04x05 - The Mysterious Cowhand

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Life & Legend of Wyatt Earp". Aired: September 6, 1955 – June 27, 1961.*
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Series is loosely based on the life of frontier marshal Wyatt Earp.
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04x05 - The Mysterious Cowhand

Post by bunniefuu »

The Life and Legend

of Wyatt Earp

♪♪ Wyatt Earp

Wyatt Earp ♪

♪ Brave, courageous and bold ♪

♪ Long live his fame

and long live his glory ♪

♪ And long may

his story be told ♪♪

- The m*rder of Nate Strathearn,

a relative and a U.S. marshal

brought to Wyatt Earp

a personal challenge.

Later on in his career, men

nearer and dearer to Wyatt

were to be k*lled or wounded.

But not since the slaying

of his friend Mr. Brother,

had Wyatt been so

emotionally involved.

It did not make

for clear thinking.

- The family will blame me.

Lettin' cousin Nate go alone

into that hoodlum camp.

I know that Circle

Diamond outfit.

They never drive here.

Enough K*llers in that outfit

that any honest peace officer

would fill his jail with 'em.

- Take it easy, Wy--

- Easy?

- I read that telegram too.

All it said is that the man

who done it left Mobity

ridin' a horse with

a Circle Diamond brand.

- Well, you didn't

read this one.

Hec Thomas.

He's a marshal

from Oklahoma Territory.

I trust him as much as I

do Tillman or Masterson.

Read it.

- Well, all he says is that the

Circle Diamond is a-drivin'

in the Mobity neighbourhood.

- Well, that's enough for me.

- To do what?

- I aim to hire on to

the Circle Diamond outfit.

As a saddle tramp.

The man who got cousin Nate

belongs to the Circle Diamond

outfit, and I intend to get him.

- You ain't usin'

your head now, Wyatt.

- Oh? You got a better idea?

- Any idea'd be an

improvement over yours.

Let me try this job.

- Why?

- Well, to commence with,

nobody'd spot me.

And to end with,

I've been a cowhand.

- Well, I can do anything

a member of the Circle

Diamond outfit can do.

Thank you just the

same, Mr. Gibbs.

- Well, let me go

with you then.

- No, sir.

You and that shotgun got to stay

here and keep the lid on.

- All right, but take an hour

to think this over, will ya?

I've drove with

them Texas outfits.

If somebody don't recognize

you the first day,

they'll work you to

death in a week.

- One hour.

It'll take me that long

to get my gear together.

You're in charge

here, partner.

I'm headin' for north Texas.

Goin' back to

Heaven, Mr. Gibbs.

- When they're on a drive,

they don't even take

time to bury a cowhand.

[ g*nshots ]

[ g*nshots ]

- Hey!

- Hold your fire!

- Now what's goin' on here?

- Couple of them blasted

Circle Diamond riders.

They don't want us crossin' in

front of their cattle drive.

They started bushwhackin' us!

Who are you, mister?

- Just a cowhand

lookin' for work.

- Hmm! The Circle Diamond

will be short a couple

of waddies real soon.

- Well, you boys ain't gonna

get very far with that wagon

sh**t' at a lot of

men from a big outfit.

You'd better just cool off

and let me have a

little talk with 'em.

- Stranger wants to pow-wow.

Hold your fire.

- You're a Johnny Law?

- Oh, just visitin'.

From Alabama.

- Well, they started at 'Bama.

We asked them polite-like to

take the Red River Trail.

Them freighters has

always got somethin'

stickin' out of the

side of their wagon

that'll spook a herd.

- Well, there's

of them. Two of you.

Appears like you

lost your temper.


What's wrong with

the Red River Trail?

- It's flooded out

miles north.

- Oh.

You fellas know that?

- I don't reckon we did.

- You'd better ride back and

tell your boss about it.

Hey, the ferry's still

runnin' at the Ben.

Crossed on it at sun-up.

- Yeah.

I guess it would be smart

to point for the Ben.

You have any objection to that?

- No, sir.

We're scouting the herd.

That's our job.

- Ah. No harm done.

Thanks, fella.

- So long.

- Hold up, 'Bama.

You lookin' for work?

- Well, come to think of it,

my grub is runnin' a might low.

- I wonder if Corkill

would hire him on?

Why don't you ride back

with us and find out?

- That might be a

good idea at that.

I'll get my horse.

- We'll get ours.

Well, how about that?

- Now the blasted river's

flooded on us.

What a drive!

Herd's spread

out for miles.

The front rider just now

tells me about the river,

and them tail-end charlies

lost out in the brush.

I'm gonna get tough, Sam. Nobody

sleeps 'til that herd closes up.

They eat in the saddle!

They'll act like drivers

or I'm gonna bust

a couple of jaws!

Now you tell 'em that, Sam.

- Yes sir, Mr. Corkill.

- Cookie, make up trail

rations, and don't take all day.

- Not a chance!

I need help!

- Hey, you.

Ain't you the fella Ring

and Saunders brought in?

- Yes, sir.

I could sure use a job.

- Well, you got one.

Go help Cookie.

- Well, Mr. Corkill, I'm a

cowhand. I never figured--

- You help Cookie. We'll find

out later if you're a cowhand.

- Come on, you tramp. Get these

sandwiches wrapped up.

We ain't got all

day. Hurry up!

- If you're so good at it,

mister, you wrap 'em.

- You give me any more sass and

I'll stick a knife in your ribs!

- You been raw at me for

a couple hours now.

Usually when a fella

threatens to knife me...

I slap him around a little bit.

- Oh, you do, huh?

- No more yappin' at me!

- Hey, what are you

doin' to Cookie?

- Take your hands

off me, mister!

- I'll fix him!

- Just put the knife down!

Cookie threatened

to cut ya?

- He tried it.

- Well, you ought to know you

got to be patient with cooks.

- Not when they thr*aten

me with a knife.

- Then you can get

out of this outfit.

Or you can ride

tail-end charlie.

- I told you Mr. Corkill.

I'm a cowhand.

- No tail-end charlie

for you, huh?

- I didn't say that,

Mr. Corkill.

I'll make a hand for you

wherever you want me.

- What's your name?

- Jimmy Jones.

Nickname, 'Bama.

- Fine, 'Bama. I need anything

that can ride a horse.

You mosey south to the

tail end of the herd.

Report to Jumbo.

You'll find him, Red and Turk

there in the dust somewhere.

- Yes, sir.

- $ a month, and grub.

As long as you last.

- I'll last.

- Might as well tell you that

Jumbo and them others

are about the meanest bunch of

scum you'll find on the trail.

- Most tail-end charlies are

pretty mean, ain't they?

- Not like these boys, no.

The only reason I

keep 'em eatin' dirt

is because none of my flankers

or lead men will work with 'em.

You any good with a g*n?

- Fairly good.

- Take care of yourself.

♪♪ The miner dies for gold,

the nester dies for land ♪

♪ But what have we got to

die for on the trail? ♪

♪ The biggest fool of

all is an old cowhand ♪♪

- Hold it!

Your name Jumbo?

- No, it ain't.

You'll find him back yonder.

- Your name Jumbo?

- Yeah.

- Corkill said I should

report to you.

- You're reportin'.

- My name's Jones.

Nickname, 'Bama.

- That there is a sticker. You

got a slicer in your saddlebag?

- Recollect I have.

- Get it.

- Looks like a throwin' knife.

- Yeah, it could be.

Yours is a lot better

for slicin' beef,

I'll tell you that.

Hand me that bread

there, will ya?

Five days old and moldy.

That's the way Tim Corkill

treats us though.

- Yeah, he acted kind of

like he didn't like you.

- Oh, he thinks he's

a poker player.

Me and Turk and Red, we cleaned

out the last big game.

We'll eat later.

Them buffalo-wallers are

just full of mavericks.

You know, 'Bama?

You ain't sweaty

enough or dirty enough.

We'll fix that.

- You know, I'll bet Corkill

did send us some grub.

- How you mean, Red?

- This is mighty

odd, this greener.

He arrives in here

straight from camp

and he ain't even got a

pound of coffee with him.

- Hey, that's right.

- Meanin' you think I stole it?

- Turk, take a look

in his saddlebags.

- Hold it.

You go take a look, mister.

- If that's the

way you want it.

- Now you can go get it.

- Turn him loose.

- Go ahead.

You had oughtn't be

wearin' a g*n, Turk.

- Blast him, Red!

- Move and I'll crease

your skull real deep.

- That's enough, 'Bama.

Now you can whim 'em with fists

and g*ns. They both know it.

Now you sit down

somewhere and cool off.

We got a long night ahead of us.

- I ain't a greener, Jumbo.

And I ain't a thief either.

- Apologize to 'Bama.

Both of you!

- Sorry.

- You.

- Yeah, sorry.

- All right.

- That's enough time for

grub. Let's move out.

- Ya!

- Hey!

- I guess we got most of

them back to the herd.

Better go back and

join Red and Turk, huh?

- All right.

[ g*nsh*t ]

- I'm hit! Get him!

It's just my shoulder.

That was Corkill, get after him.

- You're bleedin' too bad.

Lie back down there.

- Ah!

- let me get a

tourniquet on this.

And I'll get you

over to the shade.

Here, drink some of it.

U.S. Marshal cousin of mine

was k*lled in Mobity

with a knife like this.

You know anything about it?

- Ain't my knife.

Won it in a poker game.

Some fella went broke and threw

it in instead of a $ ante.

- You didn't see who?

- No. It could

have been anybody.

Could have been Turk. Or it

could have been Corkill.

- Why Corkill?

- You're Johnny

Law, ain't ya?

- Yeah.

- It figured.

Corkill knew that Red and

Turk wouldn't say anything,

so he took a shot at me.

- Corkill does a little mail and

stagecoach robbing on the side?

- Now I told you he's

a rotten poker player.

Every once in a while he

comes up with new bankroll.

I'm going after Corkill.

- No.

- Huh?

- I want a showdown with

the others first.

- Oh, you're wasting

your time, Marshal Earp.

- How did you know my name?

- I saw you in Wichita,

year before last.

- Corkill know who I am?

- Well yeah. He was there

in Wichita with me.

- Why didn't he just bushwhack

me and get it over with?

- He figures he can

get you some other time.

But he wants to scare

off Red and Turk.

That's why he

took a shot at me.

- Truth?

- What else?

I could have shot you in

the back a dozen times.

- Why didn't you?

- I don't like Corkill.

- All right.

Now when we meet up with Red and

Turk, you let me to the talking.

- You want to do all

the fightin' too?

- No, you got a good arm,

you got a . .

- Thanks.

- Let's go.

- Here.

[ Horse neighing ]

- Where you been?

The herd's gained

two miles on us.

- Somebody took a

shot at Jumbo.

- Did you see the skunk?

- No.

- Well, if it's rustlers, we'd

better close up on the herd.

- Yeah, and then we'll have

the flank riders to help us.

This ain't no place

to be makin' a fight.

- Well, it's as good as any.

Now you climb down off your

horses and watch your hands.

- Who is this 'Bama?

- Go on, get off your horses!

Stand right up

there, gentlemen.

Turn around.

All right, I want some

answers and I want 'em quick

Jumbo says he won this

knife in a poker game.

You ever see it before?

- No.

- I get it. You're

a Johnny Law!

- Can you throw a knife?

- I don't know what

you're talking about.

- Keep 'em covered.

Now I want you to back off.

And I want you to throw

this sticker at me.

'Cause I'm gonna be startin'

this one your way, mister.

- Now, wait. He can

throw a knife.

- I never throwed

at nobody!

- You're lying, Turk.

- All right, Red.

Let's start with you.

What about Corkill

and mail robbery?

- You ask Corkill.

- You're wasting time.

They ain't gonna talk.

- All right, Turk.

Turn around.

Put your hands behind you,

and back up here.

Throw me that rope, Jumbo.

- Here.

- Ah... When the two of you

start walking in any direction,

I don't think Corkill

will let you get too far.

- We ain't scared.

- No, Corkill knows us.

- Yeah, and he knew Jumbo.

But he took a shot at him.

Now you start

walkin' and thinkin'.

- 'Bama, you figure Corkill's

gonna raise to the bait?

- Well, if he don't, maybe

they'll decide to talk.

We'll ride off in the brush

and keep 'em in sight.

Here, let me have the reins.

You got enough to

do with one arm.

- Yeah. Thank you.

- Hey, Lassiter!


Cookie, where's Lassiter?

- He's over by the river.

- Where's Sam, then?

- He's under the

table sleepin'.

- Hey Sam! Come on, wake up!

Get out of there!

- Just napping

a second, boss.

- Take men and go out and

relieve them tail-end charlies.

Tell Jumbo and the others to

report back here on the double.

- They're doing

all right back there.

- I got a better job for 'em.

They're gonna lead

across the river.

- Not today. Old Red's

full from bank to bank.

Nobody can cross

that river and live.

- They can and will.

Go on, get goin'.

- Yes, sir.

- See if we can get

these ropes loose.

- Listen, that Johnny Law's

just tryin' to break our nerve.

Corkill won't try bushwhackin'

us so close to the other boys.

- He tried it on Jumbo.

- Well, we ain't Jumbo.

- I don't know, Red.

That Mobity k*lling was stupid.

Look, we're easy

marks out there.

Let's stay down

here in the draw.

- You help yourself.

I'm following the herd.

- It ain't gonna work.

Corkill's too smart.

- How close is the herd?

- Oh, about a

half-mile ahead.

There's two stragglers

right over there.

- Let's close up.

[ Horse neighing ]

- Corkill and others!

- I guess it is Corkill.

They're moving around

slow and huntin'.

- Well, you can stay here

and get yourself shot

and not even buried.

I'm going to give myself up.

- No, wait. Don't be a fool!


- Johnny Law and Jumbo!

I'll talk! I'll talk!

Johnny Law and Jumbo!

I'll talk! I'll talk!

- All right, you hold 'em here.

I'll go see if that is Corkill.

- Watch yourself.

- Where's the rest

of you, 'Bama?

- Red and Turk are in

the draw yonder there.

Huntin' for dogies.

Jumbo's over there

somewhere. What's up?

- Corkill wants

you back in camp.

But if I was you, 'Bama,

I'd just head south

and keep on ridin'.

- Why?

- Corkill aims to send

you across the river.

It's feet deep

and yards wide.

- Oh?

I reckon we can make it.

I'll go round up the others.

- Well, it ain't

our day to drown.

Come on, let's move.

- Where's Jumbo?

- He lit out.

- Where?

- That way. Towards camp.

Was that Corkill?

- No, just our relief.

Corkill wants us

back in camp.

- Why you yellow-bellied skunk!

I told you so!

- Corkill still loves us.

We're gonna drive the herd

across the Red River.

- No bushwhackin',

just a nice drownin'.

We made a deal when we

told you about Mobity.

That still hold?

- Right.

- Well then, let's move!

- Lift 'em, Earp!

I figured you might bark

at the river crossin'.

Well, you're gonna

cross the big river.

Along with Jumbo.

[ g*nsh*t ]

- I went back to camp

to try and k*ll him,

but he made it easy for me.

'Bama, how are you gonna square

me for sh**t' Corkill?

- Well, he m*rder*d my cousin,

and tried to m*rder me.

Officially, you came to the

assistance of a peace officer.

- Well now, do you have to

say I helped a Johnny Law?

I'd never live down

a thing like that.

- Well, all right.

Just hang instead.

- Well, disgrace and all,

I'd rather live.

- Well, thank you, Jumbo.

You just saved the

state of Kansas $ .

The price of hanging and burial.

- That's good, tough thinkin'.

You know, it's a shame

you went straight.

You'd have made the orneriest

hoodlum that ever lived.

- Thank you, sir.

Now, let's move.

Come on!

♪♪ Well, he cleaned up

the country ♪

♪ The old Wild West country ♪

♪ He made law

and order prevail ♪

♪ And none can deny it,

the legend of Wyatt ♪

♪ Forever will live

on the trail ♪

♪ Oh, Wyatt Earp,

Wyatt Earp ♪

♪ Brave, courageous and bold ♪

♪ Long live his fame

and long live his glory ♪

♪ And long may

his story be told ♪

♪ Long may his story ♪

♪ Be ♪

♪ Told ♪
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