04x09 - King of the Frontier

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Life & Legend of Wyatt Earp". Aired: September 6, 1955 – June 27, 1961.*
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Series is loosely based on the life of frontier marshal Wyatt Earp.
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04x09 - King of the Frontier

Post by bunniefuu »

♪♪ Hmm ♪

♪ Wyatt Earp,

Wyatt Earp ♪

♪ Brave, courageous and bold ♪

♪ Long live his fame

and long live his glory ♪

♪ And long may

his story be told ♪

♪ Hmm ♪♪

- Among the friends

who invariably

got Wyatt Earp into

trouble was Ned Buntline,

popular author of dime novels

about the Western frontier.

Mr. Buntline admired Wyatt

to the point of idolatry.

This was a pleasant,

if embarrassing, attitude,

and Wyatt's sense of humor

enabled him to forgive

mild bragging by the writer.

But when Buntline

made Wyatt the hero

of a new yarn entitled

King of the Frontier...

- Good morning,

Mayor Kelly.

- Wyatt, have you seen this?

Have you seen this, now?

- Well, let's see. King of

the Frontier by Ned Buntline.

Buntline sure churns

'em out, doesn't he?

- Yeah, but that's

your picture.

He's made you the hero.

You're King of the Frontier.

- Oh no!

- Yeah, he's got you

bulldogging steers,

he's got you

riding a loco bronc,

winning a horse race

and a chuckwagon race,

and that ain't all!

- Oh, what else

do I do?

- You sh**t it out

with a man at yards.

He uses a r*fle and

you use your Buntline.

[ Chuckling ]

- Oh, well,

who gets k*lled?

- The man with

the Winchester!

You should sue him! He's made

a plumb fool out of you.

And worse than that, you

deliberately k*ll a man.

- Just keep your

shirt on, Mayor Kelly.

Buntline's readers

know him by now.

If any of 'em ask me about it,

I'll swear I didn't do it.

- But--

- Cross my heart!

- "And little did

Tex the k*ller

"realize what

he must face.

"But he had never seen

"the awesome

Buntline Special."

- All right, all right.

- "This w*apon was

more than a match

"for Tex's Winchester

"at any range up

to yards--"

- Mr. Gibbs?

- Oh! yards!

- Look, at first

I thought it was funny,

now I'm getting

a mite riled.

- I don't blame you.

Why don't you see

the feller that wrote it?

- 'Cause it's not

worth the trip east.

- Won't have to go east.

Buntline's over

at the Dodge House.

Just rode into town

with the Lazy Q.

- Speakin' of the devil!

- And a little bit

of breakfast too.

- Right,

boss, right.

- There you are, Miles.

- You're good

company, Ned.

And you sure put

Wyatt Earp on the spot.

- Wyatt? Why, he's a very

dear friend of mine.

As a matter of fact,

as soon as we have a

little spot of breakfast,

I shall go over and

pay him a visit.

- Aw, he ain't as good

as you say he is!

- Now, now, Miles,

you're my host.

I--I came out here to see

a cattle drive firsthand.

But I won't hear

a word against Wyatt.

Everything I wrote about

him is gospel truth.

- Aw, he can't do

half the things

you got him doing

in that book.

- You wanna bet?

- Sure.

- $ , .

- Piker!

- All right, $ , .

- What if Earp

backs down?

- Wyatt is not a man

to evade a challenge.

If he backs down, I'll pay

you the $ , anyway.

- You got a bet!

- Ah!

Well, Wyatt, my friend!

Well, are you a sight

for sore eyes!

- Howdy, Mr. Buntline.

Good to see you.

- Are you still carrying

the Buntline Special?

- You know it!

Best g*n in the West!

- Ha! Say, I'm out here visiting

Miles Breck at the Lazy Q.

You know him,

don't you?

- Sure.

- Come on over and

set a while with us.

You had breakfast?

- Yes, sir.

Thank you.

- Miles, here's the

King himself! Ha!

- King, sit down

and rest yourself.

- Well, thank you, Mr. Breck,

but I haven't got time.

I see, Mr. Buntline, that

everybody's read your new book.

- We just made a little

bet on you, Marshal.

- A bet? Well, I hope

you didn't take any.

- Take any? I took

all of it. $ , !

- You can have the same, Earp.

- Mr. Buntline, I'd like to

speak to you for a few minutes,

when you get finished,

in my office.

- Sure, Wyatt!

[ Chuckling ]

Oh, have you

made a bad bet!

- And you let Breck hornswoggle

you into a sucker bet, huh?

- But why?

You can do all the things

I wrote about in the book!

- Mr. Buntline, I have enough

trouble with this job.

Now, you expect me

to risk my neck

trying to live up to

what you write in a book?

- You're right.

You're absolutely right!

I'll pay off.

- What do you mean, pay off?

- Well, I, um...

I should've consulted with you.

I agreed with him

that if you backed out,

I'd pay him

the $ , anyway.

- Oh no!

Have you got it?

- My dear sir!

Are you implying that

for one moment I would--

Well, I haven't got all of it,

but I think I can get

an advance from my publisher.

- Wait a minute.

You say all I have to do

is beat the Lazy Q outfit

in these cowhand stunts, huh?

- Just what

I wrote in the book!

- All right, I'll try it.

I don't want Miles Breck gettin'

away with something like this.

- No, no! Now,

now, forget it!

I was wrong and

I'm gonna pay off!

- You pay off nothin'!

You tell Breck I'll tackle

his best men on each stunt.

- That's spoken like

the real Wyatt Earp,

the King of the Frontier!

Ha ha!

- The Lazy Q's are a-braggin'

there's been $ , bet on you.

Everything that idiot wrote in

that book you got to make good?

- No, just

the cowhand stunts.

- Can you rope and tie a calf

or bulldog a steer?

- My brothers and I

played around with 'em

back in Illinois.

- How about ridin'

a loco bronc?

- Well, I could get

my neck busted.

Look, Mr. Buntline

cornered me.

If I back out of this

childish nonsense,

all the cowhands'll start

takin' potshots at me.

Won't the men in this

country ever grow up?

- Most of 'em, in time.

But there's one thing that's

already growed up in 'em.

- Yeah?

- Courage, Wyatt.

A man can be back'ards

and stupid out here,

but he's gotta be brave.

- Gormley!

- Earp's gonna sh**t against

a Winchester at yards?

- That's something

Ned forgot,

sort of a surprise

for the finish.

- Earp'd be a fool

to do it, boss,

and Earp sure ain't no fool!

- A man does many foolish

things when he's cornered.

All right, let's get that

herd started for Dodge.

- Just made some fresh

coffee. Want some?

- Right.

- That there is a tame calf

they want you to rope.

Call a foul, and make

'em get a wild 'un.

- No.

- You loading

the dice, Miles?

- He sure is!

A tame calf can dodge

a rope all day long.

- Well, if I can't

think faster than a calf,

I better quit right now.

[ Cheering ]

[ Cheering ]

- Come on...


Good boy, Wyatt!

Come on, your

turn, Miles!

- We concede

on the calf.

Hey, Ricky! Get set

for the bulldogging.

- Wonderful, Wyatt!

Did you hear me? sec--

- I heard ya!

[ Cheering ]

- That's a boy, Wyatt!

Hey, hey! Well, would you

like to pay off now?

- Mexico, get aboard

that cayuse!

[ Cayuse neighing ]

[ Cheering ]

- That there's a real

loco bronc, Wyatt.

Stay off him,

you're still ahead.

- I never knew such

ferocious horses existed!

- All right, we'll

call it a tie.

- No. Take the

twitch off him!

- He's gonna paw

and stomp ya!

- Take that bridle off him.

- You've gotta put

him in the chute first!

And what's wrong

with that bridle?

- Horses don't like spade bits.

All right, I'll do it myself.


Split a horse's

tongue with that.

Mr. Gibbs, get that bucket

of water over there, will you?

- Right.

- Wyatt, you don't--

you don't really mean

to ride that

horse, do you?

- I've called it a tie!

- All right,

let him down.

Let him down.

Come here and

grab this ear.

All right,

that's about it.

That's enough!

All right, hold him.

Hold him.

[ Cheering ]

- He's doing it!

Ha ha!

That a boy,

Wyatt! Ha ha!

- That's all

right, son!

- On the square

now, Wyatt,

did you give that

bucking horse opium?

[ Chuckling ]

- No, sir.

- Well, then how

did you tame him?

- Well, sir, actually, a horse

is not too difficult to tame.

Just about do anything

you ask him to,

if you're patient

with him.

I took the bridle off that

bronc and gave him his head,

and he, uh... well,

it confused him,

so he just decided

to do nothing.

- Well, then

you did tame him?

- No, sir. See, a horse pulls

a buggy or lets you ride him

because that's what

he's trained to do.

He doesn't know

his own strength.

Now, you take that

mule over there.

- You mean Mr. Gibbs' animal,

the one he calls Roscoe?

- Mmm-hmm. Now,

a mule is certainly

just as intelligent

as a horse.

- Yeah, well, now, Roscoe's

tamed and he's obedient.

And he works cheerfully,

I'll bet ya he does!

- Let's ask Mr. Gibbs.

Mr. Gibbs?

- Huh?

Oh, ready in--

ready in a minute, Wyatt.

- I want you to explain

to Mr. Buntline, here,

why Roscoe, there,

works for you.

- Now, he is tame

and loyal, isn't he?

- This mule?

He knows if he don't

work, he don't eat!

He ain't got

much use for me,

but he knows the next

boss might be meaner.

Now, Wyatt's horse, he

don't even know that much!

I've seen him shy

at a piece of paper

and try to run smack

into a barbwire fence.

- [Ned]:

If I told my readers that!

- Time for the race.

I don't think you've ever

driven a chuckwagon,

and I aim to prove

it for $ , .

- Oh, now, why don't

you give up, huh?

- Get it on

the line, Earp.

- Well, at least this

is the last of it.

Now, no more bets,

Mr. Buntline.

- Never again,

Wyatt! I swear!

I'm going down

to the finish line.

Now, good luck!

Good luck to you!

- What's so difficult

about racin' chuckwagons?

- Well, they

ain't balanced.

They turn over

mighty easy.

- Anything else?

- Yeah, you can't

call no fouls.

- You mean Breck's driver

can sideswipe me?

- Well, that's why I put

Roscoe on the near side.

Because he can bump

and he can bite.

- Here. Now, you

watch your temper.

- And you let Roscoe

do the thinkin'.

He ain't been

put in no books,

but he's drug chuckwagons

through lots of races.

- All right, get on your marks!

- Wait a minute! Oh!

- [Both]: Whoa!

- Get set!

- Ready?


- Earp done that on purpose!

- It's that mule!

- Your driver tried

to break Roscoe's leg!

- Now, listen, this

is a race, not a fight!

Now, shut up and race!

Come on, boys! Pull

that wheel over here!

- Why don't you watch

that old mule!

I don't know if

it was him or you!

- You hear that, Roscoe? He's

kind of an ornery fellow!

- Come on! All right,

are you all free?

- Pull the back end

out a little more!

- Come on, boys!

Are you free?

- Yeah!

- All right, go!


- Whoa! Whoa, Roscoe!

- I've had enough!

I quit! Give me a g*n!

I'll fix that mule!

- You ain't gonna fix nothin'!

You just set down and hush up!

- Mr. Gibbs?

- Yes, sir?

- Take Roscoe and my horse

over to the stable.

- Scared?

- Your man quit, and

he showed good sense!

- Wyatt, technically we could

say that we won this event.

I mean, at least

we didn't lose it!

We, uh-- You quit

first, you know!

Wyatt, they quit first!

- Earp's ahead so far, but

he ain't won the sh**t.

- The sh**t?

- Yeah, don't you

remember your own book?


It says right here:

"Earp sh**t it out

with his Buntline Special

"against a man with

a Winchester at yards."

- Oh, now, we didn't include

that. That was only--

- Everything you've got Earp

doing in this book's included,

or you pay me an extra $ , .

- Now, Wyatt has already risked

his life to save me money.

Now, I won't ask him

to fight a duel.

- If you feel

that way, $ , !

- All right!

I--I--I can only

raise $ , now.

- I'll take your IOU.

- Don't pay him,

Mr. Buntline.

- He expects Wyatt

to fight a duel

against a man

with a Winchester.

Now, there are

limits, you know!

- Don't pay him. Not until

I talk to Wyatt first.

- No! Now, here's...

Here's $ , . I'll give

you my note for the rest.

- I'm holdin' the stakes

until I talk to Wyatt.

You got any objection?

- No!

All I want Wyatt Earp

to do is to come

with that

Buntline Special.

- And I can hand-load

some cartridges

with more powder

and a heavier b*llet.

I'd bet on ya myself!

- Well, I don't

understand, Mr. Gibbs.

You said it was

nonsense at the start.

- Well, I...

I kind of underestimated you

a mite on them cowhand stunts.

- Well, sh**t' at a man

is a lot different

than bulldoggin' a steer.

- Well, I can

tell ya one thing.

You're gonna have to do it,

or k*ll several men to

save your reputation!

Take that Buntline Special.

You ever think about how

many men are scared of it?

Take my shotgun over there.

I'm supposed to be able

to hit a man at yards!

And they know my -guage slug

puts such a big hole in a man

that there ain't no

doctor who can save 'em.

Consequently, I ain't

had to sh**t very often.

- Well, that's the

bettin' angle, Mr. Gibbs.

- Well, you don't have

to k*ll the feller!

Ain't but one

main fault you got.

There just ain't

enough Roscoe in ya!

I'll pay Breck his money!

- No, you're right.

- I am? Just this once?

- It's childish,

this sh**t business.

That's just the trouble.

Most hoodlums are childish.

If I back down from

that Lazy Q outfit,

it'd be just like you say.

I'd have to sh**t a lot of

grownup brats or quit my job.

You insist on one thing

with Mr. Breck.

You tell him I wanna

sh**t lyin' on my belly.

His man can do the same.

- How come?

- Because I'm not Mr. Buntline's

King of the Frontier!

If I'm gonna sh**t

at yards,

I wanna use my hands

to steady the g*n.

I'll also be a smaller

target for the r*fle.

- Well, I don't know

about that, now.

In the book,

here, it says

that you stood against the

skyline and shot it out--

- That stupid,

silly book!

Now, Breck's man and I

aren't gonna be

sh**t' blank cartridges.

You gonna make

the deal or not?

- If you say, boss.

You could do it like

the book says, though.

- Let him have it

his way, boss.

Layin' down on my stomach

is better for me.

- Yeah, I know,

but the book says--

- All right, you

sh**t the Winchester!

- Relax!

Tell Earp we agree.

[ Horses approaching ]

- All right, Mr. Gibbs.


start pacing it off.

- Right.

- Take your time and make

that first shot count.

- Don't worry, boss,

I'll get him.

- Wyatt!

Wyatt, there's a law

against dueling in Kansas!

- Mr. Gormley threatened

to k*ll me on sight.

Wrote me a little note.

Take a look yonder.

I'm in sight.

- Wyatt, please,

don't do it!

I--I can pay Breck off!

- I'm not doin' it to save

you a bet, Mr. Buntline.

- Then why?

- Well, you should

know that, Mr. Mayor.

Any Johnny Law that

backs down on a threat

has to give up his star.

Now, you gentlemen are

in the line of fire.

Move on.

- I'll fire one shot!

Then you commence!

- Right!

- I'm set.

- Can you make

it out of here?

- Yeah.

- Cut him down, Wyatt!

- Here you are,

Mr. Buntline.

Two cartridges left.

You wanna try your hand?

- Oh, Wyatt, I...

I... I...

- I'm sorry, Mr. Buntline.

I shouldn't have

said that to a friend.

♪♪ Well, he cleaned up

the country ♪

♪ The old Wild West country ♪

♪ He made law

and order prevail ♪

♪ And none can deny it,

the legend of Wyatt ♪

♪ Forever will live

on the trail ♪

♪ Oh, Wyatt Earp,

Wyatt Earp ♪

♪ Brave, courageous and bold ♪

♪ Long live his fame

and long live his glory ♪

♪ And long may

his story be told ♪

♪ Long may his story ♪

♪ Be ♪

♪ Told ♪

♪ Hmm ♪♪
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