04x21 - Earp Ain't Even Wearing g*ns

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Life & Legend of Wyatt Earp". Aired: September 6, 1955 – June 27, 1961.*
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Series is loosely based on the life of frontier marshal Wyatt Earp.
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04x21 - Earp Ain't Even Wearing g*ns

Post by bunniefuu »

I feel plum-necked

without my shotgun, Wyatt.

You sure don't look natural

without your s either.

Well, a deal

is a deal, Shotgun.

I promised if they'd hang up

their g*ns, we'd do the same.

Well, there's

other cowhands in town

besides that Texas outfit.

They know what the deal is?

Well, word's gotten

around by now.

- I sure hope so.

- Hold it.

Man just ducked

into that doorway.

- He have a g*n on him?

- I don't know.

- One way to find out.

- I'll find out.

No, I made the deal.

[Ken Darby singing

"The Legend Of Wyatt Earp"]

♪ Wyatt Earp

♪ Wyatt Earp

♪ Brave, courageous and bold

♪ Long live his fame

and long live his glory ♪

♪ And long may his story

be told ♪



(male narrator)

Bitterness engendered

by the civil w*r

had not yet faded

in the Dodge City of

Marshal Wyatt Earp

was a Yankee from Illinois.

Most of the cowhands

and cattlemen who drove

from Texas

to the Kansas cow towns

had been ruined by the w*r.

Many of them were rightly

angered by the Bloody Shirts

who managed reconstruction

in the south.

Marshal Earp was determined

to make peace

and on one occasion,

he risked his own life

in a strange agreement

with a so-called Johnny Rebs..

Don't you touch those bags.

Oh, I've never seen such a place

as this in all my days.

Look at those drapes,

and there is dust everywhere.

I declare I'm afraid

to unpack my clothes.

Well, no miss, we keep

this place just as clean--

Don't you talk back to me.

My Lord, even in the south

our help wouldn't talk

to us like that.

Who are you?

I own this hotel, Ms. Landreth.

Then, you ought to be ashamed

of yourself

for keeping such a pigsty

as this.

I reckon you don't know

who I am.

Yes, you're

Major Landreth's daughter.

He owns the Circle Star.

Yes, and my papa is going

to be here today or tomorrow.

Before he gets here,

you'd better give this place

a thorough cleaning.

And you'd better discharge

that girl for impudence.

Ms. Landreth, this isn't

the only hotel in town

I think you might be happier

at the Texas House.

Oh, I'm not going to leave.

And my papa has

gentleman friends in this town.

You better apologize, sir.

I think you are the one

who owes an apology.

Me! Apologizing

to a Yankee tradesman?

We'll see about that.

Yeah, we'll just see

about that, Ms. Landreth.

I've never seen such a place

in my life.

This is Kansas.

Well, what's the trouble,

Mr. Cromwell?

Well, marshal,

I got a little Texas gal here

Ms. Amy Landreth.

She called my hotel dirty,

so I suggested she move.

Instead, she went over

to see Leiph Hardin.

Oh, that gambler that hangs

around the Long Branch?

That's right.

He said if I don't apologize,

he'll g*n me.

I'm no hand

at that sort of thing

so I gotta ask

for police protection.

I guess the best thing to do

is to talk to Ms. Landreth.

Some southern gals have

red hot temper

they say things

they don't really mean.


Yeah, well, this one means it.

[knocking on door]


Who is it?

'Marshal Wyatt Earp, ma'am'

Oh, indeed.

Well, I suppose Mr. Leiph Hardin

shot that Yankee boar.

Well, not quite yet, ma'am.

What did you say your name was?

Wyatt Earp.

Oh, yes.

My papa told me about you.

You're a Yankee from Illinois,

aren't you?

Yes ma'am

A lot of Sherman's villains

came from Illinois.

Can't you forget what happened

years ago, ma'am?

I was eight years old.

We lived in Mississippi.

Your soldiers burned

our house to the ground.

My mama died of pneumonia

walkin' through mud and rain.

I'm supposed to forget that?

No, Ms. Amy..

...but this is Kansas, .


Kansas, a filthy heap

of dust.

And look at you,

the brave yank marshal.

Well, am sorry ma'am

I, uh, just didn't have time

to tidy up.

I'm talking about those pistols.



'A bully totin' a g*n.'

Couple years ago,

we drove to Abilene.

The marshal there

was a brave man..

...and a gentleman.

Bear River Tom Smith.

Yes, he was a brave man.

And he didn't tote g*ns.

He used his fists

like a man.


Now, suppose you ask

Mr. Leiph Hardin

not to sh**t Mr. Cromwell.

Well, that's what

I'm here for.

Because, you see, if Mr. Hardin

goes after Mr. Cromwell

I'm going after him

If I do that,

then I have to arrest you

because you put Leiph

up to it.

If you did that, my papa

and the Circle Star men

would sh**t you down dead.

Well, now, that'd be

a might foolish, wouldn't it?

Cromwell could apologize.

Yes, he could.

I'll ask him.

You takin' my side?

No. I just don't want

a lot of sh**ting

because it happens to be windy

and dusty in Kansas

You see, Ms. Amy, the good Lord,

he made Kansas that way.

Now, you be a little bit patient

with us, will you?

It's none of your business

how I operate this hotel.

- You apologize to Ms. Amy.

- I'll not apologize--

You drop by the office

and pay your fine

you get your peashooter back.

Now, go on,

get outta here, move.

Thanks, Marshal.

I appreciate what you did.

- Do me a favor, will you?

- Sure.

Apologize to Ms. Amy.

Let her stay here.

- I thought that you agreed--

- You're right.

Being right isn't worth fighting

a civil w*r all over again.

Ms. Amy's pop is coming

to town shortly with his outfit.

I wanna try and keep peace

with the state of Texas.

Well...if you say so, marshal.

I'll apologize.

Thanks. I appreciate it.

[intense music]

And he shouldn't have asked

Cromwell to apologize.

What's going on around here

anyway, Wyatt?


I'm tryin' a little experiment,

Your Honor.

Well, it won't work.

Shotgun, you ever get anywhere

with Johnny Rebs

by being nice to him?

Well, can't say that I have.

Of course, I ain't never tried

very hard.

That's just it, Mr. Gibbs.

None of us have tried

hard enough here in Dodge.

We just haven't been patient

enough with her.

Ms. Amy says they get along fine

in Abilene.

Bear River Tom Smith

didn't carry g*ns.

And where is

Bear River Tom Smith now?

In his grave.

You can't blame Texans

for that.

He was m*rder*d

by a couple of drunken farmers.

I heard he did have a r*fle when

he went to arrest them fellows.

Let's stick to the point.

The point is that

this is the first time

that the Circle Star Outfits

are driving into Dodge.

I favor bending over backwards--


Yeah, the Circle Stars

in town, alright.

I guess we better go

disarm them fellows, marshal.

At once.

[g*nshots continue]

[crowd shouting]

Boys are feeling their own.

Well, they deserve a little fun.

Well, papa. The marshal here

isn't like Mr. Smith in Abilene.

- Are you Mr. Landreth?

- Major Landreth, Sir.

Papa, this is Marshal Earp.

Sorry, sir, but we don't allow

any hurrahing in Dodge City.

Why? That's the silliest thing

I ever heard.

Please ask your men

to rack their g*ns

as long as they're here.

Well, nobody hurt

that I can see.

Come along--

If you can't control your men,

then I'll have to.

Take your hands off me.

I reckon my boys can handle

Yankee marshals.

Mr. Gibbs, most of those men

headed for the Texas Bar.

You and Ed go in the back door.

We'll take the front.

Well... I was right

in the first place.

He's nothin'

but a bad-mannered bully.

Time he learnt

some manners, Amy.

I need a bath.

I'm almost as dirty

as a long rider.



Alright, all hands on the bar.

Two sh*ts over there.

Now, put them on the bar.

Take their g*ns.

Get them g*ns, Ed.

Alright, Mr. Gibbs.

Put them under arrest.

Carrying g*ns

and disturbing the peace.

Alright, boys, off to jail.

Let's move. Come on.

(male # )

'Let's move it.'


Cronneacker, McDonald, Durad.

Bail's set at $

a head, gentlemen.

Judge Tobin said

he'd be arriving here.

Right in here, boys.

Just make yourselves at home.

[door slamming]

Those are my father's men.

I know, Ms. Amy.

Your father could have

prevented this.

Papa never dreamed

you'd set upon them with a..

...with a cannon.

Well, it wasn't

a cannon, Ms. Amy.

It was a -gauge shotgun

using slugs.

Well, you're a coward.

You sent your deputies in to

sneak up on them from the back.

Tired cowhands

just having a little fun.

Now, now, daughter.

I'll handle this.

He put our men in jail.

All of them.

Alright, sis, but you shouldn't

have come here.

Marshal Earp will excuse you,

I think?

Yes, sir.

The Circle Stars

had g*ns, Ms. Amy.

g*ns. Bear River Tom Smith

didn't need g*ns.

He was a brave man.

She's upset.

Hope you and I can talk about

this without losing our tempers.

I don't lose

my temper much, sir. Sit down.

Thank you.

Amy is my right-hand man

and I'm afraid she's right

about the weapons.

Oh. How is she right?

My boys had heard about you

and your two Colt s, Mr. Earp.

They weren't used to that kind

of law enforcement in Abilene.

Marshal Smith used his fists.

Naturally, my outfit

wasn't going to disarm

and run the risk

of being shot down

by some trigger-happy John Law.

Well, I'll make a deal

with you, sir.

- A deal?

- Yes, sir.

You agree to keep

your men disarmed

as long as they're in Dodge City

and I'll promise

not to wear g*ns.

- Are you serious?

- Yes, sir.

I'll go one step further

to try keeping peace

with the Circle Star Outfit.

No charges for what happened

at the Texas Saloon.

Fair enough?

Oh, that's more than fair.

Us southerners have been

carrying a grudge too long, sir.

I think it's time

to make peace.

So do I.

You tell Ms. Amy, will you?

I'll have a heart-to-heart talk

with the child.


Mr. Gibbs.

Turn 'em loose.

Their boss make their bail?

No, I want to keep peace.

What's this about peace?

Tryin' an experiment, Mr. Mayor.

Major Landreth agreed to keep

his men disarmed

if I would agree

not to wear my g*ns on patrol.

Have you gone loco?

- Why, it's a Johnny--

- Hold it, Jim.

Have you gone loco, too?

I think maybe

Wyatt's got a good idea.

You going to disarm

all of us, Wyatt?

No, Mr. Gibbs. Just you and I.

The other deputies will patrol

below the line as usual.

(Mr. Mayor)

'Of all the crackpot ideas.'

Now look, Your Honor.

Mr. Gibbs and I

still have our fists.

Now, most cowhands talk

of better fist-fights

than they can prove.

Mr. Gibbs, are you afraid

of a cowhand

when he hasn't got a ?

No, I ain't.

They teeter around

in them high heel boots.

Good punch can knock 'em

right over.

It will be enjoyable.

Come on, let's let

those fellows loose.

[dramatic music]

(male # )

'Am I getting blind?'

Is Earp wearing g*ns

or ain't he?

No, you're right. No g*ns.

And Shotgun

ain't carrying a canon.

The boys should hear

about this.

Earp ain't wearing g*ns!

He's just outside. Look at him

and Shotgun with your eyes.

Hold it!

I made a gentleman's agreement

with Marshal Earp.

Nobody wears g*ns.

Levitt, Norris, go hang up

your weapons.

You heard me!

Right now!

[dramatic music]

My men are disarmed, Mr. Earp.

So are we, sir. Don't let

your men go below the line.

Peace treaty hasn't been signed

there yet.

I'll take care of it.

Boss didn't say nothing about

whipping Earp with our fists.

Ha ha. Maybe that's the idea.

We'll spring out and jump him

one at a time as he comes back.

That's an idea!

Well, I'll show you

how we do it now, come on.

Amy, Earp and I shook hands

on a truce.

A truce?

No g*ns on either side while

we are loading cattle in Dodge.

You let a Yankee talk you

into something like that?

I wish you'd drop this Yankee

and Confederate talk.


It's over

and done with, Amy.

General Lee told us we are all

in the same country now.

Besides, what'll the North do

in another w*r

if they don't have us

to help them fight?

- Hmm?

- Well!

[dramatic music]

[horse snorts]

Well, it's sure awful quiet.

Maybe my hunch is right, huh?

Well, if we hadn't throwed

them fellers in jail.

Man just naturally hates

to be throwed in jail

even across their own rangers.

We let them go, didn't we?

Major Landreth said that..

- Hello, friend.

- Don't call me your friend.

I want to see how tough you are

without them g*ns on.

[dramatic music]


Never lean with your right.

Leaves you wide open

for a left hook.

Yeah, maybe you're right.


Throw some water on him.

[lid clanking]

[music continues]



The next number's mine.

What makes you think that the..

[music continues]



Major Landreth

isn't gonna like this.

You and he did, brother.

Ain't you had enough?


Take the left one!


Hey, marshal!

You need any help?

No, just take care of those.

[music continues]


(male # )

'Go on, k*ll..'

[indistinct shouting]


Stop it!

Stop it!

Stop it!

Well, I can't right now, ma'am.

I don't mean you, I mean him!


'He's k*lling them!'


Just a minute.




That's enough!

Let 'em go!


Did my men start the fight?

[breathing heavily]

Yes, sir.

Fetch Doc McCarty.

I am sorry, Marshal.

I'll tell the others that this

thing stops right here and now.

Well, I don't apologize!

I think you're nothing

but a big brawlin' bully!

Now, lie still. You might have

a busted shoulder.

You're so generous

to the defeated.

We're not licked. I'll find

someone who can put you down.


Oh you...you Yankee!




Is there a really good fist

fighter in this here town?

I guess Swede Larsen comes

about the closest to it.

She'll hire him.

What does she wanna do

that for?

Dad done called it off.

'Cause she wants to forgive

a fallen foe, Mr. Gibbs.

It's too bad

I'm not in love with her.

I might take a dive.

[dramatic music]

- Mr. Clerk!

- Yes, ma'am?

Who's the best fist fighter

in town?

Wyatt Earp.

No, I mean...is there any man

who would've a chance

to beat him?

Swede Larsen thinks he can.

Where can I find

this Mr. Larsen?

Larsen wrestles beer barrels

in Henry's warehouse.

Oh Miss!

No charge.

Well, you've proved your point.

Now, belt on them g*ns, will ya?

- I can't.

- Why not?

Because Landreth kept

his part of the deal.

No fistfights, no gunfights.

There, you see?

Knuckles all skinned up.

I was lucky, Mr. Kelly.

Ah, g*n is clean. Keeps

the fellow at his distance.

Why don't you let

Doc McCarthy bandage you?

Mortification might set in.

They're just scratches.

Hey, Earp?

[door closes]

Ain't nothing personal,

but I gotta invite you outside.

I got a hunch.

Lady hired you

to beat me up, huh?

Just a job.

Get outta here, Larsen.

Wyatt's been fist fighting

all afternoon.

Never mind.

- Outside, huh?

- No...right here.

Well, alright. But it's foolish

to mess up your office.


I busted my hand.


You busted Larsen's jaw, too.

We'll be over at the doc's.

You put on your g*ns.

Yeah, I guess

I won't be much good one handed.

Wyatt broke this man's jaw!

Did she hire him?

Yes, she did.

Money wasted!

Hurt your hand?

Yeah, I guess I busted it.

Sorry, sir, but the deal's off.

I can't do any fist fighting

with one hand.


Here, allow me.

We'll have our cattle loaded

by midnight..

...and we'll be moving out.

Yeah, I wish you luck.

Start your apology, sis.

Oh, yes. I...I wanna apologize,

Mr. Earp.

It was low-down Yankee..

I mean...it was low-down


I mean it was just

plain low down what I did..

...and I'm sorry.

Alright, Miss Amy.

Now the rest of it, sis?

Oh, yes. We'd be mighty pleased

if you'd come to dinner.

Well, thank you.

First I better stop by

the doc's.

Plenty of time.

You go along with him, Amy. I've

to finish with the cattle lines.

[dramatic music]

[melodious music]

I wanted to tell you why I did

what I did.

Well, I have an idea..

...but well, you give me

your reason.

Well, I was attracted to ya

and I hated myself for it.

But you did want me beat

to a frazzle.

Well, no. Not really.

That's why I told Papa, and we

hurried right over to stop it.

North or south, a brave man

should never fall in defeat.

They didn't, Miss Amy.

They fell in glory, not defeat.

[birds chirping]

Wyatt...I hope some day

we see each other again.

I hope so.

Well...we better

get your hand taken care of.

[orchestral music]

[Ken Darby singing

"The Legend Of Wyatt Earp"]

♪ Well, he cleaned up

the country ♪

♪ The old wild west country

♪ He made law

and order prevail ♪

♪ And none can deny it

the legend of Wyatt ♪

♪ Forever will live

on the trail ♪

♪ Wyatt Earp

♪ Wyatt Earp

♪ Brave, courageous and bold

♪ Long live his fame

and long live his glory ♪

♪ And long may his story

be told ♪

♪ Wyatt Earp

♪ Wyatt Earp

♪ Brave, courageous and bold

♪ Long live his fame

and long live his glory ♪

♪ And long may his story

be told ♪

♪ Long may his story

♪ Be told ♪
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