13x04 - 15 Chefs Compete

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Hell's Kitchen". Aired: May 30, 2005 – present.*
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Reality television show that uses a progressive elimination format to narrow down a field of 20 to 12 aspiring chefs to one single winner over the course of one season.
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13x04 - 15 Chefs Compete

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Hell's Kitchen Whoo! After a brawl on the blue team You ain't got no respect.

Sterling, shut the [Bleep]


The men put their issues aside More sausage and tomato mixture on eight.

All right.

In the communication challenge I think you're making, like, a shepherd's pie.


And worked together The point goes to the blue team.

To score their first victory in Hell's Kitchen The monkey is off our back.

Blue! And leaving the disappointed red team Never drinking coffee again.

To suffer their first punishment.

I need a break from grinding.

Grind it yourself.

And an unpopular teammate.

I won't grind the coffee beans.

Are you kidding me right now? At dinner service, Sterling Can somebody help him?
- What?
- That's you, Sterling! Bryant Halibut sushi, stone cold in the middle.

And Frank What's the one thing that's missing? Salt.

Were booted from the kitchen [Bleep]

off upstairs.

Get out! But the remaining men made an impressive comeback and completed dinner service.

Clear down, good job.

On the red team I need the proteins.

Move! Kalen and Denine went down on the meat station That's still raw.

The chicken is as dry as a [Bleep]


Meat station's going down in a ball of flames.

Leading to repercussions for the entire team.

Get out! Get out! Ugh.

Oh, [Bleep]

, man.

The women nominated Kalen.

And Denine.

But it was Denine, please give me the jacket.

Who left Hell's Kitchen and saw her dream of becoming head Chef at Gordon Ramsay pub and grille at Caesar's, Atlantic City, go up in flames.

But she may not be the only Chef to see her dream come to an end.

Is she, like, passing out or something? Come on, Jen.

Come on.

Find out We need a medic.

If Jennifer leaves Hell's Kitchen for good Something's wrong with her right now.

Right now.

Medic! Medic, please! And now, the continuation of Hell's Kitchen.

I wonder if Jennifer's okay.

Hopefully she comes back, good God.

It would suck if the red team loses Jennifer, because we just got our team to the strongest capacity that we've had since we've been here.

How are we gonna pull this together? I don't know, man.

While the women are down a teammate, one member of the blue team What happened to Bryant? Is feeling pretty down.

Bryant just had a bad service.

I got to give him one of my famous pep talks.

Hey, man, sometimes it's okay to say, "man, I need help.

" Trust me like I trust in you.

I will.

I got it.

I just feel that I felt that.

I felt goosebumps, and I'm like we got this, man.

I'm back in it, man.

I'm a fighter.

Man, we're going to this top together, man.

I'm not letting this defeat me.

I just have to move forward.

It's a long day tomorrow.

Redemption day.

While the blue team turns in early, the red team stays up I don't think she's coming back tonight, man.

Hoping that Jennifer will return.

She's alive.

I pretty much got dehydrated.

I just blacked out, but there's nothing that is gonna stop me from being in that kitchen.

You're gonna have to drag me out of there kicking and screaming.

After an eventful night, the chefs are ready for another day.

Quiet, guys.

Come on, follow me.

But today, there is a Hell's Kitchen first happening in the dining room.

Crystal Gonzales.

Is this a graduation going on here? What the [Bleep]

going on? Corey Hospidar.

I went to culinary school for a semester, and then I dropped out.

School isn't for everybody.

For me personally, it worked out.

Congratulations to all of our graduates.

I am honored to introduce to you your keynote speaker, the one and only Chef Gordon Ramsay.

Thank you.

Please, take a seat, and first of all, I urge you to embrace each and every day with the same enthusiasm, the same passion, as you possess right now.

This will be more valuable than anything you've ever learned so far.

Don't [Bleep]

it up.

All of you, congratulations.

Brunch will be served in 20 minutes.

brunch? That's ridiculous.

But you got to put the pedal to the metal and get it done.

We need to pull this [Bleep]

off, ladies.

Okay, this is your opportunity to show these graduates what a well
-oiled machine you guys are.

The team that completes serving brunch first wins the challenge.

Yes, Chef.

Okay, in the kitchen, let's go.

For today's challenge, the teams must race to prepare a brunch for the graduates and their families.


The first team to feed their side of the dining room wins.

Come on.

Today's menu includes fresh squeezed fruit juice and fig salad with entree choices of baked eggs florentine, savory crepe, or French toast.

All right, wait, we need to have a powwow, guys.

First thing we need to do is get these juices going and start the fig salads.



That's not nice.

Are you cleaning the pineapple? Get an apron.

Get an apron.

Gentlemen, away now, six juice, three fig salads.

- Let's go.

- Yes, Chef.

Let's rock this out, Fernando.


Start juicing.

Start juicing like nuts.

Come on.

We got this, guys.

Away, let's go, ladies.

Yes, Chef.

On order, six juice, ten fig salads.

Yes, Chef.

Comin' down, Chef.


Two florentine, two crepe, two French toast.

We can't get entrees out until the juice and the salad is gone.

Let's go, ladies.

Pick it up.

There's only so fast I can go.

Let's go.

Push, ladies.

While the women race to deliver all of their appetizers, in the blue kitchen Juice is coming up right now.

How long on salad? Let's go to the window.

Strong leadership from Fernando and Santos Walking to the window with the salads.

Has the blue team's juice and salads arriving at diners' tables promptly.


Thank you.

More salads.

More salads.

We're putting out these salads, and they're flying out.

Three more salads, and then we're starting entrees, guys, come on.

Let's go.

Let's go.

Ah Behind.

Coming down.

Coming down.

We got this.

With their appetizers complete, the men move on to entrees.

On order, four florentine, two crepe.

All right, let's go.

We're gonna do this together.

Oh, yeah, baby.

You do a taste? Sure, go ahead.

Taste that.

What? Like, a little more salt.

You would think that though, right? I've tasted the spinach, like, 15 times.


Let's go.


Chef? Taste that spinach.


Sterling, taste the spinach.

What does that need? Salt, sir.

I'm 100% sure that it needed more salt.

Come here.

- Are you okay?
- Yes, Chef.

The spinach is bland.

I've tasted it, like, 15 times.

Needed some more salt.

- Absolutely.

- I told him that earlier.

It's okay, I got it.

No, we don't got it.

No, I do have it, just Good, good, good.

While Bryant scrambles to fix his florentines, in the red kitchen Last salad, all right, jump over to entrees.

The women have completed appetizers.

So am I crepe
-ing? And under Roe's strong direction We need those crepes, two orders.

Jen, florentine, two.

Move on to entrees.

Hollandaise, yes? Right here.

This is not this is [Bleep]


That's [Bleep]


How you guys looking on crepes? God, they're breaking.

They're all falling apart.

I know, that's what I said.


up at any point in time puts you as the weakest link, and then you're the next target, so there's absolute pressure to not [Bleep]

this crepe up.

Two crepes, yes? [Bleep]


Let's go, ladies.

Let's plate these.

Come on, ladies.

Crepes, guys.

There you go.

- Yes, Chef?
- Come on! Let's go.

Let's go.

Let's go.

They're not melted in here.

Guys, I need this cheese in these crepes melted.

Oh, my God! I'm putting them in the oven.

Come on.

We can't let crepes sink us today.

Two crepes.

Plating eggs, Chef.

Crepes walking the pass.


Go ahead, please, table six.

The women have made their crepe correction, and have sent out their first table of entrees.

This has got to be the best graduation I could have had.

But in the blue kitchen First order, guys, come on.

The men are still being held back by Florentine, where is it? Can we walk? Florentine, get it to the window.

Where's that florentine, guys? In my hand.

Two florentines.

This is breakfast, guys.

This isn't [Bleep]

rocket science.

Is that raw? Blue team! Blue team!
- Yes, Chef.

- Come here! It's raw, man! It's raw.

Get two more.

Move your ass or take a seat with the students.

First table, come on! I got these.

- Plate those, please.

- No, no, no.

I got this, you do that.

I'm getting reamed here by Chef Ramsay.

He was just trying to be like, "Yo, I got this, just go over there.

" I got this station, man.

I'm gonna get in there and fight.

I don't want Chef to look at me like no bitch.

I'm not losing, not giving up.

I'm not letting you take over my station 'cause I [Bleep]

up one dish, so finish it up.

Come on, no, no, no.

Let's plate it.

Don't slam.

Florentine, let's go! It's still raw! Come on, now.

It's still raw!
- Put it in the oven longer.

Come on.

- Here you go.

Raw egg again! Oh, man, no! Blue team, stop! For today's speed brunch challenge Let's go.

Let's go.

Let's go.

The chefs are racing to feed a dining room full of culinary school graduates and their families.

Get going, please.

But with Bryant failing on the florentines Raw egg again!
- Put it in the oven longer, come on.

- Here you go.

Unbelievably, no entrees have left the blue kitchen.

Blue team, stop! That is your best, is it? No, Chef.

They deserve better.

Yes, Chef.

Then [Bleep]

do it! Yes, Chef.

Bryant, you need to learn how to cook an egg, bro.

Bryant, what are you doing? I mean I'm just getting knocked down, man, and it's like someone taking a mallet and just being like, boom, boom, boom, boom.

Nobody is communicating.

Does anybody care? Yes, Chef.

Everybody's just like a bunch of slobs and a lot of [Bleep]


We really got to get it together.

Coming up next listen to me, please! Coming up next, four florentines, one French toast from this side, one crepe.

That's the next order, okay? Finally someone [Bleep]

organizing them.

I feel like I was doing orchestra.

French toast, crepes, florentine How long? French toast, crepes, florentine How long? French toast, crepes, florentine How long? It felt good, man.

Under conductor Sterling's masterful direction, the blue team gets back into harmony.

Let's cook and do it with a [Bleep]

smile, man.

But their opponents in the red kitchen Two tables left.

Let's go.

Let's go.

Let's go.

Are showing no signs of slowing down.

Raw egg, ladies.

Raw egg! Yes, Chef.

Put another one in.

Blue team, two tables left.

Red team, two tables left.

Yes, Chef.

Let's go.

Let's go.

Let's go.

It's neck and neck right now.

Come on.

Come on, let's go.

The whites have to be cooked.

The whites aren't cooking.

I'm freaking out right now.

I can't believe we could lose this challenge over an egg white being too runny.

I need one right now to sell, please.

Can I get that to the window asap, please? Come on! Yes, Chef.

Come on, let's do it.


Let's go, James.


Let's go.

Last table, blue team.

Three florentine, one French toast, two crepe.

Come on, guys, [Bleep]

push! Let's do this.

Come on.

Come on.

Florentine! Florentine, now! Go, go.

If we can't get these florentines out, we're screwed.


Last table, two florentine, two crepe, two French toast.

Keep it going.

Yes, Chef.

Last table.

We are so close.

Let's go! Crepes behind you, Chef.

Where's the florentine? Florentine's coming right now, Chef.

That's raw.

I think they're good, man.

Nope, I'm telling you, I promise you.

Florentine's not done, man.

That's not done.

Put them in! Do not let them beat us.



I need sausage.



Sausage, sausage, sausage.

Are we walking? Come on.

Go, go, go, go.

Ladies, congratulations.

There we go.

That's the red team we know.

Finally, ladies.


Go red team.

Go please.

My apologies.

We lost.


Ladies, congratulations.

I have made arrangements at a truly amazing restaurant.

The recipient of two michelin stars.

The executive Chef is the only female Chef in the country to hold that prestigious award.

That's awesome.

Chef Dominique Crenn, and she is waiting for you all in San Francisco.

Please, go and get changed.

We have a flight to catch.

Hurry up.

This is amazing.

Redemption! Whilst the ladies and I enjoy San Francisco, you'll all be putting the "chore" in the chorizo as you grind and stuff sausage from scratch for both teams that have our next dinner service.



Bryant was a huge contributor of our downfall.

The kid couldn't get the egg and the spinach and put it in the oven.

I mean, right now, Bryant is the weak link on the team.

Brunch is easy.

It's not rocket science.

Apparently it ain't too easy.

We [Bleep]

it up.

Have a nice flight to San Francisco.

Thank you very much.

I have never been to San Francisco before, so I am so excited to get there as well as spending time with Chef Ramsay.

I am so, so happy.

Let's go.

Let's go.



Thank you.

You kicked some ass today.

Chef Crenn is amazing.

Just to see her in person, I have goosebumps.

This first course, it's one pop in your mouth, otherwise it's gonna be all over you.

Enjoy, guys.

Thank you.

Ready? Mm.



It's just like sex on a plate.


The boys are probably super unhappy right now.

Oh, man, yeah.

Sterling's definitely giving a sermon.


You know, we got to learn to get that dance rhythm, you know? Three minutes, two minutes, one minute, go.

Sterling, can we please stop singing? What'd you say? Can we please stop singing? The attitudes right now I mean, Sterling's over there having a good old time like, you know, he just doesn't give a [Bleep]

, and Bryant's just so standoffish.

Hey, Bryant.

Wake up.

Everybody's cocky, confident, and conceited in this place, but except Steve and Aaron and myself, the rest of the team basically sucks.

They need to come to a quick realization, or they're gonna get knocked the [Bleep]


This is horrible.

We just can't keep losing.

While the men are quickly becoming a team divided, back in San Francisco, the women's reward is bringing them closer together.

Whoo! Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding.

This morning, we started at the bottom, now we're here.

- San Francisco, baby.

- Yeah! This day has been so amazing.

I'm ready for another win.


Look at this.



The boys are in their own Alcatraz right now.

Hand grinding all this, I can't tell you how much more I appreciate all my electric grinders.

Go, tubby, tubby.

Hey, slow down.

Slow down.

Slow down.

Doing these sausages is [Bleep]


It is definitely not right to help another man play with his meat.

See it right at the tip there? Yeah, yeah.

Go, go, go, go.

Oh, there it is.

Yeah! Congratulations, ladies.

It's a sausage party, girls.

Oh, you guys are playing with your meat? Absolutely.

Y'all have a good day.

Looking good.

Looking good, gentlemen.

Too bad one of y'all going home tomorrow.

Though most of the chefs are ready for bed I want to go to bed.

Good night, girl.

Aaron, Steve, and Santos aren't ready to unwind just yet.

I don't want the downers on our crew.

You know, honestly, I say we just [Bleep]

toss 'em up.


We have some people who can't carry their own.

It's Frank, Bryant, Sterling, and JR, and that's who we're gonna label as our dead weight to see if they can't be trimmed off.

Do what we did yesterday.

Get half our team kicked out again, and we rocked out rock it out.

We need to lose a couple people on our team, so during service, we have to get half our team kicked out so we can knock somebody off our team that doesn't belong here.

Here's to winning.

After a night of plotting, Steve, Santos, and Aaron get to bed.

Tomorrow's gonna be an early morning.

And with dinner service fast approaching, the mood in the two kitchens is completely different.

Ladies, I want to have fun tonight.

We're gonna have fun tonight.

The women seem to be happy and excited about working together, but in the blue kitchen You got some water boiling? No, you don't boil water with the potatoes first.

You use cold water.

The three conspirators, Steve, Santos, and Aaron, have something else in mind.

So I'm just gonna be focused and just watch these guys just drop out of this.

I'm not helping.

Just let it go.

Look at this amazing teamwork, man.

Ladies, good evening.

Hi, Chef.


Yes, Chef? Open Hell's Kitchen, please.

Yes, Chef.

One, two, three, blue! Ready, Tash? Got you, boo.

I'm ready.

Hell's Kitchen opens for its fourth dinner service, and once again, it's the hottest ticket in town.

Yes, buonasera.

Good evening.

Good evening.

Good evening.

Good evening.

I am so excited that Chris bosh is dining with us tonight.

Chef, why didn't you make it tableside service tonight? See him? See him? Yes, I do see him.

He looks great.

On order, first ticket of the night, guys.

Here we go.

Two beet salad, two kale salad.

One risotto, one mussels.

Yes, Chef.

Steve, a beet salad and a kale salad.

We don't have to hold back.

Fire, yes? We're firing them, Chef.

Tonight, you know, I'm working with Sterling.

Sterling needs to be gone.

One by one, we need to get rid of our dead weight.

You got your mixes? Your Greens? Beet salad, kale salad, how long, Steve? Right now 30 seconds.

One minute to the window, Chef.

One minute, he's saying 30 seconds.

Can we meet halfway, 45 seconds? No answer.

It's a salad.

Really? Cheese, where my cheese at? Risotto working, yes? Yes, Chef.

While Sterling and Steve are trying to get in sync over salad delivery Come on, Sterling.

I'm coming.

I'm coming.

I'm coming.

Chef Ramsay looks to Ashley to get the red kitchen off to a strong start.

On order, two risotto, two scallops.

Yes, Chef.

It's is my first time on hot apps.

Let's hope that I don't go down, because my station will be the one that's gonna [Bleep]

us all over.

How close on the risotto, baby? First risotto, three minutes out.

Three minutes out.

The communication is on point.

Lobster can go down? We should start to get a flow.

Those scallops have very nice caramelization.

Ready on those two lobsters.

I'm ready.

I'm walking.

Behind you.

Walking up right now, Chef.


- Scallops, yes?
- Yep.

Salad for scallops coming.


Oh, [Bleep]


I tasted it, like, a million times.

Tastes delicious, but way too much.


Go, please.

Two scallops, two risotto, fire.

Yes, Chef.

Yes, Chef, two scallops, sir.

Fire! [Bleep]


Next one, three minutes out.

While the red team jumps to attention with their second table of appetizers One minute, walking to the window.

The blue team is ready with their first.

Taste so I can walk.

It's good.

I've cooked thousands of risottos in my life.

I'm gonna set my bar high and show Chef Ramsay I can get our team off to a strong start.

Steve, delicious risotto.

Thank you, Chef.

Where's the two beet salad? Two beet salads right now.

- Hey, Sterling!
- Yes, Chef.

- I'm waiting for the [Bleep]


- Two beet salads.

- Two beet salads.

- Steve! Yes, Chef.

How come the [Bleep]

hot's coming first? Two beet salads are walking to the window right now, Chef.

But the hot's there.

The [Bleep]

cold's got to go what?
- First.

- Yes! First two beet salads up in the window, sir.

Blue team will start winning when Sterling goes bye


Yes, Chef.

Just stand there like a police officer.

I was I JR.

Yes, Chef.

He's doing [Bleep]

all while staring at himself in the mirror.

- Frank!
- Yes.


move! I like to try to look good, feel good, I cook good.

Go, please.

On order, two beet salad, one risotto, one mussels.

Yes, Chef.

While the blue team and Frank get to work on the next ticket, in the red kitchen I need those scallops.

Let's go! It's up to Kalen and Roe on the fish station
- Kalen.

- You're good? They're not good.

To keep up the momentum on appetizers.


You ready? I'm struggling with the scallops.

Everybody else is ready, and I just don't want to be the one that's late.

Am I talking to myself, Kalen? Yes, Chef.

- No, I'm not?
- Yes, Chef.

Yes, I am? No, you're not.

I have scallops right here.

Hey, look at the scallops.

- Look.

- Yes, Chef.

So we're under pressure, and now we're rushing [Bleep]

out to the window.

- There you go.

- Yes, Chef.

Get it together.

It's not rocket science, man.

Lobster going in for two risottos.

While diners on the red side wait for Kalen to figure out the fish station Where the [Bleep]

is the oil? The risotto did it for me.

Diners on the blue side Very good.

Are thoroughly enjoying their timely appetizers.

Service, please.

We are on entrees, gentlemen.

That's really good, really good.

Mussels are great.

Okay, good.

On order, three risotto, one scallop, fire.


Entree, two pork, two lamb, one halibut.

Yes, Chef.

That has been one of our best starters appetizer, but you got to drive it.

Yes, Chef.

Ramsay's telling me he's liking my stuff.

Inside I'm jumping up and down.

Santos, you got my three tails? I'm ready to walk now.

That risotto ain't right.

He's gonna send it back.

If I get yelled at, I'm the one taking the heat, brother.

All right, man.

Man, that risotto's soupy.

He's gonna send it back.

Walking with three risottos.

Good job, man.

Good job.

Thank you, thank you.

First three were delicious.

Now, look, what do you think that is now? What do you think it is? Too soupy.

Soupy, soupy, soupy! Soupy risotto.

This is Chef Gordon Ramsay's kitchen.

Not perfect, it's not going to get sent out.

Pan hot for you, man.

You have cheese? Yeah, I got cheese, man.

Just drop cheese.

All right.

Told you, man.

Minute and a half, we're walking.

Hey, Steve, touch this.

Tell me what you think.

Hey, why are you touching his meat? Asked, Chef.

- Frank!
- Yes, Chef.

He's up to his eyeballs in risotto, and he's touching JR's meat.

I don't know.

I'm over here.

Chef, we got it.

I got it.

Frank is pretending like he's doing something when he's really not.

Get it together, or go home.

Bryant, one and a half minute on four.

Walking now, Chef, with three risottos.

While Steve rallies to get the last table of appetizers out Service, please.

In the red kitchen Somebody want to give me some advice? 'Cause these are not coloring on the bottom.

Kalen's problems cooking scallops has the women stalled on starters.

They have little crispy things on them.

I got you set up to empty right here, okay? Let's get them out.

Let's get them out.

These aren't gonna be good.

Kalen, this was your responsibility.

I can't wave a magic wand and teach you how to cook scallops.

Scallops right here, Chef.

And I know I should not be bringing them up there, but for some reason, I do anyways.

All of you, come here.

I told you.

Well, then you should have done them right the first time.

Just touch.

No matter who cooked them, they still got my name on it because I'm on fish station.

Thanks, Kalen.

- I said they were not ready.

- Just touch.

So you shouldn't have sent them if they weren't ready.

Just touch.

Stop! Stop! Damn it.

They're actually overcooked! They're rubber! Get a grip.

It's gone from bad to worse! You're not learning from your mistakes.

Come here, both of you.

He is [Bleep]

flipping his lid.

Get out! [Bleep]


They're rubber! The red kitchen is at a standstill Get a grip! It's gone from bad to worse! And Chef Ramsay has identified the major problem Come here, both of you.

The fish station.

Get out! Sit down.

Enjoy your scallops.

Service, Jean.

Not a good feeling.

I feel like I was sitting at the kids' table.

I'll refire.

I'll refire.

Two nice glasses sauvignon blanc from the St.

Jacques please, quickly.

Kalen, I mean, this is your fault.

You failed.

Eat them.

Eat them.

Eat them.


Why did I take them up there? Scallops, Chef.

Go, please.

On order, two mussels, two beet salad.

Entree, two pork, two lamb.

Yes, Chef.

All I can think about is getting back on my station and cooking those scallops correctly.

Drink your wine.


While Kalen and Roe swallow their mistakes Chef, can we please come back, Chef? Chef, please.

Oh, my God.

I'm gonna fricking lose it, man.

Over in the blue kitchen Is it in? Everything is up?
- I have it.

- Okay, go, go.

Santos and Fernando on fish
- Halibut!
- Yes, Chef.

Two pork, two lamb.

Let's go, how long? And JR and Frank on meat I think it's undercooked, I'm telling you.

No, it's not.

Rush to deliver the first entrees.

JR, come on.

Let's just walk it.

Walk it, guys, walk it.

Frank, shut the hell up.

I've been cooking for 11 years.

I know how to cook pork.

JR's an idiot with that pork.

It is not ready to go, 'cause I said to him, "pork, cook it a little bit longer.

" Halibut's cooked beautifully.

Thank you, Chef.

-hoo! Hey, blue team, come here.

That halibut is cooked beautifully.

- Good job.

- Thank you, Chef.

You didn't even [Bleep]

cook it.

Why are you saying "thank you"? 'Cause we're a team, Chef.

What's funny? Nothing, Chef.

Let me tell you something.

The pork is [Bleep]


Come on, start two more pork.



I got two more right now.

I told you, you [Bleep]


Back together, in the oven! Oh, man, really? I just put love into that thing.

JR, how long? One minute, Chef.

While the men make a second attempt at their first entrees Keep it going, yes? Yes, Chef.

Los Angeles Sparks.

Two wellington, one chicken, two salmon with tagliatelle, yes? Yes, Chef.

Orders are flying into both kitchens.

I have the two pork, two lamb, two salmon, two chicken.

Right now, Chef.

And with Katie and sade ready to impress on meat This pork is ready.

The red team is all set to move on to entrees.

All they need is the fish station.

- How were they?
- Not good, Chef.

Get on your [Bleep]


Thank you, Chef.

Okay, another little bump in the road, but we are determined to not let anything stop us.

Right behind.

Two lamb.

We're communicating really well.

We need to win this service.

Where's the pork? Right here, Chef.

All right, go.

Two pork right now.





Come on.

Come on, Chef Ramsay.

Send the food out.

What are you doing? Go, please.

We're rolling.

If we're not ready, we're not gonna walk.

Two salmon, two chicken straight after, yes? Yes, Chef.

Thanks to Katie and sade on the meat station Mmm.

Diners on the red side are enjoying their entrees.

Back in the blue kitchen Halibut.

Yes, Chef.

Two pork, Chef, behind.

Service, please.

JR's refire was a success.

Los Angeles Sparks.

Two wellington, two salmon with tagliatelle, one chicken.

And the men are focused.

How long? He's talking to y'all, man.

He's talking to y'all, man.

Maybe a little too focused.

I can go now.

I had the salmon ready.

Where's the meat? These morons can't get it together.

I'm not gonna let my salmon die.

I'm walking with salmon, guys.

- Frankie.

- Wellington! In my hand! Don't worry about it.

I got it.

I know what I'm doing.

Go, please.

With entrees now leaving the blue kitchen Good job, guys.

Come on, let's keep pushing.

The men are energized.

Chris bosh, two covers, table 21.

One chicken, one lamb.

Yes, Chef.

But not for long.

A little on the overcooked, huh? Same for you, right? Okay, give me just one second.

Chef, table 20, VIP, salmon overcooked.

Blue team.

Yes, Chef.

VIP, Los Angeles Sparks, salmon overcooked.



Are you kidding me? Meat couldn't get their [Bleep]


Salmon only holds for so long before it goes poof.

It's not my fault.

You two are [Bleep]

around, and you two have lost the concentration.

The fish station's suffering because of the meat station.

These guys are gonna get kicked out of the kitchen.

Santos needs to pay attention.

Let's go.

Refire two salmon urgently.

Yes, right now, Chef.

In my hands.

While the blue team bobbles the Los Angeles Sparks table Right now I'd like to slam dunk all of you.

The red team Chicken, what's up with the chicken garnish? Behind.

Is hoping to continue outscoring the men on entrees.

- I'm ready.

You ready?
- I'm about to slice.

On chicken? One minute, yeah.

All right, I'm walking garnish.

Coming over hot.

Some chicken garnish, Chef.

They're coming on chicken.

I got two chicken.

Everything is getting to the window when it's supposed to.

We are just rocking.

Salmon! Salmon's coming right now, Chef.

Two salmon.

Salmon is overcooked.

Overcooked and white.

Yes, Chef, two more are coming right now.

Two coming right now.

Why have you got two more ready straight away? My next ticket had two on it, Chef.

I'm gonna fire two more.

Really, Roe? What are you doing? Walking two salmon.

Service, please.

Roe's other salmon passes Chef Ramsay's inspection and makes its way to the diners, and it appears to be worth the wait.

Two salmon! And now the heat is on in the blue kitchen to refire salmon for VIP guests from the Los Angeles Sparks.

The rest of the table are [Bleep]


Yes, Chef, one minute, right now.

And there's two ladies sat there with nothing in front of them.


I'm walking with salmon, guys.

Over there, Chef.

Do we walk? Want to walk? Santos! Come here.

Chef Ramsay says, "come here," your heart just goes to your [Bleep]


What does VIP mean? Very important person, Chef.

- Louder!
- Very important person, Chef.

- Louder!
- Very important person, Chef!
- Louder!
- Very important person, Chef! So why serve them raw [Bleep]

salmon? After Santos failed at his second attempt at salmon for VIP guests from the Los Angeles Sparks, Chef Ramsay has an appropriate question for him.

What does VIP mean? Very important person, Chef.

- Louder!
- Very important person, Chef! So why serve them raw [Bleep]

- [Bleep]


- Yes, Chef.

Overcooked, raw.

What's next? Perfect.

I made a rookie mistake, man.

I served out a raw piece of salmon.

It's my fault.

The next one, it has to be perfect.

Chris bosh, one chicken, one lamb.

How long? Coming in right now, Chef.

Chicken, right here.

Lamb? I'm trying to come back.

I'm gonna make sure the lamb is cooked perfectly.

Chef Ramsay's ready to explode at any moment.

That looks like [Bleep]


It's for Chris bosh, yeah.




It's just like, [Bleep]


You, [Bleep]


Get out.

You, get out! [Bleep]


You two, [Bleep]


JR dropped the ball on the meat station.

He [Bleep]


He screwed me over.

He's the one that screwed up dinner service.

- Sterling, get on meat.

- Yes, Chef.

What the [Bleep]

is going on? Steve, beet salad.

Yes, Chef.

I'm pissed off.

I had one flaw.

I bounced back.

Now I'm kicked out, really? Ever single one of my attempts were on point.

He's getting on me the whole entire time, saying I'm doing nothing.

While four of the men have fouled out of the blue kitchen We [Bleep]

up twice.

Everybody [Bleep]

up twice.

But we got kicked out.

Back in the red kitchen One pork, one wellington.

How long? Walking with the wellington in 30 seconds.

The women race to finish dinner service.

Wellington right here, Chef.

You have the jus.

Service, please.

Yes! All right, stop, stop, stop.

Don't get hyped yet.

Last table.

One chicken, one lamb, it's Chris bosh's.

And the lamb I'm waiting on is refire.

Two lamb, one chicken, yes, Chef.

Let's go, Sterling.

I'm coming now, Chef.

The plan worked kind of, sort of.

Unfortunately, Sterling's still here.

Service, please.

I'm gonna put everything else away, and we're done.

- Buon appetito.

- You're welcome.

Let's go, clear down.

Yes, Chef.

We got off to a good start in both kitchens, but the rest of service, we just limped on.

Both teams got weaker.

The losing team tonight Is the men.

You finished with half your team upstairs.

But, ladies, this is not a night for celebration.

You have some major issues to work out.

Blue team, give me the two names that you'd like to lose from your team.

Yes, Chef.

All of you, [Bleep]


Even though we lost, it's like, yes, this is great.

We're gonna send the screw
-ups on the blue team home.

Everything was all over the place.

I'm gonna have to say the meat station too.

To have to wait for it to go, and I can't send my salmon up, what am I supposed to do? I looked like a [Bleep]


I'll go with Frank and JR there.

Frank and JR.

This is working.

This is actually [Bleep]


Aaron and Steve and I wanted Frank and JR to go home.

This is a lot easier than we could have thought.

I don't deserve to [Bleep]

be up here.

Pissed me off.

Where did I go wrong? Everybody across the board had more [Bleep]

-ups than me.

Today was my [Bleep]

-star [Bleep]

performance today.

Clearly not.

The whole station [Bleep]


If anything, I say Steve went down.

He sent out the risotto wrong.

I take the credit for what I [Bleep]

up on.

We all [Bleep]


Steve is all about getting the attention off of him.

He like to pretend that he's working hard when he's really just here to watch the team drown.

Every time Chef come, he want to look like he's doing something.

"Where's this? Where's that?" I wanted to say, "get the [Bleep]

out my face.

" You not helping the problem.

Oh, [Bleep]


What the [Bleep]

about to happen? We really got to get in there and help Steve.

I do have to say, Steve, to be honest, on
-point risottos in the beginning.


You know, then we had the you know, the four
-person recovery at the end, which was great, you know? Aaron, you need to shut the [Bleep]


Steve is not better than everybody else.

He can cook.

Everybody here can cook.

You've been kissing his ass since he got here.

No, I haven't.

He's been going downhill, if you look at it.

He started off strong and kept going down, down, down.

I change my vote.

I'm gonna change my vote to Steve.

If you change your vote, that'll change the game.

I change my vote, man.

I change mine for you, boss.


, dude, that didn't work.

- So now we have a tie.

- We have a tie? We have a tie between Frank and Steve and JR.

We have a tie.

Like it or not, it's reality.

You're it.

You make or break it, kid.

Fernando, who are you voting for? Fernando.


Holy [Bleep]


Wait a minute, you know? I'm just trying to think of the right decision.

Come on, gentlemen.

Let's go, gentlemen.

Guys, let's go.

There's still a tie.

Dude, we have to come up with a decision.

What's the verdict? Fernando, vote.


Yes, Chef.

Blue team's first nominee.

First nominee, Chef, is JR.


Second nominee.

Blue team's second nominee is After a dinner service that finished with half of the blue team kicked out of the kitchen, the men have nominated JR.

For elimination.

And now, Aaron has been asked to give their second nominee.

- Steve.

- Steve.

That is the decision the group came to.


Four get kicked out, and Steve's up for elimination.

Okay, JR, Steve, step forward.

You know what, there's a gap in the middle.

Frank, move your [Bleep]



Steve Why has your team given up on you? I don't know, Chef.

I've never been kicked out of the kitchen except for when the whole team's been kicked out of the kitchen.

Frank, you did something tonight that I've never seen in the history of this competition.

You stood there with your hands behind your back, parading left and right, and glancing at yourself in the mirror.

I didn't realize I was doing it.

Your hair may be [Bleep]

perfect, but when you're that inconsistent, it starts to worry me.

I'm only gonna go up from here, Chef, and I promise you that.

I want to prove that to you.

That's not saying much.


I had a bad night with the pork, started off wrong.

The pork was still moving around the [Bleep]


It was that raw.

Are you done? No, Chef.

The person leaving Hell's Kitchen JR, give me your jacket.

Your time is done in Hell's Kitchen.

You cook like you've given up.

And I know on the back of four services, you are not ready to be my head Chef.

Give me your jacket, please.

Thank you, Chef.

Good night.

Good night.

Chef Ramsay is disappointed because he expected me to lead that station.

I could have been more vocal, but I'm not the type to yell over everybody, so I just stay quiet.

Sterling, keep it 100.

I still love you, but the rest of y'all can just [Bleep]

off and keep stabbing each other in the back.

Get out of here.

That was a wake
-up call like no tomorrow.

Friendships aside, now I'm going straight back up to the top.

The fact that he let me stay, I will make that man proud.

Thank you.

The blue team is falling apart.

The boys are the ones wearing the bras and panties, not the [Bleep]


I waited for JR to wake up and find his voice, but he never did, and so I let him sleepwalk out of here.

Next time on Hell's Kitchen It's family night.

You excited? And the men are feeling the love.

We got this.

But on the red team
- How long, Kalen?
- How long on risottos? Risotto has come on, Kal.

Work it hard, or everything's gonna die.

I am working hard, guys.

It's more like a family feud.

I'm not going down because of you tonight.

Come on.

I can't make the pasta cook any faster.

And when the drama in the kitchen, spills over to the dorm.

No one has ever talked to me like that.

- Like, don't thr*aten me.

- You thought I was threatening you? [Bleep]

punch to the face.

Come on.

Come on.

Will a late night.

I don't ever I don't know if I should be in fear of my life.

- Bed clearing brawl sends one Chef home for good.

- Come on.

Come on.

Come on.

Next time on Hell's Kitchen.
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