03x34 - Doc Holliday Rewrites History

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Life & Legend of Wyatt Earp". Aired: September 6, 1955 – June 27, 1961.*
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Series is loosely based on the life of frontier marshal Wyatt Earp.
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03x34 - Doc Holliday Rewrites History

Post by bunniefuu »

The life and legend

Of wyatt earp

( Men vocalizing )

♪ Wyatt earp, wyatt earp

♪ Brave, courageous and bold

♪ Long live his fame

♪ And long live his glory

♪ And long may

His story be told. ♪

Narrator: one of the notorious

Rackets of the s

Was the publishing

Of frontier town

Or county histories.

Original settlers

Had to pay

To have

Their life stories

Printed in

One of these books.

As marshal earp discovered,

A prospective history

Of dodge city

Could lead to bitterness,


Riot and death.

( Shouting )

Hyah! Hyah!

You lying cheat.

Where's my money?

Help, police!


I haven't got

Your money.


- Hold it.

- Police!

Here comes earp.

I ain't armed, earp.

All right, mr. Morris,

What's your trouble this time?

He got $ of my money

To put my picture

In a book.

Only the book

Never came out.

Mr. Morris

Doesn't understand.

It takes time

To publish a history.

A history?

I want this shrimp


Let's go into

My office.

Take your

Hands off him.

He's a crooked

Little swindler.

He claimed he'd call

The book "pioneers

Of the chisholm trail."

All right.

All right.

Now, look.

If you've got a receipt

Or a contract

For publication,

- Let's see it.

- Sure. Right here.

Howdy, doc.

I thought wyatt told you

To stay out of dodge.

Oh, well that blood's

Been spilt and forgotten.

We're friendly now,

Ain't we?


Now, you professor

O.b. Jordan?


Doctor of literature.

- Mm-hmm

- That fellow is

An illiterate thug.

Well, you

Owe him $ .

It says here the book

Was supposed to be

Published july ,

And this is september.


I haven't got it.

Throw him in jail, wyatt.

Shut up.

Look, I ain't armed, doc.


There's your $ .

Now get out of town.

Fine, doc.


You tried to k*ll wyatt

On two occasions

When you had a mob

Of drunken gunslingers

To back you up.

If he's forgotten it,

I haven't.

Oh, no hard feelings.

Not between me and wyatt,

Or you, doc.

Much obliged.

To think that I

Should have come

To this.

You're a very lucky man,

Professor jordan.

You caught doctor holliday

In a generous mood.

Oh, I'm not ungrateful.


Not the doctor john h. Holliday?

I am.

And don't think I'm

In a generous mood.

On your feet, sir.

You take your wagon down

To the long branch saloon.

I'll be with you


Be with me? Oh.

Yes, of course.

What do you

Make of it, doc?

George morris

Having the gall

To come on back

Into dodge city.

Pride, wyatt.

Stupid, ignorant pride.

You think that row

With the professor

Was on the level?

I do.

George morris paid $

To get his name into

A county history book.

Don't grin.

There are men in this town

Who'd pay each.

Oh, come on.

You know,

That professor jordan amuses me.

I think he followed

His nose to dodge.

The odor of human conceit,

And subhuman ambition.

Well, the professor

Is a swindler

And I'll order him

Out of town.

Now hold on.

You give that order

To george morris.

I can't do that.

Why not?

Because mr. Morris has

Already had his punishment.

Bat masterson and I shot

His legs out from under him.

We beat him, doc.

You saw how the man

Crawled out of town

Like a dog.

I still haven't

Taught you, have i?

You think you have

This miserable town

Halfway civilized?

Wyatt, george morris

Is not licked.

All he needs is another mob

With kelly, judge tobin,

Hanson, and the rest

Of your so-called friends

Marching behind him.

( Sighs )

Aren't you a little drunk?

You'd better start loading

Those sawed-off shotguns,


I'm afraid you're

Gonna need them.


I will back you

To the limit of

$ , .

$ , ?

On one condition.

What is it,

May I ask?

You take your pictures,

But I write the

Biographical sketches.

Oh, and I want

My , back.

You can keep

Any profit.

Why, that's astounding.

Indeed incredible.

And what a petty

Scoundrel you are.

If I had your health,

I would steal $ million.

That much.


The sum of

$ Million

Is like five million

Gallons of water.

Both purify themselves.

I would die

In the odor

Of sanctity.

Yes, I believe

You would.

The idea is much

Too big for me.


Enough talk.


You start taking

Those pictures.

( Door closes )

There we are.

Very nice, mr. Mayor.

You need another

Pose, professor?

Uh, not just now.

Try to assemble some

Of the other founders.

Yes, I'll round them up.

Here now.

You people get away

From this camera,

And don't disturb

Professor jordan.

Here. Now get

Away from this.

Of course,

The possibilities

Are tremendous.

Just a minute.

I want to get a paper.

And you certainly rate

Among the original

Seven founders, tom.

I know,

But as a banker,

I have to make sure it will

Be a dignified volume.

Now, we'll see to that.

You should have heard

What they said, boss.

They called you

A "johnny come lately."

Shove him aside, boss,

And I'll plug him.

No, I can whip

Both of them by myself.

( g*nsh*t )

He's dead.

Give me this.

What started this?

I heard them call

Mr. Williams riff-raff.

They said he couldn't

Be in that book.


You notify the coroner.

Then you take mr. Kelly,

Mr. Hanson, and this man

Over to my office.

Wyatt, it was

All a mistake.

An accident.

We lost our tempers and--

I know that,

Mr. Kelly.

Dr. Holliday's

Responsible for this

And I'm gonna

Have to arrest him.

Go on, hal.

Take them out of here.

Jones, come here.

( Men chattering )

Doc, I think you'd

Better come with me.

You mean

You're arresting me?

That's right.

On what charge?

Holding the mirror

Up to human nature?

Let's not argue

About it here, huh?

Take over, mike.

Judge tobin,

I think you oughta

Issue a court order


Dr. John h. Holliday

And professor jordan

From anymore of this


Dr. Holliday isn't interested

In publishing a history.

He's in this promotion

As a practical joke

On dodge city

And some of the citizens

He just doesn't

Happen to like.

( Chuckles )

If the court please.

Go ahead.

Marshal earp is making

An assumption of my motives.

I submit that

No judge

Can restrain the mere

Prospectus of a book.


Look, judge.

One man is dead

And another wounded

In disputes over this thing.


I sympathize

With marshal earp,

But unfortunately

The law cannot take action

Before the commission

Of a crime.

Marshal earp's application

For a restraining order is


Thank you,

Judge tobin.

Thank you very much.

Dr. Holliday, do you think

This is really wise?

I mean, in view

Of the dreadful--

A dozen men are waiting

To have their picture taken.

You'd better scoot

Before they start

Wrecking your equipment.

Oh, dear me.

I must go quickly.

Now, I put it to you

Straight, doc.

Is this a joke

You're making,

Like wyatt says?

I am not on

The witness stand, kelly.

You can stay

In the history book,

Or you can get out

And I'll refund your

Subscription fee.

The same goes

For you, tom.

Well-- let's not

Be too hasty, jim.

My wife is anxious

To have me in the book.

You know how women are.

( Chuckles )

Uh, come along, jim.

We'll talk this over.

I'll join you


All right.

I still think

Wyatt's right.

I could be wrong.

Mayor's staying

In the history book.

And judge tobin will be

Right along with him.

Look, it isn't funny.

Well, every man

To his own joke, deacon.


You want to

Call it off?


Admit that dodge

Isn't worth trying

To civilize.

Give up your

Penny-ante job here.

Move to arizona

With kate and me.

You know, wyatt,

You are the one man

I could say I almost like.

Whose idea was it

For me to leave town?

Yours or miss kate's?

Well, kate worries

And I think.


You keep believing

That people here

Deserve law and order.

They're a bunch

Of drunkards and idiots

Who will eventually

Cut you down.

Look, major curran

And one cowhand

Don't make a mob.

And you can't make a mob

By writing a silly book.

And if I catch you trying,

I'm gonna lock you up.

And I'm sorry if

I lose my temper.

Well now,

I'm sorry too.

Wyatt, your foolish

Faith in people

Needs a bad shaking up.

You'd better

Brace yourself.

That's fine.

Next subject please.

Oh, very good.





Hello professor.

Let go of me.

Dr. Holliday paid you in full.

Oh, sure sure.

Look here.

I want to

Give you ,

And another


What for?

Well, I'm the first

Cattleman in ford county.

I got more of a right

Than any of them has

To be in a history book.

Oh, no. No.

This book deals only

With dodge city.

What's this?

Is mr. Morris

Bothering you, professor?

Yes, he is.

And I'm very busy.


I offered to pay him

Cash, doc.

That ought to prove

I'm willing to let

Bygones by bygones.

We'll put you

In the book.

No joking?


But you'll have to

Pose for your photo

In private.

Well, how come?

The other subscribers

Might object.

Personally, I wouldn't

Want to be in the same

Library with you,

Much less

The same book.

In private

And mum's the word.

Now is that a deal?

One question.

Why would you want

To be in a book?

Well, I'm a historical


The professor said so

When he agreed

To put me in "pioneers

Of the chisholm trail."

It's a deal.

Pay me.

Now you keep

Out of my sight

Until I send for you.

Hey, professor!

Delvin, duncan,


Anymore d's?

Old man dornhold.

Oh, no no.

No, I agree

With the judge.

We gotta

Watch holliday.

Make sure he keeps

The riff-raff out.

Right, jim.

Well now,

Let's get on

With the e's.

Wyatt earp.


I see you men are

Helping doc with history.

Jim suggested

Your name for the book.

No, thank you.

Why not now?

Why you've made more

Real history in this town

Than the rest of us

Put together.

Well, I'll tell you, mr. Kelly.

The texas papers

Have written me up plenty.

All bad.

Bah, just johnny reb


Why, doc's your friend.

He wouldn't allow

Anything to happen.

By the way,

Where is doc?

Drinking in

The back room.

Can't be disturbed.

Well, I'll disturb him.

( Knocking on door )

I'm busy. Go away.

It's wyatt, doc.

What do you want?

Well, you open up

And I'll tell you.

All right.

Just a moment.

Oh, I get it now.

You're writing

The history, huh?

( Chuckles )

Well, why not?

You know,

I was wrong, doc.

You-- you could

Make a riot.

George morris.

Backed by jim kelly,

Judge tobin,

And every other sucker

Who wants his ugly face

And dull life story

In print.

Including mr. Morris?

Oh, well his picture

And biography lead the book.


Of course you

Praise them all.


Well, you're

Under arrest, doc.

- Not again.

- Mm-hmm.

But this time

I'm gonna make it stick.

Let's go.

The book.

What's the charge

This time, marshal?

Hating your fellow men

And hating yourself.

You're gonna

Make that stick?


But officially

You got caught

Inciting a riot.


Judge tobin, I have

Arrested dr. Holliday again.

I think it'll save time

If you come along, sir.

Are you sure of your

Legal facts?

Yes, sir.

The doctor's

A truthful man.

I'm sure he'll

Substantiate the charge.

Come on along, tobin.

Wyatt must have caught

Doc writing the book.

Doc? I thought

Professor jordan.

The back room.

I'll be having a look.

"James 'dog' kelly,

Former soldier

And saloon keeper.

A gay lad

With the ladies.

Sowed wild oats

All over kansas.

Several cowhands died from

Drinking his whiskey"?!


Every bit of it.

What does it

Say about me?

There's yours.

"Criminal, slandering,

Liable." That's what.

No. No.

No no.

You save it.

Well, we got doc

This time. Come on.

Just a minute.

"George morris."

He was gonna put him

In the book?

Oh no.

"George morris.

Knave, liar,

Poltroon, scoundrel,

To quote lord macaulay.

Such he is,

And it is just

Such men as he

Who founded dodge city.

This cow thief, brawler,

And m*rder*r--"

Who are you

Talking about?

Oh, not us.

Doc wrote it.

For the book.

Read it.

Doc warned me he was

Gonna start trouble.

He aims to use that book

To malign and blackguard

Every decent man in town.

If any.

Dr. Holliday, I must ask you

For that manuscript.

No, sir.

Then I'll issue

A subpoena,

Duces tecum.

The manuscript will be

Seized and impounded.

Now, you're too good

A lawyer to try that.


There's trouble

At the long branch.

George morris

Is stirring up a mob.

They're sore at doc holliday.

Judge, I suggest you admit

Doc to bail at once.

It'll give him time

To get out of town.

Excellent idea.

How much?

Well, you can't

Release a man

With a mob

Coming to get him.

Doc: better speak up, deacon.

You aim to

Defend me right here?

No, I don't.

This time,

You run for it.

Well, in that case,

Bail will be $ , .



But I'm not running.

I will catch the :

Train for kansas city

To consult with

My publisher.

All right, hal.

Maybe we'll have time

To break morris

Before he starts.

Come on out, boys.

The rest of you, come here too.

Take a look in the wagon and

See if the professor's there.

If he is,

Just slap him around.

It's doc holliday

That we're after.

All right,

Let's tip it over.

All right, boys.

Let her go.

( Men chattering )

The professor isn't

In here, george.

Okay, fire it up, boys.

All right,

That does it.

Let's head

For the jail.

Doc's gone

To the depot.

- You're sure?

- Earp turned him loose.

I saw him walking

Across the plaza

Only a minute ago.

You hear that, boys?

Doc's at the depot.

Let's go get him!

Too late.

They're probably

Headed for the santa fe.

We'd better

Get over there.


I'm not risking


You tell the rest of the boys

To stay out of it.

I'll try to get to doc

Before morris does.

Don't take no chances

With doc, boys.

We'll surround him

And then blast him

Out of the depot with r*fles.

Hey, it's earp!

Stop him.

( g*nf*re )

Some of your friends

Want to see you.

They're not

Close enough yet.

( g*nf*re continues )

I borrowed this from

The station master.

It's too short

Of a range.

We want doc holliday!

Send him out here, earp.

Send him out or

We'll get you both.

Is that what you want?

Give me that.

The history

Of dodge city.

It's good reading.


On your feet.

Unbolt that door.

Unbolt it.

Now you take a look

At that mob.

Do you see mayor kelly

In that mob?

Do you see mr. Hanson?

You see one decent man

That amounts to anything

In this town?

Hold it, boys.

Hold it!

Your last chance, earp.

Come out with doc,

Or we're gonna burn you out!

I thought so.

- Blast him!

- ( g*nf*re )

Hold your fire!

I got something

I want to show you.


Read it.

Nothing but

Blank pages.

( Men chattering )

That's right.

That's what doc

Thinks of you,

And I agree with him.

Now if you want

To fight over that,


Can't we k*ll a few?


Now you men

Clear out of town.

Go on.

Get out of here!

Give me a hand.

Leave him there.

( Winces )

♪ Well, he cleaned up

The country ♪

♪ The old wild west country

♪ He made

Law and order prevail ♪

♪ And none can deny it

♪ The legend of wyatt

♪ Forever will live

On the trail ♪

♪ Wyatt earp, wyatt earp

♪ Brave, courageous and bold

♪ Long live his fame

♪ And long live his glory

♪ And long may

His story be told. ♪
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