04x28 - How to Be a Sheriff

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Life & Legend of Wyatt Earp". Aired: September 6, 1955 – June 27, 1961.*
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Series is loosely based on the life of frontier marshal Wyatt Earp.
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04x28 - How to Be a Sheriff

Post by bunniefuu »

Mr. Earp doesn't think that new

g*n is very smooth in the action

so here, this was dad's.

That the one he was wearing

when he was k*lled?

But, Del, those road agents

shot him in the back.

Mom and I certainly don't

blame the g*n. Now take it.

Listen, hon, when I..

...ran for sheriff I didn't

claim to be a g*n fighter.

They told me all I'd have to do

was sign some tax sales papers

and serve eviction notices.

You really want me to make

a fight with the Grogans?

I just want you to be a man.

Not just some old

court house politician.

Del, are you scared?

Sure, I'm scared

and I don't understand

why you're trying to

push me into a gunfight.

I could get k*lled.

Alright. Let Mr. Earp

do the job for you.

No, no. I'm scared...but I

don't think I'm a coward.

Well, I don't think so either.

My dad was a fighting sheriff

and I just don't think that

he'd want me to marry a man who

backed away from him sworn duty.

[Ken Darby singing "The

Life And Legend Of Wyatt Earp"]

♪ Wyatt Earp. Wyatt Earp

♪ Brave courageous and bold

♪ Long live his fame

and long live his glory ♪

♪ And long may

his story be told ♪

(male narrator)

The life and legend

of Wyatt Earp

starring Hugh O'Brian.

Bat Masterson and

Charlie Bassett

were known as

Fighting Sheriffs

of Ford County, Kansas.

They had moved on

to other jobs.

And Marshal Earp, returning

from a long chase westward

after federal outlaws

found that Del Mathey

had been elected sheriff

Del had no

qualifications for the job.

Other than a respected family

name and personal popularity.

Hey, got them both, did you?

- Yeah.

- Mayor Kelly wants to see you.

Says it's important.

I'll take care of these fellows.

Thank you.

Give them something to eat too,

will you? They're hungry.

You tell the sheriff he must

have these Colts worked over.

They're brand new

and the actions are stiff.

I'll tell him, Mr. Kelly.

Well, howdy, Nate?

Hey, you Deputy Sheriff now?

That's right, Marshal,

Del talked me into it.

'Hiya, Wyatt.'

Haven't you heard the news?

Del Mathey won the

election for sheriff.

How'd that happen?

Politics. Del's folks figured it

would give him something to do.

He never was much

interested in ranching.

I thought you were

gonna run Bill Tillman.

Well, he got a

better job up north.

Shotgun Gibbs wouldn't run.

Now, don't blame me.

Ranchers boss the county and

they like Del and his folks.

Yeah. Del's a real nice fellow.

He's engaged to...

Elisa Jordan, isn't he?

'Does he know what

he's getting into?'

No. He nor his folks neither.

Del thinks all he's got to do is

ride around serving subpoenas.

That Nate Hawkins and his

happy go lucky deputies. Huh!

'Ain't a good fight

in any of them.'

This could be serious.

Well, I told the Matheys,

but they think all the gunplay

is in Dodge

and you take care of it.

Greenhorn sheriff. When I

need g*ns, I need them.

I guess I better go

have a talk with Del.

See if I can locate

Heck Thomas and Neal Brown.

It's lucky you'll be

to find Sheriff Mathey.

He'll either be sparking

the Jordan girl

or dressing for a dance.

Yeah, maybe, he's

smarter than all of us.

Sorry, Mr. Earp. I found

records in such a mess.

Paperwork stacked up to here.

Ah. Now, what can I

do for you?

Well, Sheriff, I was hoping

that you'd hire at least

two deputies that knew

their way around a gunfight.


With Marshal Earp

just down the street?

Well, Sheriff, I'm not always

gonna be just down the street.

Well, then I'll

call on Shotgun Gibbs.

We are not for

disorders in the county.

You mean, you can't

go beyond the city limits?

No sir, not unless we're in

hot pursuit of a criminal

that pulled a job in Dodge.

Or a federal case.

I didn't know that.

I'm pretty stupid, huh?

No, it's a natural mistake.

Look, most of the trouble makers

are in Dodge anyway.

It's been so quiet out in the

county that my folks and I..

Well, you're right Marshal

I guess I need a couple

of experienced deputies.

[door opens]

Del? Howdy, Sheriff.

Howdy, Marshal.

Well, the court just

issued an eviction order

against the Grogan brothers.

They are squatting on the

bottomland near the ports.

Alright, Natey.

I guess we'll have

to run them off.


'Oh, Del, I-I totally forgot

to buy any cartridges'

- 'I'll just run over--'

- 'Whoa, now hold.'

'There's plenty of time,

we'll drop by there later.'

Nate gets mighty excited.

- Howdy!

- Hiya, hon.

Oh. Excuse me.

Elsa, Marshal Earp.

Hello, Miss Elsa.

Mr. Earp and I've

met several times.

- Del, why the g*n belt?

- Got a little job to do.

We're gonna evict

the Grogans.

Does Nate mean

the Grogan brothers?

Yeah, won't take long.

See you at the hotel.


Thanks, Marshal,

for the good advice.

Not at all.

Marshal, do you think that the

Grogans are likely to resist?

That's hard to say.

What I mean, should Del and

Nate be using brand-new g*ns?

Dad was a peace officer in Texas

and I recall his saying that

"A good gunsman should work

over every brand-new Colt."

That's right, ma'am,

he should.

Did you...approve of

Del running for sheriff?

- Mm-mm. I urged him to.

- Why?

Well, the Matheys

have a big spread

and Del's father

and his older brothers

always treat him

like some weakling.

- Is he any good with the ?

- Target sh**ting, he's great!

Very fast, very accurate.

But he's never been

in a gunfight?

No, he doesn't like

g*n fighting.

Well, neither do I.

Don't you worry.

I'd, uh, ask you to help

him with the Grogans

but I guess he'd

resent that, huh?

Yes, ma'am, he sure would.

I want Mr. Mathey to

make a good sheriff.

He can help me.

I'd like Mr. Mathey

for a husband.

And I wish you both luck.

I doubt if the Grogans

will sh**t at a badge.

Miss Elsa, if he doesn't like

his job he can always quit.

But a man shouldn't try

and fool himself.

We try to keep peace

in Ford County

by wearing a smile

if we can.

Or a g*n if we can't?

That's right.

- You reckon they're at home?

- I don't know.

You stay here, I'll go explain

this to them friendly like.

Hey, it's that

greenhorn sheriff.

Who's the other one?

It's not Earp,

it's just some kid deputy.

Dust him!


Hey! Hey, quit that!

I'm a sheriff.

Go on back to Dodge

before you get hurt.

You darn fools,

sh**ting at the law!

'Come on! Move it. right now!'


Idiots! Don't they know it's a

criminal offense to fire at us?

We'll get a posse

and smoke 'em out.

- Oh, Del.

- Elsa.

Did you evict the Grogans?

No, they shot at Nate and me.

With r*fles, hon.

They had us outranged.

g*n play over a

piddling eviction notice.

I'll do my duty, alright?

Nate's out, I'll round up

some boys to help us.

But I don't see why we

have to sh**t the Grogans.

'There's lots of unclaimed

land farther west.'

What are you looking

at me like a..

..like a school teacher?

Del, you should've known that

those men would use their g*ns.

I thought they had better sense.

What they did was stupid.

Men who get into trouble with

the law usually are stupid.

You sure take after

your daddy

Man-and-a-half Jordan,

the big Texas b*llet.

Oh, come on, Elsa, ease off.

- Give us a smile, will ya?

- No.

You shouldn't have let

the Grogans run it over you.

Elsa, you can't go against

Winchesters with a handgun.

I told..

Did you get them?


They all said the

Grogans are bad medicine.

And some of them didn't like

the idea of evicting folks.

You and Nate wore stars,

they shot at you.

Never mind, I'll get

my brothers and some--

Oh, sure, run home.

- Now, honey.

- Now, you listen to me, Del.

I want you to handle

this on your own.

I don't like men running home

every time the going gets tough.

Mom's finished

her shopping

and I have to get to

the ranch before sundown.

- Look, Elsa, I--

- Del!

Bring the Grogans in or else

quit pretending to be a sheriff.

Just like a girl.

- You know--

- She's right, Del.

You didn't know anything about

what the sheriffs are called for

and I let you talk

me into being a deputy.

I still got a good job

with your folks.

Minding the herd.

Pays just about as much

and you don't get shot at.

I'll leave you the holster

and the g*n at the office.

It's all over town, Wyatt.

Mathey went to evict

the Grogans

and he came back without

executing the court order.

He's a greenhorn, Judge.

He shouldn't have

run for sheriff

if he didn't intend

to do his duty.

I'll give him

one more chance

then I'll charge him

with Malfeasance.

You like that boy

and you like Miss Elsa.

I can't help that.

Either we have a sheriff

or we haven't.

How long will my authority

as Circuit Judge last

if the Grogans defy the court?

Not long.

- Alright, I'll talk to Mathey.

- Alright.

No sentiment, mind you.

No sir, I understand.

[dramatic music]


Had quite a session

with Judge Tobin.

He's kinda peeved at you.

Too bad, tell him I've quit.

What did Miss Elsa think?

Elsa wants me to be a fast

gunslinger like her dad.

How did he finish?

k*lled from ambush by a bunch

of saddle tramps, not me.

I don't see any sense in it.

I thought you were

in love with Miss Elsa.

I am.

Her father died doing his duty,

there's sense in that.


Look, you sign me on as

Special Deputy Sheriff

we'll go after the

Grogans together.

Not just because

they were squatters.

Tim and Loy, they've been

stealing cattle too.

I didn't know that.

Well, Sheriff, in Ford County

you seldom hear

about cattle thieves

until a bunch of ranchers

have hanged them.

Look at it this way, we're

doing the Grogans a favor.

Yes, sir. It is a favor.

Should we get a posse?

No, they're not worth it.

You go get your g*n.

- Yes, sir.

- Get your star too.

[dramatic music]

Hey, Tim, when's Grifter coming

in for next bunch of steers.

Tonight, maybe.

Come on, help me with this.

That's good.


No, it's not.

Take a look.

It's Wyatt Earp.

Well, who's scared of Earp?

Here, get your r*fle.

Hey, they ducked

behind the rock.

Still gotta cross

the clearing.

Come on, let's get to the shack.

We'll blast them from there.

You any good at climbing?


You get up them rocks. Give

me time to get around them.

Then you start firing

into the house.

- How much time?

- Count to about .


Where is he?

[g*nshots continue]

Over behind those rocks.

Come on.

It's that kid sheriff.

Where's Earp?

Don't let him get away!


Put it down, Tim!

Get him, Loy!


Plug at the hole.


Your friend sheriff

run away, Earp.

That's exactly what he

was supposed to do.

You think you're pretty

tricky, don't you, Earp?

You're stupid.

I could've k*lled you both.

- Shotgun?

- Wyatt.

Just a minute, Sheriff.

Shotgun, put them in a cell.

Then get the doc.

Step right in, boys.

Just a moment, Sheriff.

I think you ought to go,

try and find Judge Tobin.

Tell him you evicted

the Grogans.

Don't josh me. You took

the Grogans, I ran away.

There's nothing to be

ashamed of, first time.

It's the second time

that really counts.

Thanks, Marshal. But I've

got to tell Elsa the truth.

- Yeah, you should do that.

- And you tell Judge Tobin.

Nope, second time

hasn't come up yet.

And they both started

coming too close

I slid down from

that rock and ran.

Marshal Earp took

the Grogans all by himself.


You got courage.

- What?

- Hm-hm.

You know, some men would've

dreamed up an excuse

or that Mr. Earp just

covered for them.


Wait here a minute.

This p*stol needs oiling

and get the g*n belt filled

with some new cartridges.

That belonged to

your dad, I couldn't.

Yes, now take it

and wear it.

- Elsa, I'm gonna resign and I--

- No, you aren't.

Mr. Earp told you

the truth

it's the second time

that counts, Del.

Dad had that Colt worked

over by Telly Gomez

the gunsmith

down in San Antone.

I remember, he was

bragging about the action

was faster than a

rattlesnake's tongue.

Come on, put it on.

Del, listen to Mr. Earp.

Hire yourself some

experienced deputies

and run a real

sheriff's office.

Well, I'll sure try.

I know you will.

[dramatic music]



Gorgans ain't here and they

didn't finish the Corral

so something must've happened.

We'll wait here till Glasgow

gets back from Dodge.

Come on in, we'll find a lamp.

Well...train must've

been on time, huh?

Mr. McGooder, Mr. Wade, good

to see you. How was the trip?

- Fine. How're you, Wyatt?

- Just great.

Wade, he hasn't gained

a pound or aged a month.

They must've been

working you in Dodge?

They sure have.

Come in. Take the weight off

your feet and coffee up.

- Ain't you got any milk?

- That's very funny.

You know, me and Wade

have been trying to figure out

why you're hiring

deputies for the Sheriff?

Well, I'll tell you.

That's a long, long story.

The county's getting

awful wealthy.

Sheriff Mathey will pay you

at $ a month of peace

and you share the fees.

Hmm, it's good money.

The pay is alright, but working

for a greenhorn sheriff.

He could get us k*lled, Marcie.

I know it. That's what

I've been thinking.

I forgot to tell you fellows

that I signed on

as his Special Deputy.

You do his fighting?

No, he does that.

I'm just kinda breaking him in.

Can't expect a young fellow

off a cattle spread

to know anything

about police work.

Look, I'll guarantee

you one thing

if the sheriff heads into

a gunfight, I'll be there.

- Fair enough.

- 'Right.'

You boys don't really

need me, but that's the deal.

Anything looks

like a gunfight

'there'll be the three

of us together.'

Come on, I got your room

over at the hotel.



- Who is it?

- 'Glasgow.'

Well, what happened?

Just like you figured, boss.

A punk kid sheriff

by the name of Mathey

jailed the Grogans

on eviction paper.


Not cattle stealing?


Well, we gotta get Tim

and Loy outta that jail.

No good, boss.

It's Earp's jail.

They let Sheriff Mathey

use it for county prisoners.

Mathey, Del Mathey?

I know about him.

He's sweet on a rancher gal

by the name of Jordan.

It's Ethel or Elsa,

is that it?

That's right. We ran off

some of their stock last fall.

Well, there's no sense

in tagging with Earp.

I got it! We'll grab the girl.

And Mathey will let

the Grogans lose.

Now you're thinking, boss.

Have a drink.


I just wanted to say thanks.

Wade and McGooder

look like real fine men.

They are. They're

the two of the best.

If it hadn't been

for you and Elsa

I'd have quit

like a yellow pup.

This belonged to Elsa's dad.

I just oiled it.

Yeah, very smooth. Mr. Jordan

sure knew his g*ns.

I hope I never have to use it,

but if I do, I will.

Now you're talking

like a good peace officer.

- See you around, Sheriff.

- Yes, sir.

What do you want?

Don't worry, Miss Jordan,

you ain't gonna get hurt.

Give us a half an hour start and

take the message to the sheriff.

Do you know abduction

is a hanging offense?

Don't worry,

nobody's gonna hang.

Shall I shuffle these court

orders or deal out by turn?

Just deal 'em.

[glass shattering]

A horseman just went by,

you want us to go after him?


We're holding your

girl at Windy Rock.

Bring the Grogans

and we will trade.

Rough country.

- We better get Earp.

- No, I'll handle this myself.

We'll still need Earp.

Well, we can't wait

around here all day

he better show up

pretty soon.

Oh, he'll be coming.

With Mr. Earp and a posse.

That spooky kid,

he won't even tell Earp.

Hold it, Wyatt.

I got a loose cinch.

He's got a few minutes

head start.

Hope he's got

enough sense to wait.

- You think he'd go alone?

- He'll go or he'll run.

It's his second time

up against b*ll*ts.

Come on, let's push.

Hey boss, there's

a dust cloud coming.

Let me up there.

Looks like about

three horses.


Sheriff Mathey is traveling

plenty fast with the Grogans.

Well, it can't be Del

because he'd have a posse.

He's coming, alright.

That ain't the Grogans,

that's Wyatt Earp

and couple of his deputies.

Get ready for them, boys.

When he comes around

that rock, blast him!

Elsa, get out of there quick!


Drop those g*ns.

[g*nshots continue]

Just sit right

back there, Sheriff.

You did some

real fine sh**ting.

Let me take a look

at that leg.

Yeah, that's not too bad.

You'll be up and running

in a couple of weeks.

You men bring those

fellows over by these rocks.

Marshal, I'll never make

a law officer.

Oh, now, you did just fine.

Didn't he, Mr. Earp?

Yes ma'am, he sure did.

No sir, I was afraid.

Look, I've still got the shakes.

Sheriff, you stick out your hand

and I'll stick out my hand.

We'll manage to see

who's got the most shakes?



get them on the horses.

Alright, let's go.

Come on.

[Ken Darby singing "The

Life And Legend Of Wyatt Earp"]

♪ Well he cleaned up

the country ♪

♪ The old wild west country

♪ He made law

and order prevail ♪

♪ And none can deny it

the legend of Wyatt ♪

♪ Forever will live

on the trail ♪

♪ Wyatt Earp. Wyatt Earp

♪ Brave courageous and bold

♪ Long live his fame

and long life his glory ♪

♪ And long may

his story be told ♪

♪ Long may

his story be told ♪
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