14x11 - 8 Chefs Compete Again

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Hell's Kitchen". Aired: May 30, 2005 – present.*
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Reality television show that uses a progressive elimination format to narrow down a field of 20 to 12 aspiring chefs to one single winner over the course of one season.
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14x11 - 8 Chefs Compete Again

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Hell's Kitchen Higher! Let's fight! After learning that they would host a high-school homecoming dinner Tomorrow night, right here in Hell's Kitchen.

The chefs were challenged to create a New Orleans-inspired tasting menu.

This year our theme is Mardi Gras.

I want to see, like, cajun influence.

High-school kids, as long as it has a lot of meat, a lot of grease, it works.

T and Alison's shrimp and grits did little to impress the homecoming committee.

Grits are a little watery.

You know, I think it's a little bit salty.

Like, just s*ab me in the eyeballs.

The women hoped Meghan's fresh fettuccine and andouille sausage would carry them to victory.

That was amazing, it's very colorful, which is what I asked for.

But it was Josh and Nick's chicken-fried steak that won the challenge for the blue team.

I got to go with the blue team.

- Thank you.

- Thank you.

Whoo! We did it again as a team, y'all.

At the Calabasas High Homecoming Dinner [Bleep]

, no.

T's blazing start on the fish station had the red team in trouble early.

Oh, my God, I set the whole flattop on fire.

But Meghan took control of the red team You have to go longer.

Minute and a half?
Flip 'em.

And led them to a successful service Thank you.

Impressing the student diners.

This is delicious.

I'm walking risotto! In the blue kitchen, Josh tanked the first appetizers It's full of white wine.

What, are you trying to get them drunk?
And Randy was a flaming mess on the fish station.

- That's what you brought me.

- Is it?
"Is it?
" There's not lobster in there, "is it?
" The men lost, and quickly turned on each other.

Stop [Bleep]

talking over me, Josh! You're a [Bleep]

d*ck! You don't have the heart or the balls to be a chef.

They nominated Randy.

And Josh.

But Chef Ramsay surprised everyone Josh, you're joining the red team.


Meghan, you're going to the blue team.

Keeping their dream of becoming Head Chef at Caesars Atlantic City alive.

And now, the continuation of Hell's Kitchen.

Get out of here.

Meghan is finally gone.

Now I'm gonna step up as a leader.

This is a great opportunity that has just fallen into my lap.

Yo, holy [Bleep]


What just happened?
Chef Ramsay sees the fight in me.

I know what I'm capable of, and I know what I have to do to win.

Ooh, it's on like Donkey Kong! Yo, this is good.

Tell me I don't want to [Bleep]

crush the blue team now.

I have to.


, yeah.

Damn, that sucks, Nick.

Yeah, for the girls, poor things.

They can have Josh.

That means one less loud cackle in the kitchen for me.

I'm sorry, girls.


, yeah.

See ya.


See ya.




Good Lord.

Good morning, this is Alison.

Chef Ramsay needs all you guys outside in front of Hell's Kitchen right now.

Okay, Chef.

Outside of Hell's Kitchen right now.


Good morning.

- Good morning, Chef.

- Line up, please.

I go outside, and there's some [Bleep]

Under some black capes.

The wheels are definitely turning at this point.

Quick question, how many of you are confident in your palate?

Time to test your palates in the 14th Annual Blind Taste Test.

And I've brought back the dunk tanks, right over here.

Oh, [Bleep]


Oh, no! Oh, God.

Can everybody swim?
I don't want no parts of this dunk t*nk.

I've got on dry drawers, a dry undershirt.

I ain't trying to get it all wet up.

Whilst one of you is competing in the blind taste test, your performance is not only gonna affect your team's chances for victory, it's also gonna have repercussions on your teammates.

One of your teammates will be sat on top of the t*nk.

If you get two correct answers out of four, your teammate stays dry, but if you get three wrong, your teammate gets dunked.

Everybody understand?
Yes, Chef.

Michelle and Meghan, head to the dunk tanks, let's go.

T and Milly, let's go, please.

All right, T, let's go.

- Go, bro.

- Yes, sir.

Oh, God.

In this, the only challenge Chef Ramsay brings back every year, the chefs must prove the strength of their palates by identifying as many foods as possible using only their sense of taste.

Milly, can you hear me?
T, can you hear me?
The team with the most correct answers wins the challenge.

Number one.

Let's start off with something easy chicken.

Texture, taste.


Wrong, chicken.


Well done.

Next one apple.

Oh, man.

- Wrong, apple.

- Apple.




Meghan, you are staying dry.


How you feeling, Michelle?
Get two right.

This water is really [Bleep]


My toes are cold, my feet are cold.

I do not want to get dunked in water today.

I just did my hair.

Come on, T, you can do this.

Next one carrot.



Last one Cauliflower.



Yes! Yay! I don't have to go in the water.

Good job, T.

Can I get down now?

Well done, Milly, four for four.

You already know.

You have a palate, young man.

Thank you, Chef.

Oh, yeah, four for four.

Boom, here y'all go, perfect.

I could beat Helen Keller in a blind taste test.

- Good job, man.

- Okay, Alison and Randy, take your place in the dunk t*nk.

Joshua, Nick, let's go.

Let's go, Chef.

Excuse me, ladies.

I'm very confident in my palate.

I mean, I've been eating things since I could walk.


Come on, guys.

You work with it every day.


Lobster, Chef.

Crab meat?
Ah! [Bleep]

! Easy one, celery.

Celery, Chef.

Great job.

- Alison, you are dry, young lady.

- Whew.

Here we go.

Randy, get ready, bud.

One more wrong, and you're dunked.


Parsley, chef?

Randy, is he gonna get this?
Not looking very good, is it, Chef?

Bye-bye, Randy.

All right, Randy, get out.

American cheese.

Come on, Nick, you've got to get one right.

As a former fat kid, you know, every sandwich I had had American cheese.

So I knew it right away.

American cheese, Chef.

Well done.

Three out of four.

American cheese?
Ohh! Sorry, Randy.

Josh has delivered a strong performance for his new team - Ah, Josh, well done.

- Thank you, Chef.

And the score is now tied.

Five to five.

T and Milly, now it's your turn to take the seat at the dunk t*nk.

Michelle and Meghan, your turn to taste, let's go.

- Ah.

- Let's go, T.

I really want to beat Meghan.

She needs to be humbled.

She's not the queen bee of all of us.




Oh! Yikes.

Macadamia nut.


Oh! Macadamia nuts.

After two wrong answers Potato.

Michelle's palate, or lack thereof, has left T on the edge of her seat.

Okay, T, you gonna stay dry?
Yes, Chef.

She got this.

Don't overthink it.

Oh, no.

I'm tasting, tasting, tasting, but all I can taste is [Bleep]

nuts in my mouth.




Milly, you're dry for sure.

Egg white.

Egg whites.


Well done.

Headsets off.

Eight to seven for blue.

It's the final round, and with the red team down by one point Josh and Nick, down to the dunk t*nk, please.

It all comes down to the matchup of Alison and Randy.

Let's go.

This is probably the most nervous I've been on a competition, because some ingredients I just I'm afraid I won't even know what the hell they are.

Fresh tomatoes.

I'm just gonna have to make my best edu-ma-cated guess.

That's gonna be it.


- Tomatoes.

- Yes.


Steel oats.

Josh, you're staying dry.



Nine to nine, guys.

Every ingredient is important.

Butternut squash.

Uh, a yam?
Come on, Randy.



Nine to nine.

Come on, Alison.

- It all comes down to this.

- Ugh.

Come on, Alison.

Oh, my God.

You got this.


Come on, Alison.

A scallion?

It's an onion.

Randy, it's all on you, buddy.

Oh, Randy, Uncle Randy.

Get it wrong, get it wrong, get it wrong, get it wrong.


It's Chef Ramsay's Blind Taste Test, and with the score tied, it's all come down to the final item of the final round.


First, it's Alison's turn.

A scallion?
Now a correct answer by Randy will win it for the blue team.

Randy, it's all on you, buddy.

Oh, Randy, Uncle Randy.

Get it wrong, get it wrong, get it wrong, get it wrong.

A leek?

- Good-bye, Nick.

- Ugh.

Way to return the favor.

Randy, I thought you were gonna do that for your team.

Me too, Chef.

After 4 rounds and 16 ingredients, the teams are tied at 9, forcing a sudden-death tiebreaker.

Milly, Josh, step forward, please, let's go.

As the chefs with the best performance from the early rounds step up to represent their teams Alison, Meghan, head to the dunk t*nk.

- Let's go.

- [Bleep]


Their partners assume the position as well.

Blindfolds on first.

It's sudden death.

It's me and Milly.

This is my competition.

This is my challenge.

I'm gonna prove myself on the red team and make the blue team miss me.

Because this is a tiebreaker, one wrong answer, and you'll dunk your teammates.

Oh, I hate my life sometimes.

Here we go.

Come on, Milly.

Come on, Josh.





Ah, [Bleep]

! Good-bye, Alison.

Ah! Whew.

Holy [Bleep]

, the water is cold.


Milly can win this.

Ah! Here we go, guys.

Stand by, Meghan.

Milly from Philly.

Oh, God.


I got to say - Pear, Chef.

- Oh.


Bye, Meghan.

Oh, Megsie.

Meg bird.

Oh, my God.

I feel like a wet rat.


It's still a tie.


Josh thinks he has it.

Come on, Joshy.


All right.

Here we go.

If Milly gets this wrong, the red team have won.

Come on, Milly.

Potato, Chef.


Meghan, good-bye.

Headset off.

Well done, Josh, you won it for your team.

Yeah! Way to go, baby! Meghan looks like a [Bleep]

raccoon right now.

Her makeup is all smeared.

It's actually kind of satisfying.



Welcome, Josh, thanks.

You got me wet, but it's okay.

Josh, well done.

You won it for your red team.

What a time to win it.

I have arranged for all of you to enjoy some of the best caviar in the world at Petrossian.

Yes! Yes.

This tasting menu is exclusive and costs over $1,200 per person.

Now, you'll also be going on a shopping spree.

Yeah, I love the girls' team.

Josh, get over here.

Here's $2,000 to share with your team.

That's crazy, Chef.

Caviar and then shopping?
Like, [Bleep]

every other award.

It's just beyond amazing.

Thank you, Chef.

Blue team, we are hosting a unique dinner tonight in Hell's Kitchen for two very, very important charities that are near and dear to my heart, and we are gonna give them one memorable evening.

First of all, you'll be setting up the dining room.


Move every single table and chair out of there, and then you'll carry in the two very large 12 tops.

Also, I want you to make an incredible sangria.

Start off peeling and chopping pineapples, pears, apples.

I want each and every grape peeled.

You got a lot of work ahead of you.

Red team, you got a lot of shopping and eating to do.

Go and get changed.

This is not the best start on the blue team for me.

It's really not a good feeling.

- I got that money! - Whoo! - I got that money! - Good job, Josh.

Thank you.

I'm gonna I can start dicing apples.

I'll start zesting citrus.

I'll start peeling grapes.

I'm gonna get, like, the record for most challenges lost.

Punishment, you know, it just it follows me wherever I go, on the red team or the blue team.

Maybe I'm bad luck.

Whoo! - Good-bye! - Bye, guys.

Josh can go [Bleep]


That's how I feel about that.

I figured I'd wear blue in honor of Nick.

Josh is just a little [Bleep]

, and he likes to rub it in everyone's faces.

Hollywood! I don't want to see Josh win anything.

So annoying.

Aw! - Hi, guys.

- Hi.

Welcome to Petrossian West Hollywood.

Congratulations on winning your reward.

Thank you.

We've spared no expense with the caviar.

This is single-handedly the best thing that could be happening to the red team right now.

We're loving life, we're feeling good.

Oh, my God, amazing.

All right, everyone, here we are.

That tin goes for $1,065.


That's the best right there.

This is by far the most expensive lunch I've ever had in life.

The food is definitely exquisite.

_ As the red team celebrates their extravagant lunch Okay, enjoy your lunch.

- All right.

Thank you, Marino.

- See you in a bit.

The blue team is just happy to get a break.

Do you want ham or cheese?
They have ham and cheese on 'em.

But one member of the blue team can't seem to give himself a break.

That was my fault.

I don't know why I just didn't say freakin' onion.

_ I could've went for the shopping spree, but, ah, I don't know about sitting there eating fish eggs.

As the blue team reluctantly resumes their punishment duties I wanted to go shopping.

The red team eagerly arrives for their shopping spree.

I'm shopping on Melrose.

I can't believe this.

Hi, welcome to Kitson.

Please, shop.

I got to have these socks, dude.

I'm a sock lover.

It's not horrible, right?
What do you think, winter in New York?
That's so cute.

So fun right now, just shopping with all three of my teammates.

Yeah, this is super cute.

Michelle, the girly girl, like, "Oh, my God, look at this.

This is so cute.

This is amazing.

" T, look.

Oh, yeah, that's really super fedora cute.

Oh, snap.

In the city It was [Bleep]

epic, like, just running around and looking at stuff.

I spent 500 bucks, and this is all I have to show.

We have definitely bonded as a team.

We're definitely gonna k*ll it at dinner service.

Oh, yeah.

Where do they want the tables?
- In the hallway.

- The hallway.

I don't know if we're stronger or weaker not having Josh.

Josh is a strong player, but so is Meghan.

She's smart, a good chef, so we'll see.

This is ridiculous.

Ugh! Which way to these fold up?
Kick 'em in.

- In this way?
- Yep.

We may have lost the challenge, but the red team can have Josh.

I'll take Meghan any day.

Ugh! [Bleep]

Oh, God.

It's almost two hours before dinner service, and the blue team is in the middle of a backbreaking punishment.

Ugh! [Bleep]


Oh, God.

You got it?
I got it.

All right.

All right, we're gonna have to put this down.

The red team, on the other hand - Damn! - Amazing.

Is just returning from their shopping spree, relaxed and ready for the evening ahead.

Hey, Meghan.


Meghan's like, "[Bleep]


" I was extremely disappointed that I didn't get to go on this award.

I can spend $500 in, like, 15 minutes.

Oh, look, Milly, Fillets Kicks, socks, you know.

Oh! - Doubles.

- You should've seen the kicks.

You would have loved it.


Buy shoes for days.

Losing this challenge sucked.

She bought shoes.

Red team, line up, please.

Let's go.

Yes, Chef.

Blue team, line up, please.

Right, red team, blue team, how are you feeling?
Good, Chef.

Tonight's a big one, as you know.

I've decided to close Hell's Kitchen to the public, because we have two very worthy charities.

Both tables will be receiving a very exciting five-course meal.

So five courses, one course each, and then you step up and all jump on the desserts.

So it will be your job to lead your team in getting that course out perfectly cooked.

I want to see leadership.

- What do I want to see?
- Leadership.

Get on your stations.

- Yes, Chef.

- Let's go.

- Marino.

- Si, Chef?
- Open Hell's Kitchen, please.

Let's go.

- Subito.

Tonight Hell's Kitchen is hosting a special dinner honoring major contributors and fund-raisers to two special charity organizations Step Up Women's Network Look how gorgeous this table is.


And actor Fran Drescher's Cancer Schmancer Movement.

- Welcome.

Nice to see you.

You're Welcome.

- Hi.

Thank you.

Guests will dine on a special five-course meal, featuring a lobster risotto appetizer prepared by Alison in the red kitchen and Randy in the blue kitchen a tuna niçoise salad from Josh and Milly, pan-seared salmon cooked by T and Nick, a New York steak overseen by Michelle and Meghan, and finally, a chocolate torte dessert, which will be handled by all the chefs.


- Yes, Chef?
- Two seconds.


- Yes, Chef?
- Come here.

The plan is for the two charity tables to be served at the same time, so Chef Ramsay expects both kitchens to do whatever it takes to be in sync with each other.

How long are you going?
I'm going 6 minutes.

6 minutes.

- 6 minutes good?
- Can you do that in six?
- Yeah, 6 minutes.

- Let's go.

- Let's make 12 risottos.

- Yes, Chef.

Guys, 6 minutes.

I'll give you a countdown.

This is my station.

I have to own up to my dish.

There's no fear right now.

I can't be nervous.

I just need to rock out with my [Bleep]


Like, we're in there like swimmer.

Let's just do this.

Two minutes.

Two minutes till risotto.

Two minutes till risotto.

T, you dropped the lobster?
Yes, lobsters are down.

While Alison takes charge of the risotto in the red kitchen Putting mascarpone in now.

Over in the blue kitchen Little bit more stock.

Make sure we all taste it, since we're all touching it, okay?
Randy seems to be cooking his risotto by committee.

Whoa, gonna need more parmesan.

Now, too many making the risotto is too many different flavors, so be careful there, guys, yes?
Okay, stand by.

Getting ready to go to the pass.

Go get 12 plates.

- Heard.

- Okay?
Milly, do you want to grab 12 plates?
And I'll drop these in a minute.

Heard that.

I went from never cooking risotto to now it's probably one of my favorite things to do.

Hopefully, I can knock these risottos out and get 'em out the same time as the girls.

Let's go, 12 risottos walking to the pass.

Risottos down, quick.

So two are the same color, light and light, light.

They're not the same taste.

Get them all into one pan, then divide it into two, so you've got, collectively - Heard.


- Yes?
That was my bad.

I shouldn't have done that.

I don't know what the hell I was thinking.

He has two more pans right here.

While Randy works to get all 12 of his risottos seasoned identically It needs just a little bit more.

In the red kitchen, Alison Come on, let's go, let's go.

And we're walking.


Delivers her risotto to the pass for plating.

Shake the plates, okay, T?
Come on, come on, come on, come on, shake the plates.

All right, let's keep it moving, come.

Lobsters, please.

And now back in the blue kitchen Randy, just start plating, buddy.

You got to start plating.

Yeah, just keep plating.

Randy has corrected his risotto and has begun plating as well.

There's not enough on these, and there's too much on that one.

Why have we got 16 plates of risotto out?
No answer.

They're idiots, I just want to wring their necks.

Replate 'em, please.

That's on Randy.

That was Randy's dish.

Hold on, one, two, three, four, five [Bleep]


Six, seven, eight Nine! Three more.

Nine Come on, can somebody help me?
I need three plates For God sakes.

I really just want to grab people by the throat tonight, and just take them out of the kitchen.

It'll be an easy k*ll.

Randy! What is this?
As Randy tries to get his plating system together Red team, go.

Go, please.

Alison's risotto has met Chef Ramsay's standards and is making it's way to their V.




Cooked it to perfection.

This is really good.

And with Randy's risotto lagging behind, the V.



table for the blue team is feeling ready to step up.

I say we just go grab a chef's coat and go back there and help.

Let me tell you how much help I am in a kitchen.

Come on, guys, please?
Yes, Chef.

Go, please.

Blue team, go.

Fortunately for them, they won't have to.

- Oh, that's so good.

- That is so good.

Hey, set up for the tuna niçoise.

Yes, Chef.

In the red kitchen, Josh is ready to take the lead on the tuna niçoise.

Tonight's my first dinner service with the red team, and my tuna needs to be perfect.

- Pull.

Pull 'em off.

- Pulling.

I'm not here to step on any toes, but tonight is about leading the red team to victory.

Josh, they're over.

- They're over?
- Yeah.

No, they're good.

Get the best ones.

Here, this one's good.

This one's good.

- This one's good.

- Okay.

Josh, at the end of the day, it's your dish, and you're the one that has to own up to it.

Some of these are so over.

There's no tuna yet?
I need the tuna! How long?
How long?
Come on, Josh.

- Yes, Chef.

- Tuna right beside.

Tuna, heard.

These are all overcooked.

Look at that.

What the [Bleep]

That's overcooked, you know it is.

Yes, Chef.



Now, why is it all overcooked?
How many you got?
I have some more tuna.

Overcooked tuna, Josh! Yes, Chef.

It's working.

Oh, man.

While Josh races to sear some more tuna, over in the blue kitchen, Milly has enlisted the help of his teammates for final plating.

Tight, tight, tight, tight plates.

Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick.

But maybe he shouldn't have.

- Show me that cloth.

- Yes, Chef.

- Hey, come here, you.

- Yes, Chef.

It's dirty.

I shouldn't have done that.

He is wiping your plates with that [Bleep]


Sorry, Milly.

I yeah, I was using the [Bleep]


I was an idiot.

Oh, [Bleep]


Hey, up we go, Milly, please.

- Yes.

- Service, please.

I can't believe that, Nick.

Let's go.

- Good?

- Thank y'all.

Very nice, Milly.

Well done.

As diners on the blue side dig into their second course It's delicious.

Diners on the red side are still waiting for their tuna.

Red team, blue table are eating.

This is exactly what I didn't want to see.

Hey, would you mind explaining something to him?
- How long for me?
- Marino, I'm coming as fast as I can.

Can you just give me two minutes, please?
I'm sorry.

- Two minutes?
- Fran Drescher's table.

I'm very sorry.

Do not despair.

Your food will come out.

Oh, we're fine, but we don't want to make our chefs nervous.

Like, are you kidding me?
I forgot how to cook tuna.

I mean, come on, it's one of the easiest things to cook, you know?
They're done, they're done, take 'em out.

Hopefully, I can bounce back.

- Come on, Josh.

- Come on, girls.

Just stop.

Just stop.

Hey, red team, come here.

Come here, come here.

Yeah, [Bleep]



Look at the difference! Yes, Chef.

That is overcooked.

Canned tuna has more moisture, more texture.

Yes, Chef.

It was a disaster.

Josh really [Bleep]


I am not serving that.

Yes, Chef.

Do you have more?
There's another one overcooked.

Here's another one.

Yes, Chef.



Do you have more tuna on?


It's all overcooked.

This is all the tuna I have?
I need more tuna.

- Hey.

- I need more tuna now.

I need, like, a lot more.

- Here, try use this one.

- It's not enough.

Come on! I told Josh it's overcooked, and he didn't want to listen.

Our ass is grass.

Oh, my God.

Can I go grab some tuna from them, Chef?
Can you go and grab some tuna?
Are we run out?
There's 20 pieces.

What in the [Bleep]

is going on?
Oh, it's getting crazy in the kitchen.

I swear to God, all four of you, [Bleep]

Go upstairs, and Andy and I will finish.

Hell's Kitchen is hosting a special five-course dinner honoring two charities That's so good.

And while the blue team's 12 diners from the Step Up Women's Network are already enjoying their second course, Josh has overcooked most of the red team's tuna Oh, my God.

Can I go grab some tuna from them, Chef?
Can you go and grab some tuna?
Leaving hostess Fran Drescher and her 11 guests of the Cancer Schmancer Movement waiting.

I swear to God, all four of you, [Bleep]

Go upstairs, and Andy and I will finish.

Yes, Chef.

Get on the same page.

- Yes, Chef.

- Hurry up, you.

- All right, let's go - Milly, I need tuna.

Oh, my God.

I was excited to go to the red team and prove to them that I am a leader.

Embarrassing ourselves.

Let's go.

And, yeah, I got my teeth knocked in.

Go, please.

With the tuna course finally making its way to the red kitchen diners I want to take a picture of this, it's so nice.

The spotlight is now shining on T, who will attempt to lead her team on the salmon course.

Change gear, let's go.

Six minutes to the window.

I'm just ready to bust it out right now.

We can't be defeated, we can't hold our heads down.

We have to bounce back.

T, don't don't don't don't don't turn it over.

You know how to cook the salmon, right?
Excuse me, yes.

90% skin side down, - Yeah, but it's not.

- Heard.

- Josh, I got it.

I got it.

- Okay, that's fine.

Take care of it.

- My call, Josh, my call.

- You got it?
Take care of it, all right.

Who's cooking the salmon?
Chef, I am, Chef.

While T defends her turf and cooks her salmon, over in the blue kitchen - Let's go, Nick.

- Yes, Chef.

Pulling out salmon now.

It appears that Nick's salmon is ready for delivery.

Only pick the best ones and wipe them off, please.




The skin's not crispy on these.

Okay, Nick, let's go.

- Come on, y'all.

We need it right now - I need a minute, - the skin's not cooking on these.

- Yeah, we got to go.

- It's cool.

- No, it's not.

If one or two of the salmon are [Bleep]

up, then guess what my ass is on the line, so I'm not gonna let that happen.

If it's not perfect, I don't want to put it out.

I need 30 seconds on these three.

Come on, Nick, please! No, let me give me them.

- They're not ready yet.

- Okay, it's okay.

While Nick pursues perfection on his salmon, back in the red kitchen Please, T?
Yes, Chef, walking to the pass.

T's salmon is being plated.

Garnishing, T.


Check every plate, let's go.

Service, please.

T's strong leadership and confidence has paid off.

That's so good.

Back in the blue kitchen - Come on, please.

- Yes, Chef.

Nick is doing his best to keep pace Service, please.

- Up we go, Nick.

- Yes, Chef.

Make sure nice and clean.

Thanks, guys.

And now that both tables have received their third course This is phenomenal.

- It's fabulous.

- Mmm.

All eyes are on Meghan and Michelle to lead their teams on the final course before desserts New York strip steaks.

Head up to the pass, lay out all the plates, one minute after that, start doing the greens, please.

Okay, heard.

- Let's go.

- Yes, Chef.

Michelle, I would put your steaks in now and let 'em rest.

I don't need Josh telling me what I need to do, especially when he [Bleep]

up his own course.

When are you gonna put your steaks in?
Who's cooking them?
I'm sorry, Chef.

You're telling T how to cook the salmon.

I mean, did anyone teach you how to cook the [Bleep]

- Yes, I-I messed up the - Yeah, I know, but it's just, I think she can cook the New York strip, personally.

Thank you, Chef.


You, Josh.

We have three minutes to the window, guys.

You want 12 plates or 18 plates?
- Come on, man.

- I'll get 'em out.

- Seriously?
- Trust me, I will do it right.

I'm so disgusted with my team right now.

They screwed me over.

Everybody should be able to count to 12.

- Take that.

- Thank you.

All right, and then I will come behind you with sauce, yes?
Let's go.

These plates look really good, guys.

Thank you.

Go, please.

Thank you, Meghan.

All right, guys, let's jump on desserts, yes?
While the blue team preps for their final course No, don't touch my stuff.

I'm taking your nuts.

- Oh.

- Oh, wow.

Over in the red kitchen Yeah, I think I got it.

There is one thing holding them back.

Where's the [Bleep]

Speed a bit.

- We're all waiting on you.

- You're waiting on me.

T, that doesn't look like any of the other ones.

I got all the other ones right.

I don't know why you couldn't follow.

_ Seriously?
Good job, guys.

We got it done.

Michelle's organization made up for some clumsy last-minute plating and the red diners are enjoying their steak entree Steak is terrific.

And now the red team must come together to finish dessert.

What happened?
That was the smoothest-going course.



Up out of here.



I just want to slap her across the face.

- No, we're not arguing - Michelle, - about this right now.

- Michelle - I'm not arguing with you.

- Let's clean up - and do desserts, yeah?
- I'm not arguing with you.

- Don't don't don't yell at me.

- We're not arguing right now.

- Keep [Bleep]


That's all I'm saying.

- Don't yell at me.

Well, you don't listen.

I'm not gonna shut up because my team think I talk too much.


you, man.

You do that [Bleep]

every [Bleep]


T, don't even start with me.

Let's just do this [Bleep]

dessert right now.

- The only people we hearing is you.

- Don't.

Just don't, okay?
- The only people we hearing is you.

- Stop.

Now, shut the hell up you know what?
I'm Tonight Hell's Kitchen is hosting a special dinner honoring two amazing charities I wonder what flavor this is.

And as the V.



guests enjoy the final course of the sweet chocolate torte Whatever it is, it's delicious.

Things aren't so sweet in either of the kitchens.

_ _ All right, we can't put anything else on this guy.

I wasn't gonna put it there, Michelle.

I'm just letting you know.

I'm just I have eyes.

I can [Bleep]


- T, I don't - I'm just saying I can see.

- T, calm down, please?
- No.

Can you please just take a breath for me?
Well, you lower your [Bleep]

voice and don't talk to me, then.

What's the matter?
- What happened?
What's the matter?
- Seriously?
- Well, you guys have Meghan.

- Come here.

You guys act like I-I said what I wanted to at the very beginning.

I said at 4 minutes, I'm gonna ask for 12 plates to be taken out, right?
Okay, stand by, getting ready to go to the pass, and we'll go get 12 plates.

- Heard.

- Okay?
Milly, do you want to grab 12 plates out, - and I'll drop these in a minute?
- Heard that.

That's all I had to say.

I didn't say any more.

And you think it went that way?

We're responsible for our own dishes.

So, at the end of the day, you should run up there and recounted them.

That's it, end of story.

- You have to pay attention - No.

to every single detail when you're a chef.

No problem.

I tell you what if I leave, I leave.

If I stay, I'm telling you right now, you are not gonna like me tomorrow or tonight.

- What are you talking about?
- What are you talking about?
No one's trying to sabotage you with plates, - there was too many plates Okay.

- I'm just telling you.

- What are you talking about?
- I don't know.

I've gotten along with everybody till now.

- What did we do?
- You won't like me tonight.


I'm with that.

We could just talk food from here on out.

Matter of fact, you ain't got to start liking me from right now.

Since you want to wait till tonight or wait till tomorrow, right now food only.

Randy flipped the [Bleep]


If that's how you get when [Bleep]

don't go your way, then that's who you really is.

Ladies, line up, please.

Tonight's service gives me a great indication on how, individually, you can lead and who's a team player.

Both charities left here extremely happy, and we did put on a great menu, but let's be honest, guys, it wasn't without mistakes, right?
But there was one kitchen that had the edge, but trust me, it was by a very slim margin.

The winning team tonight Is the blue team.

Red team, I want all of you to come to a consensus on the two people up for elimination.

Get out of here.

We were supposed to work together, but there's too much petty [Bleep]

Going on on the red team, and I don't have time for that.

Nobody was on the same page tonight, and it sucks.

Okey-dokey, homies, let's start.

What's your vote, T?
Josh, I got to go with you for that overcooked tuna.

If the tuna was cooked perfect, it was the best dish.

It was the smoothest dish.

But it wasn't.

- It wasn't.

- I'm just telling you.

Your [Bleep]

was overcooked, and it stalled us, so it's a fact.

There's no hiding.

Did I [Bleep]

Of course, of course.

But when it comes down to it, a kitchen is ran by communication and listening Listening.

In a kitchen, it can't be about yelling and bickering and attacking people.

We have to realize why we're here.

- We're here to do a job.

- Yes.

Those people out in the dining room don't give a [Bleep]

what the problems are.

They don't care if you like each other.

They want the job done right, and they deserve it.

It's really hard to communicate with people who aren't listening.

- You can't - Well, the only reason I'm trying to talk right now.

- You're [Bleep]

cutting me off.

- Go ahead, go ahead, go ahead.

That's crazy.

You're not even listening - to what I'm saying now.

- I am listening.

You said the communication - between us is terrible.

- You're already talking to me.

- She's listening right now.

- I'm listening to you.

- You're talking.

- I'm listening to you.

- I'm talking.

- Go ahead.

You asked me for my opinion, and I'm giving it to you.

You're still talking.

You have the floor, Josh.

I'm done.

Josh is looking like an [Bleep]

, trying to pass off the blame, when he cannot cook tuna.

I'm not the one that starts arguments with T.

T is the one that yells at me.

So stop.

Somebody has to stop, though.

I don't know who deserves to go home.

I mean, Josh completely screwed up tonight, but T and Michelle, the two of them arguing we cannot have that stupid drama, not this far in the competition.

At the end of the day, the two weakest links need to go.

After losing by a very small margin, the red team was asked to nominate two chefs for elimination.

Michelle, red team's first nominee, and why?
Our first nominee is Josh, Chef.

The tuna steak he didn't execute it as well as he should have, and it halted us in the kitchen.

Second nominee, and why?
Our second nominee is myself, Chef.

- Yourself?
- Yes, Chef.

My team feels like I don't listen as much as I should.

Josh, Michelle, step forward.

Josh, why do you think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen?
Chef, what happened last service definitely affected my confidence in a negative way.

But when I do cook with confidence, I am the best chef here.

I feel like the team did listen to me and we did communicate together.

T was on point.

Alison was on point.

We were all working together, and Michelle, you know, when she was listening, she-she did good.

Michelle, why should you stay in Hell's Kitchen?
I'm very consistent with my techniques.

I do a really good job cooking, and I feel like I do communicate with my team.

Sometimes I don't listen because this is a competition.

I need to stand on my own two feet, and if I listen to everyone all the time, telling me what to do, then I'm gonna look like a [Bleep]


in the kitchen.

I'm sending home the person who did not have control of their course, but more importantly, they never really bounced back.

Michelle Back in line.


Yes, Chef?
Back in line.

Yes, Chef.


Young man, get over here.

Yes, Chef.

You have been one of the fastest learners I've ever had in Hell's Kitchen.

- You've done your family proud.

- Thank you.

You've done your country proud, and you've done me very proud, but Yes, Chef.

You're not ready to be my next Head Chef.

Yes, Chef.

It was a pleasure.

- Thank you very much.

- Likewise.

I appreciate it.

- At ease, buddy.

- Thank you.

Bye, Randy.

- Bye, guys.

- Bye, Randy.

Take care, Randy.

Hey, thank you, Chef.

I really felt like my team hung me out to dry But my head is held up high walking out of here.

I just wish I had more experience in the kitchen, 'cause if I could combine that with my leadership abilities, there is nobody in here that would've stood a chance.

Surely, you must realize that you are all close to joining a very elite club the black jackets.

But I'm not sure how many black jackets I'll be giving out this year.

That is entirely up to you.

Get out of here.

It's down to seven, and I can smell the black jackets.

I should have gone home, and I didn't, so now what do I have to lose?
Randy, you didn't stand up like a man, so you had to go.

It's just one less person that could stand in my way.

I got to shine hard.

Sometimes I do have an attitude.

But I'm a leader.

I have the skill.

I deserve to get a black jacket more than anyone on the red team.

I'm not gonna let anyone stop me.

I love Randy's work ethic.

Unfortunately, his positive attitude couldn't camouflage his lack of experience.

Next time on Hell's Kitchen You ready to fight for the black jacket?
Yes, Chef.

It's the moment they've all been waiting for.

Get one of these, and you are part of a unique club.

I'm putting that black jacket on, no if, ands, or buts about it.

But will the chance at a black jacket Josh, do you have garnish right now?
I'm cooking seven at a time.

You don't understand that?
Have the chefs seeing red?
I know what I'm doing! I heard you! All of you.

What the [Bleep]

is going on?
And will the pressure to survive Of all the people raw New York strip.

I can't believe that I did that.

I made a mistake.

Lead to a shocking end for one of the front-runners?
Meghan, is that worthy of a black jacket?
Take your jacket off now and [Bleep]


No one is safe.

What the [Bleep]

Is this really happening right now?
It's all next time Chef Ramsay is apologizing.

Just look at the position you put him in.

On a mind-blowing episode of Hell's Kitchen.
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