12x07 - 14 Chefs Compete

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Hell's Kitchen". Aired: May 30, 2005 – present.*
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Reality television show that uses a progressive elimination format to narrow down a field of 20 to 12 aspiring chefs to one single winner over the course of one season.
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12x07 - 14 Chefs Compete

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Hell's Kitchen Looking to upgrade dinner service performance, Chef Ramsay gave the teams an assignment.

Decide a team captain of the night.

Not surprisingly, it created a power struggle on both teams.

Who's the captain? Jason, Anton, one of you guys.

Honestly, it's neither one of you.

What are you, crazy? I'm confident enough to hop from every station.

A couple of us feel comfortable too though.

It's nothing personal.

I don't want someone that doesn't know what they're doing.

In the end, the red team chose
- me, Chef.

- Melanie, step forward.

And the blue team chose
- Anton, Chef.

- It's me, Chef.

To lead them to victory.

He's gonna try to lead with his mouth, and put his foot in his [Bleep]


At dinner service, with VIPs at the Chef's tables in both kitchens Beth tanked on the fish station.

Rubbery, overcooked for the Chef's table.

And when the Joy and Sandra rivalry flared up again Does it need salt?
- Don't scream.

- I need you to respond.

Sandra you can't work with her.

Melanie was unable to get her kitchen under control.

I'm not gonna tell you one more time.

Cut the [Bleep]

or go home.

I'm trying, Chef.

In the blue kitchen, the power may have gone to Anton's head.

As soon as that gets hot, drop it on there and get that seared.

Did you see the back, man? Scallops are ready, right? Hit that oil right there.

I don't wanna take a chance of it coming back.

But no one could argue with the result.

It's really good.

You showed some great leadership qualities tonight.

The blue team won their first dinner service.

I'm so proud of myself right now.

Right here, baby.

And the red team was forced to choose two for elimination.

Well, we gotta trim our weak links.

I'm talking about communication.

Get the [Bleep]

out of here.

I got a problem with communication? They ended up nominating Sandra and Beth, but then Chef Ramsay went looking for opinions.

Who should be going home this evening? Sandra.


But he ended up ignoring the majority Beth, your time is done in Hell's Kitchen.

Sending Beth back to Louisiana, and ending her chance of winning Hell's Kitchen and $250,000.

And now, the continuation of Hell's Kitchen.

Good night.

Good night, Chef.

Get out of here.

Gents, well done.

Thank you, Chef.

_ The guys I'm not even worried about them.

I'm worried about that red team.

_ Yeah, whatever.

I hate to be such a detriment to the team.

My team's gunning to get me out that's pretty obvious.

_ Damn, this bitch is staying another night.

Like, when am I gonna get rid of this bad apple, this demon that's on the [Bleep]

team? Like, damn! Can I ask that if you feel like I'm not being a team player, just let me know.

We've told you over and over.

We said it though you never let anybody get a word out.

It's what you wanna do.

It's not, like, us, like, "okay, we're gonna do this.

" I did what was best for the dish.

I don't feel like I don't mean to be pushing anybody.

But see, look.

Like, we just we trying to tell you, like, our problem is you talking over us, telling us, like, what you do.

I'm explaining myself.

I'm tired of this [Bleep]


I'm tired of this [Bleep]


I don't think I'm doing a bad job.

I just think they want me out, because I'm definitely a better Chef than them.

_ I'm gonna show all these b*tches it's not as easy to get me out.

I'm not rolling over.

She's the next to go.

Sure is.

After a contentious night in the dorms Everybody, down here.

And with the teams all even with seven chefs each Rise and shine.

The Chef are ready for what is sure to be another challenging day in Hell's Kitchen.

- Good morning.

- Good morning, Chef.

The be a world
-class Chef, you must be proficient in a number of techniques, right? Yes, Chef.

Right now, I would like to introduce you to a master technician.

He has one particular amazing skill.

What's back there? Like, who's coming out? All the way from New Jersey, please welcome Michael Testa.

Welcome, buddy.

How are you? I'm good.

It's a freakin' little kid.

He's, like, this big.

How old are you now? I'm eight years old.

Eight, wow, that's old.

You will not be laughing when you see what this extraordinary young man can do.

Michael, would you mind giving us a quick demo, please? Watch closely.

Oh, my gosh.


Yeah, wow.

That's impressive.


That was amazing.

Well done, bud.

Thank you for being here.

Good to see you, man.

Great job.

- See you for dinner.

- See you later.

Okay, listen.

I do not expect any of you to be masters at tossing pizza, let me tell you.

But I do, however, expect you to all be highly creative in your next challenge designing stunning gourmet pizza.

Yes, Chef.

This challenge this one's personal for me.

Making pizza is how my family made their living.

So literally, this is my family's reputation on the line.

Okay, you'll all be working in pairs.

You've all got 30 minutes to create and cook one stunning pizza.

Now since you have one extra person, Rochelle and Ralph, you're working on your own.

Yes, Chef.

Your time starts now.

Let's go.

For the gourmet pizza challenge, the chefs quickly split into pairs Get the canned tomato.

I think we should keep it simple.

And must create outstanding gourmet pizzas Pancetta.

There's lobster there.


Use any of the more than 100 ingredients assembled by Chef Ramsay.


Feta take the feta.

I'm Italian.

Anton's Italian.

I'm from Chicago.

He's from New Jersey.

You can't get any better than that in the pizza challenge.

Where's that pesto spread? Right behind you.

While Richard and Anton seem to be in sync
- I got sliced garlic.

- You're gonna do the garlic?
- I got it.

- All right.

Over in the red kitchen I was thinking, like, bourbon brown sugar with ham.

- Yeah.

- Okay.

Some pairs are working better than others.

Really sliced
-thin prosciutto, parmesan, and wilted arugula.


I mean, I've never made that before.

Working with Sandra was one of the days I've been dreading.

She doesn't really listen or take direction.

And she's inexperienced, as well.

My restaurant won for it.

I mean, come on.

Why don't you come up with something a little more original? I'll start get the dough.

But since everyone says that I'm too bossy, I'm gonna just have to agree with Melanie.

_ Just over 10 minutes gone, ladies, 20 minutes to go.

Yes, Chef.

If we can find figs, find it.

Figs, figs, figs.

- It's our time to shine.

- It is.

Gentlemen, 15 minutes to go.

Thank you, Chef.

Remember, a pizza takes about ten minutes to cook, guys.

Guys, I need that wooden thing, bro.

Right here, right here, right here.

I'm over here by myself.

What the [Bleep]

? Right here.

You know, I'm Irish.

I've never had a gourmet pizza.

I mean, to me, a pizza's a pizza.

I need this is an oven.


There's no way we're gonna get this on the paddle, and then get it in the oven.

Jason and I, our dough is too thin.

Oh, you've gotta be [Bleep]

kidding me.

You guys, it's too thin in the middle, man.

- [Bleep]


- Chef, you have an extra dough? I got an idea.

Do you have an extra dough, or no? Who's got an extra dough? This is a complete disaster.

I don't ever wanna be the guy that doesn't get his dish put up.

I don't think we've got the first one up.

Come on, guys! Just give me your ingredients, guys.

While Anton's trying to rescue Chris and Jason's pizza I got the cheese right here.

Back in the red kitchen Ladies, ten minutes.

As the women are finishing assembling their pizzas
- Is there any room up in that oven?
- Uh, no.

A traffic jam is piling up in front of their oven.

I gotta put mine in too.

Any room, guys, any room? In just a second.

Hold on.

Kashia wasn't trying to let the piddle go.

She was basically blocking the entrance.

She got Bev on the other side, just, "here, Bev.

- All right, I need that tray.

- Joy, come on.

Oh, my God.

It's like what's going on? Come on, ladies.

- Bev, what are you doing?
- Watch yourself.

I can't wait.

I need to get in the oven, or I'm gonna have raw dough.




Oh, [Bleep]


It fell in slow


It's all right.

Make another one.

I can't believe Joy has dropped our pizza.

She really screwed us.

I don't even have enough filling there.

- I'm about to make a mini.

- Oh, my God.

While Joy and Jessica start over with their pizza, in the blue kitchen Seven minutes to go.

Basil goes on at the end.

Anton continues to help out Chris and Jason, while Richard has come over to support Ralph.

All right, go to the oven with it.

Go, put it in.

I don't know how to use this thing.

Hey, Ralph, you're a [Bleep]


I'm sorry.

You're a moron.

Slide this in.

Three minutes to go.

Ugh! In the oven?
- That's it.

- All right, put it in, go.

Behind you, Chef.

- Is the dough cooked all the way?
- Yep.

Let me move mine out the way.

- Okay.

- Come on, you pushing mine in there.

I have no there's no heat on it! Guys, calm down.

Nice comeback, baby.

My pizza needs to be pulled.

Leave it in there till the last possible second.

Five Four Just put on whatever you're putting on, kid.

Three, two
- Get it up there.

- Get out of the way.


And serve.

Everybody, line up in front of the pass.

Let's go.

Okay, all of you, listen carefully.

Out of the four pizzas on the red team and the blue team, you'll only be serving three.



So decide amongst yourselves, quickly, which pizza you're gonna cut.

Okay, guys, talk.

Ours is prosciutto, serrano, with arugula and figs.

Look, you guys.

Melanie lifts up the garnish that we had on our pizza and turns her nose up, like she smells [Bleep]

or something.

Look under it.

Look under it.

It's burnt.

Bev and Kashia's pizza was burnt.

I know a way a pizza's supposed to look.

It's up to you guys.

- Hurry up.

- One, two, three.

Okay, that's fine.

Of course.

I knew that was gonna happen.

No, no, no, don't worry about it.

Really, you wanna send up Jessica and Joy's slice of pizza? Bev and I have a whole one sitting right here.

How is this one? Bottom one yours.

Yours is kind of a little light.

- But that's all right.

- We're all cool with this, guys?
- I like those three.

- Yeah, those three.

Okay, ladies, whose pizza will we not be tasting?
- Bev and
- Bev and Kashia's?
- Yes.

- Do you agree? I definitely don't agree.

I had to ride with the majority.

But I'm not satisfied at all with the decision.

Okay, blue team? Ours, Chef.

It wasn't composed to the perfection that it should've been.

Okay, red team, blue team, I have a very, very important and influential judge.

This man is recognized around the world.

All of you, please welcome Oh, my God.

In a test of the chefs' creativity, they had to choose from 100 ingredients to put together their most imaginative pizza.

I have a very important and influential judge.

But Chef Ramsay won't be the only one tasting them.

Please welcome my friend Chef Wolfgang Puck.

All right.

All right, give me the defibrillator.

- Good to see you.

- Thank you.

Good to be here.

_ Holy [Bleep]


I never thought in a million years that I would ever cook for Wolfgang Puck, but vision board's really work, man.

Okay, let's start off with uh, Rochelle, let's go.

Chef Ramsay and Chef Puck will both be scoring each pizza on a scale of one to five.

The team with the most points wins the challenge.

So it's mushroom and spinach and crab.

I don't like the shape.

But I will give you a chance.

I will taste it.

- Mm
-hmm, please.

- Thank you, Chef.

The dough's a little bit too thick for me.

- Yep.

- Okay, sorry.

I don't like that it's undercooked.

The dough when it's not cooked,
- it makes a ball.

- Mm

Yep, that just happened.

The sauce is delicious.

Love the idea of the crab.

I'm gonna give it a three.

- I will give it a two.

- Okay.

Thank you, Chef.

Rochelle's solo effort results in a mediocre score.

Now, Chef Ramsay turns to the Chef in the blue kitchen who was also working on his own.

Ralph, let's go.

Please explain the pizza to Chef.

Thank you.

Well, we have a sobrasada flatbread with buratta and a little bit of arugula.

It looks a little funny.

It's not round.

It's not square.

Did you trim that off there? Yeah, I just shaped it off.

And you cut off the best parts.

We'll see.

The truth is in the taste.

How you mark that out of five, Chef? I think I will give it a two.

- I'm giving that a one.

- Okay.



While Ralph gets his team off to an embarrassing start, the red team is looking to widen its lead.

Up next are Joy and Jessica, please.

Who are hoping to cover up Joy's miscue in the kitchen Aah.

By calling their pizza Skinny Girl Pizza.

I'ma say it.

If you would be bring me that, to the table.

I would not be a happy guy.

Nor would I.

Yeah b*tches.

I told you so.

I would give it a two.

Hmm, I give it a two.

- Thank you, Chef.

- Thank you, Chef.

With Jessica and Joy's disappointing score.

Scott and Gabriel have an opportunity to pull the blue team ahead, with their pizza, featuring Lobster.

It certainly is intimidating.

Knowing that Wolfgang Puck is the master.

But, I always feel confident.

You guys understood the concept, what gourmet pizza is.

- But I would've cut the lobster into smaller pizza.

- Yes, Chef.

So, I would give it a three.

Yeah, I'm disappointed.

The lobster, because it sounds better than it tastes.

- I'd give it a two.

- Thank you, Chef.

With the men now trailing with a mere one point _ _ Let's go.

The women's final pair Melanie and Sandra are looking to score big and put this out of reach for the men.

So what we have for you is a parmesan crispy prosciutto wilted arugula.

I think our pizza's great.

And it a [Bleep]


Like, who doesn't know how to cook pizza? I kind of like the flavor of the prosciutto.

Yeah, I like that.


But, you have to cook the bottom too.

- What a shame.

- Oh, my God.

You know, you can't send out pizza with raw dough.

- Look at that.

- No.

- This is, like, you could stretch it almost again.

- Yep.

- What a shame.

- Great potential.

- I would give it a one.

- I give it a two.


Guess what your ass get.

With Sandra and Melanie getting the red team's lowest score It comes down to the last pizza.

Anton and Richard's pizza must score at least five points in order to win the challenge.

As long as I shine at this moment, that's all that matters to me.

We did a mediterranean pizza.

We sauteed some fresh hot peppers, topped with a little bit of smoked salmon, and then we put a little bit of a sweet, syrupy balsamic topping.

Boy, I never saw that many ingredients on one pizza.

- Have you?
- There's a lot.


Chef, how would you score that out of five, please?
- You know
- Please, God.

Please, God.

- I will give it
- Come on, come on.

- A three.

- And I'm gonna give that Four out of five.


The winner of this challenge, on the strength of Richard and Anton the only real good pizza of the day.

Congratulations, blue team.

Yes! Thank you, chefs.

Well done.

This is my moment.

And you only get it once.

Ladies, can I have a quick taste of the one you left behind? Quickly.

_ Ooh, I like that.

Yeah, it's lovely.

Why would you leave that behind? They said because it was burnt on the edges.

You know, if you look in an Italian cookbook, you see the pizza just like that, the crust.

That's not burnt.

I probably would've given it a three.

I would've given that a four.

That, for me, has been your best pizza.

That would've matched Anton and Richard's.


- Wow.

- Thank you, Chef.

Yeah, my pizza kicked your ass.

Okay, I feel righteous right now.

I'd like you all to join me in thanking Chef Puck.

- Good to see you, Mr.


- Thank you.

We'll see you soon.

- Thank you.

- Thank you so much.

Take care.

Gentlemen? Yes, Chef? Congratulations.

Thank you, Chef.

You're heading to The Sunset Strip.

Yes! There, you'll make your way to the rooftop of the stunning Andaz Hotel.

I've got a few other surprises for you.

You'll see them when you get there.


Off you go.

Well done.

Thank you, Chef.

Yes, yes, yes! So happy right now.

We [Bleep]

kicked ass today.

Going to Hollywood, boys! Let's get ready.

Yeah, I gotta go out very quickly.

Today's win, it was this was just emotional for me.

You know, this was about my family, and the only way they knew how to survive in this country with their passion and their love of food.

And I showed that today.

And one of the greatest chefs in the world complimented me.

It means a lot.

I just wanna tell my family I hope I made you guys proud.

That was for the family.

Oh, ladies, tonight we are opening for Italian family night.

So you've got the grueling task of preparing all the ravioli from scratch, shredding the cheese, and setting up both the red team and the blue team's kitchen ahead of tonight's busy, busy service.

Get out of here.


While the women head off for a grueling day of prep
- I wish we could rewind.

- Whatever.

The men head out for a relaxing day in Hollywood.

This place is amazing.

We've been a group of cooped up guys for quite a while now, so it was nice to get out poolside and overlook all of Hollywood.

- Man, look at that.

- Nice.

Hi, you guys.


- Good lord.

- Apparently, you guys need some help with your zen.

So, we're gonna get some yoga on.

Not yoga.

Come on.

Do I look like I'm a yoga guy? Okay, we're gonna get your body opened up.

Inhale up.

Can we smoke while we're doing this? Exhale, and then go all the way down.

And then lock your feet all the way back into a downward dog.

Oh, my God.

I would love to do the downward dog with the yoga instructor, any day of the week.

And then hands come back down onto the thigh.

I think I'm falling in love.




You're k*lling me here.

Oh, I'm gonna rip my pants.

I know, yeah, my suit's pretty tight here.

Stick your stick your butt up.

Aah! I love you, Chef Ramsay.

- This is a great reward.

- Aah! While the blue team has found its zen, back in Hell's Kitchen _ _ The women are feeling slightly less blissful.

Melanie she needs to eat a supersized piece of humble pie.

And she needs it slapped in her [Bleep]


Tonight we have to come back with our service.

No overcooked pasta.

Raviolis have to be super thin.

Melanie, I'm just gonna say what I got to say.

I'm so tired of your attitude, 'cause you literally picked up our pizza and turned your [Bleep]

nose up.

I picked up the fig.

I said, "I think the figs are too big.

" At the end of the day, really, you picked the pizzas.

What do you mean I did? You guys all have voices.

I'm not the only one.

Yeah, and I said it.

But at the end of the day, you went down the line and picked what you thought One, two, three.

And then everybody just rolled with that.

But I'm sitting up there fighting for my pizza.

Dude, that's a bunch of [Bleep]


Because he's like, "hurry up, ladies.

" Somebody had to make a decision.

No! After a brutal day.

Prepping both kitchen for tonight's Italian family night dinner service.

Melanie, I'm so tired of you attitude.

Keshia, has been sitting that her and Beth's apparently superior pizza, was excluded from the challenge.

Somebody had to make a decision.


No, no, no.


I'ma say what I say, 'cause I don't pulling out other few words of my mouth.

I knew that pizza was good.

All right.

So, next time.

Shut my ass up.

- You be like, Melanie, shut up.

- I was there, but nobody listening to what I say.

You know what, if you really think that your [Bleep]

pizza is the b*mb, then you need to be loud enough, so that we can all hear you.

So, I don't really feel too bad.

It is what it is.

I'm gonna show each one of those b*tches, one by one what I gets of.

Because bitch, I got all kinda of thing up this sleeve.

I know who have confidence in me.

I know who doesn't.

With the men back from a harmonious afternoon in Holywood.

Both team prep for tonight's special Italian family night dinner service.

*** The blue team is feeling really good.

- Really, really confident.

- Done, it's ready to go.

And most importantly, we are ready for this.

- Jean

- Chef.

Please open Hell's Kitchen for Italian family night, let's go.

Tonight, Chef Ramsay has open Hell's Kitchen for an Italian family night dinner service.

Welcome to Hell's Kitchen everyone.

All the dinners, will be treated to a special all new Italian menu.

- Thank you.

- All right.

- What are you gonna get? Pizza?
- Yeah.

Featuring a selection, of gourmet pizzas.

Listen up for a second.

Chris is driving a ticket on the pizza's, okay? Here we go guys.

All right, Sandra are you okay? I'm great baby.

I'm great, thank you so much.

First table in.

Let's go guys please, yeah.

You got the first ticket.

Three mushroom pizza.

One kid's pizza.

Two scallops.

Yes, Chef.

I was put on the pizza station tonight.

And my performance in the challenge wasn't acceptable.

Redemption is much needed right now.



- I can't.

It's [Bleep]


I can't use it.

- Watch out.

How's those pizzas? Working on it.

Dude, this a [Bleep]

pain in the ass right now.

Doing the pizzas is intense.

How long? Chef, I'm sorry, it's coming right now.

- Come on now, hurry up, Chris.

- Yes, Chef.

Dude, this is impossible.

I can't use that one.

With dinner service barely underway, Chris is already struggling with the pizza.




Over in the red kitchen Ladies, two kids pizzas, two scallops.

How long? Pizza's out and ready to walk.

Kashia has the pizza station under control.

And the ladies are ready to deliver their first ticket Yeah, gonna need 20 seconds.

Well, almost ready.

Rochelle, I need those scallops, let's go.

They're coming right now, Chef.

Speed up, Rochelle.

Yes, Chef.

I really don't like being yelled at.

Chef Ramsay's, like, intimidating and very scary for me.

Scallops walking.

There's no color on there.

It's cool.

Just keep an eye on those.

Who cooked these scallops? I'm sorry, Chef.

There's no color on there.

Yes, Chef.


They're white.

They're anemic.

- Get some color on there.

- Yes, Chef.

I'm dropping the scallops.

- Joy? Yes, Chef? Show Rochelle.


Just keep an eye on those.

We shouldn't have been lagging like that on these damn scallops.

- Maybe, like, 45 more seconds.

- Oh, my God.

Rochelle she just gets frazzled too easy.

We don't have time for that.

- Scallops, Chef.

- There you go.

That's how to color a scallop.

With Joy showing Rochelle how to handle a scallop Service, please.

The women bounce back quickly.

The scallops are fantastic.

Meanwhile, back in the blue kitchen [Bleep]

sake, dude.

How long? I still gotta get this other one on.

- Falling behind, guys.

- I know, Chef.

Chris is still fumbling on the pizza station The bottom's burnt.

And Chef Ramsay is turning up the heat on everyone.

- Scallops how long?
- Scallops are walking.

Where's the other [Bleep]

order? You got one more order of scallops coming?
- Come on, Richard, please.

- 30 seconds, Chef.

- Come on, guys.

- We can pull it together.

You're dragging.

Move that oil, dude.

That [Bleep]

's melting, dude.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see the bottle.

The second I went to pick it up, the bottom just fell right out, and the oil went right on the flattop.

That thing's way too frickin' hot.

- Come on, Anton!
- Be careful.

- Watch it, watch it.

- Hot, hot, hot, hot.

Guys, put salt on it.


Put salt on it.

Right now! I
-I got it.

Out of the way.

Out of the way.

Out of the way.

Out of the way.

Out of the way.

I swear to God.


- believable.

Smother a flame instantly.


Oh, man.

As if it couldn't get any [Bleep]


With dinner service almost literally going up in flames for the men, Chef Ramsay heads to the red kitchen
- Come on, you gotta be quick, Bev.

- Yes, Chef.

Where's it's all hands on deck at the pizza station.

- You want me to help you roll one?
- Yeah.

Move over.

Our strategy was one person just banging out the dough, one topping it, and one was gonna man the oven.

- And that was me.

- Here's one.

It's, like, raw.

Yeah, now they're not rolling it out enough.

Ladies, come here.

- All of you.

- Yes, Chef? The dough is raw.

Yes, Chef.

Why? 'Cause it's too thick.


Not my station, number one.

Number two, I roll out the dough up to you to finish it.

The dough is [Bleep]


Yes, Chef.

- W
-well, come on then.

- Right, Chef.

I'm trusting my team to help me get the perfect dough out, so I could put in the oven and cook it correctly.

Take responsibility.

You guys, bounce back, come on.

While the red team has dough issues on its pizzas, over in the blue kitchen Scallops walking, Chef.

Richard's re
-fired scallops have made the grade Go, please.

And appetizers are now steadily making their way out to hungry families in the dining room.

And we have a scallop.

That's really good.

Chef, you doing okay on pies? Not yet.

I gotta get these two kids, and then one more to follow.

I can do sauce if you want.

- I'm good at sauce.

- All right, yeah.

Chris just couldn't get it together.

I wanna get over there and try to help get things moving along.

Man, that smells burnt.










It's burnt.

It is [Bleep]




look at what you're doing.

One going in the trash.

Two going in the trash.

Three going in the trash.

And we look like [Bleep]


Anything coming? Mushroom pizza.

Coming over, right now.

Mushroom, yeah?
- All of you, stop.

- Yes, Chef.



That's black.

There's a big difference, between something crisp and something black.

That is disgusting.

You three.

Hey, come here you.

Come here, all of you.

Come here.

It's an hour into Italian family night.

And in the blue kitchen There's a big difference between something crisp and something black.

Chris, Gabriel, and Scott are all making pizza You three, come here.

But not doing a very good job of it.

What the [Bleep]

are you three doing? Who's running the station? Who's [Bleep]

firing them? The guy who's making 'em is firing 'em.

You have to turn them every 90 seconds.

Chef, I understand.

That's what we've been doing, Chef.

So why's it raw? Because it's not cooking properly.

- Well, keep it [Bleep]

- I will, Chef, I will.

Man, every night's a tough night here in Hell's Kitchen, it's crazy.

But we've gotta find a way to just punch through.

Let me see.

It's gotta be in and out very quickly.

Listen to me.

Anton, it's not the case, okay? I'm just letting you know if you keep rotating, it'll do better.

No, no, no, no, nope.

Just listen to me.

"No, no, no.

I know what I'm doing.

" Dude, you just burned, like, 15 pizzas.

- I got it.

- You got it? Leave it on that pan.

While pizza
-gate continues in the blue kitchen, in the red kitchen I'm still waiting on four kids pizzas.

Working right now, Chef.

The women are still trying to get the dough right, with crust that's not too thin and not too thick and burnt.

I'll make sure that I roll 'em out more.

It's really upsetting to see all these kids in the dining room, waiting to get their little pizzas.

And then we can't even deliver one pizza to a little kid.

It's too thin, guys, it's too thin.

If Bev is having a hard time with the pizzas, y'all need to switch out.

Y'all letting the same person make the same mistake.

- Kashia
- I'm busy
- take over the oven and switch with her.

- Switch.

You guys, switch.


I'm staying where I'm staying.



I'm getting irritated.

At the end of the day, I'ma make sure my ass is not on the line.

Four kids pizzas.

Walking to the window right now, Chef.


threw more pizzas than they've sent, you know that?
- What have they done?
- Who cut that? One of them.

All of you, come here.

What the [Bleep]

is this? Who's cutting that? That was probably me.

- Is it you or not?
- It's me, Chef.

Kashia was the one that was rolling [Bleep]

-ass pizza dough.

Look how soggy it is.

I don't wanna get blamed for this whole thing.

They may be children, but they still deserve a stunning pizza.

Yes, Chef.

While the pizza continues to perplex the red kitchen Get some food over here.

And unbelievably, the blue kitchen as well [Bleep]


Chef Ramsay has pushed ahead with entrees.

- Branzino rib eye.

- My rib eye's ready.

I need a minute and a half on the lamb.

- Rib eye going up?
- Yes, rib eye.

For rib eye.

Branzino? I'm ready as soon as he's ready.

How long is that? How long on the lamb? One minute or no? One minute.

Rib eye's undercooked.

I asked for medium
-rare and it's [Bleep]




Throw it back in the oven right now.

Ralph wasn't sure about his meat time, like, whatsoever.

It's been 15 seconds.

- Wait 15 more seconds.

- Yes.

He can't cook for [Bleep]


He's just getting on my [Bleep]


- Branzino's walking.

- Right behind.

Lamb, lamb, coming through.

Coming through, lamb.

Branzino, Chef.

Right behind, lamb.


Just come here, all of you, blue team.

How do you manage lamb like that? That's not cooked.

And that one there is, like, a scrag end.

Not again, Ralph.

Really? You this guy to [Bleep]

lose his mind? What's wrong with you, dude?
- How long, Ralph?
- I got another one in the oven.

Hurry up, Ralph, let's go.

Yes, Chef.

With Ralph having a meltdown of his own on meat, over in the red kitchen We still haven't sent four kids pizzas.

Yes, Chef.

The ladies continue to slaughter their pizzas.

Yeah, if I could get help on a dough, that'd be great.

I'ma try to get some out back here.

- Joy?
- Yes, Chef? There's more pizza under there than we've sent into the [Bleep]

dining room.

I see, Chef.

That damn pizza station is k*lling us right now.

Pick it up, ladies.

It was no reason why I was supposed to be rolling out pizza dough and cooking scallops at the same time.

All right, well, keep an eye on it.

I need dough.

Excuse me, excuse me, excuse me, excuse me, excuse me, excuse me.

Take this, run away, come make me the next one.

Can not work two stations at once.

Kashia is just running around like a chicken with her head cut off.

You got this while I go back there?
- Yeah.

- So I be rollin'.

Excuse me, excuse me, excuse me, excuse me, excuse me.

Excuse me, excuse me, excuse me, excuse me, excuse me.

Excuse me, excuse me, excuse me, excuse me, excuse me.


One kids pizza, ready to cut.

One kids pizza, Chef.

It's fine.


- Thank you.

- You're welcome.

With Joy helping out on the dough, the crew on the pizza station is finally producing acceptable pizzas.

- All right.

- Thank you.

Over in the blue kitchen Right behind, right behind.

Ralph's re
-fire on the lamb and rib eye
- Lamb.

- Yeah, it's fine.

It's fine.

It's fine, it's fine, it's fine.

Passes Chef Ramsay's test.

But the pizza station I don't need the sauce.

I need mushroom pizzas, please.

Is still a complete nightmare.

Three mushroom pizza how long? Six minutes, Chef.

We need another dough.

We need another dough.

Come on.

Oh, my God.

It was hurting my heart, you know, because every pizza that went in the garbage, that was a kid not getting fed.

I need more dough.

Anything coming? Mushroom pizza? [Bleep]


We sent 20 pizzas in the trash.

That's it, we're out of dough.

- Say that again.

- We're out of pizza dough, Chef.

What is going on in here? [Bleep]


Scott, Chris, come here.

- We're out of dough?
- I believe so, Chef.

We're in the middle of service.

And what are we gonna do now then?
- It's not okay.

- I'm sorry.

What the [Bleep]

is going on? All of you! It's Italian family night and two hours into dinner service.

Scott, Chris, come here.

The blue kitchen has run out of one very crucial ingredient.

We're out of dough? I believe so, Chef.

And what are we gonna do now then? There's 36 portions of dough.

We've only sent ten [Bleep]


What a [Bleep]

debacle, man.

Absolutely ridiculous.

It's embarrassing.

_ Get me Jean

We have an emergency.

I'm not the one who bombed that station.

It was Scott.

Get out to that table, and give your sincere apologies.

I make pizzas all the time with my family, and so this is embarrassing.

Bad news with the pizzas, so the boys will apologize.

The pizzas were our fault.

Is there anything else we can get you? We have the spaghetti and meatballs this evening.

Spaghetti and meatballs? I do apologize.

While the disappointed guests have accepted Chris and Scott's mea culpa The bread basket's gonna be gone.

The red kitchen is about to receive an order from some very special guests.

Let's go, ladies.

Seven covers, table 33.


Five carbonara, one branzino, one lamb.

Yes, Chef.

That's my family.

Oh, no pressure.

Just my family, I am hungry.

- What do you want me to do?
- Can you throw this lamb on the connection? You need help over there, Meli?
- Start garnish on my lamb, okay?
- All right, sweetie.

- Walking.

- Walking with the ***.

*** Carbonara walking.

I do not wanna hear, "You screwed up the table for my family.

" Oh, [Bleep]


Here we go.

- All good.

- Yeah.

Oh, my God.

As the red kitchen work successfully together to deliver on a pivotal ticket.

Hey, last ticket.

- Yep, yep.

- Hot, coming through.

Go, please.

Both team quickly push out their last two tables of the night.

- Good? Great.

- Yeah.

Get me all the pizzas from there.

And lay them on the table.

- Yes, Chef.

- But Chef Ramsay has one more order for them.

Chris, get all those pizzas out of there, and put them on this table.

- Yes, Chef.

- Hurry up.

Ladies, come with me.

Oh man.

This is not good.

Let me tell you all.

It was pizza m*ssacre.

There is one team that performed way worse than the other.

On all station, not just the pizza.

That is blue team.

Go back to the dorm, and have a a really good think on the two people you want up for elimination.



Tonight was a disaster.

On top of that trashy mountain.

That's where we were today.

No other way to put it.

We were garbage.

All right guys.

What's up? I'm not gonna disagree with anybody from pizza going.

Dude, they burned in [Bleep]

15 seconds.

The pizza station was kinda [Bleep]

-up from the get going.

But we weren't the only one There should be another station that goes up.

Nothing on my station ***.

Are you serious right now? Like, really? You messed up on meat station all night long.

How do you manage lamb like that? That's not cooked.

Don't sit there and [Bleep]

right now, dude.

The meat was undercooked.

That was my first time workin' meat.

And there's four guys on pizza.

I already got my mind made up.

I'm voting for Scott to go up.

Yeah, definitely.

It's part of a chef's responsibility of a [Bleep]

kitchen, dude, is to set your station up for success.

Chris wasn't even close to being set up for [Bleep]

success tonight.


you, man.

I threw away 25 [Bleep]

pizzas tonight, and I personally cooked only 3 of 'em.

I call it like I see it, dude.

I know Scott and Chris completely destroyed dinner service.

But Ralph does deserve to be nominated.

So it's really gonna be a tough decision.

Richard, men's first nominee and why? Chef, our first nominee is Chris.

We felt that tonight he kind of went down on the pizza station.

Second nominee and why? Second nominee is After a night riddled with mistakes in the blue kitchen, the blue team was forced to nominate two chefs for elimination.

They're first selection was Chris.

Second nominee and why? Uh, second nominee is Scott.

There were some issues on past stations.

Once again, the pizza station let us down.

Scott, Chris, let's go.

Chris, why do you think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen? I wanna be here, Chef, more than anyone in this place.

You know, I failed in service tonight, but I guarantee that that won't happen again.

I just wanna prove that there is more fight in me.

Scott? Chef, I know what I'm capable of.

I've had some mistakes, but I keep learning every single day.

I'm doing everything I can, working as hard as I can.

And of course I'm gonna stumble at times, but I'm gonna come through.

Do you know what? There's one more person I wanna hear from.

Ralph, step forward.

Get your ass up here.

Your performance this evening was dreadful.

Why do you deserve to stay in Hell's Kitchen? I haven't really screwed up yet.

- You haven't screwed up yet?
- Well, I have, but I mean why do you find it so hard, cooking lamb? I guess careless mistakes, Chef.

Really? I thought you didn't make them.


The person leaving Hell's Kitchen is Chris, your time is done.

Give me your jacket, please.

Thank you.

Thank you.

My creativity in the kitchen goes far beyond what these fools can do.

I made the mistake of relying on my teammates, and it ended up being my demise.

It's the heat of Hell's Kitchen.

You can win or you can lose, get burned.

And I got burned.

Work together, adapt that's what great chefs do.

Get out of here.

Oh, my gosh, man.

I dodged a b*llet.

It's a holy [Bleep]

kind of moment.

I can't afford any slip
-ups, you know, here on out.

I'm not gonna shrivel up and be like, "uhhh.

" It's game time.

There's no holding back anymore.

And I gotta get a little stronger for myself, and start pushing people around.

I'd like to think every Chef has a talent.

Chris needs to keep looking for his.

Next time
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