14x15 - 4 Chefs Compete

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Hell's Kitchen". Aired: May 30, 2005 – present.*
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Reality television show that uses a progressive elimination format to narrow down a field of 20 to 12 aspiring chefs to one single winner over the course of one season.
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14x15 - 4 Chefs Compete

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Hell's Kitchen Shh.

Follow me, quietly.

The chef's walked into a classical concert in the dining room The music's beautiful.

But at the same time, you're in Hell's Kitchen.

Then they were challenged to come up with an elegant lunch dish for the 40 attendees.

You're basically feeding one person a minute.

Let's go.

T was certain her lobster with crème fraîche would be a hit.

I know these type of hoity-toity people.

Lobster is what they want! But The dish only 3% of you liked belongs to T.


The favorite dish by a wide margin dish was your favorite.

- Belonged to - Milly.


Yes! Then just before dinner service, Chef Ramsay had another surprise Chef Andi and James, take the night off.

The final five would each take a turn acting as his sous chef I will call upon one of you at a time to work with me.

Tonight I am, for sure, Pick it up! Michelle was relentless - Meghan, how long do you have?
- One minute.

Come on, hurry up.

But not appreciated by her brigade.

Come on, guys.

Pick it up! Pick it up, guys! Come on.

Pick it up, guys! Come on, guys.

Pick it up! How long on the two scallops, Michelle?
Milly received praise as a sous chef.

Great job strong, vocal, and great attention to detail.

But his performance on fish was clearly disappointing Milly, what the [Bleep]

is going on?
What is this?
T Walking garnish to the pass, Chef, - right here.

- Thank you.

And Meghan Good.

Let's go.

Were solid on their stations - Thank you.

- Thank you, Meghan.

But Nick struggled most of the night on the meat station It's like a traffic light.

- So that is raw.

- Where can I grab more Wellington, Chef?
We can't just wave a magic wand.

We have no more Wellington.

The chefs were asked to nominate two chefs for elimination and chose Nick.

- And - Michelle.

I find that completely bizarre.

But an incredulous Chef Ramsay had a more appropriate nominee Milly.

And although Milly replaced Michelle, Chef Ramsay chose Nick.

Ending his chance of becoming Head Chef at Caesars Atlantic City.


And now the continuation of Hell's Kitchen Get out of here.

Whew! Chef Ramsay he wanted to light a fire under my ass, and that's exactly what he did.

Final four, here we go.

Oh, my goodness! Damn.

I'm sitting in the [Bleep]

final four.

Are you [Bleep]

kidding me?
- This has been a long - Man.


Yo, you don't know.

No one's gonna beat me.

You know, um You looked straight at me.

If I were to win Hell's Kitchen, which I'm pretty sure I am, it would be bragging rights forever, definitely.

I'm not gonna lay down, roll over, and give it up.

- I'm definitely gonna give - Fight.

my all 'cause I know all you guys are gonna give it your all.

In order for someone to win, they're gonna have to beat me.

That's just the bottom line.

Slainte, guys.

- Cheers.

- Cheers.

To begin another critical day in Hell's Kitchen, Chef Ramsay has arranged for the final four to be taken on a little field trip - Let's go.

- Where are we going?
I don't remember the last time I got to leave Hell's Kitchen.

I've lost nine challenges in a row so I'm excited just to go for a car ride.

It sounds like I'm a dog, but, you know, whatever.

Grocery store.

_ - Good morning.

- Hey, how you doing, Chef?
- How are we?
You're good?
- I'm doing good.

Super markets like this really get my imagination going.

And I love coming to the butcher counter and looking at all these incredible cuts of protein.

Look at them.

- Don't they look great?
- Yes, Chef.

But all these quality proteins are off-limits.

Brrr! Come again?
This is the first-ever Hell's Kitchen vegetarian challenge.

Uh, excuse me, please?
I'm gonna give you each $25 and 10 minutes to grab everything you need to create a stunning, mouth-watering vegetarian dish.

Yes! Ooh! I'm so happy.

I was a vegetarian for four years.

This is my type of challenge.

Your ten minutes starts now.

Off you go.

Good luck.

For this first-ever Hell's Kitchen vegetarian challenge Let's go, guys.

Grab your carts right here.

The chef's have just 10 minutes and $25 to gather all the ingredients they'll need to make a unique vegetarian dish I need to get to that cheese department.

I'm gonna cook a ricotta and spinach souffle.

I got ricotta, and I got Boursin.

I should be good.

I read vegetarian cookbooks to get close to the vegetables, so I'm all for this one.

I want to make this really fancy egg, because I know no one else is gonna make breakfast because they're not as adventurous as I am.

I'm creative.

I'm inventive.

I'm out of the box.

I have balls.

I push myself to the limit.

Do you guys have brioche?
While both Michelle and Milly have quickly figured out their dishes, Meghan is employing a slightly different strategy Uh, let's see.

I'm buying a bunch of different ingredients that I think I can work with.

But I have no [Bleep]

idea what I'm gonna do.

I'm just kind of putting it together as I'm walking through and let the vegetables kind of tell me where I'm going.


What do I need?
I know what I need.

Do you guys have soya chunks at this store?
- Soy chunks?
- Yeah.

I am a certified meat-atarian.

Tofu down here and up there.

I don't venture into the realm of vegetarianism unless I have to, I'm forced, I've been blindfolded and kidnapped And, of course, for Chef Ramsay.

Of course.

Time's up.

Head to the cash registers.

Now that all the chefs have all the raw ingredients they need Awesome.

Thank you.

It's a quick trip back to Hell's Kitchen Where the chef's will have - just 30 minutes - Let's go, guys, come on.

To impress Chef Ramsay with A stunning vegetarian dish where the heroes are the vegetables.

I'm leaning towards a zucchini/angel-hair-type thing.

I feel good about the dish that I am working in my head.

Where did my pot go?
Just under 20 minutes to go.

Don't over complicate it.

I'm gonna make an egg "souffle" kind of.

Cold egg whites.

I don't really know how to explain this dish.

It's like a fancy "eggs Benedict" kind of.

Making this dish today, it really reminded me of my son.

He's a football player, he's got to stay healthy.

I've made the souffle before, introduced different vegetables to my boy.

He loved it, so I got to do it again today.

Just under two minutes to go.

I'm gonna go back to my roots on this one.

I'm gonna do a play on chickens and dumplings without chicken.

I just substituted tofu for the chicken.

Hopefully it's delicious.

Whoo! Hot.

Five, four, three, two, one Serve.


Ooh, that looks pretty.

Let's start with T.

Bring the dish down.

Thank you.

Everybody else, slide down.

Describe the dish.

I have a chickpea dumpling.

It's in a very light fennel broth.

And then I have ginger-butter tofu.

I'm feeling the pressure right now.

I put my all into this one dish.

Tofu I've never been a big fan of Up until now.

Oh, my God.

- The broth is delicious.

- Thank you, Chef.

Dumplings could be a little bit softer inside, but a clever usage of the vegetables.

Good job.

- Thank you so much.

- Really good.

Thank you.

Next up, Milly, let's go.

Milly has prepared a ricotta and spinach souffle Wow.

Why a souffle?
It's a way that I introduced vegetables to my son.

- So your son inspired you for this dish?
- Yes.

Um how old is he?
- 15 now.


- 15.

And when you were 15, were you eating souffles?
No way! Oh, man, I was sharing sharing Chinese-store platters with me and my boys.

You were sharing Chinese?
- What, like a Chinese takeaway, to-go?
- Yes.


Everything that I ever went through not having food, not having money I think about it every day.

This is for my boy.

I want to show my son hard work pays off.

Here's the thing, it doesn't look that appetizing.

- Yes.

- Seriously.

- But it tastes delicious.

- Thank you.


Your son's a lucky man.

- Good job.

- I appreciate it.

Next up, uh, Meghan, let's go, please.

Describe the dish, please.

I have a zucchini angel-hair pasta with Napa cabbage, mushroom dumplings, and a coconut broth.

And why angel hair?
It's a play on pasta.

Zucchini is not the most exciting of veg.

However, you've lifted a lovely idea of that angel hair.

- Thank you, Chef.

- It's got finesse.

- Good job.

- Thank you.

- Thank you.

- Really good job.

Okay, ah, Michelle, please - describe your dish.

- All right, I have a vegetable hash that has red peppers, zucchini, squash, and little potatoes.

And then it's an egg "souffle.

" I separated the whites and the yolks, whipped up the whites, put it in a ramekin, put the yolk back in, more whites on top, and I steamed it and then topped it with some micros.

You don't like the word "simple," do you?
No, Chef.

Doesn't look like a dinner entrée.

- Yes, Chef.

- Looks more like a breakfast dish.

Yes, Chef.

The egg's cooked perfectly.

It is something definitely a vegetarian would love.

It's almost like a Sunday brunch.

This is tough.

All four dishes tasted good.

But the winner of the first-ever vegetarian challenge I can't even breathe right now.

Just say the name, Chef T! This is really tough.

All four dishes tasted good.

But the winner of the first-ever vegetarian challenge This is really tough.

Congratulations - Meghan, great job.

- Yeah.

I'd like you to choose one other chef to share this reward today.


She hasn't won the past two challenges, but she's been on both of the rewards.

Ugh! Well, the two of you are gonna be starting off boarding a private motorboat in Newport Beach, California.

From there, you'll get a bird's eye view of the amazing coastline as you fly sky-high in - your parasail.

- Oh! After you've done parasailing, you're gonna dine at The Montage you're gonna enjoy the most incredible three-course, stunning dinner.

Ah, both of you, go get changed.

- Meghan, finally! - Finally.

- Well done.

- Yes, Thank you, Chef.

- Congratulations.

Great dish.

- Thank you.

I love the ocean, and I love heights um, not! Uh, but to get out of Hell's Kitchen is a reward on its own.

Michelle, Milly, both of you are in for a very miserable day.

You're gonna start outside, cleaning the leaves out of the fountains, sweeping the steps and the parking lot.

After that, my red carpet isn't as vibrant as it used to be.

So I'd like it vacuumed, shampooed, and scrubbed.

And get that spruced up ahead of our next dinner service.

Ah, also Hand-Polish all the wood surfaces in the grand hall.

Get upstairs.

I hate losing.

I don't like doing punishments.

And this one definitely sounds miserable.

- Ready?
- I'm ready.

Hi, ladies.

Welcome to Newport Parasail.

- You guys ever done this before?
- Never.

All right, well, we're gonna have a great time today.

- Here's one for you - Thanks.

- And one for you.

- Thank you.

Even though we haven't left quite yet Watch your step as you get on.

I'm pretty much terrified.

I'm scared of the ocean, scared of heights.

This is gonna this is perfect.

I am definitely afraid of heights.

What's the what do we hold on to?
I've been trying to overcome this fear.

Aah! But I figured that I wasn't gonna be up there alone.

So it might not be so bad.

Oh, my God! I'm not looking down! We're dropping! We're losing altitude! Oh, no, no, no, no! Even though I was screaming like a banshee It was a lot of fun.

Oh, no! Wait! Oh, my goodness.

It's so exhilarating.

It's like a fun roller-coaster ride.

Man, this [Bleep]

is ridiculous.

I thought when the black jackets came out, wasn't gonna be no more punishments.

I worked hard for this black jacket.

Ah, there's too many twigs in these leaves.

We can make wands out of them.

Wingardium leviosa! What?
- Harry Potter! - No! - Duh! - Make a spell to pick up all the leaves.

That's what that spell is to lift stuff up.

That [Bleep]

didn't work.

How's this thing get so dirty?
You missed a spot right here.

Heard that.

Marino's doing his job but at the same time, I'm really tired right now.

My back hurts.

It is a little frustrating.



Maybe he was joking, maybe he wasn't.

This might've been the worst punishment ever.

Welcome to Studio at Montage, Laguna Beach.

- Thank you.

- Thank you, Chef.

Come on this way.

How's that?
- Perfect.

- Absolutely perfect.

The Montage, the view, the resort, the lifestyle, stunning.

I could definitely get used to that.

To parasailing and to winning today.

I should be on this reward, and I'm glad to be on it.

- Thank you so much for bringing me.

- No problem.

I'm I'm glad to be out here with you, T, and especially out of Hell's Kitchen.

After a good night's sleep, the final four are up early to prepare for what is sure to be another critical test of their worthiness What's going on with these potatoes today?
I don't know.

I want to eat them.

Nom, nom, nom, nom, nom.

Being in the final four, I'm definitely proud of myself.

But you know what?
I got to keep propelling forward, faster, harder, stronger.

Like, I just got to keep going.

What the [Bleep]

Did you guys see that?
I heard it.

Yo - Good afternoon.

- Hey, chef, how are you?
- How are we?
- Good.

- Line up, guys, please.

- Yes, Chef.

In front of the blue kitchen, please.

Milly, let's go.

Ah, something very important I need to, ah, discuss with you.

You, the final four, are in for another major test.

While you'll be cooking in the red kitchen, there will be Another group of chefs in the blue kitchen.


With dinner service only 30 minutes away You, the final four, are in for another major test.

Chef Ramsay has surprised the chefs with a shocking announcement While you'll be cooking in the red kitchen, there will be Another group of chefs in the blue kitchen.


The first chef made his mark in Dallas, Texas.

Ooh! Please welcome, Michael.

Oh, my God! - Do you know him?
- Yes! - Seriously?
- Oh, my God! I don't know what I'm thinking.

Is it her friend?
Is this a set up?
Um, am I gonna have to make out with the next person coming out the door?
Wow! Oh, my God.

What is my boyfriend doing in a chef's coat.

Oh, by the way, the rest of you, he's not a chef.

That's Michelle's boyfriend, okay?
Oh, Michelle We've also brought out your sister.

- Nuh-uh! - Liz.

- Aah! - Liz.

Michelle, why don't you take a seat?
Now, T Your beautiful daughter, Tamara, and your girlfriend, Krista.

Welcome, welcome, welcome.

Wow! Oh, my God! My family's here.

Yes! Uh, Meghan, your mother.

Madeline, welcome, my darling.

Good to see you.

Oh, baby.


Please take a seat.

Milly, this is a big fan of your souffle.

He's also a fan of yours.

Say hello to your son, all the way from Philly, Milly Jr - Oh, my God! - Your girlfriend, Crystal.

Yes! Yes! Welcome.

Nice to see you both.


Oh, my God! That's little Milly?
That's crazy.

That's crazy, yo.

That's crazy.

- So, when you come back - Mm-hmm.

You're gonna make me a five-course dinner.

I thought I would sit back, and you would make me the dinner.

Look, I made it to the final four.

- Yeah.

- You did.

Whatever happens, we're proud of you.

Did you think that I was gonna make it this far?

My mom she never has doubted me.

And that mind-set, um, that somebody believes in you just kind of it helps.

Life is not life without you, girl.

Aww, Krissy.

- _ - I know.

I told Milly that.

I told you.

That's crazy, yo.

Right now my son got a chance to see if you work hard at something, you can accomplish anything you want, and you can be great at something that you believe in.

Families, I'm so sorry to say, we are shortly gonna be opening Hell's Kitchen.

So it's time to say good-bye to your amazing chefs.

- All right.

- Bye, sister.

Seeing my sister and my boyfriend, it just gives me that extra boost.

They're the reason I'm here.

I'm trying to make my family be proud of me too.

Have fun in the kitchen of hell.

All right, Mom.

Your dad would be so proud of you, sweetheart.

My mom was the best reward that I've gotten since I've been here, so That makes up for all the, ah, the nine challenges lost in a row.

All right, I will see you.

- I'm not worried about it.

- All right.

Oh, it was so good seeing her! She looks good, right?

Tonight at different points across the evening, it will be your kitchen to run.

Each of you will have a turn at the pass, not as a sous chef, but as the chef.

One more thing all of you should know Two of you will be leaving this competition this evening.

Give me and yourselves - the service of your lives.

- Yes, Chef.

Get on your stations, get set up, - and get on your toes.

- Yes, Chef.

- Marino?
- Yes, Chef?
Open Hell's Kitchen, please.

- Subito.

- Let's go.

Tonight each of the chefs will take a turn running the pass.

Milly, it's your way or the [Bleep]


Yes, Chef.

This important test will demonstrate their leadership qualities - Meghan, you have to drive them.

- Yes, Chef.

And their ability to maintain the highest of standards.

Taste everything, Michelle.

- Yes, Chef.

- Let's go.

The salmon looks pretty amazing to me.

The beef Wellington.

- Milly.

- Yes.

Come here.

You're running the hot plate.

- Yes, Chef.

- Okay?
- Hell's Kitchen is now yours.

Let's go.

- Okay.

I'm feeling good about being up at the pass, you know.

I'm comfortable calling the tickets.

I'm comfortable, you know, driving my team.

Walking in.

Table 41.

Appetizers is gonna be two risottos, two tunas.

Second course is gonna be two halibut, one Wellington.

_ - Read the ticket first.

- Yes, Chef.

You need to know it inside out.

- Never trust them.

- Yes, Chef.

Only trust yourself.

Get him back up there.

He's missing entrées.

- Excuse me, Marino?
- Yes?
On this V.



table, I only have three entrées.

I'm definitely trying to pay attention to every ticket that come in now 'cause I didn't want to make no miscalls and have my team cooking something they wasn't supposed to.

- This is the re-write ticket.

Sorry, Chef.

- Heard - It was two Wellingtons.

- Heard that.

Thank you.

This is a recall two halibut, two Wellingtons.

Yes, Chef.

How long for my two tuna and two risotto, please?
- Two minutes, Chef.

- Two minutes, please.

Heard that.

Two minutes.

Tonight Sous Chef Andi will cover each chef's station while they run the pass How long on the two risottos, chef?
- Coming up, Chef, right now.

- Heard.

But Chef Ramsay will also be using her to test the chef's quality control.

Right behind you walking to the pass with two lobster.

Two risottos, Chef.

And Milly's first test is on its way to the pass a risotto made with crab instead of lobster.

Chef Andi, first, your risotto's beautiful.

- Thank you.

- Thank you.

- Are you happy with the risotto?
- Oh, yes.

I'm happy - with the risotto.

I tasted it.

- Taste the risotto.

There's no lobster in there.

It's crab.

Look at the difference.


You have to tell her.

Chef Andi, this was crab meat in these risottos.

I need two lobster risottos right now.

I was happy with the taste of the risotto.

Crab is delicious, but, you know, it ain't lobster.

And I should've caught that, and that definitely was my bad.

- Here you go.

- You've got to check it, yes?
Yes, Chef.

- Sorry, Chef - Every time.

- Thank you.

- Every time.

Despite failing his first quality-control test Clean plates, good.

Milly maintains his composure and pushes out appetizers to the dining room Dig in.

Bon appetit.

- And back at the pass - Taste every thing.

Chef, right now I need mussels in the mussels, and I need pink mussels - in this pan, please.

- I'm sorry.

- I forgot the pink mussels.

- Milly shows he will not be fooled again Well-spotted.

Good job.


- Great effort.

Well done.

Let's go.

- Yes.

Thank you.

- Meghan.

- Yes, Chef.

- Hand over the station to Andi, please.

- Yes.

Now it's time for Meghan to take the reins and show Chef Ramsay why she is a worthy Head Chef New chef on the hot plate.

Let's go.

Order in, guys.

It's a six top.

Two riso, two capellini, two tuna.

- Heard that.

- Yes, Chef.

I have been running the pass since I was 20 years old.

I'm a badass in the kitchen.

Not many people can hang with me.

That's why I should be in the final two.

How long on those two riso, two capellini, two tuna?
Give me three minutes.

Three minutes out, let's push those.

Yes, pushing right now.

You got to give me second to cook the food.

Two riso, two capellini, two tuna, - Where am I at?
- Three minutes.

- We need three minutes, please.

- Three minutes.

Two minutes.

I want to see it in two minutes.

You can't ask me every minute, or I'm gonna stop and look up and not be able to cook the food.

Walking two risotto, two capellinis.


Hey, put a little bit more marscapone parmesan.

Heard that.

It is not amateur hour anymore.

Make the [Bleep]

risotto right.

- Just drop it.

- Heard.

Thank you, Milly.

Check everything, yeah?
- It's too soupy.

Too runny.

- Soupy.

Yeah Clumsy.

Clumsy, clumsy, clumsy.


Milly, it needs to be cooked more.

- It's a little soupy.

- Yes, Chef.

Milly, your [Bleep]

k*lling me right now.

Hey, I don't know what's happened.

I don't know whether you're trying to sabotage her, but your finesse is gone.

I mean, it's like you've given up.


Get it together! Come on, then! You're just throwing it up there like you don't even [Bleep]


It's 45 minutes into dinner service, and the final four chefs are taking turns running the kitchen - Too soupy.

- Soupy.

Right now Meghan is in charge Clumsy.

Clumsy, clumsy, clumsy.


Milly, it needs to be cooked more.

- It's a little soupy.

- Yes, Chef.

And Milly is losing his grip on appetizers I don't know whether you're trying to sabotage her.

I don't know what's happened, but your finesse is gone.

I mean, it's like you've given up.

Get it together! This is really bad.

I need to step up and be a leader.

So that's what I'm gonna do.

Hey, I need that two riso Hey! I need the two riso now.


I'm walking to the window.

- Just drop it here.

- Yes.

Thanks to Meghan's assertiveness at the pass - Nice risotto, Milly.

- Thank you.

Appetizers are once again leaving the kitchen.


They made it.

Guys, right after that, I need one halibut, two Wellington, please.

But Sous Chef Andi is about to test her quality control by replacing halibut with sea bass - Chef, halibut?
- Coming up.


Let's go.


- All right, that's table - All right.



- Are you happy with that?
- V.



, yes?
- Yes.

- Yeah?
You've cooked hundreds of halibut.

- Yes.

- That's a sea bass.



Chef, I need a halibut, please.

This [Bleep]

fish, like, hates my life.

Halibut, sea bass [Bleep]


Can you still use my garnish?
Halibut and sea bass it's a common mistake for Meghan, I guess.

You'd think she'd know the difference by now, especially since we just had a challenge with the two of them in it.

_ It's sea bass.

- [Bleep]


- You can't win unless you get the protein correct.

I'm not sure how she missed that one.

I'm sorry, Chef.

With the correct fish now plated, entrées are making their way out of the kitchen.

- Wow.

- This is delicious.

- It's good.

- Really good.

And two more tables of appetizers - It's so good.

- so good.

And the entrées Let's go.

Are quickly delivered.


Back on fish, Meghan.

Well done.

Let's go.


- Yeah?
- Meghan's back on.

- Pass over the station.

- Okay.

- Michelle.

- Yes, Chef.

- Come here.

- Yes, Chef.

Hand over the station to Andi.

You're now in charge.

Let's go.

- Thank you.

- Five top.

We have a five top, guys.

For entrées, we have one salmon, one chicken, three Wellington.

- Got it?
- Yes.

I always love being in charge.

I have a big voice in the kitchen.

I'm gonna be like a monster.

- Chef Andi.

- Yes?
Almost ready on garnish?
Yeah, uh, two minutes.

Right now I'm basically a little monster.

- Look at me.

We got to think of an angle - Yes, Chef.

- to lift them up a little bit.

- Yes, Chef.

- Chef Andi, garnish, please.

- Coming now.

Can you pick it up a little bit, please?

For Michelle's first quality-control test - Salmon garnish.

- Awesome.

Thank you, Chef Andi.

Sous Chef Andi has switched the cauliflower garnish for broccoli.

Chef, is this too dark?
- Give us a look - Too dark?
Look at it.

Maybe taste it.

You tell me.

I'm asking you.

Yes, Chef.

No, it tastes okay.

You think it's okay?
Last line of defense.

Yes, Chef.

Two seconds.

Two seconds.

- There you go.

- Stop.

Are you happy with that?
- With the - Chicken, salmon, you happy?
- Yes, Chef.

Yeah, it looks good.

- Jean, don't go.


Come here.

Underneath the salmon is broccoli.

It's not cauliflower.

- Got to wake up.

Tell Andi.

- That is broccoli.

Chef Andi.

- What?
- It's broccoli, not cauliflower.

- Oh.

- Thank you, Andi.

Duh, of course it's broccoli.

I should've caught it.


That's such a trick.

If you're gonna make mistakes like that, you're gonna sink the whole place.

- Yes, Chef.

- Don't give up.

- Don't give up, Michelle.

- Yes, Chef.

- Salmon garnish.

- Thank you, Chef.

Thank you, Andi.

I got it.

I got that.

The salmon is now plated with the correct garnish T, I'll take that Wellington now, please.

But something else is holding up the order Where's the Wellingtons?
- Give me one minute on Wellington.

- It's the same table.

Pick up the pace, T.

The garnish is gonna get cold.

I told you, one minute, please.

One minute.

Just give me one minute.

Come on, T, pick it up.

We've already sent the salmon.

I need the Wellington, please.

I just need these [Bleep]

Wellingtons to cook, man.

- T! - I just need food now.

I just need food.

Chef, the wellies are taking a little longer.

So they should go in a little bit earlier.

- Yes, Chef.

- That way they wont take so [Bleep]


Yes, Chef.

I don't know what the [Bleep]

is wrong with the Wellingtons today.

It's stone cold.

I could be going home.

Come on, T, pick it up.



Three Wellingtons been called five times, and we seem to struggle! How long?
It's an hour and a half into the dinner service that will determine the two Hell's Kitchen finalists Pick up the pace, T.

The garnish is gonna get cold.

I told you, one minute, please.

One minute.

But with T having an issue with her Wellingtons - T! - I just need food now.

Chef Ramsay is running out of patience Three Wellingtons been called five times, and we seem to struggle! How long?
Chef, please.

30 seconds.

Please, Chef.

My Wellingtons were running, like, four minutes behind, and Chef Ramsay's going in on me, but I'd rather take the heat and know that I'm sending up good food.

You know what I mean?
Watch your back.

Watch your back.

- Three Wellingtons, two salmon, - Here you go, Michelle.

- where are you at?
- Come on, Michelle.

- It's a serious position here.

- Yes.

You've got to drive them.

They're gonna run you, or you're gonna run them.

- Okay?
It's a very difficult job, yes?
- Yes, Chef.

Yes, Chef.


Go, please.

That looks fantastic.

Beautiful, right?
With Michelle finishing off her turn at the pass Thank you, Marino.

A steady stream of entrées are now being delivered to grateful diners.

- Delicious.

- Wow.

- Go.

- Here you go.

Okay, Michelle.

Well done.

- Thank you, Chef.

- Back on garnish, please.

T, please.

Now it's time for the last of the final four to take her turn at the pass - You're now running Hell's Kitchen.

- Yes, Chef.

Two lamb, two Wellington, six minutes to the window.

- Okay.

- The kitchen is all yours.

- Yes, Chef.

- Good luck.

All right.

Guys, I need two Wellingtons, two lambs.

Six minutes to the window, please.

Yes, Chef.

I'm feeling immense pressure.

I have to prove myself in this moment.

Talk to me.

How long?
I need to know how long.

Coming up right now, Chef.

My eyes have to be wide open like a hawk.

Okay, she's slicing.

With T now in charge - Thank you.

Wellington garnish?
- Yep.

Sous Chef Andi wastes no time in testing her quality control.

I'm getting Wellington right now, and then I'll slice my lamb and bring it up.

- Yeah?
- Heard, Chef.

Sending up a lamb Wellington instead of beef.

Check the temperature.

Check everything, yes?
The meat's not as bright red as beef.

- Chef.

- Yes?
Chef, this is not, ah, beef.

These are just small tests, you know, so I'm trying to just ace these tests right now.

What is it?
Smell it.

It's lamb.


- Chef Andi.

- Yes, Chef.

This is lamb.

I need two Wellingtons, please.

Coming up right now, Chef.

With the Wellington situation now rectified Wellington.

And the rest of the order good to go Lamb, Chef.

T has completed her first ticket.

Jean, go with two lamb.

And customers are thrilled with what they are receiving _ Meanwhile, back at the pass One halibut, one chicken.

- Yes, Chef.

- Yes.

T's solid leadership has the team sending food out at a rapid pace Right behind you.

Heard, "right behind.

" Chicken.

I'll dress the halibut.

You dress the chicken, yes?
Yes, Chef.

Go, come on.

And the evening's final entrées leave the pass.

- This is good.

- It's really good.

- All of you, well done.

- Thank you, Chef.

Tough night, but when you're holding those reins, you are the last line of defense.

Great job, all of you.

- Well done.

- Thank you, Chef.

First of all, well done.

Good job.


But only two of you are gonna make it into the final.

And it is incredibly close between all four of you.

So tonight I want you to go upstairs and come to a consensus on the two chefs who you do not think belong in the final.

Well done.

I'd be like, "I deserve to be in the final two because I offer more than anyone else here does.

" I bring it every day.

It really comes down to who I want to go up against.

Well, I'm gonna go ahead and start, then.

I feel like, obviously, I should be in the final two.

And then I think alongside me should be Meghan, because Meghan's also done really well.

Milly and T, yes, you've been consistent in the competition, but you've been consistently average, whereas I feel like myself and Meghan have been consistently great, - you know, and - On what?
Like, everything I do in those challenges, I'm [Bleep]

ballsy like, souffle, alligator curry You've also been up for eliminations three times.

You know, I think I should go up, because, you know, I'm comfortable at the pass.

I'm comfortable with calling the tickets, and I think T a beast on the line.

So I'm gonna go with me and T being in the final two.

I think everybody beasts out in the kitchen, and, you know, we all have our strengths and weaknesses.

And But I want to compete against the best.

I think I want to go against Michelle.

I-I'm speechless.

I'm [Bleep]


Well, T's obviously gonna vote for herself.

- Obviously.

- Let's hope so.

To be honest with you, Meghan, I went up against you two times, and you beat me two times.

And I would definitely, definitely love to go up against you and whup that ass.

T and I we have two votes to go up for finals.

So it's two, two.

I mean, at the end of the day, you know, we all want to be in the top two.

But there's only two spots.

It is so incredibly close between all four of you.

Milly, in your mind, who does not belong in the final?
Michelle doesn't belong in the final, Chef.

I think she has a lot of room to grow, but she talks back a little bit too much.

Michelle, who does not belong in the final?
I feel like T has been consistent in this competition, but she hasn't really gone out on a limb as much as I feel like Meghan and myself have.

T, who does not belong in the final?
Chef, I think Milly, while he sticks to his cuisine, he doesn't have the finesse that is needed right now.

Meghan, who do you think doesn't belong in the final?
I believe Milly and T don't have the finesse yet.

Let's get one thing right.

All of you are great chefs.

The first chef who will not be moving on to the final is Milly.

Step forward, young man.

Let me tell you something, okay?
You have great heart, great passion, and a great future in this industry.

You should be proud of everything that you've accomplished here.

- Ah.

- Great job.

Thank you.

- Thank you, Chef.

- Well done, bud.

- Yo, I love y'all, man.

- Bye, Milly.

- Bye, Milly.

- Stay strong, cook that food.

Damn, I almost had it in my hands.

It was just that close.

- Milly.

- Milly?
- Yes.

- Milly from Philly.

Yes, Chef.

I was the only one here that didn't graduate from a culinary institute.

I probably was the only one here that didn't graduate from high school.

I just need so much more experience.

- Mm-hmm.

- That's it.

I've been seeing cats like you all my [Bleep]

life make more money than me, know more than me, and can't get on the line and [Bleep]


I'm very proud of myself.

I proved a lot of things to myself that I didn't know.

Well done, Milly.

- You already know.

- Four for four.

You have a palette, young man, Thank you, Chef.

I do this not for the fame, not for the glitz, not for the glamor Oh, my goodness.

Just to cook good food for people.

You okay?
No, it's a good deed.

It's a good deed.

It's an amazing deed.

I'm just trying to make the world a better place I never knew what love was until I found food.

You are one of the most passionate chefs I've ever met.

For Chef Ramsay to just only see my passion, I love him for that, because at the end of the day, Chef Ramsay ain't judge me.

He ain't care where I came from or none of that.

All he cared about was my food.

Let's get one thing right.

There are definitely two ladies in the final.

It's just a question of which two?

The first person advancing to the final is Congratulations The first person advancing to the final is Congratulations Meghan.

- Great job.

- Thank you, Chef.

You have been rock solid, young lady, throughout the competition.

Thank you.

Thank you.

T, Michelle There's only room in the final for one of you.

And this decision is by far the most difficult decision I've yet to make.

The person who'll be joining Meghan in the final Congratulations T.

No [Bleep]

way! Michelle Step forward, my darling.

First of all, well done.

There is no doubt in my mind, you are gonna have an amazing culinary career.

I've never had a 22-year-old this strong, and you came very, very close.

Your jacket, please, darling.

- Good job.

- Thank you, Chef.

Very proud.

And you should be very proud of yourself.

- I am, Chef.

Thank you.

- Yeah.

Thank you.

Good night, darling.

Take care.

I will.

Coming into Hell's Kitchen, I had full confidence in myself, but I knew that no one else would.

How old are you, Michelle?
- 22.

- Twenty- young! - Mm-hmm.

- Wow.

People were thinking I was too young to be here.

It's an Asian-inspired alligator curry.

That was the best dish of the day.

But, obviously, I've proven them wrong.

Meghan, give Michelle the seat, please.

Yes! But I had to overcome some challenges.

- Young lady.

- Yes, Chef.

- Is that worthy of a black jacket?
- No, Chef.

There's something really weird about frisée and cream.


I mean, it it's just not Greek.

The winner Michelle and Nick.

Yes! The hardest part about this competition was definitely the people I was working with.

You do that [Bleep]

every [Bleep]


- T, don't even start with me.

- You know.

Let's just do this [Bleep]

dessert right now.

The only [Bleep]

people we're - hearing is you.

- Don't.

Just don't, okay?
But it was a lot of fun, I got to say.

Now! Cheers.


Thank you, Chef.

I feel like I'm leaving here on a high.

I'm definitely proud of my performance in this competition.

And I'm glad I made it this far.

T, how do you feel?
Chef, I'm speechless - Doesn't happen often.

- for, like, the third time in this competition.

Oh, my God.

Chef, thank you.

Meghan, how do you feel?
- I have goose bumps.

- Great job.

We are in for one hell of a final, let me tell you.

But there is someone I'd like you both to meet.

Oh, no way! _ Next time on the Hell's Kitchen finale We are in for one hell of a final.

It all comes down to this Oh, my God! Who will claim the Head Chef position at Caesars Atlantic City and a quarter-of-a-million-dollar salary?
Will it be Meghan All right, let's go.

Come on.

The no-nonsense executive chef from Roanoke, Virginia?
Stop it.

Everybody stop.

I am a badass.

Or T Guys, dig deep.

We got to push.

The gutsy line cook from Atlanta, Georgia?
You support.

You drive.

This is my life on the line right here.

It's an episode filled with over-the-top surprises Let's go.

They're yelling my name.

Crazy! Unbelievable guests Chef Wolfgang Puck.


Can somebody [Bleep]

pinch me?
And a special visit you absolutely won't want to miss Chef Ramsay's house?
I'm so excited, I almost, like, just swallowed my tongue.

All next time One I am definitely opening that door.

On the thrilling conclusion two I'm ready to walk through that door.

of Hell's Kitchen.

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