11x14 - 7 Chefs Compete Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Hell's Kitchen". Aired: May 30, 2005 – present.*
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Reality television show that uses a progressive elimination format to narrow down a field of 20 to 12 aspiring chefs to one single winner over the course of one season.
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11x14 - 7 Chefs Compete Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

(Male announcer) Previously on Hell's Kitchen Which member will be moving over to the blue team? Nedra.

(Announcer) The red team saw an opportunity to unload some excess baggage We've now dropped the dead weight.

(Announcer) Onto the already sinking blue team.

The losing team of this challenge is yet again the blue.

(Man) Welcome to the blue

(Announcer) At dinner service Nedra started off slow.

Nedra! Speed up!
(Announcer) Her risotto passed inspection.

That risotto was delicious, Nedra.

Thank you, chef.

(Announcer) But her station didn't.

The disarray.

The disorganization.

Look at the mess.

(Announcer) Meanwhile the red team Literally get your head out of your [bleep]


(Announcer) Struggled to get out of the starting gate.

You've bastardized these scallops.

Touch them.

And that is disgusting.

This is my worst nightmare.



(Announcer) But it was Ja'nel's halibut It's just raw!
(Announcer) That sank them for good.

You, you, you, you, [bleep]

off out of here.

You [bleep]


(Announcer) While Jon's scallops This is a joke.

Mush, mush, mush!
(Announcer) Torpedoed the blue team.


off, [bleep]

off, [bleep]

off, [bleep]


Get out.


(Announcer) On a night when everyone failed to deliver That was embarrassing.

(Announcer) Each team had to choose one for elimination.

The worst service we've ever had.

(Announcer) Coming to a consensus Your bitch ass is going up.

(Announcer) Wasn't easy.

Do you think that you're a better chef than I am? I do.

I don't think so.

You're going up.

I'm not [bleep]

going up.



(Announcer) But the teams ended up nominating Susan and Nedra.

Nedra, give me your jacket.

(Announcer) In the end, it was Nedra who had to walk away from her dream of becoming head chef at Gordon Ramsay Pub & Grill at Caesars Palace.

[Ohio Players' Fire]

Fire Whoa The way you swerve and curve really wrecks my nerves and I'm so excited, child ohh! Go, Jon! When you take what you've got and, girl, you've got a lot you're really smokin', child [Roars]

When you're hot, you're hot you really sh**t your shot you're dynamite, child Yeah.

yeah well, I can tell by your game you're gonna start a flame of love, baby, baby the way you push, push lets me know that Hey, hey! [Kiss]

You're gonna get your wish oh, no fire what I said, child oww, fire uh
-huh got me burnin', got me burnin'
(Announcer) And now the continuation of Hell's Kitchen.

Get out of here.

That was wicked, huh? I just really wanted it to work.

We all [bleep]


I just had this fairy tale story in my brain that I was gonna hit the electricity and Frankenstein was gonna rise up.

The beast of Hell's Kitchen.

Wh Like Frankenstein, you know.

I don't know what the hell he's saying, but I think Jon is trying to say we did not rise up.

If I have to be atlas and I'm holding up everything while it's shattering down, I still want to be able to pick up the pieces.

But I'm not sure.

God, we suck.

Let's keep winning.


Let's win.

What did we want for dinner? We want vodka for dinner.

I know, right? That was bananas.

Nedra was so pissed off.

How has Nedra been number one on apps in our kitchen, go over there And then all of a sudden totally blow the station? Like Something was fishy.


The blue team has really been less than spectacular.

I mean, honestly, I think the poison is Zach.

He says one thing and does another.

He's just very dishonest, and I wouldn't be surprised if he was out to sabotage Nedra.

I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him.

(Cyndi) Nedra's always been solid on apps.

She did the best risotto ever.

You should have seen her at the service.

Zach is ridiculous.

Like, why are you doing that? He should definitely shut up.

She, I mean, I don't oh, my God.

Don't tell me what she did.

I don't want to hear it from you.

I don't want to hear it from you because you do lie.

What did I lie to you about? You lie about everything.

You sat here, you, like, totally made fun of me, you totally tried to plant ideas in my head.

(Zach) Mar, always remember how they was talking.

(Mary) No, they love me.

Don't you believe that, Mary.

You know what, shut your mouth.

Then the next show, like, "You know I love you, baby, blah, blah, blah.

" Like, whatever! Mary, you got to grow the [bleep]


"No, Zach, I don't want to hear what you have to say because you do lie, you do lie.

" Please.

Stop whining and crying.

(Cyndi) I applaud you.

That was great.

That was awesome.

(Mary) For what? Putting him in his place.

I just hope that Zach gets booted soon 'cause, seriously, if he's in black jackets, I'm gonna flip my lid.

(Announcer) With the chefs realizing that the awarding of black jackets will be happening soon Let's go.

Let's go.

(Announcer) They want to take advantage of every opportunity they have to impress chef Ramsay.

Let's go.

And then there was seven.

Now as a chef we always rely on our senses, right?
(All) Yes, chef.

The sense of taste is obviously the most important.

But our sense of hearing, crucial.

Our sense of smell helps us to identify aromas, fragrance, and then our sense of sight.

There is one sense that I left out.

And that is Zach? Touch.

(Gordon) Touch.

That's right.

I want to try an experiment.

I'm looking for two volunteers, one from each team, who are in touch with all their senses.

Let's go with Cyndi and Anthony.

Today I'm gonna be testing your sense of touch.

James, please.

I'm kind of confused about what today's challenge is gonna be.

It's always new, so we just have to go in there ready to go for whatever he has to throw at us.

Okay, Cyndi and Anthony, please come over.

I will be placing an ingredient inside the box.

And then I'll ask you to put your arm inside the hole to feel around and try and guess what's inside.

There could be weird things in there like a pair of Zach's boxers or a dragon.


His face makes me nervous.

Hands through, gently.

I'm a little apprehensive about just jamming my hand into an unknown place.

(Zach) Come on, ant.

You got it, baby.

(Jon) You use it all the time.

You know this, Cyndi.

You know just what that is.

(Mary) You know it, girl.

It's definitely gross.

I mean, for it to be slimy and wet, it can freakin' be anything.

On the count of three, shout out the answer.

One, two, three.

(Both) Eggs.

Good job.

(Woman) Yeah, Cyn! Yeah! Yeah, girl! This looks fun.

I would be game to go next.

Hands in.


(Mary) Come on, Cyn.

You got this.

There you go, Anthony.

Get a big handful, man.

(Gordon) First one was easy.

This one is difficult.

Quinoa, maybe, but it's mush it's potato.

It's got to be something in between the two.

One, two, three.

(Both) Polenta.



Good job.

Very nice.

Wow, you guys are awesome.

Dude, the blue team really has a chance right now, man.

Anthony's on fire today.

(Gordon) This could be the tiebreaker.

Put your hand at the bottom of the bowl.

Yeah, just, like, really get in there.

(Jon) Yeah, you know this one.

What the hell, chef? What did you put in this bowl? And it's ice
-cold, and it feels like snot.

Okay, on the count of three, both of you shout out the answer.



Wait, no, not yet.

One, two Come on, Ant.

You got it.

Come on, Cyndi, one more.




Well done, Anthony.

Well done.

Great job, Ant.

Good job, Anthony.

Well done.


The winner is Anthony.


Job well done, Anthony.

Job well done.

Okay, listen carefully.

Your reward for winning the touch test is zero.


Really? And you know why? That's not the real challenge.

But of course that's not the challenge.

No rewards for Anthony.

As professional chefs, there is one sense that is way more important than any other sense.

So it's time for the 11th annual blind taste test.

Jeez! Yes! This is gonna be awesome.

This is what I've been waiting for.

We can win this challenge with only three of us.

But these two idiots over here, you better be on your [bleep]

game today.

Time to put your palates to work.

(Gordon) Ready?
(All) Yes, chef.

Blue team, you have three left on your team.

So one member of your team will go twice.

Decide amongst you who you think has the best palate.

What do you want? You want Who wants to go? Does anybody want to go? I think I do.

I feel like I got a pretty good palate.

You think you do? Zach is a lot of talk.

I'm very nervous about chef Jon, because he smokes like a [bleep]


And I don't want to lose again.

Blue team, who's going twice? Hurry up.

Wait a minute.

Come on, guys.

(Announcer) This morning, the chefs will face the one challenge that chef Ramsay feels is important enough to bring back every year.

It's time for the 11th annual blind taste test.

Jeez! Yes! All right.

That is gonna be awesome.

(Announcer) But with the blue team being outnumbered by one chef, someone on the team will have to go twice.

Who wants to go? Does anybody want to go? I think I do.

You think you do? Do you want to go twice? Blue team, who's going twice? Hurry up.

Wait a minute.

You want to step up? Yeah, cool.

I trust you.

That's right.

Trust me, baby.

I know what I'm doing.

I got this.

Blue team, who's going twice? Zach is, chef.


Yes, chef.



(Mary) Yes, Zach's a moron.

This should be a piece of cake.

Today you could be the blue team's hero.

Zach, essentially the competition is riding on your shoulders.

Don't [bleep]

this up.

Who is going first for the red team? Oh, that's me.

There we go.

Okay, great.

Mary, Zach, let's go.

I am pumped to just beat the crap out of him.

Come on.

Encourage me.

Let's go, Mary.

You got this, girl.

Okay, blindfolds on.

Let's go.

(Announcer) To be a great chef, one must obviously possess a superior palate.

And the blind taste test is one of the key methods that chef Ramsay uses to evaluate the chefs.

Zach, you doughnut, can you hear me? [Laughter]

Now one chef from each team will attempt to identify Okay.

Let's go.

(Announcer) Four different foods simply by taste.

The first one scallions.

(Announcer) The team with the most correct answers wins the challenge.




Good job.

Shallots, chef.



Ah, man.

It was scallions.

What was I thinking? Like, I should have went with my gut.

And I didn't.

I'm such a freakin' idiot.


It's like feeding an infant.

Um It's, um It's, um Uh Plum.


Come on, Mary.






She sounds so heartbroken.


Just don't say chicken.


(Zach) Chef Ramsay, that's turkey.

You jive turkey! Come on, Mary.

It's really dry.

But the flavor is really weird.

Egg yolk? Oh, my God.

Did she just say egg yolk for turkey? Turkey and egg yolk don't even have the same texture, Mary.



I'm, like, failing miserably.

What is wrong with me? Zucchini.

Come on, Mary.

You got to get one point.

Get three.

Get three.


I'll take it.



Zucchini? Yes.

Yeah! Thank God.

At least Mary gets one right.

That is so hard.

Mary, at the end of the day, chef Zach is the top dog.

I'm numero uno.

Never forget it.

(Gordon) Not bad, Zach.

You've got the blue team off to a great lead.

Ja'nel, Anthony, let's go.

I'm confident in my palate.

I've tasted a lot of things eyes closed.

I'll knock it out.

We'll be good to go.

Here we go.


It's very distinctive.

I'm definitely nervous going into this taste test.

Not being able to identify things that you eat every day would be pretty embarrassing.


(All) Yes! Potato.





It's so simple.

Next one pistachio.

Oh, yeah.

That's super easy.

Cashews, chef.


Come on, Ja'nel.



They just caught up.

You're using it every day Halibut.


God, this is gonna be hard.

I know that it's a firm fish like salmon or bass.

I'm really thinking that it's Tuna? Wrong.


Oh, man.

Tuna, chef.




Next one.


Prunes kind of taste like a grandma.

They're really sweet.

They're sticky.

They're yucky.


Come on, baby.



Yes! Great job.

I know you can [bleep]

do it, Anthony.

Just get us a point.


(Zach) Come on.

Uh The taps ain't working.



That's, chef Um Hit him, chef.

Hit him.


It's not licorice.

Anthony, you [bleep]


Good job, Ja'nel.

Whoo! Good job, Ja'nel.


Ja'nel, three out of four.

Great job.

Thank you.

And, Anthony, zero out of four.


(Gordon) Well done, Ja'nel.

Thank you, chef.

Good job.

Ja'nel, three.

Anthony, big fat goose egg.


Good job, girl.

(Announcer) It's halfway through the challenge, and Ja'nel's strong performance has put the red team up by one point.

Let's go.

Cyndi and Jon.

(Announcer) And Cyndi is hoping to extend the lead.

Let's start off with an easy one.


(Announcer) Both chefs earn a point with Cheddar.

Cheddar, chef.


That's my girl.

(Announcer) Next up they try Duck.


Great job.

Chicken, chef.


Oh, man.


(Announcer) With the score once again tied Parsnip.


(Announcer) Cyndi answers correctly Parsnip, chef.

(All) Yes! Yes, great.

(Announcer) While Jon guesses Squash.


(Announcer) And their final ingredient is brussels sprouts.


Cauliflower? This is terrible.

Come on, sweetie.

Cauliflower, chef.



(Announcer) With both chefs failing to earn a point with brussels sprouts Good job.

Sorry on the duck one, guys.

No, you got that.

That's okay.

(Announcer) The red team still has a one
-point margin.

All the pressure now is on Zach and Susan.

Let's go.

You got this.

Go, red team.

Come on, Susan.

Second time around, Zach.

Now we're gonna start upping the ante.

I'm confident.

I could turn this back around.

White asparagus.

(Both) Come on, Susan.

I need Susan to straight up kick his butt, because I didn't have the pleasure of doing that.

It tastes really kind of bitter.

It's crunchy.

I think it's Radish.

Damn it! It's something we serve on the menu! Celery.

(Gordon) Wrong.

Egg white boiled.

(Cyndi) Big mouthful.

(Ja'nel) Yeah, it is.

Hardboiled egg.

(Both) Yes.

Blue point.

One more for the home team.


(Ja'nel) Damn.

Damn, damn.

All tied up.

This is not looking good.

Garbanzo beans.


, that one I would have got.

You know this, Susan.

We eat it all the time.

You love this.

It tastes like mush, almost reminiscent of fresh baby food.

Peas? Ah, man.

Oh, man.

Really? Garbanzo beans.



Dang it.

I eat hummus all the time.

Why did I not get this? Zach, you know this.

Green peas.


Green peas.

Last one each.

(Announcer) With the teams tied at six and only one ingredient left, it all comes down to Cauliflower.

Zach, dude, you could still pull this off, man.

Come on.

Come on, Susan.

I know you got this.

Come on, Zach.

Come on, Zach.

White radish.


Oh, my God.

Damn it! Wrong.


If Susan gets this right, the red team have won.

Come on, Susan.

Come on, Susan.

Come on, Susan.


Susan, this is all riding on your shoulders.

You have to get this point.

(Announcer) It's the final round of the much
-anticipated blind taste test.

And both teams are tied at six.

All tied up.

(Announcer) With only one item left Cauliflower.

(Announcer) Zach failed.

White radish.

(Announcer) Now the spotlight is on Susan.

And her answer is Cauliflower.

(All) Yes! [Bleep]


Good job.

You've just won it for your team.

Yes! Yeah! We just won again.

Wow, it feels amazing to have not only won but clinched it for the red team.


The star of the red team, Ja'nel.

Three for four.

Good job.

Good job, ladies.

Anthony, a disaster.

The only person to get shut out.


Ladies, well done.

(All) Thank you, chef.

This one you are gonna love.

Oh, man.

You'll be treated to some of the finest and freshest seafood in the world.


At the internationally
-renowned Nobu in Malibu.

Oh, my God! [All shriek]

Then you'll be heading to the Santa Monica mountains where you'll saddle up for a horseback ride.

[Cheers and applause]

Oh, my gosh, we're going horseback riding? I'm so excited.

-hoo! Off you go.

Enjoy it.

Thank you, chef.

Thank you.


Let's do this.


Horseback riding.

Oh, my goodness.

Oh, dear.

I don't know how to tell you this, but you are in for an incredibly painful day, because today is delivery day.

We are running short of supplies.

And we have truckloads on their way.

Head out to the front.

Let's go.

(Zach) The punishment today is the worst.

I wish we would be hanging out in Malibu, but chef Anthony has a palate like a bottom of a shoe.


(Scott) Get your back braces on.

Gonna be a lot of lifting.


Awesome times ahead Oh, look out, guys.

Look out.

Oh, no! This is why I'm so strong.


What are you guys carrying? Wow, look at those muscles.

Let's go.

Ha ha ha.

We're gonna go horseback riding! Bye, guys.

We're getting out of Hell's Kitchen again.

Enjoy yourselves.

Malibu! Here we come again! Wow.

Talk about right on the water.

Walking up to Nobu, you can hear the waves just rolling in.

It's just so serene.

This is gorgeous.

Wow, this is amazing.

This is awesome.

Just by the looks of it, I know this is going to be an amazing lunch.

(All) To the red team.

(Mary) That is so good.

Oh, my God.


This food is out of control.

It's absolutely delicious.

(All) Oh, my gosh! I wonder what the guys are doing right now.


Yeah, feel that burn.

One, two, three.



Look at me [bleep]



I just got flour all [bleep]

over me.

Anthony, you got flour all over the red carpet, man.

Let's get this cleaned up.

Flour here.

Flour there.

I see that.

More over there.

Flour everywhere.

You try to sweep the flour in, you're outside, the wind's blowing.

You're just breathing it in basically.

Baker's lung, here I come [Coughs]

[Horn honks]

What now? [Imitates horn honk]

There's another delivery.

(Jon) This is bread.

(Anthony) All right.

This is gonna be a lot of trips.

(Announcer) While the blue team continues their back
-breaking labor Whoo!
(Announcer) Up in the mountains Look at the view, ladies.

(Announcer) The women have saddled up for their joy ride.

(Mary) This is awesome.

Look at the ocean.

Luna, you are incredible.

Thank you for being a good horse.

Luna is an easy ride.


It's so natural.

Your whole body moves with the horse.

I'm like, bouncing, bouncing, bouncing.

It feels fantastic.


(Mary) I feel like a million bucks.

[Backup signal chiming]

Look at that.

At least.

What's up, guys? Could somebody sign for this? Yeah, I'll sign for it.

You okay with that? Yeah, yeah.

All right.


Oh, [bleep]


Hey, how much does this bitch weigh? I'm lifting hundreds of pounds.

My body's aching.

It felt like I was doing a px90 workout or some [bleep]


Ooh, it burns so good.

Zach, how much room we got? Both freezers are full.

Are we supposed to have this much ice? You got more? Yeah.

We are not even close to done.

Why is there so much ice? I'm gonna make it fit.

It seems like there's a lot of ice.

Yeah, it is a lot of ice.

Can I see the invoice, please? How much ice did you guys unload? A lot.

A lot's not a number.

Oh, no.

Hell, no.

Are you kidding me? I do not want to hear this.

Who signed off on the invoice? I did.

Anthony, what the [bleep]

, man? What did you do? How many were you supposed to unload? Holy crap.

I just saw ice.

Did I see that wrong?
(Announcer) After a grueling day of deliveries, the men have just discovered Why is there so much ice?
(Announcer) That their day may have been made more difficult Did I see that wrong?
(Announcer) By Anthony's carelessness.

Go inside and make sure we have 15 of the 25
-pound bag and 20 of the 50
-pound bag.


Oh, [bleep]

you, Anthony.

Are you serious? It's crazy.

It's frustrating.

At the same time it doesn't [bleep]

surprise me at all.

I'm trying really hard not to curse Anthony the [bleep]


Yeah, me too.

I'm ready for Anthony to go home.

I'm done with this nonchalant attitude.

I'm done with him skating under the radar.

When chef Ramsay says, "Elimination, think about everything" Yeah.


understand me, right? Yup.

I'm done.

I want Anthony out of here.

My body [bleep]


That's it? That was the worstest punishment.

That was about three times more work than we really needed to [bleep]


(Announcer) With the deliveries finally complete, the men begin part two of their punishment prepping both kitchens for tomorrow's dinner service.

God, the food is so good.

Oh, my gosh.

What is that? It looks like a [bleep]

load of bread.

Hey, boys.

Hi, guys.


Oh, hey.

Look who's back.

What is all this bread for? Yeah, I would imagine it's to eat.

(Mary) Wow.

Have you been unloading all day? Pretty much.


Autograph Nobu, oh, dude, he's cool as [bleep]


It was a great day.

I'm like, "fantastic.

Stop rubbing [bleep]

in my face please.

" So much fun.

As of right now, my position on the blue team is pretty shaky.

So today it's just gonna be a matter of getting in that kitchen and just working my ass off.

[Telephone rings]

I'll get it.

This is Susan.

Susan, it's chef Ramsay.

Could you get everybody down here immediately, please? Yes, chef.

We'll be right there.

Zach, get up now! It's chef! Zach, come on.

Chef Ramsay called us.

Blue kitchen.

Let's go.

Wow, that was quick.



Good morning, chef.

I'm glad you are all energized because I've got some very serious business to discuss with you.

Really? I can't wait to see what's next.

As you know, the winner of Hell's Kitchen will become the head chef at Gordon Ramsay Pub & Grill, Caesars Palace, Las Vegas, a salary of $1/4 million, but we all know you are getting very close to another very significant accomplishment.

I'm talking about the honor of earning a black jacket.

Oh, man.

Black is beautiful, baby.


That'll look great on me.

Who wants it? It looks nice, right?
(All) Yes, chef.


I want a black jacket so bad.

I want it more than I've wanted anything ever.

With the awarding of a black jacket not far off, I need more information.

For the first time in the history of Hell's Kitchen, I'm doing a individual challenge, even though you're still in teams.

This surprise challenge will tell me how much you've grown since you've arrived.

You'll all have 45 minutes to make me whatever you want.

This is what I do.

I love being creative and going outside the box.

I'm really gonna bring it today.

I'm bringing it hard.

No boundaries.

I just want to be blown away.

Got it?
(All) Yes, chef.

There is a very important prize.

The chef that creates the dish that I like best will be safe from elimination.

Oh, my God.

No matter what happens in the next service of Hell's Kitchen.

There's only three of us on the blue team left.

I've got to perfectly nail this.

Your 45 minutes starts now.

(Announcer) With the awarding of the prestigious black jackets not far away, chef Ramsay has decided to do something a little unconventional.


(Announcer) An individual challenge where the chefs can do anything they want.

The chef who most impresses chef Ramsay will be safe from the next elimination.

Is anyone gonna do lamb?
(Both) No.

I am doing lamb.


I'm gonna do duck.

You're doing lamb again, Susan? Yup, I'm redeeming myself.

Your lamb is absolutely [bleep]


Are you seriously trying to k*ll me? I really want to redo my lamb.

I really want to show him that I've grown leaps and bounds, and I'm not gonna shy away from my fears.

Oh, cumin.

I need that too.

We're going similar flavors.

You know, Susan's making a really ballsy move by going for the lamb.

It kind of has been hanging over her head this entire competition.

Good luck.

You're gonna need it.

Girls, there's a vitamix set up right over here.

(Announcer) While the women are communicating with each other I'm poaching off my veg, guys.

(Announcer) Over in the blue kitchen, Jon is talking to himself.


Pineapple juice.

Chef Jon talks to himself a lot.


What else do I need? Jon, I was told to talk to yourself is not a problem.

Sure we want those.

Keep the mango.

But when you start answering yourself, well, now you're maybe one step away from the loony bin.

Curry paste.

Spicy citrus paste.

Talking to myself, it's how I process.

My mahi's almost done, I'm gonna take some butter and rub it on top, use the quinoa, a little citrus.

It's I'm bouncing ideas off my own self.

It's too salty.

Way too tart, man.

Call me crazy, but it works.

Gentlemen, ten minutes to go.

(All) Yes, chef.

Make it stunning.

How's everybody feeling?
(All) Good.

I'm making a vinaigrette with garlic and shallots and pine nuts.

(Cyndi) Mary's got some plum over there.

Yes, ma'am.

A lot at stake, Zach.


All the chefs are trying to put together the best because everybody wants that immunity card.

So the level of creativity I want to put on the plate, I've never seen it done before.

I'm creating something different.

My dish is like sending someone to the moon for the first time ever.

Ladies, five minutes to go.

[Indistinct chatter]

One beautiful portion.

Make it count.

(Mary) Come on, girls.

Let's go, ladies.

Come on.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Behind, behind.

Let's go.

Come on, ladies.

Behind you.

How you feeling, T
-Dog? Definitely see how this goes, gentlemen.

Beer that I was waiting for.

Damn it.

You all right? Yeah, it's just a little bit under in the very middle.

Put it back in the oven if you can.

This is an individual challenge, Susan.

Like, I can't keep holding your hand.

You got to start stepping up to the plate, girl.

(Gordon) 45 seconds to go.

Yes, chef.

Susan, sear it if you have to.

I am so upset.

My lamb is still not done.


(Gordon) 30 seconds to go.



(Gordon) Let's go, Susan.

Let's speed up.

Let's go.

(Ja'nel) Don't panic, Susie.

(Gordon) 15 seconds to go.

Susan, can you get something on a plate? I'm so [bleep]


Everything is riding on this dish.

But I just feel like there's nothing I can do at this point.

(Gordon) Ten, nine, eight, seven Come on, Susan!
(Announcer) Chef Ramsay has given each of the seven remaining chefs to put together a dish showcasing their creativity.

The winning chef will be safe from the next elimination.

(Cyndi) Let's go, ladies.

(Gordon) 30 seconds to go.



(Announcer) But one chef
(Gordon) Susan, can you get something on a plate?
(Announcer) Is struggling to have her dish ready.

(Gordon) Ten, nine, eight Come on, Susan.

Seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, and stop.

Line up, please.

Who has the best dish?
(All) I do, chef.

(Gordon) Love the confidence.

I am anxious to eat.

Let's start with Ja'nel.

(Announcer) In today's creative dish challenge, as chef Ramsay tastes each dish, he'll decide if that chef has earned the right to sit in the winner's chair.

Being first up, Ja'nel will be the first person to sit in the chair after chef Ramsay tastes her dish.

If you are still sat in that chair, at the end of the challenge, you'll be the winner and safe from elimination.

Ja'nel, as I look at you now, I think back to Vegas.

That first signature dish, Thai grilled prawns.

Just two of them? Are we on a budget? [Laughter]

But it was good.

Okay, thank you.

I just wanted more.

What is it? Pan
-seared duck breast with a cumin
-scented sweet potato puree and kind of an orange
-glazed carrot.

I'm sorry.

-glazed green bean.

They look like green beans.

They don't look like carrots.

They're not carrots, chef.


You okay? Yes, I'm good.

Have a little sip of water.

Thank you.


You okay? Better.



Thank you, chef.

I am so nervous.

Like, shaking.

Anyone that's not nervous is full of [bleep]


The duck is cooked beautifully.

Thank you, chef.


Beautifully seasoned.

That is a great start.

Good job.

Thank you.

Take a seat.

Well done.

You, right now, have set the bar.

You're gonna be hard to beat.

Next, Anthony, let's go, please.

Right now, being safe from elimination is crucial.

My name's pretty close to the top of the list of people to put up if our service goes bad.

When I first met you in Vegas, it was a scallop po' boy.

Yes, chef.

I was disappointed.

Yeah, that is [bleep]



That is hideous.

And you've just embarrassed New Orleans cuisine.

But you have done some great things in this competition.

I hope you've grown, and I want to see that progress on the plate.

Yes, chef.

What is it? I have a seared rib
-eye that I seasoned with a little bit of chili powder, salt, pepper, and Italian seasoning with caramelized carrots on the side.

Oh, please, oh, please, oh, please, oh, please, oh, please be right.

So you got that nice rib

Everything's soft and subtle and delicate.

But it's slightly overcooked.

Then you got this horrible, crunchy, almost like raw carrot.

They're underwhelming.

Anthony, you're not taking Ja'nel's place.

Not in the same league.


(Announcer) Anthony disappoints with his rib

And now Susan is hoping that she has finally nailed the lamb dish.

There's something about you and lamb.

Who sent me raw lamb on the signature dish? Who was that? Me.

So what's that then? It's raw lamb.

I love the tenacity of you trying it again.

But unfortunately the lamb is raw.

Once again, Susan's lamb is, like, rrargh, raw.

I mean, super raw.

At this stage of the competition, I expect you to nail it.

I mean, absolutely nail how to cook a rack of lamb.

You definitely won't be taking Ja'nel's seat.

Yes, chef.

Next up, Jon.

Let's go, please.

This is my chance to shine.

Because I think Ja'nel's my biggest competition.

She's got amazing plates and a hell of a palate.

I've got to get Ja'nel off of that throne and get up there.

That's my goal right now.

Jon in Vegas, first introduction was a scallop and foie gras with truffle.

You've managed to nail it.


Well done.

The dish was a good start.

What's this? I've got some seared mahi
-mahi, some citrus quinoa, also a tropical fruit syrup.

Visually, it's got that wow factor.

It pops.

Thank you, chef.

And the fish is cooked beautifully.

It's glistening.

Oh, God, yes.

Oh, God, yes.

All right, good start.

It's delicious.

Very good indeed.

Thank you, chef.

The real question is, is it better than Ja'nel's? Please say no.

Please say no.

These two dishes are absolutely on the money.

Jon, the dish is
(Announcer) Today chef Ramsay surprised the chefs with a creative dish challenge.

Who has the best dish?
(All) I do, chef.

(Announcer) The winner will be safe in the next elimination.

(Gordon) You, right now, have set the bar.

(Announcer) Ja'nel has managed to hold the top spot over Anthony and Susan.

The fish is cooked beautifully.

It's delicious.

(Announcer) But Jon is hoping he can unseat her.

Jon, the dish is Replacing Ja'nel's.

Good job.

Thank you, chef.

Good job.

Just by an edge, Ja'nel.

Great job.

He nudges me just by a [bleep]

hair, and Jon's in the good seat.

(Gordon) Very good dish.

You nailed it.

Thank you, chef, very much.

Mary, let's go.

Go, Mary.

I'm sitting up there on this hot spot, and I'm confident in my dish.

But there's still three strong chefs in my way.

Mary, first signature dish was a seared duck breast.

Didn't go down that well, did it? No, chef.

The duck is still raw in the middle.

Congratulations, you certainly butchered your dish.

What's this? I did a pan
-seared fillet.

The sauce, I reduced red wine.

Some jus, some chicken stock, with figs, you know.

A little bit of shallots and garlic.

The fillet's cooked beautifully.

Thank you, chef.

I mean, really.

Beautifully done.

But you spoilt it with this heavy, so over
-reduced sauce.

It's almost like you've got paint on your plate.

It's such a shame.

Yes, chef.

You're not taking Jon's place.


Thank you, chef.

What a shame.

Whew! Two more to go.

I hope I survive this.

Next, Zach.

Let's go.

Whoo! I'm ready.

I'm feeling great about my dish.

And my pride as a chef is at stake.

Zach, Vegas, you made a pork chop with a apple and fig puree, right? Yes, chef.

Combination with the apple, fig, the dish tastes nice.

Unfortunately, the protein is slightly dry.

Pork was slightly overcooked, but you had some good flavors.

Right, and I want to see how far you've come.

This is my twist on surf and turf.

It's fillet medallions at the bottom where's the fillet? The prawns are actually sitting on the fillet.

Oh, wow.

The prawns are dominating there.

It's like prawns attack.


And that's not fillet.

That's fillet, chef.

How do you get them so perfectly round? I cut them in half, and I took the circle thing, and I, you know, made it into medallion shape, chef.

You cut a medallion from a medallion? Yes, chef.

Where's the rest of it? On the next menu, I'll be using that for tartare.


Utilizing everything.

(Gordon) Oh, okay.

Are you kidding me? When I smell [bleep]

, I know it, and I call it, and I smell [bleep]

With this whole "I'm gonna make steak tartare.

" Oh, Zach.

That's the first time I've ever seen anyone cut a fillet with a cutter.

Yeah, I was kind of thinking out the box and Thing is, you've got the balance upside

I want more fillet on there.

One little portion's come out of a doll's house.

Is that better than Jon's dish? No, it's not.

Good effort, though.

Thank you.

Thank you, chef.

(Announcer) Now only one challenger remains Cyndi, do you think you got what it takes to knock Jon off the pedestal?
(Announcer) In the battle to determine who created the best dish and will win safety in the next elimination.

What is at stake here is absolutely everything.

This is gonna be exciting.

Oh, wow.

Look at those colors.

This is the day that I need to prove to chef that I deserve to move into the black jacket level.

Right, Vegas, we were introduced through a tri
-colored, pepper
-crusted New York strip.

That's delicious.

Thank you, chef.

Really delicious.

And now you've got something completely different, right? Yes, chef.

I wanted to show you that I can cook steak and that I can cook fish as well.

I just want chef to just love it.

I want to come through at the end with the huge punch and really impress him.

It is a pan
-seared halibut.

On the bottom is, like, a play on succotash.


Potatoes, corn, yellow, green, and red pepper, onion.

The fish is cooked beautifully.

Thank you, chef.

You know, chef's over here having a, you know, food orgasm over Cyndi's dish.

Yeah, it's good.

It's very good indeed.


I'm just trying to stay on this damn throne, and I'm like, "Dude, come on, there's gotta be something wrong with this dish.

" Maybe one of the best pieces of halibut I've seen cooked so far in this competition.

Really nice.

Thank you.

I wouldn't have put butter in the cream.

One or the other.

Yes, chef.

Tough decision.

Two amazing fish dishes, let me tell you.

The mahi
-mahi or the halibut.

I want to knock Jon off this pedestal.

That area right there has my name on it.

Cyndi and Jon, you've made it very difficult for me, because these are the top two dishes, let me tell you.

God, it's tough.

Cyndi's dish looks great.

Which is good, because, if Jon wins and we lose service again, there's only two of us to choose from.

God, this is really tough.

I'm gonna win this.

I'm gonna get immunity.

The winning dish is
(Announcer) Next time, celebrities invade Hell's Kitchen.

Host of Extra, Maria Menounos.


The star of Suburgatory, Jeremy Sisto.

(Announcer) But will the chefs be too star struck Oh, my God, she's so hot.


(Announcer) To cook.

That lobster should be like butter.

Not some bubble gum in your mouth.

(Announcer) You won't believe which chef cracks under the pressure.

That's not the standard of Hell's Kitchen.

Yeah, I [bleep]

heard it.

(Announcer) But what he does next Guys, guys.

Holy hell, we're gonna burn down the kitchen.

(Announcer) May be the end Fire.




(Announcer) Of his Hell's Kitchen career.

Take your jacket and [bleep]

off out of here.

(Announcer) And chef Ramsay is punching slamming, yelling Does that not look dry to you? Mad.

Get a grip! Next time I'm gonna need a week of therapy after this.

(Announcer) On Hell's Kitchen.
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