11x17 - 5 Chefs Compete Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Hell's Kitchen". Aired: May 30, 2005 – present.*
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Reality television show that uses a progressive elimination format to narrow down a field of 20 to 12 aspiring chefs to one single winner over the course of one season.
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11x17 - 5 Chefs Compete Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Hell's Kitchen Get ready.

Ja'nel competed in her first challenge as a member of the blue team.

Hell yeah, blue team might actually pull this off.

It was the three
-entree relay.

Three stunning entrees.

Only one of you will be in the kitchen at a time.

And while both teams struggled Chef Ramsay is literally putting out fires in both kitchens.

With the help of their newest member We can do this, guys.

The blue team managed to do something they had only done once before Congratulations.


Win a challenge Yes, we did it! While the red team got a rare taste of defeat.

It's a disgrace.

At dinner, with Jon and Ja'nel working together on appetizers Walking risotto.

The blue kitchen seemed unstoppable.

Keep it up.

Until Stop, everybody.

Zach's overdone meat Zach's lamb's burning.

Brought the kitchen to a screeching halt.

At this stage of the game, pick it up or off! And his inability to communicate with his team Zach.


Hello? Seemed to make matters worse.

You're not listening.

But he did recover towards the end.

Beautifully cooked.

And the blue team completed a respectable service.

Ja'nel, thank you for rockin' out.

Happy to be here, Jon.

In the red kitchen, Susan Very nice, Susan.

Got the dinner service off to a good start on appetizers.

Aah! But Cyndi's lobster tails Look, it bounces off the wall! All of you, come here! Put the whole team in the doghouse.

You're screwing the red team! Mary's perfect Wellingtons Very nice.

Got the red kitchen back on track.

Good job.

Chef Ramsay had good news We have two winning teams.

And bad news.

I'll only be giving out four black jackets.

One nominee from the red team, one nominee from the blue team.

The blue team's decision was easy.


But when the red team couldn't agree Susan.



Chef Ramsay consulted their former teammate.

Ja'nel, who is the weakest chef? Susan.

In the end, Zach was sent packing Good luck.

And was forced to say good
-bye to his dream of becoming head chef of Gordon Ramsay Pub & Grill at Caesars Palace.

Fire Whoa! The way you swerve and curve really wrecks my nerves and I'm so excited, child ohh! Go, Jon! When you take what you've got and, girl, you've got a lot you're really smokin', child When you're hot, you're hot you really sh**t your shot you're dynamite, child yeah well, I can tell by your game you're gonna start a flame of love, baby, baby the way you push, push lets me know that Hey, hey! You're good you're gonna get your wish oh, no fire what I said, child oww, fire uh
-huh got me burnin', got me burnin' And now, the continuation of Hell's Kitchen.

Now, get out of here.

I think I peed my pants a little bit.


I really thought I was going home.

Susan, you're not leaving here tonight.

Back in line.

I am relieved, drained.

Just like a roller coaster of emotions.

Are you ever gonna change your opinion of me? What can I do to help you? I don't think that anyone is weak.

I can only nitpick at the little, teeny, tiny things.

I'm not gonna spare your feelings to give you my honest opinion.

And that's just how it is take it or leave it.

You know what I mean? It really frustrates me to no end that Ja'nel thinks that I can't handle the pressure.

I think she needs to get her eyes checked.

Maybe she needs to change her prescription on her glasses.

I'm over it, but I swear to God, if you guys call me weak again, I'm gonna k*ll you.

I now feel like I'm really out of the loop.

You are.

I really am.

Estrogen everywhere! Being the rooster among the hens, man, it's not exactly the fantasy that you think of.

I think I, like Oh, we're gonna have to do our toes tomorrow.

I'm just kinda waiting for a pillow fight to break out, and then, all of a sudden, I'm gonna wake up to four girls trying to hold me down and put makeup on me.

Look at that.

What is this? Chocolate? All right, I'm going to bed.

Nighty night.

Oh! Peace and quiet.

Tom's always like, "How come you don't want to get a Brazilian?" I was like, "You try ripping all the hair out of your butt.

" Ouch.

I just started waxing, like, my pubic region.

Shut up.

Shut up.

Shut up! These walls are pretty thin, Susan.

Do you trim it? Oh, my God, are we really talking about this? Oh, my God.

Yes, we are.

Hey, that's awesome.

Good night, everybody.

Good night.

Sweet dreams.

After an uncomfortable night in the dorms for Jon I'm coming, I'm coming.

The final five hurry down to the kitchen Good morning.

Good morning, chef.

With one thing on their minds.

I'm sure you're all wondering when are you gonna get your black jackets? I'm sorry to say there's one more important thing I need to do before that can happen.

And it begins with this video.

Yes, chef.

I don't know what we're about to watch, but I'm ready.

I'm watching with intent.

Hi, Cynd.

Oh, my God.

Hi, Cynd.

Your dog just wanted to say he's very proud of you, he misses you he misses his mommy.

Oh, my God, I wasn't expecting it to be my family.

We're all proud of you.

We all miss you very much and can't wait till you come home and can't wait to see you again.

I miss my family like crazy.

It feels so good to hear from my mom and my sister.

Love you.


Oh, my God, I almost start losing it 'cause I know how she feels, man.

I really miss my family.

Hi, my Jonny angel.

I'm so proud of you.

Glad you made it so far.

I can't wait to see you and give you a big hug bring it home, Jon.

You're my heart and soul.

I'm trying everything I can to just hold it back, but, God, it's so good to see them.

Hi, Ja'nel.

I'm so happy you made it this far.

I can't imagine all the things that you've gone through.

But I hope that you continue with your success.

My family's support means the entire world to me.

And I could feel their positive vibes through that television screen.

And it just feels so good.

Hey, Susan, I hope you're having fun.

I wish I could be there to support you, but I know you're doing great.

I'm so proud of you.

I miss you, I love you.

Good luck, sis.

I have a message from my little brother.

It feels so good to see his face and to hear his voice.

Mary, it's your brother.


I am so excited that I get to do this video for you.

I hope that you continue to do great things and that you make it all the way to the top.

You know what I'm sayin'? Wow, what a dude.

I love you so much.



Wasn't that wonderful? Does that give you extra motivation? Yes, chef.


Absolutely, chef.

Well, it's time for your next challenge.

Seeing that video message is awesome, but not the way you should go into a challenge.

Chef Ramsay, are you really doing this to us? And that challenge is Oh, my God.

After surprising the final five with words of encouragement from their families, chef Ramsay is ready to get down to business.

Well, it's time for your next challenge.

And that challenge is Spend time with your family.

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God, it's my family! Oh, God! Mom! Mom! Oh, my God.

I just can't believe they're here.

I can't believe my family is here.

God, this is so hard.

Seeing my family, it's every emotion all at once.

Joy, sadness, love.


Oh, it's so good to see you guys.

Oh, my gosh.

Hey, mom.

How are you? How are you? I'm good.

I'm good.

Oh, my gosh! My mom's here, my brother's here.

Like, I didn't even expect that.

As happy as I am to see my mom and my brother, I'm thinking a lot about my husband.

I really, really miss him.

Where's Tom? Is he in school, or He's in school.


I'm sorry.

Take some valuable time
-outs, and enjoy yourselves with your loved ones.

So this is a letter that's from Tom.


"Hi, honey, I've missed you so much.

"I'm so sorry I can't be there right now "because all I want to do is show you how proud I am of you and how much I support you.

" I miss Tom so much.

More than I have ever missed anybody in my whole life.

He's my best friend, you know, and so for me to not see him this whole time is really, really hard.


That's so cute.


How you been, honey? Oh, good, but it's tough.

Yeah? Yeah, but it is worth every second.

I miss you.

How's Hayden? He's doing good.

You get to see him? Yes.

His first day of school.

He was so proud.

Oh, honey, you'll get to see him soon.

My little man Hayden, he's one of the biggest things that I miss.

His real dad died when he was one, and he was my best friend.

I missed his first day of school, man.

Oh, it's okay.

You'll get to see him.

You've got to come by and watch him get on the bus.

I will.


He's already been through a lot.

He's only five.

I can't wait to see him.

God, he's such a good kid.

This entire journey, really, is dedicated to Hayden.

I mean, we're not in black jackets yet, and there's only five of us.

We have to lose one more Okay.

Before we can get to black.


You are in the top five.

It's so You got this.

I can't even tell you the things that I've done.

You guys are gonna be so proud.

Having my family here to just say, "I'm proud of you.

I love you.

"And I know you're doing everything you can.

You just have a little bit further to go," it just means so much.

Like, having you guys here like, you guys are inside of Hell's Kitchen.

Isn't it crazy? Like Yeah.

We're, like, in the home stretch.


I've won the most challenges ever.


I want to make chef Ramsay proud, but I really want to make my mom proud.

So happy.

To see her, you know, smiling and happy, it just really warms my heart.

I'm just staying focused Wonderful.

And, like, cooking my ass off.

Sorry, mom.

You don't want to hear all these f
-bombs I've been dropping around here.

It's my mother, and, you know, she probably would prefer for me to have a, you know, dainty little mouth.

Me and Jon, we kicked ass.

Sorry, mom.

And so I've, like, had a day.

Sorry, mom.

You know, that kitchen's intense, and comes out.

Sorry, mom.

And you just can't help it sometimes.

You know I can do it.

I'm gonna do it.

Sorry, mom.

Sorry, mom.

You never had a problem with expressing yourself.

I'm here, I'm doing this for me, you know? Right.

And I haven't ever done that before.

You deserve it.

You deserve it.

Thank you.

I know that there is gonna be some sort of crazy challenge in order for us to make it to black jackets.

So I'm really nervous, but I'm motivated and excited, especially with my family here.

I bet this is, like, the first time you've actually been able to relax and take a deep breath and We don't ever get to sit in these chairs.

Um, sorry for interrupting this valuable moment, but, families and chefs, would you be so kind to step up and gather at the hot plate, please? Thank you.

Oh, my gosh, what does he have up his sleeve? Like, I'm not prepared for this.

Oh, no, the challenge is coming.

Um, chefs, families, we still have some very, very important business to take care of.

Chefs, I told you I'd be only giving out four black jackets.

And, unfortunately, there are five of you.

Chef, please, you can't fly our families all the way out here just to send one of us home with them.

This is gonna be humiliating.

As I look at you with your families, I realize right now that any one of you can win Hell's Kitchen.

And that is why all five of you Oh, God.

Are gonna get black jackets.

Well done.

Aah! Oh, my God! Wait, what? Wait, what did you just say? We're all getting black jackets? Oh, my goodness.

Aah! Chef Ramsay, why do you do that? You, like, take us up and then down.

And then back up again.

Like, I'm gonna explode right now.

Oh, man, this day is getting, like, crazy good.

Oh, man.

Stop crying, Cyndi.

I never cry.

No, she never cries.

I've ever seen her cry.

Cyndi, you never cry? At home, I'm actually the biggest baby, but here, I've tried to be so hard exterior, and I'm just so overwhelmed.

I really am.

Glad to hear it.

Okay, ladies and gentlemen, our first recipient of this amazing black jacket belongs to Jon.

Step forward, please.

Good job, Jon.

Jon! Thank you so much.

Good job.

Absolutely brilliant.

Well done.

Thank you.

This is great news.


Go, Ja'nel! Good job, Ja'nel.

Well done.

Go, Ja'nel! Thank you, chef.

No one's going home right now.

Well done, my darling.

Good job.

Thank you, chef.

Thank you so much.

No one's getting embarrassed in front of their family.

Yay, Susan! Well done.

And all of our families are here to see this monumental occasion.

Well done.

Thank you, chef.

Thank you.

Well done, well done, well done.

It's really, really exciting.

How special do those jackets feel? Amazing.


Don't they? Wow.


I'm sorry to say it's time to say good
-bye to your loved ones.

I'd like all five of you to head up to the dorms, get those black jackets on, because your next individual challenge is coming up.


I love you.


Love you guys.

Bye, guys.

After all the I've been through, all the punishments, all the hard work, everything that's happened to me during this competition, I'm holding this black jacket.

Here I am.

All worth it.

Every single second.

I'm gonna win Hell's Kitchen.

I'll be in Vegas, baby.

Come see me sometime.

After a surprise visit from their families, the final five chefs have received black jackets Wow.

And are eager to prove that they deserve to keep them.

Look at those jackets.

Susan, how does it feel? Perfect.

Fits just perfect.

Wearing this black jacket is bringing out an even fiercer side of me as a competitor.

I have to keep my eye on the prize, and I'm ready to bring it.

From now on in, in your challenges, you are going to be working individually.

It is such an amazing accomplishment to be wearing this black jacket.

I mean, my goal was to get to black jackets.

My new goal is to win it all.

Before we begin our next challenge, I'm gonna give you a hint of what your reward is before you compete.


The winner will get to spend the afternoon with their family.

Oh, my gosh.

Oh, my gosh.

That's so nice.

Spend the whole day with your family I mean, oh, my God, I would love to spend the afternoon with them.

It would mean everything.

Biggest reward.

Best reward.

Excited? Yes, chef.

But first, you have to win the challenge, right? Yes, chef.

Which is a real pressure cooker.

A real pressure cooker.


I have never used a pressure cooker before.

I've actually never used a pressure cooker before.

I've never used a pressure cooker before.

I've never even used a pressure cooker before.

I have a pressure cooker at home So I'm really excited for this challenge.

That's right, your next challenge, you'll be working with pressure cookers.

A pressure cooker, as you know, it cooks rapidly.

It's an amazing way of tenderizing cheap cuts and adding great flavor.

All right? Yes, chef.

I am looking to see which of you can create a five
-star dish from a inexpensive cut of meat.

Yes, chef.


One by one, I want you to open that lid and find out what you'll be cooking with.

Got it? Yes, chef.

Cyndi, step up in front of the table, choose a pressure cooker.

Any one.

Pork roast.


It's gonna be a challenge to take something of such a cheap, tough cut, use a pressure cooker, but still make it look elegant when it comes out.

Jon, off you go.

Yes, chef.

I'm like, dude, I want short ribs.

I know I can make an amazing dish with short ribs.

Lamb leg, chef.

Aw, ! Oh, nice.



Very cool.

Well, you know what? I can work with lamb leg.

I know exactly how the works.

We're gonna get it on.

Oh, pork belly! Pork belly? Oh, really? Nice.


Really good.

Very cool.

I love pork belly.

I've eaten it many times, but I've never cooked it myself.

So this is definitely gonna be a challenge for me.

Goat ribs.

Goat ribs.



There's not that much meat on there, and I know it's gonna be really tough.


Ooh, short ribs! Short ribs.

This is the one I was secretly hoping for.

Another chef's dream there, right? Yes, chef.

You've all got 45 minutes to grab your pressure cooker and create a absolutely stunning five
-star dish.

Are you ready? Yes, chef.

Your 45 minutes starts Now.

Let's go.

In the black jackets' first individual challenge Coming up from behind you.

Behind you, behind you.

Chef Ramsay has tasked the chefs with taking an inexpensive cut of meat Onions.

And skillfully combining it with their choice of ingredients Is this okra? To create a dish worthy of a fine dining restaurant.

I'm thinking an old French rustic style.

Fennel and leeks, they're two of my most favorite ingredients.

I want to infuse those flavors into the pork.

I hope that that does help me stand out in a good way.

Immediately, I'm like boeuf bourguignon.

It's like a French beef stew.

I'm gonna do okra, potatoes.

I don't see okra very often, and it's such a good veg to use.

And I know exactly what I'm gonna do with it.

I'm thinking I really wanna go early fall.

I love squash with pork.

I mean, it's just gonna be such a nice dish.

Yes, chef.

Make it count.

Mary focuses so hard.

She just can't help but have her tongue start to slowly creep out of her mouth.

You know And it just gets further and further.

And she's totally letting it fly today.

Mary, get your tongue back in your mouth.

You don't want to drool on your food.

Just over 25 minutes to go, yes? Yes, chef.

Just doesn't feel tender enough.

There is one rule with pressure cooking do not open the lid.

Every time you open it, the pressure drops.

If you close it, you have to wait for it to build back up.

Don't open the lid.

Susan, what the heck? Don't open it again.

Susan, do not open that lid.

While Susan may have flipped her lid one too many times Damn steamer.

The competition It's, like, blowing right in my face.

Is definitely heating up.

Is anyone using the steamer? If not, can we turn it off? I'm using it right now.


The steamer's on, Mary's using it for potatoes, and this thing is just pouring steam directly into my face.

I can't even see my cutting board.

Yes? Yes, chef.

man, like yeah, I just can't see what the I'm doing 'cause of this steamer.

Come on, Jon, this isn't rocket science.

Switch your station.

Want me to move you? Yeah.

Just get up and move.

Thank you, chef.


There you go.

Somebody's burning.

I can smell it.

burnt don't smell good.

Oh, , I instantly smell burnt.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

This can't be happening right now.

I definitely underestimated this pressure cooker a little bit.

I'm completely freakin' out, man.

I totally freaked the out.

What the am I gonna do? You've got to leave the protein cooking under pressure, right? Well, I'm .

In the pressure cooker challenge Damn steamer.

The final five chefs have a chance to impress chef Ramsay.

Somebody's burning.

I can smell it.

But unfortunately for Jon burnt don't smell good.

His first few hours in a black jacket are not going according to plan.

I'm so surprised that Jon, like, burned his meat to the bottom of the pressure cooker.

Like, I can smell it.

I can see him in the back, you know, trying to scrub it out.

Jon's starting to crumble under pressure.

I pull the legs out.

The legs aren't that bad.

They haven't picked up the burnt taste yet.

I wipe this thing out, and I'm like, ".

There's still burnt on the bottom of this.

Well, I'm .

I gotta do something, 'cause if I put the stuff back in here and finish it, it's all gonna taste burnt.

Jon, I'll get you another one.

Thank God there's another pressure cooker in the kitchen.

Thank you.

Last five minutes, guys.

Yes, chef.

Make it count.

I just have to go 100%.

If it means making, like, my own fresh pasta today for this dish, then I'm gonna do that.

Wow, it smells amazing.

I want to win this competition.

Two minutes to go.

Come on.

Yes, chef.

Start plating.

My dish comes out exactly the way that I want it to.

My only concern is I'm not sure who the judges are gonna be.

And, you know, the goat's a little spicy.

Last minute.

Come on.

Yes, chef.

Damn, my pork has not rested long enough.

I don't know what to do.

Slice it, leave a hunk.

Slice it, leave a hunk.

I feel like the flavors and the ingredients that I've put into this dish are really going to work well together.

I am definitely feeling proud.

Five, four, three, two, one.

And serve.

Well done.



Domes on top of your dishes carefully.

Right, joining me today to judge this challenge are two very prominent and incredibly successful women in the food industry.

Our first judge is the James Beard award
-winning owner of one of the hottest restaurants in Los Angeles, Osteria Mozza.


Please welcome chef Nancy Silverton.

Chef Nancy is amazing.

Where I worked before, her books were always on the shelf.

Like, this is really awesome that she gets to try my food today.

Right, our next judge is the first person ever to become the recipient of the James Beard award in the field of culinary journalism.

She's currently the dine editor of Los Angeles Magazine Lesley Bargar Suter.



Good morning.

How are you, my darling? Lovely.

These ladies know everything there is to know about culinary and food.

We can't have any sort of amateur moves.

Not in front of these ladies, and not with these black jackets on.

The esteemed judges and I will be rating your dishes on a scale of one to five stars.

Clear? Yes, chef.

The chef that earns the highest total amount of stars will win the challenge.

Okay, ladies, ready? Ready.

I think so.

Let's start off with Susan.

Please bring your dish forward, thank you.

Yes, chef.

Now that I'm wearing a black jacket, I especially want to win.

I still have some doubters and naysayers in Hell's Kitchen, so I want to keep proving myself.

The dish I've prepared for you today is a pork belly.

And then we have a fennel and leek slaw with some crispy pork belly skin on top.


It eats well, but you don't feel like that fat was really rendered.

It's a little overwhelming.

I told you that it's not gonna work out for you if you open the lid.

I like the flavor and the tanginess of the slaw, though.

I really think that's a nice, brightening element.

But I think it could be shaved a little thinner.

It's a little clunky.

The pork is undercooked on top and cooked beautifully underneath.

Um, ladies, please, reach for your scores.

I'm gonna give it a three star.

I will do the same.

Three stars.

Thank you.

Good job.


Thank you.

Susan only gets nine stars.

Next up, Jon.

Let's go, please, thank you.

They're really tough critics, and we've got our work cut out for us today.

Ah, lovely.


This is a lamb leg.

I kind of went more traditional, like French.

You have rutabaga, some fingerling potatoes.

Classic rustic dish.

Visually, the color's fantastic.

This is beautiful caramelization.

Let's hope it tastes as good as it looks.

I think that you would have benefited for more time in the pressure cooker 'cause it's still a little bit tough.

! I knew that too.

A little too much butter for me.

So you know, once I feel it on my lips, I know that It's a lifetime on the hips.


You know, the flavor is definitely there.

Thank you.

But I do agree that it could have done with a little more time.

-wise, it was great.

Meat's not cooked enough.

But a good effort.




Three, three, four.

There you go.

Thank you, chef.

Good job.

Thank you.

I really wanted to just blow them away, but at this moment, I'm winning, man.

I'm like, all right, cool.

I'll take that right now.

I can win this challenge.

Cyndi, let's go, please, darling.

This is it.

This is where the individuals start coming out.

I really need to win one of these and have the best dish.

I had the pork roast.

And on the bottom of the plate is an acorn squash puree.

And then a fig compote.

Thank you, Cyndi.

You're welcome.

A lot of flavors in there.

They all work.

But a little bit put off by the color of the pork.

Visually, it's just not very appealing, but it does taste nice.

Such a shame because potentially a great dish there.

Unfortunately, the presentation lets it down because it looks like it's been carved, you know, five hours ago.

Ladies Let's do it together.

Three, two, two.



Oh, my God.

I can't believe I got 7 out of 15.

Oh, my God, it's not even half.

kidding me.

Susan got a nine! Next up, Ja'nel, please.

Let's go.

Jon has the lead with ten stars, but the door clearly remains open for Ja'nel and her goat to grab the lead.

Today I had the goat ribs.

I did a little crispy okra with a rustic smashed sweet potato.



Please enjoy.

It's better than great.

That's great.

No, better than great.

Very well

It's really good.

You know, goat's actually one of my favorite proteins.

Wow, that, for me, is phenomenal.

Ladies? Wow.

Good job, Ja'nel.

Five, four, five.

Great job, Ja'nel.

Thank you, chef.

Yes! 14 out of 15.

Good luck, Mary, you're gonna need it.

Amazing, and you're in the lead.

Really good job.

Good job.

Thank you, chef.

Last but not least, our butcher Mary.

Let's go.

With Ja'nel taking an impressive lead with a near
-perfect score, the pressure now shifts to Mary and her beef bourguignon.

So today I made for you boeuf bourguignon.

So I seared off the meat, I left it on the bone while it was cooking, and I made fresh pasta to go with it as well.

You made fresh pasta? Yeah, I did.


Wow, thank you.

That's ambitious.

Thank you.

That's brave.

Let me tell you.

I have faith in my dish.

I love it.

But 14 out of 15 is gonna be really hard to beat.

Nancy, how was that? Everything complements the chunks of the meat, the chunks of the carrot.

Even the noodle.

Oh, good.

Yeah, I'm loving I'm loving the meat.

It's delicious.

Really delicious.

Very good.

The question is, ladies, does it beat Ja'nel? I'm getting a little worried, but I definitely think that my dish was better than Mary's.

I mean, it's mine.

Everything complements.

And the mushrooms are cooked perfectly.


It's a great dish.

This is t*rture.

I just want to know.

Man, I want to win so bad.

Are you ready for your scores? I'm ready.

Mary is the last to present her dish in the pressure cooker challenge, and she will need a perfect score of 15 stars to claim victory over Ja'nel's 14
-star goat ribs.

It's a great dish.

Thank you, chef.

The question is, ladies, does it beat Ja'nel? Are you ready for your scores? I'm ready.


Oh, my God! Thank you so much.


Thank you very much.

Three fives.

Wow, Mary, you produced a five
-star dish beyond belief.

I am so excited.

I get to see my family today.

Like, this is the best day ever.

Good job, Mary.

Good job, Mary.

Good job, Mary.

Will you join me in thanking these two amazing judges? Thank you.

Thank you so much.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Uh, Mary, here's the good news.

You are in for one hell of a treat today, let me tell you.

You will have the most amazing meal with your family at Wolfgang Puck's WP24.

Oh, my goodness.

Oh, wow.

That sucks.

Way to go.

I definitely want to see my family, and I'm so horrendously disappointed in myself.

That whole restaurant is entirely reserved for you and your family.

Thank you so much.

Hurry up, because your limo is on its way.

Good job, Mary.

Good job.

Good job, guys.

Good job, Mary.

Thank you, thank you.

I am so excited.

This is the experience of a lifetime that I get to share with my family.

I'm soaring so high right now.

While Mary is dining with her family, you are in for some agonizing, exhausting, and some very dirty work.

Just give it to us, man, 'cause I already know it's gonna be wicked.

Just I volunteered all four of your services as the maintenance crew for tree people.

You'll be digging in hillsides, slashing brush, shoveling mulch, and giving back to the community, right? Yes, chef.

That's not all.


Today's a big day because it is recycling day.

So you'll all be jumping into the dumpsters, pulling out all the garbage, separating the food trash from those bottles Putting them in their proper bins, please.

Get out of here.

This punishment sounds absolutely disgusting.

I've got a really strong stomach, but not so much when it comes to smells.

I'm swimmin' in this thing.

Me too.

Look at this.

I don't think anyone else feels as good about the jumpsuit as I do.

Cyndi's jumpsuit is just huge.

The crotch is down to her knees.

Jon's jumpsuit is big And, like, he looks like a crazy person.

And Ja'nel's I'm like am Oompa Loompa.

Her jumpsuit just isn't as flattering as mine is.

I'm gonna rock this jumpsuit.

While Susan attempts to bring high fashion to a lowly punishment, Mary Oh, my goodness! Is anxious for some family time high above Los Angeles.

Hey Honey! This is the best reward I could have ever asked for.


This is really exciting.

It's been over a year since I've seen my brother.

To be able to share something great with the people that I love is is the best.

I had to win the challenge today.

I was like, I can't lose.

I have to win.

And you did.

I have to see my family.

We should make a toast.

To family.

To supporting each other's dreams.


And to getting to spend the day together, whoo
-hoo! While Mary reconnects with her family That is delicious.


So good.

It's delicious.

The rest of the team is about to reconnect with mother nature.



Welcome to tree people.

I'm Jim Hardie, director of operations here in Coldwater Canyon Park, home of tree people.

All right, the first task for two of you is gonna be moving that mulch over there and recovering a trail.

All right, who's gonna do this? Mulching seems easy enough, but maybe there's something a little easier.

Go to it.


Giving back to the earth, it's a great idea, as far as a punishment, so I'm, you know, totally ready to do a little bit of volunteer work while I'm here.

You two are gonna help us clean out an eroded hillside, all right? We're gonna move soil, take it out on the trail, flatten it down.

We're going to be digging up the side of a hill.

So I'm kind of wishing I was moving the mulch right now.

There's the good mulch.

See how nice and moist it is? Getting moist in there.

Me and Ja'nel are actually working pretty good as a team.

Ready? We're getting big ol' sections done pretty fast.

Pitchfork the mulch, go down to the path, put it down, spread it around kick it, rake it, whatever.

So far, so good.

We'll just keep this little system going, and we'll be done in no time.

Are you okay? Yep.

This is manual, manual labor.

My back is starting to get sore, my hands are getting raw a little bit, it's bad.

This is heavy.

I know.

This thing weighs, like, 100 pounds.

Ugh, my back.

While Susan longs for a little back support, Mary Here's our kobe short rib chow fun.

Wow! Celebrates with her biggest supporters.

Hold it with your index and your thumb.

Like that.


This is going to be quite the task.

I always call us the velveeta and wonder bread family.

Like, we weren't fine dining people.

This is good.

I don't know how much is going into their mouths, but this food is so good.

To the good life! To the good life! Exactly, right? I'm giving you guys a passing grade.

Let's see how they're doing down here.

What's the problem? Some big thing just started crawling out of the earth.

It looked like a creature.

A what creature? It was just like It was creepy


No, leave it buried.

It was nasty.

It wasn't, like, an insect? No, it was big.

And it was getting bigger.

But you're okay? Take a breath, breathe deeply.

All right.

Well, you got some of it done.

All right.

That's it for today.

Thanks a lot.

Thank you, Jim.

Oh, my God, I am so glad this one is over.

But I am nervous for, you know, what's waiting in store for us back at Hell's Kitchen.

I know there is more to come.

I gotta do my part, so I'm just gonna do it with a smile.

Vegetables are edible, or used to be at one time edible.

Put 'em in the organic, and everything else goes in the non
-organic, okay? Thank you, chef.

Thank you, chef.

Really appreciate it.

Back to manual labor for me.

Whatever, man, I'm used to it.

Let's just let's go and do this .

Oh, my God, I am gonna vomit.

Yeah, that's disgusting.

Just think of the most disgusting thing that you've ever smelled, and then multiply that by 572,000.

That's how bad it is.

God, it smells horrible.

Like .

Oh, yeah.

Oh, yeah! Uh, I don't like the sound of that, Jon.

When did we start eating so much rice? Aah, there's maggots! Maggots, it's really the most disgusting thing I could ever think of.

It's moving and wiggling.

Do you see that? It's wiggling.

Yep, that's maggots.

Come on, ladies, just get through this punishment and get these damn coveralls off.

Oh, God, there's maggots all in this meat.

I can't do it! It's just disgusting and filthy.

It's giving me the willies.

Don't get too close.

Oh, my God, I can't do it.

Look at that little maggot.

He's trying to get away.

, there's maggots! After claiming victory in the pressure cooker challenge with a perfect score, Mary enjoys a rewarding afternoon with her family.

To getting to spend the day together, whoo
-hoo! Meanwhile, back at Hell's Kitchen When did we start eating so much rice? Aah, there's maggots! Ja'nel can't stomach another moment of dumpster diving.

It's moving and wiggling.

Do you see that? It's wiggling.

Yep, that's maggots.

I really would be just fine rifling through this filth and grime if it weren't for the maggots.

Is this the maggot bag? They all are.

I think they're all maggot bags.

Come on, Ja'nel.

Shut up, there's maggots! Aah! The faster we can get done, this t*rture will be behind us, and we can move forward.

Look, it's Nedra's head thing.

Oh, wow.

Really? Wow, that's from, like, the beginning.

That's probably non
-organic just 'cause it's flammable.

Oh, wow.

This is, like, disgusto! Oh, , here comes Mary.

Hi, guys.

Hey, Mary.

Hey, what's up, Mary? How's it going? Awesome.

I am so glad that I'm not out there today.

They do not look happy right now.

You want to come help? Um, I'm sorry, I can't right now.

Are you sure? I have to wash my hair.

I never want to go dumpster diving.

I'm sure I'm not missing anything.


That is definitely not on my list of goals.

Oh! Careful.

I looked really cute in the beginning, but now, not so much.

Trash is not a good look for any girl.

Son of a biscuit! I need some R&R like nobody's business.

All right, let's go.

Thank God! Let's get the out of here.

Head up to the dorms.

I'm gonna shower.

Eat , you hippie recycling bastards.

My turn.

Pretty putrid.

After a long, sweaty, smelly day, the losers have cleaned up their act, and all the chefs are ready to call it a night I feel like a new woman.

I know.


Except for one.

Don't even know if I can eat for the next three days.

Hello? It's chef Ramsay.

I need everybody downstairs immediately, please.


Yes, chef.

Quick as you can.

Let's go.

Susan, downstairs immediately! I totally thought we were just in for the night after this long day of punishment.

Where's Susan? I'm coming.

I had no idea that we were gonna be going back downstairs.

Hurry up.

Line up, please.

Uh, girls, I can see you got down here fast.

, Susan, you all right? I just got out of the shower.

I feel so silly and embarrassed standing here with this towel on my head.

But at least it's evidence that I've washed myself.

Um, the reason why I got you all down here, very quickly, is because I've got to tell you something very, very important.

Oh, .

Like, what kind of curve ball is he throwing? Tomorrow night's dinner service will be the most challenging dinner service you've ever had in Hell's Kitchen.

And it also may be the most challenging you've ever had in your culinary career.

Firstly, you're gonna be working together as one dynamic team in one kitchen.

How does that sound? Great, chef.

Sounds great, chef.


But there will be another team of chefs in the other kitchen.

You'll be up against some of the finest chefs i've ever known.


I need to know how good each and every one of you are when you're up against serious competition.

Holy shmokes, we've met so many amazing chefs.

Like, it could be anybody.

Is it chef Nobu? You know, is it Wolfgang Puck? Who could it possibly be? Right now, I really need to know how good you really are.

Up for the challenge? Yes, chef.

Excited? Yes, chef.

Would you like to meet your competition? Yes, chef.

Are you kidding me? Complete strangers that I'm gonna compete against? They're gonna take me seriously with a towel on my head? I mean, come on.

Really? Okay, listen carefully.

Our first chef Please welcome Wow.

Next time on Hell's Kitchen When I told you the competition was gonna be strong, I really meant it.

See which well
-known chefs will walk through the doors of Hell's Kitchen That man is an absolute beast in the kitchen.

To face off against the final five.

I think we're all feeling the pressure.

Will the chefs stand a chance Let's do this.

Cooking against this elite group? Seriously, like, they're on another level.

And will they be forced to resort to more desperate measures? I might have to get my cleaver out and chop his head off.

Aah! And although the chefs are told to work more as a team You guys need to start trusting each other.

The in
-fighting I'm not trying to be a .

I don't agree with that.

You failed.

What? Forces chef Ramsay to make a decision This is where it gets ugly.

That changes the competition forever.

You leave me no choice.

It is an absolute disaster.

I don't trust anyone.

Next time on Hell's Kitchen.
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