13x15 - 4 Chefs Compete

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Hell's Kitchen". Aired: May 30, 2005 – present.*
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Reality television show that uses a progressive elimination format to narrow down a field of 20 to 12 aspiring chefs to one single winner over the course of one season.
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13x15 - 4 Chefs Compete

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Hell's Kitchen You'll be cooking lunch for these amazing glampers.

The final five faced off in the glamorous camping challenge.

What are you making?
Grilled pork chop.


Rib eye.

Each Chef's creativity was tested as they had to come up with upscale dishes on the spot for the campers.

The steak was really good.


The results have been tallied.

Bryant and Roe's dishes stood out as the top two.

That outright winning dish belongs to Bryant.

Yes! But it would be Bryant Well done.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Who had the edge and would win his first individual challenge.

I'm ready to get my glamp on, glamp on.

Uh, uh, uh! Bryant chose his former blue team teammate Sade to accompany him on an urban camping adventure Cheers to final two.

While Jennifer, La Tasha, and Roe Were buried in trash on Hell's Kitchen's recycling day.

At dinner service There's the water, but what's not on there?


Bland! [Bleep]


The mistakes may have been minor Roe, can you get a grip on your [Bleep]

But Chef Ramsay missed nothing.

Where's the garnish for the halibut?
I don't have it, Chef.

Do you think that's fair that I'm asking where is it?
The final five, with La Tasha leading the way, put out a strong effort Lobster?

- Can I grab that for you?
- Yes, you can.

I'm walking these too, okay?
And completed a reasonably good service.

Go, please.

Clear down.



However, Chef Ramsay was still looking for suggestions on who to send home.

Come up with two names for elimination.

The black team nominated - Jennifer.

- And Myself.

For elimination.

- But it was - Roe.

Whose up-and-down journey would finally come to an end.

And now the continuation of Hell's Kitchen.

Get out of here.

Yes, Chef.

Good night, Chef.

Holy [Bleep]


Final four?
Whoo, final four.

Final four.

The remaining three chefs need to understand I am going to win Hell's Kitchen.

While some chefs are very focused solely on winning, others can't help but think about what they've sacrificed to make it this far.

I did not leave my family for this long to come this far and fail.

I'm still here.

I do not want to disappoint my kids.

Oh, my god.

With the competition down to just four chefs I love you guys.

The seriousness of what's at stake is beginning to take its toll.

And with each new day Hello.

Yeah, I need to see everybody downstairs.

- All right.

Right away.

- Let's go.

All right.

The kitchen.

Comes another critical test from Chef Ramsay.

Let's go.

The fab four.

- Good morning.

- Good morning, Chef.

Today, before we dive in to one of the toughest challenges, I have something I want to show you to give you extra motivation.

Seriously, I have stopped guessing what these challenges are gonna be.

We are going live to Virginia Beach.

Hi! Hi.

Hi! I see my wife and my daughter.

I was so [Bleep]


I know you're working hard.

I miss you guys so much.

I will make you proud.

La Tasha's mom, Barbara.

Hi, Tash! Mommy! I can't believe there are cameras at my house.

Bring it home, sweetheart.

I will, mommy.

Love you.

Mwah! I wish that I could just hug my mom.

Let's go to Jennifer's fiance.


Hi, babe.

I love you.

We love you.

You know what we talked about, baby: Going home proudly, all right?
I will.


I understand what Jennifer is feeling.

It's okay.

My family are my inspiration.

- Hello! Sade! - Hey.


Hey, mom.

Hey, auntie.

We love you.

And bring home the bacon.

They're crazy.


I can't believe we have to do a challenge after this.

What the hell?
How much motivation does that give you?
- A lot, Chef.

- Yes.

It is time for your next challenge.

- Chefs, are you ready?
- Yes, Chef.

My focus is even stronger right now.

All I can imagine is my mom telling me, "you know what to do.

Get the job done.

" Bryant, are you ready?
I'm ready, Chef.


But there's one more thing.

I knew it! It's time to see my family.

We're so proud of you.


Oh, you're so big.


Come on, Chef.

I'm ready to see my family now.

Next, Jennifer.


Oh, my god.

To be able to reach out and hug and kiss my kids and my fiance it definitely breaks my heart.

I know my son is probably having a really hard time with this.

I hope he just doesn't feel like I've abandoned him.

Next, Sade.

Hi! Aah! Oh! Oh, my goodness, this is so great.

Oh, La Tasha.

Now, this one's really exciting.

Here's your mom, Barbara And your dad, William.

Oh! And my daddy! What?
I get my mom and my dad?
They live in two different states.

It's very rare that I get my mom and dad at the same time.

Take some time out.

Sit down and catch up with your loved ones.

Thank you, Chef.

It's been pretty difficult to be away from my fam.


You miss da-da?
You've gotten so big.

How many more teeth have you got, honey?



Girl, look at you.

I know.

You're doing good.

You're doing good.

Black jacket.

I'm the youngest person here.

Like, I had it, like you was prepared for this.

It just feels good to have people in my corner that love me and that support me.

How bad do you want it?
I want it more than anything I've ever wanted in my life.

This is just gonna push me to do better than I've ever done.

I've only been up for elimination once, and that was last time.

I took out the bitch that I needed to take out.

Ooh, that's right, girl.

Only once?

I just want to make my kids proud and let them know that I'm still here, I'm still in this competition.

We're winners in this family.

Winners, okay?
Everybody just loves you.

They are just so proud of you.

Thank you.

Just those little bits of encouragement throughout my life has brought me to where I am now.

- It's been a long ride.

- Yeah.

And not being able to get that encouragement has been tough.

We are here for the victory.

And now there's no way I'm losing.

I'll be the last one standing.

Okay, guys.

We got to go.

- No, Chef.


- Aw.

Say good-byes.

- Buh-bye.

- Take care, baby.

Take care.

Wish you the best of luck.

She wants her da-da.

I feel great.

It's good to see them.

It's like that motivation just that little boost.

Love you.

What a lovely surprise.

- Yes.

- Everybody energized?
Yes, Chef.


'Cause it's time for your next challenge.

Whoever wins this next challenge will spend the whole day with your family.


- Oh.

- Ohh.

There's no way in hell I'm losing this challenge.

If I have to s*ab somebody, kick someone out of the freakin' way whatever I have to do, I am winning this challenge.

Chef Ramsay surprised the chefs with a visit from their families Love you.

And then revealed a highly coveted reward.

Whoever wins this challenge will spend the whole day with your family.

- Oh.

- Ohh.

This reward is priceless.

This would be so awesome.

Let's begin.

Andi, please.

Today's challenge, my favorite.

No dunk t*nk, no blindfolds.

Just taste it; Now make it.

I've seen this challenge so many times.

You have to identify flavors and every ingredient.

This is gonna be easy.

You'll all have wait.

You're anxious.

Love that determination.

You'll all have 45 minutes to re-create that stunning dish.

You have to rely on all your senses.

The Chef who comes closest to re-creating that dish wins the challenge.

- Got it?
- Yes, Chef.

This is the most important challenge that I've had in Hell's Kitchen.

It's important to show Chef Ramsay that I am his man.

Your 45 minutes starts now.

Let's go.

In this classic Hell's Kitchen challenge, the final four must rely on their sense of taste, smell, sight, and touch Taste.


To correctly identify every component of Chef Ramsay's dish and re-create it.

This is all about distinguishing every component of the dish and definitely knowing your proteins.

And when you think of it, keep it to yourself, yes?
While it's important for the chefs to figure out as best as they can all of the ingredients used to make the dish, identifying the protein is essential to winning the challenge.

Get that palate working.

The first thing I thought of in my head when I saw the protein I was like, "rabbit.

" I've never eaten rabbit before, but something just in my gut I'm like, "it's rabbit.

" Remember what's at stake.

You know what they say.

Look like a duck, taste like a duck, quack like a duck It's rabbit.

Jennifer and Sade are going with rabbit roulade, while La Tasha has chosen pheasant.

Create some options for yourselves.

But Bryant continues to analyze what protein he should go with.

I had to taste it a couple times.

I'm, like, 99% sure that it's Turkey.

There's that 1% chance that it might be rabbit.

If it's rabbit, I mean, I'm gonna feel like a [Bleep]

idiot, because the texture looked like it could be.

Totally going with my gut on this.

Though the chefs have a difference of opinion on the protein, they have all selected couscous as the starch.

There's, like, something sweet in that sauce.

But the sauce What is this?
What is this?
There's, like, something that I can't pick out.

Has more than one Chef stumped.

I'm sure that sweetness came from sun-dried tomato.

The sauce is the most difficult thing to pick out.

It's not raisin.

That's too sweet.



Cherry's got, like, that sweet but, like, tangy flavor.


So I'm thinking it's dried cherry.

I don't know.

But I decided to go with sun-dried tomatoes.

Now, is that cherries, or is that dates?
I think that it's cherries.

It has to be the cherries.

Just under four minutes to go, guys.

Come on.

Trust me, you want to win this challenge, right?

- Hurry up, Sade.

- Yes, Chef.

Oh, my god.

I'm running out of time.



I'm blocking everybody else out.

I'm not paying attention to anything that's going on in this kitchen except for what I'm doing.

Coming up to the last two minutes.

Last two minutes.

You've got to start slicing, Sade.

Yes, Chef.

Oh, god.

This is raw.



I'm better than this.

What did I don't know what is going on.

Finishing touches, guys.

Come on, Sade.

Five, four, three, two, one, and serve.


Let's go, guys.

My presentation might not be perfect, but this is "taste it; Now make it," not "see it.

Now plate it.

" As long as the flavors are there, I think I'll be good.

Let's start off with Sade.

Describe your dish, please.

What I have for you today is a pancetta rabbit with cherries, toasted pine nuts, parsnips, carrots.

Sade's dish looks a little bit, like, frumpy.

So I'm one step closer to winning.

Considering it's burst open, the actual rabbit is moist.

Come on, Chef Ramsay.

I would love to win this and see my family.




I did a Turkey wrapped bacon Turkey?
I didn't get Turkey.

Couscous with dried cherry.


You said cherries in there, right?
Dried cherries and dates.

That's tasty.

La Tasha, describe your dish.

What I have is pheasant wrapped in bacon with sun-dried tomato and prune.

I've ex*cuted this dish perfectly.


Chef seems to be enjoying it.

That's a good sign, right?
That's cooked perfectly.

Good job.

Thank you, Chef.

Jennifer, pass me your dish, please.

I wonder what protein I'm gonna get now.

I did rabbit loin as well, wrapped in pancetta and then the sun-dried tomatoes.

It's very crispy.

This is the mecca of challenges.


This man has a poker face like nobody's business.

Just give us a freakin' answer, Chef.

Thank you.

The chefs have presented their best efforts at re-creating Chef Ramsay's dish All four dishes are seasoned beautifully.

And now it's time to find out who came the closest.

But the key to winning this challenge is in selection of your protein.

That's the hero.

Jennifer, Sade, you had rabbit.

La Tasha, why did you choose pheasant?
To me, the rabbit would have been a little too gamey.

And, Bryant, why did you use Turkey?
I just went with my gut.

Well, I can tell you right now, this is definitely not Turkey.




Now, is it pheasant, or is it rabbit?
The protein in my dish consists of Rabbit.

So it comes down to Jennifer and Sade.

Now, with only Jennifer and Sade left in the running, it all comes down to the key details.

You both got the base correct with the couscous.

There was one critical difference.

Jennifer, you put sun-dried tomatoes in your couscous.

Sade, you put in dried cherries.

It's a key ingredient.

The winner of this challenge is the Chef that had In today's taste it; Now make it challenge, Bryant and La Tasha incorrectly identified the protein.

My dish consists of Rabbit.

Now it's between Jennifer and Sade Is it sun-dried tomatoes, or is it dried cherries?
And the winner will be decided by who had the key ingredient in the sauce.

The winner of this challenge is the Chef that had Sun-dried tomatoes in the couscous.

I've nailed this [Bleep]


Oh, my god.

You nailed it, young lady.

That's what beat me?
Sun-dried tomato?
Jennifer, you will be spending the most amazing day with your family.

First of all, they're waiting for you at a beautiful restaurant.

But, as always, I want to make sure that you arrive in style.

Waiting for you outside is your sleek, stunning Ferrari.


Jen, that's not your type of car.

Minivan, maybe.

Ferrari, no.

That's more my style.

You're gonna be eating at one of L.


's most famous restaurants, Mr Chow.


Be sure to save room for dessert, because I've arranged chocolate tasting at Vosges.

Thank you, Chef.

Well done.

Good job.

- So much, Chef.

- Good job.

I won the best reward of all of Hell's Kitchen To get to spend the entire day with my family.

I'm so excited.

Guys, the three of you will be packing up the dorms.

Sweep the mattresses, dismantle the beds, box everything up.

Also, tomorrow is a very special day here in Hell's Kitchen.

It marks our 200th dinner service.


Now, Marino has his hands full getting the dining room ready - Oh, my god.

- But he needs your help.

- Oh, my god.

- You're gonna fold the napkins.

And you have to build the most amazing centerpieces.

This is a big one, guys.

Off you go.

Yes, Chef.

Sun-dried tomatoes again, Sade.

So close.

Cherries! I have never been more angry at a dried cherry in my life.

Excuse me.

All right, well, you guys have fun packing.

Make sure my stuff's all nice and neat and tidy.

Get your ass out of here.

Let's see what this baby does.

g*n it.

Whoo! Whoo! Riding in this Ferrari is just awesome.

Whoo! I would love to be in that car all day every day.

Oh, yeah.

- Oh, look.

Wave to mommy.

- Mommy! Hey, babies.

Mommy! How did you get This reward is definitely what I needed.

It's gonna give me that extra push to make it through the homestretch.

I only need to beat three more people.

But it's not gonna be a problem.

Don't worry.

I beat 14 other people.

Sade, Bryant, and La Tasha should be nervous.


I'm just gonna win Hell's Kitchen.

Family, love, and success.

They didn't have instructions for a cardboard box.

Come on, [Bleep]


Oh, my god.

Working with these women is just So annoying.

But, I mean, what punishment isn't?
You all right?

So are you done cutting the stuff yet?
No, I just we got this, and I'm cutting this.


And I'm about to cut the peas.

This might be the most boring, tedious punishment we've had so far.

This front of the house stuff's for the birds.


While the losers suffer through a never-ending punishment Wow.

Jennifer wishes this day would never end.

Look at this.




We're going to be doing a truffle tasting today.

Everything I do in this competition, it's for my family.

I just want them to see what happens when mommy wins big.

Take a deep breath, and then put it in your mouth.

Now bite.

- Mmm.

- What do you think of that one?
- That one's really good.

- Excellent.

Thumbs up?
Two thumbs up.

Two thumbs up.


This day is definitely a reminder of why I'm here.

You know, my kids and my fiance, they're the fuel that is keeping this machine known as Jen running.

The final four have risen to every challenge, enjoyed rewards, and suffered punishments.

You guys miss anybody?
Don't miss anybody.

But no one is looking back.

They all have their eyes on the prize.


It is every man for themself at this point.

This is a competition.

You want to eliminate your competition, and that's exactly what I'm gonna do.

It's Sade versus the world.

I'm still waiting for three more people to go.

Well, you're next.

don't worry about it.

- Whoo! - Oh, okay.

We'll see tonight.


Fire! Okay, everybody, line up, please.

Tonight, Hell's Kitchen celebrates its 200th dinner service, so time for your biggest test of leadership so far in this competition.

Each of you will have a turn in running the pass.

This is monumental tonight.

It's a w*r against each other.

Show me you have the qualities to be my next head Chef in Atlantic City.

Because tonight, two of you are going into the final.

Two of you are going home.

This is it.

I have to show my best.

Service of a lifetime coming up.

It's on.

Tonight may be the 200th dinner service in Hell's Kitchen, but for our final four, that milestone is clearly not the most important thing on their mind.

Tonight, two of you are going to the final.

It is your big opportunity to shine.

Yes, Chef.

Good luck.

Get on your stations and set up, guys.

Let's go.

This ain't gonna be no easy dinner service, but going home tonight?
Not gonna [Bleep]



Yes, Chef.

Open Hell's Kitchen for the 200th time.

Yes, Chef.


Chef Ramsay has planned a memorable night for a dining room full of V.




There's so many things on this menu that I want.

The beef wellington.

And the chocolate torte.

Thank you.

To returning and not cooking.

Tonight, the final four will each get a chance to run the pass and show they have the leadership skills to be a head Chef.

All of you, cook as if it's your last service.

Let me tell you.

Yes, Chef.

At the end of the evening, two chefs will be moving on to the finals, and two chefs will be going home.

On order, four covers, table one.

Yes, Chef.

Two tomato salad, two Risotto, yes?
Heard, Chef.

Before handing over the reins, Chef Ramsay will get the kitchen off to a strong start.

Fire the Risotto, please.

Risotto working.

And he's looking for Sade on appetizers to deliver.

Risotto, how long, please?
Risotto is four five minutes, Chef.

Okay, let's go.

Push it out.

Five out.


Let's go.

Apps is not gonna [Bleep]

up the flow.

Apps is going to k*ll tonight.

No problem.

Risotto, where is it?
- Sade?
- Yes, Chef.

- I'm waiting for a Risotto, yes?
- Yes, Chef.

So you're two minutes over your call time, okay?
We got to go, yes?
Let's go.

Service, please.

Table 11, yes?
Two more Risotto, how long?
- Right now.

- Two Risotto.

Let's go.

Come on, Sade, please.

Service, please.

With appetizers now making their way out to the dining room - Bon appetit.

- Bon appetit.

Oh, my god, it's so good.



Hand the section over to Andi.

Let's go.

Chef Andi will fill in on the line while Sade takes the first turn running the pass.

Slow start there.

You all right?
- Yes.

I'm positive.

- Okay, good.


You're now running Hell's Kitchen.

She must show Chef Ramsay that she can lead John, Sade is running a hot plate.

Let's go.

While upholding his high standards.

Two capellini, how long?
Two capellini, give me about one minute, please.

All right, Jen, be ready on two chicken.

How you looking?
Chicken is in.

I need five minutes on chicken.

Five on that.

Walking garnish in four.

There's a little bit of pressure running the pass first, but I feel like, you know what, I'm gonna set the bar really high.

You will hear my voice today for sure.

Jennifer, how long on two chicken?
Jennifer, where's the chicken?
Sade, my god, please stop talking.

I can't [Bleep]

take it anymore.



I'm checking it, Sade.

Come on.

Come on, man.

It's not ready.

I need the chicken right now.

I realize that, but I'm not gonna send you raw chicken.

Sade, you're not driving.

She's driving it.

Jennifer, come on.

What the [Bleep]

How long?
I'm slicing.

Oh, my god.

You're about to get the frying pan to the [Bleep]

head, let me tell you right now.

Jennifer, am I gonna have my chicken in 20 seconds?
I need it.

Right here.

Thank you.

I said I was walking, I meant I was walking.

Well, you said that five minutes ago.

Thank you.

Well, I'm not sending you raw food either.

Go back on the next one, please.

Thank you.

It's burnt.

Take it back.



I need chicken that is not burned on the skin.

I need Hell's Kitchen-quality chicken.

Come on.



Sade has proven she's a tough taskmaster at the pass, but now Two capellini.

How we coming?


30 seconds, please.

Thank you.

Chef Ramsay will test her quality control by having Chef Andi use clams instead of mussels in the capellini appetizer.

Two capellini?
I'm coming right now.

Let's go.

Okay, this is clams.

Can I get a mussel capellini, please?
Two of them.

- Sade.

- Yes, Chef.

Well spotted.

Yeah, cook with your eyes.

Well spotted.

- Yes.

- Thank you.

Nothing is getting past me on this pass tonight.

I just want this food right, and I want it now.

Thank you.

Sade has spotted the sabotage Go, John, please.

But now she needs to prove that she can get food moving out to the diners in a consistent manner.

Chef, I have a ticket.

This is the actor Ricky Schroder.

Thank you.

All right, right now.

Jennifer, you have three wellington and we don't have pork.

A pork?

Nope, nope, nope.

You want to successfully run the pass?
This is how you do it.

Marino! We have pork now?
No pork.

No pork.

- No pork?
- Sorry, Chef.

One second.


Thank you.

I need that chicken.

It's walking.

Sade's aggressive style has kept appetizers and entrees flowing out to the dining room.

Service, please.

The best chicken I've ever had in my life.

And the next Chef to be tested at the pass is La Tasha, let's go.

Yes, Chef.

I'm coming over.

- Andi's running the fish.

- Yes, Chef.

You're now running the hot plate.


All right, I need two scallop salads.

With that I need two Risotto, two tomato salad.

It's coming.

Let's go, guys.

I'm definitely confident.

I'm ready for Chef Ramsay to see Chef La Tasha.

Bring me two Risotto, Sade.

You got the Risotto, Chef.

All right, behind that I need two halibut, one chicken, three wellington to the pass.

- How long?
- Now.

Got it.

Here you go, garnish for chicken and wellington.

There you go.

La Tasha has established that she is clearly comfortable leading the brigade.

Taste everything, yes?
Yes, Chef.

- I'm tasting everything.

- Everything.

Let's go.

Service, please.

Go, John.

Two halibut, how long?
Less than 30 seconds.

All right.

But now Chef Andi is about to deliver the next planned sabotage of the night I put two halibut up there.

Yes, two halibut.

I got them.

Bringing up sea bass instead of halibut.

Two halibut.


Check the halibut.

That's not even halibut.

It's Chilean sea bass.

Got it, Chef.

You have got to check everything.

Every little thing.

Since when do we have Chilean sea bass on the line?
Chef, I need two halibut.

These are sea bass.

No more mistakes.

This is not the service to crash and burn.

All right, how long, one chicken?
Slicing right now.

Give me chicken garnish now, B.

Let's go.

- Oh, B, come on.

- It's okay.


How long, mushrooms?
Come on.

I got a whole entree waiting on mushrooms, Bryant.

I need it.

I need it.

Ten seconds.

Bryant, get it together, you idiot.

I need a char on those mushrooms, Bryant.

Yeah, we got to get a char.

We got to get a char.

La Tasha is being a bitch.

I had a nice char on it.

You see it right here?
Come on, guys.

He's not gonna take it.

He's not gonna take it.

Let's go.

What, do you think I'm just standing there with my thumb up my [Bleep]

the whole time?
I was in there stirring, making sure it's hot, tasting it every five [Bleep]


Taste it.



All right, let's go.

This is crazy.

Here we go.



All right, right now I'm looking for two halibut, two lamb.

How long, two halibut?
- I'm ready.

- All right.

Jennifer, I need that lamb walking.

Garnish is on the plate.

I got it.

I'm slicing.

Let's go.

I need two lamb now.

Coming up, two lamb.

La Tasha has kept a steady flow of entrees leaving the kitchen.

Here we go.

It is so moist.

Okay, well done.

Last table.

Good job.

Let's go.

Back on the fish, please.

Let's go.

And it's now time for one of her competitors to take over.

- Jennifer, let's go.

- Okay.

Pull the last wellies.

At what time?
Right now.

Right, young lady.

Wake up and drive your team, yes?
Yes, Chef.

It's my turn to run the pass.

I'm not here to do all crazy [Bleep]

Like Sade was doing.

I will communicate in the right way.

Ordering in a six-top.

Two tomato salad, two Risotto, two scallops, followed by three chicken, three wellington.

How long, appetizers?

What did you just call?
Two Risotto, two scallops, two tomato salad.

Sade, how long?
When you were running the pass, you were a [Bleep]

loudmouth, didn't know how to shut the [Bleep]


Now all of a sudden you got a [Bleep]

ball gag in your mouth.

- Sade.

- What's up?
What's up?
How long?
I'm talking to you.

I'm about to give you a time.

It's looking three minutes.

I yelled at her, so now of course she's gonna go up there and yell at me.

If I say I'm coming, I'm coming, and that's it.


Thank you.

Two salmon, two lamb, how long?
How long?
How long?
How long?
Two salmon, two lamb.

Three minutes, Chef.


I'm calling for [Bleep]

, and I don't get a response.

Walking garnish to the pass.

Thank you.

I feel like I just got [Bleep]

sabotaged by my team.

I need these potatoes heated up, please.

Ooh, what?

Jennifer and the brigade seem to be on slightly different wavelengths, and the kitchen has slowed down.

I need wellingtons, please.

Let's go.

But she has an opportunity to prove herself in the quality control department as Chef Andi prepares a little test Right now, Chef.

Four wellington.

Here's two.

I'll bring you two more, yeah?
Two more heard.

A beef wellington that is missing a key ingredient.




Look at the wellington.

What's it missing?
Uh Oh, my god, [Bleep]



Oh, man.

Um, oh, [Bleep]


It's an hour into Hell's Kitchen's 200th dinner service This looks incredible.

And Jennifer is taking her turn running the pass.

Right now, Chef.

Four wellington.

- Perfect.

- Stop.

Look at the wellington.

What's it missing?
But her oversight has the kitchen at a bit of a standstill.

Duxelles, Chef.

I got my mind in, like, 20 different places right now.

Chef Andi, I need wellingtons that have duxelles in it.

There's nothing in it.

Got to look at those things.

Every little detail quickly with your eyes, yes?
Yes, Chef.

But I can come back and finish strong.

Here you go.

Thank you, Chef.

I need two salmon, two lamb.

- Two minutes.

- Push it.

Here you go.


Here you go.

- Heard that.

- Uh-huh.

Keep talking.

All right, I can walk two salmon.


Thanks, Chef.

Walking, walking, walking.


Let's go.

Good job.

After missing her sabotage, Jennifer has bounced back, leaving Chef Ramsay Service, please.

And the diners This is the best beef wellington I've ever tasted.

- Wow.

- Happy.

I'll take it from here.

Jump back on the station, please.

- Let's go.

- Yes, Chef.

Now it's time for the final Chef - Bryant, let's go.

- Okay.

Yes, Chef.

To prove that he can not only cook but also lead.


You're now running Hell's Kitchen.

- Yes, Chef.

- Rev 'em up.

Let's go.

Got it, Chef.

Listen up.

My strategy is, use my voice, get direct times.

I want a [Bleep]


Two guests.

Risotto, capellini.

Entree, two halibut.

Two halibut heard.

Risotto, capellini, heard?
Risotto, capellini, I got six.

Six minutes heard.

I want Chef to see, "this dude, he actually can [Bleep]


" Two halibut, how long?
Give me one minute, please.

One minute.

Thank you.

I'm keeping my eye on Chef Andi because she's real tricky.

I'm coming right now.



That doesn't look right, Chef.

That doesn't look like a halibut.

It's too firm.

I don't think it's halibut.

You got to be on point.

They're doing some weird, fishy [Bleep]


Yeah, it is.

Yeah, it is halibut.

You're sure?
I don't think so though, Chef.

No, no, no.

Look at me.

Look at me.


listen to me, please, yeah?
I haven't got [Bleep]

time to say it four times.

Okay, Chef.


Salmon you got, yes?
Yes, Chef.

While Bryant may be a little too eager to catch Chef Ramsay's sabotage, the real quality control test is right under his nose Dress the salmon.

As the cauliflower puree has been swapped out for a celery root puree.

Service, please.

Go, John.


That is not cauliflower.

That's right.

Well spotted.

That's celery root.

Yes, Chef.

That's right.

Well spotted.

Thank you, Chef.


I'll take the cauliflower puree too, please.

Oh, yeah.

Oh, that was a good moment.

Keep it going now, Bryant.

Let's go all the way to the very end.

Let's go.

Let's go, guys.

Last two tickets.

One salmon, one wellington.

How long you got, Sade?
Right now.

Send me that garnish.

Let's go.

Walking two wellie garnish.

Right here.

Taste everything, yes?

, let's go.


Wellington, Jen?
- Walking, Chef.

- Let's go.

With Bryant doing a good job driving the brigade Let's go.

The kitchen sends out their final entrees Well done, Bryant.

Thank you, Chef.

And completes dinner service on a positive note.

Go, please.

But only hours from now, Chef Ramsay will announce which two chefs will advance to the finals.

What a night.

Tonight was a big success.

You should all be very proud of your performance.

I know for certain that I definitely have the right final four, let me tell you.

I'd like all four of you to go back to the dorms and think carefully of why you deserve a place in the final.

Good luck.


Great job.

Thank you, Chef.

This is a hard night.


I've had a pretty [Bleep]

stellar performance in Hell's Kitchen.

Nobody's going to say they need to go home.

Of course not.

How did everyone do on the pass when, like, [Bleep]

came in?
Did everyone catch it?
I caught everything.

She sent me up a [Bleep]

wellington that didn't have any duxelles in it, and I caught that.



Look at the wellington.

That's not right.

What I think that personally matters the most is how we did individually in the black jackets.

Chef Ramsay has called me out by name multiple times.

"Best in show, Bryant.

Second best performance in a row, Bryant.

" I mean, come on, I definitely belong here.

Bryant, I don't understand where the arrogance is coming from.

You're strutting around like your [Bleep]

doesn't stink, and trust me, buddy, I've smelt it once or twice.

When all is said and done, I have never been on the chopping block.

Me either.

I don't care.

It doesn't matter.

I'm just saying.

I am so happy that we had an amazing, strong service.

But that, for me, makes sending two of you home all the more painful.

This is a very difficult decision.

The first person who will not be moving into the final Is Jennifer.

Please step forward, my darling.

Yes, Chef.

Listen carefully.

The one thing that I've admired every day, every night, every service, is your determination.

You have a great future ahead of you, but you're not ready to be my next head Chef.

Thank you.

Keep that head up, yeah?
Yes, Chef.

And fight on.

I wouldn't have come here if I didn't think I was winning this.

I'm more determined and passionate than anybody else.

This was not supposed to be the end.

It's now time to decide which two of you are moving into the final.

Tonight, Chef Ramsay will decide which two of the final four chefs will move on to the finals.

This is a very difficult decision.

Jennifer was sent home first You're not ready to be my next head Chef.

And now it's down to Bryant, Sade, and La Tasha.

I want you to think very carefully about the following question.

La Tasha, I'm gonna start with you.

Yes, Chef.

Why do you deserve to be in the final?
Since day one, I've been consistent.

I am a leader, and I definitely lead by example.


From the beginning, I have been strong.

I've been vocal.

I've supported my team.

I belong here, Chef.


I have been extremely strong in this competition.

Excuse me.

And I know that I can run your restaurant to be successful.

I am a leader, and that is what you need.

This is so difficult.

The first person advancing to the final is La Tasha.



Thank you, Chef.

Great job.

Well done.

Thank you, Chef.

This is by far the most difficult decision I've made yet.

The person who will be joining La Tasha in the final is Bryant.

Oh, my god.

Congratulations, young man.

- Congratulations.

- Thank you.

Great job.

Oh, dear.

Sade, young lady, come here.

Let me tell you something really important.

You have been the most improved young chef ever to set foot in this competition.

Young lady, you were so close, let me tell you.

Thank you, Chef.

I'm gonna do something I've never done before.

I'm gonna have someone from my office in London call you to discuss opportunities in the Gordon Ramsay Group.

Wow, Chef.

You've earned it.

Thank you so much for everything.

It means so much to me.

Thank you so much.

Thank you.

Good luck, guys.

Keep that head up.

Bye, Sade.

Take care.

It sucks to be eliminated, especially when you think that you're doing so well.

Y'all better watch out, 'cause it's going down.

This was not an easy journey I don't like the idea of the fennel.

I would not pick either of these dish.

But I still feel like I remained true to myself.

We've already talked, Sade.

Mind your business.

I did well in challenges.

It's delicious.

Thank you.

I made it to the black team.

To black! As much as I wanted to win, making it this far, I couldn't have asked for more.

Well done, both of you.

- You okay?
- Yeah! Well done.

Yeah! Good job.

Well done, big man.

Good job.

- Whoo.

- You okay?
I'm good.

Oh! Now the heat is on.

Bryant has no idea what's in store for him.

Look at me now.

There's no way around it.

I am Chef Ramsay's next head Chef.

Your biggest test is yet to come.

Here we go.
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