12x12 - 10 Chefs Again

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Hell's Kitchen". Aired: May 30, 2005 – present.*
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Reality television show that uses a progressive elimination format to narrow down a field of 20 to 12 aspiring chefs to one single winner over the course of one season.
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12x12 - 10 Chefs Again

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously, on Hell's Kitchen On your marks, get set, go! There was a race to identify cuts of pork.

Blue, well done.

The blue team was quicker and won the right to choose who they would face off against in the cooking part of the challenge.




You picked me because you trying to underestimate my ability.

Scott, that is brave, making the ravioli.

Scott, known for taking risks, took another one.

Don't worry, Chef.

It's my job to worry.

But this time It's absolutely delicious.

Oh, thank you, Chef.

The gamble paid off.

Congratulations, you finally won a challenge.

As he clinched the victory for the men.

Oh, ho ho ho! They enjoyed a high
-flying reward.

That was the best! During the punishment, Rochelle talked openly about her priorities.

I do want the family.

I want to get married.

But it didn't sit well with some of her teammates.

We don't know if Rochelle wants to be a chef or a housewife.

Then, at dinner service, with Jason firmly in control of the Risotto Delicious risotto.

Scott didn't have much to do on the appetizer station.

Scott, grab the salads while I finish this.

So he moved on over to the fish station, but Anton didn't appreciate the help.

Seriously, I got the scallop.

Dude, help Rich out.

Just let me do my thing.

And later, when a problem arose It's overcooked, and it's dry, Anton.

Anton quickly pointed the finger.

Scott, he's causing a lot of confusion in the corner for me.

Scott got you all [Bleep]

up? In the red kitchen, Sandra was focused on Sandra.

Walking up the salmon.

I'm holding on my Wellington.

I told you.

I'm on my own from here on out.

And the chaotic red kitchen was quick to blame her for many of their problems.

Did you tell her you're walking? No, Chef.

What am I walking with? With teamwork issues at the root of many of the mistakes, Chef Ramsay decided he needed to make a statement to both teams.

Tonight, the winning team Neither of you.

When it came time to choose nominees, the women clung to what Rochelle had said earlier.

She has said her true passion is to start a family.

And blind
-sided her with the nomination, along with the teammate they felt is the most selfish.


The blue team nominated Anton.

And Scott.

But Chef Ramsay surprised everyone.

Anton and Scott are going to the red team.


Rochelle and Sandra are going to the blue team.

And all four chefs were given another chance to become the newest winner of Hell's Kitchen, with a salary of $1/4 million.

And now, the continuation of Hell's Kitchen.

Get out of here.

This was my nightmare, having to learn everything all over again with new styles, new lingo, new everything.

This is completely starting over.

You gotta be kidding me with this.

I don't want Anton.

I don't want him.

He's not gonna be an asset to our team at all.

Ugh, take him back.

I don't feel like he's worthy of the red jacket.

And you're coming into a kitchen full of women, so don't bring that rah
-rah, 'cause it will be me and you up in that.

I'll let you know now, like just gonna follow your lead.

It's your kitchen.

I think Anton's gonna have a harder time than me because of the bull
-headedness that he has.

I don't think it's gonna fly.

This is the one thing I did not want to happen.

It's been, like, ten years since I've worked with a girl in a kitchen.

Women are more sensitive than men.

Girls do get offended a lot easier.

I have no frickin' clue what's gonna happen.

_ Ha ha! Welcome to the red side, baby.

You [Bleep]


You on the blue team.

Yeah, blue team, can you guys start doing better on challenges now? Hey, you are on our side.

We're gonna train you.

Rochelle Just kidding.

It's no kidding like that.

You're on our side.

- You kid against them.

- And don't worry, I'm on your team now _ Nice.

With some major changes on both teams Come on, come on, come on.

I'm trying.

The chefs get to test their new lineup with an unusual challenge.

Oh, what's going on? Let's go, guys.

What the hell is that thing? Good morning.

- Good morning, Chef.

- Oh, dear.

Oh, I really should've paid more attention in French.

Maybe it would give me a heads up right now on what we're doing.

Over here, you see epicerie de minuit.

In there, you're gonna find various ingredients.

The only problem with this grocery store is there's no electricity.



One of the senses that is clearly underestimated Is your sense of touch.

You must rely on your touch more than ever before.

Got it? Yes, Chef.

Right, you have 60 seconds to pick up five stunning ingredients to put in your basket.

Make sense? Yes, Chef.

Right, let's start off with Melanie, you're gonna go first.

Ready? Ready.

Yes? and it's in the dark? No big deal, piece of cake.

Your 60 seconds starts Now.

Oh, my God.

In the first part of today's challenge Ugh! Chef Ramsay has loaded his tiny grocery in the dark with fresh proteins, starches, herbs, and grains.

- You okay?
- Yeah.

Each chef has just one minute to grab five ingredients What the? She can't see [Bleep]


That they will end up using In the cooking part of the challenge.

Three, two, one,
- and out.

- Whoo! Right, come over, please.

What did you get? Mushrooms I know I got.

Mushrooms, you did, good.


When I first grabbed the fish, I thought it was a filet, like, mignon.

- Oh, nice.

- Nice.

But a filet of fish, I'm like, "okay, I can work with that.

" Let's go, Sandra.

Holy [Bleep]


Ugh, what the [Bleep]

is this? Oh! Oh, God.

It's creepy, man.

Ugh! Oh, my God, I'm gonna have some crazy in this basket.

Oh, a nice slice of tuna.

Wow, walnuts.

Next, Kashia.

I can't see anything anyway, so I might as well close my eyes and just channel some Ray Charles.

Squid, wow.

The bowl of squid, I'm like, "oh, [Bleep]


" I gotta think of something to do with these, 'cause this is not something from the every
-day for me.

Next up, Jason.

I am not afraid of the dark at all.

Whoa! What the [Bleep]

? Whoa.

When the shop is a
-rockin', don't come a

Let's go.

You know what, this isn't easy for anybody.

Please don't break my house down.

Number one, you're fumbling in the dark.

Number two, you can't see anything.

Ah! She's trippin'.

You go put your hand in something, you don't know whether to grab it Oh, my gosh.

Or to get away from it.

Oh, my God! Come on, Rochelle.

I'm hoping I got steak.

New York strip.



Oh, thank God.

Let's go, Anton.

Shopping in the dark is just like lovemaking.

You have to feel your way, feel for that particular texture.

You know, silky or smooth, soft or hard.

It's all about the hands.

Last one.

Come on, Gabriel.

Stepping into a pitch black room, all my senses were increased.

Let's go.

So I got what I need.

It's simple.

One, two, three, four.

You only got four ingredients? [Bleep]


Wow, you gotta make do now.

That's it.

What the [Bleep]

, Gabe? I'm so pissed off right now.


Right, 30 minutes to cook a stunning dish.

Are you ready? Yes, Chef.

On your mark, set, go.

In the second part of the challenge, each chef has just 30 minutes to create a dish using the five ingredients that they blindly chose.


I can't believe it.

Or should have chosen.

I thought I picked up [Bleep]


If I only have four ingredients because my dumb ass forgot one, I'mma make it happen.

Gonna try to stuff this with a chicken mousse.

It's gonna be a badass dish.

Come on, man, come on.

As Gabriel tries to make do with one less ingredient Hate these.

Kashia is concerned about one of her main ingredients.

Just peel that off, that skin.

I never cooked squid before.

It's takin' all the good stuff away, though.

Yeah, you cut too deep.

Just one of those curve balls that Boop! I wasn't expecting.

- Ugh!
- Yes, Chef.

Oh, my God.

There's only so much you can do with the ingredients that you picked out for yourself, but I'm confident that I can be creative with really, really random ingredients.

Two minutes, guys.

Two minutes.

Freakin' "a.

" Check everything.

Let's go.

The avocado's gonna k*ll me.

I actually love avocados, but I can't just cut it up on top.

What am I gonna do? What am I gonna do? Like, I need to do something with it.

I have to just go for it.

Last minute.


Five, four Come on, man.

Three, two, one, and serve, guys.


Okay, the judging today is gonna be a little bit different.

It's gonna be king of the hill.

I'm gonna be tasting all the dishes one at a time.

If your dish is better than the ones before it, It will sit there.

If you are still sitting in the chair at the end of the challenge, you have won it for your team.

Somebody is gonna be a hero.

Gabriel, let's start off with you first, shall we? I think even with the four ingredients, my stuffed thigh and my chicken breast is cooked perfectly.

That's a seared, blackened chicken with pan
-roasted carrots, corn, and yellow squash.

You cooked a leg stuffed with a mousse.

Where is it? Where is it? [Bleep]


Oh, my God.



After failing to secure the right number of ingredients In the shop
-dark part of the challenge One, two, three, four.

You only got four ingredients? [Bleep]


Gabriel has presented Chef Ramsay with his blackened chicken dish.

You cooked a leg stuffed with the mousse.

Where is it? And unbelievably, he's missing something again.

Think it's on the cutting board, Chef.

Here's the thing, I mean, not only did you forget how to count to five, but you cooked a leg stuffed with a mousse
- that looked quite nice.

- Yeah.



That's two big forgets in a period of 30 minutes.

It's not good enough.

I don't want you sitting in that, because I know there's gonna be a better dish, so [Bleep]

off back in line with your dish.

Yes, Chef.

Doesn't make sense.

Next up.

Scott, let's go.

Sit in that chair, Scott.

What is it? We've got some fried oysters with crispy mushrooms and bulgur wheat.

Oysters are delicious.

Swordfish Slightly overcooked.

However, delicious.

Well done, you have earned your right to be in the chair.

Thanks, Chef.

With Scott making a good impression on his new team This is my seat.

Nice debut.

Sandra hopes to prove her value to her new teammates with her nutty tuna tagliatelle.

That's delicious.

Tuna's cooked beautifully.

Pasta works.

Does the tuna have the edge over the swordfish? Yes, it does.

Swap places with Scott.

Good job.

With Sandra now holding the top spot, new red team member Anton is looking to surpass her with his creative take on pork.

Looks like a seagull splattered all over your pork.

That's a fig feta cheese spread.

It's delicious.

Thank you, Chef.

Sit down, well done.

Thank you, Chef.

Good job.

Screw you, Anton, with your pork chop.

I had a way more complex dish.

I don't care.

Rochelle, let's go.

So what is it? So I did a basic seasoning with the New York.

It's cooked beautifully.

Thank you, Chef.

Great sear.

With the kale, I threw in an avocado mix.

I thought it was a strange combination, the avocado, but it actually quite works.

Is that better than Anton's? It is.


- Thank you, Chef.

- Sit down.

So far, "king of the hill" is looking more like a game of musical chairs.

Let's be honest, no one's lasting long in the chair, let me tell you.

Joy, let's go.

And now, all of the remaining chefs are eager to dethrone Queen Rochelle.

Mmm, it's delicious.

Is it better than Rochelle's New York strip? No.

Back in line, thank you.


Here, have a little taste.

One thing's missing there.

Little bit more salt? I'll take any salt.

Back in line.

Wow, wow, wow.

Oh, the bones are in them.

You're gonna [Bleep]

choke someone.

Back in line, thank you.

Okay, Chef.

Excuse me.

Oh, [Bleep]


The brown rice is like a mouthful of b*ll*ts.

Back in line with your dish.

Thank you, Chef.

So far, Rochelle is in the driving seat.

If she remains there, she wins the challenge for the blue team.

Only one more dish.

Come on, Mel.

Come on, Mel.

Your old teammate.

I know.

It's like you want her to do good, but then you don't.

Wow, that looks nice.

What is it, please? Okay, so pan
-seared Halibut.

I did a white wine paseo pepper and mushroom duxelle.

Halibut's cooked beautifully.

It's still glistening inside, which always makes me happy.

The flavor's good.

Thank you, Chef.

Really good indeed.


Really tough.

The winner, by an absolute fraction Melanie You will not be sitting down.

Rochelle, congratulations.

Yes, oh! Oh, my God.

That's it, Rochelle! Join your team.

- Congratulations, well done.

- Thank you, Chef.

Whoo! That was definitely probably that extra little boost of confidence that I needed that Chef Ramsay's been waiting for me to have.

Blue team, I've arranged for you to spend the most luxurious day of pampering.

- At the ultra chic
- Yes! Sofitel spa Right in the heart of Beverly hills.


Okay, get out of here.

Enjoy today, well deserved.

Thank you, Chef.

Finally, the blue team knows what it's like to have a couple of reds on their team and win for a change.

I'm just glad I get to see you guys in masks.

You can see me in a thong as long as I get out of here.


Red team, whilst the winners are getting their backs massaged, you'll be breaking yours.

Because today is delivery day in Hell's Kitchen.

Off you go.

Yes, Chef.

Thank you, Chef.

I needed a spa day, so it was like, "oh, crap.

" Oh, looks sweet.

Whoo, hoo hoo! Whoo! Ooh, boy.

Oh, baby.

It's a beautiful spa, It's so tranquil, and there's food all over the place.

It's very luxurious.



Oh, ho ho.


Ohh! I like it a lot.

I don't do this stuff.

This is all a little frou fro Two people, like, had my feet.

Like, not cool.

Oh, the filing's giving me the chills.

Ah, ah, ah! The facial thing, they put stuff on your eyes, and then they smear, like, cream on your face.

Oh, is that stuff going on my beard? I've never done anything like this before, and I never will again.

While Jason gets used to what some might consider the finer things in life The red team is experiencing what everyone would consider hard labor.

All right.

This [Bleep]


Imagine me trying to pick that up.

Not happening.

Help! What are we taking next? You need to help me with this, 'cause it's way too heavy.

Mel, excuses are tools of incompetence, okay? She always has excuses.

Those are her tools of incompetence.

Be careful, get your arm under there.

I'm try I understand, with her size, she can't lift a lot, but don't stand by the truck and just eyeball it.

At least make some kind of effort.

Scott, help! Sorry, guys, I'm pretty weak.

With their rewards and punishments over, the chefs settle in for a little down time.

If we did not have service tonight and we were able to just relax, that would actually be a good win.

This is Scott.

And a little is exactly what they get.

Chef wants to see you guys downstairs right away.

Chef wants us all downstairs right now.

Ugh! Oh, seriously? Yeah, we're [Bleep]


Oh, God, here we go.

My muscles hate me, my arms hate me, and I want this day to be over.

Okay, I've got something very important to share with you all.

Tonight, Hell's Kitchen is closed.

To the public.

That's not good.

Tonight, Hell's Kitchen is closed.

To the public.

That's not good.

But tonight We are holding a charity event In honor of UNICEF.

There are only gonna be These 24 people have been responsible for raising nearly $150 million
- Ooh.

- For this charity.

Tonight, we'll be serving a very special five
-course meal.

You are each gonna be responsible for your own course.

Everyone get changed, 'cause this Is one of the most important dinners you've ever cooked.

$150 million.

Do you have any idea how many children that's feeding? It really makes me want to give them a really good service.

Look at that face.

Come on, now, wake up.

Go, go, go, go.

For tonight's special five
-course dinner, each chef will be responsible for leading a course All of us gonna help each other, but we in charge of this thing.


Directing their teammates There's 12 perfect portions of each course, so make sure you have the right plate.

Yes, Chef.

All right, you got it.

And coordinating plating at the pass.

Let's have a great service, red team, blue team.

Yes, Chef.


- Chef?
- Please welcome our special guests into Hell's Kitchen.

Let's go.

Yes, Chef.

Tonight, Hell's Kitchen is closed to the public for an exclusive event honoring major contributors and fundraisers to the worldwide charitable organization UNICEF.

Ladies, please, make yourself comfortable.


Guests will dine on a special five
-course meal comprised of a lobster risotto spearheaded by Anton and Rochelle, a tuna tataki from Melanie and Gabriel, a duck ragu tortellini led by Richard and Kashia, a rack of lamb overseen by Scott and Sandra, and an apple beignet dessert from Jason and Joy.

By the way, the UNICEF ambassador Is actress Angie Harmon.

I love Angie Harmon.

She's hosting.

She's gorgeous.

In fact, she just arrived now.

Oh, my God, I absolutely adore Angie Harmon.

If you're not in love with Angie Harmon, there's something wrong with you as a man.

I mean, she's gotta be rockin' 40 right now, and she is smokin' hot.

Here we go.

12 Risotto away.

Anton, those pans are hot.

Yes, Chef.

Spilled it on the side.

I got it.

"All right, let's open the kitchen, let's start.

" Okay.

Woo! Yeah, it's a Risotto, not a barbecue.

I made my pan way too hot.

Let's go.

While Anton tries to cool things down My bad.

Over in the blue kitchen Don't season mine, 'cause if I season, and you over I'm seasoning yours right now.

Rochelle is spicing things up.

So you season? I'm seasoning 'em.

All right, I'm not touching the seasoning then, 'cause you seasoned 'em.


Gabriel, calm down.

First off, these are my dishes.

We need to be on the same page, buddy.



No, no, no, that's fine.

While Rochelle keeps a close watch on Gabriel Watch your temperatures.

In the red kitchen Just let us know whatever you need.

I'm good.

Anton is completely focused on his Risotto.

Your tails will be ready in one minute, all right? You gotta find your voice a little bit.

It's a bit too quiet for me.

Anton, oh, my gosh, he's that guy that I hate working with in the kitchen.

- First one up?
- Risotto, ready.

Good, let's go.

His communication skills are horrible Very nice, Anton.

But he can cook.

Go, please, thank you.

Despite Anton's minimal communication, the red team's Risotto is delivered in a timely fashion to their VIP guests.

I don't even like Risotto, but I like this.

But you like this? The sauce is fabulous.

That's amazing.

And with Rochelle's Risotto closely behind Go, please, go.

Oh, my gosh, that looks amazing.

It's delicious.

Both teams are on schedule, and are now moving on to their second course.

- Melanie?
- Yes, Chef? I want you coordinating with your team.

Yes, Chef.

Kashia, let's each grab four, and then we're plating 'em up here, and we're gonna walk 'em to the pass, guys.


It doesn't matter to me who's out there, because everybody that comes here deserves a perfect service, a perfect meal, you know, perfect food.

Let's go, come on.

Get the tuna on there, y'all, 'cause I'm up here plating and putting 'em on the pass.

Melanie, you happy with those? Yes, Chef.

Okay, go, guys.

Good job, Melanie, let's go.

With Kashia's help, Melanie's tuna course is delivered on schedule.


And the red team Kashia, 12 stunning tortellinis away.

Yes, Chef.

Is moving on to Kashia's Duck ragu tortellini.

I want to hear you, Kashia.

Yes, Chef.

Meanwhile, in the blue kitchen Five pieces of everything.

Gabriel is finished searing off his tuna and is ready to plate them.

Did he sear all 12? Yeah, I think so.

Why are there two still on this thing? But just like in the challenge, he may have come up a little short.

Count how many you guys have right there.

What I just finished slicing two.

I got three slices.

Three, four, five, six, seven, eight.

I have two right here.

Dude, we don't have 12, I'm telling you.

I'm pretty sure there's only ten pieces of tuna.

Hey, what are you doing, tuna? Yeah, you don't have enough.

You have ten.

Gabriel only seared off ten tuna to begin with.

He's got issues with counting.

Are we short of tuna? Yeah, we only have I counted only ten.

- Gabriel.

- Yes, Chef? This is basic stuff.

You have got to get organized.

Gabriel, I don't know.

I think he's peaked.

And he can't even count.

Dude, I'm glad I counted.


Yes, Chef.

Are you happy with them? Yes, Chef.

Go, please.

With everything finally adding up, Gabriel sends out the second course to the VIP diners.


While over in the red kitchen How long, tortellinis, please? One minute, Chef.

Okay, let's go.

All right, let me put a few more of these on there.

Hurry, 'cause I don't want these to overcook.


I need that pan.

I'm moving those over right now, babe.

Tortellini coming up.

Thank you.

Go ahead.

Have you checked they're hot in the middle? Y I didn't see you checking.

No answer.



Oh, dear, Kashia.

Kashia, Kashia, Kashia.

Yeah, Kashia, pasta's undercooked.

Let's go, let's go.

Come on, Mel, I thought you said those were done, I trusted you.

Why am I being blamed for your rookie
-ass mistake? It's your dish, you have to make sure It's going out perfectly.

Kashia, taste them! I can't believe this.

Come on, y'all, we gotta get these done.

They'll be done.

Don't worry.

I am worried, because it's my dish, and he's looking at me like I'm crazy.

This the [Bleep]

thanks I get? I busted my ass for everybody else's dish, but y'all want to [Bleep]

me? I feel like they threw me under the [Bleep]


How long, Kashia? Give us another minute, please, Chef.

Oh, [Bleep]


Come on, hurry up, hurry up.

Let's move.

Kashia, I want to hear you! Yes, Chef, I'm getting on 'em now.

I'm [Bleep]

pissed off! Hurry up, I need y'all to move! Y'all are moving slow! Tonight, Hell's Kitchen has been closed for a special five
-course charity dinner, and under Kashia's supervision Pasta's undercooked.

Melanie has brought up raw tortellini.

Come on, Mel, I thought you said those were done.

I trusted you.

And now, course leader Kashia Is pushing everyone to make up for lost time.

Hurry up, I need y'all to move! Y'all are moving slow! Oh, man.

Kashia, you test 'em this time, because Anton and I thought they were ready, and we were wrong.

I trusted you all.

Made me look like.

I can't believe this.

_ Go up there and start plating, Melanie.

You've slowed down massively.

Move, move, I need y'all to press for me.

Service, please.

In front, thank you.

Go, please.


Kashia, come here.

What can I do? I got the two strongest people on the tortellinis, and both y'all set 'em up.

They're not done.

I'm just so [Bleep]


You gotta taste everything.

Do you want to go? No, Chef, I don't want to go.

I want to be here.

Though Kashia is upset with her team and herself, her table is thrilled with the course.

Vegetables are wonderful, delicious.

And back in the blue kitchen Okay, I think we're good.

Let's go.

All right, following with sauce behind.

Richard is driving his team's tortellini to the pass.


Five tortellinis staggered.

In order to keep pace with the red team.

You guys, this is the opportunity, we got this.

I need more tortellini down on this end when y'all done.

Yeah, we need a little bit more tortellini.

Drop one? Yeah.

Come on, guys.

I need one tortellini on this dish.

Right behind you.

How many do you need on that one over there? I need three.

Dude, did you guys run out of tortellini? Um, we're out of tortellini, and there's, like, two more plates left.

I need three.

They're overcooked.

Oh, damn.


, man.

Who took the tortellinis out? I did, Chef.



Hey, so what are you gonna do? Think, Richard! Okay, uh well, four each then! Okay.

Put on four each.

It's embarrassing that you have to take off food from one person's plate to stretch food because we've run out of tortellini.

Excuse me, count the plates.

How many? Two, four, six So I'm asking for 12.

Yes, Chef.

Who put the plates out? I did, Chef.

Come on, dude.

I don't see it being a hard thing to count to 12.

You got ten toes and [Bleep]


All you gotta do is add two to that.

Which one are you gonna take away, then? Richard, that's on you.

Yeah, I'm taking this one down.

Oh, my God.

I got it down already.

Somebody must have put a extra plate, or It's not my fault.

Like, I can count.

You know, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, you know what I'm saying? Go, please! With the blue VIPs receiving their tortellini course a little bit behind schedule
- Really good.

- Oh, my gosh, seriously.

Chef Ramsay is ready to move on to course number four.

Away now, 12 stunning lamb.

Yes, Chef.

Scott? Yes, Chef? How are you organizing who's doing what? I got Anton, he's gonna come up with polenta.

Kashia's cooking my greens right now.

Melanie is gonna hit up the lamb, and I'm gonna finish up with the sauce, okay? We're plating in three minutes.

Under Scott's direction, the red team is already working the lamb course, while in the blue kitchen Yes, Chef! It's Sandra's turn to lead her team.

Uh, hey, when you cook 'em I know how to do it.

No, no, no, no, you cook 'em they're too hot still.

No, you cook 'em 90%, and then you put the breading on.

Then you put the breading on.


So fire 'em in the oven now.

I'm putting them now.

All right, move.

Then you put the crust on.

Can you open that oven door
- for me, please?
- Ugh! I wasn't gonna crust 'em.

I was not gonna crust 'em.


Sandra doesn't know how to cook a [Bleep]

rack of lamb? It's ridiculous.

Sandra, how long? How long? Three minutes, Chef.

Let's go, three minutes.

Yes, Chef! While the blue team is supporting Sandra through her lamb course, back in the red kitchen
- Sauce.

- Yup.

Scott and his teammates are already plating their lamb.

You're not saucing with a [Bleep]


You're not saucing with a ladle.

It's gonna get all over the plate.


Look, watch.

Young man, look.

Drain off the olives.

Look, just watch me, and I'm helping you.

! Thank you, Chef.

Okay, not with a [Bleep]


Come on! Yes, Chef.

What the [Bleep]

are you doing, Scott? We all did our parts.

Like, all you have to do Is just plate it.

Thank you.

Let's get the edges.

Let's get the plates up, please.


Service, please.

Scott's strong leadership made up for his clumsy saucing, and the red diners are enjoying their lamb entree.

The lamb is just delicious.

And now, it's up to Sandra to ensure that her kitchen keeps pace.

Get the plates out, Richard! Push! We're walking with garnish, Sandra.

Cut between the bones, please.

It's you can't do that.

They have to be equal size.

It'll be diagonal.

Ugh, Sandra! Ugh! I try and help her out, and she's like, "no, no.

" _ She won't take any help or, like, criticism, so [Bleep]


Madam, this lamb's not that hot.

The bitch is does not know how to cook meat, and it pisses me off.

Is that lamb cold as well? Not that hot, no.

I hate her.

Don't do this to me.

How's that how's that feel over there, Sandra? Look, I've got medium there, I got pink there, I've got one pink one.

Talk to me! Sandra, what do you want us to do? Please, get 'em back together.

Let's get 'em back in the oven.

They'll all go medium! Grab the cold ones and flash 'em right now.

Ugh! Don't do this to me.

Give, give.

Oh, come on.

You cannot overcook the lamb! No, Chef.

Gonna flash 'em real quick.

Ugh! But if it's medium and cold guys, you're gonna overcook it.

I'm not gonna.

Give me 30 seconds.

I don't believe this.

Mother of [Bleep]


Red team, stand by, your beignets.

- Yes, Chef.

- Okay? Yes, Chef.



I have to cook, but I know I'm going home tonight.

Kashia, don't say that.

He'll say I'm ready to go.

It's okay, we're not the only people, okay? There's a team on the other side of the kitchen.

All right.

Help her, blue team! Please! Right here, come on, come on.

Right here, right here in the middle.

Help me plate, help me plate.

Right here in the middle.

Dude, that one's over.

It's over.

Oh, my God.

Is there more lambs coming? Yeah, that's overcooked.

Is there more lamb talk to Sandra.

Sandra, is there more lamb coming? There is no more lamb.

I've got overcooked lamb and three plates with no lamb on.

What do you want us to do? Young lady, make a decision.

Tonight, Hell's Kitchen is hosting a special dinner In honor of UNICEF, and with the dining room full of VIPs I've got overcooked lamb and three plates with no lamb on.

Make a decision.

Sandra needs to act fast to save her lamb course.

Can we at least cut the tops off a little bit, heat it up? Leave me alone.

Ugh, Sandra! I [Bleep]

hate her and her overcooked lamb! Find the best 12 pieces of lamb you have and send the 12 plates.

All right.

I'm gonna pull a piece off of there.

Let me see, let me see.

Go, please.

Go, go, go.

I [Bleep]

up the lamb.

I'm, like, so ashamed.

I can't even look at him right now.

I'm [Bleep]

pissed at myself.

While Jason is determined to make sure his beignet dessert course is flawless Rochelle, I need you on fryer.


Start hitting these runs real fast for me, Kashia.

Joy is already plating hers.

Very nice, Joy.

Go, please, let's go.

Jason leads his team to a fast comeback, and the final course is being served from both kitchens.

Service, please.

Last course for the blue team.

And as sweet beignets are being enjoyed by the diners
- It's orgasmic.

- She's from Louisiana.

There is a lot of bitterness in both kitchens.

That was embarrassing.

Yeah, it was.


When I move, you can put it underneath, or you can set it there, and I'll put it under there.

Why do you have to be mean to me? I don't get it.

You'll get it when we get out of here.

Trust me, you will get it.

Excuse me.

Yeah, you thought Girl.

That's it, when I get out this kitchen, I'm gonna read that bitch her rights.

It was delicious.

Thank you so much, so good.

I can't help but just smile.

- Thank you very much.

- Welcome to Hell's Kitchen.

Thank you.

She's absolutely gorgeous.

I know.

Oh, my God.

I don't know If I'm gonna be able to handle it.

With 24 special individuals gracing our dining room, I thought you guys were gonna show off.

What in the hell happened? I was hoping to have a difficult time choosing a winning team because you were so good, but I'm having a really difficult time because you weren't good enough.

All of you, get upstairs, and both teams, come to a consensus on which two people from your team you want to nominate for elimination.

Get out of here, guys.

It's hard for everybody at this stage.

I mean, we gotta steer away from it being personal, and we just have to put people up, "bam, bam.

" Otherwise, everyone's gonna have a breakdown.

We got five people to pick from and we gotta send two people up, so somewhere in there, somebody's gonna get.

Well, my station went down, so y'all can vote me for tonight.

I put myself up, but I'm not dumb.

I know I'm not the weakest in the red team, but that's okay, 'cause if I'm leaving, I'm leaving this bitch with a [Bleep]


Next? I'm only basing this off the challenge today, but I'm gonna say joy.

I think your dish was the weakest today.

That's all I'm gonna go by.

Well, I know where I'm at with my second vote, and this [Bleep]

ain't [Bleep]


The only reason why I'm gonna say you, Scott, Is 'cause I didn't know that you zone out a little bit In the kitchen, or whatever.

You're really putting yourself up? I felt like that [Bleep]

shouldn't have got out of hand like that, and if it was somebody else's station, they wouldn't have let it flop like that.

But Melanie, you let my dish sink because you didn't want to get blamed for it.

It was your time to lead.

That's what the point is.

It was your dish.

That's [Bleep]


You was worried about not how your team looked, but how you looked in front of Chef Ramsay.

I definitely helped you.

It's not like I was like, "oh, I'm not doing anything else.

" Obviously, you don't roll like I roll! I would've never left you.

I didn't leave you! Yes, the [Bleep]

you did! Yes, the [Bleep]

you did! No, I did not.

Yes, you did! You that's all you did was stand there! You let me know in my [Bleep]

face you didn't want to do it 'cause you didn't want to get [Bleep]

from Chef Ramsay! I tested them, and I thought they were done.

That's cowardly! That's fake! That's punk ass! Shh, can I have a [Bleep]

second, please? [Bleep]

! I don't give a [Bleep]

if you talk again or not.

Okay, then I don't have an excuse, then.

Okay, then, you don't.



End of discussion then.

Well, so? Sandra and who else? That's the [Bleep]


I know I'm gonna get [Bleep]


When I go up there, I'm just gonna own it.

I mean, I've been accountable for every [Bleep]

mistake I've made.

So I'm not gonna nominate myself.

I would say Richard and Gabriel.

Rochelle? Gabriel.

Chef Richard, because of the [Bleep]


Yeah, the two dishes the customers got gypped on were unfortunately, the lamb and the tortellini where they just didn't get everything.

Richard? I'd have to go with Sandra and Gabriel.


I just had a off day today.

You only seared off ten tuna.

I counted and I jumped over there and started searing off the last two.

It was 12 on that plate.

Yeah, but two of 'em were left in the pan.

Seriously? It's 12.

It's not 112, it's [Bleep]


So who is your two? I don't remember.

Sandra and, um this is hard.

Like, this is no joke.

Richard and Gabriel, they really screwed things up, and now, it comes down to my vote.

Hands down, I honestly don't know.

Say it.

I mean, really.

Melanie, first nominee and why? Our first nominee tonight is Kashia, Chef.

Just the fact that her course went down.

Second nominee, and why? Second nominee is Scott.

He kinda seems like he's in la
-la land a lot.

Rochelle, first nominee and why? Chef, our first nomination is Sandra.

Tonight, we had a breakdown at the lamb station, and it was embarrassing not being able to put up every portion.

Second nominee, and why? Um Our second nomination was After a night when neither team lived up to Chef Ramsay's expectations, the red team chose Kashia and Scott.

The blue team's first nominee was Sandra.

Second nominee, and why? Um Our second nomination was Gabriel.

Why? He didn't possess the teamwork that was needed tonight, as well as just the inconsistency In the product he's been putting up.

Gabriel, Sandra, Scott, Kashia, step forward, please.

Sandra, why do you think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen? I know I screwed up service tonight, but I thrive on challenges and I fight back every single time, and I don't make the same mistakes twice.

It sounds like you've lost your passion.

Just disappointed in myself, because I know I can do better.

Kashia, possibly your worst service In this competition so far.

Tell me why you think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen.

I've been driving since day one.

I came in as a underdog, and I want to continue to grow.


Chef, I keep working every day, and I keep trying to do everything I can to make everything perfect.

You shine in individual challenges, but I'm looking for a leader, a head chef.

I am that chef.

If you give me a chance, that's what I'm gonna be.

I'm getting tired of waiting.

Gabriel, why do you think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen? I never top, Chef, no matter what, you know? Even if I drop something or forget something, I'm gonna keep going till the end.

You seem to disappear.

You give up too easily.

Chef, I've never quit, not anything in my life.

I'm cutting the field, guys.

My decision is Scott.


Back in line.

Kashia Back in line.

Sandra Give me your jacket, please.

Your time is done in Hell's Kitchen.

Sorry I let you down, Chef.

Good night.

Thank you for everything.

I am a stronger person, a better chef because of you.

I definitely feel like something slipped away.

I had it in my fingers, and I feel like I dropped the ball tonight, 'cause I know in my heart I'm a better chef than a lot of the people in there.

Tonight was just not my night, but I've done a lot of great things here.

I don't have anything to hang my head low about at all, not at all.

I've seen every one of you shine at one time or another, but I would just like to have a service where you all shine together.

Get out of here.

I think it was [Bleep]

that I was up there to begin with, but I'll take that and run with it and learn from it, and you know, make sure I'm not up there again.

I fight every time I'm here.

I fight every day.

I'm so glad he told me to get back in line.

I have to prove myself, and just flush this day down the toilet.

I have to show him I'm here to win.

Tomorrow's a new day.

Tonight was a wake
-up call.

I'm in drive going at 105.

You better watch out.

It may have been charity night in Hell's Kitchen, but when it comes to Sandra, I wasn't in a charitable mood.

Next time, on Hell's Kitchen So who do you think is your biggest threat? Uh, I don't know.

Will one chef develop a crush on her teammate? I was just like, "all right, here we go.

" And will it turn into a fatal attraction? I love when you're so close.

What's up? I'm just kidding.

Huh? Nothing.

And when an innocent remark Everything needs to be in its place.

We don't even have everything we need.

Triggers a breakdown Rochelle.

- Rochelle?
- Rochelle? Will it drive another chef over the edge? I don't think I was prepared for this.

Hell hath no fury What have you done? Why are they all overcooked? The way Anton showed me.


Like a chef scorned.

I'm gonna shut him up and, like, put him in his place.

All next time You breakin' my balls? On a below
-belt episode Heh heh heh.

Of Hell's Kitchen.
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