04x14 - k*ll the Editor

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Life & Legend of Wyatt Earp". Aired: September 6, 1955 – June 27, 1961.*
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Series is loosely based on the life of frontier marshal Wyatt Earp.
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04x14 - k*ll the Editor

Post by bunniefuu »

( Men vocalizing )

♪ Wyatt earp, wyatt earp

♪ Brave, courageous and bold

♪ Long live his fame

♪ And long live his glory

♪ And long may

His story be told. ♪


Modern newspaper men dislike

To see the good ol' days

Portrayed by editors

And reporters who were

Drunkards, incompetents

And scoundrels.

The men who work on

Today's newspapers

Have such strict standards

That they cannot

Understand conditions

Which existed in towns

Like dodge city

On the frontier of .

But marshal wyatt earp has

Testified in his biography

To the truth.

Frontier journalism

Was a bitter struggle

Against lawless men

Who used horsewhips,

Fists and g*ns

To keep the facts

From being printed.

We'll fix that paper

So it'll never print

Nothing! Come on!

( Men shouting )

Hold it!

Now the new editor's

Not getting here

Until this afternoon.

When he does get here,

He's gonna get the same

Protection from the police

That mr. Lathrup got.

Now break it up!

- ( Men muttering )

- Come on! Move!

It's all over,

Mr. Kelly.

Busted windows--

It'll cost more

Than $ .

Didn't you arrest


No, mr. Kelly.

I want jim murdock

To start on his own.

That window is

Mr. Lathrup's trouble.

Well, all lathrup did

Was to print the truth

About sally bascom's

Dance hall.

Well, sally bascom's

Got a lot of tough friends.

I just hope that

Mr. Murdock knows that

Running a newspaper

In dodge city

Is a lot different than working

On the kansas city star.

His cousin marsh at

Wichita recommended the boy.

Well, they don't come

Any better than marsh murdock

Or the wichita eagle.

Cheer up, mr. Kelly.

We'll try and help

Young jim.

I owe marsh a favor.

Well, it'll be more

Than one favor you owe.

( Scoffs )

Hardware's my line.

Why I ever bought

An interest in

A newspaper--

Hey, wanna buy my share

For half of what I paid?

( Chuckles )

No, mr. Kelly.

If I did that,

They'd claim I

Was buying into

The globe to

Keep them from

Criticizing me.

Yeah, could be.

Could be.

Cousin marsh told me

To look you up first


Said you'd wise me up

To local conditions.

Well, it's kinda

A quiet town.

You mean, no news?

Well, not that quiet.

Mr. Earp?

About my staff...

- Well...

- Not much, eh?

Well, I didn't say that.

I'd just like to have you

Form your own opinion.

What happened here?


No, a mob did that

This morning.


Well, because they

Didn't like what

Your predecessor

Wrote about a certain

Dance hall lady.

Was it the truth?

- Mm-hmm.

- Fine.

Fine, I've got

A page one leader

Already made.

I admire your spirit,

Sir, but...

You know, I think

Your only problem here

Is gonna be

Your hired hands.

Don't tell me my

Reporters and printers

Are all drunkards.

No. Mr. Lathrup

Kept them pretty sober.

What is it, then?

Well, in a town

Like this,

A reporter associates

With all kind of people.

I think your big job

Is gonna be to try

And candle out

A few bad eggs.

My staff is

Gonna be honest.

A newspaper man,

First and foremost,

Must have the courage

In his convictions.

And I repeat,

A newspaper man

Must be dedicated

To the facts.

He must find the facts

And see to it

That they are printed.

Now the globe,

As long as I am editor,

Will have no friends,

No enemies.

It will print the simple

Unadorned truth.

The simple

Unadorned truth.

Any questions?

How do you feel

About crusades,

Mr. Murdock?

I'm sorry, sir,

Your name again?


Cal mcdavid.

You ask about crusades.

I don't like the term.

A crusading newspaper

Usually represents

The owner's grudges

And prejudices

And his personal opinion

Of what's good for

The reading public.

We had a mob after us

This morning.

Because of a story

I wrote.

- About the dance hall woman.

- Mm.

Marshal earp,

Was the story


I think so,

Yes, sir.

Thank you.

Mr. Mcdavid is

To be congratulated.

We'll rerun the story

And print any additional

Facts we can dig up.

We'll also print

The facts about that mob.

Mr. Earp,

You were an eyewitness.

Can you name names?

Well, I wouldn't do that,

Sir, if I were you.

Why not?

Because a mob doesn't

Have any names, mr. Murdock.

Half the people in it

Are sightseers or


Now just one more thing,

And I'll quit trying

To be the editor

Of the newspaper.

( Chuckles )

Yes, sir.

The globe made

A serious charge

Against miss bascom.

I think it's true

Enough, but I think

Mr. Mcdavid

Should have talked

To the lady

And printed

Her side of it.

She wouldn't talk,


Perhaps she might now

To some other reporter.

Maybe you should try

To get a statement

From her.

No, sir.

I think she's guilty

Of running a crooked


But I can't just

Arrest her on

Mr. Mcdavid's say-so.

But I think your idea

Of having a new man

Talk to her

Is a good one.


Welcome to dodge,

Mr. Murdock.

I'll get back

To my job.

Thank you, sir.

Thank you, gentlemen.

( Men and women shouting )

I should tell

That new editor off.

I should really

Blow the whistle.

It's no good,

Miss sally.

- Why not?!

- It's squealing.

Well, I was squealed on,

Wasn't it?

Not enough to cause

Any trouble.

Earp ain't been

Around to close us.

Cal wants it all.

He'll keep on

In the globe till

Earp does close me.

Then he can buy

My share of a peanut.

It won't happen,

Miss sally.

We'll take care

Of mcdavid.

I get there this morning,

A couple of busted windows?

Give us time.

Getting rid

Of a newspaper man

Takes some figuring.

Yeah well, I ain't

Gonna wait very long.

You attend to cal

Or I'll holler

My head off!

Anything they doing

Below the line?

No, it's all quiet.

Murdock's reporter

Couldn't even get in

To see miss bascom.

I'm gonna grab

Some sleep until

About : .

Then we'll wring

Her place out.

- How many of us?

- All the day men.

I'll see you

Minutes after : .

We'll be there.

( Knocks on door )


- ( Knocks on door )

- Earp?

It's to : .

Yeah, thanks.

( Door opens )

Mr. Jenson?

Mr. Jenson,

I need some soap.

Ah, never mind.

I think I have some

In my room.

Fixes me a tub

And forgets the soap.

One of these days--

Don't you think

We oughta circle

The joint, shotgun?

Wyatt said after.

Still got three minutes.

Are you loco?

That's marshal earp's g*n.

- Where did you--

- Shut up.

And get me the money.

I paid you your share

For the week.

If you think you can

Bust in here--

( Crowd murmuring )

Marshal earp,

Come quick!

Hurry, mr. Earp.

There's been a sh**ting.

You men go around back!

Shotgun, come with me.

- All right.

- Don't let anybody out.

Get inside there.

All right.


She's dead.

Give me that.

k*ller stole it

From you, didn't he?

Yeah, a few minutes ago.

Wyatt, they can claim

You k*lled her.

That's exactly what

I want them to do.

Miss sally!

Oh, miss sally!

( Crying )

Miss sally!

Now you stay here

Until doc mccarty comes.

Don't let anybody leave.

Big story, boss.

Somebody just m*rder*d

Sally bascom.

- The dance hall woman?

- Yeah.

- Did you see it?

- No.

But I got plenty

Of details and witnesses.

Well, shall I start


Of course.

Here, take my desk.

Sally bascom.


Wyatt, I heard there

Was a sh**ting in

Sally bascom's.

Yeah, she was k*lled

With my g*n, the buntline.

With your g*n?

Why, that's ridiculous.

Come on, I wanna talk

To jim murdock.

Got your lead in shape?

You bet.

Right here.

Oh, marshal earp.

Mcdavid must have

Been drinking.

I wouldn't insult you


Why, I haven't had

A drop, mr. Murdock.

We're not insulting

The marshal.

Well, you say the marshal's g*n

Was found near the woman's body.

You called sally bascom

His silent partner.

Just facts,

Mr. Murdock.

Your reporter has a story

To write, mr. Murdock.

We'll talk this over

In my office.

I'll get my hat.

Mr. Murdock, I was quite

Careless tonight.

I didn't lock my room

When I went to take

A quick bath.

The k*ller stole my

Buntline special and used it.

Jim believes you, wyatt.

But how did the reporter

Get the story that fast?

Was he there?

No. No, he said

He talked to witnesses.

Oh, it's not possible.

Not that fast.

And how come mcdavid names you

Sally's silent partner?

What'd you ever do

To him?


Before I print this story,

I'll have to see mcdavid's


Well, any man

That's slick enough

To commit a m*rder

With my g*n will

Have witnesses ready.

You think it was

Mcdavid himself?

I can't prove that yet.

Oh, phoosh on that talk,


You don't have to prove


Just fire the reporter

And tear up his story.


Now you question

The witnesses,

Take down

Their statements

And print the story.

All I ask is that you

Print my denial along

With it.


Do you want the globe

To call you a m*rder*r?

Sally bascom's

Fancy dan, hmm?

Mr. Murdock, don't start

Your job on the globe by

Suppressing news.

Well, I'll see.

So will i!

Oh, mr. Gibbs.

Do you believe that wyatt

k*lled that woman?

Of course not!

Young fella, you quote me

In that there newspaper

Of yours.

Just say,

"Chief deputy gibbs

Cussed like blazes

Under his breath."

I'll get to

The bottom of this.

We'll get to

The bottom of it!

Doc holliday will be

Here in the morning.

Oh, no.

Done sent him a wire

In kansas city.

Well, you shouldn't

Have done that.

Now I wanna handle this

My way.


What way is that?

Cal mcdavid's

Trying to frame me.

He used the globe

To help him along.


Them newspapers'll lynch

Plenty of innocent men.

Mcdavid will overplay

His hand, mr. Gibbs.

The truth will come out

Sooner or later.

Well, me and doc

Ain't waiting on that.

Now you stay out of this,

Both of you!

I'm warning you.

And that's an order.

Not no more, wyatt.

I ain't your chief deputy.

Me and doc are just

Plain citizens.

Now look, doc--

I'm telling you,

He'll land you both in jail!

In that case, we'll have

Some right good company.

'Cause you're gonna be

Sitting in the next cell

Charged with m*rder.

And I seen earp and miss sally

Just before the shot was fired.

And I saw marshal earp

Running down the alley.

Everybody knows earp

Was in business with

Miss sally.

Well now, that's just

Hearsay, mr. Caldwell.

Don't you have any more

Personal knowledge of--

I saw him and her

Divide the money

Several times.

Enough of this lying!

Get 'em out of here,


You think you'll

Get that printed?

I own part of this


Mcdavid, you're a gambling,

Cheating, no-good liar!

Easy! Easy now!

Both of you!

Finish the story

In my office.

Yes, sir.

Come on, folks.

All right, come on.

Get out of here.

Go on, all of you!

Get outta here!

I'm warning you, jim.

- This is a frame-up.

- Now hold your temper please.

I'm not gonna run

Mcdavid's story.

- Not yet.

- What do you mean "not yet"?

Mr. Kelly,

I'm a newspaper man.

Sally bascom

Was m*rder*d.

By mcdavid!

You heard what wyatt said.

But mr. Earp admits

He has no proof.

On the other hand,

Mcdavid has plenty

Of witnesses

To support his story.

Ah, liars! Hoodlums!

Yes, I think they are.

That's why I'm gonna

Hold the story.

But earp should give me

More than a denial.

If he has evidence

Implicating mcdavid,

- Let him produce it.

- Meaning what?


If he doesn't...

I have no choice but to

Turn mcdavid's version over

To the circuit attorney.

Then if his witnesses repeat

Their stories under oath,

I have no choice.

It's news.

I'll have to print it then.

Indeed now?

I hired you

And I can fire you.

Mr. Kelly,

You're a loyal friend.

I suggest

You make another attempt

To warn earp

That he must solve

The case quickly.

You might be able

To stop the globe

From printing

Sworn testimony.

But there are other

Newspapers in kansas--

The wichita eagle, for one.

Marsh murdock

Wouldn't print it!

You don't know

My cousin marsh very well.

All right.

How much time

Does wyatt have?

Until noon tomorrow.

So you're gibbs?

Yup, that's me.

Circle the dodge house

The back way.

Back way? Why?

It's wyatt.

He wants to handle this

All by himself.

Same old deacon earp.

Just what is the trouble?

Newspaper man

By the name of

Cal mcdavid

k*lled sally bascom

Last night

And aims to lay it

On wyatt.

Mcdavid, huh?

Yes, he would.

You know the feller?

Better than

I'd wanna know any skunk.

Now this saloon--

Mr. Gibbs, if you don't mind,

I have not had my breakfast.

Don't eat the cork.

Good morning.

Oh, mr. Earp.

Anything new?

No, sir.

I was questioning people

Most of the night.

- This mcdavid's story?

- Yeah.

He didn't finish it,


Said he'd be in

By nine.

( Sighs )

I'm playing a hunch,

Mr. Murdock.

Some of the witnesses,

Like the bartender,

Have uncomplicated

Lies to tell.

But mcdavid will dress up

The story with details

That only the real

k*ller would know.

Yeah, I see your point.

You're laying it on

Too thick, cal.

You expect us

To swear to all that?

Shut up.

I own this joint now.

You guys will do

What I tell you.

Of course

You can rat on me.

But you're in

Just as deep.

- Bartender?

- Yeah?

Tell him how sally

Paid you to have

Me k*lled.

Well, I thought

Maybe that she--



And now tell them how you

And everybody concerned

Is gonna make a lot more

By stringing along with me.

It's true.

The folks

Below the line

Raised $ ,

To get earp.

And remember this:

If we don't get him,

He'll get all of us.

- ( Knocks on door )

- Yeah?

Doc holliday's

Back in town.

He says he's gonna

g*n you on sight.


You boys ready?


It's either them or us.

Keep doc busy while

I make a run for

The globe office.

Murdock's got

To print this.

( Laughter and chatter )

Leave me alone, doc!

Leave me alone!

( g*nsh*t )

Just leave me alone, doc.

I'm not a ghost.

Not yet.

Now lift them.

I said lift them.


Mr. Gibbs,

You watch the alley.

I want cal mcdavid.

Where is he?

You talk

Or I'll cut you down.

In the parlor.

That way.

Come out of there,


Drop it.

Where is mcdavid?

He went out the window.

Heading for

The newspaper office.

I oughta k*ll you.

No, doc. I'll tell

The whole thing.

Stick to that.


The globe office,

On the double.


Doc and shotgun

Are back in the alley.

They're gonna k*ll


Now move that, feller.

No, mr. Gibbs.

He belongs to me.

Hold it, doc,

He's down.

Wyatt, that's

Crooked vulgar.

He was mine.


I just traced his skull.

I want him to hang


And this may do it.

It's already been done.

The bartender will talk.

On the threat

Of being shot?

No good.

Shotgun, I want you

To take him over to

Doc mccarty.

Ask him to patch up

His skull

And then bring him

Over to the globe office.

Come on,

Get on your feet.

The case may be

Right here.

I had him in a corner

With a g*n in his hand.

A chance like that

Comes once in a lifetime.

Reporters can blackguard

You in the papers, wyatt.

But they rarely

Carry a g*n.

Come on, doc.

I want you to meet

Editor murdock.

Look, he placed the exact

Location of my g*n.

Two feet from the body.

Now no other witness

Placed the g*n that close.



"The soiled lily crumpled

With her left arm

Posed in supplication

And looked like a white

And broken leaf

As she lay in the garish

Light of the room."

I think you're right,


- These details--

- Pardon me, sir.

Yes, dr. Holliday?

Why don't you print

The story just as it is?

Much better reading

To accuse deacon earp

Of m*rder than mcdavid.

- No. Come, on doc.

- Of course,

If you do print it

That way,

I'm gonna k*ll you.

If I thought mcdavid

Had his facts right,

I'd print it.

Young fella has courage,


Well, to edit

The dodge city globe,

He'll need it.

Four dead men

In sally bascom's joint!

I just knew doc holliday

Was back in town.

Four men k*lled?

Excuse me.

I've gotta get

A reporter on this

Right away.

Now you and shotgun

Could have stayed

Out of this.

Mcdavid pressed

His luck just as

I figured he would.

Did you have

Any breakfast

Besides whiskey?


Come on.

And even if young murdock

Had printed the facts wrong,

I could have

Handled the case.

And who cares what

The newspapers

Print about me


From now anyway?

You will.

If every paper

Repeats the same lie.

Quit trying to

Justify yourself, doc.

Wyatt, you underestimate

The power of the press.

They could give you

A good character or

A bad character.

You're forgetting

What truth said

To the politician

Who was worried about

The newspapers

Crying him down.

Truth? No.

No, I can't see

That I recall.

Well, truth said...

"I'll meet you

In the graveyard

Back of the poorhouse

Years from now."

♪ Well, he cleaned up

The country ♪

♪ The old wild west country

♪ He made

Law and order prevail ♪

♪ And none can deny it

♪ The legend of wyatt

♪ Forever will live

On the trail ♪

♪ Wyatt earp, wyatt earp

♪ Brave, courageous and bold

♪ Long live his fame

♪ And long live his glory

♪ And long may

His story be told ♪

♪ Long may his story

♪ Be told.
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