11x22 - Winner Chosen

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Hell's Kitchen". Aired: May 30, 2005 – present.*
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Reality television show that uses a progressive elimination format to narrow down a field of 20 to 12 aspiring chefs to one single winner over the course of one season.
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11x22 - Winner Chosen

Post by bunniefuu »

Coming up Nothing and no one should stand in your way.

Yes, chef.

It's the most important dinner service of Ja'nel and Mary's lives.

I want to win.

I want to hear "Yes, chef," guys.

Yes, chef! But will Mary's dream of winning Hell's Kitchen You guys are amazing.

I should be chef Ramsay's next chef.

be sabotaged by jealous teammates? Nedra, don't think I'm not gonna throw you out of the kitchen tonight.

Sorry, Mary.

And how far will one chef go I'm really tired of hearing your voice.

You treat me with respect! This is my kitchen! Shut up, bitch.

to bring her down? I don't want you here anymore tonight.

Your food sucks.

Get the hell out of my kitchen.

And when Ja'nel Guys, don't get quiet on me.

Pushes her team to the limit Listen up, I'm asking for things, I'm not getting a response! Will they rise to the occasion? Let's get rid of that, put a new salad on top, quickly! Now, you're just getting nitpicky.

How long? I have to re
-fire it.

Oh, my God.

Or give up when she needs them most? I can't make the cook any faster.

Nothing's coming out.

They're just falling apart.

I am gonna lose my mind! Who has what it takes Ow! to come out on top? One mussel, one prawn, chef's table I need that! Push it, guys! Push it! Will it be Mary This is the moment I've been waiting for.

The 26
-old butcher from Belchertown, Massachusetts? I'm going home a winner.

Or Ja'nel I want to win tonight.

The 31
-old executive chef from Houston, Texas? My journey here does not end with me leaving empty

Who will win it all On the count of three, turn your handle.

One and realize their dream of becoming the head chef of Gordon Ramsay Pub & Grill at Caesars Palace? Two That's all coming up right now Three.

on the exciting conclusion Ladies and gentlemen, Hell's Kitchen winner of Hell's Kitchen.

Earlier, on Hell's Kitchen All right, guys.

-hoo! The finalists reviewed their menus with their brigades I've come up with a menu that I think is gonna be really easy to execute.

While it quickly became evident to Mary and her team that Dan could be a problem Just be a team player.

Suck it.

Ja'nel's team I'm gonna do beef cheeks.


is challenging her plan.

I don't see the beef cheeks being a big hit.

Nobody seems to like my menu, and I don't like that.

It's my menu, and, like, I'm running the show tomorrow.

And now, Ja'nel is contemplating a trade with Mary.

Um, I'm gonna talk to Mary.

We know how to compose a menu better than Ja'nel, so it would be wise of her to open her ears and listen to what we have to say.

It's like being in a football game, you know, you don't see it when you're in the mix, but when you're on the sidelines, you see everything.

Yeah, absolutely.

Give her time.

I am totally focused on making this menu a success.

I'm so pissed at my team right now, but honestly, I am not interested in trading any member of my brigade.

I know that I can lead this team to victory.

Like, listen, Ja'nel.

I was just trying to think of, like, your overall balance and what's gonna appeal to customers.

Right I just wanted to throw it out here.

Yeah, abso no, and I think it's great feedback.

I definitely think it's great feedback, but This is the most important dinner service of my life, and I want my menu to reflect me.

You know, I disagree with Ja'nel about the menu, but I've been a team player since I've stepped into Hell's Kitchen, and at the end of the day, I'm here to help Ja'nel win.

We need to win for you, but it also looks good for us.

It makes us, you know, redeem ourselves a little bit for leaving early.

I'm totally confident in everyone.

I'm confident in myself.

I know this is an awesome team of chefs, and we're gonna kick some ass tomorrow.

Come on, y'all, let's go up.

Thank God.

Never in a million years did I think that today, I would be sitting here a finalist in Hell's Kitchen.

I've worked so hard, I've fought so much, and it's time for everybody to see why I should be chef Ramsay's next chef.

I am up, I'm ready to go, and it's definitely one dinner service that can change my life, and I'm ready to win.

Everybody, go grab a kit.

Somebody get on a big pot of blanching water, get some cream, some butter out so we can make polenta.

Mary and Ja'nel and their teams are now focused on prepping their menus and getting sample dishes ready for chef Ramsay's input and approval.

Yeah, we need to get these roasted.

We also want these roasted separately.

So I'm thinking max ten minutes.

I'll check it at eight.


During prep, I'm gonna make sure that everyone's picking up that pace because we have such a short amount of time and I want to be prepared.

Call me "Ray," Zach.

They call me "Ray," baby.

You so money, baby.

That's right.

So today, Ja'nel has a secret w*apon.

Chef Zach and Uncle Ray are gonna put Ja'nel over the top.

Ja'nel? Yes? Hey, I'm setting up for success right now.

I like that.

So Ja'nel is almost assured a win.

I'm gonna put my drink right here, okay? Look.

Look, see? Putting it right there, see? See where I put it? Yeah.

You sure you sure you see where I put it, right? How the did we get those two idiots on our team? You sure you saw where I put it? Yeah, it's fine.

You know what they say, "One bad apple spoils the whole bunch.

" Well, it looks like we have two of them.

While Cyndi and Susan worry about Zach and Ray Dan, can you grab out, like, Over in the red kitchen I hate prep.

I hate it.

Mary is dealing with her problem child.

All right, compound butter, how you want that to be operated? What did you say? Compound butter, I've never actually had to make it before.

The only person that I'm sort of worried about is Dan, because his attitude sucks and he's kind of a dunce.

Dan, we gotta go faster on that, because we have bigger things to work on than butter, okay? It's butter, dude.

You get it soft, you put some in it, and roll it into a log.

What is so complicated about that? I'm gonna take over the compound butter, 'cause it was not getting done, all right? Awesome, good, do that.

I'm gonna school him a little bit, but I'm gonna take over.

This is some .

You guys can just suck it.

And I don't want like, I'm not baby
-sitting anybody.


You know what I mean? Like, I will kick people out.

With only 15 minutes remaining until chef Ramsay arrives We have to plate up at 1:00.

both Mary and Ja'nel push their teams to finish their dishes.

Hurry those up for me, please.

All the berries are down.

Make sure you have spoons.

I don't want to be bombarded at the pass, so get everything up there.

These noodles, they're kind of, like, half frozen.

Mary, you need to pick it up.

I'll get it in a bowl right now and stick it near the stove.

Yeah, yeah.

Uh, I don't like that.

No, no, that's fine.

That's fine.

You bring it over and you tell me what you want.

Okay, put it down right here.


All right, guys, two minutes, and you gotta go.

Dan, watch that sauce right there, okay? Uh, it's off.

Mary has a voice that makes me envy the deaf.

Dan, where's my short rib? Ugh, she sounds like a bag of cats.

Hey, Dan, bring me my New York strip! Ugh I don't like this at all, and if it's a piece that looks like this, I don't want it, okay? You know what? it.

you guys.

Dan? Dan? Dan? Come here, Dan! With the final dinner service just hours away Think the tomatoes around there are nice? That's good.

Ja'nel and Mary Okay, guys, we gotta get this done.

are pushing their teams to complete their menu items for chef Ramsay's approval.

Strip, chef.

When it's service time, do not bring it up with the garnish, okay? But one member of Mary's brigade You're not the boss of me.

is not exactly being a team player.

you guys.

Dan! Hey, wad, Dan! Seriously, get back in the kitchen.

I'ma stick my foot so far up your .

I feel like I got to give some pointers about how Dan "the Hebrew Hammer" works.

One, I'm cocky.

Two, I'm good at what I do.

I'm also awesome, so, uh, when I really think about it, wasting all this talent would be just a shame, soI guess I'll do Mary a favor and go back into the kitchen.

All right, Michael, what do you need from me, Holmes? This is typical Dan.

Like, he's just a two
-faced jerk.

I'm so busy right now.

I've got better things to do than ripping Dan a new one, but I've got eyes like a hawk, and I'm gonna watch Dan tonight.

Here's your scallops.

And then hurry that up, so I can finish this plate.

Right, Ja'nel, are we ready? Yes, chef.

Let's go.

Take me through it, the journey.

I've taken a few Southern flavors, a lot of classic dishes, and just added a few twists and turns to elevate them a little bit.


Fried green tomatoes are a really classic Southern dish, but I wanted to play off the bacon, lettuce, tomato element.


Like a salad.

I'm, like, holding my breath.

I love the dish.


Be generous with the prosciutto as well.


Okay? Next dish.

What is that? These are the veal cheeks.

Rustic smashed potato, but they're roasted first.


Really good indeed.

And this one? Oven
-roasted chicken, polenta at the bottom, roasted root hash.


Really delicious.

Great flavor profile, beautifully seasoned.

Good job, yeah? Yes, chef, thank you.

Okay, good.

Now, I'm, like, completely trusting myself, and I'm ready to rock it out.

You guys, I'm super excited.

I'm not nervous at all.

Right, Mary.

Yes, chef? Are you ready? I'm ready, chef.

Okay, so.

This is a sweet potato gnocchi with a bacon and chanterelle sauce.



Really nice flavors.

Yes, chef.

Really nice flavors.

Thank you.

Next dish.

This is the Chilean sea bass with a soy and orange glaze.

This was extraordinary.

That looks beautiful.

This is a short rib tortellini.

It's a grape and bourbon jus, and then it's garnished with a little crushed grapes for color.

Delicious, the best dish I've tasted today.

Absolutely amazing.

Thank you, chef.

Thank you very much.

Yeah, really good job.

-huh, well done.

Thank you.

Thank you, chef.

There's only one service between me and my dream job.

It's gonna be an amazing night.

Tonight is the night.

I've never been so excited.

Whew! You all know how important this night is to Mary and Ja'nel, clear? Yes, chef.

I expect everyone to give 100%, right? Yes, chef.

Now, we have, for the first time ever in a Hell's Kitchen finale, two chef's tables, one in each kitchen, with some very, very special guests.

Ja'nel and the blue team, you're gonna be serving an incredibly versatile actor.

He's starred in Law and Order, Oh.

Transformers, Barbershop, and The Departed.

The incredible, talented Anthony Anderson Is gracing our table tonight.




Okay, Mary.

Yes, chef.

The star of Vampire Diaries, actress and singer Kat Graham has also joined us for dinner.


It doesn't stop there, because you're going to be serving a unbelievable athlete.

He turned pro in his sport aged 14.



Skateboarding legend Tony Hawk.

What? That's awesome! That's awesome.


But tonight, the spotlight is on two chefs.

Ja'nel and Mary, give your teams their assignments.

Get them on their stations.

Good luck, let's go.

All right, guys, let's go.

So this is really important to me, and I want to win.

I want to win.

I picked all of you for a reason.

I believe in each and every one of you, and I know that you're gonna help me be successful tonight.

Don't get frazzled.

It doesn't have to be fast.

It just has to be right.

Don't get silent, don't break down in communication.

If you have questions, ask.

We're gonna be awesome.

This is gonna be fantastic.

Let's go.

I'm so pumped.

I'm excited.


Chef? Open Hell's Kitchen, please.

Let's go.

Oui, chef.

Tonight, as Hell's Kitchen opens its doors for its final service, there are a number of special guests.

Both Ja'nel's and Mary's families are on hand to witness their special night, along with celebrities and athletes, including, at the blue chef's table, actor Anthony Anderson.

How you doing? Hey, how are you? Good.

And at the red chef's table, actress Kat Graham and skateboarding legend Tony Hawk.

Hi, there.

It's lovely to meet you.

Hi, how are you? Tony.

My name is Mary.

Nice to meet you.

Hi, Kat.

Tonight's winner will not only be crowned Hell's Kitchen champion, but will also earn the position of head chef at Gordon Ramsay Pub & Grill at the legendary Caesars Palace in Las Vegas.

You guys are amazing.

Let's cook this like this is your own menu, okay? Yes, chef.

Something to be proud of.

Yes, chef.

First ticket in, drive.

Yes, chef.

Good luck, yeah? Mary? Yes, chef.

You're the boss.

Let's go.

Yes, chef.

All right, listen up, guys.

We have two two

I've got two I've got four orders of scallops, all right? This is the the sorry, let me start over again.

Oh, my God, my heart is pumping right now.

All right, two two
-tops, table 40 and table 50.

Four scallops sautee, all right, guys? "Yes, chef!" Yes, chef! I want to hear, "Yes, chef," guys.

Yes, chef! Yes, I'm the commander.

I can do this.

Four scallops going down in the pan right now.

2 1/2 minutes.

Get that salad dressed, guys.

Yes, chef.

Heard that, chef.

Order walking in.

I've got one tomato, one oysters, two prawns.


It's a V.



, let's get this going.

Yes, chef.

Guys, everybody needs to answer Ja'nel.

Yes, chef.

This is Ja'nel's biggest night of her life, and you know what? Ja'nel, I got your back.

I got this for you.

How long? I need four minutes, please.

Four minutes.

Four minutes, chef.

With Cyndi's support, Ja'nel gets her team up and running, while over in the red kitchen All right, guys.

How long on those scallops? Mary is counting on Jon on the fish station and Nedra on appetizers to get this important dinner service off to a strong start.

Nedra, you working on my scallop garnish? Yeah, I'm working.

Thank you.

Whatever I can do to push out these apps, I'm gonna do it.

I'm a bad bitch.

Four scallops walking.

I need my salad, guys.

Yes, ma'am.

Would you like 'em shelved right here? Set 'em right here, please, thank you.

Here we go.

All right, let's push it, Nedra.

We need that first order, okay? Yes ma'am.

Like that? Yeah.

All right, good, good, good.

Salad right here, chef.

Did you taste the salad? No, chef.

Taste the salad.

Did you taste it? No, chef.

Why didn't you taste it before you brought it? I'm sorry, chef.

No, no, not sorry.

I didn't ask for an apol Why didn't you taste it? Taste everything.

Yes, chef.

Nedra, come on, I need you to pick it up.

Oh, my God, don't worry about me, Mary.

I'ma taste this.

Yeah? Mm

All right.

Here you go.

Did you taste that? Yes, ma'am.

All right.

Okay, scallops are up.

Next appetizer, guys.

One tuna, one tortellini, one scallop, one gnocchi, how long? Nedra.

Nedra, she's talking to you.

Three minutes, chef.

I'm sorry.

Come on.

Yes, chef.

Everything is on the line for me tonight.

I hope I didn't make a mistake putting Nedra on hot apps.

While Mary keeps a close eye on Nedra, back in the blue kitchen Guys, let's keep that countdown.

Don't get quiet on me.



Ja'nel pushes Susan on the fish station Walking two shrimp.

And Ray on appetizers, to deliver their first order.

Make sure we're tasting everything.

Let's go on that first table.


Beautiful, tomato's up.

Right behind.

All right, Ray, I'm gonna need a little dressing on top of the tomatoes.

Okay, you got it.

Really quickly.

Quickly, quickly, and bring it right back up.

This dressing here, right? Yeah, a little bit right on top.

Yeah, just a little drizzle on top.

I want the ranch in every single bite.

If we can't even get salads out the window, this is gonna be a long night.

Here you go, chef.

To your right.

That's better.

Here I come, chef.


One tuna, one scallop, one tortellini, one gnocchi.

How long, Nedra? One minute, chef.

One minute, all right.

Push it, okay? Mary, I got it coming.

You gonna have to wait a couple seconds, okay, honey? How long, Nedra? One minute, chef.

You need to pick it up.

You've been telling me one minute for five minutes now, come on.

Yes, chef.

We need to get that out, okay? Sorry, Mary.

Come on, don't catch the pan on fire.

Let's go guys.

Whoo! Hot fire.

Come on, guys.

We're dragging these appetizers.

Gnocchi in one minute.

To use one of Nedra's analogies, she is struggling like two fat b*tches.

I don't know what that means, but she seems to be doing it.

Where's my tortellini? Where's my gnocchi, guys? Walking right now.

Hurry it up, come on! Yes, chef.

No problem.

Nedra, move your butt.

Where's my short rib for that? I need my short rib, please.

Yes, chef.

Walk it up.

Yes, chef.

Nedra, I need salt.

Come on.

More salt? Yes, chef.

Nedra, I thought you were supposed to be a rock star on hot apps.

What the 's going on over there? Come on, guys! We've got a lot of orders! We need to get them out! Walk it up, please, walk it up.

Oh, dear God.

Just make it stop.

Are we in hell? Mary, it's cold in the middle.

See what I'm saying? Cold in the middle? Are you kidding me? You got to control that.



Yes, chef.

Come on, girl.

These are cold in the middle.

Pick it up, those scallops are gonna die.

Yes, chef, yes, chef.

Hurry it up, let's go! "Pick it up, guys!" Mary, come on, please? Chef Ramsay wants me to do something.

I have to get it under control.

He's looking for a leader of his restaurant in Las Vegas.

This is your last chance, Nedra.

Pick it up! Don't think I'm not gonna throw you out of the kitchen tonight.

Get it together! Just back, back, back, back, and don't roll up on me like that.

It's 45 minutes into the dinner service that will determine who wins Hell's Kitchen.

It's cold in the middle.

But Nedra's struggle on appetizers Nedra.

Yes, chef.

Come on, girl.

These are cold in the middle.

Hurry it up.

Let's go! Yes, chef.

Get it together.

has brought Mary's kitchen to a standstill.

Don't think I'm not gonna throw you out of the kitchen tonight.

Pick it up! Yes, chef! You know, Mary's not opposed to throwing someone out of the kitchen.

I , I'm listening to her.

I believe her.

This is your last chance, Nedra.

I'm gonna have somebody else do your station and have you leave if you can't pick it up.

Yes, chef.

Get it together! Right behind you, hot.

Tortellini? Nedra.

Good job.

Thank you, chef.

Whoo! Thank God.

This is Mary's dinner service.

This is her night.

Like, I don't want to let her down.

With Nedra bouncing back, food is leaving the red kitchen once again.

The scallop all by itself is great.

Meanwhile, over in the blue kitchen Right behind, prawns.

Good job, Susan.

Keep it up.

Let's get quicker with those tomatoes, Ray, let's go.

Ja'nel is looking to Ray to deliver her second
-last table of appetizers.

Here you go.

There, you got it.

Can I walk with trout? Yes, chef.

Ray, quickly.

When you're dressing that arugula, you have to clear your bowl.

Look, we've got this that's probably been at the bottom.

I don't want this to go out.

Let's get rid of that, put a new salad on top.

Every time, new top.


I get it.

Hey, hey, hey, wake up.

Hey, salad, died? Come on.

And do it quickly.

I've got prawns ready, I need to sell that salad.

Do the arugula quickly.

What are you talking about? Come on.

Ja'nel has high standards, but really? Can you I mean, now you're just getting nitpicky, you know what I mean? You know, whatever.

I'll just fix it.

This is taking way too long to get here.

I know.

How long on the salad? Right here.

Coming right up.

Half a second.

Behind you.

Let's go with this, yes.

Despite waiting for their appetizers Well, it's about time.

Ja'nel's high standards seem to be pleasing her diners.

It's good.

Really good.


Meanwhile, Mary One tuna, one scallop, one gnocchi, get it on.

Heard that, chef.

Yes, chef.

Like Ja'nel, is also very close to moving onto entrees.


Yes, chef.

You got an order of scallops by itself.

Drop it.


Flipping scallops in the pan.

I got 60 seconds.

Where's my scallops? Come on.

Scallops, 30 seconds.

Do two scallops.

Bring me two scallops.

You need two? Bring me two orders of scallops.

Yes, chef.

Mary, what the , man? Do you need one scallop or two scallops? Is it just one order of scallops or two? 'Cause the call is up sometimes.

I'll tell you right now.

Two scallops.

Man, I'll do another one.

Do you have your second order coming? Yeah, second order is coming.

Dude, Mary, you got to call the tickets right to us, or else I don't have what you need.

Now, I've got a whole order of scallops just sitting up there dead.

Get your together.

This isn't your first time at Hell's Kitchen.

Here's your scallops, chef.

, dude.

Jon, those scallops are beautiful, thank you.

Thank you.

After a bit of confusion on tickets, the final appetizers are being delivered to the dining room Good? Mmm.

Mmm, yeah.

So good.

So good.

And that clears appetizers.


And the red kitchen is moving on to entrees.

Listen, guys.

We're firing entrees now.

I need you to hustle it up.

Push it, guys! Push it! Two chicken, two New York steaks.

Yes, chef.

Get your meats on, Dan.

Get 'em working, okay? Heard.

Yes, chef.

Meanwhile, in the blue kitchen Guys, one mussel, one prawn.

Listen up! There's only one thing standing between Ja'nel and completing appetizers.

Chef's table I need that.

You said, "One minute.

" Send it up.

Coming up, chef.

Mussels for the chef's table.

Give me the bread, give me the bread.

Come on, quickly.

My mussels are dying.


Hey, your bread is ready for your mussels.

It's burnt.

Let me have one more.

This is this is burned.

Come on, quickly.

My mussels are dying! I need you.

Take that over there, I need you to get that bread.

I've got hot mussels in the window, waiting on grilled flatbread.

It takes 30 seconds.

It's coming right now, chef.

Tonight, my life is on the line.

I'm gonna keep an eagle eye on everyone.

This is the finals.

The food needs to be spot

Behind you, behind you! Behind you.

That's better.


With Amanda's quick correction of the flatbread, Ja'nel delivers her final appetizers to the chef's table.

Good evening, how are you? How are you? Are you enjoying yourselves so far? We are.

Well, I hope you enjoy my menu.

Pleasure to have you here.

Thank you.

With her chef's table looked after for now, Ja'nel is looking to pick up the pace on entrees.

I've got one trout, one cod, one chicken, one veal cheek again.

Yes, chef! Seven minutes, you got that? Yes.

While over in the red kitchen, Mary Two bass right here.

Is sending out her first table of entrees to the dining room.

And seems to be in a groove, showing no sign of slowing down.

One minute out, chef.

Hurry up! One minute's not fast enough! Get it out here.

Yes, chef.

Jon, that chicken is awesome.

Keep it coming.

Thank you.

I feel like I'm a very good leader right now.

I'm driving my team.

I'm strong, I'm a warrior.

Nothing can shake me.

Michael, I need more scallions.

More scallions? All right.

You can walk it.

All right, Dan, you got your meat? Cutting steaks, chef.

Walking with scallops.

I look over at Dan's station, and there is, like, meat as far as the eye can see.

What the hell are you doing? Dan, let's go.

Dear God, I'm tired of hearing your voice.

Pick it up, guys! I know how to cook meat.

I got this.

Behind, behind, behind.

New York strip.

It's under.

Dan! Yes, chef.

Heat this steak up! Come on, we're not serving tartare here! Let's heat it up! Yes, chef.

Come on, please.

Behind, behind.


Oh, my gosh.

Come here, Dan! Yes, chef.

We are serving hot food tonight! If I get another cold steak, you're leaving the kitchen! You hear me? Yes, chef.

Get it together! Yes, chef.

, this is hot.

Dan has been a problem all day long.

I feel more and more like Dan's baby
-sitter and less like his chef.

You need to figure out, these meat temperatures were wrong.

You need to keep it together.

This one's not over.

You don't need to prove me wrong right now.

I'm telling you something.

Okay, got it.

I want to hear a "Yes, chef," from you.

Yes, chef.

You treat me with respect! This is my kitchen! Yes, chef.

Yes, chef.

Get it together! Yes, chef.

Dan could single
-handedly be the reason why.

Mary loses Hell's Kitchen tonight, man.

And I wouldn't blame her if she whacked him right in the mouth for it.

Watch your , Dan.

Walking steak.

Behind, behind.

Come here, you.

Just, just, just I'm gonna stop it now.

Just touch that.

Touch the top of the steak.

It's not even hot.

Dan, now we're screwed on those tickets because she has to reheat it from freezing cold.

I don't want you here anymore tonight, get out.

Yes, chef.

Goodness gracious.

It's an hour and a half into this final dinner service, and Dan's continuous struggle on the meat station She has to reheat it from freezing cold.

Forces Mary to make a drastic move.

I don't want you here anymore tonight, get out.

Yes, chef.

Nedra, you're flying solo now on meat, all right? Yes, chef.

You push it.

You drive it.

Be a voice.

I want to hear you.

Redeem yourself from earlier, okay? Yes, chef.

And now, the pressure shifts to Nedra to run the meat station and help Mary out of the hole that Dan has made for her.

I don't know what the he got going on over here.

He got beaucoup steaks.

Nedra, push it.

We got to send that table.

Uh, give me one minute, chef.

Okay, you can walk that.

She's gonna be right up with that.

With Nedra's assurance that the steak is only a short time away, Mary decides to send what dishes she has ready to the table.

Yeah, thank you very much.

Yeah, you should start.

I feel bad.

No, it's fine.

And now, she is hoping she's only a minute or two from completing the order.

All right, hurry it up.

Let's go.

! Nedra, are you slicing? Let's go.

Yes, chef.

Hurry it up, hustle! Cut a New York, overdone.

I cut another one, overdone.


Dan decided to overcook all the steaks.

Nedra, I need Okay, chef.

I got you, chef.

They were overcooked.

I'm trying to get you one that's not, chef.

Okay, let's hustle, because everybody else is eating at that table.


It's so good.


Hopefully, my steak's coming soon.

That's delicious.

Come on, Nedra, let's go girl.


! me.

You overcooked the steaks, dude! This is like the slot machine.

I may hit, I may not hit.

Come on, come on.

Let's go.

I need that steak right now.

Come on.

Yes, chef.

Thank God.

Nedra, now! I'm walking to you right now, chef.

After searching through the carnage left behind by Dan Thank you very much.

Nedra finally finds and delivers a properly cooked steak Service, please.

All right.

Good? That's really good.

Much to the satisfaction of one patient and hungry diner.

Mary and Ja'nel.

Yes, chef.

Mary, come here.

Both of you, look at me.

Doing a great job.

Keep the momentum up.

Yes, chef.

You got six tickets left.

Make sure those standards are there.

Every ticket.

Keep it going.

Yes, chef.

Drive your team.

Let's go.

I need the garnish in one minute.

Garnish in 30 seconds.

Veal cheek veal cheek garnish.

! Susan, taste these potatoes.

Tell me what's wrong.


It still needs salt and cream.

Salt, and it's cold.

And it's cold, it's cold.

You had that whole flat top you can use.

You can have pans hot.

Keep your potatoes up there.

That has no salt.

Susan, you're dying.

Ja'nel, you're k*lling me right now.

I need the garnish now! Just go do something else.

I can't make the cook any faster.

I only have two hands.

You can back off, worry about yourself for a moment, because I got this.

So we can get that garnish going.

How are those potatoes going? Right here, babe.

I got you hot, salted, and ready.

You taste it, Susan? Yes, I tasted it.



With Susan back in control on the garnish, entrees are once again leaving the blue kitchen.

Wow, beautiful.

I wish you a bon appetit.

It's very good.

All right, next ticket.

How long? One minute, chef.

Hey! No! Six minutes.

But it doesn't last very long.

Six? Yeah, I got to wait for my chicken.

My trout's gonna be overcooked.

Guys, keep the tickets together, please, you two.

Zach, entrees have to go together.

Uh, I don't know if you know this.

So now you're making me look like a .

Look, so it's a stop Yes, chef.


Then there's a start.

It's not the way you should be running it.


What is happening is they're just falling apart.

The wheels are coming off.

You have to get them rallied 'round.

Yes, chef.

I really have to step up, make my presence known, and get some food coming out of our kitchen.

All right, guys, let's keep talking.

I want countdowns.

As Ja'nel demands that her team work together Zach, I don't hear you.

You need to get involved.

Over in the red kitchen Nedra, I need those pork bellies now! Come on, guys! I already gave 'em to you, chef.

They at the pass.

They're at the pass.

Thank you very much.

Mary is desperately trying to get it together.

Guys, we're fired on two bass, two chicken, all right? How long? Are you sure you don't have that in front of you? I just gave you two bass.

Son of a biscuit.

Really? "Jon, where's my scallops?" "Right behind you, chef.

" "Okay, thank you.

" I just put the wrong thing in there.

I'm just moving and shaking right now.

Dinner service is crazy, like Ow.

I'm just running on pure adrenaline.

I'm flipping out right now a little bit.

Nedra, where's my pork jus? Right in front of you, chef.

Oh, this is, like, crazy.

Despite Mary's momentary confusion at the pass, she now has her kitchen sending out entrees at a steady pace.

Really good.

It melts in your mouth.

The inside's really good.

While the blue kitchen Come on, guys.

Nothing's coming out.

has completely slowed down.

When they called that table 6 minutes, I timed it.

He's now on 11 minutes.

So they're doubling the time.

Yes, chef.

Are those prawns cold? Are they cold, yes or no? Yes, chef.

Well, there you go.

There you go.

They're not here for cold prawns, let me tell you.

Get it together, Ja'nel.

Two cod, one veal cheek.

I'm dying on this entree.

How long? Guys, how long? Listen! Two cod, one veal cheek.

How long? I lost this cod, I have to re
-fire it.

Oh, my God.

All of a sudden, they're just falling apart.

Just falling apart.

This is the most important dinner service of my life.

This is a really big problem.

How 'bout the prawns? How long on the prawns? Guys, I'm asking for things, I'm not getting a response.

I don't hear anything.

Nobody's listening to me, and I don't like that.

I am gonna lose my mind! They're running you now.

Yes, chef.

You have to run them.

And I don't want to keep asking every single table.

Two cod, one veal cheek, how Are you listening to me? It's two hours into the dinner service that will determine the winner of Hell's Kitchen.

Guys, I'm asking for things, I'm not getting a response.

I don't hear anything.

And Ja'nel's team has begun to unravel.

And I don't want to keep asking every single table.

Are you listening to me? Holy .

Like, what am I supposed to do? You have to run them.

Don't wait till the end, Right.

'Cause they'll drag you.


They'll drag you down.


This is a big deal.

This is my kitchen tonight.

I'm not gonna let anyone stand in my way of winning this competition.

Susan, you're standing, she's drowning, I've got cod back there working! Get some pans on that flattop! Let's go, guys.

Yes, chef.

With Ja'nel taking control One cod for the chef's table.

I'm two minutes away.

Beautiful, I'm ready too.

Her kitchen rallies back Walk this.

Chef, V.




Walking on garnish, V.





Thank you.

And entrees are flowing out once again.

All right, gentlemen.

Entrees here.

Veal cheek? Veal cheeks right here.

I really hope you enjoy these.

One of my favorites.


Please enjoy.

It's good.


Meanwhile, in the red kitchen Last two tickets.

Let's do it, pick it up! Yes, chef.

Mary, despite some earlier setbacks Let's fight like we've never fought before, come on! Has an excellent service Coming right now.

Service, please.

Completing her final tickets.

I really like the sauce.

And in the blue kitchen Guys, keep going.

We're close.

Yes, chef.


I'm walking, I'm walking.

There you are.

Thank you.

Ja'nel has maintained her high standards Very nice, Zach.

Those are gorgeous.

Thank you, chef.

Leading her kitchen Beautiful.

to deliver their final entrees.

I'm very happy right now.

I'm very happy.


Definitely worth the wait.

Well done, all of you.

You did a great job.

Thank you, chef.


Really incredible.

I'd like to thank each and every one of our returning chefs because all of you absolutely delivered.

Give yourselves a round of applause, come on.

Thank you, guys.

Thank you.

Thank you so much.


Uh, Mary and Ja'nel.

Yes, chef.

Both of you were exemplary.

I mean, incredibly impressive, let me tell you.

You sounded like head chefs, but more importantly, you performed like head chefs.

Thank you, chef.

Thank you.

Head up to the dorms.

I'll call you when I've reached my decision.

Yes, chef.

You were phenomenal.


Good luck, good luck.

Thank you.

Good to see you, guys.

Good luck, Ja'nel.

Thank you.

Last one.

That was nuts! My mind's going a million miles a minute.

I'm so nervous.

Me too.

I am nervous as not knowing what chef Ramsay is thinking.

Oh, man.

And being second place would be a heartbreaker.

My journey here does not end with me leaving empty

I can't leave empty

I'm flippin' out right now a little bit.

This is the moment I've been waiting for, so I'm just trying to like ah! keep it together.

Tonight, I gave everything I had.

I gave it everything.

I just hope that it was good enough.

Jeez, Louise.

After reviewing all of the customer comment cards, and weighing all that Mary and Ja'nel have accomplished in Hell's Kitchen, chef Ramsay is now faced with the difficult decision of deciding who will be his head chef at Caesars Palace.




Yes! Prunes.

Yes! Wow.


Yes, chef.

Three out of four.

Great job.

Thank you.

That's just gorgeous.

Oh, that's fantastic.

How long on the prawns? Guys, I'm asking for things, I'm not getting a response.

They're running you now.

Yes, chef.

You have to run them.

Ray, when you're dressing that arugula, you have to clear your bowl.


I don't want this to go out, let's get rid of that, put a new salad on top.

Every time, new top.

I get it.

Which one gets featured? The steak.

Congratulations, Mary.

Your dish is now going to be featured in the magazine.

Thank you.

You made fresh pasta? Yeah, I did, yeah.

Wow, thank you.

That's ambitious.

Oh, my gosh, thank you so much! Oh, my God, wow! Mary, you produced a five
-star dish, beyond belief.

Come on, Nedra, everybody else is eating at that table.


I need that steak right now.

Come on, come on.

Let's go.

I want to hear a "Yes, chef" from you! Yes, chef.

You treat me with respect! This is my kitchen! Yes, chef.

Yes, chef.

Get it together! I don't want you here anymore tonight.

Get out.

This is Ja'nel.


Hi, chef.

I'd like you both to come and meet me in my office.

I've made my decision.

Okay, thank you.


Let's go.

This is it.

Everything could change after this, because either I'm going to the top or I'm going home.

This is the moment of truth.

I know, I'm, like, freaking out.

I am ready to find out who has won Hell's Kitchen.

As I look at you both now, I can't help but feel incredibly proud.


Yes, chef.

You are a natural leader, and tonight, in dinner service, you were in complete control.

Whatever happens, you have a very, very bright future.

Thank you, chef.


Yes, chef.

Your improvement in Hell's Kitchen has been remarkable.

Thank you, chef.

Tonight, the assertiveness and the voice was brilliant.

You were born to cook.

Thank you, chef.

It's been an agonizing, difficult decision, because I know either one of you would do an amazing job.

I honestly wish I could offer both of you the position.

Mary, Ja'nel, please step up to your doors.

This is it.

Like, this is the moment we've been waiting for.

I'm just praying that the door opens.

It's nerve
-wracking, but the reward that I've been searching for is right around the corner.

I'm ready for it, 100% The chef whose door opens will become the winner of Hell's Kitchen and head chef at Gordon Ramsay Pub & Grill at Caesars Palace, Las Vegas, with a salary of $1/4 million.

Mary and Ja'nel, place your hand on the handle, please.

Mary and Ja'nel, are you ready? Yes, chef.

On the count of three, turn your handle.

One Two Three.

Mary and Ja'nel, are you ready? Yes, chef.

On the count of three, turn your handle.

One Two Three.

Oh, my God! Great job.

Yeah! Oh, my God, I win! I win Hell's Kitchen season 11! Oh, my God! I feel on top of the world.

I cannot believe it.

You did it! You did it.

Thank you guys so much.

How lucky can I be? I will never forget this day for the rest of my life.

Oh, my God, I cannot believe it.

It's just hard.

I wish that I could sit here and cry tears of joy, but it's just not how it is.

It's just a hard pill to swallow.

I'm so proud of you.

Thank you.

This has been the most amazing ride of my life.

Even though I didn't win, like, I'm still a winner, and Hell's Kitchen has completely transformed who I am as a chef.

It's bye
-bye, "Mary the butcher," and hello, "Mary the chef.

" Thank you, it's okay.

It's okay.

Well done.

Well done, my darling.

You've done a great job.

I'm so proud of myself right now.

It's been a wild, wild ride, but it's been incredible, and my life will never ever be the same.

Go, Nelly! You deserve it, love.

My Hell's Kitchen journey ends tonight, but my future lies at Caesars Palace, Gordon Ramsay's Pub & Grill.

I am so ready to move to Vegas, dig my heels in, and get to work.

Ladies and gentleman, Hell's Kitchen winner, Ja'nel! You've done a great job, my darling.

Well done, darling.

Thank you, chef.

Great job.

Ja'nel! Ja'nel! Ja'nel! In all my years in Hell's Kitchen, I have never seen a more composed individual than Ja'nel, and that is why I am so happy to have this ambitious, creative, and talented woman as my head chef.

Ja'nel! Ja'nel! Ja'nel! Oh, you're so brilliant, Ja'nel.

You deserve it.

I love you.

I love you, I'm so glad you could be here to see this.

Good job, Mary, good job, good job.

I will work for you any day, any time.

Be proud of yourself.

Thank you.

Congratulations, Ja'nel.

Thanks, Dan.


Your amazing wife is gonna have a phenomenal career.

You did such a good job.

You were so good.

Thank you.

Will you come back? I would definitely come back.

Will you come back? I will definitely come back.

Season 12, chef.

Will you come back? Have me back.

Please! Please, give it up for Hell's Kitchen winner, Ja'nel! Congratulations.
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