03x30 - County Seat w*r

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Life & Legend of Wyatt Earp". Aired: September 6, 1955 – June 27, 1961.*
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Series is loosely based on the life of frontier marshal Wyatt Earp.
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03x30 - County Seat w*r

Post by bunniefuu »

The life and legend

Of wyatt earp

( Men vocalizing )

♪ Wyatt earp, wyatt earp

♪ Brave, courageous and bold

♪ Long live his fame

♪ And long live his glory

♪ And long may

His story be told. ♪


In marshal earp's time

There were indian wars

And cattle wars,

And the steady brawling

With . S among

Bad-tempered cowhands.

But the deadliest fighting

On the frontier of

Usually started with a dispute

Between two towns

For the honor

Of being designated

The county seat.

Dodge city had been named

Capital of ford county, kansas.

But fort dodge,

Only six miles away,

Asked why should a wicked town

Like dodge be the county seat.

Besides, the residents

Of fort dodge

Were desperate

For another reason.

( Clamoring )

There you have it

In black and white.

Pooh, washington's always

Changing its mind.

The army's got to economize.

There just won't be nothing

To fort dodge

But a keep-house party

And a name.

I thought you had this

All fixed, mr. Granger.

I'm surprised at you,

Judge franklin.

My father did everything

He could to keep

This fort open.

There's no use squabbling

Over something that's

Finished and done with.

I've called a meeting

For this afternoon.

You have

Some new idea, tarky?

- Just come to the meeting.

- All right, I will.

And I say fort dodge

Should be the county seat.

Instead we've let dodge city

Hold squatters' rights.

( Crowd agreeing )

The people of ford county

Never did vote

To make that miserable town

Their capital.

- That's right.

- No no.


You tell 'em, tarky!

Are you gonna let

Dodge city get away

With calling itself

The high mucky-muck town

Of our county?

- No no!

- Of course not!

Good good.

We'll ask the governor

To hold an honest election.

( Cheers )

You head the delegation,

Judge franklin.

Thank you, mr. Granger.

I'll do just that.

Collect as many more signatures

For the governor

As you can before

The stage leaves.

And don't talk

To any dodge city men.

Judge franklin

Knows that.

( Laughs )

Yes, chickie?

- I know wyatt earp.

- Him?


He's hand in glove

With kelley and judge tobin.

You keep out of it, edna.

A political fight's

No place for you.

And if we don't win it,

Fort dodge will be a ghost city

- And we'll have to move on.

- ( Hoofbeats )

There are soldiers

Headed this way.

Go wait on them.

You wait on 'em.

I'm going to dodge city.


I forbid you having anything

To do with wyatt earp.

You've made eyes at him

Every time we went over there.

- You're old enough

To have some pride.

- Pride?

We're broke

And we're in debt.

And I knew tarky granger

In the army.

- He's a born politician.

- Hold on, jim.

You're assuming

That he'll try to get

A special election.

What else? They can't

Just build a courthouse

At fort dodge

And say

"We're the county seat."

Am I right now, wyatt?

- Yes, sir.

- You hear wyatt?

He knows it'll be

A political play.

But I can't head them

Off at topeka.

The governor knows I backed

Milliken in the primary.

You're the best man

We've got, sir.

There's only a quarter

Of an hour to catch

That train.

Oh, all right.

( Men vocalizing )

Hi, wyatt!


Howdy, miss edna.

Guess they heard

About it in dodge.

- They sure did.

- What do you think?

Well, if they want

To call a special election,

They sure can do it.

Does that mean

You're against us?

Miss edna,

I seldom mess around

In politics.

Papa's right, you know?

Dodge city isn't morally fit

To be capital of ford county.

Oh, a dirty, nasty,

Wicked town.

That's the truth

And you know it.

What will people say

Later on?

Fort dodge can start

With a clean slate.

This place is

A disgrace to kansas.

- Miss edna.

- Yes, sir?

Did your daddy

Send you over here?

Of course not.

He tried to stop me.

Then why'd you come?

- Pa says I got

A girly crush on you.

- What?

But that's not

Why I came!

We have to find out

What dodge city folks

Plan to do

About the election.

Gotta know so we can

Plan our campaign.

- ( Laughs )

- What's funny?

I don't see

What's so funny.

You're telling me

The truth.

You see, politicians...

They very seldom do that.

We're not politicians.

We're home folk.

All right,

No more joking.

Miss edna,

In my opinion I think

Fort dodge has

A very good chance

Of becoming the county seat.

- There!

- But not if you try

Any shenanigans.

- It's gotta be strictly honest.

- Do you think we'd cheat?

Well, not you, miss edna.

But those political fellas...

You warn your daddy, hmm?

Yes, sir.

I'll tell papa.


Won't you be on our side?

No, I'm gonna have

To stick with dodge.


It's kinda simple,

Miss edna.

If dodge city is too wicked

To become the county seat,

It's kinda my fault because

They hired me

To clean up this town.

Papa will win you over.

And if he can't,

I'll sure try.

Now don't you laugh.

- I can be girly girly.

- No no,

You stay just

The way you are, huh?

And look, let's both stay

Out of politics, huh?

Now you go on, scoot home.

Mr. Granger,

I'm smiley dunbar.

- This is dave rickerd.

- Howdy.

- Howdy.

- We both kinda fool

With politics in dodge.

Just the men I want to see.

Come inside.

The first thing we've got to do

Is take them records

From kelley's office.

Possession is / ths

Of the law.

Besides kelley's got

A list of the voters.

- Stealing records--

- We'll take care of it.

This is frontier politics,

Mr. Granger.

You can't win

The election without the list

Of registered voters.

We have to add a lot of cowhands

And maybe some dead men.

- I don't like it.

- Nobody likes it.

The point is do you want

Fort dodge to be a ghost town

Or the county seat?

We can swing

A couple of hundred votes

From below the line in dodge,

But that won't be

Enough for us, granger.

All the voters

Outside of dodge,

The rest of ford county.

Still not enough.

We thought you wanted

To win this election.

But I guess

We're wasting our time.

Come on, dave.

No, wait.

Kelley and his people

Have cut a few corners,

I reckon we'll have

To do the same thing.

Now you're talking!

Politics, mr. Granger,


Well, let's drink

To it.

( Men vocalizing )


Dave, keep an eye

On the front door.

- I'll break in the back.

- Right.

That does that.

Hal, see that these get out

First thing in the morning.

- Will you?

- Yes, sir.

I'm going to turn in.

- You and hank split

The dogwatch.

- Right.

It sure is quiet

Tonight, isn't it?

That's the way I like it.


There's a man standing in front

Of mayor kelley's office,

- And a wagon just

Turned the corner.

- I'll take a look.


Let's give 'em time.

Let's go out the back door.

- Hey, dave.

- Are you gonna

Take all night?

I've got the voters' books

And the tax books.

Grab the police record

And we'll get out of here.

- Time to jump 'em?

- No.

It's smiley dunbar.

He's probably working

For the people over

At fort dodge.

I bet they're making off

With the record books.

I know. I want 'em

To pull this job.

( Clicks tongue )

You go get your horse

And follow them.

Don't let 'em see you.

Come in here.

I want you to see this.

Look at that!

Robbed, stolen.

All cleaned out, all the city

And the county records gone.

Look at it.

Just look at it!

- I know, mr. Mayor.

- You know? What do

You mean you know?

Hal and I saw

The whole thing last night.

You saw it and you let

Them get away with it?

- Yes, sir.

- Why on earth would you--

Mr. Kelley, hal trailed them

To granger's store

- At fort dodge.

- Tarky granger!

Fort dodge-- it's a dirty

Political trick!

Why are you wasting time?

Get a posse and hit them quick.

sh**t 'em down.

Crack their skulls.

But you get those records.

That's an official


All right, if you want

Fort dodge to win.

I want them in jail--

What is this now?

Fort dodge winning?

Well, they made

A bad move, your honor.

Next they'll try

To doctor the voting books.

- And we just let them, huh?

- Uh-huh.

And then we let them

Stuff the ballot boxes.



And then

We nab them, huh?

- Mm-hmm.

- I'll teach them

To get

Into a political fight

With jim kelley.

What if they hide

The books?

- Well--

- Excuse me, wyatt.

Miss edna granger

Wants to see you

At the dodge house.

Thank you.

Miss granger might give us

An insurance policy

On those books.

- Now, wyatt, i--

- Now, mayor.

Thank the good lord

They didn't get everything.

Oh, it's a bad, nasty mess,

Judge tobin.

What luck did you

Have in topeka?


The governor's ordered

A special election

For saturday.

Ahhh, they'll steal it

Just like they stole

The books.

Dodge city outnumbers them

Five to one, jim.

Not with smiley dunbar

And them hoodlum votes

Below the line.

They'll all go to granger

And his crowd.

Civic pride'll keep them

From voting to change

The county seat.

Civic pride is it?

They want a wide open town

And no marshal like wyatt.

They'll move to fort dodge

Lock, stock and barrel.

Well now, how's miss edna

And our insurance policy?

He's talking about

Mr. Granger's daughter, judge.

She doesn't favor robbery.


I suppose she'll be turning

Against her own father.

No sir,

If her father's involved,

She'll try to save him.

Any action

In topeka, sir?

Against us.

The whole county'll

Have to vote.


It's short notice.

Get your high silk hat,

Mr. Mayor.

We better start


( Men vocalizing )

You tour the county

Until friday night,

Then make your big speech

In dodge.

Kelley and earp

Are too quiet.

Well, what have they

Got to shout about?

- It's too good to be true.

- You ask dave.

There wasn't

A johnny law in sight.

We're in, mr. Granger.

Those county records we got

Hold the election.

- Yes yes, I reckon.

- ( Door closes )

- It's edna.

Perhaps you'd better--

- Sure.

Howdy, miss edna.

- You see earp?

- Yes.

Wyatt was kinda worried.

It seems someone broke

Into the mayor's office

Last night,

Took all their record books.

That's no crime.

It's got to be something


Breaking into a place

Is a crime.

Forget it, chickie.

Let earp worry.

He's being paid for that.

Now you go into the store

And pack me some grub.

I'm hitting

The speaking trail

For votes.

- How long?

- I'll be back saturday morning.

That's election day.

And the fort's polling place

Will be here.

I'll need the key

To the safe, won't i?

The key? No.

No, there's money enough

For change in the cash drawer.

All right, papa.

You always left the key

With me before.

That's why I asked.

( Men vocalizing )

And I say to you,

My friends,

That dodge city was ordained

By the good lord

To be the metropolis

Of ford county.

If the seat

Of county government

Is moved to fort dodge

Grass will grow

In the streets of our town.

( Cheers )

If fort dodge

Wins the election,

We'll soon have a bigger

And a better dodge city.

( Cheers )

And we won't have

Wyatt earp as marshal.

( Louder cheers )

And we won't have

Jim kelley as mayor.

We won't have

Those three hypocrites:

Tobin, kelley and earp.

- ( Cheers )

- Man: get 'em out of here!

( g*nshots, cheering )

Pa has the record books

In his safe.

He wouldn't trust me

With the key, but I know

How to get into it.

- When are you coming over?

- Tomorrow after the election.

Why not today,

Right now?

I want the ballot box.

That's not fair.

You could get papa

Into worse trouble.

No, we can save

Your papa.

If-- if you'll help.

- Is that a promise?

- Yeah.

Thanks, wyatt.

I'm still in love.

Well, it's the first time

I've ever heard

Of a mourner's bench

- Before the election.

- Granger got the crowds.

Here and all over

The county.

- It looks bad, wyatt.

- They don't even have

To steal this election.

Smiley dunbar and his crowd

Wouldn't be happy

Unless they stole it.


Let's just make sure

That all our votes

Are honest, huh?


You're not suggesting

That I would stoop

To dirty politics!

Well, it is a big

Temptation, your honor.

Don't josh him, wyatt.

If they win, dodge city'll

Be the ghost town.

I'm sorry.

Oh, hal, I'll need

Special deputies tomorrow.

- Yes, sir.

- !

You'll need two dozen

Just to guard

The polling place

At the fort.

Judge, I think you

And mr. Kelley are

Plumb tuckered out.

Why don't you just let me

Handle the police work, huh?

He's right, jim.

Just tell us one thing:

Are you gonna get back

The county records?

Yes sir, and the fort dodge

Ballot box too.

Well, it's in

Your hands, wyatt.

Come along, jim.

Busy day tomorrow.

Now don't miss, wyatt.

It means your job

And my job and the finish

Of dodge city.

The polls close at : .

That gives us a half

An hour of daylight.

I'm going into fort dodge

With the peddler's wagon

And the fastest team

Of quarter horses that

Chalk beeson has.

- No posse?

- Yes.

You leave town here

With the boys at : .

If I get in any trouble

There'll be g*nf*re.

You just head for

The sound of g*ns.

Jim note-- friend, if you

Want to read the fine print,

Step inside.

We're in a hurry.

- Howdy, big "t"!

- Howdy, judge.

- Hiya, judge.

- Glad you could make it.

Just a moment, judge.

Are these men residents

Of fort dodge?

Lived here

All their lives.


But we need their names

And registrations.

Lock 'em

In the storeroom, boys.

We're busy

With an election.

Now does anybody else

Have any suggestions?

- I've had enough.

- You can't do anything

Until wyatt comes.

You'd spoil

The whole plan.

How did I ever

Get into this?

You wanted to save

Fort dodge and us,

But the wrong

Politicians took over.

Wyatt says that--

Hey, your honor,

Give us a hand.

We've got a couple indians

Out here that won't vote

Unless you say

It's all right.

Very well.

Well, we've got about

Votes for fort dodge.

Open up the safe

In there, granger.

Hey, what's the meaning

Of this?

We're gonna burn

The county record books

So they can't trace

The phony votes.

That's stupid.

If you win you'll need

The county tax records

And city police reports.

Who do you think's running

This show, you or me?

- You're not gonna

Burn these records!

- Take care of him, dave.

Stop it!

You stop it!

You keep out of this!

Lock him in the storeroom

With the others.

- You leave those alone!

- Why, you little brat!

Why, you--

Go lock the door

To the store.

But my father,

He went in--

He'll be all right.

Go on.

Take the ballot box

Out to the wagon.

( Dave knocks )

Smiley, open up.

Smiley, open up!

- You get down from there.

- I'm going with you.

We're gonna have to make

A run for it.

Let's go, come on.

Out front

And get the horses!

Come on, get up!

Come on.

Whoa whoa whoa!

What are you stopping for?

They're right behind us.

Get behind those rocks,

Come on.

Keep your head down.

( g*nshots )

Here, reload that

For me.

Give me

The winchester.

Why didn't

You k*ll them?

No need for it.

Posse'll be coming any minute.

All right,

Drop your g*ns.

- Drop your g*ns!

- ( Men vocalizing )

The accused

Will please rise.

Mr. Dunbar,

Judge franklin,

Mr. Rickerd, you're found

Guilty of election fraud

And sentenced to two years

In the state penitentiary.

- Mr. Granger.

- Yes, judge.

Your daughter cooperated

With marshal earp,

And you yourself tried

To prevent the destruction

Of valuable records.

The court sentences you

To six months in jail

And will stipulate that you

Be paroled immediately.

- Adjourned.

- ( Murmuring )

This way.

Come on.

Are you still here?

Where's your dad?

He went on over to the hotel.

I've been waiting for you.

I wanted to thank you.

Well, i...

I think judge tobin is

The one you want to thank.

Him too.


I don't supposed that you'd

Ever feel like marrying me?

Uh... Well, honey...

You see,

I'm an old old man,

But if I was your age,

You'd be the first girl I'd ask.


( Men vocalizing )

♪ Well, he cleaned up

The country ♪

♪ The old wild west country

♪ He made

Law and order prevail ♪

♪ And none can deny it

♪ The legend of wyatt

♪ Forever will live

On the trail ♪

♪ Wyatt earp, wyatt earp

♪ Brave, courageous and bold

♪ Long live his fame

♪ And long live his glory

♪ And long may

His story be told. ♪
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