03x16 - Bad Woman

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Life & Legend of Wyatt Earp". Aired: September 6, 1955 – June 27, 1961.*
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Series is loosely based on the life of frontier marshal Wyatt Earp.
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03x16 - Bad Woman

Post by bunniefuu »

The Life and Legend

of Wyatt Earp

Aren't you satisfied?

Your brother's in jail.

Your gentleman friend

is gunnin' for me.

- Lance will k*ll you.

- No, he won't.

- He's not that fast.

- Then, I'll do it.

Right now.

If ever a woman

deserved punishment, it's you.

You put your own brother

in jail.

You egg Lance

into gunning me.

One might get hanged, the other

k*lled, and you don't care.

You're scared of Lance.


but I may have to sh**t him.

If I do, I want you

to see it.


[Ken Darby singing

"The Legend Of Wyatt Earp"]

♪ Wyatt Earp, Wyatt Earp

♪ Brave, courageous and bold

♪ Long live his fame

and long live his glory ♪

♪ And long may his story

be told ♪

(male narrator)

certain story once told

of three gunfighters

bullying a western town

while the gallant sheriff

had to fight them alone.

How the old-timers of Wichita,

Abilene, and Dodge City

must have laughed

at such a yarn.

Frontier towns in the s

were settled

by many veterans of union

and confederate battles.

Veterans who still knew

how to fight.

So in , when a hoodlum

outfit led by Dan Burton

tried to rob a bank

in Dodge City

while Marshal Wyatt Earp

and his deputies were away.



- Had a little trouble in town.

- Yeah, I see.

- Sent for the doc?

- Yes, marshal.

Go bring the wagon, huh.

Good work, mayor.

Well, one back there

and this one here is dead.

They never learn.

Any of your people get hurt?

He wounded Chris Alan,

the cashier.

Couple of boys got nicked

but nothing bad.

- Who are you?

- Never mind that.

You gonna let me

bleed to death?

Well, I wouldn't worry about it.

Doc will plug you up.

We were coming back from turning

in some prisoners to the army

we heard the sh**ting.

These hoodlums must be amateurs.

They shot pretty wild.

Jesse James and Cole Younger

wouldn't try what they did.

First thing I learned

in the army was never to ride

into a hostile town

in broad daylight.

Mr. Alan got hit in the arm,

but he claims two scalps

with that sawed-off shotgun

of his.

The town put up a real good

fight, and I'm proud of 'em.

Oh, and Mayor Kelly

is a cinch for re-election.

I'd be ashamed

to mention this.

We was firing from behind

doors and windows.

Like sh**ting ducks

on a pond.

Well, I wouldn't be too modest

about it, Your Honor.

I'll see if I can identify

any of them.


- Lance, what happened?

- They got all shot up.

Some men scattered north

and west. Your brother--

- Danny didn't pull it off?

- A fool idea, Marie.

It wasn't.

I told you and Danny. Lot

of men with g*ns in that town.

Danny must have bungled it.

Earp and his deputies

weren't even there

all he had to do was bluff out

some storekeepers.

They didn't bluff easy.

I'll drift into Dodge tonight

and find out just what happened.

No. No, I've got a better idea.

Hold up. What are you

aiming to do?

You just drift into town

tonight. Maybe, I'll tell you.

Danny said to keep you

out of it.

Are you going by what Danny said

or by what I say?

Oh, please, hon.

What can you do in Dodge?

A lot more than Danny

and those numbskulls did.

Now, you just lie low here.


'Come in to Dodge tonight.'

Are you my foreman

or aren't you?

Alright. You're the boss.

Remember that.

Sit down, Mr. Burton.

That ain't my name.

Dan Burton's your name, you got

a sister named Marie.

A small cattle spread

over New Engles.

Mr. Bill Tillmans

told me about you.

You and your sister aren't

exactly unknown around here.

- Who's been talking?

- None of your business.

Any of those wounded men

make a statement?

No, sir.

Alright, Hal. You telegraph

the sheriff over at Engles

ask him to please arrest

Miss Marie Burton.

- Conspiracy to rob a bank.

- Alright.

You leave my sister out of this.

She didn't know nothing.

But she had a grudge against

the Union Bank, didn't she?

Eight months ago,

she sold some mortgage cattle.

The bank made her pay up.

Now, who bosses the ranch,

you or Marie?

- I do.

- Oh!

Why did she sign

this application for a loan?

Why didn't you co-sign?

I don't have to answer

your fool questions.

Sit down.

You arrest Marie

and Lance will g*n you.

Oh! And who is Lance?

Lance Morfit, that's who.

He's engaged to my sister.

Lance Morfit, hmm?

Seems I recall a gentleman

by that name.

You'll get better acquainted

if you bother my sister.

Alright, Mr. Burton.

We'll put you back in your cell.

- What about Marie?

- I'll have a talk with her.

My hunch may be wrong

but I think she's involved

in the robbery.

Lance will k*ll you.

Mr. Burton, he can try.

Won't be the first time

it's been tried.

[knocking on door]

One moment, please.

Who is it?

- 'Marshal Earp.'

- Oh, good.

You interested

in bedrooms?

No, I'm just careful.

I'm awful glad you came

to town, Miss Burton.

I wasted money sending

an arrest order for you.

Arrest me?

What on earth for?

Conspiracy to rob a bank.

Oh, now.

Surely you must be joking.

Your brother's in jail.

He led the attempted holdup.

Yes, I know.

Danny's a wild, crazy boy.

I've had to get him out

of one scrape after another.

How much is it going

to be this time?

Nothing to bother about.

You mean there's some other way.

I mean the trial

is set for tomorrow.

But, uh, the last time

Danny got into trouble

I-I gave the marshal $

and...it was all arranged.

Hmm. Well, Miss Burton,

we don't do that here.

Oh! Oh, I see. Well..

Could I trouble you please

to take a message to Danny.

- No trouble.

- Thank you very much.

I'll write it.

It'll just take a moment.


Just a few lines

to let poor Danny know

that I'm gonna hire him

a lawyer.

It'll cheer him up.

Thank you very, very much.

Hal, come on in here, will you?

My deputy.

But you said that

you would take it.

I will, but you're under arrest,

and Hal will have to stay here.

Oh! What are you doing?

We read all messages

to prisoners.

- You'll give that back.

- Easy, ma'am, easy.

He's got no right to..


I just offered you

my promissory note

in hopes you'd make things

comfortable for Danny.

Are you trying to bribe Wyatt?

Bribe? Oh, no.

That's against the law.

Miss Burton is very upset

about her brother.

I'm gonna hold her

as a material witness.

She isn't to leave

this apartment.

You're gonna leave him in here

with me alone?

Miss Burton, my room

is across the hall.

You can leave this door open,

and Hal can camp in my room

if that makes you feel

any better.

Yes, it most certainly will.


Hal, here's my key.

I'm gonna over and question

those prisoners again.

You keep an eye on her

until I get back.

- Yes, sir.

- Now, wait a minute.

I'm gonna need a lawyer

for Danny and me.

I'll ask judge Tobin

to assign one.

And how much will that cost?


I'll see you later.

I, uh..

I was just acting foolish

if you wanna stay in the parlor,

it's alright.

Thanks a lot, ma'am.

Wyatt said to use his room.

You make yourself comfortable,

Miss Burton.

Comfortable with my

poor brother in jail?

Oh, please, won't you help me?

I'd be mighty grateful

for some help right now.

Your brother tried

to rob a bank.

Two of his men were k*lled.

Mr. Alan was hurt.

Forget it.


Howdy, judge?

Mr. Kelly...

the prisoners won't talk.


...we understand

you're holding Burton's sister.

That's right.

You think she was involved?

I think she planned

the whole deal

and talked her stupid brother

into it.

- Can you prove that?

- No, not yet.

Soon as I appoint a lawyer,

he'll be at me

with writ of habeas corpus.

She can sue the city

for false arrest.

Why don't you just say

what you came here to say.

No pretty woman is ever

anything but an angel.

- Before a jury, she is.

- Now, let's be practical.

We have an unbeatable case

against Burton and his men.

Why drag his sister

into it?

Because I feel sorry for Dan

Burton and all his colleagues.

Why should they go to prison

when Marie

who probably planned the whole

thing gets off scot-free

just because she's a woman.

If you make her co-defendant,

they may be all acquitted.

I don't think

they'll all be acquitted

but the jury'd only give them

a year or two.

They sure wouldn't

convict a woman.

Just say the word,

and I'll turn her loose.

Well, I really think

that's the wise course.

Judge wants to make an example

outta the rest of them.

They ought to get years.

The maximum.

I'll turn her loose.

But she planned that robbery

just to spite the bank.



Oh! Oh-h!

What's the matter?

What's the matter?

I can't get

my breath.

It's my heart.

I've had trouble with..

- Here, let me help you.

- No, no.

Get the doctor.

Oh, please.

Alright. Alright.

I'll get Dr. McCarty.


Wyatt, she's having a heart

attack or something.

- I'm going for Dr. McCarty.

- Heart attack?

Just stay

out of this.

Hear what he said?

Somebody's got a heart attack.

Well, I don't know.

It could be serious.

No heart attack, huh?

You let my brother

out of jail, or I'll fix you.

You're the one that belongs in

jail. You go back to your room--

- I told you--

- Stop it.

- Let me go.

- Stop.

Let me go!

- Get out of here.

- Let me go! Help! Help!

Stop. You, stop it.

Marshal Earp?

Marshal Earp.

No, no. It's alright.

You're safe now.

And you, a deacon

of the church.

Go get judge Tobin.

No, no. Don't cry.

Don't, don't, it only makes..

- Please, help me to my room.

- Yes, I will.

And then he said,

if I would..

He'd let my brother

escape from jail.


'Then he tried

to tear my dress..'

It was horrible.

There, there.

No reason to carry on.

We'll get to the straight

of this.

What have you got

to say?

I'm waiting for Hal.

Three witnesses saw two

struggling in your room.

Judge, I warned you

about her.

'We are trying

to believe you but..'

I heard about the trick

she pulled on you.

She ought to be

run out of town.

You would say that.

You're no better than he is.

Oh, where's my lawyer? Please,

I want to see my lawyer.

I've met a lot of low-down women

in my time, but you are--

- 'That will do.'

- Watch your temper.


Are you going to let them

lie out of this?

Look at my dress. Look

at the bruises on my wrist.

Isn't there one gentleman left

in this town?

Now, Ms. Burton,

you're a bit hysterical.

You said you had

a heart attack and fainted.

I suggest you go

into the bedroom and lie down.

The doctor will be here

in a few minutes.

He better get here soon.

And I want him to testify.

Hal, where was she when you went

to get Dr. McCarty?

Right there on the floor.

I thought she was dying.

You tell them...why the door

to my room happened to be open.

Wyatt told me to wait

in his room and watch her.

- Shall I tell 'em what she--

- No.

Let them believe us

or fire us.

I told you

it was a frame up.

We believe you but hang it all,

Wyatt, you know how people talk.

Yeah, I know.

I don't care about the talk.

I want that woman out of town.

- She ought to be tried with--

- Take it easy, Hal.

We promised her a lawyer. Maybe,

he'll persuade her to leave.

Meantime, we'll try at getting

Dan Burton to tell the truth.


Sit down.

Still stubborn

and stupid.

You ain't going to turn me

against my sister.

- Do you love your sister?

- Of course, I do.

She's trying

to frame Hal and me.

I wouldn't put anything

past you two.

The court is appointing

a lawyer to defend you.

Sure. Marie would see

to that.

Well, it's not gonna help.

You're going to get the limit.

Well, Marie's in the clear.

I'm satisfied.

What about Lance Morfit?

What about him?

Did you say he was coming

into Dodge to g*n me?

Only if you arrest Marie.

- She's arrested.

- Then, Lance will get you.

- What if I get him?

- Don't be a fool.

Wyatt can give him a full draw

and sh**t him in both eyes.

Maybe. Maybe not.

Look, hasn't your sister

done enough harm?

Now, Lance is a nice

young fellow.

Why should she want to add

his scalp to her belt.

- There's nothing I can do.

- Yes, there is.

Ask your sister to leave town,

take Morfit with her.

You don't know Marie.

Oh, I know her.

I hate to use the words

that describe her.

She's always been like that.

Ever since I was a kid.

She gets a grudge,

and nothing will stop her.

She keeps on nagging until..

She'll send Lance after you.

That's his lookout.

If I have to hurt Morfit,

I'll send you sister to prison.


Inciting anyone to g*n an

officer is penitentiary offence.

We can't prove it that she put

you up to the bank robbery.

But we can sure prove it

if she sends Lance after Wyatt.

Well, alright.

I'll talk to her.

Good. We'll take him

to the hotel.

I'll get his hat.

Come on.

Better check

those g*ns, sonny.

Marshal Earp catch you wearing

'em, it's three days in jail.

He'll catch me

wearing 'em.

Give me another one.

Remember now,

name is Lance Morfit.

You'll find him

in one of the saloons.

Tell him to meet me

at the hotel

after he finishes

his business. He'll understand.

[knocking on door]


- Were you hit bad?

- No. Not bad.

It's going

to be alright.

I talked to a lawyer.

I have a wonderful idea

for getting you off.

Yeah? How?

Not with them in the room.

I was starting for the jail.

Why did they bring you here?

We'll wait outside.

How are you gonna

get me off?

We blame it on Pete Brown

and the others who got k*lled.

They forced you to join

in the holdup.

Punky will testify

to the same thing

I knew you'd do it.

You got me into trouble

but always got me out.

Why? Sure.

Why did they bring you here?

What's the trick?

It's no trick. Earp doesn't want

Lance gunning for him.


He says if you stick Lance

on him, you can go to prison.

Something about exciting

or inciting--

Why? Sure.

I know that. You think

I'd be so stupid?

Well, you were sore at Earp, and

Hal, and you accused them of--

Just playacting, Dan.

Ah, I see. Just making trouble

for the Johnny Laws, huh?

Why, sure. I almost

got 'em both fired.

It's all settled, gentlemen.

You may come right in.

You can breathe

easy now, Mr. Earp.

Lance is back

on the ranch at Engle.

Yeah. He ain't

gonna g*n you.

Well, that's a relief.

Hal, we better take

Mr. Burton back to jail.


Marie's gonna get me off.

She's got a slick idea--

- Dan.

- Oh, yeah. That's right.

Well, see you

in court, Marie.


I suppose you had to lie about

it. Couldn't help yourself, huh?

Am I under arrest again?


I see no reason why I have to

entertain you. The door is open.

Isn't that Lance Morfit

down there?

Why don't you go down

and ask him?

You scared?

Your brother, Dan

is gonna go to prison.

You sent him out thinking you

had some bright legal trick

'that would save him.'

I might have.

That fellow down there

wants to marry you.

You urge me to go down there

and k*ll him?

He'll k*ll you.

If he doesn't, I will.


With this?

I can get another one.

No. You'll be in prison.

Lance might have something

to say about that.

Alright, so he

outdraws me?

He shot a peace officer.

We can run.

Not far enough

or fast enough.

'I still say

you're scared.'

You know, if ever a woman

deserved punishment, it's you.

I'm going to probably

have to hurt him.

And if that happens..

...I certainly want you

to see it.


[humming continues]

Mr. Morfit, you draw on me,

and you'll get hurt.

And Ms. Burton

will go to prison.

What's she got

to do with it?

She incited you

to attack a peace officer.

That's a felony.

I hate to say this, but I hope

you do go for your g*n.

Ms. Burton ought

to be in prison.

sh**t him. He can't draw.

sh**t him!


That's close enough, sh**t!

sh**t him!


You hoodlum!


You get out of town.

[Ken Darby singing

"The Legend Of Wyatt Earp"]

♪ Well, he cleaned up

the country ♪

♪ The old wild west country

♪ He made law

and order prevail ♪

♪ And none can deny it

the legend of Wyatt ♪

♪ Forever will live

on the trail ♪

♪ Wyatt Earp

♪ Wyatt Earp

♪ Brave, courageous and bold

♪ Long live his fame

and long live his glory ♪

♪ And long may his

story be told ♪

♪ Long may his story

♪ Be told ♪
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