04x31 - The Actress

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Life & Legend of Wyatt Earp". Aired: September 6, 1955 – June 27, 1961.*
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Series is loosely based on the life of frontier marshal Wyatt Earp.
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04x31 - The Actress

Post by bunniefuu »

[Ken Darby singing

"Legend of Wyatt Earp"]

♪ Wyatt Earp, Wyatt Earp

♪ Brave courageous and bold

♪ Long live his fame

and long life his glory ♪

♪ And long may

his story be told ♪


(male narrator)

Dodge City was primitive

in many ways.

Entertainment was usually

of the roughest sort.

And culture was

a word almost unknown.

Still, the thirst for beauty

existed even here.

And, when beauty came to town,

it excited strong emotion

and meant trouble

for Wyatt Earp.

[people chattering]

- Good morning, Hack.

- Good mornin'.

Who's comin' on the train,

uh, the president?

You'd think so,

wouldn't you, boy?

Just some fool actress.

Ain't ya seen the signs?

Well, you can hardly miss 'em,

they're plastered all over town.

Darn fools.

I don't know.

If this actress

is half as good as they claim.

Why, she's worth

coming down to see.

Ain't none of them

worth seein'.

Not since

Annie Birdwell anyways.

Who's Annie Birdwell?

Must've been

before your time, boy.

Or, you'd have knowed.

A real looker.

Travelled with Prof. Alvarez's

Patent Medicine Show.

She did a dance it.

Never let me forget it!

I tell you, boy.

She was a caution.

He, he.

Annie Birdwell.

They just don't put 'em

together that way no more.

[clears throat]

- Well, hello, Tom.

- Howdy, Mr. Earp.

You, uh, going some place?

You know better than that,

Wyatt, I never go nowhere.

Oh, I just thought...

well, you're so spruce up.

I'm here for the same reason as

you, to see the train come in.

You've come to see her too,

didn't ya?

You mean this Cora Campbell?

Sure, why not.

America's darling.

She's the most beautiful

woman who ever lived.

Oh, you've seen her then?

Only her picture.

I've got it right here.

Ain't she beautiful?

Yeah, you are right.

She is beautiful.

[train hooting]

Hey, here comes the train.

(male # )

'Here she comes.'

I...I guess

I'm pretty excited.

Don't expect

too much, Tom.

Don't worry, Wyatt.

I know she's a famous person,

just passing through

and I'm only a blacksmith.

Silversmith is more than

just a blacksmith.

Anyway...you're just

a good artist in your line

as she is in hers.

Maybe, but I just wanna see her,

that's all. Just wanna see her.

[train chugging]


(male # )

'There she is!'

[excited chatter]

[chattering continues]


Welcome to Dodge, Ms. Cora.

We sure have been

waiting for this.

Would you hold it right there?

We'd like to get a picture.

Be quiet, Ms. Campbell

wants to talk.

How nice of you all

to come to meet me.

I would've come

to Dodge City sooner

had I known the men here

were so cultivated.

And so handsome.

I'll tend to anything

Ms. Campbell wants done.

- Just you--

- Please, gentlemen.

Hold it, Tom.

Wait a minute.

You don't wanna spoil

Ms. Cora's arrival

by starting

a fight, do you?

You're right, Mr. Earp.

Why, you must be

the famous...Marshal Earp?

That's my name, ma'am.

They didn't tell me that

you were so handsome.

- Your handkerchief, Ms. Cora.

- Thank you.

Now, Marshall, if you would

escort me to my carriage.

(male # )

'Hold it.'

Thank you.

[indistinct chatter]

Thank you, Mr. Earp.

Thank You.

Thank you, all my darlings.

Of course, you will come

to see me at the theatre.

[overlapping chatter]

You'll come too,

won't you, Marshal?

I'll try, ma'am.

Alright, driver.

Bye, Ms. Cora.

Mr. Bronson.

What're you doin'

here in Dodge?

Oh, stop it, Marshal.

I've heard of you,

but it didn't scare me.

I asked you a question.

What're you doing

here in Dodge?

- Maybe I came to see you.

- Try again.

You can't keep me out, Marshal.

You got no charge against me.

Well, you see that

it stays that way.

For instance, in Dodge,

you take off your g*ns.

- That's the law, Marshal?

- That's the law.

If you wanna stay healthy,

you leave 'em off.

Now, who does he think

he is, anyway?

Nobody for you

to tangle with.

Name is Clay Bronson,


Well, if he thinks he can keep

people away from Ms. Cora

he's mistaken.

Maybe she likes it

that way, Tom.

She wouldn't look at

a man like that.

Anybody can see

that, Mr. Earp.

Golly, isn't she beautiful!

Even prettier

than her pictures!

- Oh-oh, Ms. Campbell.

- For me? Oh, they're lovely!

Well, there aren't any

florists in Dodge, but I--

You picked them yourself.

You are a dear.

I know you don't know who I am.

I'm Tom Tanner.

I thought, maybe I could walk

you back to your hotel.

With the other lady of course.

I'm sorry but I do have

another engagement.

Perhaps...I could meet you

later for supper

at my hotel.

[dramatic music]

We better hurry.

It's starting to rain.

Just a minute.

I gotta talk

to you, Marshal.

You're the lady that travels

with Ms. Campbell, aren't you?

Her maid, yes.

Mrs. Calloway.

- Well, sit down, Mrs. Calloway.

- Thank you.

Now...what's your problem?

Talk to that boy. The one who

was at the rail road station.

- Tom Tanner?

- That's the name he said.

He's bothering Ms. Campbell.

I want you to keep him away.

Well, I know Tom Tanner.

He's not the kind

to bother anybody.

I tell you he is. He's

coming to the hotel tonight.

And you gotta keep him away.

If he's going there, it's

because she asked him, right?

Yes, she asked him.

All the time, knowing that--

Knowing that Mr. Bronson

would start trouble, hmm?

It's just that...she's young.

All this attention's

gone to her head.

She's changed terrible.

What does this, uh,

Mr. Bronson mean to her?


But he followed her here

from Abilene.

He's not gonna take no

for an answer.

I know that.

I've tried to tell her

But, she seems

to like the danger.

You've gotta keep

that boy away.

Only she can do that.

Maybe if you talk to her.

Mrs. Calloway I'm a peace

officer not a preacher.

Only if there's trouble.

That's just it, Marshal.

We'll be sure and you know it.

Please talk to her.

- Alright, I'll talk to her.

- Thank you.


- May I come in?

- I'm flattered.

Or, is this an official

visit, Marshal?

I...I just wanna talk to you.

Oh, that's too bad. I thought,

maybe, you were human after all.

Oh, I'm human alright.

I think you're

a very beautiful woman.

Important too.

A lot more important

than you think you are.

You are trying

to flatter me, Marshal.

I'm just trying to point out

the power you have.

To make men happy.

To hurt them

- Hurt?

- 'That's right. Hurt them.'

Mr. Tanner, for instance.

He's infatuated with you

enough to risk his life.

I can't help the way men

feel about me, Marshal.

Well, I'm sure

of that, Ms. Cora.

But you can encourage them

or send them away.

I just thought maybe if you knew

that Mr. Tanner was in danger

you'd might be willing

to send him away.

'You have many

admirers, Ms. Cora''

Mr. Tanner can't mean

anything to you.

He's coming here

in just a minute.

But you know that, of course.

Yes, I know that.

If I call him in

and send him away

I'll be without

an escort for supper.

Would you take

his place, Marshal?

You think the fight would be

much more interesting between

Mr. Bronson and me, hmm?

I don't know what you mean?

Sure you do.

But what you don't know,

is that Mr. Bronson

isn't a...easy going fella

like Mr. Tanner.

You just can't send

him away when you want to.

'I don't think you oughta get

too involved with him.'

You are full of advice,

aren't you?


Come in.

Mr. Tanner's here.

Say hello to the Marshal. Don't

pretend you don't know him.

'And don't think I don't know

who brought him here.'

Now, send him in.

You stay.

'You asked for this.'

Well, Ms. Campbell,

I...I brought you a present.

Put it down.

Oh, Mr. Earp.

Now, get out.

But I thought we were

going to have supper.

You thought Cora Campbell

would go to supper

with a country bumpkin

like you?

'Stop dreaming.'

I guess I was mistaken.

Well, sonny boy,

your dream's over.

I prefer mature men,

like the Marshal there.

You and Mr. Earp?

I don't believe it.

I don't care what you

believe, just get out.

Come on, Tom.

Wait a minute.

I think, I understand now.

You put her up toward, Mr. Earp.

Because of Bronson.

I knew she didn't mean it.

- Now, look, Tom--

- You won't get away with it.

I'm not going to give her up.

I'm not afraid of Bronson.

You wanna fight, Mister?

I'll fight you.

Tommy, you dunno

what you're talking about.

You go on home

and cool off. Go on!

Well, if you wanna fight,

just let me know.

I'm not wearing g*ns, Marshall.

But I have got a right to defend

myself if somebody att*cks me.

But he better keep away from me.

And away from the lady too.

Let me have my key.

- 'Marshall Earp.'

- Yeah, what is it?

Shotgun Gibbs sent

me to fetch you.

He's found somebody

in an alley beat up bad.

- Who is it?

- Tom Tanner.

And he looks near death.

How is he, Shotgun?

Oh, he'll pull through, alright.

Still gonna be sore.

You gotta it done

and get going over.

He's a big man too. Somebody

must've hit him on the head

and started to kickin'

him while he was down.

- You send for the doc?

- No, I couldn't.

He's out in Ms. Chamber's place,

delivering a baby.

I'll take him over

to Dolph's and fix him up.

Let me in there.


'Tom, this is Wyatt.'

What happened?

Who did it, Bronson?

I gotta tell you, Mr. Earp.

It's none of your business.

Don't be a fool.

He's a gunslinger.

You're lucky he didn't k*ll you.

Yeah, well, I'm gonna k*ll him.

What worst dreams. Ms. Cora

was right about you, wake up.

Look, Tom.

You're a nice fellow.

You're real fine silversmith

and you got a bright future.

'You gonna toss that all away

and k*ll yourself over a girl'

that doesn't mean anything?

Now, you wake up.

(Shotgun Gibbs)


What you gonna do?

Well, find Bronson and kick him

out of town like I should've.

Well, you may have

to fight this time.

After this, you can bet

he'll be wearing his g*ns.

I hope he is and I can toss

him in jail. You fix him up.


[music continues]



Oh, it's you, Marshall.

I'm sorry to have frightened

you, Mrs. Calloway.

What is it?

Well, I'm afraid

I frightened Mrs. Calloway.

I'm looking for Mr. Bronson,

have you seen him?

Why no, he didn't come

to the theatre tonight.

Thank you, anyway. Sorry to

frighten you, Mrs. Calloway.

It's alright.


Well, I was just about ready

to come looking for you.

Were you been all this time?


Looking high

and low for Bronson.

Didn't find him yet, huh?

No, he just disappeared.

- It's funny.

- Well, maybe not.

Maybe, he figured you is

gonna come looking for him.

He decided, he didn't

wanna face you.

No, Bronson is not

that much of a coward.

Well, you never can

tell about them gunslingers.

(male # )


Sounds like Doc.

Well, Doc, you're up late.

Ms. Chambers have her baby, Doc?

Yup. There's something

I wanna show you, Wyatt.

Take a look.

Say, that's Bronson.

Were did you find him?

About mile out of town

alongside the road.

Would've passed right by him,

but my horse shied.

Hadn't been dead

more than few hours.

- Where'd you leave Tom Tanner?

- At his place, Blacksmith Shop.

- You think he shot Bronson.

- He couldn't have.

- Why not?

- Bronson wasn't shot.

He was stabbed with this.

Was still in his chest.

Well, I guess

that settles it.

Nobody around here does silver

work like that except, Tom.

You want me

to go with you, Wyatt?

No, I don't think he'd

give me to much trouble.

- Hello, Tom.

- Well, Mr. Earp.

Come in.

You know why I'm here?

- If you still mad at me--

- That's not it.


Bronson is dead.

How'd it happen?

Somebody k*lled him.

That happens to g*n fighters.

He wasn't shot,

he was stabbed.

With this.

Ever see it before?

- It's mine.

- Yeah, I thought so.

Nobody else's work

is that good.

I threatened to k*ll him.

Did you?


- Alright, lets go.

- I'll get my things.

- That way.

- That ain't the way to jail.

Never mind.

- This is a livery stable.

- That's right.

I dunno what you're up to.

- It's just a hunch.

- 'I'm coming, I'm coming.'

(male # )

'Quit hammering that door,

what you mean, getting a man'

out of bed in the middle of the

night. What do you want--

Hello, Marshall.

What can I do for you?

- I like to see inside.

- C'mon in, come in, Marshall.

Did you can find

what you're looking for?

Maybe. Can I borrow

that lantern?

You sure can, you can borrow

anything I've got, Wyatt.

Hold it. I'll get the coat

and go along with you.

Then I'll know

where you left it.

That's a back entrance to

the hotel over there, isn't it.

- That's right.

- Go ahead.

Shut the door.


Who is it?

(male # )

'It's Marshall Earp,

Ms. Campbell.'

'He wants to talk to you.'

Just a minute.

Keep calm,

don't say anything.

Come in.

Is this any hour

to come calling?

I'm sorry, Ms. Cora, there's no

need for this, I've told him.

Well, that'll be

all, Tom. Thank you.

Well, yes, Marshall. Sure.

Ms. Cora.

Earlier this evening

Mr. Tanner

brought you a present.

- What was it?

- Bracelet, a silver bracelet.

May I see it?

Here it is.

Anybody in town would tell you

that isn't, Mr. Tanner's work.

- He doesn't make bracelets.

- I can, Marshall. I made that.

I saw you put this on, before

the present was unwrapped.

Of course, Mr. Tanner

does make fine silver work.

Let her open this for instance.

Like this one.

- Have you see that before?

- No. Never.

Mr. Earp, why don't

you leave her alone.

- I've already told you--

- I know what you've told me.

And you're lying,

you didn't k*ll Bronson.

You couldn't have gotten

close enough to s*ab him.

He wouldn't let anybody

that close to him.

Except, somebody he wasn't

afraid of like...Ms. Cora.

I dunno what you're

talking about.

- I'm talking about m*rder.

- That's ridiculous.

If Bronson is dead, why should

I've wanted to k*ll him?

Maybe, you'd grown

afraid of him.

You're only guessing, Marshall.

You have no proof.

Mr. Cora, tonight you

were carrying something

in your carriage.

What was it?

- My costumes.

- Since when did costumes bleed?

The floor board of your carriage

was covered with blood.

Mr. Earp, stop it.

There's blood from your door

down the back stairs

to the alley. Where you loaded

the body into the carriage.

You're out of your mind.

You had to wait till tonight

before you could dump the body--

I said stop it--

- I did it! It's me!

- Momma!

You wouldn't want me to let

this man suffer for what I did.

You can't want me to do that.

- She is your mother?

- Yes.

My name is Calloway too.

Marshall, he threatened me.

'He said if I didn't

go with him, he'd hurt me.'

'He'd fix it so that'

'men would never wanna look

at me for the rest of my life.'

Momma grabbed the letter open.

That's the only thing there was.

I had to do something

to save my daughter.

Surely, they can't call that

m*rder, can't send her to jail.

They'll probably call it

justifiable homicide.

She'll still have

to stand trail.

Sorry, Mrs. Calloway,

but the way I see it.

It'll be the wrong woman

standing trail.

If I'd only known it was

going to be like this.

All I can say now

is that...I'm sorry.

If we can get through

this, momma and I.

It'll be different.

I hope it works out that way.

For your mother's sake.

She's the one that's

gonna have to forgive you.

I don't mind it, Marshall.

Any of it.

It's worth everything.

To hear her

call me momma again.

♪ Well he cleaned up

the country ♪

♪ The old wild west country

♪ He made law

and order prevail ♪

♪ And none can deny it

the legend of Wyatt ♪

♪ Forever will live

on the trail ♪

♪ Wyatt Earp, Wyatt Earp

♪ Brave, courageous and bold

♪ Long live his fame

and long life his glory ♪

♪ And long may his

story be told ♪

♪ Long may

his story be ♪

♪ Told ♪

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