12x02 - 19 Chefs Compete

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Hell's Kitchen". Aired: May 30, 2005 – present.*
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Reality television show that uses a progressive elimination format to narrow down a field of 20 to 12 aspiring chefs to one single winner over the course of one season.
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12x02 - 19 Chefs Compete

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Hell's Kitchen Whoo! may have arrived ready to compete I want to start cooking.

Let's go, guys, please.

But when they got to Hell's Kitchen, there was a dinner service in progress.

Why are these people in my kitchen? I need to be in there.

This is how I want Hell's Kitchen to run every single night.

They were surprised again moments later With a Hollywood welcome.

At signature dish, Beth, from Louisiana That, young lady, is absolutely delicious.

And Jason, from Chicago
- Great dish.

- Thank you.

Impressed Chef Ramsay, but Nicole, from New Jersey, was a disaster.

The dish resembles you to a tee Boring.

And New Jersey chef instructor, Mike, committed a cardinal sin.

It's a packaged tortellini, canned tomatoes.

Mike, you're cooking for Chef Ramsay.

In the end, it would be Jessica's venison You absolutely nailed it.

That would clinch the victory for the women's team.

At dinner service, Gaurav tried a hands
-on approach.

Oh, no.

We do not stick our fingers in the [Bleep]


We all have done it.

And in the red kitchen, Nicole, Sandra, and Joy's poor communication
- Are you ready for me to drop the scallops
- The lobster tail
- will take, like, another minute, please.

- I don't need you to be a smartass, I need us to work! Had them at each other's throats throughout service.

Who you yelling at?
- You.

- Gonna start crying now? And Chef Ramsay was forced to remove all three from the kitchen Let me communicate something really clear to you.


off upstairs.

Where things didn't get any better.

"40 seconds.

- 20 [Bleep]


- Whatever.

In the blue kitchen, after witnessing a number of mistakes, DeMarco and Gabriel's inability to cook a lobster tail It's overcooked! It's like a [Bleep]

b*llet! Was the final straw for Chef Ramsay.

Get out! I'm done.

It was one of the worst opening nights in Hell's Kitchen history.

We couldn't even get the basics done.

And both teams had to nominate two for elimination.

What a night.

The men put up Gaurav and DeMarco, while the women nominated Sandra and Nicole.

Step forward.

- In the end, it was
- Gaurav.

Who was forced to say good
-bye to his dream of working at a Chef Ramsay restaurant and winning $1/4 million.

Idiots! Down there, stay where you are! Let's go! Catch it! And now, the continuation of Hell's Kitchen.

That was the worst moment of my life.

Keep your head up, lady, you're all right.

You're all right.

To have my team not back me up was not right.

They would've been okay if I walked out the door.

Glad that happened.

It's all good.


I don't give a [Bleep]

- I fought crazy hard!
- Sandra.

It's all right, the more everyone [Bleep]

with me, the harder I'm gonna want to push.

- I don't give a [Bleep]

, dude!
- Nobody's [Bleep]

with you.

I'm glad that [Bleep]

happened! Girl, what's wrong with you? Like, are you always on your menstrual? She gotta go.

I'll carry her bags outside.

I don't know if I can do that, but I will gladly volunteer.

Let me have my [Bleep]


What chicken? Didn't you do chicken breast? Oh, yeah, you want some? They're in there.

No, I'm good.

You hear what I'm telling you? I got some chicken in there, honey.

I put a little
- put a little mustard in there.

- Tomorrow Tomorrow.

Rich, he's just the cutest little thing.

You know, just very nice and very polite and absolutely a dream to be around.

Are you married? You got a mama? I'm divorced, very happily divorced.

- Okay, well, look.

- Go ahead.

Since 'cause you never found somebody like me,
- 'cause I take
- Oh, okay.

I take care of my man.

Do you want me to make you
- a flour tortilla?
- No, not yet.

- Taco?
- I appreciate it.

If we're not getting up at 4:00 in the morning, I might even make you an omelet if you're real nice.

That sounds great.

Okay, all right.

Don't get me wrong, I like Beth, she's a sweetheart, but holy [Bleep]

, that's just out of control.

Know what I'm saying? I'm getting an omelet in the morning.

That's all I know, dude.

At the end of a very long day and a disastrous first dinner service, the chefs are completely exhausted.

But the next morning Chef Ramsay wants all the chefs revved up and ready to take on their next challenge.

What is going on? Downstairs now.

Downstairs now.

Go, go, go! This is the most annoying wake
-up call I've ever had.

Oh, man, here we go.

Good morning.

Good morning, Chef.

Okay, we are spending the day focusing on teamwork, got it? Yes, Chef.

Now, I'd like to reintroduce you to three friends of mine.

Oh, my gosh.

Gotta be kidding me, this is too early for this.

When they work together, they are totally in sync.

Oh, my God! Oh, my God, dude.

That is crazy, dude.

Oh, my God! I want to do that so bad.

God, this is awesome! I'm already starting to lose my voice from, like, screaming so much.



That is teamwork.

That is what I call perfection.

Okay, chefs.

It's your turn.

Oh, [Bleep]


James, Andi, helmets, please.

No, hell no.

Chef Ramsay is crazy, man.

Somebody's gonna die.

Okay, you'll definitely not be riding these bikes.

However, you'll be riding these stunning bikes.

Yeah! Morning.



, he's just so cute on these little tricycles.

He looks so happy.

I just want to just want to pinch his cheeks.

How are you? Okay, this next challenge is definitely gonna test your teamwork.

Follow me, let's go.

In today's challenge, chefs will work in pairs Get together as a team.


Riding tricycles to a cooking station, where each pair must complete one of five basic cooking skills: Peel and devein 12 shrimp, break down 2 chickens, shuck 12 oysters, filet 4 trout, and prepare 2 perfect egg white omelets.

The first team to complete all five basic tasks wins the challenge.

Clear? Yes, Chef.

It's cooking 101.

I mean, you pretty much either know how to do this, or get the hell out of here.

Five pairs, five items.


Okay, so oysters? [Bleep]


All right, I'll do chicken then.

While the men quickly formulate a plan of attack, the women are a little slower to organize.

Do you want to do fish? That's it, we're gonna do shrimp.

-I'm not feeling comfortable with the fish.

Right away, it's like chaos going on.

Ladies, ladies, on this side.

We're all picking as a team.

Communication breakdown Again.

You guys want to do oysters? I can't do oysters.

Right, ladies, clear? Jeez.

Oh, my gosh.

Can you or can you not do oysters? I can't shuck oysters with my hands.

Shucking oysters is really easy.

My grandma does that, Nicole.

She's, like, 90.

Hey, look at me, ladies.

Get a decision made! Okay, we'll do oysters.

Oysters, egg whites.

Okay, good.

First up for the challenge are DeMarco and Richard and Kashia and Bev.

Their task will be peeling and deveining 12 shrimp.

On your mark Come on, blue! Team azul! Go! Go, go, go, go! Go, go, go, go, go! Go, Bev, get 'em! Get 'em, Bev! Let's go, come on! Come on! Go, Bev! Go, Bev! Go, Bev! Oh, my God, Rich looks like magilla gorilla or the Russian bear riding a tricycle.

Let's go, big boys! Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go! Come on, Richard.

Come on, Bev.

Go, Bev! Come on, guys! Shrimp, let's go.


The battle of the shrimp.

Let's go.

Come on, dude.

Throw 'em to me.

Me and DeMarco made up our minds that he was gonna peel, I was gonna devein, get 'em on that tray, and get 'em out.

Throw 'em to me.

When I got 12, I'll tell you.

Peel first, peel first.

You've got to peel it first.

You can't devein it unless you peel it.

Yes, Chef.

I'm sorry.

Yes, Chef, I know that.

Nothing could be easier than cleaning a freakin' shrimp, right? Wrong.

Kashia can't even do that.

From the south, Mississippi.

You got to know your shrimp.

I got this, Chef.

Two more, dude, two more.

- Come on, pump this, baby.

- All right, I got it.

Pump it.

There we go.

Yeah, squeeze that [Bleep]

by the bottom of the tail! Go, go.

Ring the [Bleep]

bell! Ring that bell! Stand in there.

One, two, three, four come on, baby.

Come on.

Do what you got to do! Come on, guys.

Pay attention to what you're doing.

Don't even think about them.

- Come on, guys, come on.

- Come on, baby, come on.

Come on, baby! 11, 12.

Let's go.

Good job.

- Yes!
- Yes!
- Yes!
- Let's go.

Good job, let's go.

Come on, give him a push!
- Let's go, guys.

- Let's go, let's go!
- Come on, guys.

- Come on, go.

- Good job, Richie rich!
- Yeah!
- Come on, guys!
- Come on, guys! Let's go.

Ring the bell, ring the bell! One, two
- Come on, baby, come on!
- Good job.

Back on your bikes, let's go.

Bev and Kashia have finally finished their shrimp, but Chris and Anton are already breaking down their chickens.

- Meanwhile
- Oh, my God.

Beth and Jessica are just leaving the starting line.

I'm going crazy like a drunk driver on my tricycle.

Let's go, please! I see you, Jessica.

Come on, Beth.

Come on, come on, come on! Just cut up [Bleep]

! Jason is obviously crazy, but he's a funny [Bleep]


Just finish that off.

I got this.

Let's go.


! Chris cut himself? [Bleep]


Damn, he's cut.

Damn, he cut himself bad, dude.


In today's back
-basics relay challenge The battle of the chickens.

Let's go.

The teams are on the second round of a five
-round race.

Just finish that off.

I got this.

And the men had an early lead.


But the margin is getting smaller, as Chris, unfortunately, has cut his hand.

Damn, he cut himself bad, dude.



Chris' hand was bleeding really bad, so I had to finish the rest of the chicken.

Let's go.

Come on.

- You're finished?
- Yeah.

Good girl, Jess.

Run around.

Run around.

Go, go! Go! Ring that bell.

Let's go, stand there.

You've got two perfect breasts there.

You still got the wings on there, back over.

Man, he can't lose this.

Cut the wings off! I knew it.

Get on back over there! Come on, ladies! Come on! Two, two, two.

Good job.

Beth and I kicked ass.

We beat the boys.

Oh, my God!
- Where was it?
- Right here.

Let's go! Cut this chicken, it's a [Bleep]

piece of cake.

Rebound, move! Come on! Go, go, go.

Coming around the way.

Ring the bell.

Yes! Four breasts, two thighs, two thighs.

Okay, good.

Let's go, back over.

I've got it, go.

Go, go, go.

Come on, blue, come on! Come on, ladies.

You're in the lead.

Hell yeah! Let's go, ladies.

You got this! I'll shuck it clean, and then we'll finish it together.

Come on, Simone! Come on, Jason, let's go.



Come on, guys! Catch up, catch up, let's go.

Come on, ladies, move, move, move! Almost there, almost there, almost there.

We're good.

Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go.

Good job! Yes! Let's go! Come on, come on! The men are back in the lead.

Come on, big man! Come on, come on, good, come on.

Whoo! With only two rounds left in the challenge Whoo! Let's go! Come on, ladies.

Mike and Scott Yeah.

Quickly filet their trout.

It's close now.

But Nicole and Sandra You got it, girl.

Are right behind them.

All right, let's go.

Okay, okay.

Come on, boys!
- Sandra!
- Sandra, move! The men ring in first.

One, two, three, four.

Good job.

Yes, baby, come on! Filet this, ladies.

Two, three, four.

- Good job.

- Thank you, Chef.

And with the teams now only seconds apart It's anybody's game.

This back
-basics relay could go either way.


For the final round, it's Ralph and Gabriel versus Rochelle and Joy.

Seeing Ralph on there, it was kind of humorous, 'cause he's about the same size as the bike.

Come on, Ralph! Come on, Ralph! We're going neck and neck into the omelets.

Anyone could win this.

It's anybody's game.

So no room to screw up.

You can crack and give me those egg whites,
- and I'll cook the omelets.

- Okay.

Oh, my gosh, there are people right behind me that cannot beat me, or else our team loses.

- Azul, azul!
- Come on, come on, come on.

Azul, azul, azul, azul! Red team, red team
- Azul, azul!
- Red team, red team! The guys are yelling "mazul.

" Fine, somebody knows their colors in Spanish.

Azul, azul! They can scream "feliz navidad," for all I care.

Come on.

Crap! Cannot get this done.

My hands are literally, like, shaking as I'm trying to, like, separate the yolk.

It's broken.

Crap! Come on, whisk it up, whisk it up, whisk it up, whisk it up!
- You got that other one ready?
- Yup.

Come on, Gabriel.

Make sure you're moving it.

Make sure you're moving it.

- Red team, red team!
- Come on! Let's go, guys! Come on, come on, come on! Ring the [Bleep]


Let's go.

Oh, my God, please mess up so that Chef Ramsay's like, "no, do it over," because I don't want to see these guys win.

Seasoned, chives.


Back on your bikes.

Back on your bikes.

There it is.

We lost.

Men, congratulations! I feel so good.

We kicked ass.

I love this helmet, and I want to keep it! Well done.

Well done, well done, well done.

Good job.

My goodness, you are in for a treat.

We are off to San Francisco.

I'm so pissed off.

But first, head upstairs, get changed, 'cause we have a flight to catch, let's go.

- Nice job.

- Victory is sweet! I'm so psyched that I'm spending the day with Chef Ramsay, man.

We're going to San Fran, baby! Uh, ladies.

Dear, oh, dear.

It's gonna be a very miserable day.

You're all gonna be working at a local carrot farm.

- What?
- Carrot farm? You'll be on all fours, digging for carrots.

When you return to Hell's Kitchen, I then want those carrots cleaned, peeled, prepped, ahead of tomorrow night's service.

I want the stock made for both kitchens.

Head upstairs, get changed.

Off you go.

San Francisco, pick carrots, San Francisco, peel carrots for, like, nine hours.


- Oh, ho!
- Ugh.

Oh, my God.

Are you serious? Like, really? I guess it was befitting of the punishment.

At least it's not a short bus.

Yeah, carrots!
- Excited?
- Yes, Chef! Come on, let's go and eat.

Here we are, epic roasthouse.

Sit down, please.

How beautiful is this? We are having lunch with Chef Ramsay.


We have the bay bridge in the background.

I mean, it is amazing.

Welcome to San Francisco.

First things first, outside the kitchen, "Gordon.

" Inside the kitchen, "Chef.

" Yes, Chef.


Where do you think the girls went wrong? Lack of communication.

Like, they don't work well together.

Lot of drama.

Yeah, we work so much better as a team than they do, like, any day of the week.

Hell yeah.

I think that the blue team is really bouncing back.

This is what we want to feel every day.

Can we just give a little toast to the girls, hoping their digging has been successful with their carrots?
- Yes.

- Please? Dig away, girls.

- Dig away, girls.

- Cheers.

Cheers, yeah.

Oh, my God.

So how does this work, Southern girl? We just pull 'em out? Just wiggle it.

Come on, baby, up.

I don't want to give up on this one.

This is not fun.

I cannot get these damn carrots out of the ground.

Get out! You guys, I got one.

Look, I got a carrot like little Ralph.

Baby Ralph.

- I wish I was in San Francisco.

- I wish I was anywhere.

You're in for a special treat.

You're going around San Francisco on a V.




Oh, yeah, yes.

But it's on a segway.

That's gonna be fun.

I've never been on a segway before, so I don't know what to expect out of this.

Let's roll, boys! Oh, yeah, oh, yeah.

-hoo! I've never had the opportunity to be in San Francisco before.

It was a great chance for us to, you know, kind of let loose and, you know, let some steam out and, you know, congratulate ourselves for winning this challenge today.

This is definitely a once
-lifetime experience.

Azul! Yeah.

A new day dawns in Hell's Kitchen Good morning, Chef.

Good morning, Chef.

And with the men yet to return from their San Francisco reward These things are gonna take forever.

The women are back in the kitchen, completing their punishment, preparing stock for both kitchens.

I don't ever want to eat a carrot again.

Did you guys study your recipe books last night?
- We sure did, Chef.

- Yes, Chef.

We're all gonna study.

This is our study time.

Um, we could start at appetizers.

Duck tortellini, Nicole? Uh You take five duck tortellini and Drop it in the thing, start your I can't hear her.

Hey, Nicole, she can't hear you.

All right, somebody else take over.

We can't hear you, we can't hear you.

This one's talking [Bleep]

over here.

Nicole, she walked around talking like a little [Bleep]

, man.

Can't nobody hear you, bitch.

Speak up.

You got beef, Kashia? If I had some, baby, best believe it would be cooked by now.

Mumble, mumble, mumble.

Mumble, mumble, mumble.

She think that [Bleep]

scares me? Please.

Shut your [Bleep]

mouth, and check yourself.

Don't get mad 'cause I can't [Bleep]

hear you.

And I can say it to your face.

No, you said whatever you said down there, okay? No, I can say it down here in front of you.

You come back to your station, I will tell you.

All right.

You need to use that same damn voice when you up in here cooking, 'cause actually, according to me, your passion is all [Bleep]


Ladies, we don't have to take it there, it's not that serious.

No, she took it there, so I'm gonna bring it back to her ass.

Bring it.

The women are completing their punishment, preparing stock for both kitchens, but Nicole and Kashia You got beef, Kashia? Don't get mad 'cause I can't [Bleep]

hear you.

Are stirring up more trouble than stock.

Ladies, we don't have to take it there, it's not that serious.

No, she took it there, so I'm gonna bring it back to her ass.

Bring it.

Nicole, you need to stand down, because you definitely crossed the wrong bitch today.

Just talk a little too much [Bleep]


- Oh, no.

- Oh, whatever.

Still celebrating their challenge victory Dynamite! The men return triumphantly to Hell's Kitchen.

We got trolleys, and you girls don't.

-hoo! Looking good.

Yeah! Boo, you're back.

I mean, how happy can we really be? They just flew to damn San Francisco, and we're sitting here putting chicken bones into a stock pot.

With the doors of Hell's Kitchen just minutes from opening, both teams are determined to avoid repeating the mistakes of the horrific opening night dinner service.

Oh, one thing I forgot to tell everybody about the wellingtons, only use the two middle shelves.

That's good to know.


Yes, Chef.

Line up.

Gents, line up, please.

- Okay.

- Quick.

Okay, your last service was a complete train wreck.

So the key of tonight's service is communication, got it? Yes, Chef! Don't forget it.

Set up your stations.

Yes, Chef! Let's go.

Go, go, go, go.

- Jean

- Chef.

Open Hell's Kitchen, please.

Let's go.

You ready to go, Beth?
- I'm ready.

- Come on, ladies.

Deep breaths.

Stay good, and relax.

Gonna be an easy night, guys.

Hi, welcome to Hell's Kitchen.

- Thank you.

- You're welcome.

Tonight, in addition to the regular menu I'd like to get the lobster risotto, please.

- Okay.

- And I'm having scallops.

Chef Ramsay's included a special raw oyster appetizer, which will be served tableside by Sandra for the red team and Mike for the blue.

Ladies first, Chef.

Ladies first, wow.

Okay, ladies, here we go.

First ticket in.

-wakey, let's go, ladies.

Four covers, table 50.

Two oyster special, two risotto.

- Let's go, Simone.

- Yes, Chef.

Chef Ramsay's going to expect someone to shine, and I'm hoping that person is me tonight.

Two risotto, how long? Risotto walking to the window, Chef.

Walking to the window right now, Chef.

- Good job, ladies.

- That's good.

Hurry up, go.

Just one table, please.

Yes, Chef.

Okay, guys.

Good job.

That's not right.

No, it's not a good job.

Don't start wetting your knickers now.

It's not a [Bleep]

good job.

You can see all the individual grain.

There's not enough butter in there, it needs more stock.

- Refiring.

- What no! Not refiring.

Finish it! Yes, Chef.

Simone, surely you're better than this.

Yes, Chef.



With Simone striking out on the red team's first ticket of the evening, over in the blue kitchen, the men are up to bat.

Here we go, guys, one oyster, two risotto, one salad.

Yes, Chef! Let's go, guys.

Easy, breezy, beautiful.

I'm not worried about being on the apps station.

It's actually what I wanted to do, 'cause it was the most stressful and most backed up station on the first dinner service, so I want to jump in there and show what I can do.

How long, please? Yes, Chef? Five, four? How long? What? Oh, Jason, come on.

I'm asking you, "how long?" You're looking at me, "oh, [Bleep]

, what, my feet?" Wake up! Yes, Chef! Yes.

Apps is definitely the key to a successful service, and I'm hoping Jason's gonna step up and get through it.

Risotto coming right up, Chef.

Right behind.

It's salty! Come on.

More butter, more stock.

- In!
- More bu let's go.

As Jason's risotto gets the blue team off to a shaky start, it's up to Mike to turn the tables with his tableside oysters.

Which table are you doing now?
- Right here.

- Yeah.

And you're serving red now, yeah? You're serving red now, yes? Yeah, so you should apologize to the ladies, number one, yeah? I apologize, ladies.

This is not going well.

I'm sorry, ladies.

While Mike goes searching for the right table to serve, back in the kitchen Two risotto, two oyster, come on, push that out, Simone.

Yes, Chef! Simone is ready to get things right as well, as she delivers her second attempt on her first appetizer.

Risotto's walking right now.

Walking with you.

I'm shaking right now, because I don't want to piss off Chef Ramsay again.

All of you, come here.

Grab a spoon.

Come on! Hurry up and taste that.

What does it need? Mascarpone.

Where's the butter? There's no butter, there's no richness, and it's just bland.

Simone was not in the building this evening.

She didn't have control of that station at all.

- Sorry, Chef.

- Can you make the risotto now?
- Yes, Chef.

- You, hey, yeah? [Bleep]


Yes, Chef.

Simone made our station go to [Bleep]


She didn't have her head in the game tonight.

Come on, Nicole.

Two more risotto, let's go.

Walking with the risotto.


I'm a little concerned about Nicole stepping up because of her attitude and unwillingness to be a team player.

Where's the lobster? Nicole!
- Yes, Chef.

- Come over! Two lobster risotto.

Where's the lobster? It's my fault, Chef.

I didn't put enough for two.

I put enough for one.

Cooking the risotto to the best of my ability, and apparently, I guess it wasn't good enough.

Get some energy, or both of you, get out of here.

- Yes, Chef.

- Okay? Get involved, or [Bleep]

off home.

With both lobster and leadership missing in the red kitchen, over in the blue kitchen Two risottos.

Right behind.

Jason is hoping to get the thumbs
-up from Chef Ramsay on his second attempt at the risotto.

Please, please, please, please.


Yes, Chef.

Delicious, that risotto.

Keep 'em like that.

Thank you, Chef.

Thank you, Chef.

Nice job.

Way to go, Jason.

Good job.

Let's get the apps out, baby.

Bitchin'! Feels good.

Service, please.

With a weight lifted off Jason's shoulders as his first appetizers hit the dining room An order, table 12.

One tuna, one oyster special.

Let's go.

The pressure now shifts to DeMarco.

You have a tuna on order right now.

Make sure that that oil is smoking.

I'm gonna sear the tuna right now, Jay.

DeMarco! What are doing? The pan's [Bleep]


- Yes, Chef, yes, Chef.

- The pan's cold! What does it what does a "sear" mean?
- Sss!
- Hot.

Real hot pan.

DeMarco, he's pathetic.

Literally, searing tuna, a three
-old can do it.

Okay, it's not hot, the pan! Yes, Chef.

If you can't sear this tuna, take that off, get that off, and [Bleep]

off home, okay? Yes, Chef.

While DeMarco attempts to get a sear on his fish Now just, like, don't touch it.

Mike and Sandra attempt to keep the customers happy.

On behalf of my team, I really apologize that your food is not coming out on time.

And Chef Ramsay Faster, let's go.

Tries his best to get some kind of positive momentum going for the red team.

Two oyster special, two risotto.

Speed up, will you please? Yes? Right behind you, right behind you with more butter.

The nice thing about being on desserts is I can be a floater and kind of move around.

Remember, look at the back of 'em, look at the back of 'em.

That's what I'm doing.

Rochelle, it's my station.

Get out of the [Bleep]


What's in there? Remember? Okay, look, give me a chance to [Bleep]

up before you, like, do my job.

Don't get mad at me 'cause I'm, like, helping you, 'cause I am trying to help you.

Make sure you adjust the temp.

Heard that.

Let's go.

Hot, coming through.

Lobster up.

- They're raw.

- And they're [Bleep]


And they're [Bleep]


All of you, come here! Oh, God.

Look, a raw lobster tail.

No, no, no, no! I don't know where to go! Both of you have given up, and you two are [Bleep]

! Where do I go? Where do I go? It's an hour into dinner service Make sure you adjust the temp.

Walking to the window.

And Beth has just delivered lobster tail for the risotto.

Unfortunately Beth, the lobster's still raw! She neglected to finish cooking it.

All of you, come here! Oh, God.

A raw lobster tail.

No, no, no, no! I don't know where to go.

Both of you have given up, and you two are [Bleep]

! Where do I go? Beth, I just told you, make sure that's the temperature.

Can I have two risotto and two lobster? Yes, Chef! While Beth refires the lobster, back in the blue kitchen, DeMarco Let's go.

Chef, tuna.

Is trying to prove he can complete the simple task of searing a tuna.

I do know how to sear tuna.

There's an incredible amount of pressure in this [Bleep]


DeMarco, did the pan make a hissing noise? Yes, Chef.

Congratulations, that's seared tuna.

Yes, Chef.

Yes! Go.

The blue team is now getting appetizers out to their hungry diners.


But the same can't be said for the red team I've never had to wait so long before, have you? No.

As impatient customers grow hungrier by the minute.

And once again, Chef Ramsay is trying to inspire the red team.

We're gonna fire the entrees now.

Two halibut, two wellington.


Yes, Chef.

How long? How long for the halibut? Hello, Beth! Where's the fish? Where did they go? They've disappeared.

Oh, my God.

I just had it.

Do you see it? They're gone.

Beth looked like she was in space.

Your halibut is here.

Thank you.

But I was on those wellingtons.

I treat them as like I was caring for my baby.

Slicing my last wellington now.

Getting ready to walk to the pass.

Let's walk.

And I made sure I got them out on the dime.

Wellington's cooked beautifully.

Thank you, Chef.

But, hey, don't dare start celebrating.

Let's get that right.

Yes, Chef.

Half the table's missing.

Beth! Yes, sir.

And Bev.

Yes, Chef.

The two B's.

Just touch how firm that is.

Just a dry, just flaky mess.

Dry [Bleep]


Beth gotta pull it together if she wants to be here.

Aw, [Bleep]


I'm not stupid.

I know how to cook fish.

Refire two halibuts! Heard that.



As Beth begins to lose her composure and her battle on the fish station, back in the blue kitchen I'm ready on two halibut whenever that chicken's ready.

Scott takes on the role of coordinator, as he tries to get his team to push out their first entrees.

How much time you need? Three minutes.

Three minutes.

It has to be cooked.

It cannot be raw.

Chicken takes longer to cook than fish, so why the [Bleep]

would you drop the fish before it's time? Guys, I got to walk on halibut.

- I can't send raw chicken, baby.

- I understand that.

- I can't do it, okay?
- I understand that.

I'm trying to keep everybody moving, but I'm sitting and waiting for chicken from Gabriel.

Halibut, chicken, let's go.

Hot, hot.

I'm ready on halibut.

Let's go.

Don't walk with that yet.

Right behind you.

Walking up on a halibut.

I've got one more coming up.

He [Bleep]

walks with fish, and I still have chicken on the [Bleep]

cutting board.

Give me a minute to cut it and check it.

Chicken! How's that chicken, gentlemen? Yes, Chef.

I've got 1/3 of the [Bleep]


Coming through with chicken.

Coming through with chicken.

This guy.

I got chicken here, Chef.

Chicken here.

Oh, my God.

All of you! Yes, Chef.

Come here! Pink chicken.

Pink [Bleep]

chicken! Raw halibut, and it's cold in the middle! [Bleep]



! Scott rushed Gabriel to the pass with raw chicken, but the fish wasn't done.

Come on, dude.

Do you want to eat that? No, Chef.

- 'Cause it's raw, Chef.

- Oh.

So they deserve to eat that? No, Chef.

We're gonna come back right now, Chef.

Get a grip! Yes, Chef.

While Gabriel and Scott start over on the chicken and halibut I'll have some more bread.

In the red kitchen The appetizer section is a fricking disaster! Yes, Chef.

Chef Ramsay is still waiting for Nicole and Simone to deliver an acceptable lobster risotto.

How does that make you feel? Disappointed, Chef.



It's one thing to be frustrated, but I think Nicole is feeling a little defeated.

Walking with the risotto.

You know, Nicole, if you feel like you have no more to give, maybe you should go home.

All of you, stop! That is so [Bleep]

peppery, it's actually started discoloring.

You two, get out.

Rochelle, get on the appetizer.

- Yes, Chef.

- Joy.

- Yeah?
- Get on the [Bleep]


Yes, Chef.


It definitely sucks that I got kicked out of the kitchen again.

Rochelle, I'm gonna refire risotto.

We got this, girl.

As Rochelle and Joy try to salvage the red team's appetizers Two halibut, two chicken, any advances? Two minutes, two minutes! Scott and Gabriel hurry to finish the refires on their first entrees.

Chicken! Go, go, go, go, go.

Walking to the window with the chicken.

Come on, baby.

Come on, baby, please.

It has to be on the money.

Sweating b*ll*ts right now.

Oh, my good God.

It's two hours into dinner service.

Chicken! And after delivering raw chicken already once this evening Walking to the window with the chicken.

Please be there, please be there.

Gabriel prays that his refired chicken gets a warmer reception.

Oh, my good God.

Again, chicken that is [Bleep]

pink! [Bleep]

! [Bleep]

, man.

Raw chicken followed by raw chicken! All of you, [Bleep]

off out of here.

I can't believe this happened.

Some people are just idiots.

If you cannot work under the pressure and the demands of Chef Ramsay, then go home.

With Chef Ramsay expelling the men's team from their kitchen Two halibut, how long? And Beth's refired halibut once again heading to the pass
- Let's walk.

- Hot, coming through.

It's now up to the women to complete dinner service for both teams.


Hey, ladies, come here.

Beth, that's you.

Oh, no.

The halibut is still raw.

Just touch the skin, Beth.

Boo! It doesn't bite.

It's dead, soggy, and cooked to [Bleep]


I don't understand why Beth and Bev couldn't pull it together for the life of them.


! Bye

Get out! That was embarrassing.

All of you simply forgot how to cook.

You need to give me two nominees from each team of your weakest chefs.

Now [Bleep]


Sorry about that, Chef.

You're sorry? Oh, Ralph.

Not as sorry as the customers standing there staring at me.


off, Ralph.

Everybody has a bad day, but this is just ridiculous.

I don't blame Ramsay for him getting pissed.

I mean, if it was my place, I'd tell everybody to get the [Bleep]

out too.

All right, guys, weakest link? DeMarco, I would choose you for one of the people as being the weakest right now.

But I still didn't serve raw chicken, man.

I understand that, but searing tuna is very basic.

My station didn't crash and burn tonight.

A [Bleep]

piece of tuna didn't k*ll our entire kitchen.

No, I'm not I'm taking ownership for my chicken.

I'm gonna say the weakest out of our group, I think, is Scott.

Like Chef said, there was no [Bleep]

communication, especially with fish.

I'm a good Chef.

I know how to [Bleep]


The fish was raw.

Come on, Chef Scott.

I don't give a [Bleep]

what you say, you [Bleep]

up a fish station.

All you're doing is just hindering us from winning.

Honestly, I'm not the weakest one on this [Bleep]


I don't know what to [Bleep]

say, dude.

Chef Ramsay asked for the worst chefs overall.

I don't feel like I'm the weakest link on this team, and I definitely don't deserve to be nominated tonight.

That's [Bleep]


Chef's request was, who are the two weakest links? So two people.

Nothing's personal.

It's about who sucks.

That's it.

Who [Bleep]

up the most? I'm gonna put Beth up, because we walked to the [Bleep]

front of the line, maybe six times, to look at fish that wasn't cooked.

I did [Bleep]

up, but everything was fine until Rochelle took over my station.

Just let me do my job.

Don't get on my [Bleep]

station anymore.

Don't get in front of me.

Next time you push me out of the way, I'm gonna open my mouth, and I'm gonna tell you to get the [Bleep]

out of my way.

The fish station was not there, and of course, the hot apps.

I definitely want to say, Simone, those risotto, they came back a lot.

He called all of our names at one point or another, you guys.

I'm thinking as in future, when I'm in that kitchen, and we're down to four or five [Bleep]

On the red team, who's gonna be in there getting it with me? That's the reason why I'm saying Nicole.

You have this target, man.

I feel it already.

This is the second time you're gonna put me out there? When you come to me, come correct, please.

- Listen, like, do you think you intimidate me
- Can we at least be civilized
- by talking to me like that?
- for a second?
- No, I'm not trying to intimidate you.

- All right.

Are you [Bleep]

trying to [Bleep]

intimidate me when you come off at me like that? I'm not trying to intimidate you.

- Did I come at her hostile?
- Look oh, please.

She needs to watch how she comes at me, for real.

- Listen
- But I'm not gonna stoop to your level, 'cause I know I'm strong, baby.

- Oh, okay.

- Mm

I'm scared, I'm scared.

I know, I know.

- I'm scared.

- I know.

And you need to be.

That did not have to be so disappointing.

Richard, the men's first nominee and why? First nominee, Chef, is DeMarco.

This is his second weak service.

He just doesn't seem as seasoned as the rest of the guys on the team.

Second nominee and why? Second nominee Is Gabriel, Chef, due to the fact that he sent up two orders of raw chicken.

Melanie, first nominee and why? First nominee tonight, Chef, is Beth.

Every single fish that went out was completely raw in the middle.

Second nominee and why? Our second nominee, Chef After a second horrific dinner service in a row, the teams were instructed to nominate their two weakest chefs.

The men nominated DeMarco and Gabriel.

The women's first nominee was Beth.


Yes, Chef.

Second nominee and why? Our second nominee, Chef Is Simone.

The risotto kept coming back undercooked and not seasoned and bland.

DeMarco, Gabriel, Beth, Simone, step forward.

Hurry up.

Simone, why do you think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen? I am a fighter, and I take responsibility for my failures, and I still keep going.

Beth, why do you think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen? I never give up.

I learn from my mistakes.

If you let me stay, it won't happen again.

I'm worried you're just gonna get walked over like a doormat.

Gabriel, are you color
- No, Chef.

- Did you see how pink that [Bleep]

chicken was? I'll never do it again.

I can swear to you on that, on my word.

I'm not sure if that's forgivable.


Yes, Chef.

Are you not in way over your head? I don't believe so, Chef.


To take point on a station, I think I could deliver.

I know I could deliver.

Okay, when I think of the choices that I have tonight standing in front of me, I think there's one person who has shown me no passion, no fight back, no leadership.

The person leaving Hell's Kitchen is Nicole.

You got to get out, immediately.

Good night.

Good night.

Yeah, good night.



I'm not gonna cry like a little bitch.

I don't give two flying [Bleep]

what he thinks and what he says.

He can kiss my big, fat ass.

Bye, Chef Ramsay.

You four, back in line.

Tomorrow, the comeback must begin, because if it doesn't, I will be getting rid of you at a much, much faster rate.

Now, [Bleep]

off, will you? That bitch is gone.


-whoo! Deuces.

This is it.

This is the big leagues, and you either swim, or you sink.

I want this, and I'm not gonna [Bleep]

it up.

I'm not ready to go home.

I'm not done with this fight.

I have to, have to, have to redeem myself.

I'm not looking for a line cook, but if I were, I still wouldn't have hired Nicole.

She was useless.

Next time on Hell's Kitchen, one chef's meltdown Are you crazy? Ignites a brawl on the blue team Guys, no! Do not hit him! That could have serious consequences.

And a dinner service so bizarre [Bleep]

! What the [Bleep]

is going on? Will it cause one chef to go mad? Close that [Bleep]

oven! Eh, pazza, something's not right up here.

Will both teams' antics give Chef Ramsay a reason to clean house? You, you, and you, give me your jackets.

Find out next time on an intense Come on! [Bleep]

! Get going! And intensely dangerous DeMarco chopped his finger off.

Hell's Kitchen.

Don't let the door hit you where the lord split you.
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