02x39 - The Time for All Good Men

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Life & Legend of Wyatt Earp". Aired: September 6, 1955 – June 27, 1961.*
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Series is loosely based on the life of frontier marshal Wyatt Earp.
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02x39 - The Time for All Good Men

Post by bunniefuu »

[ g*nshots ]

- Well, we've got Wyatt

Earp cornered at last.

Holed up there,

all by himself.

Shall we rush him, boss,

and get it over with?

- No. He can't have

much grub with him.

Maybe one canteen

of water.

I want Earp

to die slow.

♪♪ Wyatt Earp,

Wyatt Earp ♪

♪ Brave, courageous and bold ♪

♪ Long live his fame

and long live his glory ♪

♪ And long may

his story be told ♪♪

- The Life and Legend of Wyatt

Earp, starring Hugh O'Brian!

Of all the tough

cattle outfits

with whom Wyatt Earp

tangled in Dodge City,

the Big T gave Marshal Earp

the most trouble.

And of all the attempts

to ambush Wyatt,

the shrewdest was

that concocted

by Rance Purcell,

owner of the Big T,

and Gus Andrews,

his foreman.

Hired gunmen had failed.

A concealed sharpsh**ter

in Dodge City had missed.

But the Big Ters took advantage

of Marshal Earp's

one reckless habit:

this was his desire

to go it alone

when he investigated

reports of certain crimes.

And one day at Stony Wells, near

the Washita River crossing...

♪♪ The dusty road

lay hot and still ♪

♪ Beneath a burnin' sky ♪

♪ The silence hung upon me ♪

♪ As painful as a cry ♪

♪ And this was not

the kind of day ♪

♪ For any man to die ♪♪

[ g*nshots ]

[ g*nshots ]

- Hey, Earp!

Get your hands up!

We got you surrounded!

[ g*nsh*t ]

Don't be a fool, Earp!

Come on out

with your hands up!

- You come and get me!

[ g*nshots in distance ]

- Somebody fightin'

Indians over yonder?

- Nah, Big T's got

Wyatt Earp cornered

over at the old

Stony Wells Roadhouse.

Come on, chum,

it's a free for all!

- How many against Earp?

- Oh, at least.

Pa says we'll get him

sure this time.

Come on, don't

miss the fun!

- My horse is tuckered,

but I'll be there.

- OK, come on!

- Where's Doc Holliday?

- Upstairs. He's havin'

a bad spell with his cough.

- I won't disturb

him too much.

And I don't go

for to , Doc.

- Wyatt's had this

comin' a long time.

He always plays the lone wolf.

He deserves to get k*lled!

- But, Doc,

he's your friend!

It seems--it seems like you

oughta do somethin' to--

- What can I do?

I'm dyin' myself, man!

- Yes, sir, I--I

just thought that--

- Here! Drink this

and you won't think.

Now, get out

of here! Go on! Git!

- Yes, sir.

[ Doc coughing ]

Howdy, ma'am!

- John, is Wyatt

in trouble?

- Yeah.

He's got his fool self

cornered by men.

I guess I oughta

lend him a hand.

You lend me one!

- John, must you--

- I must! I must!

I don't know why,

but I must!

♪♪ There comes a time

when every man must face ♪

♪ The big unknown ♪

♪ When odds are

all against him ♪

♪ And he stands up on his own ♪

♪ But friendless is the man ♪

♪ Who has to face

these things alone ♪♪

[ g*nshots ]

- Come back here!

We'll wear him down!

You gettin'

hungry, Earp?

[ g*nsh*t ]

- Doc, where's Wyatt?

- He's holed up

in Stony Wells.

- Ah, it's

true then.

My deputies are

bringin' prisoners in.

I'll get some

of Wyatt's men

and meet you back

here in minutes.

- Ten minutes might

make the difference.

Right now's the time,

unless you're scared of

the boys from the Big T.

- I'll go any

place you go, Doc.

- [Man]: Four.

- Give me a double.

The Big T outfit has

Wyatt Earp in a corner at last!

- How'd that happen?

- Earp was pokin' his nose

into a couple of killings

at the old Stony

Wells Roadhouse.

Rance Purcell and his

men surrounded him.

- Stony Wells?

- Yeah.

- I'm payin' off, men.

- You quittin', honey?

- Yep.

- But the bank's in

the hole! It'll cost you!

- Guess that makes

us all square.

I've got an errand.

- Ben Thompson,

you wait a second!

- I'm mighty

fond of Wyatt.

- But, Ben, you can't walk out

of here in the middle of a game!

- What are we

waitin' for, boss?

- He ain't sweated

long enough, Gus.

- Suppose some of Earp's

friends hear about this.

[ Chuckling ]

- Friends?

Earp ain't got a friend in

the whole state of Kansas.

We'll take him

tonight in the dark.

- Whoa!

Let's stop here

for a minute,

have a drink of water.

Huh, cousin?

- Here you are.

- I reckon I be leavin'

you now, cousin.

- You change your mind

about helpin' Earp, Wes?

- Yeah, and so

should you, Mannen.

- Nope.

I'm beholden to Earp.

- Why, you can't

take sides

with that dang Yankee

against Texas boys.

- I can. He saved my

cousin Orie from hangin'.

Didn't he let you go when

he could've k*lled ya, Wes?

- Oh, my wife begged

me not to g*n him.

- Ain't the way

she told it to me.

She said you tried to use

a quick-draw holster,

and it didn't work.

She said Earp sprained your

wrist instead of killin' ya.

- You wanna

fight, cousin?

- I ain't

runnin' from one.

Well, if it

ain't Ben Thompson.

Hiya, Ben!

- Mannen Clements

and Wesley Hardin.

- Yeah, howdy!

- You fellows hear

about Wyatt Earp?

- Wes and I was on our

way to help the Marshal,

but Wes got cold feet.

- Don't you

say I'm yellow!

- Hold it, Wes.

I owe Wyatt considerable,

and I'm gonna pay him off

if I can get there in time.

- You gonna take sides

against Texas boys

in favor of a Yankee?

- John Wesley Hardin.

Seems I recall

a poster or two

where you're wanted

by the Texas rangers.

You're a real patriotic

fella, ain't ya?

Get on your horse, Mannen.

We ain't got too much time.

- Holster your

g*n, friend.

Wes'll ride with us.

- Yeah, of my own

free will, Thompson!

- Well, good for you!

Hit the leather!

[ g*nshots ]

- Well, it was

a straight tip, Doc.

Those aren't champagne

corks poppin'!

- Hold it!

There might be some more of them

joinin' up with the opposition.

Let's get off

the trail. Move!

[ g*nshots ]

Wes Hardin, Ben Thompson,

Mannen Clements.

Which side are you on?

- Take it

slow, Doc.

You gents know Doc Holliday

and Sheriff Bat Masterson?

- Hiya, Doc.

- We was aimin' to

help Wyatt Earp.

But I don't like any other

Johnny Law that wears a star.

- Take off that star.

- I don't see

what a star--

- We're not

helpin' Wyatt any

by pickin' a fight

with these gentlemen.

They're great artists with

a -g*n, or didn't you know?

- I know.

- Quite a tribute, Wes.

Sheriff Bat

Masterson, there,

is quite a hand

with a Colt, I hear.

- All right,

I'm friendly.

- Good. Now, we'll have

to talk this over.

We'll use some strategy.

And seein' that mine is

the only intelligence

that's trained in deceit

and slimy tactics,

I want to offer my advice.

- Hey, Marshal Earp!

You better take a nap now!

We're comin' in after ya

as soon as it's dark.

- The idea is to try and

reach Wyatt one by one

and by different


- So they can pick us

off one by one?

- Mr. Hardin, you don't seem

to grasp my major concept.

I think I can say

without a modesty

that the of

us represent

the cream of the local

talent in gunfightin'.

- I'll say

aye to that.

- The ayes have it.

There's one thing I want

you all to remember:

I didn't get out

of a sick bed

just to scare Rance Purcell

and Gus Andrews!

- The Doc wants himself

a real turkey sh**t.

- And so do I!

When that Big T

rushes Wyatt,

they're gonna be real

surprised how many g*ns go off!

- I'm for that. That

all right with you, Wes?

- How is Wyatt gonna know

we ain't from the Big T?

- That's a good point.

[ Coughing ]

Sheriff Masterson'll

go in first

and break the news that

the rest of us are comin'.

Any other questions?

- Nope.

[ Horse approaching ]

- Take it

easy, Doc.

- Why aren't you hound dogs

over there helpin' Wyatt Earp?

- Clay Allison!

- Howdy, Doc!

[ Snickering ]

Thought you'd

be dead by now.

Howdy, Wes!



Who's the kid?

- Bat Masterson.

You've heard of him.

- Oh yeah.

Howdy, kid!

- Howdy!

- Clay, you been

drinkin' very much?

- Ah, about

a pint is all.

- Clay can handle

himself, Doc.

- Why, it takes a pint

to get him sober.

- Still, I don't drink no more

than you put away, Doc.

- I thought we came here to

save Wyatt. How about it?

[ Coughing ]

Don't pay any

attention to that.

I'll get him

calmed down.

Wes, you tell Clay

the plan. Let's move!

- Clay...

- No sense in waitin'

for dark, boss.

He's low on cartridges.

- He hasn't fired the

Winchester in some time.

- Let's rush him.

- No.

Draw the boys off

from the north side.

Make him think he's

got a chance to run.

- All right, we'll see if we

can draw him out in the open.

- Yeah.

[ g*nshots ]

[ g*nshots ]

- Hey, you men on

the north side!

The boss wants to

talk to ya!

- Wyatt!

- How'd you get here?

- More help's comin'!

- They pulled their g*ns

away from the north.

Purcell thinks I'll make

a run for it. Let's go!

- No, no,

we've got help!

- How many

and how soon?

- [Doc]: Masterson!

Give me a hand!

[ Coughing ]

- Doc, you should

be in bed!

- We gotta cover Ben

and Wes over there!

- They didn't even

see us! Howdy, Wyatt!

- Howdy, Ben!

- Mannen and Clay are

comin' in from the north!

- Remember me,

Wes Hardin?

- Yeah, I sure do.

[ Coughing ]

- Anybody got

any whiskey?

- You don't need

whiskey, you need rest.

Anybody bring water?

- Water? We brought g*ns.

Ain't that enough?

[ g*nshots ]

- Here they come!

- They're hit!

- Both of them!

- Take care

of Mannen!

- Get the door!

- Who are those men?

- Too far to tell.

- Word got out.

- Ah, they're just a

couple of deputies, boss.

Both of them are hit.

Let's move in!

- No! No, not until I'm

sure it isn't a posse.

I'm checkin' this myself.

Every man lays low

till I get back!

- I'm sure glad you

brought this amm*nit*on.

I was down to

my last shells.

- We're payin' off

a debt, Marshal.

- Yeah, well, consider

it paid! Can you travel?

- I reckon.

- What do you

mean, travel?

- What I said. We'll get

out the way you got in.

- Uh-uh, Wyatt.

- What do you mean?

- We made a deal with Bat.

This is our show.

- Let Wyatt say what he'd do.

- He wants to run!

- We aim to fight!

- Doc Holliday,

Mannen Clements,

John Wesley Hardin,

Clay Allison,

Ben Thompson

and Bat Masterson.

Great gunfighters.

Now, you know we can pick off

at least men out there.

- Well, what's

wrong with that?

The Big T ambushed you and

they plugged Clay and Mannen!

- See, Wyatt, most of us

here are Texans.

We don't think

bushwhacking's fair.

And besides,

against ,

that calls for...


- I'm runnin' short of

breath and temper, Wyatt.

- We oughta tell them

what they're up against.

Give 'em a chance

to surrender.

[ All talking ]

- Quiet! Quiet!

You're so ethical,

you warn 'em!

- Thank you, Doctor.

Give me that stick.

Got a handkerchief?

- You was right,

Gus. No posse.

Let's finish this.

- Hold your fire!

- You quittin'

the fight?

- No, I want

you to quit.

- What kind of

a bluff is this, Earp?

- It's no bluff,

Mr. Purcell.

I got men with me, the best

gunfighters in the country.

- You're a liar!

You've only got him and

scared, wounded deputies.

All right, move in!

k*ll him!

- Here they come!

Ben, you got yourself

a fight! Keep us covered!

- Wyatt, on the left!

- You're takin' up the

whole window, cousin!

- Go get your

own window!

- Don't be selfish,

Cousin Mannen!

- That was Ben

Thompson with Wyatt.

There's a lot more

of them in there too.

- Ah!

- Look it, they're sh**t'

from all the windows.

- Earp wasn't lyin'.

He's got that place

filled with fightin' men.

Let's give up.

Let's move!

- No! We're doin'

this wrong.

Big T!

Hold your fire!

I want you back

here with me!

- Purcell doesn't

believe it.

Looks like they're gettin'

ready to rush the door.

- Let's go outside

and get 'em!

- No! We want

Purcell and Andrews.

No sense in sh**t'

a lot of hired hands.

- There's quite a few

of 'em down already!

- Wyatt's runnin'

this fight, Doc.

- When we came here, Wyatt

was holed up like a rat.

Now he wants to

call off the fight.

I say we put it to a vote.

- I'm not for callin'

off the fight.

I want Purcell and Andrews,

but only if they force us.

- Put it to a vote.

- All right.

You for me or for Doc?

- Doc, let's just see

how popular you are!

Wes, how do you vote?

- Wyatt!

- Ben?

- Wyatt.

- Wyatt!

- [Clay]: Wyatt!

- Just a passel

of sissy boys!

Five Big Ters are dead and

a half a dozen are winged.

I vote for

John H. Holliday!

Count me out.

- Give him

back his g*n.

- What, and have

him cut loose at--

- He won't do that!

Here's your g*n.

We still may

have to use you.

- Wyatt, they're

comin' right at us!

- All right,


You and your deputies come on

out and make your fight!

- Let's go!

- Mannen Clements...

Wes Hardin...

Clay Allison,

Ben Thompson.

Texas men.

All on the side

of a Yankee John Law!

- Wyatt don't want us

to k*ll all of ya.

- And Doc Holliday,

a real Southerner

from Georgia!

- Mr. Purcell, we just

want you and Mr. Andrews.

Now, you pick the two

of us you prefer to fight.

Or we'll all go to sh**t'.


You make your choice.

The rest of us'll

stay out of it.

All right, all of you

go get your horses!

And pick up your men!

- Wyatt...

- Yeah?

- The boys are gettin'

ready to leave.

Aren't you gonna

say anything to 'em?

- There's nothin' to say.

- Well, there's

always "thank you."

- It sounds stupid.

- Well, you might

at least tell 'em goodbye!

- Bad manners!

Bad manners!

Quite a lot of

friends you've got!

Go through a hot

tussle with them,

and all they leave me

is half a pint!

Just half a pint!

- They all left?

- Yep.

- Marshal Earp hasn't

any manners either!

You didn't even say "so long"

to men who risked their lives--

- Why should he?

Rascals, K*llers,


Wyatt'll pray for

their poor souls!

Won't you,

Deacon Earp?

- Yeah, and I'll pray

for yours too, Doctor.

I came here to investigate

the m*rder of these two men.

That's what

I'm gonna do.

Take the Doctor on

back to Miss Kate.

- Yes, sir.

You should've

said "so long."

- Don't be

an idiot!

What did you say

when he saved your life?

- Well, nothin'!

- Then remember that!

And remember how the good

Lord gave you the wisdom

to keep your

mouth shut!

♪♪ O hail, horse ♪

♪ I won't be your rider ♪

♪ Today ♪♪

♪♪ Well, he cleaned up

the country ♪

♪ The old Wild West country ♪

♪ He made law

and order prevail ♪

♪ And none can deny it,

the legend of Wyatt ♪

♪ Forever will live

on the trail ♪

♪ Oh, Wyatt Earp,

Wyatt Earp ♪

♪ Brave, courageous and bold ♪

♪ Long live his fame

and long live his glory ♪

♪ And long may

his story be told ♪

♪ Long may his story ♪

♪ Be ♪

♪ Told ♪

♪ Hmm ♪♪
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