14x03 - 16 Chefs Compete

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Hell's Kitchen". Aired: May 30, 2005 – present.*
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Reality television show that uses a progressive elimination format to narrow down a field of 20 to 12 aspiring chefs to one single winner over the course of one season.
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14x03 - 16 Chefs Compete

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Hell's Kitchen Go! Our boat's going right, you're both going left.

In Chef Ramsay's "attention to detail" crab cake challenge We got five crab! The red team were barely afloat in the first part of the challenge.

Nothing in here.


But in spite of the men having a head start for the cooking part of the challenge Great work, blue team.

Whoo! We rolling now.

The red team's dynamic duo of T and Michelle It's not the first out the gate.

It's who's the first to finish.

T, good job.

Saved their teammates from defeat.

Come on, let's kick it up a notch, Michelle.

By delivering dish You guys again.

After perfect dish.

That is perfection.

Great job.

- Whoo! - The winners.

Ladies, well done.

Whoo! Oh, my God.

Yes! At dinner service _ Mieka struggled to solve the riddles of the garnish station.

Hold on, hold on, ten seconds?
No, not yet.

Everybody else seems to get this [Bleep]

, and I'm just like, "what?
" But she was rescued by Meghan.

Give me the polenta, give me this, and give me those chanterelles, please.

It's not rocket science.

Unfortunately, for the blue team - Scallops! - I'll walk.

No one could save Cameron They're [Bleep]


Brendan And it's burnt to [Bleep]


Or Michael, who each had a turn on the fish station.

What did I ask you to do?
Scallops, Chef.

The scallops aren't even in the pan.

Chef Ramsay ended up banishing all three.

Get out! Get the [Bleep]

out of here.

And moments later, the trio were joined by the rest of the brigade.

James, you and I will finish it.

Get out! I ain't never been kicked out a kitchen in my life.

The blue team lost, and nominated Cameron, Chef.

And Michael.

But when Cameron confessed You're intimidating.

I crumbled when you came over my shoulder.

Chef Ramsay had heard enough Take off your jacket.

And ended his chance of becoming head chef at Caesars Atlantic City.

And now, the continuation of Hell's Kitchen.

Whoo! What was that?
I'm excited.

I dodged a b*llet tonight, you know what I mean?
Chef Ramsay made the right decision.

I'm gonna bounce back.

No more fooling around.

- Apologize for yelling.

- It's all right, don't worry about it.

- You were excited.

- You just scared the [Bleep]

out of me.

Fight back, man, fight back.

My volcano [Bleep]

erupted, you know what I'm saying?
You know I go with my heart.

I'm willing to work as hard as I can and do what I gotta do.

I knew Cameron was going home because never once did he say, "I'm a grab my [Bleep]

and I want to stay here," but he did.

I'm so happy he's gone.

After a stressful dinner service, the chefs are anxious to settle in for a peaceful night's sleep.

But this is Hell's Kitchen, and morning comes quickly, along with Chef James and an air horn.

Let's go! Let's go! Get up! I'm sound asleep, dreaming about, like, angels and reindeer, something wonderful, and then I just hear Go, go, go! Chef wants you guys downstairs now.

Go, go! My horn sounds like it's dying.

Let's go, quick.

- What?
- Whoa! Good morning, Chefs.

Come on down, please, let's go.

It's like Christmas.

Oh, my God, are you kidding me?
There's snow, there's ice, it's cold.

Am I back home?

What the [Bleep]

are we about to do?
I bet you'd never thought you'd see Hell's Kitchen frozen over, right?
No, Chef.

Right, for your next challenge, I wanted you all to work with some of the finest fish from the state of Alaska.


The fish have been split in half.

The fish heads are in one pool, and the fish tails are in the other pool.


When I say "go," two members from each team will enter the icy pools and match a fish to its head or tail.

I don't like fish.

They freak me out.

Now, the team that finishes first will have a huge advantage going into the next part of this challenge.

Yes, Chef.

Once the chefs are prepared to enter the icy waters - It's not gonna go over my [Bleep]

is it?
- That's not Pairs from each team will jump in and race to match the head and body of a trout, cod, salmon, and halibut.

Yes, Chef.

On your mark, get set Go.

Let's go, guys.

- Let's go.

- Halibut, halibut, halibut! Come on, come on, Milly.

That's cod, you got a cod.

That's cod! I should have peed before we got down there, 'cause as soon as I touched that cold water, whoo! Had to chew that back.

Milly, Milly.



Oh, my God! Let's go, ladies.

- Right here.

- Meghan.

T, what is that?
- What do you got?
- Ah! Oh, my God! It's not like it's moving.

It's not like it's deep, Meghan.

Ah! Like, what the [Bleep]

are you freaking out about?
That's salmon, that's salmon.

Oh, my God.

- Milly, Milly.

- Halibut, halibut, halibut.

You got it! You got it! You got it! Sexy.

There you go.

Take it out, put it together.

Yes, well done.

Next one in, let's go.

Salmon, cod, trout, let's go.

Ah! Super small, got it?
- Yeah, go, go, go.

- All right.

- Do they have to match?
- Yeah.


- Does it match?
- Yes, yes.

Wait, wait, wait, wait.

It doesn't match.

It doesn't [Bleep]


It doesn't match.




Ah! As Meghan and T have to once again go fish That's trout, T, that's trout.

Josh knows what fish head he wants Michael to find.

- Salmon! Salmon! Give me salmon! - Right here.

Get the salmon head, Michael! Salmon head! Salmon! I picked salmon because I knew Michael knew what salmon looked like, or at least I hoped.

Michael, what do you have?
That's a catfish.

Mike, what are you doing?
Come on, bro! That's a monkfish head, you [Bleep]

donkey! Just look for the other half, Mike.

It's not that hard.

It looks like this.

Come on, T! Meghan, I got it.

I got it.

- Does that match?
- It matches.


Yes, go.

You got it, you got it, you got it! Ladies, how long did that take?
Come on, let's go.

Now that Meghan and T have solved the trout puzzle, it's up to Michelle and Alison to haul in a cod, a salmon, or a halibut.

- Come on, guys, come on.

- Oh, my God, that's so [Bleep]

cold! Come on, Michael! Yo, right there! Let's go, let's go! Put it on.


Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, come on, fellas! - Nice job, boys.

- Ah! - Halibut.

You got it?
- Yeah.

That's it, that's it, that's it.

- Hey, cod tail?
- Go, go! Me and Nick, we were out of the water probably less than 15 seconds, and got our fish on the board.

- Does it match?
- Yes, go! Nice, let's go.

Yeah! I watch enough fishing shows.

This is a challenge that is right up my area.

- Michelle, go, go, go.

Mieka, get ready.

- I'm coming.

- Chef?
- Yes, let's go.

Good job.

While the women still need to match salmon and cod Don't let the boys beat us, guys.

The men only need to net Trout! Trout! Trout! To win this first part of the challenge.

Think small, tiny! Come on, Brendan, get those fingers dirty! - We need a piece of trout! - Come on, come on.

It's got whiskers! That's a catfish! Where's the trout head?
Oh! I got salmon! I got salmon! Catfish.

Oh! It's gonna have the orange flesh.

- Monique, over there! Over there, Monique! - No, it's not! You guys can't see in the [Bleep]


Shut up.

Come on! I got it! I got it! - There it is, let's go! - Trout! Trout! - Be careful, be careful! - Yes! I got you, I got you.

- Does it match?
- Yes, well done.

- Yes! - Yeah! Yes! Hey! Yes, that's what I'm talking about! Whoop, there it is! All of you, upstairs.

Get out of those waders, and I'll see you in the kitchen in two minutes.

Off you go, quick.

- Thank you, Chef.

- Good job.

Nice job, boys.

Good job, guys.

If I would've lost a fishing competition, my friends would not have, uh, let me live that Down Period.

Blue team, here is your advantage.

You will have a five minute head start.

Five minutes in the kitchen can be an eternity.

Your time starts Now.

Let's go.

In an important early test of the chefs' creativity - If you can help me think of a sauce.

- Make a red pepper coulis.

Chef Ramsay has challenged the chefs to each come up with a delicious and unique fish entree Gorgeous, Milly.

Using the fish that they helped match in the first part of the challenge.

- You done with this garlic?
- It's mine.

Come on, dude.

Work as a team, remember?
We got the advantage, there should be no excuse.

We have to win this.

Can we grab stuff?
Ladies, hands off those ingredients, man! We should win this.

Three, two, one.

Ladies, go.

- Let's go, girls! - Go, go, go! Ladies, you do not want to lose this challenge.

Five minutes, that's a long time for the boys to get started.

Watch out.

I'm not gonna let it bother me.

I just wanted to get myself collected and be calm.

Behind! Mieka, you good?
You know what you're doing?
I honestly have no idea.

Right behind you.

I don't eat fish.

Today will be my third time cooking salmon, so I'm pretty freaked the [Bleep]

out right now.


! Ten minutes from now.

- Yes, Chef.

- Push that risotto, Adam.

Milly, could you just keep half an eye on my risotto, baby?
I got it, I got it.

I'm working it right now, 'cause the rice ain't even done.

- No?
- No, I don't think it's gonna make it.

This risotto is just not getting done.

I thought I left myself enough time.

- Three minutes to go.

- Yes, Chef.

Do you have enough rice to go for two?
Um - I got that.

- Yeah?

Last two minutes.

Yes, Chef.

Alison, how are you looking?
- I'm gonna plate in, like, a minute.

- Yeah?
Last minute, guys.

Finishing touches, let's go.

- Good, Michael.

- Thank you, Chef.

I'm putting the fish and chips up.

Michelle, are you ready?
- Yes.


- Let's go.

Oh, my gosh, I'm shaking.

- Five, four - Who needs help?
Everybody okay?
- Three - Let's go, Adam.

- Let's go, let's go! - One, and serve, guys.

Let's go.

_ Okay, I've decided to bring in a very special guest judge.

He is the executive chef and owner of the phenomenal Connie and Ted's, one of the finest seafood restaurants in America.

Please welcome Michael Cimarusti.

Chef Cimarusti.

- How you doing?
- Good to see you.

- Thank you, good to see you too.

- Are you well?
I've seen him on television before.

To actually present a dish before him, oh, my gosh.

Let's begin with the battle of the trout.

Got it?
Two chefs from each team have prepared dishes featuring the same fish.

Chef Ramsay and Chef Cimarusti will taste all four dishes - Visually, they look lovely.

- Yeah.

But only the best dish presented in each round will be awarded a point.

Brandon, describe your dish.

Grilled rainbow trout with grapefruit vinaigrette.

The grapefruit, - No.

- I'm not quite so sure about.

So this is Bret's dish.

Bret has prepared a trout amandine.

That's delicious.

- Yeah, I agree.

- The crispiness on that one.

Thank you, Chef.

This one here's Meghan's.

Meghan's dish is a chopped trout in a tomato coulis.

The presentation's beautiful - on yours, Meghan.

- Thank you, Chef.

And this dish is T’s.

Yeah, it's like a mock succotash.

The only issue I have with that plate is that there should be some body to the sauce.

- Four good dishes.

- Right.

I think I got to go with Bret's dish.

- Thank you very much, Chef.

- Ah! First point goes to blue.

Well done.

Thank you.

Start my team off strong.

Yeah! I wanted to do a little twirl around, and [Bleep]



Next up, battle of the salmon.

Let's go.

With the men off to an early lead, Josh hopes to keep the momentum going with his pan seared salmon.

I think it's really nice, and I think the coulis is very good as well.

Next up for the blue team is Michael's bronzed salmon.

I'm wanting, ah, more seasoning on the fish.

And first up for the women, Monique's pan seared salmon with grilled asparagus.

- Great color on the salmon.

- Yeah.

Mieka, describe, please.

I have a pan seared salmon with shredded parsnip hash on the bottom.

That's the best seasoned fish of the lot.

If you have to pick one stunning salmon dish, Mieka, Monique, Michael, or Josh's?
I got to go with Mieka.

Thank you, Chef.

Delicious, really well done.

Oh, wow, Mieka got a point.

Like, I was actually a bit shocked.

Next up, cod.

With Mieka's salmon getting the women on the board Wow.

Randy is hoping to put the men back in the lead with his take on fish and chips.

That takes some chutzpah to give a British chef fish and chips.

I had to use both hands to grab 'em, Chef, let me tell you.

- Fish is delicious.

- Yeah, the fish is good.

Next up is Nick's pan roasted cod.

I love the acidity in that.

That looks lovely.

First up for the women is Christine, who cooked her cod in a chive beurre blanc.

The fish is cooked beautifully.

Thank you, Chef.

The last dish in the round is Sarah's smoked paprika cod.

I love it, and the fish is nicely cooked.

Top dish?
Top dish?
I-I-I - I have to go with the one on the end.

- Sarah's.

Well done.

Thank you, Chef.

Congratulations, ladies, 2-1.

He loves my dish! Men, you need this round.

It's the final round, and either Milly or Adam's halibut must score a point, or the women will win the challenge.

Let's start off with Michelle's.

Michelle's pan seared halibut features jalapenos.

That might be, like, just a little bit on the heavy side.

While Alison made a cabbage-wrapped halibut.

Maybe with a fattier piece of fish.

Yes, Chef.

Adam, explain to Chef what it is.

I did a pan seared halibut with a little bit of grilled baby bok choy, and then the basmati rice.

My heart's in my freaking throat.

Let's just tie this thing.

Please, let's just tie this thing.

Fish is cooked nicely here, and pretty well seasoned.

Great, Milly?
I have a halibut franchaise batter with a bell pepper rice.

How did you guys both wind up with rice on the dish?
Did you guys share on that one, or did you take some of Milly's rice?
I'm sorry?
I'm gonna cut the [Bleep]


Did you take Milly's rice?
It's the final round of the Alaskan fish challenge, and guest judge Michael Cimarusti has a question for Adam and Milly.

How did you guys both wind up with rice on the dish?
Did you take some of Milly's rice?
I'm sorry?
I'm gonna cut the [Bleep]


Did you take Milly's rice?
Yes, Sir.

Adam, what the hell are you doing?
This was your dish - Absolutely, Sir.

- So no shared ingredients.

You got it, Chef.

Not good.

I have to go with Michelle's dish.

- Thank you.

- Michelle's dish, great job.

Red team, you've got the point.

Ladies, well done.


We won a fish challenge, and they had the advantage.

- Do you see a pattern here?
- I do.

I look forward to seeing you at Connie and Ted's.

- Thank you, Chef.

All right.

- Good to see you, best wishes.

- Thank you.

- Take care, thank you.

Take care.

- Ah, red team, well done.

- Thank you, Chef.

For your reward, I've arranged for you to go up to the warm, sandy beaches Of Manhattan beach, California.

Yes! You're gonna have the most amazing surfing lessons from a champion pro surfer.

Even though I grew up in Jamaica, I've never gone surfing before, so this is amazing.

She is as skilled in front of the camera as a model as she is as a surfer.

Get the [Bleep]

out of here, man.

Gentlemen, you would have loved it.

A hot female surfer?
I should have been going on this reward.

It's almost like the surfer is getting punished, not being able to meet me.

- Off you go, well done.

Great job.

- Whoo! Thank you, Chef.

Well done.

Great job.

Yeah! - Sarah, did you shave?
- No.

Men, you are in for a seriously dreadful day, because today is seafood delivery day.

Carry these fish into the kitchen, scale, portion it ahead of tonight's service.

Now [Bleep]


- Yes, Chef.

- Chef.

- This is gonna be so much fun! - We're going to the beach! - Ooh, we're gonna surf today! - Ee-ee! Sweet.

I'm hitting the beach, b*tches.

I'm going surfing.

Whoo! Perfect day for the beach.

Hi! I heard you won the challenge.



That's why I like girl power.


I want to kind of run through some things.

While the women get ready to catch some waves, back at Hell's Kitchen Go slow.

The men are catching Two or three of you guys get on that big one.

I don't want that dripping all over our dining room.

And hauling fish.

Son of a bitch.

We have halibut that three people have to carry.

We got red snapper that have to scale and gut and clean.

It's not cool, but you lose, you got to pay.

I don't want to lose ever again.

This sucks.

Ten after.

You guys can go on lunch.

Yes, Chef.

Chef James said, "time for lunch," so I ran upstairs and I started making my lunch.

Hey, guys, where'd Michael go?
- I don't know.

- Did he say where he was going?
He just walked out of the kitchen?

- Hey, Michael?
- Yes, Chef?
Does it strike you as odd that you're the only one up here right now?
When have you ever walked out of the kitchen by I'm sorry, Chef, I thought it was lunchtime.

Open your [Bleep]

ears, man.

I said, "ten after.

" She's talking her out pretty far.

Here goes Alison.

Do it, Al! Yeah! Anastasia mentioned that usually, first-timers don't get up on their boards, but if you put your mind to something, then you're gonna do it.

She did it.

I said I was gonna get up on that board, and I did, and it felt amazing.

- Lunch.

- Good.

It's about time, Chef.

Guys, it's peanut butter and jelly.

I don't care, I'm hungry, and I need something to eat.

I mean, peanut butter and jellyfish.

What the [Bleep]

I never even knew you could eat jellyfish.

Get 'em down, get back in there, come on.


, man! Are you kidding me?
Are you crazy?
Man, [Bleep]

! I'm not eating that [Bleep]

, man, I'm good, man.

Peanut butter and jellyfish?
I'm the only one that scored a point, so I shouldn't have to eat it.

As a team, you know, we're all eating it.


I'm glad you got the point for our team, but you better step up and eat a sandwich.


Peanut butter and jellyfish?
It's not good.

I don't feel good.

- How was lunch?
- Ohh.


It was good.

Oh, God.

It's not good.


I bet.

- Oh, my God.

- Oh, yeah.

Oh, this looks delicious.

- I'm glad we won.

- Yeah.

Now I really feel sorry for the boys.


I can get used to this.

Just need to kick ass in service.

I think we need to just continue what we're doing.

Cook with passion.

And don't steal rice.

I use this knife, 'cause you know why I love it?
'Cause it bends.

Yeah, the knives are super sharp and they bend, let 'em do the work.

I don't have to be told that.

I go fishing all the time, so I'm always cleaning fish.

Oh, man! [Bleep]

! - What happened?
- Medic.

Medic, medic, medic in the kitchen.

- Bad?
- It went to the bone.

- You all right?
- Uh-ohh, medic, medic, - Medic in the kitchen.

- Medic, medic! - Put some pressure on it.

- Oh, my God.

We need a medic right now! There's just blood everywhere.

I hate blood.

It's three hours before dinner service.

Oh, man! [Bleep]

! Oh-ohh, medic, medic, medic! Medic, medic! And Randy is headed to the hospital after a run-in with a sharp knife.

Didn't cut myself, I jabbed myself.

Oof! And a close call with the stairs.

I'm worried about him.

He lost a lot of blood.

Let's not I don't even want to think about it.

It's a little nerve-wracking.

Randy is one of our guys, he's one of the team.

Hopefully, it's not too bad, and hopefully, this little thing isn't gonna take him out of this competition.

Come on, Randy, pull through, my brother.

Get dressed.

After a day at the beach, the women are refreshed and ready for dinner service.

Everybody good?
While the blue team is preparing to go ahead through dinner service without Randy.

All right, guys, now we definitely got to pick up the pace.

Whoa, hey.

Hey, welcome back, Sir.

- Back in action.

- Yep.

- How many stitches?
- Two.

You all hopped up dr*gs?
No, Chef, they just numbed it a little bit, that was it.

I'm good to go.

Good, welcome back, brother, welcome back.

This cut's not gonna be an issue for me tonight.

I'm glad to be back.

A couple stitches, and we're ready to go for dinner service.

Let's go, guys, yeah?
Mike, are we ready?
Yes, Chef.

Yes, Chef.

Communicate, Brendan.

Yes, Chef! Meghan, what's the matter?
Why are you pulling that face?
Just thinking.

That's my thinking face.

- Marino.

- Yes, Chef.

Open Hell's Kitchen, please.

Let's go.


With a fully booked dining room Okay, thank you.

Here, you can sit here, okay?
Most of who have arrived at the same time.

Teamwork will be at a premium to keep customers happy and fed.

Lobster risotto.

- You guys feel all right?
- Yes, Chef.

Tonight, in addition to the classic menu, Chef Ramsay has added a special flat bread appetizer and a snapper entree.

The snapper will be served tableside by Milly for the blue team Watch out, hot pan.

And Michelle for the red.

Here we go, guys.

Four covers, table one.

Two risotto, two flat bread.

Yes, Chef.

Six minutes, guys, I want risottos.

Mikey, what you got going?
- You got special, right?
- Special, yeah.

Chef Ramsay put me on garnish alone tonight.

It's one of the hardest stations, you know, it really leads the team, you know?
James, who should be doing the flat bread?
What station?

They're not touching one yet.

Milly's doing them all.

Michael, what are you doing?
Just special, Chef.

So we haven't sent the appetizers yet, and you're so keen about getting your stuff ready.

How about looking over all?
- Yes, Chef, I will right now.

- Okay?
Yes, Chef, right now.

_ As Michael is spinning his wheels in the blue kitchen Let's go, ladies.

The red kitchen seems to be getting the ball rolling Two risotto, two scallops.

- Yes, Chef.

- Thank you.

With their first order of appetizers.

How long on that risotto, guys?
It'll be, like, 20 seconds.

Hot apps is fast.

If you [Bleep]

up, we're going down in flames.

Walking with scallops.

How long on two risotto?
Two risotto, let's go.

Risotto will be right up, Chef.

Right behind you, hot, hot, hot.


There's not enough for [Bleep]


- Ladies! - Yes, Chef?
Come here, all of you.

I've got half a portion of [Bleep]


I'm missing one risotto, scallops are ready, and how long is it gonna be now for the risotto?
No answer.

And look, half portions.

Yes, Chef.

Work it.

- Let's go, let's go, ladies.

- Start again.

While Mieka tries to ensure that her appetizers portions are big enough, the men have gotten their act together Service, please.

And appetizers are being delivered to hungry diners That's perfectly cooked.

Table 22, he found plastic in his food.

One of whom has gotten a little something extra in his scallop salad.

- What was on top of the - Salad, salad.

I'm sorry.

Gonna bring it up to them.

Chef, table 22, they found this on the salad of the scallops.

It's plastic.

Hey, hey, blue team.

Something happened.

I hope I didn't do it.

That was in the scallop salad.


, come on, fellas.

- Who dressed it?
- I did, Chef.

But as it turns out, I did.

I apologize.

You could've sliced somebody's throat open.



Another [Bleep]

dumb, little mistake.

It's just so [Bleep]


So basic! One minute walk, can we As the blue team gets back to basics and tries to give their diners only what they asked for, in the red kitchen, Mieka, on hot appetizers, is getting a lot of help from Meghan All right, check it.

Lobster, butter.

Lobster, go, go, go.

Whether she wants it or not.

Stir that, yeah?
Can I cook risotto?
Yes, I can cook risotto, but can I cook risotto with [Bleep]

Meghan right here?
Taste it and go.

Just shh! Mieka, go on the risotto.

- Let's go.

- Here, Chef.

Dump it all down.

Yes, Chef.

_ - All of you, come here! - Yes, Chef.

What the hell now?
Taste that risotto.

This is too salty.

Then imagine 4 or 5 tablespoons of that salty, disgusting rice.

I was trying to help because I was trying to help the team, but Christine and Mieka, they don't know how to [Bleep]

cook on a line.

I've never seen such a bad start to service.

Get it together! Yes, Chef.

While the group effort at risotto has frozen the progress in the red kitchen, in the blue kitchen, things are starting to heat up.

Michael, what the [Bleep]

are you doing?
And it's about to get even hotter.


! Michael What are you doing?
Chef, I put it away, Chef.

It was over here, Chef, burning, and so I put it over there.

Yeah, I know, but I mean, why stick it down there?
Whose tray is that?
- It's, uh, for service, Chef.

- Fish?
Yes, Chef.

They talk, and they go down and grab a pan, and scald themselves.

Yes, Chef, you're right, Chef.

- But why would you put no.

- I'm sorry, Chef.

What are you doing?
It was over here, Chef, burning.

Shut up! Can you wait till I [Bleep]

It's just over 30 minutes into dinner service, and in the blue kitchen Michael, what the [Bleep]

are you doing?
Chef Ramsay has caught Michael playing a dangerous game of hide and seek.

They talk, and they go down and grab a pan, and scald themselves.

Yes, Chef, you're right, Chef.

- But why would you put no.

- I'm sorry, Chef.

What are you doing?
It was over here, Chef, burning.

Shut up! Can you wait till I [Bleep]

I put the pan out of the way just so nobody would get hurt.

The pan's about to burst into flames, what do you do?
I'm sorry, Chef.

Come on, young man.

Myself and Josh on the fish station could've had to leave Hell's Kitchen because of a third degree burn.

Like, taking skin from your ass to put it on your hand type [Bleep]



, [Bleep]


While Chef Ramsay is keeping the blue kitchen safe from Michael Hot right behind you.

Very nice, that risotto.

Mieka has finally delivered on her risotto Pretty dang good.

And the pressure is on T to keep up the momentum by delivering on her flat bread appetizers.

Let's go, ladies.

I need a full four minutes on the flat bread.

Four minutes?
Can I get you anything?
Actually, Mieka, you could turn the one that's in the oven, please.

Got it, right behind you, right behind you, I was left by myself while Mieka was doing pizzas for T.

Right behind you, right behind you, right behind you.

Mieka, you gonna cut it?
The bottom's black.

Is it mad burned?
Yeah, [Bleep]

Burned that fast.

- T, are we still looking good?
- No, no.

So, young lady, the flat breads aren't ready.

Why bring the cappellini?
It shouldn't have gone up, Chef.

- It shouldn't have gone up?
- No, Chef.

I'm trying to help T on garnish.

All of a sudden, there's this pasta up there, and I'm just like, "what?
" - All of you, come here! - Yes, Chef.

- Ooh, sorry.

- Yeah, "ooh, sorry.

" Let me tell you something seriously sorry.

I got half of this table here.

Where's the flat bread?
- Chef, one is burned.

- Yeah, one is burned.

So that's the flat bread.

There's the cappellini with it.

I've got no idea where the coordination is.

I said to you about the timing! Get it together! Yes, Chef.

While the red team tries to work out their timing Two Wellington, one pork, one tableside.

- How long, Nick?
- Two minutes, Chef.

- Two minutes?
- Yes.

The blue team has moved on to entrees.


And Nick is delivering his "perfectly cooked" meat to the pass.

Oh, man.

You think that pork was a little under?
- No, not for me not for my taste.

- Okay.

Hey, all of you, come here.

Who sent that to me?
Meat station.


Look, it's [Bleep]

raw! Undercooked pork is dangerous.

You know, you can jeopardize somebody's life, especially a pregnant woman with a fetus.

- It won't happen again.

- [Bleep]

Me! It will not happen again.

I would eat that pork the way it was.

That's just me.

Three minutes to the window, okay?
As Nick stalls the blue kitchen with his undercooked pork entree Go with the flat bread, please.

Let's go.

The red kitchen is finally kicking it into gear on their appetizers.

It's really good.

And now, Chef Ramsay is looking for Scallops! From Monique and Alison.

- Ladies! - Yes, Chef.

- Monique, just throw it up.

- What?
Just wanted to make sure it was ready.

Walking with scallops! I know I'm solid with my scallops.

This ain't my first time in the kitchen.

These are [Bleep]


They're just cooked to [Bleep]


Ladies! - Yes, Chef.

- Come here, all of you.

What is happening?
Touch there.

Just touch how rubber they are.

Yeah, it's not gonna bite.

It's [Bleep]


Yes, Chef.

Alison, who cooked those scallops?
Monique, Chef.

Like, what a bitch move.

I can't stand Alison.

Your accent's stupid, your makeup's stupid, you're stupid.

You got no idea they're rubber.

- Way overcooked.

- Yes, Chef.

Start again.

Two risotto, two scallops.

Yes, Chef.

I'll do the scallops.

I can't have Monique drive the fish station down.

Two salads for scallops, since you're over there.

While Alison takes the lead on the scallops, over in the blue kitchen Nothing is coming out until that [Bleep]

pork where is it?
Pretty proud of the pork, Chef.

The men are still trying to recover from Nick's undercooked pork.

- Nick! - Yes, Chef.

It's [Bleep]

raw! He said it was under again, but it I guess it's all relative at this point.

Brendan, he's given me pork raw twice! It's a [Bleep]

joke! Nick had the pork come back twice.

You got to be [Bleep]

kidding me.

- Enough's enough! - Yes, Chef.

It's just over an hour into dinner service, and while the blue diners are looking for entrees from the men No.

The women are now delivering their final order of appetizers to the pass.

Right behind you, Chef, on your right.

Disgusting risotto.

Badly sauced where's the cream, the mascarpone?


- Yes, Chef.

- Hey, all of you, come here.

- Yes, Chef?
- Come here.

Tasting lesson number 17.

Taste the sticky, over-reduced capitelli and the bland risotto.

No richness, no sumptuousness, nothing.

I've got no idea what you two are doing! I didn't [Bleep]

train for ten years to have some [Bleep]

next to me not keep up with risotto.

Hey, here's the sad thing, it's the last table of appetizers.



Yes, Chef.

You should be at your height.

And that tastes like it's just [Bleep]


Yes, Chef.

Yeah, disgusting.

It's bland.

- Can we - sticky, bland.

- I'm sorry, Chef.

- No, what were you gonna say?
- Please let us try again.

- "Let us try again.

" It's more than an hour into dinner service - Christine, you ready?
- Yes, Chef! And the women have had yet another order of appetizers rejected by Chef Ramsay.

Taste the sticky, over-reduced capitelli and the bland risotto.

But Sarah has one simple request.

- Please let us try again.

- "Let us try again.

" "Oh, please, Chef Ramsay, can you give me another chance?
" Seriously?
"I'm a girl" and puppy dog eyes?
That [Bleep]

doesn't [Bleep]

fly, are you kidding me?
The last table of appetizers "let us try again.

" What do you think I want?
All of you, get out! Dumb ass! [Bleep]


And what did you say, Sarah?
"Can we try one more time?
" Get out! Yes, Chef.

I'm so angry, I literally want to start punching b*tches.

"Can we try one more time?
" With the red team ejected from the kitchen before they even completed appetizers Go.

The men are now pumping entrees out to grateful diners I have five minutes on this fish, and then I'll be right to the next table behind me.

Okay, perfect.

And the orders keep on coming.

- One Wellington, one lamb! - Yes, Chef.

The lamb's under.

Close it up and get back in for a minute.

All right.

Mike, we'll give it a second, okay?
Yeah, right now.

No, no, like, like, I need a minute, okay?
One extra minute heard.

Yes, thank you.

Walking with garnish.

Michael, I said a minute! I'd rather have Chef Ramsay yell at me for taking too long than have him yell at me for sending undercooked lamb.

Brendan, bring it up.


And the lamb's full of blood.

All of you, come here.

Who donkey-ed that?
I sliced the lamb first, Chef.

- And what did you tell yourself?
- It was a little under, Chef, so I no, it's a lot more than a little.

Raw, white fat.

F [Bleep]

! [Bleep]

Off, all of you.

Get out.


Beginning, [bleep]

Middle, and a [Bleep]


I'm a little furious right now.

I hate [Bleep]

losing, getting kicked out of the kitchen.

Get out, get out, get out.

Get out! James, where the hell are the dorms, please?
- Show me.

Quickly, please.

- This way, Chef.

After both teams are kicked out of the kitchen, they receive an unexpected visitor.

Uh Why is Chef Ramsay in the dorm rooms?
In 14 seasons of Hell's Kitchen, I have never set foot in these [Bleep]


But I am so pissed off.

You were worse than opening night.

I need two nominees.

Have a good talk, for once tonight.

Sit down.

Sit down.

You relaxed all night, why get tense now?
You made me come here because of your poor performance.

I have never seen a service so pathetic and so lackadaisical in all my [Bleep]


Come up with two nominees.

Try and do something as a team.

I feel like there's a lot of people at fault tonight.

There was pizzas that were burnt, there was orders of scallops that were completely rubbery.

It was, like, a team effort, I feel like we went down.

It's really a no-brainer.

Cart-out sets the tone of the entire thing, so if the wheels aren't rolling, we're gonna be [Bleep]


They got us kicked out of the kitchen, and the [Bleep]

risotto [Bleep]

, like so what's the consensus?
I heard two people get yelled at more than anyone tonight.

And those two people are?
Nick and Michael.

I would rather have a slightly undercooked lamb than a piece of container in my salad.

Adam, you did good tonight.

It's okay.

You didn't b*mb tonight.

I know, but it's not gonna keep me here.

I just can't be the third one eliminated from this competition.

I've been an executive chef since I was [Bleep]

22 years old.


Up on some stupid [Bleep]

! Michael is a disaster.

Nick, we would've finished dinner service if it wasn't for that lamb.

With Adam, that piece of plastic was absurd.

Oh! You know, at the end of the day, you're only as strong as your weakest link.

Oh, God.

Sarah, red team's first nominee, and why?
Mieka, Chef.

Hot apps really went down tonight.

They kind of set us off on the wrong foot, Chef.

Second nominee, and why?
Christine, Chef.

Lack of seasoning, overcooked pasta, it was not good from the get-go, Chef.

Joshua, blue team's first nominee, and why?
Michael, Chef.

It was a rough start for Michael, and we believe he's our weakest, ah, player.

Blue team's second nominee, and why?
Uh Um After a dinner service so bad that every chef was kicked out of the kitchen, Chef Ramsay demanded two nominees from each team.

The red team chose Mieka and Christine.

The blue team's first nominee was Michael.

Blue team's second nominee?
Uh Nick.

Nick brought up two undercooked porks and then a raw lamb, Chef.

Nick, Michael Christine, Mieka, step forward.

Christine, what happened tonight?
I feel tonight we had a lot of communication issues.

I should've stepped up to the plate more.

There was a lot of careless mistakes, but I feel like you have to make mistakes to learn from them.

I may have room for learning.

I just don't think I've got ten years to stand a kitchen alongside you.

Mieka, why do you think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen?
I think I should stay in Hell's Kitchen, Chef, because I can become better.

I know I can do this.

I want to learn.

I want to learn from you, Chef.

I can be a great chef if you just believe in me.

But, sadly, you don't believe in yourself.

Michael, why do you think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen?
I have the skill, the technique, the experience, Chef.

Where's the skill?
Tonight, I was on a station, Chef, by myself, and I feel that I had a rough start, Chef.

You didn't [Bleep]

start, that's just it.


Raw pork, twice.

- Are you color blind?
- No, Chef.

What the [Bleep]

is going on?
You know, I'm ashamed at the pork, but I know that if you save me tonight, I am an asset to this team, whereas Michael's a liability.

You're an asset, Michael's a liability?
Somebody made a fundamental, dangerous mistake tonight, and I'm not prepared to tolerate that level of incompetence.

My decision is Michael.

Take off your jacket.

Let me tell you something really important.

- Yes, Chef.

- You had a pan that was seconds from bursting into flames this evening - Yes, Chef.

- And you stuck it underneath the fish station, on top of their cold trays.

- Yes, Chef.

- So they're cooking blind.

Their hand goes down That's a third degree burn waiting to happen.

Yes, Chef.

Yes, Chef.

I can't carry that level of incompetence.

- Yes, Chef.

- Your time is done.

Thank you, Chef, for the opportunity.

- Thank you.

- Thank you.

Michelin Star, you know, it's not my thing, I guess.

I can go back to where I was at the senior center.

I think Nick and Adam are liabilities.

You know, serving raw pork, serving plastic in a salad.

I made one mistake.

I don't feel that should've sent me home.

I was not expecting such a disaster tonight.

If this continues, I'll be eliminating you at a much faster rate.

Now [Bleep]


I put my heart on the line today.

I tried my best.

I want to be here as much as everyone else, and I feel like there's nowhere to go but up.

It was a big wake-up call for me tonight.

I need to remember this feeling and not let it happen again.

I won't be going home.

There's no way.

In Hell's Kitchen, you have to fight, fight, fight.

This is my dream, and I didn't come here to give up.

I'm here to win.

I'm here to fight.

Fortunately, for Michael, he can go back to his job at the senior center.

Unfortunately for his residents, it's as the chef.

Next time on Hell's Kitchen Let's play "never have I ever" - When a seemingly innocent game - Never have I ever had sex with a female - Well that's not fair goes too far Never have you ever met a guy on the first night, went home with him and slept with him.

Will one chef become so offended Never have I ever embarrassed my mother, please excuse me this is all disgusting I'm done with them b*tches.

That he refused to speak with his peers.

You can't be [Bleep]


I can't believe this.

His attitude's toxic to this team.

How the [Bleep]


and as the feud spills over into Chef Ramsay's kitchen Yeah cook the [Bleep]


Look me in the eyes, properly could it be the end of the line for Bret?
Come here you I'll look a lion in his eyes and say I'm not scared of Chef Ramsay.

- Find out next time - Here we go On an episode of Hell's Kitchen that's all the rage.
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