04x29 - The Judas Goat

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Life & Legend of Wyatt Earp". Aired: September 6, 1955 – June 27, 1961.*
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Series is loosely based on the life of frontier marshal Wyatt Earp.
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04x29 - The Judas Goat

Post by bunniefuu »

The Life and Legend

of Wyatt Earp

[Ken Darby singing

"The Legend of Wyatt Earp"]

♪ Wyatt Earp

Wyatt Earp ♪

♪ Brave courageous and bold

♪ Long live his fame

and long live his glory ♪

♪ And long may

his story be told ♪

(male narrator)

The toughest decision

Wyatt Earp ever had to make

as the peace officer

in Dodge, was what to do

about Rocky Griswold and

his g*ng of saddle tramps.

Hank Drew, Deputy U.S. Marshal,

posing as an outlaw

had lured Rocky into

attempting the robbery

of a Santa Fe

gold shipment.

Under the law, this would be

a plain case of entrapment.

An illegal trick to capture

outlaws for reward money.

But on the frontier of ,

many believed that a John Law

should use any method

to halt a robbery.

Shotgun, at o'clock,

I want you

to turn Saunders

and Magain loose.

You give 'em back

their g*ns.

Tell 'em I want them

out of town by sun up.

Uh, yes, sir,

Can I help you?

I'd like to talk to you alone

if you're Marshal Earp.

I'm Marshal Earp.

Mr. Gibbs, you uh,

take patrol, huh?

Good. I like any excuse

to get out of this

office for a spell.

Hank Drew.

Deputy U.S. Marshal,

Topeka, Kansas. Hm?

That's right.

Have a chair, sir.

[dramatic music]

Well, that's the story.

I've been living with

Griswold and his boys

near a month now.

They trust me.

Well, you must be, uh..

...quite an actor,

Mr. Drew.

It was my tip on the gold

shipment that won Rocky over.

He's needing money for grub.

Did Chief Marshal Hendan

assign you to this deal?


why not?

Because it's

entrapment, Mr. Drew.

You're urging men

to commit a crime

so you can catch 'em.

I think you're just

a bounty hunter.

Well, your Sunday school ideas

don't interest me, Earp.

You've got to cooperate.

I do?

I'll give you a cut

of the reward money.

[dramatic music]

Now, you get out.

You still gotta go

along with me.

You keep acting stupid and

I'll spell it out for you.

Mr. Drew, you wanna

lose some teeth?

I'll be back, Earp.

With orders.

[dramatic music]

Marshal Earp?


Mr. Earp, I'm Joan Demming.

My father owns

the Bar W in Wyoming.

He's coming in for more cattle

and asked me to meet him here.

Yes, uh..

Sit down.

Thank you.

That man who was

just here, who is he?

I'm afraid I can't

tell you that, ma'am.

Well, he calls himself

Hank Drew.

He rides with Rocky Griswold.


Cow hand. Isn't he a...Texas uh,

Circle Star outfit?

These are hard times

in the cattle business.

He got fired.

Why would Hank Drew

be talking to the law?

Why would you?

Mr. Earp, Rocky and

his friends don't have jobs.

They've appointed Rocky

their boss and-and I think

Hank has persuaded them

to do something wrong.

I want you to stop them.

Wouldn't you have

more influence?


No, I've tried.

I've been buying food

for the camp.

There's not much

money left.

I don't trust Hank.

I think he's the kind

that would talk Rocky into

robbing a bank or something

and then, tell the law.

Miss Joan, one thing I can

tell you, and that is that..

...Mr. Griswold...is

interested in you.

He'll listen to you.

Now, you try again.

I'll tell Rocky

I saw Hank talking to you.

- Maybe that's--

- No. Don't do that.

Rocky's liable

to sh**t him.

Still plenty of time for them to

call off what they're planning.

Now, if Rocky has it in him

to keep straight

Hank Drew can't talk him

into going crooked.

I'll give it

another try.

Thanks, Mr. Earp.

I uh, I've to send

this telegram.

I'll walk you over

to your hotel.

[dramatic music]

We'll go up to his office,

see if we can find him.

Oh! Here's Wyatt now.


Got to talk to you about

something very important.

Not only do you have the word

of Deputy Marshal Drew

but you've heard from Mr. Caslin

what he thinks about it.

Mr. Caslin happens to be

the Chief Special Agent

for the railroad.

I know Mr. Caslin.

You're quibbling

over ethics, Wyatt.

I risked my life

to catch those criminals.

And he's still risking it.

One word to the Griswold g*ng

and he's a dead man.

Wyatt isn't betraying

you, Marshal.

Well, I ain't none

too sure of that.


Why don't we

step outside--

I'll have none of that.

Hold your temper, Wyatt.

Well, you hold your's

for a second.

Now, Drew is a scalp hunter

and a liar, Mr. Caslin.

This so called Griswold g*ng

is a bunch of starting cowhands

not criminals.

Drew set up

the whole job himself

and talked them into it.

Even if you

caught him red handed

you couldn't make

your case stick.

Judge Tobin would

rule it entrapment.

That's for the court

to decide.

I'll have

no more argument.

I'm Mayor of this town.

I can fire you.

Then fire me!

Alright. Hold it,

all of you.

I wanna talk

to Wyatt alone.

Mr. Kelly, why don't you

and Drew go over the long branch

and well, kinda settle

your nerves, huh?

I'm still the Mayor.

Caslin will

settle this hash.

That Irishman.

Everytime a real issue

comes up, he backslides it.

Now the Santa Fe isn't gonna

go along with this frame up.

Not if I had time.

The bullion shipment goes

east at noon tomorrow.

There'll be special agents

on the train

and more with the stage

at Hayes City.

Well, then, call it off.

All you gotta do

is send a telegram.

There's Drew.

I can't take the responsibility

of having him k*lled.


This is Chief Marshal

Hendan's fault.

I should get a reply from him

first thing in the morning.

Drew's probably been

lying to his boss.

And all you get is a promise

to investigate.

Now, Wyatt...are you sure

the Griswold outfit

is just a bunch of cow hands

and not men with records?

No sir, I'm

not positive but..

...one point, I am

gonna insist on.


If they do ride into

this trap tomorrow

I don't want any sh**ting.

I want 'em alive.

Well, that's fine

with us.

Our job is to protect

Santa Fe shipments.

But if Griswold

does start some g*n play

I'm afraid

I can't guarantee.

Well, sir, my uh,

my deputies and I

we-we might give you

that guarantee.

You'd fight on the side

of train robbers?

Mr. Caslin, if officers

don't respect the law

how are you gonna get

outlaws to?

Now, Mr. Drew is bringing

a rotten deal into my town

and one way or the other,

he's gonna regret it.

I'll try and keep

you out of this mess

but don't you start

the sh**ting.

[dramatic music]

Nothing Mel said

is below the line, Wyatt.

I had to dunk a few drunks

in a water trawl.

Say, they tell me, Caslin

of the Santa Fe is in town.

Yeah, I was just

talking to him.

Here, I got

a job for you.

Want you to catch

the a.m. freight.

East junction.

And send that telegram

from there.

Pinkerton Agency,

Saint John, Missourie.

It'd be easier to send it

from here, wouldn't it?

Sure would, but Mr. Kirby

over at the telegraph office

talks too much.


I got a real long story

to tell you when you get back.

Say, Wyatt. I sure

would like to take

the Boomer

back down here.

Of course, ferry would be

up around cents.


Well, I think we can

afford that, Mr. Gibbs.

Here you go.

You just take the Boomer.

I want you to get back here

before morning, though.

There may be trouble.

That Boomer will

get me back here on time.

[dramatic music]

Bouncer, we're

out of coffee?

I don't know. Look at

Hank's grub sack.

He gotta have some.

Got no coffee.

Some beans

and some moldy salt pork.

Where is Hank?

Guess he'd be back

anytime now.

You reckon

Earp nabbed him?

No. Hanky's too smart.

'Hey, here comes

Ms. Joannie.'

- Howdy, Ms. Joannie.

- Howdy, Ms. Joannie.

[birds chirping]

- I asked you not to come here.

- You're hungry, aren't you?

'Hi, Joannie.'

Hello, Tex.

Eat hearty.

'Ah, bless your

little soul.'

- Hands off.

- What?

We're not taking anymore

charity from Ms. Demming.

- You don't have to eat it.

- But we are hungry, Boss.

Alright. If you got

no more pride.

We'll pay Joannie back,

in gold.

Food, fellows.

We eat!


What did Tex mean when he said

you'd pay me back in gold.


Hank Drew's talked you into

robbing a bank or something.

I ask you to forget me.

I ask you to stay in town.

I saw him in Dodge

last night. He was talking to..

So what you're up to

doesn't fool me.


You'll be caught.

You'll be sent to prison.

Well, I said alright.

If you really

feel that way

then you're not worth

bothering about.

The other boys elected you

to find them jobs.

Not to lead them into

a trap set by Hank Drew.


Are you loco?

- He'd do it, Rocky.

- No, he wouldn't.

He likes living.

Now, come on.

Get on your horse.

If you give up this idea,

I'll marry you today.

Oh, sure.

And live on what?

Hand outs

from your dad?

No. My father will

hire you as his foreman.

He'll hire

all those boys.

Your father's

almost broke, Joannie.

Broke? He is not.

Who told you such a thing?

Come on. There's

no use arguing.

Now, you're gonna

get up on this horse.

[dramatic music]

Here's Drew now.

He's sold you out.

I saw him in Marshal

Earp's office last night.

'Ask him if he wasn't in Wyatt

Earp's office last night.'

[music continues]

Get down, Hank.

Watch your hands.

We got nothing to

quarrel about, Rocky.

Come on.

This side.

- Come on.

- What's wrong, Rocky?

Ms. Deming says she saw

Hank talking to Wyatt Earp.

- You double cross--

- Hold it, Joe.

You're wanna call

Ms. Deming a liar?

I sure don't.

- I had to talk to Earp.

- How's that?

I forgot to check my g*n

like a greenhorn fool.

One of Earp's deputies

picked me up.

Earp didn't search me, though.

Here's the map

to the Santa Fe Depot.

'It's all you

need for the job.'

What did you talk

to Earp about?

Oh, nothing much.

Chewed me out for packing a g*n

and let me off without a fine.

- Give me your g*n.

- Sure.

Alright, now we'll talk this

thing over and put it to a vote.

I'm in favor of a fair trial.

Come on.

[dramatic music]

I don't think these

cattlemen have any records.

Pinkertons are sending a man

so Drew can't put over

any false identification on us.

But I'm still hoping

Ms. Joan has talked

Griswold out of it.

What if she hasn't?

We could meet him outside of

town but that'll mean a fight.

Best bet is to

let him hit the station.

We'll try pushing in between

Griswold's bunch

and Caslin's agents.


Protecting train robbers against

Santa Fe's special agents?

You heard the order, didn't you?

Now, we gotta go along

with this entrapment.

I'm part of a dirty deal, but I

don't wanna make it any dirtier

by sh**ting up

the Griswold bunch.

I trust Caslin,

but I don't know whether

he can control his agents.

Oh, I get it, Mr. Earp,

we-we sucker Griswold

into an attempted robbery,

but we don't bushwhack him.

That's right.

It's not a

very nice distinction

but that's the best

we can do at the moment.

Let's start loading

the shotguns, huh.

Alright, you've heard Hank's

story and the whole plan.

Should we trust him

or call it off?

Rocky, I've sponged my last grub

for Ms. Joan or anybody else.

I can't live on air, waiting

for the cattle business

to start up again.

- 'You're right.'

- Certainly, we can't.

Alright, alright.

- We vote for taking the gold.

- Right.

- 'Yeah.'

- 'Right.'

Done. Okay, Hank, you'll ride

with us but no g*n.

Now, if you have sold us out,

when the sh**ting starts

you'll be right in front.

Come on, boys.

- Any luck, Ms. Joan?

- I'm not sure.

Can we talk inside?

Mr. Gibbs, take the boys

to the station.

Come on, Ms. Joan.

I broke my promise, Mr. Earp.

I told Rocky

I saw Hank talking to you.

- Why did you do that?

- I tried everything else.

I offered to marry Rocky,

but it was the same thing.

Did you suggest that Drew

might be selling him out?

Yes. He said Hank wouldn't dare,

that he wanted to stay alive.

Did he admit that Drew

planned the robbery?

Oh, it was common talk

around camp that Hank

was planning something.

- Let me do it.

- Do what?

I'll tell you in a second.

Wyatt sent you here

to help us?

That all depends.

Wyatt don't want nobody shot.

You go back and tell him

I can handle this.

You interfere, and there's

going to be trouble.

Mister, I got my orders.

Boys, the stage will

unload over yonder.

If Griswold comes, he'll have

to round that corner.

We'll just wait over here

behind this wagon.

Now, you boys just rest easy.

Wyatt wants this done his way.

What's wrong?

Wanna take another look

at this map.

You sure your decoy's

up in town?

At o'clock Sy Brissen's gonna

come bustin' into town yellin'

"Big stage robbery

north of Dodge."

We'll have time to be sure

Earp and his men have gone.

- Anything else, Tex?

- Yeah, look yonder.

- It's Earp. Get him.

- Hold it. Hold it.

Marshal Drew,

you're under arrest.

Marshal Drew?

That's right.

US Deputy Marshal.


I said you're under arrest.

You get down from there.

- You can't arrest me, Earp.

- Now, move over there.

You are charged

with suborning a felony.

You planned a Santa Fe holdup

and encouraged those men to try.

You dirty double crosser.

Get him, Rocky.

- Hold it, Tex.

- Stop being a fool.

Marshal Earp will send

Hank to prison.

What happens to us?

You can do as he tells you

or ride into ambush

at the station or turn around

and run for Texas.

Mr. Griswold, I'm gonna need

your testimony in order

to convict Drew.

Are any of your men

wanted in this state?

Well, I-I don't know.

What's the matter

with you, Rocky?

Letting one John Law

run a bluff on us?

Get him and Drew

and let's get outta here.

- Hold on, Tex.

- No.


- You'll have to sh**t me first.

- Get back Joanie. Get back.

I bungled this, trusting Drew.

Any men feel like sh**ting,

cut loose on me.

It was a crazy idea, boss.

We're all to blame.

Thanks Joe, and we do

as Earp says.

Mr. Griswold, get one of

your men to patch him up.

Get on your horse.

Take care of him, Joe.

Rocky Griswold and everyone

of his men are wanted

for robbery and cattle stealing.

Earp had no right to arrest me.

I'm a Deputy US Marshal,

trying to do my duty.

'He should be arrested

for interfering'

'with a federal officer.'

I'm charging you with

obstruction of justice.

It's a clear case and don't say

I didn't warn you, Wyatt.

I'm sorry, Mr. Kelly,

but he stays in jail

until Judge Tobin gets here.

No, I'm not. I'm walking

out of here right now.

- Wyatt, he can sue the city.

- If I'm crazy, let him sue.

Wyatt, you're taking

a pretty big gamble.

Supposing Griswold and his boys

run out on you, what then?

I don't know.

Maybe, I'll go to jail.

You can't trust a John Law

to keep his word. Look at Drew.

And I can't trust you.

You started out to be

a criminal this morning.

Mr. Earp stopped you.

He's giving you a chance to be

an honest man or an outlaw.

Maybe he is.

Mr. Earp's in a tight corner.

He's counting on you and

the boys to tell the truth

about Hank Drew.

Either you be in court..

...or forget about me.

Marshal Earp, Mr. Drew,

will you please step forward?

Mr. Earp, this court

does not condone entrapment

or suborning a felony.

But Mr. Drew has denied under

oath that he plotted the robbery

or encouraged the Griswold

outfit to attempt it.

'And Mr. Caslin has stated that

he has no direct knowledge'

'of Deputy Marshal Drew's

work in uncovering'

'this robbery scheme.'

Mr. Caslin..

...the court understands

that you merely had a tip

from the Chief Marshal's

office in Topeka.

That's right, sir, but Wyatt

did protest to me that Drew--

Heresy, irrelevant.

Mr. Drew, according to

the testimony offered here

was acting as an undercover man

a function of police work.

Marshal Earp

in the absence

of supporting testimony

this court must find you guilty

of obstructing justice.

[crowd chattering]

Order. Order.


Your Honor, I'm Rocky Griswold.

I wanna tell the truth

about this man, Hank Drew.

You'll tell the truth?

You're a wanted outlaw

and so are your men.


Your Honor, if

the court please..


Before Mr. Griswold testifies,

I'd like to call

Mr. Jacobs of the

Pinkerton Detective Agency.

(Judge Tobin)

'For what purpose?'

Mr. Drew here claims that

Mr. Griswold and all his men

are wanted men.

Mr. Jacobs is here through the

courtesy of Mr. Alan Pinkerton

to give the court

proper identification.

Very well, Mr. Drew,

Mr. Griswold, take your seats.

Let Mr. Jacobs take the stand.

Place your hand

on the Bible.

Swear to tell the whole truth

and nothing else,

so help you God.

- I do.

- 'Sit down.'

Mr. Drew..

...I say that this man sitting

there is Mr. Harry Griswold.

He's worked as ramrod

for various cattlemen.

Now, who do you say he is?

I say he's Harold Griffin

alias Rocky Turner

wanted for cattle stealing

and bank robbery.

Mr. Jacobs, do you have any file

on a Mr. Griffin or Mr. Turner?

Yes, I know Rocky Turner.

Griswold is not Turner.

You can see

for yourself, Judge.

Mr. Drew, out of

this entire group

you have correctly identified

just one man, Tex Oliver.

'He's wanted in Missouri

for violating his parole.'

Well, if Pinkertons say so,

that don't make it the truth.

The court believes

Mr. Jacobs' testimony.

The court also believes

what Mr. Griswold

and Marshal Earp have

said about you.

- Marshal Earp?

- Yes, sir.

You will hold Mr. Drew for trial

on charges of perjury

and suborning a felony.

Court's adjourned.

[indistinct chattering]

- Thank you, Mr. Earp.

- You're welcome.

Sure got a nice day

for traveling.

Well, I better turn off here,

go back to my job.

I wish you both a lot of luck.

I still can't understand why you

went through all that trouble.

- Ms. Joanie...wants a husband.

- That's not the reason.

Goodbye, ma'am.

- Why did he do it?

- Not for us.

He did it for the law,

to keep it honest and fair.

[Ken Darby singing "The Life

And Legend Of Wyatt Earp"]

♪ Well, he cleaned up

the country

♪ The old wild west country

♪ He made law

and order prevail ♪

♪ And none can deny it

♪ The legend of Wyatt

forever will live on the trail ♪

♪ Wyatt Earp, Wyatt Earp

♪ Brave, courageous, and bold

♪ Long live his fame

and long live his glory ♪

♪ And long may his story

be told ♪

♪ Long may his story

♪ Be told ♪
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