04x18 - Death for a Stolen Horse

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Life & Legend of Wyatt Earp". Aired: September 6, 1955 – June 27, 1961.*
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Series is loosely based on the life of frontier marshal Wyatt Earp.
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04x18 - Death for a Stolen Horse

Post by bunniefuu »

( Men vocalizing )

♪ Wyatt earp, wyatt earp

♪ Brave, courageous and bold

♪ Long live his fame

♪ And long live his glory

♪ And long may

His story be told. ♪


A cruel but necessary law--

The old west decreed death

For horse thieves.

To steal a man's horse

On the early frontier

Left him defenseless

Against buffalo stampedes,

Indians on the warpath

Or simple starvation.

But in dodge city

Of the late s,

The horse thief law

Had become out of date

And just plain murderous.

That limb ain't

High enough.

Throw a rope over

That one, macon.

I did not steal

Your horses.

I buy and trade.

I do not steal!

All right, riva,

You've had your say.

- Come on, hurry it up--

- ( g*nsh*t )

Hold it.

Take it easy, bendle.

All right, pretty boy,

Cut him loose.

Cover me, doc.

Move over there.

What's your name, mister?

Joe riva.

I have a horse camp

At the forks.

You can't turn him loose,


Horse stealing calls

For a hanging.

We was just trying to save

Kansas the cost of a trial.

Now that's real good

Of you, pete.

Kansas should make you

An honorary colonel.

Wyatt, I know mr. Riva.

As a horse trader,

He's a saint.

Doc holliday, my friend.

We got the evidence

And the witnesses.

You still aim

To turn him loose?


But he's gonna

Get a fair trial.

That suits us.

But no funny business,


Bar w's moving

Right into dodge.

- We'll be watching.

- Yeah, you do that.

Hold it, doc.

The law's on their side.

Then it's time for the law

To be changed.

Mr. Riva, you go along

With marshal earp.

I'll tell your daughter

What happened.

Doc, you know that

She's hot tempered.

Tell her to trust

Mr. Earp, please.

I'll take care of it.

How much for his bond?

Mr. Riva would be

Safer in jail

With the bar w in town.

I'm gonna talk to judge tobin,

Tell him what I think.

Fair trial, no hanging,

I promise.

Deacon, he won't

Even need a trial.

- Lucky for me,

Doc's a friend.

- Lucky?

You know, mr. Riva,

It's been my experience

That doc can

Get his friends

Into so much trouble

That sometimes they wish

They'd never been born.

I just hope for your

Sake that this isn't

One of doc's bad days.

Come on, get up here.

I tell you,

He must be somewhere.

Three hours now

And papa does not return.

The bar ws

Have taken him.

- We will find riva.

- We'll find him.

Then why do we wait here?

You are men. You have g*ns.

I will ride with you

To help papa.

Helen, your papa does

Not want fighting.

Still, if he's in trouble.

We'll ride, helen.

- With g*ns?

- Yes, with g*ns.

- Well, then let's go.

- Yeah.

Hold on, everybody.

Senorita riva,

Do you remember me?

It is truly

The dr. Holliday.

How fortunate you are here.

We think the bar ws

Have taken papa.

- Well, they did, senorita.

- Man: they did?

But marshal earp arrested him

To forestall a hanging party.

But why would they

Do that to papa?

Bendle and his crowd

Have accused him of

Horse thieving.

That's a lie.

Papa would never--

Save it, senorita.

Save it.

This is a town meeting,

And nothing much gets

Accomplished at town meetings.

Besides, I'm a mite thirsty

And I'd like to rest

A bit in the shade.

Of course.

Bring a drink

For the dr. Holliday.

But why must we

Steal horses?

So you can sell 'em

To me.

It's against the law.

It's the very thing

They accused papa of.

You want us all in jail?

No, senorita,

But I want your papa

Out of jail.

This plan will work?

This plan

Is our only chance.

Now you have your men

Steal the horses

And take 'em to

The auction stable in dodge.

I'll handle the rest.

Very well.

My papa trusts you,

I will trust you.

I will give the men

Their orders, and then

We ride into town.

- I must see papa.

- One other thing.

I wouldn't mention these

Horses to marshal earp

Or papa.

You see, I'm a scoundrel,

And this plan of mine

Is downright skullduggery.

Now we don't want

To shock marshal earp

Or papa, do we?

True. I think I am

Quite a bad girl.


No, I would not trust

This idea to a bad woman.

It requires your own

Sweet innocence to

Play the rascal.

There are the john henrys

Right on the line, judge.

Formal complaint

Of horse stealing.

I know mr. Bendle.

My boss wants

A quick trial.


That's fair enough.

I still say you could

Have saved everybody

A lot of trouble, earp.

Mister, you better

Have an airtight case.

I'm gonna arrest you

For attempted m*rder.

Don't you worry none.

We'll have the case.

- Stupid murderous law.

- I know. I know.

Can't we get it repealed?

I told you there's a bill

In the legislature,

But it won't pass in time.

And you intend

To sentence riva to hang

If the bar w puts their

Case over on the jury?

No, wyatt,

Not unless the jury

Makes the death

Sentence mandatory.

What then?

Well, let's not cross

That bridge till

We come to it.

Marshal, you and I

Don't make the law.

We enforce it.

The best thing you

Can do for riva

- Is see that he gets

Some kind of defense.

- Yes, sir.

And I strongly advise you

Not to have doc holliday

Near the trial.

He's not very popular

With local juries.

Mr. Gibbs.

Did you get anything

More on riva?

No, just what he told you.

Buys and sells horses

All along the texas trail.

Some of them's branded.

Some of 'em ain't.

How's he gonna tell

Whether a horse

With no brand on him

Has been stolen or not?

Mr. Bendle claims that

His men recognized

Three unbranded horses

By their shoes and markings.

Now the point is--

Can mr. Riva prove that he

Was an innocent buyer?


He's just a plain old

Easygoing horse trader.

About all we can do for him

Is to try to round up some

Character witnesses.

All right,

You tour the town.

There must be a lot

Of cattlemen that

Bought from riva.

I sure hope I can

Locate a few.

- Marshal earp.

- No, ma'am.

That there

Is the marshal.

I am helen riva.

You have my papa in jail?

Yessum, I do.

Won't you sit down?

- Well, I came to see papa.

- Well, you can see him,

But I'd like to ask you

Some questions first.

Of course. Yes.

Mr. Bendle at the bar w

Describes three horses here

That he claims rightfully

Belonged to them.

Now do you remember

The horses

Or where your father

Bought them?

I mean, if you

Have a bill of sale

Or a memoranda.


I must show this

To dr. Holliday.

Oh. Why?

Well, you see, he is

Going to get papa off.

I promised I'd leave

Everything to him.

You are his friend.

Are you then

Also our friend?

Well, i-- I don't think

Your father's guilty.


My friend and papa's.

And so young

And handsome, too.

All right, I think we

Better go see your papa.

Where are your horses?

They will be here by sundown.

Twenty head of the best.

Doc, I didn't

Know you went in

For horse trading.

I'm handling this

To accommodate a friend.

He set a bargain price

On each horse.

Now mind you, creevy,

There will be no auction.

You're gonna sell these

Animals at the set price,

Take or leave.

Now here's

Your commission.

No offense, doc,

But are these

Stolen horses?

Why don't you just count

The commission, hmm?

$ , $ , $ ,

$ .

I don't know, doc.

Marshal earp's--

Never mind, creevy.

There's another $ .

Well, of course I'm just

Selling on commission.

On consignment.

Now you remember that

Word "consignment."

That lets you out clean.


That's right.

Then why such

A big commission?

Because I want you

To feel and look

A mite guilty.

The sale will go

Faster that way.

I get it.

You want them to think

That the horses were stolen.

I want you to think

That, too, creevy.

There should be

An air of larceny

About the entire sale,

Horses at a bargain.

The buyers knowing

They should ask questions.

They're jumping

At giveaway prices.

Doc, we should do more

Business together.

All right, all right,

Now get to the point.

I am trying to save

Joe riva from being hanged.

Well, so am i.

Yeah, I know.

You talked that

Girl into something.


She been talking?

No, that's why

I've come to you.

Well, I can't

Say anything until

Tomorrow morning.

Have you got some evidence

That can help riva?

That's right.

Look, doc, will you

Listen to me just once?

I have listened to you,

At least a hundred times.

All right, then listen

To me one more time.

Now don't go into

Court tomorrow

And blow off steam.

Mr. Gibbs is trying

To hunt up character

Witnesses and miss helen's

Out trying to find some

Report on the bar w case.

We can handle things.

Not without me you can't.

- Look, will you

Just listen to me?

- No, you listen.

Tomorrow morning I'll send

For you to arrest men

For buying stolen horses.

Now are you gonna act

On my say-so,

Or is your deacon smugness

Gonna hold you back?

I'll act on your say-so.

But tell me this much,

Will you--

Not one word.

Now you're gonna get 'em

Dead to rights.

The whys and wherefores

Are not important.

- Si, senor.

- No brands.

Fine looking horses.

Where'd doc get 'em?

Yo no habla ingles,


$ . .

Doc must be loco.

Marshal earp, hello.

Miss helen.

- Did you find anything?

- Yes, you will see.

Come in.

Is anything wrong?

Did dr. Holliday do this?

Do what?

Miss helen, all this evidence

Has been forged.

You didn't even wait

For the ink to dry.

I can't believe that doc

Would be this careless.

Did you do this?


On the advice

Of dr. Holliday?

Oh, no, he had nothing

To do with it.

Believe me.

All right, burn it.

You do not put me in jail?

No, but I wanna

Ask you a question.

Dr. Holliday mentioned

Something about the sale

Of stolen horses

Tomorrow morning.

Do you know anything

About that sale?

Young lady, perhaps you

Don't know doc very well.

He is our friend.

I don't say one

Word against him.

Or tell me

About this sale.

I know nothing

About a sale.

The doctor is saving papa.

That's all I know.

More than likely,

He'll lead your father

To the gallows.

Oh, no, he promised.

I believe dr. Holliday.

( Sighs )

Well, that's that.

I also trust you.

Maybe I am romantic

About you, hmm?

That's right flattering,

Miss helen,

But you're just worried

About your father.

Come on, you walk with me

Over to the hotel.

- Perhaps if doc hasn't gummed

Things up too bad, we--

- No, thank you.

It is not allowed

That I walk with you.

I would be compromised,

You see?

Papa's men are outside.

I will be all right.

Buenas noches.

Good night, miss helen.

What's the gal

Crying about?

Just worried.

Real pretty gal, she is.

If I was two or three

Years younger, I might--

Mr. Gibbs,

Did you get any

Character witnesses?

Hmm? Oh, yeah, yeah.

Old riva's real well

Liked by everybody.

Excepting the bar ws.

"Mayor kelly, colonel

Grayson, j.p. Mcgruger."

They're all good names.

But doc just rigged

Some kind of a deal

With stolen horses.

- We better look into it.

- No, sir.

What do you mean?

Now, wyatt, what you

Don't know ain't gonna

Hurt you none.

You might just

q*eer doc's play.

Yeah, and his deal may

Go sour and hang riva.

In a case like this,

I'm afraid I'll

Have to bet on doc.


Well, there ain't nothing

Legal gonna save joe riva.

It's gonna take a dirty,

Lowdown, mean trick to do it.

Now just leave

Old doc alone.

It's our only chance.

All right, gentlemen,

Examine them carefully.

Look them over.

They're all good bargains.

They're real bargains.

And remember, it's only

One to a customer.

The first man

That has the cash is

The first man to take the horse.

You decided to buy one, sir.

Thank you very much.

Take him right out

The alley door if you will.

That's it.

And look them over, gentlemen.

Look them over carefully.

They're all good buys,

Each and every one of them.

Each and every one

Is a real bargain.

Where'd you get 'em,


On consignment.

Don't ask me any questions.

All right, if that's

The way you want it.

$ , Huh?

I'll take a chance.

You're not taking

Any chances, mr. Bendle.

You've got a real bargain.

How about you, sir?

Have you looked your

Horse over carefully?

That's a good buy.

I'm glad you decided

To take him.

And you, sir, have you

Checked this horse over?

Going to take him.

That's a good buy.

I know you'll enjoy

That bargain very much.

You can't go wrong

On a horse like that.

Take 'em all out

The alley door.

That is it.

You got the other end

Of the alley plugged?

Yeah, the front door, too.

Must be quite a shock

To you, deacon,

Seeing so many horse buyers

At : in the morning.

Look, pete bendle.

Move in, shotgun!

- Hold them horses, boys!

- What is this, a frame-up?

Hold it!


Where'd you get

This horse, mr. Bendle?

I never seen him before.

No? Then how'd he get

The bar w chalked on?

You're under arrest,

Mr. Bendle.

All right,

Bring 'em through there.

Let's go. Come on.

Come on, bring 'em out.

Come on.

Take your seats. Hurry up!

Hurry up. Come on!

Come on, take your seat.

All right,

Order in the court.

As I understand it,

Mr. Joe riva

And other men are charged

With stealing horses.

With their purchase,

Knowing them to have

Been stolen.

Is that correct,

Marshal earp?

That's right,

Your honor.

Here's mr. Creevy's

Sales report,

Listing the men

Who bought the horses.

"Mr. Bendle,

Foreman of the bar w."

On your feet, mr. Bendle.

Mr. Bendle,

You signed a complaint

Charging mr. Joe riva

With stealing

Some bar w horses.

Do you come into this

Court with clean hands?

This is a frame-up, judge.

Wyatt earp planted

Those horses on creevy.

That will do, sir.

This court sentences

Mr. Joe riva and the

Other defendants

To six months in jail.

What kind of

A trick is this?


Due to the fact that

The penalty for horse thievery

Will soon be changed

By the state legislature,

I shall parole

All the defendants from bench.

Case dismissed.

Clear the courtroom,

Marshal earp.

You're still

Gonna hang, riva.

Court adjourned.

Now go on,

Get out of here, move.

Marshal earp,

I wanna thank you.

You should thank

Dr. Holliday.

Yes, papa,

Our true friend.

I suggest that you

And miss helen

Head back for camp.

Bendle will try

To lynch me, you think?

I think he will.

But don't worry, papa.

Dr. Holliday will fight

With us.

Don't be foolish, helen.

We fight no one,

Marshal earp.

They will take it out

On my people.

You go and head back

To camp.

I'll consult

With dr. Holliday.

Well, wyatt.

I suppose

You want to apologize.

Mr. Bendle and some

Of his boys snuck out of town.

They're gonna try

To lynch riva, doc.

Maybe he has another

Brilliant idea.

You mean you're not inviting me

To join the fight?

It's not your fight.

That is the scurviest thing

You ever said.

Come on, mr. Gibbs.

I know a shortcut

To mr. Riva's place.

Mr. Riva, get your folks

In that ravine over there.

Bar w is headed this way.

We fight.

No, you don't.

This is our business,

Mr. Riva.

You keep your folks

Out of it.

Yes, that is right.

We take cover in the ravine.

Victor, take their horses.

We'd like to turn

Your wagons over,

If you don't mind.

Anything. Help mr. Earp.

Turn the wagons over.

Hurry up!

- I'll get a g*n

And help you fight.

- No, you don't.

No, you go with the rest

Of the women to the ravine.

- Hurry up.

- No, no.

Come on, hurry up.

Turn 'em over, let's go!

- One, two, three, over!

- ( Shouting )

It's the dr. Holliday.

Now I go.

( Speaking spanish )

I don't intend

To beg you.

Mr. Gibbs and I can handle

This situation, doctor.

Anyway, we don't intend

To k*ll anyone.

Just wing 'em.

All right,

I'll wing 'em, too.

We just might

Need him, wyatt.

All right,

As long as you promise

Just to wing 'em.

Put your horse over there.

Thank you, deacon.

I don't like

The looks of 'em.

Horse traders don't fight.

Your sand running out

On you?

Maybe they got wyatt

And doc with them.

Nah, we left them in town.

Leave your horses here

And follow me.

Give 'em a load

From that cannon, mr. Gibbs.

Maybe that'll discourage them.

Now, wyatt,

Quit spoiling the fight.

Let 'em come close.

Don't hardly seem fair

To keep 'em out

Of p*stol range.

Fire when they do.

- Fire!

- Fire!

Hold up, bendle!

Wyatt earp, doc holliday,

Shotgun gibbs.

- Hey, I'm gonna get

Out of here.

- So am i.

You yellowbellies!

Thanks a lot.

Mr. Earp.

You like my helen, no?

She's a very fine girl,

Mr. Riva.

She cannot expect too big

Of a dowry, but pretty big.

Thanks a lot for

The nice compliment,

Mr. Riva,

But I'll see

What miss helen has

To say about it.

No more danger?

No more excitement?

You see me now

Just as a john law,

Don't you?

Papa is a foolish man.

I have dear memories

Of you

And of the doctor

And mr. Gibbs.

It is enough to have good

Memories of good friends.

You're very sweet.

Vaya con dios.

♪ Well, he cleaned up

The country ♪

♪ The old wild west country

♪ He made

Law and order prevail ♪

♪ And none can deny it

♪ The legend of wyatt

♪ Forever will live

On the trail ♪

♪ Wyatt earp, wyatt earp

♪ Brave, courageous and bold

♪ Long live his fame

♪ And long live his glory

♪ And long may

His story be told. ♪

( Men vocalizing )
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