integrity.

I'm leaving with my pride.

And I'm leaving knowing that I was a gentleman.

I may have been the oldest competitor ever to be on Hell's Kitchen, but, I'll tell you, I think I gave it a hell of a run.

What I have in store for you will tell me more about all of you than any other service we've ever had before.

(All) Yes, chef.

Get out.

I'm really sad to see Ray go, but, now that he's gone, it's definitely a step in the right direction for the blue team.

Can I have a cigarette, please? We're gonna be okay.

We okay? Really, Susan? Like, I'm pissed off.

Y'all just took the easy way out in voting me.



Ray's age wasn't the issue.

It was his cooking.

And I wasn't getting any younger waiting for him to improve.
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