13x02 - 17 Chefs Compete

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Hell's Kitchen". Aired: May 30, 2005 – present.*
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Reality television show that uses a progressive elimination format to narrow down a field of 20 to 12 aspiring chefs to one single winner over the course of one season.
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13x02 - 17 Chefs Compete

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Hell's Kitchen, came to Los Angeles eager and ready to compete.

First, they were treated to a little movie.

This is [Bleep]


I'm on this huge [Bleep]


Then a big surprise.

Private screening my ass.

There's, like, a million people behind us.

Your signature dish is gonna happen right now.

For the signature dish challenge, the men and women faced off in their first battle.

The team with the most total points wins the challenge.

And Roe It's seasoned beautifully.

Katie Well done.

Bryant Absolutely sublime.

And Fernando.

Congratulations, four.

Made a truly impressive debut, each scoring four out of five possible points.

While Frank, La Tasha, J.


, and Aaron Had Chef Ramsay spitting mad, earning just one point apiece.

Your dish gets a one.

- Oh, [Bleep]


- Yep.

When it came down to the final two dishes Four out of five.

It was sous Chef Kalen from river oak, Texas, who brought it home for the red team.

At the 13th opening night dinner service Let's go! La Tasha redeemed herself on appetizers.

That's perfect.

And the red team worked together Those Wellingtons, they're perfectly done.

To deliver the best opening night dinner service in Hell's Kitchen history.

Service, please.

In the blue kitchen Aaron struggled with risotto.

Bland risotto! And J.


and J.


's attempt at the fish station was a total flop.

- J.


- Yes, Chef.

Just pathetic! J.


- Yes, Chef?
- Just ridiculous! And a very frustrated Chef Ramsay [Bleep]

! You, you, you, you, you, [Bleep]

off! Had enough of the blue team.

Get out! At elimination, the men nominated Aaron.

And J.


But in the end J.


Was the first to walk out of Hell's Kitchen and away from his dream of becoming head Chef at Gordon Ramsay pub and grill at Caesar's Atlantic City.

And now, the continuation of Hell's Kitchen.

Second chance, y'all.

Let's milk it, all right? I'm not failing.

I'm here to make it to the very [Bleep]


This will never happen again.

Let's start doing walkthroughs of stations.

Lobster risotto.

Oh, man, [Bleep]

walk you through that, man.

Olive oil.

The red sauce, which is shefra shafran Sofrito.



- So

- Sofriko.

What the hell's wrong with this guy? He get dropped on his head a couple times? Chive and a tomato con con tomato [Bleep]


All right, I'm about to teach myself.

We cannot be cocky about this.

Yeah, no.

We can't be cocky

But one thing we can do is learn from all the mistakes that we did make tonight.

Everyone is showing great potential, and working together is what's gonna continue to win services.

All right, hot tub.

I need to soak my feet.

After a very long day, the chefs are looking forward to some much needed sleep.

But with their next challenge already taking shape, the time for sleep Is over.

Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Get downstairs! Come on, let's go! Let's go! Come on! Let's go, let's go, let's go.

Let's get downstairs! Come on, come on.

Come on, let's go! Get up! Get up immediately! Hustle! This is [Bleep]


Go! Move, move, move, move! I didn't get a chance to [Bleep]


I have to brush my teeth.

This is insane.

Let's go, guys.

Come on, let's go.


Let's go.

What the [Bleep]

is going on? You know, we have sand sculptures looking like, you know, you're at the beach.

Okay, welcome to Hell's Kitchen beach.

All right.

Now look at the attention to detail that went into every sculpture, and let's be honest, there were many details overlooked during opening night.

Yes, Chef.

That is why today's challenge is all about being precise.

What in the Ooh! Oh, my God.

I have selected a very expensive ingredient.

What the [Bleep]

is that? Sterling, do you know what this is? That is not right.

I've never handled anything like this.

This is a geoduck, the king of clams.

They can sell for up to $150 a portion.

The geoduck are buried in the stunning sand sculptures behind me.

You'll have three minutes to grab as many as you can, and then place them in your nets.

- Clear?
- Yes, Chef.

For this geoduck challenge, two chefs from each team will get to dig at a time.

Right, red team, blue team, your three minutes starts now.

Let's go.

Let's go! Let's go! Go, go, go, go.

Come on, tackle it, tackle it.

There's one.

Well done, wow.

Santos, good job.

Go, go, go.

This sand does not feel like sand.

It feels like cement.

What did you pack this with? Hit it, hit it.

Well done, good, good.

Come on, keep going.

Next, next, next, go.

Katie, on top! Right in front of you, Katie! Katie! Katie! Sterling, dig deep, baby.

I see Sterling.

He's digging like a ten
-pound dog.

Just just diggin'.

Sterling, come on.

Sterling, come on, brother! Sterling, I don't want you to make a castle.

Come on, Katie.

You got it, babe.

There you go! There you go! I know you love the beach, come on.

One minute left.

Go to a new pile! Come on! Sterling, hurry the [Bleep]


Go! Yeah, Sterling! All right, Sterling! Come on, come on, come on, come on.

We can't let them beat us! Nine, eight Come on, where's the [Bleep]

geoduck? Seven, six, five Four, three Dig, dig! Two, one.

Stop! Ooh, good job, good job.

Lifeguard, blue team have how many? Good job, guys.

Well done.

The red team, how many do they have?
- 10, Chef.

- 10.

Finally, the men have won something.

Finally, man.

Do you know what you won? No, sir.


It's all good.

But this will help you in part two of this challenge.

You still didn't win.


- Finally!
- Hell yeah! Take your nets from your lifeguards, and make your way upstairs and get changed.

- Thank you.

- Yes, Chef.

Let's go.

Go, guys.

All right, ladies, here we go.

Go, go, go, go.

One, two, three, blue! We're on a high.

We won this first part of this challenge.

Let's keep the momentum going, and let's just do this.

Today's challenge, you will all need to recreate my geoduck sashimi dish.


Oyster knife in.

Push into the shell.

Open, and pull out.

Chef Ramsay pulls out the geoduck, and the ladies just got excited.

All their eyes got big.

They was ready for action at this point.

Peel gently.

Hold it firmly.

Very carefully shave it.

Beautiful, thin slices.

Texture with your pomegranate seeds, and then finally lightly dress.

Only Chef Ramsay can take something that looks like a [Bleep]

and turn it into a $150 plate.

I mean, seriously, I'm just sayin'.

A completed dish must weigh 200 grams.

I'm gonna show some flexibility.

I'm gonna allow for a gram either side, so you bring me one at 199 or 201.

The team that delivers me the fastest wins the challenge.

The red team, since you retrieved too few geoduck, you'll have to be even more careful, more precise.

Head over to your kitchen, get into your pairs, and let's go.

All right.

Get a good grip on your first geoduck.

On your mark, get set, go! Let's go, come on.

In the second part of today's attention to detail challenge, each team must perfectly recreate Chef Ramsay's geoduck sashimi.

Get in the system, let's go.

Come on, who's gonna be first? The first team to present wins the challenge.

That's perfect.

I got you, babe.

Chef Ramsay is looking for exactly 200 grams.

Ring the bell.

Six grams short.

Come on, let's go! This is a lot harder than it seems.

Five grams short.

Let's go.

We don't have a lot of time to waste 'cause we're gonna win this challenge.

Ring the bell.


Slow and steady.

I got you.

We want precision from this one.

We're startin' off slow, 'cause everyone's focused on quality over quantity.

No, no, don't start plating yet.

Perfect! 200! Walking, walking behind y'all.

Come on, put that down, put that down.

Let's go.


You are 199.

Well done.

Great job, ladies.

Nice, ladies! Nice! Perfect, 201.

Yes, let's go.

Another one, another one.

Come on, come on.

Weight perfect, 199.

Blue team, you have the lead.

Come on.

Yeah, let's go! Let's go! Come on, ladies.

Let's go! It's all about finesse right now.

That is perfect.

Yes! Well done.


Two grams short.

Come on, let's go! While the women's slow and steady approach is starting to pay off Perfect, wow.

Don't waste anything, guys.

The men's haste Four short, let's go.

Is starting to lay waste to their lead.

Come on, Sterling.

Keep up the pace! Perfect.

I'm hearing bell after bell.

Great job.

And "perfect plate, perfect plate.

" That looks short.

That looks short.

Perfect! Good job.

We're comin' back.

Perfect! Good girl.

Three more.

- Three left! Push it!
- One here! All right, blue.

This is our first challenge we can actually win.

Come on, let's go, let's go.

- You are perfect.

- Yes! Come on, work, work, work! [Bleep]

kidding me? We are not losing this challenge.

We got our winning streak going, and it's not gonna end.

Put it on.

Put it on.

Let's go.

Perfect! Great job.

Go, ladies, go! Let's go! Let's go! Let's go! Let's go! Ring the bell.

Ring the bell.

Perfect! Yeah! One more! Whoo
-hoo! Three grams short.


Come on, ladies! One for the men! Who has it? Who has it? Guys, we got to push this.

Push! Move! Let's go! Behind! Behind! Behind! One for the men.

Is this it? In today's attention to detail challenge, the first team to deliver Yeah, one more! Whoo
-hoo! And the men are now just one dish away from victory.

Behind! Behind! Behind! One for the men.

Is this it? Two short! Clean the plate.

Come on, come on, come on.

Taking his crap.

Move! Move! Oh, my God.

Blue team, all we need is one more.

We got this.

It's in the bag.

Come on, we've got to win.

Put it on there.

Put it on there.

Here's more fish.

Plate that, let's plate that.

Keep going.

I need a little bit more.

I don't have anymore.

Here, I got it.

Got it right here.

You've got it.

Let's go, one gram.

Let's go.

Come on! Come on, let's go.

Ring the bell.

And that is perfect! Next one wins.

Behind! Behind! Behind! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! One more, one more, one more! Perfect! Yes! Yes! Yes! Red team, we win again! Boys, how does it feel to just be In your face, son! You were one away, guys.


You had the lead.

I'm pissed right now.


! There's nothing worse than losing by one point.

Ladies, great job.

Thanks, Chef.

Today all of you are gonna be soaking up the sun aboard an 85
-foot stunning luxury yacht.

Good job, ladies! Good job, ladies! It sounds that amazing that even I don't want to miss out, so I'm joining you.

All right, ladies, grab your bathing suits.

Let's go.

Thanks, Chef.

- Good job, ladies.

k*lling 'em, ladies.

- Hell yeah! Are you kidding me? Chef Ramsay is joining us on a yacht in L.


I'm going on a yacht, b*tches! Men, you're in an unforgiving and a very exhausting day.

You will start today's punishment by cleaning up the sand outside.

And then once you finish, you'll start preparing our geoduck special ahead of tomorrow night's service.

I'm tired of losing.

Like, this is our third loss to the females, and I'm just tired of everybody on the blue team not doing their job.

Yo, it's hotter than a firecracker on the fourth of July, man.

If you ain't never been to California, it is hot, hot, hot.

Man! We deserve a night out on the town, man.

This is motivation to never lose again.

- It is.

- Let's go, baby.

While the men dig into their punishment, the women Yeah! Are digging their reward.

You know what? I'm still in awe just, like, looking at you.

I just wanna touch you.

Embrace you.

Embrace you.

Embrace me.

Time to go.

Oh, Chef.

I like that little accent.

Like, "hey, boy, come get some lovin' from me.

" Okay Cut.

Let's hope we continue this winning streak.

Yes, Chef.

The future challenges, listen carefully.

Teamwork is about working together.

When you're in the weeds, just get out.


- Seriously, well done.

- Thanks, Chef.

Enjoy your afternoon.

Great job.

Tapping glasses with Chef Ramsay, it's probably the best experience I've ever had in my entire life.

Bye, Chef! I mean, hey, if he wants to be my best friend, I have an opening.

We chillin' like a couple of villains, baby! Grab a seat, guys.

I can't wait to eat.

You must have worked up an appetite, huh? Here is lunch.

Oh, no.

What is this? Some boiled salt cod.

The sauce is a jellied gefilte fish.

- Oh, my the smell.

- Okay? Enjoy lunch, fellas.

Oh, my God.

That makes me nauseous.


This food is not even fit for a dog.

It smelled like somebody left the tuna fish can open for, like, a week.

It stinks.

You're eatin' that like it's steak, boy.

I'm here and I'm determined, man.

I'm not letting nothing stop me on my dream.

I'm always gonna stay positive.

That's why I'm always 100.

You're, uh, definitely the man, Sterling.

I know, I went to the bathroom, and I still had to [Bleep]


You don't got to tell me that.

I got to [Bleep]


Look at [Bleep]

standin' up and do it, you know? Where you going? Are you dancing? I don't know if he on medication or what's wrong with the dude, but Sterling, sit the [Bleep]


This dude has cleaned his plate.

Mind over matter.

You said it yourself.

Practice what you preach, B! Look look, I don't know why the [Bleep]

You got something to prove.

I don't.

I just ate my lunch.

Then why you standing up telling me that? I love you.

You need a hug? No, I don't need a hug.

I need you not to talk to me like that.

Dude, Bryant relax.

This is just Sterling being Sterling.

Don't get mad at me 'cause your plate is full.

It's full because I don't want to eat it.

It ain't my fault.

Then why the [Bleep]

are you talking to me about it? Sterling is annoying the [Bleep]

out of me.

He's acting like a damn fool.

Leave me the [Bleep]


I'm gonna tell you right now, leave me alone.

What are you gonna do? Hit me? No.

Leave me the [Bleep]


All right.


Bon appetit, [Bleep]


While the men continue to endure a miserable afternoon inside Hell's Kitchen Back at the beach, the women are getting wet and wild.

- Look at that.

- Cool.

Oh, yeah.

Oh, my gosh.

There is a water obstacle course, and they have shut this bitch down.

- The sun feels so good.

- Yeah.

Here's a moment of silence dedicated just to the boys losing.

Thank you.

This is for the boys.

Let's get crackin'.

Let's start whacking this [Bleep]


All right.

Where the zester? We got a zester in our knife kit, B? Why don't you check it out and look? I'm just asking.

Go look at your knife kit, dude.

You got an attitude for a zester, man? No, I got an attitude 'cause you got something to prove, bro.

Nah, that's what you think.

I ate food.

- No, no, no, no.

- I ate the food.

- Then good.

- Shut the [Bleep]


You don't gotta tell me that I woke up with a [Bleep]

this morning? We all did.

The blue team has had an exhausting punishment and stomach
-churning lunch.


But nothing can get Sterling down.

You got something to prove, bro.

Except Bryant.

- No, no, no, no, no.

- I ate the food.

- Then good.

- Shut the [Bleep]


You don't gotta tell me that I woke up with a [Bleep]

this morning.

We all did.

That's on you.

That's on you, and I was saying like that to you.

That's on you, 'cause I'm a man.

How are we gonna win the dinner service if we can't get along? Like We call Bryant "Volcano.

" He's like a loose cannon.

You never know when he's gonna go off.

That's all good.

I'm 100, man.

All right, good.

I'm a million.

I'm a million.

Ohh! Hey, boys! How was lunch? What'd you guys have? Ask Sterling about lunch.

He loved it.

Make sure it's thin.

Super thin! I'm gonna slice your ass.

Then they'd shut the [Bleep]


This is the worst feeling right now.

Tonight, Hell's Kitchen opens for its second dinner service.

And while the blue team is looking for redemption I truly apologize.

I really want to move forward.

Sterling is looking for forgiveness.

Appreciate it.

Sorry for raising my voice at you.

It's all good, man.

Love you, Dog.

While the men have put the past behind them Team, team, team.

The women We got to keep on the communication, ladies.

Are looking for a repeat performance of their outstanding opening night service.

Yes, ladies? Everyone's ready? Ladies, how are we? Hello, Chef.

Gentlemen, we can do this, man.

All right? Mario.

Si, Chef? Please open Hell's Kitchen.

Blue! Gentlemen, shh.

Jesus, guys.

It's a restaurant, not a [Bleep]

cage fight.

You ready, Denine? For tonight's dinner service, in addition to the regular menu I'll have the lobster risotto.

Chef Ramsay has added a special tableside appetizer of geoduck chowder.

Appetizers, one chowder tableside.

Two risotto.

One scallop.

Heard, Chef.

Which will be prepared by Aaron for the blue team and Kalen for the red team.

Hi, guys.

- Ladies, here we go.

- Here we go.

Let's confirm it's not a fluke.

Four covers, table 22.

One chowder tableside.

One scallops, two risotto.

Yes, Chef! Let's go, ladies.

My biggest focus is making sure that I get our appetizers out.

Janai, let just let me know when to drop them scallops.

All right.

- And lobster.

- And lobster.

Come on, how long you got on that too? Two minutes on the first risotto.

I'm almost done.

How are you on risotto? "How long on risotto? How long?" Bitch, I just told you! How long on that risotto? Janai, how long? I'm askin' Janai for [Bleep]

times, and I'm not getting any answers.

Dude, shut up.

Scallop, two risotto, how long? Right now, Chef.

Walking, Chef.

I got you right here.


Come on, ladies! Mush.

All of you! All of you! Yes, Chef! Taste that.

Quick! Looks like baby food.

It's mush! Janai, it's overcooked.

Yes, Chef.

Not by two minutes, but by ten minutes! Yes, Chef.

Janai, Is all I have to say.

You're creating baby food! It looked like [Bleep]

comin' out the [Bleep]


It's okay, it's okay.

Here we go.

Sorry about that.

While Janai starts over on her risotto, in the blue kitchen it's up to Steve on fish and Bryant on appetizers How you lookin', brother?
- Four minutes.

- Four minutes, heard.

To deliver the men's first order.

- Two risotto, one scallop.

- Yes, Chef.

- Working, yes?
- One minute away, Chef.

One minute away.

Really? Already? Well, that's fast.


This is our time to shine.

We need to come back like there's no tomorrow.

Now hot.

Behind, Chef.

The customers are gonna freak.

Hey, that risotto
- Is delicious.

- Thank you, Chef.

It's not a celebration.

I know it's not, Chef.

- We're not going to church.

- Absolutely, Chef.

It's just you doing your job [Bleep]


- That's right.

- Don't [Bleep]

your pants.

I'm not going to, Chef.

- Taste it again to remind yourself.

- Yes, Chef, I will.

Hey, you've raised the bar.

Don't drop it.

I will not, Chef.

I'm like, pfft! Like, flipping out.

Like, "all right, dude, just calm down and keep going.

" Service.

While the blue team keeps going on appetizers
- Your geoduck chowder.

- Wonderful.


The red team is still stuck on Risotto! Come on, please, Janai! I'm ready, Chef.

- Janai, ready?
- I'm walking.

- Lobster?
- Let's go.

Behind with the lobster tails, and Behind, risotto.

I got you.

I got you.

The grain, look how fat it is.

- Yes, Chef?
- Come here! [Bleep]

! It's soup.

There's just too much liquid.

Heard, Chef.

It's too soupy.

And the lobster's raw! Raw! Ladies, please! Who cooked the lobster? I did, Chef.


Like, I why? Why? Why? Hey, too much sunshine? What's the matter with you girls? While Janai and Denine re
-fire their appetizers, Chef Ramsay Ladies, come on! And the diners continue to wait.

Everybody's always waiting in Hell's Kitchen.


Don't eat anymore bread.

You'll fill up on bread.

Meanwhile, in the blue kitchen Four covers, table one.

One chowder tableside special.

Three scallops.

Yes, Chef! It's up to Frank and Steve on fish So I'll cook the scallops? Scallops, one chowder.

You got that, okay.

To keep the appetizers moving at a steady pace.

Steve? Steve! Yes, Chef? What are you doing, young man?
- Hey, you, stop!
- Yes, Chef? Come here, you.

We have the scallops, great.

Just touch them.

Overcooked, Chef.

They're [Bleep]

! And they're boiled.

Great, you [Bleep]

'em up.


Now what is it with you that you can't ask for help? I can ask for help, sir.

- Okay, so [Bleep]

do it!
- Yes, Chef.

Get in by his side.

And you, you, pretty boy, get [Bleep]

involved! Yes, Chef.



Chef Ramsay made me feel about two inches big.

Now start again! I am, Chef.

Right now, Chef.

It's 35 minutes into dinner service, and while the blue team has stalled on appetizers, unbelievably, the red team has yet to send out a single appetizer.

- Bread and water.

- Toast? But they're hoping the third attempt will be successful.

Four, five, six.

How long on lobster tails, Denine? Dropping two lobster now.

How long on that risotto? Because you've got scallops coming with it.

Yeah, I'm I'm ready.

You're ready on risotto? Yes.

- To walk?
- Yes.

Janai, what is wrong with you? Why the [Bleep]

aren't you giving accurate times for the stuff that you're cooking? Like, that's ridiculous.

I need to know when you're ready to walk with risotto, 'cause I have scallops.

You have your scallops.

I they are not made.

When you are ready to walk, give me two minutes out.

I don't got time to be babysittin' those little toddlers right now.

At this point, we need a miracle.

Scallops are walking now.

Risotto? Right behind you.

Ready? Hot, hot.

Chef, the sizzle pan is hot.

Mush again.

Lord, please.



Time out.

Time out.

- Mareno, get in here.

- Yes, Chef.

You're Italian.

Taste that [Bleep]




Overcooked lobster tail.

Overcooked scallops, and mush risotto.

My hands are shaking right now.

Holy [Bleep]


All of you all come here, all of you.

All of you.

All of you.

Get the [Bleep]


Get in here! Get in! Yes, Chef.

It's just an hour into dinner service, and Janai and Denine have failed to deliver on their third attempt of the first order of appetizers.

- He's gonna make my halibut?
- Yeah, yeah.

All of you all come here, all of you.

And now Chef Ramsay Get in here!
- Get in!
- Yes, Chef.

Has a brief word of advice for the entire red team.

- That's not good.

- Girls are gone.

Oh, my God.

Have a [Bleep]

meeting and sort it out.

But when you walk back into that kitchen, if anyone hasn't got their [Bleep]

together, game over.

Yes, Chef.

Everybody go to your station.

Whatever you're fired on, that's priority.

Whatever's draggin', risotto, go.

This is it.

You need this risotto has to happen now, okay? Own your stations, ladies.

- Own your stations.

- No excuses, let's go! Two risotto, right now, and two scallop.

Let's go! I have to get this risotto right, for my team's sake, for my sake of staying in this game.

Drop those lobster tails.

Denine, drop those lobster tails.

- You want me to drop them now?
- Yes.

Two of 'em.

Let's go.

Tighten it up.

If you want to have any chance of staying in this kitchen and on this team, you need to put out the risottos.

Scallops! Coming now, Chef.

Walking with the scallops.

Right behind.

Service, please.

With appetizers finally leaving the red kitchen Really good.

Chef Ramsay turns his attention to Frank Take this off.

Boom, we've got that.

And Steve to rebound on the blue team's appetizers.

Three scallops coming to the window, one minute, Chef.

If you want to be that guy, walk around with your big [Bleep]


I bet you.

Trust me.

If it goes back, I'm getting my ass chewed out.

I got this.

Show, like, and produce, perform.

Let's walk, let's walk.

Let's walk! Scallops! Right behind, Chef.

Now that's the way to cook scallops, hey! Yes, Chef! Go, push it, push it.

Thank you, and enjoy.

With both the men Here we go.

Walkin walking behind, Chef.

And women finally finding their rhythm.

Wow, that lobster's really good.

How long on the risotto? Peas are ready.


Both kitchens are finishing up appetizers.

Ohh, that's good.

Oh, that's great.


And are moving on to entrees.

- Jennifer.

- Yes, Chef.

La Tasha, can I get an entree?
- Yes, Chef.

- Yes, Chef.

Two wellington, one lamb.

Yes, Chef.

Thank you.

We're gonna really rock out meats tonight.

What better station to show Chef Ramsay, "I can cook protein, sir"? All right, what are you walking garnish on? Garnish is up.

Wellington? Two wellies walking.

Lamb! I've got the garnish.

Walking lamb.

Who cooked those Wellingtons?
- I did, Chef.

- They are perfect.

The lamb, who cooked the lamb?
- I did, Chef.

- We did, Chef.

- Perfect.

- Thanks, Chef.

Thanks to Jennifer and La Tasha Let's go.

The women are off to a strong start on their entrees.

Oh, mmm.

And in the blue kitchen Away now.

Two halibut, two lamb.

Five minutes to the window.

Yes, Chef.

The pressure is on Sterling and Fernando to deliver on their meat.

How long on the lamb? Two minutes on lamb! Two halibuts.

Man, it's finally my time to shine, man.

I'm ready to prove myself.

Show that I am fit for this job.

How long?
- Is yours done?
- My halibut's ready.

I'm not ready yet.

Give me three minutes tops, man.

- Three minutes.

- [Bleep]


I'm walkin' in one.

Three minutes, man! I'm not serving this.

Three minutes! Shut the [Bleep]


Three minutes.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, listen.


Pay attention.

Pay attention to what's going on.

Why would you send it up when my food ain't ready, man? Really, guys? Really? It's not a measure of how big your [Bleep]


Just put your food out.

Blue team! Two halibut, two lamb.

Walking with the halibut.

Lamb walking.

Lamb walking.

Two halibut.

Lamb! No answer.

Lamb! Lamb is one minute out! That's too rare, sir.

One minute out?
- Oh, my God.

- That one's too rare.

But I got one.

I got one ready.

By the time I cut this, I'll be ready.

Come on! If it's not good, don't slice it.

It's good.

Check, check first.

Check first.

It's raw! Don't slice it more.

Just put it back.

Oh, man.

What have I done now, man? Hey you, [Bleep]

, come here.

Give me the [Bleep]

lamb! Give me the lamb! [Bleep]

! All of you, come here! Hurry up, Fernando! Pull it off, pull it off.

Look how we are reverting to cooking.


! Hey, all of you, can you slow down and get your [Bleep]

together? Yes, Chef! While Sterling and the blue team try to regroup Hey, man, worry about your station.

Let me handle this.

Deep breath, and let's cook.

Over in the red kitchen Salmon's ready!
- What are you doing?
- Lamb! Walking, Chef.

Denine and the red team are eager to push forward.

Walking with salmon! Walking lamb.

- Salmon over here, please.

- Lamb, Chef.

I'm walking on eggshells right now, and I'm just waiting for him to just send it out.

I'm praying he's sending it out.

All of you, come here! I've warned you, I've helped you, and now it's got raw salmon.

So [Bleep]

raw it won't even fall apart.

It's just stone cold and raw.

Denine can't cook a fish, so what do I get? I get [Bleep]

a face of raw [Bleep]


Get out! All of you, get out! Oh, my God.

He just kicked the whole red team out.

They just kicked the whole red team out of the kitchen.

Get out! [Bleep]


I don't think anybody's getting their food tonight.

It's an hour and a half into dinner service All of you, come here! And after a long night of careless mistakes I've warned you, I've helped you, and now it's got raw salmon.

Denine's raw salmon is the final straw that pushes Chef Ramsay over the edge.

Get out! I don't think anybody's getting their food tonight.

It it was my salmon.

I don't know what else to say.

Can't cook scallops.



Jennifer's really talking [Bleep]


Stop playing the blame game.

We lost communication.

There was a panic in our kitchen tonight.

It is what it is.

I [Bleep]


I'm not putting the blame on anyone else.

I'm not saying, "no, but" While the women ponder their predicament Okay, James, six top.

Blue team! Two salmon, two wellington, one pork, one lamb.

Yes, Chef! Back in the blue kitchen Salmon? Walking! Wellington? Chef, wellington in the window! All Chef Ramsay needs is Sterling's pork and Fernando's lamb to send out the next order of entrees.

How long on the pork? It's finished sliced now.

I'm letting it rest.

Can't go with that pork.

Pork is too raw.

Don't touch the salmon, please! Pork! I'm sweatin' b*ll*ts.

I'm like, man, lord God, please hear my prayer.

Pork! My bad on that pork, man! Pork! It's my fault.

Pork? Damn, man! Pork, how long? Damn! One minute.

I'ma get one and give it to you in one minute.

Hey, just look at what the [Bleep]

you guys are doing.

Here's the four entrees.

I'm dragging the lamb.

I'm dragging the pork.

This lamb is too small, man.

So if it's too small, what do you do? Add another one.

Give me the [Bleep]


So where's the pork then? In the oven, Chef.

How long for the pork? Pork's not ready for four minutes, Chef.

- Four minutes?
- Four minutes? Dude, it's raw, dude.

It's rare right now.

We're going down in [Bleep]


All of you, come here! Two salmon, two wellington, one pork, one lamb.



And the pork's where? It's rare, Chef.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight [Bleep]




Get out.

Pathetic! Out! Out! [Bleep]

! We were there! I'm pissed.

We couldn't even feed the last table.

We were right there, guys.

I'm really upset.

Like, hurt.

Like somebody stole my bike.

Man, man, man.


I've cooked with 8
-olds that have more coordination than you [Bleep]

put together.


I want both teams to pick two nominees for elimination.

Yes, Chef.

What the [Bleep]

? Tonight was crash and burn, but hopefully everyone's ready to own up and take responsibility.

I know I had a big part to play.

I vote myself.

I'm pretty much on board.


Roe, who's your vote? Denine and Janai.

Katie, who's your votes?
- I'll do Denine and Janai.

- Denine.

I know I'm gonna get upset, but it's like tonight was a fluke.

I [Bleep]


Listen, maybe I'm, like, at a breaking point right now, but I'll come back from it.

Denine is literally falling apart.

She's definitely going home tonight.

Sade? Janai and Denine.

Well, it's unanimous then.

The red team quickly decides on their two nominees, while one member of the blue team I take the fall for it.

I'm it's my fault.

Only you and Sterling.

I'm sorry, man.

All right.

Nominates himself.

Sterling, come here real quick.

The pork, when I brung it out, it wasn't perfectly seared.

Look, Fernando's great, but I'm trying to eliminate the people that I think are gonna have a good chance of surviving.

I don't mind going up 'cause I know I'm wrong, but I know I didn't do everything on my own.

I put up Fernando with me.

That's [Bleep]

'cause I was trying to get the [Bleep]


Man, with our station, we didn't hold our ground, man.

I don't think we're the only station to [Bleep]


You know, Steve sending up raw halibut? I'm the first one to admit I had that one halibut was a little raw, but I set you guys up for success.

You guys, we have to come together.

Who do you think should go home? Who's goin'? Tonight was a [Bleep]


Ladies, I thought the opening night service was too good to be true.

Turns out, I was right.

Sade? Yes, Chef? Red team's first nominee and why.


She put out risotto numerous times, and it was overcooked almost every time, Chef.

You're not wrong.

Second nominee and why.

Denine because she worked the fish station.

She put out scallops and lobster that was raw, Chef.

Men, have you reached a decision? Yes, Chef.

Frank, first nominee and why.


He worked the meat station tonight, and everything collapsed from the meat station.

Second nominee and why? Um.


After a dinner service where every Chef was kicked out of the kitchen, the women nominated Denine and Janai, and the men have nominated Sterling.

- Second nominee and why?
- Um And now must give Chef Ramsay their second nominee.

- Fernando.

- Fernando? He also worked the meat station, and everything collapsed.


Denine, Janai, Fernando, Sterling, step forward.

Denine, tell me, why do you think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen? I think I should stay here tonight, Chef, because I'm ready to own up to my [Bleep]


I know what I'm doing in a kitchen, and tonight was a fluke, and Cooking a piece of [Bleep]


My 11
-old daughter can do it with her eyes closed.

Janai, embarrassing performance tonight.

You couldn't even get out of the gates.

Chef, I know that I overcooked the risotto That's right.

And that's all it was.

"That's all it was," did you just say? Yes.

Yes, Chef.

I Where's your mind? Fernando, are you an executive Chef? Yes, Chef.

I think the word "executive" has gone to your head.

No, Chef.

I work hard, Chef, and I have I would rather you work smarter Yes, Chef.

Than [Bleep]


Work in there, not in there.

I need a team that comes together.

Sterling, why do you think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen? I belong here.

I made a mistake tonight.

There's no excuse.

I know I can do better, and I know I will do better.


The person leaving Hell's Kitchen is Janai.

Give me your jacket.

Tonight confirmed that you are not ready to be my head Chef.

Good night.

Thank you for the opportunity.

I definitely feel like Chef Ramsay made a mistake.

Nobody in that kitchen is better than me.

Chef Ramsay may not know it, but in all honesty, it's his loss that he didn't get a chance to see that.

Right now, I have something to communicate to all of you.



I'm cocky, I'm obnoxious, but I am 23, and they're all older and stuck in their ways, and I can't [Bleep]

stand it.

Red team, you're dead to me.

I'm gonna make people cry.

I'm definitely not the weakest link.

I [Bleep]

up, but every other station also [Bleep]


The entire team, it's like they're blinded, and I was put to elimination because of that.

It's a wake
-up call.

I'm still here! My teammate can't stop me from pursuing my dreams.

I ain't going nowhere.

Cooking risotto is elementary, but tonight I found out Janai is still in kindergarten.

Next time on Hell's Kitchen, Sterling goes on a rampage.

Man, that's a [Bleep]

embarrassment, man! Don't treat me like I'm a toilet, 'cause I ain't gonna take your [Bleep]


You ain't got no respect! But when one teammate tries to stop him I just can't deal with it no more.


100 explodes.

You just disrespect me like that? You think I'm gonna let you walk over me? Shut the [Bleep]

up right now.

- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
- Come on! And the tension carries over in the blue kitchen.

- Not now.

- Not yet.

They're not ready! You got three minutes out, Frank! Get out! And in the red kitchen Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Smother, smother.

But Chef Ramsay What in the [Bleep]

is going on? Quickly gets everything under control.

I've decided to take both your jackets.

Find out who will survive one crazy dinner service.

Come on, come on.

We need a medic now.

Yeah, medic, now! You don't want to miss a night of surprises on the next Hell's Kitchen.

Jennifer, Jennifer, can you hear me?
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