Cobweb (2023)

Horror, Scary, Halloween Movie Collection.

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Horror, Scary, Halloween Movie Collection.
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Cobweb (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »

(Somber music playing)

(playing tune)

woman: curl your fingers.


(Playing note)

(somber music continues)

(music fades)

(clock ticking)

(soft scrape)

(soft rattle)


(muffled knocking)

(light knocking)

(clock continues ticking)

(loud scrape)


(breathing rapidly)

(soft thud)


(unsettling music playing)

(music halts)


(swing creaking)

(door thudding)

(wind blows)

(door creaks)

(uneasy music playing)

(floor creaks softly)

(muffled knock)

(muffled knocking)


(door opens)

(door creaking)

(suspenseful music playing)



I heard something.



What time is it?

What did you hear?

(Suspenseful music continues)

come on.

This one?


I don't hear anything.

Do you?

This is an old house.

There's bound to be bumps

in the night.


come to bed.


you have a great, big,

beautiful imagination.

And all those scary things?

(Softly) they're just

in your head.

(Light music playing)

(students chattering)


boy: (laughs)

you'll get more

at recess.

(Noisy shouting)

all right, settle. Settle.



This is miss devine.

She'll be your

substitute teacher

until mrs. Bitler comes back.

Good luck.

Miss devine: good morning.

As your principal just said,

my name is miss devine.

I look forward

to getting to know

each and every one of you.

(Whispering) peter.

Recess is coming.

(School bell rings)



Hi. Um...


(Sighs) you're supposed

to be at recess.

I don't like recess.

You don't want to play

with your friends?

Okay. You can stay here.

Yeah, you can help me

with the decorations.

I love halloween.

Do you know

what you're going as?

Well, you have plenty of time

to figure it out.

(Peter gasping)

look, it's okay.

It's okay.

It's okay. Here.


Yeah, and take this

and slide it under, okay?

It's okay.



There you go.

Like that.

Pick it up. We're gonna

take this to the window.

(Students playing)


What am I gonna be

for halloween?

I want to dress up.

I want to trick-or-treat.

All the other kids

at school get to do it.

And we're not

their parents.

(Smacks lips)

hey, pete. (Clears throat)

you know the old house

down the end of the lane,

with the boarded windows?

He's going

to find out eventually.

(Whispers) carol.

Peter: what?

Well, a few years ago,

before you were born,

the little girl

that lived there,

she vanished

on halloween.

Peter: what happened?

Mark: well,

nobody knows.

She went out


and she disappeared.

(Carol shudders)

it was a very traumatic event.

For everybody

in the neighborhood.

And i, personally,

don't like remembering it.

Am I gonna disappear?

Carol: oh, peter.

Of course not, honey. No.

We would never let that

happen to you. Ever.


(Slow suspenseful music playing)

(suspenseful music continues)

(alarming music playing)

(muffled rustling)

(muffled rattling)

young girl:

(whispers) peter.


Young girl: no, peter.

Don't tell him.


(Footsteps approach)




What's going on?

I heard something again.

(Sighs) peter.


I really did, though.

All right,

and, uh, from where?




you know what?

I bet it's rats.

But I've got something

that'll take care of that.


(Suspenseful music playing)

it smells like cinnamon.

Well, be careful.

Not everything is as sweet

as it seems.

Peter: they eat it?

Mark: that's the idea.

Then what?


(Imitates throat-slit)


pete, we can't have rats.

They bite. They...

They spread disease.

Not to mention,

keep you up all hours

of the night.


I guess.

(Sighs) look.


sometimes, you have

to make tough decisions

to protect your family.

You understand?


(Pops lips)

miss devine: "throws

his shadow on the floor.

"And my soul

from out that shadow

"that lies floating

on the floor,

"shall be lifted...


(Grim music playing)

(suspenseful music playing)

(bird cawing)

(doorbell rings)

(door unlocks)

(door opens)

may I help you?

Uh, are you peter's mom?



sorry for showing up

like this, uninvited.

I'm peter's teacher.


Of course, he did mention

that he had a substitute.

Never known one

to make house calls.

Yeah, I just wanted

to come over

and... And check

on him personally.

Hmm. I was a teacher myself.

That was before i...

I became a mother.

Is he all right?

Peter? Yes.

Um... (Chuckles)

i... I did want

to show you something.

What's this?

The children were drawing

for halloween.

Peter painted this?

Yes. Yes.

The other children drew monsters

and witches, but peter...

I see.

Huh. Well,

this is embarrassing.

You see, peter has

an overactive imagination.


he still wakes

his father and I up

in the middle of the night

with all of his little flights

of fancy which, uh,

which is all this picture is.

I do appreciate

your concern though.

(Door opens)

(door locking)

what is this?

A drawing.

A drawing of what?

A drawing of what?

This is your room, peter.

Why are you asking for help?

I'm not.

Why are you asking strangers

for help, peter?

(Firmly) I'm not.

(Softly) she is.

What was that?

It's just a scary drawing, mom.

Oh, that imagination

of yours, peter.

It's going to get you

into trouble one day.

(Uneasy music playing)

(muffled knock)

the girl: (whispering)

wake up, peter.

(Loud knocking)


Don't be scared.

I just want to talk.

Peter: please be quiet.

I'm imagining you.

You're not real.

The girl: maybe, maybe not.

But it seems to me

like you could use a friend.

I know I could.

But if you don't want one,

I'll just leave.

(Muffled footsteps)

peter: wait,

don't go.

I'm sorry.

Please stay.

The girl:

are you sure?

Peter: yes, we can talk.

Miss devine:

peter, this is great.

What's his name?


Of course.

He looks like a hector.


this one's

my favorite.


(Dark music playing)

(children chattering)

(school bell rings)

(swings creaking)

(peter gasps, grunts)



(Melancholy vocal music playing)

the girl: (whispering)

peter. Are you there?

(Crying quietly)

are you okay?

Why are you crying?

Did someone hurt you?

Peter: mm.


He shoves me down

every day.

The girl: I was afraid

of something like that.

But I believe in you, peter.

Peter: mm.

The girl: I bet

you're strong enough

to stand up for yourself.

If you just try.

(Dark music playing)

girl: busted.

(Students laughing)

I'm sorry, peter.

(Students laughing)

that was very nice

of brian, wasn't it,


The girl: show him

you're not afraid anymore.

(School bell rings)

(all clamoring)

the girl: make him

afraid of you.

(Suspenseful music playing)

you have to push back.

(Indistinct conversation)

(music builds up)

brian: peter!

Why are you...


(brian yelps)


(brian screaming)

boy: help!

(Brian continues screaming)

carol: (muffled)

I don't understand how

this could have happened!

Peter has never done

anything like this before!

He doesn't have a violent bone

in his body!

It was an accident.

I'm sure of it.

Mark: expelled?

Do you have anything

to say for yourself, peter?


I didn't mean for him

to fall down the stairs.

For god's sakes.

We are not a family

that solves our problems

with v*olence, peter.


I don't understand

where this kind of

behavior comes from!

Peter drew a picture.

For school.


I'm sorry.

I know that I should have

told you earlier.

But i...

Hold on, hold on.

What kind of picture?

What kind of picture,


Carol: a child.

A child asking for help.


I knew that you would

jump to conclusions.

You're only telling me

this now?

And it's just not possible.

Mark: okay, stop.

Even when I tell you about...

Mark: stop.

Peter. Why would you

draw a picture like that?

(Breathes shakily)

(shouts) peter!

Because I really heard her!

No, you did not! No!

(Mark breathes deeply)

you're grounded.

Okay, peter.

Go to your room.

No, no, no! Carol,

he's grounded.

He's going

in the basement.



(mark sighs)

(ominous music playing)

stand up.

I said, stand up.

Mark: get up.

(Eerie music playing)

(peter shudders)



(Carol sighing)



we're doing this

because we love you.

Because we love you.

(Door slams)

(fridge scraping)

(breath trembling) hello?

Are you there?

Please talk to me.

(Melancholy vocal music playing)



what a stupid thing.

God damn it!

Why won't you work?

Principal: you went

to a student's house?


I did.

I wanted to make sure

that peter was okay.

(Sad music playing)

principal: is he showing up

with bruises?

No, not that I can see.

Does he wet himself?

Is he talking about sex

or other things a boy his age

shouldn't know about?


Then, unfortunately,

there's nothing we can do.

There are a lot of peters.

Delicate little kids

you want to protect

from life's cruelties,

but you can't get

personally invested.

You'll be eaten alive.


you've met his parents?

His mother, there's something...

Off about her.

Principal: there's a child

that disappeared

from their neighborhood

years ago.


something like that

would make any parent


(Ominous music playing)

(suspenseful music playing)

(washing machine whirring)

(doorbell rings)

(keys jingle)



I have peter's

last math quiz.

I thought you should have it.

He only missed two.

Thank you for coming by.


Mark: hi, there.

Honey, this is

miss devine.

Peter's former teacher.

Nice to meet you.

She was just coming by

to drop off his last

math test.

That's wonderful.

We can hang it on the fridge.

(Chuckles dryly)

please, come in.

We just made coffee.

(Suspenseful music playing)

mark: (muffled) this way.

(Door locking)

have a seat.


(Drink pouring)

(stops whirring)

here you go.

Miss devine: you're bleeding.

Oh, I'm just doing

some remodeling.

Loose nail.

Don't worry about it.


uh, well, since I'm here,

I just want to express

how sorry I am

about what happened.


That's very,

very sweet of you.

But honestly,

no apology necessary.

Peter is a spirited boy.

Uh, do you have any idea

where peter will be going

to school?

Of course,

we do.

Here. At home.


Carol is the best teacher

peter could ever have.

What? You don't think

that's a good idea?


I just think that,

um, (smacks lips)

given his behavior,

he might benefit

from an environment

more suited toward

his needs?

(Chuckles) no, we're not going

to give our son away.

Thank you.

No. No.

No. No, we're not.

Family is what he needs.

(Muffled) family's what

he's gonna get.

Where is he?

He's grounded.

In his room.

May I see him?

No, you may not.

I don't think

it's appropriate.

I would just like

to say goodbye.

What is your interest

in our son?

You're no longer his teacher.

So, i... I don't...

It's very strange to me

that you continue

to show up at our house.

I just wanted to make sure

he was all right.

I'm sorry,

"that he was all right"?

You think that

peter's in danger?

Do you think that

I'm the kind of mother

that would harm my child?


Honey. It's okay.

Carol: I love peter.

We love peter.

We love peter.

With every fiber

of our being.

You don't know

anything about...

Hey. Hey, enough.

No. No. Before...

How dare you? How dare

you come into our home...

Mark: honey, honey, honey.

Carol. Carol. Stop.

Carol: ...for you to tell us

what's best for our son.

Mark: she doesn't...

Listen to me.

(Whirring loudly)

what mother gives up

on her child?

Sweetheart, that's enough.

Carol: the audacity

of this woman! This stranger.


you don't know


Mark: don't let the opinion

of a stranger upset you.

(Muffled knocking)

enough. Hey. Enough.

Carol: no, before I had peter,

the doctor said...

...peter's a miracle...


Carol: ...and I would

never give up on him.

I would never give him away.

Never. Peter's a miracle.

An institute, for what?


Excuse me. I think

you better leave.

I'm sorry.

This was a mistake.

(Continues whirring loudly)

(stops whirring)


what is that?


The noise.

The banging.

The washing machine.

(Machine clicks)



(Breath trembling)



forgot your keys,

miss devine.


You're welcome.

(Mellow music playing)

(timer ticking)

(timer dings)

(door opens)

(door closes)

(breathing heavily)

you can come out now.



For our pumpkin.

Well, peter.

Have you had time

to think?

About what?

About how I need

to grow up.

Stop acting out.

Stop telling lies.

And no more nightmares.

No more.

We're very proud of you, peter.

Things are going to be

different from now on.

You won't be going back

to school any longer.

I'm gonna be

your teacher now.

Mark: that's right.

Your mom here,

she's going to teach you

the three r's, pete.

You know what they are?

Readin', writin',

and arithmetic. (Laughing)


Okay, I'm sorry.

You're a good boy, peter.

Oh, and we love you.

And we forgive you.

Love you too.

(Melancholy vocal music playing)

carol: goodnight,


Mark: see you

in the morning, son.

Good night.

(Door closes)

(footsteps leaving)

(muffled door closes)

(suspenseful music playing)

(breathing heavily)

please talk to me.

(Muffled knock)

the girl: (whispering) peter.

I was worried about you.

Peter: my mom and dad

locked me in the basement.

The girl: I knew it.

You have to be careful

with them.

They are not

what they seem.

I want to see you.


I've been here too long.

You wouldn't like

the looks of me.

You'll scream

and get us caught.

No, I won't.

I promise.


There's a hole

behind the wallpaper.

Do you see it?

(Ominous music playing)

(ball clatters)

(unsettling music playing)


(breathes rapidly)

(nervously) who are you?

I'm your sister.


I've been waiting, peter.

I had to wait till

you were big enough.

Big enough for what?

The girl: big enough

to move the clock

that hides the door.

Big enough to help me escape.

To leave the dark.

To leave the wall.

(Nervously) please stop.

No, you're scaring me.

The girl: you need to be scared.

Mom and dad,

they're evil, peter.

Now you know.

Your time is coming.


(loud knocking)


(clock ticking)

(soft scraping)




(Uneasy music playing)

(gasping softly)

(door creaking)

(eerie music playing)



Mom? (Breathing rapidly)

mark: peter.

(Teeth chattering)

(spooky music building up)

(chattering intensifies)

look what you've done

to your mother, peter.

(Muffled running footsteps)

(footsteps stop)

(clock ticking)

(peter cries out)



you were screaming

and thrashing around.


It's okay. It was

just a bad dream.



What was it about?


I don't remember.

Well, it can't hurt you now.

Peter: (whispering)

if they keep you in their room,

then how are you

talking to me?

The girl: I escaped.

I scratched and clawed

my way to you.

Mom and dad?

They hate me, peter.

Once they've had enough of me,

I'm finished.

They'll k*ll me.

And they'll put you

in the wall.


They wouldn't do that.

They wouldn't k*ll anybody.

No, peter.

They already have.

You need to see

what's buried in the garden.

I'll tell you where.

(Suspenseful music playing)


(sinister music playing)

carol: peter.

(Intense music playing)


What are you doing?

(Music quiets)

I was thinking that, um,

I know I can't go


but maybe we could

carve a pumpkin.

The girl: it was halloween.

Before they locked me

in the wall.

(Pumpkin squelching)

a trick-or-treater came

to the door.

I asked her for help.


and she saw me.

They k*lled her, peter.


I don't want to end up

like that girl.

I'm getting you out of there.

I'm gonna get you out

of there and then,

then we're gonna run away.

We're gonna be a family.

A real one.

But how?

Peter: I think I know

somebody that can help.


(suspenseful music playing)

(keypad beeping)

(line ringing)

(muffled children chattering)

(cell phone buzzing)


(Whispering) miss devine?


I need your help.

What did you say?

I need your help.



(jarring chord plays)

(phone ringing)


Hi, is this peter's mom?

It is. Is this miss devine?

I think peter just tried

to call me.

He did, indeed.

Peter was just telling me

how dearly he misses

his teacher,

and so I said,

"peter, just give her a ring.

"Tell her yourself."

But unfortunately,

his shy streak seems

to have gotten the best of him.

He's like a little

blushing bride over here.

It's so cute. (Chuckling)

well, better luck next time,

I suppose.

So sorry to have bothered you.

Have a happy halloween.

(Slams receiver)

(unnerving music playing)

that was bad, peter.

I'm sorry.

You did a very bad thing.


you called a stranger?

She doesn't know

best for you.

She doesn't love you

the way your father and I do.

I am so disappointed in you.

What is that?

It's nothing!

(Sinister music playing)

(peter shuddering)



No, no.

No. No.

(Breathing raggedly)


(Breathing shakily)


what... What did she tell you?

(Shouts) what did she tell you?

(Clock tolling)


it doesn't matter. Whatever.

(Voice quavering)

whatever happens now,

it will be your fault.

You just wait until

your father gets home.


(unsettling music playing)

the girl: (whispering) peter.


I heard them.

(Door creaking)

they know.

They are going

to k*ll us.

Peter, you have

to do something.


(Indistinct conversation)

(unsettling music continues)

(indistinct conversation


clean house.

That's all there is to it.

I don't want to.

We can't keep finding

temporary solutions.

That is...

(Ominous music playing)

(footsteps approaching)

(music intensifying)

(music quiets)

I know you're awake, son.

You get a good night's sleep.

When I get home tomorrow,

you'll help me out

in the garden.

There's a problem

we need to take care of.

(Door creaking)

(door closes)

(grim music playing)

(insects buzzing)

mark: it's black rot.

k*lling off the whole garden.

And blight like this,

it spreads fast.

Get rid of it now or...

Or all the healthy pumpkins

will get infected.

And we can't have that.

We're going

to bury the pumpkins,

and we're going to hope

that the next crop is better.

Better luck next time.

You understand?

So, I want you

to pick up that shovel

and dig.

(Insects continue buzzing)

(eerie music playing)

hey, cuz,

this is the house?



(Intense music playing)


(Sniffles quietly)

(doorbell rings)

can a family

not eat in peace?

(Spoon clacks)

(mark sighs)

stop playing

with your food, peter.

(Door opens)

children: trick-or-treat!

Carol: go away!

(Door slams)

(door locking)

porch light off?



did you do something different

with the soup tonight?

Did I do something different

with the soup?

Mark: yeah.


I mean, it's delicious.

It's great. Right?

It just tastes

a little different.



it smells like...


smell it.

Yeah, it smells

like cinnamon.


(Suspenseful music playing)

(door thudding in distance)

(door thudding)


Peter. Have you done something?

(Breathes heavily)


Son, look at me.

Tell me the truth.

What have you done?

What did you do?

You tell me.

Tell me, what did you do?

You hurt my sister.

What did you say?

Oh, my god.

Oh, my god.


call 911.

What is going on?

Call 911!


(intense music playing)


(mark groaning loudly)




(groans heavily)

(continues retching)




(Intense music playing)








(bones crack)

(clock tolling)

(unsettling music playing)




(whispers) don't let her out.


(peter panting)

(weakly) don't let her...


(Door unlocks)

the girl: (whispering)

peter, is that you?

(Clock ticking)

did you do it?

Are they gone?

I don't know.

I think so.

The girl: do you have the keys?

(Keys jingling)


The girl: the clock.

Be careful.

It's so heavy.




(eerie music playing)

peter. Are you all right?

(Shudders) I'm okay.

Do you see it?

Do you think you could open it?

(Music building up)

(door unlocks)

(door rattles)


(door creaking)

(heavy breathing)

(breathing growing louder)


(wicked laughter)

(unnerving music playing)



(muffled thudding)



and raspy breathing)

(in raspy mature voice)

good boy, peter.

What was it like

watching them die?

(Doorbell rings)

boy: trick-or-treat!

The girl: just like the girl

in the garden.

(Scurrying footsteps)

boy: hey, peter!

You alone in there?

We just came by to say hi.

(Music building up)

(door unlocks)

(door creaking)

are they f*cking

with us?

Let's get this done.

(Unnerving music playing)

boy 2: hey, peter.

Are you here?


(sing-songy) we know

you're in here!

Peter, where the f*ck are you?

(Footsteps approaching)

(door opens)

(door creaking)

(suspenseful music playing)

(liquid dripping)

what the f*ck?

(Muffled banging)

(piano keys clanging


(striking continues)

(objects crashing)

(muffled grunt)

(bed squeaking)

(peter screaming)



(grim music playing)

(piano key clangs)

(piano key clangs)

(suspenseful music playing)

huh? (Grunts)



(boy 1 screams loudly)

(breathing shakily)

(door creaking)

(dramatic spooky music playing)

(scurrying footsteps)

(door clacks)


(scurrying footsteps)


boy 2: no!


brian, my leg!

It's got my leg.

Brian, help me!

(Boy 2 screams)

(boy 2 groans, screams)

brian, help me!

No! No!


(scurrying footsteps)


(the girl snickering)

(snickering continues)

(snickering and footsteps stop)

(breathes nervously)

(intense music playing)


(objects crashing)

(brian screams)

(scurrying footsteps)

brian: no, no!

(Scurrying footsteps)

(brian continues screaming)

(screaming ceases)

boy 3: brian?





(Running footsteps)


(boy 3 screaming)

what did you say?


(tires screech)



(Hard thumping)


(object crashes)

(boy 3 grunting)

boy 3: no! (Grunts)

(flesh rips)



(footsteps approaching)

(bed squeaking)

(continues in mature voice)

when you were born,

they were so happy.

When I was born,

they screamed.

So, daddy made me a pit.

Then he made me a cage.

While you were whining

in this warm bed,

I was suffering

among cobwebs and rats,

learning how to climb.

How to bite,

learning how

to make you do what I want.


(Peter screaming)


peter: let me go, please!

(Scurrying footsteps)

peter: (screaming) help!

You'll be

safe in here.

(Banging on door)

(doorbell rings)

(door creaking)


(The girl crying)


(Breath trembling)


(Softly) oh,

my f*cking god.

What the f*ck?

(Door creaks)




(rapid footsteps)

(breath trembling)



(doorknob rattling)

peter: (yells) run!

(Breath trembling)


Peter: (yells) miss devine!


Peter: miss devine, run!

(Breath trembling)

(peter screaming)

miss devine, run!

Miss devine, run!

Peter! God. Oh, my god.

You have to run.

No, no, I'm not

leaving you here.

You have to get out of here!

(Scurrying footsteps)

(banging on door)


what the hell is that thing?

It's my sister.

(Footsteps retreating rapidly)

(scurrying footsteps)

(door slams)

she's coming!

Miss devine: stand back.

(Scurrying footsteps)


peter, come on.

Come on, peter. Come on.

Come on, peter.

Where are you going?

Peter: the keys.

Come on. Go, go.

(Scurrying footsteps)

(peter screaming)



(miss devine yells)




why are you

like this?

(In mature voice)

not every child can be

as perfect as you, peter.

I was just

born this way.

And no one loves

a monster.

Miss devine: peter!

Miss devine!

(Breath trembling)

miss devine:

I don't know what you are,

but if you hurt him,

I'll f*cking k*ll you.




(scurrying footsteps)

miss devine!

(Breathing heavily)














(peter grunts)



the girl: (whispering

in child's voice) peter!


You're my brother.

(Shudders) peter, let's go.

The girl: don't you see, peter?

It's in our blood.

You k*lled mom and dad.

You're just like me.


I'm not like you.

The girl: (in mature voice)

do you really think this is

gonna keep me down here?

Every night,

when you lie in bed,

you'll wonder

if you locked the door,

or saw a shadow move.


every creak,

every groan,

every tap in the wall,

you'll think of me.

We're family, peter.

I will always be with you.

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