04x36 - Kelley Was Irish

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Life & Legend of Wyatt Earp". Aired: September 6, 1955 – June 27, 1961.*
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Series is loosely based on the life of frontier marshal Wyatt Earp.
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04x36 - Kelley Was Irish

Post by bunniefuu »

[Ken Darby singing "The

Life And Legend Of Wyatt Earp"]

♪ Wyatt Earp. Wyatt Earp

♪ Brave, courageous and bold

♪ Long live his fame

and long live his glory ♪

♪ And long may

his story be told ♪


(male narrator)

The honorable

James "Dog" Kelly

has his place

in the annals of Dodge City.

Started as a saloon keeper from

the wrong side of the tracks.

Kelly made his choice

for law and order by hiring

Wyatt Earp as town Marshal.

He backed Wyatt many times

when politically expediency

urged him to find a less

uncompromising peace officer.

But Kelly was a politician.

And as Dodge became

civilized in

he felt he could

indulge his hot temper

by forcing Marshal Earp

to resign.


Come on out,

make your fight, doc!

Save the amm*nit*on.

Sure he's dead?

I'm sure.

That man had a Colt in each hand

didn't know how to use them.

A dozen witnesses

will testify for doc.

- Yeah, I saw him.

- Give me that.

Take him over to the coroner.

You come with me.

Kelly isn't gonna like this.

Why didn't you just

wing that fellow?

With both his g*ns going?

You could've blasted

them outta his hands.

Maybe I don't feel

that well today.

Maybe there's too much

smoke in my eyes.

You shouldn't have started

that Faro game at DeGraffs.

Kelly doesn't like it.

Now, is Jim Kelly running

the Marshal's office?

He's still Mayor.

Ever since DeGraff

got outta jail

he's been after me

to close them up.

We haven't had a k*lling

here for three months

when it happens, it

happens at DeGraff's place

with Doc Holliday

behind the g*n.

I apologize, next time

I'll try to use

Deacon Earp's

cr*pple shot technique.

There can't be

a next time, doc.

This is a sodbuster

town now.

The papers are calling

our Mayor "Law and Order Kelly."

You know what praise

does to some Irishmen.

Pardon me for living.

I hope the good Lord will.



Continue, Mr. DeGraff.

He called for doc to come out

and make his fight.

'He fired two sh*ts

through the door at doc'

before doc shot him.

I guess that's all.

You may step down.

[audience chattering]

Your Honor.

Can't Holliday be charged

with dueling?

'It seems to me

it amounted to a duel.'

No, Mr. Mayor. Case dismissed.

Court's adjourned for the day.

- Marshal Earp?

- Yes, sir.

I wanna see you and Shotgun

in your office

in about five minutes.

And I've decided

as Mayor of this city

that Doc Holliday

ain't fit to be a resident.

Marshal Earp, I want you to

tell the fellow to leave Dodge.

- You joshing?

- No, sir, I am not.

That's an order.

Not to me, it ain't.

What did you say?

I say Doc Holliday

has got as much right

in this town as you have.

He stood his trial

and the Judge turned him loose.

'Now I'll tell you

something else too.'

Seems to me you're getting too

big for your britches, Kelly.

Cool off, Mr. Gibbs.

Keep out of this.

You apologize or I'm firing you.

No, you ain't firing me.

I'm quitting.

Take it easy, Shotgun.

Kelly's just in a temper.

Well, that's too bad.

But I ain't putting up

with his temper.

Wyatt, I'm gonna go get

Roscoe packed

then I'm a-hitting the trail.

I'm-I'm leaving Dodge.

- Now, look, Kelly--

- Let him go!

We can hire plenty

of good deputies.

He's the best deputy I ever had.

You stop acting thick

headed for two minutes.

Thick, am I?

You take that back.

No, sir.

I won't take that back.

Then you're fired!

Alright, I'm fired.

[no audio]

Never will I.

Mr. Kelly, you and I

both mean it this time

and I'm sorry because you've

been a true and loyal friend.

Wyatt, I will...I..

Alright. Don't think

you're punishing me.

'I can hire plenty

of good Marshals.'

In fact, there's a man in town

just itching for your job.

Well, you tell him

he can stop itching.

The job is his.

- You leaving town right away?

- Yup.

I've been thinking about

Wyoming for quite a spell.

Wyoming, huh?

Why don't you stick

around for a while?

Kelly will change his mind,

he usually does.

Oh, it ain't Kelly, Wyatt.

It's just that this

town's gone stale.

I guess I've gone

stale with it.

Where's your badge?

I got fired too.


Why don't you go

along west with us?

I can't right now.

My brothers are coming here

on the way to Arizona territory

I promised I'd wait for them.

You going there?

- Maybe.

- 'Arizona Territory?'

I thought you

was tired of trouble.

There's no trouble

in Wyoming, huh?

Robbers ruse.

[no audio]

Well, Roscoe old boy, I guess

we better be hitting the trail.

So long, Roscoe.

I'll be seeing

you and Mr. Gibbs.

I hope so, Wyatt.

I just want you to know

that Roscoe and me

take it mighty kindly

how good you've been to us.

'We won't forget.'

You earn double what you

got from this town, Mr. Gibbs.

'Thank you.'

Good luck.

Shotgun Gibbs?

Is he leaving Dodge?

- Not without Wyatt.

- Wyatt ain't along.


I'll see if I can find Wyatt.

Now, this is

your office, Mr. Mather.

I'll swear you in as Marshal.

Now you can keep Earp's

deputies or hire your own.

Earp left town?

I don't know

and I don't care.

He defied a direct order.

I'm running Dodge not Earp.

You're the boss, Mr. Kelly.

'And don't you

forget that, Mather.'

'The first thing

I want you to do'

'is close Mike DeGraff's place.'

'Then run Doc Holliday

out of town.'

It'll be done.

Yeah, that's what

they said about you.

You do what you're told.

Hm-hm. I'll need a couple

of hours to look around.

Remember, you're working for

"Law and Order" Kelly.

- I want a clean town.

- Uh-huh.

Hey, wait!

You haven't been sworn in yet.



Are you leaving?

That's right.

Mr. Kelly fired

me and Shotgun

or we quit, whichever

way you wanna look at it.

The man is a fool!

Well, he's just got

his Irish temper up.

I'm supposed to wait here

for Morgan and Virgil.

I think I'll just hit

the trail West.

'I'll catch up with them.'

You can't do that, Wyatt.

Why not?

Don't you know who Kelly

hired to take your place?

"Mysterious" Dave Mather.

You buckle on those g*ns

and keep them on.

That ought to bite.

Who is this "Mysterious"

Dave Mather?

He's a no good,

murdering saddle-tramp.

'He hires out as a John Law'

and then starts shaking

down the citizenry.

I almost k*lled him

in Trinidad, Colorado.

But he was wearing his star

and they'd have hanged me.

You're gonna need those g*ns.

I guess I drove Kelly to it.

When he loses his temper,

he loses his judgment.

Wyatt...your g*ns.

Mr. Mather is wearing

the star now not me.

Aren't you still

a US Deputy Marshal?

That's right. But I'm not having

a fight with any city Marshal.

It is a fine way

to end your career.

Turning Dodge

over to that sidewinder.

What you trying to prove?

You're-you're trying to teach

Mayor Kelly a lesson?

No, Dr. Holliday, I'm not trying

to teach Mr. Kelly a lesson.

I am tired.

I don't ever want to be

a peace officer again.

I've had more than

my share of fights.

I need a drink.

- Where's the boss?

- Are you the new Marshal?

- Where's the boss?

- In there.

There you are, Mather,

I never had to pay Wyatt Earp.

I ain't Earp.

See you next week.

What if I tell Mayor Kelly?

He's no friend of yours.

He wants to run all

of you outta town.

Has Mr. Earp left Dodge?

You talk too much.

- Hey, what's the idea?

- Boys, I'm the new Marshal.

Pay me or quit gambling.

No law against

gambling, is there?

Pay or quit.

Fifty dollars a head.

And he's shaking down

everybody below the line.

Saloon keepers,

gamblers, everybody!

I don't believe you and if

you don't stop this gossip

you'll have to sell your

dance hall and get out.

I'm getting out!

Getting out right away too.

- Me too.

- Indeed now?

- Hope there's no hard feelings.

- But you can't leave, not yet.

I can't?

No, I'm not sure of

this Mather fellow.

And where is your conscious

leaving me in the lurch?

And how about Judge Tobin?

Would you ride away

without a thank you

for what he's done for you?

What time does Judge Tobin

get in from the circuit court?

Midnight train or first stage

in the morning.

If you hadn't defied me

to my face

I'd never have

hired a new Marshal.

All friends must part.

It is the rule of life.

But I hate to see

the great Wyatt Earp

ride away in a fit of temper.

Mind you, it's Judge Tobin

who'll be cut to the quick.

- I ain't asking for myself.

- Hm.

Well, I'll think about it.


I wanna see you, back room.

Hand me that shotgun.

No, Mike, go in and talk with

him. I'll send for Doc Holliday.

You better leave

before doc gets here.

Doc won't help you in that.

I ain't paying you

a lead nickel.

You'll pay..

...by midnight.

Mather, what have you

been saying to Mike?

Ask him.

I let you live the last time

but I never make the

same mistake twice.

Start pulling.

Hold it.

[no audio]

You better shove along, Marshal.

Where are your g*ns, Earp?

k*lling you wouldn't be

worth going to prison for.

Or hanging.

You might remind doc of that.

Don't be a fool.

Maybe I've lived

too long already.

Besides, in this

particular instance

they would cheer

me on the gallows.

I don't brag

of my friends much.

But none of 'em has

ever been hanged.

- 'No, Mike, no,'

- 'Keep out of this.'

- I'll get him.

- No!

Lower the hammers on that.

What's the matter with you

and doc? You know you can't..

[no audio]

He tried to put the

squeeze on me, Wyatt.

A hundred dollars a week.

Deacon, why didn't

you leave town?

Yeah, me and doc

can take care of him.

Were there any witnesses when

Mather tried to shake you down?

No, we were in the back room.

Doc, you explain

the law to Mr. DeGraff.

Why? Where are you going?

Maybe Mather got careless.

Extorted a pay off from

several men at one time.

It'll be my only

chance to nail him.

You better make it fast,

my g*n hand's twitchy.

How's Wyatt gonna do anything

when he ain't Marshal no more?

Extortion happens to be

a federal offence

and Wyatt's a US

Deputy Marshal.

Oh, I get it, we wait for

the Deacon to handle him.

Mike, your version

of the gallows

is absolutely fascinating.

Don't you realize

it's easier to be hanged

than to take a b*llet

through the middle?

But we'll wait. Please, doc.

Alright, but only

for a reasonable time

and only to spare Wyatt the

anguish of seeing me hanged.

Let's get us a drink.

Shut the door.

Sit down.

It's no good, Earp.

We know what you want,

but we just can't say it.

Why not?

Because we're gambling men,

no court would ever believe us.

Judge Tobin would.

Now all I need to

know is whether Mather

tried to extort protection money

from you...and how much.

I ain't squealing

on Dave Mather in court.

Neither am I.

Alright then, maybe you'd

be willing to stay here

until I can fetch Mayor Kelly.

You can tell him and..


- 'Mr. Earp.'

- What is it?

Somebody just k*lled

Mike DeGraff.

The alley behind

the cowhands ranch.

- Are you sure?

- Well, Doc Holliday sent word.

- 'I'm getting out of here.'

- 'So am I.'

[crowd chattering]

Sawed-off shotgun,

both barrels. In the back.

- Any witnesses?

- No.

Nobody saw it,

but it doesn't matter.

Doc. Doc!

- I'll take care of Mather.

- No, he belongs to me.

Cool off.

I located four gamblers

who paid Mather off.

I'll have them subpoenaed,

under oath, they'll talk.

That's just fine, but I

want Mather for this k*lling.

Use your head, will ya?

He's not stupid

that he'd do it himself.

We probably couldn't prove

that he paid to have it done.

In that case you just

leave him to me, my pleasure.

We'll go after him together.

Deacon, I do not want

your company tonight.

Alright, I'll just have

to try and find him first.

Now, that's a

sporting proposition.

You find him, he gets winged,

I find him and he's dead.

Excuse me, I have to

go in this direction.

Bad news, Dave, Holliday

and Earp are gunning for you.

Not Earp, he's got

too much sense.

But Earp's a

Deputy US Marshal.

Those gamblers were in

his room at the hotel.

Extortion, ain't it?

I can't handle Earp

and Holliday both.

You can't handle neither of 'em.

We'll take to the alleys, that

way we'll get 'em one at a time.

Not me, if I was you

I'd run to Jim Kelly

and I'd use the backdoor.

'You know Kelly don't

wanna be laughed at.'

You know, he might hide ya.'


- I'm closed. Who is it?

- 'Dave Mather.'

[knocking continues]


'Wait till I open the door.'

[door closes]

If you're looking

for the skunk

that bushwhacked DeGraff,

he ain't here.

Earp and Holliday

are gunning for me.

- Well, doc might be, not Earp.

- I gotta hide out!

What is this, Mather?

You're supposed to work on

a m*rder not hide from anyone.

You got a basement

in this place?

Yeah, right there.

Hold on.

What have you done

that Earp would be after you?

Just what you told me.


Wait a minute.

That's one of them.

Be careful what you say.

- 'Kelly.'

- I'm coming.

'Make it snappy.'

What's your hurry?

Why you wearing g*ns?

Gotta find Mather

before doc does.

Well, he ain't here.

Doc aims to k*ll Mather

even if he's to hang for it.

You see Mather,

tell him to leave Dodge.

Why should he?

Because one of us is gonna

find him. I hope I'm first.

- What's he done?

- Nothing I can prove.

If I find him, I'm gonna break

his legs just on suspicion.


You're gonna have to

be a lot faster than that.

You don't want me.

Get on your feet.

Get up!

Where is Mather?

You find him.

Where is Mather?

Well, he went to

Jim Kelly's.


I don't like asking twice.

That was Earp.

Where's Holliday?

- Said he's home, in bed.

- I'll k*ll him.

You get nothing.

Drop that shotgun.

Turn around.

You hired me. I'll tell

them that you ordered me--

You'll tell them what?

- I'll tell it in court.

- You'll tell nothing.

You're getting

out of town. Now move!



Save your breath,

he's not in Kelly's.

His deputy said he was.

You looked in the cellar?

I'll do the looking.

I'll do the sh**ting.


Now get out of town!

Ride them hard and fast!

- Where's Mather?

- Him and his deputy left town.

Left town?

- Oh, you blithering fool!

- Indeed now?

Mr. Kelly, they're

m*rder suspects.

Fine lotta thanks I get!

I save you from

a sh**ting scandal.

And I save Holliday

from the gallows.

It is a world where

a friendship counts for nothing!

And I'll not be saying

goodnight to either of you.

Your star is on the desk.

Well now, what kind of

an apology is that?

It's a Kelly apology, doc.

And he probably did save

you from a hanging.

As far as Mr. Mather

is concerned

he'll get his in due time.

Well...here's to

"Law and Order" Kelly.

[Ken Darby singing "The

Life And Legend Of Wyatt Earp"]

♪ Well he cleaned up the country

the old Wild West country ♪

♪ He made law and order

prevail ♪

♪ And none can deny it

the legend of Wyatt ♪

♪ Forever will

live on the trail ♪

♪ Wyatt Earp. Wyatt Earp

♪ Brave, courageous and bold

♪ Long live his fame

and long live his glory ♪

♪ And long may

his story be told ♪

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