04x34 - Little Gray Home in the West

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Life & Legend of Wyatt Earp". Aired: September 6, 1955 – June 27, 1961.*
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Series is loosely based on the life of frontier marshal Wyatt Earp.
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04x34 - Little Gray Home in the West

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Wyatt Earp

Wyatt Earp ♪

♪ Brave, courageous and bold

♪ Long live his fame

and long live his glory ♪

♪ And long may his

story be told ♪


(male narrator)

The persistent dream

of Wyatt Earp's life'

was to own a cattle spread

and find peace far

from a Marshal's job

in the tough towns

of the Frontier.

Now that Dodge City was

changing to a County Seat

where townsmen and

sod busters

wanted no more

of the snorting past.

Marshal Earp was ready to

move on to a ranch of his own.

But he hadn't been able

to save much money.

The intervention of

Doctor John H. Holiday

seemed to be

almost providential.

You gentlemen of Dodge forgotten

how to play poker?


I'm down to this.

What's it worth?

Well, what is it?

First deed of trust in

the Casey Ranch in Colorado.

I loaned the owner , .

He's in default.

I'm sorry, Nosey,

I'm not interested in ranches.

Doc, I'll let you

have it for .

I said not interested!

- Wait a minute, Doc.

- Hello, Deacon.

I'll take half of that

paper for cash.

If you go partners.

Wyatt, who wants

a ranch in Colorado?

I do.

Come on, Doc.

This is a poker game.

Alright, Nosey,

I guess we'll take it.

But this had better be a genuine

first deed of trust.

If it is not

the second deed will foreclose

on your body.

And whatever happens

to be left of your soul.

Deacon, you're an absolute jinx.

All I won was about

and a mortgage

on a flea bitten ranch

in Colorado.

- That will do for a start.

- What?

With my savings we can buy

ourselves a few herd of cattle.

Place has probably

been abandoned.

Wyatt, are you serious?

You mean, you'd quit

your job here?

I've always wanted to have

a cattle spread.

I can take a leave of

absence here.

Shotgun Gibbs can handle things.

But that ranch is probably

not worth a thing. Believe me.

I know the country up around

the Kansas-Colorado border.

Well, we'll take a look.

I suggest you come along

and protect your interest.

[mellow music]

The Casey Ranch.

You satisfied now?

Well, I've seen better

cattle country.

- It's getting started bad.

- Not for me.

You suit yourself.

I swear I don't know why

I let you talk me into all this.

Yes, you do. You wondered

whether Nosey cheated us.

You didn't believe there was

any Casey Ranch.

Deacon, will you kindly stop

referring to it is a ranch?

- Deed said a thousand acres.

- Of what?

Of John Law's dream of peace?

Alright, that's far enough.

Now, who are you?

What do you want?

We thought this ranch

was abandoned, ma'am.

Well, it ain't.

I'm Mrs. Dawson, the owner.

Now, what's your business?

Mr. Smith and I hold

the first deed

on this property, Mrs. Dawson.

I'm Mr. Jones.

Deed? Let's see.

Gladly, ma'am.

We bought it from

Nosey Parling.

That thief?

You know the law

in Colorado, Mr. Smith?

Just generally, ma'am.

Well, I got a year

to redeem this ranch.

And that year won't be up

until November.

I see.

We're wasting time here,

Mr. Smith.

It'll take till sundown

to reach Stonaton.

Yup. Better be on your way.

Where's your husband?

Well, if it's any of

your business

he was m*rder*d

a couple of months ago.

Bushwhacked by cattle thieves.

Buried out there,

in what's left of the garden.

Hold this.

Mrs. Dawson.

I'm sorry about

your husband, ma'am.

Did they catch the bushwhackers?

No. Everybody's too scared

of Brocius and Ringgold.

Curly Brocius and

Johnny Ringgold?

(Mrs. Dawson)

'Yep, that's right.'

What are they doing

around here?

They own the spread next door.

Use it as a station

on the outlaw trail.

You know him?

Yes, I might...know of them.

You alone here?

I got g*ns, Mr. Smith.

I know how to use them.

Anyway, my relations are due

any day now from Nebraska.

So you better take

your friend's advice

and hit the trail.

Are you sure that was

Brocius and Ringgold

that k*lled your husband?

Can't prove it.

No use your worrying

about that deed of trust.

You'll get your money.

I'm worried about you.


Now, this no country for

a lady like you to be alone in.

Excuse me, I'll..

...have a little talk

with Mr. Jones.

I have to stay here now.

Those men turn out to be

Brocius and Ringgold--

The ranch and a good-looking

widow woman.

You trying to hornswoggle

poor old Mr. Jones?

Why do you always have

to accuse everybody

of having the worst motives?

Deacon, there's nothing wrong

with wanting a ranch and a wife.

We better camp here

for the night.

Let's start a fire

and break out the bedrolls.


...hardtack and dried apples.

- Make you hungry?

- Yeah.

Maybe Mrs. Dawson's got some.

I, uh..

I made some beef stew.

And I..

I thought you might

like some fresh milk.

Yes, ma'am.

- That's mighty kind of you.

- You're welcome.

If you want some water,

just get it out of the wagon.

I'll, uh, walk you

over to the house.

How come you didn't leave

this afternoon?

Well, my friend was tired.

Oh. That the only reason?

No, ma'am.

I don't like Brocius

and I don't like Ringgold.

Don't like cattle stealing,


- Aim to do something about it.

- Oh no, please. They're..

They're the most notorious g*n

fighters in this part

of the country! You'd only

get yourself k*lled, too.

Mrs. Dawson.

Why'd you and your

husband ever come out

to this part of the country?

Oh, it's not so bad.

Had a drought

the last couple of years, but..

...still good grazing

land along the river

across that bridge there.

like to look at

the rest of your spread.

Just in case my folks

don't turn up with the money?

No, ma'am.

I like ranching

and I like cattle.

Mr. Smith, are you trying

to make friends with me?


Guess I'm trying to make

friends with you, too, only I..

...didn't wanna admit it,

even to myself.

Well, you need

a good friend, Mrs. Dawson.

Mighty brave of you to try

and stick it out here alone.

Kinda foolhardy, too.

Well, I'll-I'll see you

in the morning.

Oh, breakfast

at first light, huh?

Goodnight, Mrs. Dawson.

- Hey, Doc?

- Yeah?



Why don't you shut up

and let a man get some sleep?

How well do you stand with

Brocius and Ringgold?

Well, they don't hate me

with the same k*lling hatred

they hold for you.

Why don't you ride

over there tomorrow?

Find out if they bushwhacked

this lady's husband.

Oh, Deacon.

They wouldn't ambush a man they

could k*ll in a fistfight.

They might know who did.

Then you ask 'em.

You know, if they've been

stealing cattle

they could be rich.

I'd like to bet you in poker

they'd still draw

to an inside straight.

Now, you're making sense.

I got another idea, too.

Of course it's larceny.


At last you've

established a rapport

as the French would say.

Tell me, Deacon, just what is

this filthy illegal scheme?

Well, tomorrow, you ride over

to the Ringgold-Brocius camp

and you take along

this deed to the ranch.

I'll give you a good reason

for being in Colorado.

Well, there she is.

The Rio Blanco.

'And the only good grazing land

left from the drought.'

Where's your cattle?

Brocius and Ringgold stole most

of it. Sold the rest to live.

I wish you could see this

spread in the rainy season.

That land will feed , hen.

I can see why you tried so hard

to hang on to it, Miss Nellie.

Couldn't sell it even

in the rainy season with

cattle thieves right next door.

Maybe I can do

something about that.

Oh, no. If the county sheriff

and his deputies are too scared

why should you risk your life?

I know what you're thinking now,

I need a husband!

Husband? No, I..

Mr. Smith, you married?

No, ma'am.

You don't need to look

so scared, I'm not proposing.

Well, lots of men

do their own asking.

You're the nicest I've seen.

Don't you encourage me.

Well, we could think

about it anyway, huh?

You don't know

anything about me.

Mr. Smith, I don't care

who you are or...or what you are

so then, now, how's that

for a brazen hussy?

[horse neighing]

Stop or I'll sh**t.

I wouldn't advice it.

Raise that r*fle anymore

I'll put a hole

through your head.

Johnny, Curly.

I'm Doctor John H. Holliday.

You take care of my horse.

Ease off.

It's Doc Holliday.

What are you doing

out here, Doc?

Well, I ain't stealing cattle.

Imagine finding you two

in this...this goat pasture.

Step in out of the sun.

Tell your boys to take a walk.

How do you know we was here?

Some blabbermouth over at

Stonaton. I forget his name.

I was surprised for you, Curly.

I'm now your

next door neighbor.

You better have Ringgold

read it to you.

What's it say, Johnny?

It's a trust deed on that

Dawson's spread.

I won it from Nosey Parling

in a card game.

You boys look kinda poor here.

That's surprising.

Cattle wrestling

used to be very profitable.

Now don't tell me

that the drive busted you.

We've got competition, Doc.

Yeah? Who?

Buff Conrad and his

Colorado stonies.

They bushwhacked old man

Dawson and blamed it on us.

You boys amuse me. Curly

Brocius and Johnny Ringgold

'standing for a

thing like that?'

We can't corner them.

They raid our herds

from out of Mexico

before we can get them

down there.

And they got some Marshals

in Colorado on their side.


Now that is interesting.

Let's get down to business.

What do you mean?

Like I told you, I now own

Nellie Dawson's spread.

You boys move

some cattle over there.

Leak the word to

this-this Buff Conrad

that Nellie restocked the place.

Then when Conrad

and his troop try to steal

the poor widow's cattle,

you be laying for them.

What's in it for you?

There's a word called


Never mind that.

How much for you?

Three-hundred dollars.

Just my travel expenses.

- Now we're getting somewhere.

- Good.

I suggest we discuss

the finer details

during a leisurely

game of cards.

A ranch...and a wife.

A ranch and a lonely widow,

Mr. Jones.

How did it go?

How did you expect?

An intelligent scoundrel against

two very stupid hoodlums.

We're gonna need Nellie though.


We better have a little talk.

Well, Mrs. Dawson, that

was a most delightful supper.

Well, thank you, Mr. Jones.

Now if you two will excuse me

I'd like to go out on the porch

and commune with the stars.

[door closes]

What is this, a conspiracy

between you two?

Ah, now, it can't be

quite that serious.

Miss Nellie.

My real name is Wyatt Earp.

I'm the Marshal of Dodge City.

Mr. Jones is really

Doctor Holliday. He..

I sent him to talk

to Brocius and Ringgold.

They claim they

didn't k*ll your husband.

You know Mr. Buff Conrad

and his g*ng?

The Brocius and Ringgold

claim that

that's the man

we're looking for.

You came here

on...police business.


We came here to

look at a cattle ranch.

We thought

it'd been abandoned.

We had no idea that

you lived here or

that Brocius and Ringgold

lived next door.

And that's the only

reason you stayed?

'Cause you're a Marshal?

Miss Nellie, I tried not to be.

Once a man pins his

star on, it's..

There's nothing I want more

than a cattle ranch.

You're one of the finest

women I've ever known.

But the law comes first.

Is that the way

it's gotta be?

My job's caught up with me.

I didn't plan it that way.

But I do need your help.

Of course, Wyatt, I..

I want Conrad punished

if it's possible.

What can I do to help?

- Howdy, Mr. Reagan.

- Why, howdy, Mrs. Dawson?

- Nice to see you again.

- 'Thank you.'

Mr. Reagan, here's the money

I owe you.

And I got a list of

supplies that I need here.


'And I can pay cash.'

Did you collect some insurance?

No, my relatives from

Nebraska are helping me.

Well, mighty unusual

relatives, I'd say.

They paid what I owed and loaned

me enough to buy another herd.

(Mr. Reagan)

'Bought some more steers?'


'Two hundred. Much as I can feed

until we get some rain.'

Oh, the rain will come.

And this time I wish you

much better luck.

[coin clinking]

Thank you, sir.

(Mr. Reagan)

'Now let's see.'

'Hair clips, oil.'

Thank you.

Now no funny business, Doc.

We're moving herd to the

wood of range this afternoon.

I've done my part.

Now you make sure you don't

use too many cattle guards.

I figure Conrad should

hit you sometime

between now and sun up tomorrow.

You sure he got the word?

Curly, I happen to

be from Georgia.

You got any more

insulting questions?

Didn't mean that. Ringgold

wants a turkey to sh**t.

- You know how Johnny is.

- Yeah.

I know how you both are.

You're lying, thieving skunks.

When it comes to m*rder,

I trust you.

This will have to

be done this way.

They don't have a posse

and I don't like it.

Stop your blathering.

Curly and Ringgold

stole Nellie's cattle

and they're your

worst enemies.

That Buff Conrad is a no-good

bushwhacking k*ller.

Yeah, I know. We're

no better than he is.

I don't like bushwhacking.

[horse carriage approaching]

Looks like the relatives

from Nebraska.

Oh, my God. Uncle Dave!

Oh, it's so great to see you.

Johnny, how are you?

How was the trip?

Well, it's time for

you and I to leave.

- Coward?

- That's right.

I'm camping on

the river bank tonight.

You want the whole

state of Nebraska around

when the sh**ting starts?


I'm willing to give you

my half of the ranch

if you'll invite

Nellie to our wedding.

Well, when I told her who I was

and that I needed her help

she didn't like it.

I'm just a tin star

doing my job.

That's too bad.

Seeing you marry

would have appealed to my

sadistic sense of humor.

[horses approaching]

Well, look at that.

Right on time.

I can't go ahead

with this bushwhacking.

- Hold on, Wyatt.

- Go back, it's an ambush.




[g*nf*re continues]

Move out, get out of here.

k*ll him, Wyatt. You'll never

have a better chance.


This must be Conrad.

Correction. It was Conrad.

You're a double-crossing

hound, Doc.

Working for Earp all the time.

Sorry it had to

work out this way.

It had done worse to you.

And a posse would not

have made any difference.


'Would you and Ringgold like

to call me any more names?'

It wouldn't have to be

very bad names.

[dramatic music]

[horses cantering]

We heard the sh**ting,

Wyatt, are you all right?


I'm taking these

cattle thieves to jail.

The man that k*lled your husband

is lying on that horse.

And there are a few wounded men

along the river bank.

Send some of your men folk

and go pick him up.

'I'll send a doctor over

from the railroad.'

Wyatt, I wished that..

Miss Nellie.

Don't you ever marry

a John Law.

You lost one husband. I'd hate

to see you lose another.

Doc, give me that paper.

- Haven't we been heroes enough?

- I said give me the paper.

Here's your deed.

No. No, thanks, Wyatt.

I can pay now.

Too bad you're gonna

keep that star.

You'd sure make some woman

a mighty fine husband.

Thank you, ma'am.

Go on.

Goodbye, lady.

♪ Well, he cleaned up

the country ♪

♪ The old wild west country

♪ He made law

and order prevail ♪

♪ And none can deny it

the legend of Wyatt ♪

♪ Forever will live

on the trail ♪

♪ Wyatt Earp

Wyatt Earp ♪

♪ Brave, courageous and bold

♪ Long live his fame

and long live his glory ♪

♪ And long may

his story be told ♪

♪ Long may his story

♪ Be told
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