04x22 - Bat Jumps the Reservation

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Life & Legend of Wyatt Earp". Aired: September 6, 1955 – June 27, 1961.*
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Series is loosely based on the life of frontier marshal Wyatt Earp.
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04x22 - Bat Jumps the Reservation

Post by bunniefuu »

[Ken Darby singing

"The Legend Of Wyatt Earp"]

♪ Wyatt Earp

Wyatt Earp ♪

♪ Brave, courageous and bold

♪ Long live his fame

and long life his glory ♪

♪ And long may

his story be told ♪

[soft humming]

(male narrator)

Bat Masterson, after a term

as sheriff of Ford County

started drifting in search

of romance and excitement.

Texas cow towns to mining towns

and the Black hills.

Bat tried to live it up.

Then he fell in love with

a girl named Cora Watrous

and returned to Dodge City

full of big ideas

which he expected his old

friend Wyatt Earp, to share.

You and Al register

at the Dodge house.

I'll go set

the deal with Wyatt.

- Alright, don't get lost.

- Hmm.

- And don't tell Earp too much.

- I know how to handle Wyatt.

You powder you nose, angel.

Deacon likes them spic and span.

Hiya, Wyatt.

Oh, no!

Remember me?

Yeah, I think I do.


...Bat Masterson.

What'd you do,

strike it rich?

Well, not yet,


We'd better get off the street.

The whole town will be talking.

- Come on.

- Okay.

So I told Al and Cora

I wanted my old pal

the Deacon in on this.

Just wait till you

get a good look at Cora.

I tell you, she's the girl for

me. This time it's for keeps.

What's the matter?

Don't you like the plan?

Well, I think-I think ranching

can be mighty practical.


'Practical! You ought

to see this Wyoming spread.'

I tell you there's

grass up to your knees

and water in the rivers

all year round.

Al Watrous, wasn't he in some

kind of trouble in Missouri?

That's been settled.

Al's been straight for years.

Look, Wyatt, I'm tryin' to cut

you in on a legitimate deal.

Well, the trouble is,

Mr. Masterson

I can't quite imagine you

settling down to ranching.

That mean you don't

want a share?

Well, let's put it

this way, Mr. Masterson.

If you need money

to put this deal over

I'll be happy to lend it

to you...old times' sake.

Thanks, Wyatt. I did pretty well

in a gambling streak.

That was just luck,

Mr. Masterson.

And don't you ever forget

that it was just luck.

I hope you

have a lot more.

Cora-Cora wants to meet you.

- At least you can meet her.

- I'll be very happy to.

I'll buy you all the best dinner

that Dodge City has to offer.

o'clock, huh?

We'll meet.

Thanks, Wyatt.

I knew you were my friend.

Uh, why don't you

leave this here, huh?

Yeah. o'clock.

I don't like this tie up

between Masterson and Earp.

Oh, we need

to keep Earp friendly.

Till we buy that herd

and start west.

How about you and Bat?

Baby face is a nice fella.

They come.

Why can't you be practical?

We need his money

to swing this deal.

- Are you figuring to marry him?

- Al, don't talk silly.

We agreed I should sell him

the idea of us going straight.

Now, behave yourself.

Isn't she a honey, Wyatt?

Yeah, she's real pretty.

You know, I'm

kinda-kinda jealous.

I don't understand it, Mr. Earp.

Why hasn't some

bright girl picked you up?


Lot of them have tried, Cora.

Wyatt's still faithful

to his wife.

She died back in Illinois.

Oh, I didn't know.

I am sorry.

It's quite alright. Things

like that happen sometimes.

I hate to break this up

but we've got a deal to close.

I'm sure the Marsh

will excuse us.


Big deal, Wyatt.

They brought head

from Riley & Sons.

Oh, good.

Them brands look

alright to me.

But they're leaving

in the morning at sun up.

Well, here it is,

Clay County, Missouri.

It's over three years

old though.

Al Watrous, Jim Givens,

Walley Stone.

Hmm. Bat ought not to be riding

with a hoodlum like Watrous.

Bat happens to be

in love with Al's sister.

Kansas federal warrant.

Bat says that

Al's going straight.

Yeah. He's going

straight alright.

Straight to

Hole-in-the-wall, Wyoming.

That hideout

on the outlaw trail?

Who told you?

One of them riders

that Watrous tried to hire.

You know, Wyatt, I think

we better recheck them

cattle brands when it's

light enough to see for sure.

No. Mr. Masterson is

a good old friend of mine.

He gave me his word that

Watrous is reformed.

I never have hounded

a man for his past.

We'll have to wait.

Well, it won't take too long.

'Cause there's lots of John Laws

between here and Wyoming.

That herd will

be checked again.


[intense music]

[music continues]

Some Tin Stars after us, boss.

- What for?

- They checkin' brands.

They held that Colorado outfit

at the Smokey River, two days.

John Laws, how many?

Four when they left

the Smokey, Ms. Cora.

Where's Bat?

He's ridin' point for the herd.

Maybe miles west.

Then we better take

the Tin Stars back here.

Go get Rats and Burke and Casey.

They're riding tail end.

Be quiet about it. We don't

want Masterson to interfere.

- Yes, ma'am.

- And hurry.

You keep out of this.

I don't want you losing

your nerve at the last minute.

Drive ahead

and pull into those rocks.

Not yet.

Get down.

Wait till they get

in point blank range.




Ho! Ho!

Let's get out of here.


Cora, get their horses.

- 'They're getting away.'

- Shut up.

- We got two of them.

- The others will bring a posse.

Not this close

to the Wyoming line.

You men get back to the herd.

I've been back here twice.

Where've you been?


'Had a little trouble.'

Some rustlers jumped down on

his men at the end of the herd.

They dropped a couple

and...the others ran.


I said we're movin' on.

Al's afraid the rustlers

might jump us again.

He wants to keep

on the move until sun down.

Those steers are tired.

So are the men.

I'm telling you

we move on.

We're partners.

You don't tell me anything!

Stop it.

Both of you.

Anymore of this John, I quit.

Oh, honey, I'm sorry.

Al and I are friends.

Isn't it right, Al?

Oh, sure. Sure.

We're friends.

Wyatt, there's a telegram come

for you about five minutes ago.

"Deputy Marshal Anderson

and Sheriff Mitchell m*rder*d

"near Greeley, Colorado,

while trying to investigate

"cattle drive led by

Al Watrous, Missouri outlaw.

"Your friend Masterson reported

to be with the Watrous outfit.

"Request your

immediate cooperation.

Please wire me at once.

John. T Grimes. US Marshal."

Bat won't have anything

to do with that.

Bat is tucked in

by that girl, Wyatt.

Yeah, I know.

I'm gonna head for the Santa Fe

depot. You get Mayor Kelly.

- 'That's a mighty long trail.'

- And I'm takin' it.

I'll go as far as I can

by train and then stagecoach.


I'll buy the grub. You take

your horse and ride ahead.

Al and the boys may need

help with the cattle.

Oh, now. I need a drink, honey.

Sally's Camp.

It's the only store

and saloon around?

Not a town in miles.

You getting cold feet?

I wouldn't be lancin'

with you, honey.

That's my boy.

You and Al have been

getting along great.


I'll-I'll tie up the horse.



'Hey, Sally, open up,

it's Cora Watrous.'

Alright, Cora.

Wait a minute.

Come on in.

Mr. Masterson, say hello

to Sally Roweday.

Howdy, ma'am.

Saw you kissing.

You're gonna marry Cora?

Well, I sure am.

He's kinda cute.

- Help yourself at the bar.

- Well, thank you. I will.

Ah...I wanna talk

to you, Cora. It's important.

Of course.

Won't be long, honey.


[intense music]


'And it was a posse

out of Colorado.'

Now you folks stay

in Hole-in-the-Wall.

I can't afford

to have you around here.

Al thought

they were rustlers.


I don't care about that.

His name's on the dodger,

Al Watrous!

Alright. We'll buy

supplies for a month.

And fix it with them other

outfits at the Hole.

There are some mighty mean boys

camping there.

Al's doing that

right now.

We'll keep you

clean, Sally.

As clean as you can get.

Without a bath.

Now, don't you

get sassy with me.

Simmer down, will you?

You can take a joke.

For cash.

Now listen here..

Ha ha ha!

Grub for head.

Enough to last a month.

Drive the wagon round back,

will you, honey?

Why do we need grub

for a month?

It's only seven miles

to the ranch.

Well, I know it is,

but we have to collect our share

of free range

in Hole-in-the-Wall first.


That's an outlaw hangout.

What is this, Cora?

I'll explain

when the wagon's loaded.

Get moving, will you?




[door closes]

Don't he know?

- Not yet.

- What do you mean to say--

Stop talking and help me

with this grub list.

Alright, now what's this deal

about Hole-in-the-Wall?

Just what I said.

We collect some free range.

From the rustlers

in the Hole.

They won't bother us.

Al should have told me.

Well, he wanted to but

I didn't want anymore arguments.

I'm right in the middle.

Want a deal, baby face?

I'll get Al to cut

the grazing to two weeks.

We'll move out to the ranch

and I'll marry you.

- I don't know.

- Never mind.

There's your horse.

We'll buy you out as soon

as we sell the steers.

No! You're marrying me.

Uh! That sounds better.

[soft music]

Come on, move!

I wanna know why you turned

the herd away

from the ranch

without telling me.

I was scared that you're

a Johnny Law at heart.

What's that got

to do with it?

Our spread is two miles east

of Hole-in-the-Wall, Bat.

That means we have to get along

with the outlaws who hide there.

If we don't

they raid our cattle.

- Sure, I see that--

- Look, look.

Cora doesn't want us

to have anymore arguments.

She don't like it.

She'll run out on us.

- You want that to happen?

- No.

Alright. Forget it.

[intense music]

[music continues]

Who are you?

Name's Bob Anderson.

Suppose to meet a couple

of my friends here.

Where they comin' from?

Robbers' Roost, down south.

You on the run?


Why don't you go over

to Hole-in-the-Wall?

It's safer.

Friends said

they'd meet me here.


Well, boarding and lodging

is five dollars a day

and extra dollar

for each horse.

Thank you.


Put that on my account.


Take care of the horses.

Don't give 'em

too much water.

- Make yourself at home.

- Thank you, ma'am.

Hey, Tonka. You have

to take care of the horses.

Make a sneak for it

to the Hole.

Tell Cora Watrous

I got a stranger here.

Looks mighty like

Johnny Law to me.

Where are you goin'

in such a rush, hon?

Got an errand.

Lift 'em.

You jokin'?


'No, he isn't.'

Sally's Injun just brought word

she has a stranger in camp.

Why are you afraid

of a stranger at Sally's?

Maybe he's one of your

Tin Star friends.

We ain't takin' any chances.

- Cora, this is hoodlum stuff.

- 'Is it?'

You know it is. Has Al pulled

something I don't know about?

Keep him tied up

until I get back.

Better we finish him up

right now.

No! It's not necessary yet.

Hide him inside.

And if I'm not back

in two hours, you come after me.

I will.




The great Marshal Earp.

Ms. Cora, how are you?

You have no authority

out here.

You wanna see

a federal badge?

What have I done?

When associating with outlaws,

I'm gonna take a nice long ride.

Oh, fine. We'll go right into

the Hole and arrest my brother.

Well, I'm not quite

that stupid.

Your brother's gonna come out

of the Hole-in-the-Wall

and learn what happened to you.

You can't away with this.

Al is bound to trail us.

That's exactly what

I want him to do.

Come on.

Leave this for Al.

Trade you for Mr. Masterson.

- How is Mr. Masterson?

- He's dead.

Well, I doubt that.

- Now, climb on that horse.

- I will not.

- I said get on the horse.

- Don't touch me.

I guess I'll have

to put you on it.


I guess I'll have

to tie you on.

And you stay in that cell..

...otherwise you find

yourself hanging head down.

Just take it easy.

You coward! You bully!

Look, anymore talk out of you

and I'm gonna put a gag on you.

Now, just hold still.

[intense music]

[music continues]

That's Cora's rig.



Looks like trouble.

Cover me.


- What happened?

- Oh, a marshal named Earp.

- He took your sister.

- Took her where?

How should I know?

He had us tied up.

Uh, two can play that game.

- What is it, Al?

- That marshal arrested Cora.

They're headed

for Stone Canyon.

I left Masterson

at the cabin.

You and Casey ride back

and untie him.

- Bring him here quick.

- Alright.

Earp thinks I won't fight

for fear of hurting Cora.

Just wait till he sees

Masterson pushed in front of us.

'Now, hurry.'

[horse nickering]

Hold it.

This isn't far enough.

About a thousand miles

and Al would still get you.

I couldn't stand your company

for a thousand miles.

Get down from it.

I'm not Mr. Masterson

or any other easy mock.

Now you get up that hill

and behave yourself.

'Come on, move.'

[intense music]

I think they're

up in those rocks.

I hope so. He can k*ll

all three of you from there.

We'll keep him upfront.

Ride in line behind him.

I thought you had nerve, Al.

What's Earp got?

Hiding behind my sister.

Let's get around these rocks.

Stay close behind him. Let's go.

No wonder Al got

kicked out of Missouri.

Put Bat on the lead horse.

Is that stupid too?

Yes, it sure is.

You better hustle down there

and warn Al.


If you take him alive you'll say

I was in on that ambush.

Lady, now I know

all about you.

- Get on your feet.

- No! No!

Get on your feet

and get down there.

Cut her loose

or Bat gets it.

I don't want her.


[g*nshots continue]

[g*nshots continue]

You alright?

Yeah. You're alright.

You ride Ms. Cora's horse.

I'll ride my own.

What about me?

You can walk back

to Sally's camp.

It's only

about - miles.


Al, are you gonna stand

for this?

I'm not gonna walk across

that wilderness.

Al, are you scared to stick up

for your own sister?

I'll take care of Earp as soon

as the jury turns me loose.

Oh! So you're going

to blame it on me.

I didn't say that.

Mr. Earp, I'm ready

to turn state's evidence.

I'm sorry, ma'am.

I wouldn't use

a witness like you.

Move out.

[intense music]

You can't leave me here!

You can't do this!

[Ken Darby singing

"The Legend Of Wyatt Earp"]

♪ Well, he cleaned up

the country ♪

♪ The old wild west country

♪ He made law

and order prevail ♪

♪ And none can deny it

♪ The legend of Wyatt

♪ Forever will live

on the trail ♪

♪ Wyatt Earp

Wyatt Earp ♪

♪ Brave, courageous and bold

♪ Long live his fame

and long live his glory ♪

♪ And long may his story

be told ♪

[soft humming]
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