15x10 - 9 Chefs Compete

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Hell's Kitchen". Aired: May 30, 2005 – present.*
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Reality television show that uses a progressive elimination format to narrow down a field of 20 to 12 aspiring chefs to one single winner over the course of one season.
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15x10 - 9 Chefs Compete

Post by bunniefuu »

(male narrator) Previously on Hell's Kitchen [bleep]

! Oh, my God, we're gonna die! (narrator) Things got off to a wild start, and then one member from each team was matched up with different cuts of bison.

- Bison rib eye.

- I'm down with that.

(narrator) And after each pair had a sh**t-out Da-da-da-da I'm channeling Robin Hood right now.

- [laughter]

- Whoops.

(narrator) The winner got to select a cuisine for their dish.

(Gordon) Spanish and Thai.

We have Italian.

(narrator) And then they faced off with their cuts of bison.

Let's go.

(narrator) Dannie had a solid debut on her new team with her Thai-inspired bison filet Bison's cooked beautifully.

Thank you, Chef.

(narrator) While Kristin's French top sirloin was magnifique.

(Gordon) You've cooked it beautifully there.

Good job.

(narrator) But it was Chad's Florentine flank steak that was the most impressive.

That is delicious.

Brilliant job.

Thank you, Chef.

(narrator) And he locked in the victory for his new team.

Red Team wins.

Well done.

- [cheering]

- Yes! I knew we had him on our team for a reason.

(narrator) At dinner service Yee-haw! (narrator) It was cowboy steak night in Hell's Kitchen.

Why is he tossing the mash?
(narrator) Despite Joe's glaring, horrific mistakes on garnish Oh, my God, look at the grease.

This to me is basic [bleep]


(narrator) The Blue had their strongest service yet.

I want you to go Wellie first, and then I'll follow with char.

Heard! Wellington walking to the pass right now.

Whoo! Yee-haw! Hey.

(narrator) But the same could not be said for the Red Team.

(Marino) It's a little undercooked for you?

(narrator) Ariel's scallops were returned by some VIP guests.

The scallops are undercooked.

- Who cooked these?
- I cooked them, Chef.



(narrator) And while Jackie did rescue Ariel Walking with scallops.

Service, please, John.

(narrator) Moments later, she had problems of her own.

(Gordon) Burned tuna.

(narrator) And when Ashley delivered raw steak This white fat [bleep]

! (narrator) Chef Ramsay had seen enough.

Get out! (narrator) The Red Team nominated Ariel and Jackie, but Chef Ramsay could no longer ignore one chef's rapid decline, and it was Joe.

(narrator) Who said good-bye to his dream of becoming head chef at BLT Steak at Bally's in Las Vegas.

And now, the continuation of Hell's Kitchen.

Now [bleep]

off out of here.

We just can't believe we just got mind - [bleep]

so badly.

What the [bleep]

just happened?
We weren't ready for that.

So sitting down does not mean you're safe.

I'm speechless.

I absolutely adore Joe.

I'm shocked that Joe is gone and Jackie is still here.


I'm shaking.


Kristin, how does it feel to have somebody who just started cooking be on the same level as you?


I'm one of the strongest people on the Red Team.

(Kristin) You've only been cooking three months.

You don't know what the [bleep]

you're doing.

Everything about you is a sack of [bleep]


(Kristin) Jackie frustrates me because I know how hard I've worked.

And to see someone like that just completely not humble is disgusting to me.

Kristin, give me your lighter.

- No.

- Give me your [bleep]


Talk like [bleep]

You touch my [bleep]

lighter, - I will punch you in the face.

- Punch me in the face.

Give me my [bleep]

lighter, Jackie.

- Punch me in the face.

- Jackie, give me - my [bleep]


- Punch me in the face.

Either light your cigarette or give me my [bleep]



What the [bleep]

is going on out here?
I'd stay far, far away if I were you.

You're a disgusting-ass bitch.

Don't [bleep]

disrespect me.

Stop [bleep]

disrespecting me! Are you [bleep]

What are you gonna do about it?
What are you Get the [bleep]

out of my [bleep]

face! - What are you gonna - Get the [bleep]

out of Do about it?
- Kristin, sit down.

- Yeah.

- I'm dead?
- Get the [bleep]

out of here with [bleep]


Put your hands on me.

[Ohio Players' Fire]

(man) Fire [funky music]

Uh, uh - Fire - (both) Aah! Ha ha ha! This way?
- The way you walk and talk - Hey hey! Really sets me off - To a fuller love, child - Aah! I can't see! - The way you swerve - Aah! - And curve - [shudders]

Oh! - Really wrecks my nerves - [roars]

- And I'm so excited - Aah! - [gasps]

- Oh oh oh oh oh (Kristin) Marino! When you shake what you got - Hall-oo! - And girl you got a lot You're really somethin', child - [horn resounds]

- Yes, you are Uhh! - Ha ha ha ha! - When you're hot You're hot, you really sh**t your shot You're dyno-mite, child - [boom]

- Yeah, uh - (both) Aah! - Fire [grunts]

Ugh! Fire Whoo whoo whoo whoo whoo Put your hands on me.

- Jackie.

- Put your hands on me.

You're a piece of [bleep]


Get the [bleep]

out of my face! Put your hands on me.


Go ahead.

Put your hands on me.





Put your hands on me.

- Get the [bleep]

outta my face.

- Kristin.

Go ahead, put your hands on me.

- Get the [bleep]

outta my face.

- Put your hands on me, bitch.

Are you [bleep]


You [bleep]


No, bitch.

Sit the [bleep]


Like, I'm so over her causing a big scene.

Like, I don't know who the [bleep]

you are, what garbage can that you got dragged out of, but what the [bleep]

is wrong with you?
How do those ashes smell?
(Jackie) Kristin, it's a game now, and it is to [bleep]

with your mind.

That's what happens when you can't [bleep]

strangle a bitch.

Crazy! Deranged! We just need Jackie, and we got a full team.

Where's she at?
Smoking probably.

Are you and her make up or no?
I'm just not gonna deal with it today.

I don't want to dwell on last night.

I still got work to put in.

That's all I can focus on right now.

Jackie's gonna make an ass out of herself, and I don't need to help her do it.

We're missing Jackie.

Jackie, let's go.

Hustle, hustle, hustle! Shut up! Hustle! Let's go.

Right, good morning.

(all) Morning, Chef.

Now, did you all start your day with a proper breakfast?
- Yes, Chef.

- (all) Yes, Chef.

Breakfast, the most important meal of the day.

Chad, what did you have for breakfast this morning?
A granola bar and a protein drink.

Hmm, interesting.


Yogurt and banana.

Jackie, what was yours?
Two cigarettes.


Wow, jeez.

[raspy voice]

Oh, my God, I need a cigarette.

Oh, my God.

Well, many fine restaurants across the country have taken the ordinary breakfast and made it extraordinary.

Today, I want you all to get creative with breakfast.

Now, listen carefully.

I want from each team four dishes: vegetarian, meat, seafood, and then sweet.

- Got it?
(all) Yes, Chef.

Red Team, since you have five individuals in your team, two of you will double up on one of the categories.

(all) Yes, Chef.


Spend a minute together now, 'cause I'm gonna let you decide who's doing which.

Off you go.

I can definitely do seafood.

I have amazing shrimp mousse crab cakes.

Then I'll do meat.

You do veg.

- Something sweet.

- You have the sweet one.

Okay, okay.

- I'll take fish.

- Meat.

- Meat.

- I'm really good with sweets.

I have a sweet tooth, what can I say?
- I'm sweet.

- [bell tinkles]

I would do vegetables.

Okay, time-out.

I'll double with you.

Good, you've all got 30 minutes, and your time starts now.

(Chad) Go, go, go, go, go.



I'm doing steak and eggs.

What else is going with your steak and eggs?
Wild mushroom and blistered tomatoes.

Seafood, I'm gonna do some fish tacos, I think, with, like, a fried quail egg.

I'm gonna make a sausage some sautéed kale and an over easy egg.

I was thinking about, like, a crepe.

What do you guys think about that?
I don't know if I want to do a crepe.

Maybe I should just do an omelette.

If you feel more comfortable with that, then I would do that.

I have radishes.

That's it.

Let's go, Blue Team.

Make sure you get creative.

Manda, do you know what you're doing yet?
I'm gonna do a stuffed French toast with some berry compote.


I need somebody to come taste this bread for me.

(Jared) I got you.

I got you.

Amanda's cooking a sweet dish that she can't taste 'cause she's gluten-free.

This is bad.

This is [bleep]


Taste that.

I want, like, the sweetest one.

- This is challah.

- I know it's challah, but I - This isn't gonna work for - No, use that one.

Trust me, I'm Jewish, and that's the best bread ever made, ever.

Challah! Ten minutes gone.

- Heard.

- Ariel, what are you doing?
(Ariel) Sweet potato hash, Chef, and I'm gonna do little poached quail eggs on top of the frisée like they're in a nest.

Jackie, what are you doing?
I'm gonna do an omelette, Chef.

An omelette?
(Jackie) Just an omelette.

Okay, maybe an omelette's no good.

Jackie, just do this, vegetarian eggs Benedict.


Just under 15 minutes to go, halfway.

Oh, God, I'm just starting my Benedict [bleep]


'Cause I changed my dish two times already.

My egg did not go well in here.

(Jared) Frank, you feeling all right?
I'm feeling motivated, baby.

Frank's beefcake and only cooks beef! (Frank) All right, I gotta cut this now.

Meat with breakfast goes with everything.

Even if you're having cereal, you have meat and cereal on the side.

You can't go wrong.

Hot, hot, hot, hot.

Just under three minutes to go.

(Jared) Guys, if you're frying eggs, you gotta do it now.

(Aaron) Three minutes, you need to wrap it up and you need to be getting it on the plate now, let's go.

(Manda) Heard, Chef.

(Jared) [bleep]

! My eggs, I flip 'em, and they just go pbbt.

Guys, I can't use my eggs for this.

Figure it out.

It [bleep]


I can't do it.

Last two minutes.

Oh, [bleep]


Like, this is horrible.

Jared, you all right?


(Frank) Manda, can you help?
- In one second, I can.

- What do you need?
I have no idea what I'm gonna do.

Just under three minutes to go.

(narrator) Today, the chefs have been challenged to get creative with breakfast dishes.

But with time winding down [bleep]

! Guys, I can't use my eggs for this.

Figure it out.

It [bleep]


I can't do it.

(narrator) Jared's dish is lacking a key ingredient.

(Frank) Jared, you all right?
Oh, [bleep]


I have no idea what I'm gonna do.

Let's go, guys.

My eggs, I can't use 'em, so I [bleep]

just throw 'em away.

I just drop my bean mixture on there.

It's not the prettiest dish in the whole world, but I know it tastes good.

15 seconds to go.

Oh, [bleep]

! (Chad) Plating, plating.

Oh, that's yours?
(Gordon) Five, four, three, two, one, and serve, guys.


Red Team, you got one dish to drop, one of the vegetarians, let's go.

Have a meeting.

(Chad) What do you think?
What do you think?
Jackie's is very creative.

Yeah, your presentation looks good.

Thank you.

(Ariel) I cook for a lot of vegetarians.

I think they'd like the variety I have on my plate.

(Ashley) Ariel's looks awful.

I mean, it looks like something you'd get out of the bottom of a dumpster.

- I choose Jackie's.

- I choose Jackie's.

Jackie's dish.

Wow, take yours down, please, Ariel.

All of you, step round to the front.

That [bleep]

just really baffles me.

(Gordon) Listen very carefully.

Joining me to judge today's challenge two unique chefs that have taken the first meal of the day and made it the most anticipated meal of the day, please welcome the executive chef and owner of M.


Post, Chef David LeFevre, and executive chef and owner of Jar, Chef Suzanne Tracht.


I'm nervous as hell serving a Mexican dish in Southern California.


David, how are you, sir?
- Great, great.

- Good.

Good to see you.


(Jared) And on top of that, to two of the best breakfast chefs in the country.

- Ready?
- I'm ready.

- Ready to go, hungry.

- Hungry?


Let's start off with the battle of the sweet breakfast dishes, let's go.

(narrator) In today's elevated breakfast challenge, the judges will taste each dish and score it on a scale of one to three stars.

The team with the most stars overall will win the challenge.

Ashley, why don't you describe your dish first please?
I have for you a French toast bread pudding, a bourbon cinnamon whipped cream.

(Gordon) David, visually, how does that look?
You can tell it's crunchy and gooey, and all you wanna do is just dig into it and mix it up and take it in, so - Nice.

- Wow.

- Really good.

- Mm.

- Ready to vote?
- Yes.

Very good indeed.

- Thank you.

- Good job, Ash.

High in calorie and high in scores.

Great job.

Well done.

Manda, describe your dish, please.

Today, I made you a nice big portion of a stuffed French toast.

And on the plate we have a mixed berry coulis.

(Suzanne) It seems a little bit raw inside, not cooked all the way.

Yeah, very good point.

Ready to score?

[imitates expl*si*n]

(Manda) Go, Dannie.

Come on, Chad.

(narrator) Up next is the battle of the seafood breakfast dish, Dannie, presenting a crab cake topped with poached egg.

(David) It's a little bit overcooked, so you want that poached egg really nice and runny.

Ready to score?



(narrator) Chad has prepared scallop seviche tacos topped with avocado mousse and fried quail egg.

For me, the texture of the seviche and then the egg, there's really not too much contrast.


It doesn't deliver that sort of wow factor.

Time to score.


Come on, Chad.

Like, what the [bleep]


Maybe it's not enough sleep, not enough little bing bang.

I have no idea what it is.

Now one of my favorites, meat.

Let's go.

(narrator) With the Red Team leading by four, Kristin and Frank are next to present.

Thank you, Kristin.

Thank you, Frank.

(narrator) Kristin has prepared grits with maple and brown sugar sausage topped with a sunny-side up egg.

Everything's in the right place.

I quite like the sweet sausage against the grits.

Yeah, I do, I love the sweet sausage.

(David) The grits are soft.

The egg is soft.

The sausage has a little bit of bite.


Time to score.

- Thank you.

- Good job.


(narrator) Up next is Frank with his filet mignon on a toasted croissant.

It's good.

You know, it's very good.

I think that the steak's cooked properly.

There's crunch on the croissant while still have the layering and the butteriness of it.

And the eggs, the eggs were cooked just the way I like 'em.

(David) Yeah, exactly.

Chefs, time to vote.

Eight out of nine.

Good job, Frank.

I'm [bleep]

working here.

This is magic! You see, this is magic I'm working here.

Okay, final gourmet breakfast is down to the veggie.

Let's go, Jackie and Jared, please.

We're all giving Jackie the benefit of the doubt, so I'm trusting her not to [bleep]

this up.

(Gordon) Jackie, please explain.

Today, I have a vegetarian eggs Benedict, hollandaise, sautéed mushrooms, poached egg, and a little radicchio.

Well, visually, I'm glad you told me what it was because I couldn't figure it out just by looking at it.

Um it looks pretty.

(Gordon) David, how's that for you?
All the ingredients are there, but if the seasoning was correct and it was plated a little bit differently, that could be a great dish, but the execution wasn't there.

(Gordon) Great shame, 'cause it's bland.

It looks the part, but it doesn't deliver in taste or flavor.

I should have picked yours.

What a shame.

I literally wanted to [bleep]

smack all of them in the face.

Jared, please explain your dish to the chefs.

I have a Mexican tostada with black bean salsa, tomatillo sauce, and a tomato salad on top.

When I look at food, we refer to it as being tight.

You know, you want it to be You want to be able to see all the different ingredients.

It's a little bit loose.

(Suzanne) Actually, nice flavor.

Oh, wow.

Tough on this one.

Blue Team, you need seven to tie and eight to win.

Chefs, time to vote.

Very nice, Jared.

Challah! (Gordon) Really good indeed.

That is a win for the Blue Team.

All of you join me in thanking these two incredible chefs.


Thank you so much.

- Thank you.

- Good to see you.

I can't wait to see you at Jar.

- Take care.

- Thank you, Chef.

- Thank you.

- Thank you.

Great job.

Thank you very much.

Blue Team, well done.

Before I tell you what this extraordinary reward is, there's something you need to know.

Tomorrow here at Hell's Kitchen, we are doing a very special gourmet brunch for some talented local chefs and their families.

(all) Yes, Chef.

Blue Team, you are in for a day that is truly exhilarating, 'cause you're all going on an amazing adventure in Palm Springs.

And you'll be traveling there in your very own private plane.

- Yes! - Oh, wow.

I have never been in a private jet.


yes! (Gordon) Race through the beautiful desert on your very own all-terrain vehicles.



Get out of here.

Say good-bye to the Red Team.

(both) Bye, guys.

I'm stoked.

I'm going ATVing.

I can't do this [bleep]


Take care.

Have a great day.

Good job, guys.

Good job.

Whew, Red Team.

First, I need both kitchens clean, and then, no brunch is complete without mimosas.

So we have dozens of crates of delicious fresh oranges.

You know the flavor is so much better when you hand-press them.

- Get out of here.

- Thank you, Chef.

I'm immediately regretting not putting Ariel's dish up.

We should have picked Ariel's.

I really don't know what we were thinking.

- I don't either.

- I really don't.

Ariel is stronger, she's better, and I don't know why on earth we decided to go with Jackie.

Jackie's is very creative.

Yeah, your presentation looks good.

- I choose Jackie's.

- I choose Jackie's.

That was complete [bleep]

! I think you should have said it, then.

Listen, I didn't even vote.

I said you guys pick.

Like, you guys know me.

Like, when's the last time I put something up for a challenge that didn't taste good?
I'm feeling like straight poop.

You're only as strong as your weakest link, and right now, I'm pretty [bleep]


I'm [bleep]

pissed off.

I [bleep]

cooked my ass off, and then, like, I just, like, I might as well have just sat down and not cooked.


Come on, Princess Dannie.


Yay! - Oh, yeah, baby.

- Look how cool this is.


Come on aboard.

(both) Thank you very much.

Oh, wow.

I'm like Britney Spears right now.

This is so great.

High baller status.

Palm Springs! No pictures, no pictures.

Yay! - Look at the mountains.

- Look how beautiful that is.

To the Blue win.

We're short manned.

We still pulled it out.

(Manda) What, what?
[upbeat music]

- All right.

- Yeah.

Let's do this.

Oh, my God, I'm so excited.

All right, let's do this, guys.

Go ahead and turn the machines on.

- Let's go, baby! - Ready to ride?
Hell yeah! Here we go.

(Jared) Wow! This is great out here.

We feel like a little biker g*ng.

Blue Team's real badass.


It feels like I'm going 50 miles per hour at least.

Oh, yeah.

There is a gas pedal on the [bleep]



(narrator) While Dannie puts the pedal to the metal, the Red Team just wants to pump the brakes on their deep cleaning.

So gross.

This just sucks.

Ugh, seriously.

Chef, can I talk to you?

Um, I was just wondering if you think maybe I tried to do this too soon.

I mean, I've only been doing this three months, so I mean, I'm I'm asking your opinion on how I can get better.

If you need help, just say it.

And if you don't know, just ask.

Yeah, but see, that asking, I feel like then they look at me like I'm weak.

Because then they say, "Oh, we gotta give you ideas.

" But it's true.

I know.

These people will be more likely to help you if you recognize that you talking [bleep]

to them is not gonna pay off at the end.

Chef Christina's right.

Me opening my mouth and talking the way I do is completely [bleep]

me in this whole competition.

Drop your ego.

You have to drop it, or you're gonna sink yourself.

Thank you, Chef.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and I'm not gonna [bleep]

it up.


(narrator) Both teams are up extra early Morning, Chef.

(narrator) To prep for an invite-only brunch service that Chef Ramsay is throwing for local chefs and their families.

Frank, you feeling good?

Blue Team, line up, please.

Let's go.

Yes, Chef.

We're doing something special here in Hell's Kitchen.

Being a chef can be really tough on the family life, so today, we are giving talented local chefs quality time with their families whilst they dine here.

Once word got out, a couple of other VIPs, they asked if they could come as well.

In the red kitchen, he's a hip-hop superstar.

At your chef's table is Flo Rida.

Oh, my God.

Flo Rida is from Florida where I'm from.

I'm really, really, really excited.

In the blue kitchen, he was named Time magazine most popular comedian in America, Jeff Dunham Oh, no way.

And his right-hand man, Walter.


I want you all to cook with confidence.

Get set up on your stations.

(all) Yes, Chef.

- Marino.

- Yes, Chef.

Open Hell's Kitchen, please, for this exquisite brunch.


[upbeat music]

(narrator) For today's exclusive brunch service, Chef Ramsay has personally invited local chefs and their families.

Jess, hey, nice to see you.

How are you, bud?
I'll take a mimosa.

- Steak and eggs.

- Lovely.

How's everybody feeling?
I feel great.

Every single person is getting across the line today.

Hell yeah.


Oh, my God, Flo Rida's here, some seriously cool [bleep]


- Nice to meet you.

- Good to see you.

- Oh, man, a pleasure.

- No, our pleasure.

All right.

(Gordon) VIP, watch his table, Flo Rida, guys.

Wakey, wakey, yes?
One chicken waffle, two New York steak and eggs.

(all) Yes, Chef.

(Ariel) All right, Jackie, how long for the chicken?
Got you.

I don't know what "got you" means.

- Is it in the pan?
How long?
- No.

(Kristin) Jackie, how long on chicken?
Got you.

Got you.

Jackie's like, "I got you, bro.

" Like, "I got you, bro" is not a [bleep]

ticket time.

Jackie, I need a [bleep]


One more minute with the chicken.

Jackie, I need you to be more on point with that.

(Jackie) Kristin, take a chill pill.

I got this, girl.

Getting ready to walk, two steak and eggs, Jackie, yeah?
All right, that chicken should be done.

Jackie, the chicken looks like [bleep]


(Jackie) It's fine.

It's just it's just dark.

It's not burned, I'm telling you.

He's gonna freak out about that breading all over the [bleep]


She ain't playing.

I'm being I'm trying to help you.

I'll make another one.

One more minute for the chicken, all right?
Jackie, you gotta push.

You gotta push.

You gotta push, come on.

(narrator) While Jackie's chicken is ruffling feathers with her teammates and their VIP guests, on the blue side, their VIP guest is ready to ruffle some feathers of his own.

Oh, good, a table in the kitchen.

You know, I think we lost a bet.

I'm real stoked that Jeff Dunham is here tonight.

Walter is one of my favorite characters.

He's like the stereotypical crotchety old man.

(Walter) It's the mafia guy again.

The mafia guy is back.

Hey, will you do me a favor, Antonio?

Yes, Pinocchio.

- Pinocchio! Holy crap.

- Oh, no.

Oh, you're a funny guy.



What are you gonna have?
The fried chicken and waffles.

And I will get the steak.


All right, thank grazie.


I still couldn't understand one damn thing he said.

All right, Blue Team, chef table, yes?
One steak, one chicken and waffles.

(all) Yes, Chef! For the breakfast challenge, Frank and I just [bleep]

k*lled it.

I'm not really worried about brunch service.

Chicken's up.

I'll pass these off to you, all right?
(Jared) Yes, sir.

Chicken coming down.

Chicken going in the oven.

Chicken heard.

Four minutes to the window.

I wonder when the health department shows up.

(Manda) All right, I can walk steak and eggs.

(Jared) Chicken waffles walking.

(Manda) Behind, Dannie, behind.

(Gordon) Thank you.

Let's go.

Raw chicken.

- Oh, [bleep]


- [exhales]



Hey, all of you, come here.

Time out.

Come here.

Come here, all of you.

Let's go, little lady.

Come on! The [bleep]

chicken's raw.

I heard the F-b*mb.

Chef said the F-b*mb.

- [bleep]

! - [door slams]

Look at that.

Just look at the [bleep]


I swear to God, I'd rather you just all [bleep]

off out of here.

- Chef, we can all pick it up.

- You can pick it up?
- Yes, Chef.

- You need to untuck your [bleep]

head out your ass.

Yes, Chef.


! (narrator) While the blue kitchen works to quickly recover from Jared's undercooked chicken All right, guys, just bounce back.

Let's do this, all right?
(narrator) Back in the red kitchen Chicken, how long?
- How long, chicken?
- 30 seconds, Chef.

30 seconds.

(narrator) Jackie is looking to deliver on her refired chicken.

Walking steak and eggs.

Hot, hot, hot.

Right behind you, Chef.

Yeah, let's go.

Chef table, yes?
Service please.

Flo Rida, holla at your girl.

Thank you.


Heaven's kitchen.


Here we go, four covers, table 32.

- Two ahi, Nicoise.

- Yes, Chef.

Let's go! I'm dropping the tuna, Ariel.

- Dropping the tuna heard.

- As soon as they're ready, - I'll walk it for you.

- Heard.

After the breakfast challenge, I need to redeem myself.

I need to prove to these girls what kind of chef I am.

- Walking with tuna! - Walking with tuna heard.

I'm walking to the pass with my salads.

And when I say "I," I mean Chad.

Behind, behind.

Behind, Chef.

Two salads to the pass, Chef.

Oh, [bleep]

my life.



- What?
- I need What do you need?
I need you to run this to him.

- Half on each one?
- Yeah, go ahead.

- Right behind you, Chef.

- Please.

Oh, come on, Chad.

Come up with a bit of speed, will you, a little bit of oomph?
Walking around with a [bleep]

quail egg.

She dresses salad, put the quail egg in the [bleep]


Stop [bleep]


Got it.

Seriously, Ariel, you're not gonna say anything?
Just cricket noises.

Thanks a lot.

(Gordon) Quail's eggs go in the Nicoise salad.

- Yes, Chef.

- Breaking news.

- Get a grip.

- Okay, got it.

(narrator) While Ariel's oversight on the salad leaves Chad with egg on his face (Gordon) Service please.

(narrator) In the blue kitchen Guys, I need to refire just about all of these eggs.

(narrator) The chefs are still trying to recover from Jared's raw chicken.

I gotta refire chicken all day.

How many orders down?
(Frank) Jared, I know what I'm doing.

You sent the chicken up.

I didn't.

This can go right into the oven.

- Got it?
- Yeah.

You say, "Okay, I got it," it's no longer my [bleep]


(Jared) All right, guys, keep pushing.

Chicken going in the oven.

I've hit a couple bumps in the road, but for the most part, I'm feeling real good about myself.

The worst is behind me.

Chicken waffles walking.

(all) Heard! This is a [bleep]


Oh, man.

Hey, hey.

Oh, not again.


Have you noticed his hair is much taller in person?
The chicken is raw.

Who cooked that?
I put it in the oven again, Chef.


Good luck.

We may have a [bleep]

dummy on the chef's table Yeah, whatever.

But I can't accept this any longer.

I cannot accept that.

Jared, get out! Get out! (narrator) It's half an hour into Chef Ramsay's special brunch service for local chefs and their families Hey.

They all look pissed off.

Well, they're in hell.

(narrator) And Jared has just delivered raw chicken to the pass for the second time.

I cannot accept that.

(narrator) But Chef Ramsay has an idea on how to stop it from happening again.

Jared, get out! Get out! Frank, please, get two more down.

Keep moving.

Guys, we need to push through this.

I'm not [bleep]

going down for this.



! Frank should be kicked out too.

I mean, I'm taking the entire heat for this chicken.


! Hey, Blue Team, one New York steak and eggs, one chicken and waffles, chef's table, yes?
(all) Yes, Chef! - Can we pull it back together?
Yes, Chef! Steak and egg.


I feel sorry for those folks.

Walking with chicken.

Okay, great, let's go.

Straight to the chef table, please.

Serve the chicken.

Let's go.

I have your chicken and waffle.


(narrator) With Jared out of the kitchen, the Blue Team's VIP guests have finally received their meal.

Oh, man.

That is amazing.

(narrator) Meanwhile, back in the red kitchen On order, four covers, table 50, two French toast, two lobster eggs.

(all) Yes, Chef! (narrator) Kristin and Ariel are trying to ensure that Chad is in sync with the rest of the kitchen.

(Kristin) Dropping my lobster.

(Chad) Heard that.

Don't [bleep]

me, all right?
I got five minutes on this.

Five minutes, two French toast.

Flip those babies.

Did you check those?
Yeah, we don't want 'em burnt.

Right, right, right.

Ariel has the nerve to come over, and she's giving me, like, a hard time.

I really don't need your lip right now.

Let's go.

Chad, I have to make sure they're cooked and they have color on both sides.

Are they cooked or not?
They're cooked, but they need to be cooked evenly.

Then put 'em on the heat.

Ariel, either calm down or get the [bleep]

off my station.

All right, so off here, let's get 'em sliced up.

These aren't cooked, Chad.

Where's that French toast?
Can I get these, please?
Can I get 'em?
Thank you.

(Ariel) Chad, I'm trying to help you.

Like, I have a broken foot, and I'm not acting like a little bitch like you are.

French toast walking right now.

Where's the other one?
It's two portions.

I know, Chef.

It's coming right now.


k*lling me.

(Gordon) Look at that.


Hey, Red Team.

Red Team, look.

Just it's not even just - It's not cooked, Chef.

- It's cooked one side.


off upstairs.

Get out.

- Yes, Chef.

- Get out.

Hey, bon appétit.

Now, [bleep]


You just need to wait.

I'm gonna eat this.

Yeah, eat that.


Oh, my God.

- You too?
- Yeah.

Frank let me sell myself down the river.

Yeah, Ariel sold me up the [bleep]


(narrator) While Chad and Jared commiserate, back in the blue kitchen, the rest of the chefs attempt to coordinate.

Here we go, Blue Team, one French toast, one chicken and waffles, two New York steak and eggs.

(all) Yes, Chef! I'll drop the French toast.

With Jared kicked out of the kitchen, it's definitely added pressure, but I don't want to stand here, and I don't want to talk about it.

I just want to get food done and out.

We're gonna put these tables out.

Manda, I need you to watch those French toast.

- Yeah.

- I need to know what it is.

We're cooking for chefs.

Everything should be spot-on.

Frank, please keep an eye on my French toast for me please.

I just want to check this chicken.

I already turned them.

I already turned them.

Okay, cool, cool.

If you can run over here, drop that waffle.

All right, Manda, could you watch that French toast?
- I got I got that.

- Thank you.

Two New York steak, one French toast urgently, yes?
I've got two New Yorks ready to go.

- Oh, man.

- [bleep]

! Manda, is that burnt?

Who's cooking the French toast?
Frank Frank was, then Dannie was, and then I was supposed to watch it.

No, no, Amanda said she was gonna take over it.

Man up to it.

I-I just said I was gonna watch it! Yeah.

She is [bleep]


Useless! Don't throw me under the bus for something I didn't do.

I'll pack this [bleep]

girl's bags myself.

Young lady, you are standing right in front of it.

- Yes, Chef.

- Do me a favor.

Get out! Are you [bleep]

kidding me?
I only see two blue chefs left now.

I hope one of them's cooking the chicken.

I don't know.

I'm pissed the [bleep]

off! They didn't even throw me under a bus.

They threw me under a [bleep]

Mack truck.

One mistake, are you joking me?
How many times did we send up raw-ass chicken?
It came back raw [bleep]

three times! - Twice.

- I've been refiring eggs all night, and every single one of my steaks was perfect! I don't give a [bleep]

what you've been refiring.

All you're doing is bitching to me about, "I cooked a million eggs.

" So [bleep]

cook another one! Just cook another one.

We'll just all wait for Jared to get his [bleep]




That was [bleep]




That's [bleep]

it! (narrator) It's more than an hour and a half into Chef Ramsay's special brunch service.

- Upstairs.

Get out.

- Yes, Chef.

Get out! Do me a favor.

Get out! (narrator) And with Chad, Jared, and Manda all kicked out of the kitchen Every single one of my steaks was perfect! I don't give a [bleep]

what you've been refiring.

(narrator) Tempers are flaring.

Just cook another one.

We'll just all wait for Jared to get his [bleep]


That's [bleep]

it! (narrator) While Manda and Jared are looking to place blame, downstairs, the guests I don't see any dishes coming out.

I don't know what the problem is over there.

(narrator) Are just looking for food.

I almost wonder if I need to go help 'em out.

I don't give a [bleep]

who's in this kitchen.

We're gonna push these chickens out.

Let's do it, baby.

(narrator) And with tickets piling up in the nearly empty blue kitchen (Gordon) Two chicken, how long?
(Dannie) 30 seconds to the window, Chef.

(narrator) Chef Ramsay calls in reinforcements.

- Okay, let's go.


- Yes, Chef.

- Jackie.

- Yes.

In the blue kitchen, let's go.

- Yes, Chef.

- Quick, let's go.

Help Dannie.

Let's go.

What do you need, Dannie?
Right now, just keep your eye on these two steaks right now.

Just watch the chicken.

That's all I need you to do.

- Got it, got it.

- Thank you.

(narrator) And with several pairs of extra hands - You good on that, right?
- Yeah.

- What else you need?
- Dropping two sets of eggs - right now.

- Heard.

(narrator) Entrees are finally leaving the blue kitchen at a rapid pace.

- Walking with two eggs.

- Two eggs, heard.

Checking chicken right now.

Behind, Chef.

Walking with chicken.

Behind, guys, behind.

The last ticket is one chicken, one New York.

- Heard, Chef.

- Behind you, Chef.

Good girl.

Two eggs.

Walking with two steaks and eggs.

(Gordon) Lovely.

Okay, let's go.

Yes! Thank you so much.

Potatoes are done.

Fruit's done.

I think that's it.

(Gordon) Service, please.

Let's go.

Flavor's phenomenal.

Let's go, guys.

This is really good.

(man) Have a great day, guys.

Thank you for coming.

Thanks, really enjoyed it.

- How excellent was the food?
- Amazing.


Thank you.

Thank you for your patience.

- Thanks.

- Thank you.

Hey, all of you, clear down.

I don't even want to discuss a winning team.

I'm not interested in a nomination.

I want an explanation.

Is that clear?
(all) Yes, Chef.



It was a [bleep]

fest all over, so who the hell knows who's going home?
All right, so what's the first thing?
Accurate timing and accurate communication.

French toast execution was wrong.

Completely agree.

Yeah, I mean, I would rather you take more time and have it perfect.

The [bleep]

French toast was getting burned.

(Chad) I disagree.

It's gonna get soggy if you just leave it in off the heat.

You're really worried about it being [bleep]

It's not supposed to be like toast.


It's supposed to be French toast.

Well, then what happened with the quail eggs?
The first salad, I forgot to put the quail eggs.

So then I ran 'em up 'cause you forgot 'em.

He wasn't even yelling that the quail eggs weren't there.

His issue was, run them up to the pass.

(Chad) Yeah, well, I thought if you had made a mistake, you would have spoken up and said, "That's my fault.

" Ariel, don't stand there and act all innocent.

Have the nerve to take some of the heat too.

I don't know.

It's just tonight's failure was not just me.

Isn't it only fair we bring Jackie into this conversation?
- Me?
- Yeah.

No [bleep]


All my chickens went out, and every single thing he made got sent back.

(Kristin) Everything about that chicken was [bleep]


I said, "How long is it gonna be?
" And you said a minute, and then you said m minute again, and then you said a minute again.

You had plenty of time to time chicken.

You know damn [bleep]

well, okay, that I'm not the weakest [bleep]


But honestly, I don't think I did as bad as meat, so Chad should go home.

All right, well, what went wrong?
The problem was that we got backed up in chicken, and, Frank, I had no support from you, none.

Don't hold [bleep]

in and then tell me about it two hours later.

I can't tell you because I got kicked out of the kitchen.

Tough [bleep]


That's your [bleep]


Oh, Frank, really, it's not your problem?
You're not part of the Blue Team?
Well, [bleep]

you, buddy.

Frank, every problem, your problem, his chicken problem, it is all our problems.

Yeah, I'm just so pissed off I got kicked out over [bleep]

French toast.

Frank left the station and said, "Manda, watch this.

" And I said, "Okay.

" I said, "Watch the French toast," and you said okay.

That means you accepted all responsibility, - and I walk away.

- No, it - There's there's no all - Thank you.

- Thank you.

- Or nothing in this kitchen.

Frank, this is what this is what I'm talking about.

You're not you don't Then don't [bleep]

say okay! Do not accept responsibility.

Do not say "Yes, I accept.

" Just don't do that.

Fine, then you know what, Frank, I'm not accepting [bleep]


The chicken's your [bleep]


I wasn't the one sending up raw chickens, buddy.

You did! End of story.

I am a leader.

A leader acts like this.

I take this so [bleep]


I don't think there's anybody on Blue or Red that has more pride than me.

Frank, this isn't the [bleep]


This is the [bleep]


This is a competition to me.

If you don't like the way I am, then you can [bleep]


(narrator) After a brutal brunch service in which there was no winning team, rather than asking for nominees for elimination, Chef Ramsay has demanded an explanation.

What in the hell happened?

Right from the first ticket, Jackie wasn't up on chicken.

Her timings and communications were off.

It was just like a downward spiral.

And our execution was at a 5.

It should have been at a 12.

Who's responsible for that?
That was Chad, Chef.

Chad, what happened?
I didn't execute properly.

But, you know, Ariel definitely didn't help the situation.

Blue Team, an explanation on what happened, please.

All right, Manda.

Chicken went down and took the entire kitchen with it.

I was in the weeds, and I needed support.

I was told that I have to specifically ask for help.

Chef, I said that because Jared was not man enough to say that he needs help with something.

If he can't speak up and say that he needs help, then that's his problem because he waited two hours later after dinner service after he got kicked out for sending out raw chicken to then tell me he needed help.

Manda, in your mind, which chef should leave the blue kitchen tonight and go home?

Frank because it's personal tonight, Chef.

- No, it's not personal at all.

- It's personal tonight.

Once Frank's hands are wiped clean of something, that's it.

But when you accept responsibility of something, you own that now.

I don't.

We we're all If you I am talking.

If you cannot handle that responsibility, then you say, "Frank, I can't do it.

Can you get somebody else?
" That's called communication.

That's what that's called.

Jared, one person in your mind, who should leave the Blue Team?
Frank, Chef.


Frank, Chef.

- Frank.

- Manda.

Kristin, the one person that you feel should leave the Red Team.

Chad, Chef.


- Chad.

- Ariel.

Chad, Chef.


Chad, Chef.



The person leaving Hell's Kitchen is [suspenseful music]


I gave you one more chance, and you did not step up and take it.

- Give me your jacket.

- Yes, Chef.

(Gordon) It's time to leave Hell's Kitchen.

I've run out of patience, and I think you are lacking confidence beyond belief.

Thank you.

Yes, Chef.

Thank you.

[dramatic music]


(Chad) I had no idea Hell's Kitchen would be this difficult.

What pisses me off is just to see some of the people in there move forward that I know shouldn't move forward.

The only good thing about leaving Hell's Kitchen is I'm done with the Red Team.

I don't have to listen to the bickering.

Guys, today was a joke.

I am longing for success.

Now, right this minute, is when we have to change course.

Now, get out of here.

Chad, the fact that you called me out and then you got eliminated, that just made it so much sweeter for me.

Everybody needs to know that if you mess with me, it's time to go.

I realized big-time today, I can't rely on my teammates for anything.

I'll keep pushing forward and helping out where I can, but I can't rely on them for [bleep]


I'm Frank Calo from Brooklyn, New York, and I stand up for myself.

I have a [bleep]

voice, and I use it.

This is a competition, and you are just [bleep]


This is survival.

(Gordon) I gave Chad numerous chances to regain his confidence.

Unfortunately, he wasted them all.

(narrator) Next time on Hell's Kitchen, will one chef resort to a lie You lied to Chef.

You [bleep]

lied to Chef! You [bleep]

did this.

Stay the [bleep]

out of it.

(narrator) That could jeopardize her team?
(Ariel) She said, "Did you put it in the oven?
" It's none of your [bleep]

business! - It is my business.

- What is going on in here?
(narrator) Will her teammates help her to cover it up?
- You okay?
- Yeah.

What's wrong?


So mad.

(narrator) Or could it destroy them altogether?

Oh, my God! (narrator) On a conniving I'm not gonna take her disrespect and her [bleep]


(narrator) Crushing (Gordon) Are you done?
(narrator) Episode of Hell's Kitchen.
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